Large hallway: modern design and current hallway layout (130 photos and videos)

New buildings and private houses have spacious rooms. To arrange such a home, you need to make some efforts.

To create a cozy and original design, you can view different photos of a large hallway.

The design of the room largely depends on the chosen style.

Finishes and materials

The standard white ceiling is often used and is suitable for any room. But if you want something special, you can choose a richer tone or an interesting design.

To get a flat surface, order a tension version or use drywall.

Tiles and porcelain stoneware can be used as flooring in a large hallway in an apartment. This material is often combined with moisture-resistant laminate, linoleum.

The walls are covered with wallpaper or painted. Wear-resistant materials are selected for such a room.

Vinyl wallpaper is ideal for such purposes. They will help hide minor surface imperfections.

The plastic panels on the walls look interesting. You can choose plain types or choose products with a pattern. Glass wallpaper is also popular.

Review of furniture in the hallway

How to furnish the hall? A spacious built-in wardrobe is best. It’s worth thinking about this at the stage of designing a room in a house/apartment.

Especially if you plan to place furniture for a narrow hallway. The hallway closet can be additionally glazed, then a separate mirror will not be needed, and the hallway will become visually brighter and larger.

A cabinet with sliding doors is especially recommended. This is a valuable solution, especially in narrow corridors - opening doors take up a lot of space. You can also design such a closet to suit your needs by placing many shelves and hiding places in it. Thanks to this, it will serve as a home wardrobe.

If you have space in the hall, a shoe closet will also come in handy. It stores both constantly used and seasonal shoes. In addition, the shoes will not be visible.

Depending on the available space, you can choose a horizontal or vertical narrow cabinet. A horizontal shoe cabinet also works well as a seat - it will come in handy when putting on shoes. There are various options for such furniture for the hallway, for example, in IKEA.

The hallway, like no other room, is in dire need of multifunctional furniture. A good example is the aforementioned shoe cabinet with a seat, that is, acting as a bench. On sale is even more thoughtful furniture - a bench-shoe rack, combined with a mirror and a hanger.

It is worth planning a special place for storing shoes in the built-in closet. If the furniture is large, you can dispense with other hangers and store jackets and coats inside. In this case, jackets and raincoats belonging to the guests are also placed there.


If there are no windows in the room, then one light source will not be enough. You need to choose a central chandelier.

For a room with low ceilings, choose several wall lamps. You can buy sconces; spotlights will fit perfectly into the interior.

In the large hallway, incandescent lamps are used, which provide a warm, soft light.

Be sure to install additional devices next to the mirrors. The cabinet is decorated with light cornices.

Hallway design: aesthetics or functionality?

The wealth of inventive and original solutions in the field of hallway furniture will allow you to design a practical and extremely aesthetic interior, which will be a prerequisite for what awaits in the next parts of the apartment.

The design of the hall very often depends on the size of the interior. Sometimes the hallway is designed as a storage space, and then the design of a large storage system is required.

In some cases, it is the elegant and minimalist space that sets the direction for the styling of the entire apartment. Then the set of furniture for the hall is limited to only a small chest of drawers or a stylish seat that defines the interior.

For inspiration, you should go to the Internet and find photos of exquisite furniture for the hallway.


When people get into their homes, they bring dirty shoes and wet clothes. Marks may remain on light-colored walls. Therefore, when finishing planes, it is better to use a combined option.

The lower part of the walls will have a dark shade, and the upper part can be covered with light wallpaper. You just need to choose tones that will match each other.

Choosing a color palette and style for the walls

When choosing a color palette, you should take into account the stylistic direction, lighting and size of the room. Stick to the classic concept:

  • light colors expand the space;
  • dark ones - reduce.

Furniture should not only be beautiful, but also fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the hallway and match the style of the room.

You can choose romantic shades: blue, turquoise, pink, pastel shades of green, or give preference to the classics. Today's trends are: chocolate, walnut, charcoal black, pearl white, rich red.

To satisfy the tastes and requirements of customers, many furniture factories produce custom-made walls.

Modern style

For such a hallway, you can choose bright pieces of furniture with glossy surfaces, mirrors and original lighting in tandem with white walls.

In order for the future wall to turn out stylish, you should think in advance about its placement, appearance and finishing.


Furniture made of natural wood, varnished, with decorative elements of glass and mirrors, combined with neutral shades of the walls - an excellent option for the classics.

