Children's room 14 sq. m. - overview of design options, non-standard layout, zoning and furniture placement rules (100 photos)


Before thinking about design ideas and starting renovations, you need to understand the features of two windows in the bedroom, what are the advantages and disadvantages.

  • There will always be a lot of light in the room, especially if the windows face the sunny side. At the same time, the sun's rays interfere with sleep and healthy rest. This problem can be solved by a thoughtful arrangement of the bed, special curtains or blinds, spraying on the windows, and tinted glass.
  • Usually there is a radiator under each window, so the arrangement of furniture is planned especially carefully; pipes often get in the way. Batteries and pipes can be easily hidden using special materials.
  • With a lot of light, fresh flowers grow well in the room, which means you can place flowerpots under the windows. Fresh flowers purify the air, and this is important for sleep.
  • The color scheme for the bright bedroom is carefully selected. It can adjust the light saturation.
  • Tulle and curtains add a special coziness to any room, and the bedroom is no exception.
  • Windows usually let noise through, and if there are two of them, then doubly so, it is worth thinking about sound insulation (special double-glazed windows for several chambers, a profile with many layers).
  • Huge panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows will allow you to admire nature or sunrises and sunsets, only if they are not located opposite the neighbors’ house.

What to pay attention to

First of all, it is worth considering the tastes of both kids. If they don’t like the same fairy-tale characters, you shouldn’t order photo wallpapers with their images. In this case, a neutral pattern would look more appropriate. If the size allows, the room can be divided by a partition, thereby providing each child with personal space.

Creative room for two children with multi-colored zoning Green room for two children

Before you begin the renovation, you need to draw up a clear plan of the room, taking into account its size, the number of windows and the location of the door.

It is worth immediately clearly defining the functions that the nursery should perform and, depending on this, dividing it into several functional zones.

Room design for two children

Important attention should be paid to the difference in the ages of children. When the youngest goes to kindergarten, and the eldest is a schoolboy, the best option is to find a compromise layout solution. An older child will not be interested in living surrounded only by children's toys, and the baby will be bored among books and notebooks. It is most logical to divide the room into two identical parts.

Color spectrum

Everyone's tastes are different, and the same goes for choosing colors. Some people like warm tones, while others prefer cold ones. You shouldn’t rely solely on fashion or the designer’s tastes here, although the opinion of a specialist should also be taken into account. black and white looks interesting and fresh , but dark colors should not oversaturate the room.

The beige-brown color scheme with golden shades looks good

White colors expand the space and make the room weightless. In such a room it is pleasant to relax after a hard day and drive away all unnecessary thoughts. An interesting idea would be small contrasting inclusions of a different color, for example a painting or panel, a bedspread.

It is worth following some rules when choosing colors:

  • there should not be more than three;
  • the tones of pillows and bedspreads go well with curtains and curtains;
  • Contrasting colors will help create zoning of space;
  • In the bedroom it is not advisable to use bright, saturated colors, especially with small polka dots and stripes that dazzle the eyes.

See photos of new curtains for the bedroom here -

Basic principles of arrangement

Even before you start making repairs, think through all possible design options to the smallest detail.

Advice: draw a design for the future nursery and follow it. This will save time since you will already know what furniture, finishes and decor to look for.

To organize space efficiently and ergonomically, you need to take into account:

Calm, cold and light shades will have a calming effect on the restless child, and bright and rich colors both in the decoration and in the decor on the half of the passive child will stimulate activity.

How to position the bed

In a room with two windows, the bed is usually located against the wall where there is least light, so that the sun's rays do not interfere with sleep in the morning. At the same time, you cannot place the bed with the foot of the bed facing the door.

Why you will learn from this article: How can and cannot place a bed in the bedroom?

To protect yourself from harmful energy, an object that is higher than it, for example a living flower, is placed next to the bed. Some flowers have a beneficial effect on humans and purify the air, while others can cause allergies or insomnia.

Everyone knows that it is not recommended to place a sleeping place in front of a mirror; the same applies to mirrored ceilings and wardrobes. Sleeping under a massive chandelier or something else overhanging is also not worth it, it puts pressure on a person energetically, and is also unsafe.

There should be no empty space behind the headboard, but the bed should not be placed close to the wall. It is undesirable to place the bed in a corner, but if there is not enough space, then this option is acceptable. Pull-out and folding sofas and beds will help save space in a small bedroom with two windows.

It is not advisable to place objects near the bed that can be broken if accidentally touched - vases, aquariums, etc., but a comfortable bedside table with a lamp will become a reliable assistant.

Children's room: what it should be like

Of course, the main criterion for parents in children's rooms is their safety for the child. Comfort is usually placed in second place, and originality and coziness in third place. Designers believe that a child’s room should equally combine originality and practicality, and, moreover, the child should also like it. He lives there, and therefore he knows better what is comfortable for him and what only irritates him.

Well, the task of adults is to really rack their brains to make a not-so-standard rectangular area cozy for a child or even two children. Therefore, you need to clearly know what a children’s room should be like in principle.

