Children's room 18 sq. m. - overview of ideas for planning and zoning. 120 photos of modern children's room design for a boy and a girl

Every parent wants to give their child only the best, and this applies to all areas of our lives. It’s good when in an apartment or house there is an opportunity to allocate a room for his personal bedroom, but arranging it is a rather interesting, but difficult process.

The topic of our conversation today will be a children's room of 18 square meters. m.

In our article we will look at what a children's room should be like, how to use the space, what materials should be purchased, what to avoid, and much more.

Safety first

Make sure your child's bedroom layout creates a clear path to each part of the room, such as the bed, play area and doorway, so your child can get in and out of the bedroom without tripping over obstacles.

Keep cords from electrical components, such as lights, radios or computers, out of the way but not tucked under rugs or carpeting, which pose a fire hazard.

The size of the furniture is also important to ensure a safe space. For example, a tall bookcase makes it difficult to reach items on the top shelf. Children may climb or stand on other objects to reach things and this is unsafe.

A block that is about the same height as your child is more secure because your child doesn't have to climb to get to things.

Wallpaper selection

Use photo wallpaper when decorating short walls. By choosing the most suitable pattern for them, you can visually “stretch” the short walls. By covering long walls with wallpaper with a vertical pattern, you visually neutralize the effect of the corridor.

You can distract attention from the narrowness of the room with striped wallpaper. The logic of this design technique is very simple. Wallpaper with vertical stripes will visually make the space wider. Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will visually elongate short walls. As for the suitable material, the best option for decorating a children's room is paper wallpaper. They are safe and environmentally friendly.

Also, to decorate the walls, use drawings and appliqués, curtains with tassels and large soft toys.

It is best to lay carpet or laminate on the floor. A soft carpet will make the children's room cozier and more comfortable for living and safe active games.

Sleeping area

Position the crib so that there is space on both sides. This makes making your bed easier and helps keep your room tidy. If you use bedside tables, make sure they are close enough to the bed that your child can easily reach them.

Make sure that there is no other furniture around the bed, such as storage boxes or chairs, so that it is easy to get out of bed.

A place to relax in a teenager’s bedroom design: photo

In a grown-up girl’s room there must be a place to relax and communicate with friends. A mini-living room can be represented by a small sofa, a couch, a pair of armchairs or poufs in the style of the interior.

Inheritance of a court lady

In the photo: Relaxation area with recamier couch

A recamier couch in a classic style, upholstered in blue velor, would do honor to the boudoir of a court lady. Carved decor and curved legs give it an elegant look, while the high back and decorative pillows provide comfortable rest. And as a companion for such an aristocratic piece of furniture, a small high table is perfect, on which both a vase of flowers and a beautiful figurine will look good.

Corner for a young dreamer

In the photo: Hanging chair in the design of a modern bedroom for a girl

A white hanging chair with a wicker frame and bright pink pillows is a non-standard and romantic element of the interior. You can hide in it from the whole world and indulge in dreams of the future or listen to your favorite music.

Almost a gazebo

In the photo: Relaxation area with a compact sofa

A compact sofa with a wooden frame and plain light upholstery is conducive to intimate conversations with a friend. And photo wallpapers with floral designs create a summer mood in the room and make it look like a garden gazebo.

Nice couple

In the photo: Relaxation area with fireplace chair

A fireplace armchair and a pouffe upholstered in matting look great in a modern interior decorated in mint tones and form a versatile furniture duo. You can make a comfortable couch out of them, or you can use them separately, entrusting the pouf with the role of a coffee table.

Organized storage

If your child's room has a closet, the clothes basket should be inside or close to the door, this will make it easier to store things on the floor.

Place drawers at the bottom of your closet to store out-of-season clothing and items that are not used frequently, such as sports equipment and accessories such as belts, hats or seasonal toys.

Use bookcases or stackable boxes to store your child's belongings and provide enough containers to keep all of his things in their place. Arrange drawers and shelves to create clear passage in and out of the room.

Typically, the corners of a room are rarely used, so untouched space is ideal for shelves and storage. An untouched area along the walls also frees up useful area in the center of the room and don’t forget about the space under the bed.

Mini-office in the interior of a girl’s bedroom

The workplace is one of the most important functional areas in a teenager's room. The workload at school increases every year, and teenagers spend much more time at their desks than elementary school students. This means that special attention needs to be paid to the arrangement of the workplace.

Table instead of window sill

In the photo: Workplace by the window

Positioning your workspace by the window, replacing the window sill with a wide tabletop, is a great idea. This table can be supplemented with side tables, drawers and bookcases, which will significantly expand the functionality of the furniture. In the bedroom design for a teenage girl in the photo, the table is part of a large furniture composition consisting of a bookcase and a wardrobe in a Beaujolais shade. Therefore, the interior looks solid and harmonious.

Spectacular take

In the photo: Work area in the bedroom for two teenage girls

Two small tables with a classic design, two armchairs with soft pink upholstery, two bookshelves - in the bedroom for teenage girls in the photo, decorated in a neoclassical style, each housewife has her own mini-office. To improve the illumination of workplaces, the Group’s designers abandoned curtains and decorated the window with horizontal blinds with a light lambrequin.

Industrial Design

In the photo: Workplace in loft style

A brutal loft-style desk with a black-painted metal base and a wooden top looks like a workbench. The striking industrial design looks very expressive and makes this furniture element suitable for any modern interior.

Stylish set

In the photo: Workplace with bright shelves

Furniture question

Children's rooms often contain furniture other than the bed, such as desks, nightstands or chairs. The ideal placement of furniture depends on the space and how it is used. All furniture should be placed away from the door so that your child can open and close it easily.