When ordering individually, you have the opportunity to independently select decorative elements for furniture and mirrors.

And others

High-tech experiments with deep and cool shades in combination with elements of metal and glass.

A small wall with a mirror is the best design option.

Glamor consists of large mirrors, glitter and natural leather.

Style solutions

To decorate spacious rooms, choose different directions.
High-tech is suitable for those who love a combination of metal, glass and lacquered surfaces. Choose laconic furniture that has a minimum of decor. Provence will give the room lightness and airiness. You should not use many objects and accessories. To design a large hallway in a rustic style, choose light colors and natural materials.

Art Deco is chosen by people who love exotic things and antiques. It is necessary for the interior to look beautiful and expensive. The modest Japanese style captivates with its functionality. The room has simple lines and calm colors.

Features of the room

The area where a person finds himself after entering the house belongs to the auxiliary premises. Often there are no windows, but there may be several doors at once. Therefore, the design of the hallway is especially demanding on details. Not all furniture will be appropriate in this part of the apartment.

It is necessary to carefully consider the lighting, choose high-quality finishes and not overdo it with the decor. And even if the footage allows you to “walk the horse,” thoughtlessly cluttering the corridor with assorted things is not the best way out of the situation.

Photo of a large hallway

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Photos of hallway interior ideas with a wall:

Furniture sets for the hallway are very strong, durable and are distinguished by a variety of styles: from laconic Scandinavian to chicly painted Provence facades, from the unrivaled and diverse color palette of classic natural wood to super-bright and trendy glossy MDF and chipboard surfaces used in modern facades.

Choosing furniture

  • open racks or hangers for clothes, for example, that can be dried after rain;
  • closed wardrobe for such clothes;
  • shelves for accessories (hats, scarves, gloves);
  • mirror in a frame or mirror facade;
  • uncluttered chest of drawers;
  • original holders for bags, umbrellas;
  • ottoman for sitting.

Several pieces of furniture will not fit in a small area, so we will select only the most necessary from this quantity. Shelves or a closet, a seat on which you can sit and let’s not forget about the mirrors.

Equip a modern hallway in 2022 with a selection of compact modules that combine to create a beautiful interior.

Furniture sets are available today in a variety of types; their elements can be combined with each other. They can be curved, round, angular, square.

Large hallways into the corridor

Decoration of the hallway and corridor in a modern apartment (+35 photos)

The entrance hall and corridor are the first thing that greets a person upon arriving home. Therefore, the design of the hallway and corridor should set you in the right mood at first glance. But the realities of life, unfortunately, are such that the first impression is often overshadowed by a lack of square meters and an inharmonious environment.

The desire to achieve the necessary functionality in a cramped space is quite natural and doable.


The design of the hallway and corridor should be based, first of all, on ease of use and convenience, and only then on appearance. The basis for this statement is obvious: a beautiful, but uncomfortable hallway will cause a lot of inconvenience to owners and guests. If, for example, the collection process is complicated by the need to find clothes and shoes, then there is a chance of being late for work. When a person returns home after a long day of work and is faced with the need to spend 30 minutes of his personal free time putting things away, he may want to leave everything on the doorstep and do it in the morning. But in the mornings, as a rule, everyone is in a hurry, and therefore the corridor and hallway will eventually turn into something cluttered and unflattering.

In order to harmoniously distribute the space in your apartment, you need to draw up a clear plan for the location of functional areas. Closer to the front door, you should arrange a place to store shoes; it is also recommended to install a banquette, pouf or chair there - a place where you can sit and calmly put on your shoes. In front of the “shoe” area, at arm’s length, you should place hangers with hooks and a couple of open shelves so that you can take a light jacket, raincoat, or, for example, an umbrella with you before leaving. On the shelves you can store various useful little things, from keys to bags, purses, metro tokens or coins.

If you wish, you can hang a mirror next to the hanger, which will allow you to do the final “maraffe” before leaving the house or admire yourself upon your return.

To store large outerwear in the hallway, it would be advisable to place a narrow wardrobe. Sliding doors do not require free space to open and are very convenient in everyday life. Inside this cabinet there can be shelves, niches and rods. At the same time, the rods can be retractable, and the width of the furniture can be narrower than the width of the clothes hanger. The wardrobe doors themselves can have a mirror surface, which will not only be convenient, but will also visually expand the space.

To get a clear idea of ​​how the functional areas of the hallway and interior should be located, you just need to imagine human behavior in everyday life.