  1. The children's room should be bright. This means that a large window is welcome. But even if it is not there, care must be taken to ensure that all areas are sufficiently illuminated. So plan your lighting right away.
  2. Space in the nursery is also one of the indispensable conditions. Few parents will use the smaller of the two bedrooms in the apartment as a nursery. But even if the area of ​​the child’s room is not too large, then it is quite possible to visually make it larger with the help of light-colored decoration of the walls and ceiling.

  3. The children's room is bright, and therefore the creation of colorful accents and decor is encouraged. You just need to follow a measure that will allow children to feel in their room not like in a museum and will not force the child’s eyes to overwork with the abundance of different colors.
  4. Do not overload the children's room with furniture and decor. The abundance of both makes it visually even smaller.

  5. Materials for finishing, furniture and decor should be natural and selected so that it is safe for the child to stay in the room. Give preference to furniture that is appropriate for the child’s age and height, without sharp corners. The decor should not be breakable or too heavy.

In general, any children's room should be, first of all, safe and comfortable for the child, although one should not forget about its aesthetics.

Style selection

The style will emphasize individuality and make the room special; in addition, each design option involves a set of colors, textures and shapes that are optimally combined with each other.

The classic style is the most popular, as it involves the use of everything traditional, while at the same time featuring elements of luxury.

Minimalism involves using a minimum of interior items and furniture, and in a single color, most often white. This style allows you to feel freedom and space, especially in a large bedroom with two windows.

Modern - in this style there are no straight lines, they are all smooth. The style became popular back in 1890, and is still used today. Today, for a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style, various lighting, paintings, stucco moldings are used - everything is unusual and new.

Fusion – as this design is also called “a combination of incompatible things”, that is, in the bedroom you can put whatever you like, regardless of style and fashion. This design usually looks bright and even aggressive, so it is not suitable for every bedroom.

In houses with wooden interior decoration, a country-style bedroom looks interesting.

Styles such as loft and hi-tech , which are somewhat similar to each other, are also popular today, but this bedroom design is intended for an amateur.

Using zoning

It is important in cases where the children's room is 14 square meters. m. for two or more children. Each of them should have their own space for living, playing and activity. As a means of zoning a children's room of 14 square meters. m. the following can be used:

  • Screens or sliding doors.
  • Creation of light partitions. They can be made, for example, from chipboard.
  • Visual separation through the selection of furniture or different design designs.

The use of zoning is also useful when there is only one child in the family. In this case, a place is allocated for relaxation, games, and others.

Interesting ideas

If there is enough space in the bedroom, and the windows are located on adjacent walls, then you can use a special corner cornice for them.

Dormer windows look interesting, but you should not place the bed directly under them because of the daytime color. But no one can stop you from admiring the stars on a deep-pile carpet.

Unobtrusive LED lighting can play the role of a night light that can be left on at night.

Previously, rooms with two windows were not very popular, but these were distant Soviet times, when there were not enough ideas and materials for interior design. Today, two windows in the bedroom provide additional opportunities for decorating the room in an unusual and beautiful style.

For teenagers and children of all ages

During this difficult transitional period, both children have a heightened sense of independence and a possessive attitude.

There may be several ideas on how to divide the room of a boy and a girl.

1. If possible, the best solution would be to install a partition using drywall or a shelving unit with maximum separation of all zones.

2. A good option is partial separation with common areas. In a narrow room, for example, where the window is located in the center of a smaller wall, it is impossible to completely allocate a separate half to everyone. The window space can be used to organize a study area by installing a window-sill table for two and wall cabinets. In another part of the room you can put loft beds, as suggested above, bunk beds with curtains, or two separate beds with a small partition.

3. For a small bedroom, a good idea would be a loft bed with a personal space allocated for everyone on the lower tier and the use of curtains in the sleeping area. For young girls, you can also arrange a personal dressing room under the upper tier.

Teenage children feel like adults and independent individuals. This should be reflected in the interior: furniture of classic shapes and neutral colors, modern style and decor in the form of modular paintings, photo wallpapers depicting night cities or on the theme of cinema and fashion.

Organization of personal space

Firstly, you must compare the areas of all the rooms in your apartment, and allocate the most spacious room for the nursery - this way you can place all the necessary zones in the common space.

It is also worth remembering the important role of design in the interior. Stylish design develops your children's sense of taste, which is best developed at an early age.

When planning a nursery, take into account every detail: the age and character traits of your daughters, their hobbies, favorite shades and personal wishes of each.

The larger the area, the better, but 12, 14 or 18 square meters. m will be quite enough if all the necessary zones are correctly arranged.

Functional Features

When creating a comfortable space for your daughters, pay attention to the following points:

Lighting system

It is important that the space is filled with natural light - this factor has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child’s psyche. With a lack of light, the child may develop more slowly, and the growth rate will be reduced. Light is an excellent stimulator of all life processes.

Make sure that the window opening lets in as much sunlight as possible. At the same time, it is worth providing protection from direct rays so that classes in the work area take place in comfort - after all, the bright sun can interfere with mental concentration.

Advice: additional light sources should be provided for each workplace, as well as next to the rest area, so that daughters can read a book before bed without harming their eyesight.

If the room is oriented towards the north, abandon thick curtains and multi-layer draperies in favor of transparent and light textiles. A combination of light-colored tulle with blinds is also suitable. In this case, it is better to choose a warm color scheme for wall decoration.

You can find out more tips on organizing your lighting system here.

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