Whenever possible, place desks or reading areas under windows to make the most of natural light and create usable space in the center of the room. Create areas for other pieces of furniture.

For example, the bed is the sleeping area, so place chairs, tables or video games on the opposite side of the room. The space between the two areas serves as a visual divider.

Moreover, matching the style of the room with the entire design of the house is another big homework that needs to be done. Consider style and interest, as well as furniture availability, which can be an additional challenge.

But don't worry, we will show you some of the best 18 sqm nursery designs. m, which will provide your beloved children with comfortable sleeping conditions.

Color optimization

To make the room extremely attractive and homely, you should take a closer look at certain design techniques that visually enlarge the room. By correctly arranging the furniture elements, choosing the type and shade of the walls, ceiling and flooring, you can successfully change the geometry of the room, while simultaneously complementing it with stylish and elegant decor.

Usually, in order to visually increase the area, most owners of narrow rooms like to glue wallpaper of the same tone or paint the walls in a light color. But for a room like a “trailer”, such technologies cannot be used - secret design tricks are used.

Single bed in sight of the door

Starting with our introductory children's bedroom layout 18 sq. m, the first aspect to mention is the fact that when the child lies on a single bed, he has full visibility of who comes and goes from the door. This is a good design because, whether you are sitting or standing, your back should never be facing the entrance.

The side table is located next to the bed. Toy storage is conveniently located near the play area - it is the first thing you see when you enter the room and it is separated from the sleeping areas. The wardrobe can be conveniently placed at the foot of the bed, leaving enough space between them.


So, a long narrow room is not a death sentence at all. The main thing is to take this disadvantage into account when designing and competently beat it. In general, when decorating such a room, you should not be afraid of color and bright spots: a brick wall, large paintings or posters, wallpaper with large prints, as well as several contrasting zones will make it more dynamic and complex in shape.

And then the main drawback of the room will not be sharply evident, and maybe even go unnoticed.

Orientation to the playing area

Entering this children's room for two, 18 sq. Um, you'll notice one thing. There is a large play area in the center of the bedroom. This area is located between two single beds. One single bed is in the upper right corner and the other bed is in the upper left corner of the room.

Next to the head of each bed is a nightstand with a lamp. Opposite the foot of the separate sleeping area is a corresponding wardrobe for each child. This provides a convenient layout so that little ones have everything they need and can meet in the middle to play with each other.

We carefully design the ceiling, wall surfaces, floor

Certain accents on short wall surfaces will help to visually reduce a fairly long area. They are pasted over or painted in a fairly dark palette, applied with patterns and decorated with catchy elements.

Ideally, you should give preference to contrasting decor in shade. Properly chosen photo wallpaper will also remove attention from excessively long wall surfaces.

Wallpaper with vertical stripes will visually shorten the walls. It is preferable to use this type of wallpaper exclusively in a certain area, for example, next to the sleeping area.

It is advisable to paint the ceiling surface in a fairly light shade, or cover it with discreet wallpaper. Suspended ceilings make the room extremely heavy.

The floor plays a big role in the design of a cramped nursery: it should be made from environmentally friendly materials, hiding the defects of the room. The best options are parquet, carpet, or laminate. In the process of arranging laminate flooring, when decorating a long or narrow nursery, you should adhere to the rule: laminates are placed with the narrow side parallel to the wide wall surfaces.

Configuration for older child

In this layout, the double bed is located in the upper left corner of the room, facing the door. Opposite the bed there is a work desk, convenient for placing a computer and doing homework.

There is a large carpeted play area in front of the desk. To the right of the door is an armchair, and to the left is a wardrobe. Because this layout provides space to play, relax, do homework, and sleep, it is quite functional.


Provence style is suitable for romantic natures and families with small children. Thanks to it, a sweet, airy interior is created, filled with love, tenderness and comfort. The dominant shades here remain beige, milky, sand, peach, lilac, turquoise, soft pink, etc.

Playing with contrasts is allowed: small bright details, in the form of sofa cushions or a carpet on the floor, will fit perfectly into a calm, delicate design.

The walls can be decorated with all kinds of paintings with romantic illustrations, frames with photographs of significant moments in your life.

When you start renovating your living room, be sure to determine its features: sufficiency of natural light, number of window and door openings, geometric shape and number of corners. This will greatly influence the subsequent design of the room.

Study all the nuances and details to ultimately get the most comfortable and functional room.

Cozy room

Perhaps the most noticeable thing in this layout of a children's room is 18 square meters. m – no excess free space. However, there is a small play area in front of the door with a work area on the opposite side.

There are two closets at the front of the room, handy for storing extra items. The head of the single bed is located near the workplace.

A flat screen TV is located on the wall at the foot of the bed. Although this layout is a little cramped, the feeling of coziness and security makes up for this shortcoming.


It is important to understand that the design options for a cramped room will be very limited by the use of a specific range of shades.

It is necessary to use exclusively calm, light colors that visually enlarge the space and, of course, fill it with light.

Grand space

This layout has a lot of open space. In particular, there is a large window. Opposite it is a very spacious closet. Thanks to good natural light, the children's interior is 18 square meters. m looks rich and interesting.

There is a double bed, on each side of which there is a bedside table and a lamp. There is a play area at the foot of the bed and toy storage behind it. This room is ideal for a child who has a lot of toys and clothes.

With the right approach, children will have extra space to play and spend time with their friends.

Some parents find it a little difficult to design a playful children's bedroom. The key to room layout lies in understanding your children. Moreover, by creating a children's bedroom project, you can highlight the unique personality of your child.

Photo of children's room 18 sq. m.

Category: Children's
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