When you come home from work, then:

  • First of all, put down your bag or bags;
  • throw the hat on the shelf;
  • take off your shoes;
  • and go hang your clothes.

When preparing to leave the house, all these operations are performed in reverse order. When thinking through the interior of your future hallway and corridor, it is important to maintain a sequence of actions so that you do not have to make unnecessary movements and movements every time. Moreover, scientists have proven that unnecessary fuss increases a person’s fatigue and reduces the efficiency of his work.

The interior of the hallway should be, as noted above, functional and comfortable. This can be achieved by choosing the right furniture. Each element of the room’s furnishings must perform a specific functional role.

In the “shoe” area it would be advisable to place a special cabinet for storing shoes. As a rule, such furniture is shallow in depth and has hinged doors in its design. The shoes are arranged in several rows. A pouffe, bench or chair should be low, comfortable and not too soft. It should be comfortable to sit on such an object while putting on shoes, but there should not be a desire to sit there more than required.

At arm's length from where you put on your shoes, there should be a hanger with hooks and several open shelves. You can purchase such interior items either individually or as part of a finished hallway set. When choosing a ready-made set for the hallway, you should focus on the feasibility of a particular design element. Some furniture factories offer their customers to purchase beautiful, but completely useless things. For example, the design of cabinets may imply the presence of unclaimed niches and shelves, which, at best, will be used to store things that are not entirely appropriate in the hallway. For example, tools.

Oversized outerwear, especially in winter, can negate all attempts to achieve harmony in the interior of the hallway. Therefore, it is better to hide all fur coats, down jackets and jackets in a closet specially designated for these purposes.

Design and decoration of the corridor

The corridor is a connecting space that connects all the rooms in the apartment. Therefore, the interior of such a room should be harmoniously combined with the entire interior decoration of the house. If the rooms are decorated in different styles, then it would be better to opt for a neutral design.

To achieve a harmonious combination of different styles, it is recommended to use neutral colors. At the same time, the color scheme can be either warm or cold.

Warm colors will give comfort from the first minutes of a person’s stay in the apartment, and strict cool colors will help you get into a working mood. When developing a corridor design, you should avoid objects that create a cluttered effect. A large and bright rug with an interesting ornament will deprive the interior of its “zest”, as well as, for example, an overabundance of decorative elements.

As for decorative items, it is important to maintain a certain balance: there should not be too much “decoration” and they should be in their place without disturbing the inhabitants of the apartment. A large painted vase at the threshold may add some spice to the hallway, but this will risk the fact that at one point the work of pottery art will turn into a pile of shards, splinters and debris.

The interior of the hallway and corridor should be well lit. The lack of natural light sources can be compensated for by wall lamps, a flat chandelier and spotlights placed on the ceiling and cabinet ledges. It is advisable to place switches at both ends of the corridor or at each door. In this case, you won’t have to grope in the dark.

You can also use the method of divided lighting: in this case, the hallway and corridor will always be illuminated with dim but sufficient light, and if necessary, you can turn on the main, more powerful lighting fixtures.

Corner hallway

The corner hallway, especially in a small apartment, is perhaps the most problematic place in terms of planning and dividing space.

However, even in this case, you can create a comfortable and cozy interior; you just need to follow the basic principles of ergonomics and design:

  • Unity of space and furniture. All functional interior elements should be concentrated in one place. Don't try to install cabinets along opposite walls. Furniture should be placed either in one row or occupy a free corner of the room.
  • Rounding corners . Rounded corners are not only beautiful and unusual. Each “soft” corner is a few extra centimeters of usable space. The streamlined shapes of the furniture allow the eye to glide over bulky objects, which will create the effect of visually expanding the space.
  • Efficient use of space. Shoes, clothes and accessories should be hidden in closets and cabinets whenever possible. A large number of these items creates a cluttered effect, which should be avoided at all costs.

If desired, you can turn even the smallest and most complex room in terms of layout into a comfortable and functional interior. To do this, you just need to approach the design issue with special attention to detail.

Video gallery

Entrance hall in an apartment and private house: the best interior design ideas + 69 photos with examples

Photographs reflecting ideas for decorating a hallway in an apartment are the best source for finding possible design options for modern hallways.

Learn how to presentably decorate the existing space and arrange the necessary interior items in a modest-sized hallway.

Create a beautiful and original decor, guided by the layout of the room and embodying your favorite design idea.

Decorating a small corridor

Among apartment owners, there are not many lucky ones who are the owners of a spacious corridor and a large hallway. The area at the entrance to the main premises in the apartment in most cases has a limited area and size.

As a rule, such a space can only accommodate a clothes hanger and a shoe shelf; there is not enough space for the rest.

On a note! For a small corridor, the optimal decor option is a minimalist design.

Make the most of the available space, guided by the selection of photos on the interior design of the corridor of an apartment and private house at the end of this article or other photos found on the Internet. This way you can find original tips and ideas for design, design and decor and understand how to place everything you need in a small hallway of modest size.

Place a shelf or a closed model of a chest of drawers in the hallway for storing shoes. Such interior items have a simple design, so you can order a shelf to individual sizes and the required volume, taking into account the number of residents in the apartment.

Hallway in the apartment, photo

Put things away in a compact but roomy closet, discarding unnecessary pieces of furniture so as not to crowd the hallway with large and bulky cabinets.

The optimal solution for a small hallway would be a wardrobe (ideally built-in), equipped with sliding doors, occupying a minimum of space and allowing you to put away all coats, jackets and raincoats. Give preference to furniture with mirrored doors: this will help to visually increase the size of a small hallway.

As an alternative to a sliding wardrobe, a compact model of a wardrobe with limited depth is suitable. Equip it with mezzanines: this will allow you to place more things, of course, if the ceilings are high enough.

Furniture for the corridor, hallway: photo

The visual appearance of the hallway in an apartment is significantly influenced by the color palette of furnishings and lighting features.

The color of furniture facades plays a big role in creating an attractive interior of the entrance area. Light colors have the property of visually increasing space, but such furniture requires constant care; even slight dirt is noticeable on it.

Advice. To separate the hallway and main living spaces, use glass doors or transparent inserts in the door leaf. Due to this, the light flux penetrating from the rooms into the corridor will become larger, due to which the size of the space will visually increase.

In most cases, hallways lack natural light coming from windows. Considering this point, place more lamps in the hallway, otherwise due to insufficient lighting the room will seem even smaller. Proper lighting design will create a comfortable atmosphere even in the smallest corridor.

Narrow corridor design

Hallway in the apartment, photo

When decorating the interior of a narrow corridor, you should try to visually remove the disadvantages of the room’s layout and think about the placement of furnishings.

Divide the corridor space into zones, defining a place to store shoes and outerwear, while leaving free space.

A competent combination of different surface finishes will help smooth out the difference in proportions between width and length.

Hallways: photos for narrow corridors in an apartment

Hang mirrors on long walls or use photo wallpaper to change the internal dimensions. Instead of an interior door leaf, make an arched opening.

When decorating the walls, use different tones: light on long ones, darker on short ones. Thanks to this technique, the configuration of a narrow corridor will visually appear square.

Decoration of hallways in an apartment, photo

Properly placed light sources in the middle of elongated walls will also help create edge shading. Photos of the design of a narrow entrance area will help you choose a winning design.

Corner hallway

Corner wardrobe in the hallway: photos, design, ideas

For a corridor with a corner configuration, the best option would be a corner cabinet model. Such furniture will fit even into the most modest-sized room.

The main advantage of such cabinets is their spaciousness, which makes it possible to store in them, in addition to clothes, other things - for example, a vacuum cleaner.

Furniture design for the hallway, photo

Decorate your closet with mirror inserts: this way you will reduce the loss of space to a minimum. There are many new cabinet models on the market that allow you to rationally design a small hallway.

Subtleties of arranging a corridor with stairs

Ideas for the hallway, photo

The presence of a staircase in the hallway allows you to benefit from this: to do this, you need to use the space located under it in the design.

Hallway design with stairs

Evaluate ideas for arranging the space under the stairs by placing the following interior items:

  • shoe shelves;
  • compact cabinets;
  • armchairs with lamp;
  • hangers.

How to decorate a hallway in a private house, photo

If the staircase serves to connect the living room and the corridor, this area can be used as a place to relax - you can put a small sofa under the stairs.

Decorating a hallway in a private house, photo

Photos with options for arranging a hallway with a staircase in a private and country house will be a hint for the implementation of original ideas in the design of the entrance area.

Corridor in a Khrushchev apartment

A poorly thought-out apartment layout in Khrushchev’s houses leads to difficulties in arranging the corridor. In Khrushchev-era apartments, hallways, as a rule, are narrow spaces of modest size with doors leading to other rooms.

Small hallway, photo

In such a situation, to decorate the interior of the entrance area, you can use one of two ideas that allow you to create a functional space:

  • make a redevelopment;
  • use a minimum of furniture, limiting yourself to a shoe shelf and a compact hanger;
  • create color schemes for surfaces and furnishings that visually change the perception of the available space.

Interiors of hallways and corridors, photos

If possible, decorate the walls with mirrors. A shiny stretch ceiling will also help make the corridor visually more spacious.

On a note! Give preference to colors belonging to a light palette, but do not overdo it with white, otherwise the slightest dirt will be noticeable in a small room.

You should carefully select furnishings so that the already small hallway does not end up completely crowded.

Small hallway: photo, design

Install a wardrobe at the end of the wall, of course, if the size of the room allows.

If there is not enough space, replace it with shelves or hangers attached to the wall, making it possible to hang clothes on hooks.

Hallways in the corridor: design, photo

Before you start decorating the interior of a small narrow corridor in a Khrushchev apartment, carefully study real photos of the implemented design projects - this will insure you against mistakes in interior design.

Place mezzanines around the perimeter of the room under the ceiling surface - this way you can free up enough space. Light sources located pointwise under the mezzanines will visually give them an airy feel.

Hallway in a private house

In the process of designing the entrance area in a private house or cottage, it is necessary to take into account a number of features that such housing has.

Entrance hall in a country house, photo

Standard furnishings are not always suitable in size, since when constructing houses in the private sector, individual design solutions are often used that involve a non-standard layout.

If in apartment buildings the front door opens into the entrance, then in private houses and cottages it opens onto the street. This is a significant difference, since in the cold season the temperature dissonance inside and outside the room is quite large, and for this reason, installing metal doors is not the best option.

On a note! For those who still want to install a metal leaf as a door, we can recommend double doors. The second door, located inside, must be wooden.

Do not use drywall and paper-based wallpaper in the corridor - they do not tolerate moisture well. The design of the corridor requires materials that are practical, for example, paint, plastic panels for wall decoration, linoleum or tiles as flooring.

Wood, like chipboard, is too susceptible to contact with water and moisture, for this reason it is better to choose metal furniture with forged elements. Such furnishings are aesthetically pleasing, functional and have a long service life.

Hallway in the house, photo

Photos of the design of a corridor in a private household will help you correctly assess the situation and choose a practical and attractive design solution.

Furniture selection

The hallway needs to accommodate a large number of items that do not have room for storage in other rooms.

Furniture for the corridor, hallway: photo

Tip: If the size of the entrance area allows such an opportunity, place interior items in it intended for relaxation - a small armchair or a comfortable pouf.

A bench will allow you to rest for a few minutes after returning home, and it is much more convenient to put on shoes in a sitting position.

What furniture do you prefer? Recommendations for arranging the entrance area are in the video below:

In addition to functional cabinets designed for storing clothes, shoe shelves and bedside tables for shoes and various necessary things, auxiliary furnishings are often located in this room: key holders, umbrella stands and all sorts of small things.

The most necessary furniture for a modest-sized corridor is a wardrobe or hanger, a shoe shelf, a pouffe and a mirror. Choose multifunctional products, combining a mirror with a cabinet door, a pouf with a shoe cabinet.

Hallways - design ideas, photos

An excellent solution is modular furniture. You can buy the necessary blocks from a large set that will fit into the corridor in size and make up a unique set.

You can replace or supplement furnishings in such a situation quickly, without large material costs or damage to the design of the room.

Another advantage of modular furnishings is the ability to quickly update the interior by periodically changing the location of the modules, and rearranging can now be done without problems.

Furniture design for the hallway, photo

Photos of pieces of furniture for the hall or hallway will facilitate the choice and give new ideas for arranging the entrance area, and demonstrate new items of modern furniture for hallways.

A sliding wardrobe with doors moving along roller guides will allow you to ergonomically organize space in a small corridor - at least in comparison with a simple wardrobe with swinging doors.

Hallway cabinet design, photo

After studying photographs of the design of a corridor with a modern wardrobe, opt for a built-in or cabinet model.

A built-in wardrobe is a stationary piece of furniture, it has increased stability and allows you to use the space allocated for it to the maximum extent.

The cabinet model of a sliding wardrobe is more expensive compared to a built-in one, but it can be moved to another place.

Photo of a narrow hallway

The advantages of cabinet cabinets are that they can be disassembled and moved - they are mobile and convenient.

Minuses . There are more parts in such cabinets, which is why they cost more, and they also lose in terms of stability.

Advantages of built-in wardrobes . reasonable cost, maximum use of internal space.

Flaws . assembly at a permanent location, impossibility of moving.

Sliding doors are often decorated with mirror inserts, visually expanding the limited area. For a small corridor and compact hallway, this is the best option.

Design of a square hallway, photo

If the hallway is quite spacious, it is worth purchasing models with doors with frosted glass decorated with drawings. Such a design will make the hallway interior more original, allow you to place accents and change the visual perception of the decor.

Wallpaper selection

The main requirement for wallpaper for decorating walls in the corridor is practicality.

Wall decoration in the hallway

Do not use paper-based wallpaper: they will quickly lose their presentability due to constant contact with wet outerwear and umbrellas, and in the lower part of the walls, dirt brought on the soles of shoes will stick to them.

Hallway and corridor design, photo

Avoid wallpaper that is too light in color, otherwise it will be very difficult to keep the hallway clean.

Vinyl-based wallpaper meets the requirements both in terms of price and quality.

The non-woven layer facilitates gluing, it is easy to remove dirt from the front layer, and it is also resistant to damage. A large selection of colors will make it possible to create an imitation of any texture (fabric, stone) and disguise unevenness on the walls.

Design of the hallway and corridor in the apartment

Liquid wallpaper, which has gained popularity, to which water-based dyes are added, is convenient for decorating hallway walls in a variety of shades. Such wallpaper is practical; if necessary, the damaged area can be replaced without resorting to large-scale repairs.

The cork variety of wallpaper is environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing; it is easy to remove dirt from it. Thanks to such wallpaper you can create a warm atmosphere in the hallway.

Paintable wallpaper on a non-woven basis, which can be painted and repainted several times, allows you to bring various design ideas to life. They reproduce different textures and can withstand up to five repaints.

Updating the design of the walls can be carried out without any particular difficulties, as soon as the desire arises - to change the color of the finish during the next renovation.

Design of a narrow hallway, photo

You can create an attractive design with your own hands even in a small corridor, turning it into a cozy room. Hide your shoes and outerwear in the closet, take care of the correct lighting, choose a harmonious color palette, and the presentable design of the hallway will delight both you and the people who come to visit you.

Photo gallery

For other ideas on decorating the interiors of hallways in apartments and private houses, see the photo gallery below:

Inexpensive large hallways in our online store

There is nowhere to put your hat from a walk, and you have to hang your luxurious coat on a hook instead of on the slats? A lot of things clutter the entrance to the room - do you have to step on scattered shoes that have nowhere to put them? Then you need to order large hallways.

By the appearance and functionality of the model, you can learn a lot about the taste of the owners, as well as their well-being. You can see a lot from the first impression it leaves: how conveniently the closet is located, how far you have to put away your shoes and gloves, is there a mirror to evaluate your appearance.

The furniture set for the hallway simultaneously serves as a convenient container for outerwear and shoes and a beautiful addition to the home interior. A mandatory closet with or without doors has rods with hangers or hooks for outerwear, there are special shelves in 2-3 rows for shoes, and there are chests of drawers for infrequently used items.

How to choose a hallway

The online store of inexpensive furniture BestMebelShop offers a choice of several types of large hallways, made in different styles, from country and classic to modern. Each model is functional and practical. The correct choice of hallway is based on several criteria:

  • Dimensions. You need to know exactly how much space in a room or hallway you can allocate for installing furniture.
  • Exterior design. In style, the model must correspond to the overall design of the room and be in harmony with it.
  • Functionality. The number and size of cabinets and cabinets vary depending on the number of people living in the house, how often guests come to it, and also how necessary it is to check your appearance in the mirror before leaving, and how many important little things you need to leave when entering the apartment.
  • Practicality. Do not forget that it is important to place furniture so as not to bump into it. If you have a lot of umbrellas, hats, boots, narrow shelves are unlikely to be suitable for them, buy also a cabinet for shoes.

This is a small list of the main criteria for selecting a comfortable large hallway for your home.

Why buy from us

In the catalog of our store you will find hallways of various types and configurations. We provide discounts on the most popular products, hold promotions, and also allow the client to independently decide what size and color scheme the chosen model will have. Delivery throughout Moscow and the Moscow region is also provided.

BestMebelShop - furniture of our own production!

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The most popular styles for decorating a corridor

The design of the entrance group implies functionality and practicality. Here you need to correctly distribute the space and choose a style that will organically fit into the hallway.

There are a great many stylistic options, let’s look at the most popular ones:

Art Deco: an exquisite mixture of classics and ethnics

An example of the interior design of a hallway in the Art Deco style

Main featuresFurnitureAccessories
Use of expensive materials in decoration. The predominance of a monochromatic palette with the use of bright accents. Shiny coatings and geometric patterns in wallpaper and stucco are welcome. Furniture in this style is decorated with expensive carvings and upholstery. All items must be made of wood. An indispensable attribute is a mirror in a carved frame. Paintings, statues and figurines, antique vases, ethnic souvenirs. Lamps with forged design.

Examples of interiors in the Art Deco style:

Country: cute and cozy

An example of interior design in country style

Main featuresFurnitureAccessories
Use of natural materials in decoration: stone, wood, fabric. Decorative beams can be installed on the ceiling. The floors are covered with natural boards with an expressive texture. Rough handmade furniture made from natural wood fits organically into such an interior. Large chests of drawers, rough benches and antique hangers look good. Hand-woven runners, paintings with rustic motifs, wicker baskets and forged items.

Photos of interior design of hallways in country style:

Modern and stylish: modern

An example of interior design in Art Nouveau style

Main featuresFurnitureAccessories
Lack of strict lines and angles, asymmetry. Use of natural colors. Ornaments and designs with plant motifs are welcome. In a modern interior, the emphasis is on furniture. Simple shapes with rounded edges predominate. The facades are decorated with floral prints and stained glass windows. The style does not imply an abundance of decorative elements. The only thing that should be in abundance is lighting devices.

The photo shows modern design ideas for hallways in the Art Nouveau style:

Japanese style: samurai character

An example of interior design in Japanese style

Japanese interior of the hallway in the apartment:

Aristocratic English style

An example of interior design in English style

Main featuresFurnitureAccessories
A combination of simple design and sophisticated finishing. Plaster is preferred for walls, and parquet or its imitation for floors. The furniture is selected in dark colors, with strict shapes and elegant design.Paintings with landscapes, a carpet with a discreet pattern, beautiful lamps in wooden design to match the furniture.

Samples of English interiors:

Romance Chalet

Interior decoration in Chalet style

Main featuresFurnitureAccessories
Use of expensive natural materials with an aging effect. For walls - wood or plaster, for floors - only wood. The predominance of natural shades of brown and beige. Furniture in this style should have a light touch of antiquity: in shape and color. It is acceptable to use wicker furniture. Fur, woolen fabrics and linen are used for upholstery. Skins on the floor, candlesticks, small paintings with castle scenes, hunting accessories.

Photos of the interiors of hallways in private houses in the Chalet style:

We have given you as an example just a few possible styles for decorating a hallway. In fact, there are a lot of them, and you will not have any difficulty choosing a design that suits your home.

Layout of the hallway in the apartment

Before undertaking renovations, it is necessary to collect into one list the requirements for the hallway room, and also find out to what extent these requirements correspond directly to the room.

Area is the main parameter that affects the complexity of the layout:

  • 2-3 sq. m - welcomes compact modern design with built-in furniture in a minimum quantity;
  • 4-6 sq. m - allows for a classic design and even a dressing area;
  • 6 sq. m or more - allows you to arrange a dressing area, an ottoman (a sofa without a back) and additional accessories (shade-loving plants, paintings).

The golden rule of laconicism states that the design of an apartment, regardless of the era of style and type of room, should be done through two or three color schemes.

This is enough to achieve contrast and shape without sacrificing space. In particular, we are talking about the visual perception of space and freedom when moving within it.

Modern style

This includes arranging more free space, installing small-sized furnishings, and a discreet, simple design.

All elements must be multifunctional and practical. The main factors for arranging hallways in a modern style will be:

  • the use of light colors in decoration, which will visually expand the space;
  • finishing materials are selected that are resistant to moisture and resistant to various damages;
  • preferably the materials were environmentally friendly;
  • Space will be saved if built-in structures are installed in niches;
  • the furnishings are chosen in a modern style, its tone and combination with each other are selected;
  • use of large mirrors in a small room.

Taking these factors into account, we get a well-organized, functional and interesting hallway.

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