Sofa in the living room - types, materials and review of the best models. 175 photos of examples of choosing and using sofas

To make you want to return home quickly, it must be cozy. Upholstered furniture is an integral element in your interior. And in order for it to serve you as long as possible and be as comfortable as possible, it is important to know what to look for when purchasing.

Upholstered furniture in the living room should be comfortable, attractive and durable

The living room is the most popular option for placing upholstered furniture, because it is in this room that cozy family evenings while watching a movie take place, as well as intimate conversations with loved ones over a cup of tea, which you want to have in comfort. When choosing a headset, you need to take into account the overall style of the interior. Upholstered furniture for the living room should complement the room, be of suitable size, and most importantly of good quality. As a rule, one-piece soft corners or sofas with armchairs are chosen for the living room, because it is precisely such combinations that are responsible for practicality.

Steps before purchasing

The first step is to determine the purpose. Calculate capacity, whether a sleeping compartment is needed and how often the item will be used. Based on the answers, the shape and design of the furniture is selected.

The next step is how much space will be allocated to upholstered furniture in the living room. This moment will decide the size and select the final shape.

Next is the choice of style. If the interior has already been designed, then the sofa needs to be harmoniously integrated into it. It may be the other way around: design development depends on the furniture. The choice of style and color depends on the choice made.

How to choose a style of upholstered furniture?

The Internet and fashionable interior magazines offer thousands of furniture options and thereby do us all a disservice, because sometimes it is so difficult to find “that” sofa or soft corner. But there is a universal way to narrow the search by at least half - decide on the style of the living room. The most popular is the division of furniture into classic and modern. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of these styles.

First of all, upholstered furniture should match the style of the room’s interior

Upholstered furniture in the Art Nouveau style, as a rule, has a number of unusual elements in design and functionality, which makes it increasingly popular on the market. Designers experiment with forms, deviate from the canons, and such solutions not only refresh the atmosphere of the room, but also break traditional ideas about furniture. Among this style there are such popular trends as:

  • Loft.
  • High tech.
  • Bauhaus.
  • Minimalism.
  • Ecostyle, etc.

But besides creative design, extraordinary functionality and convenience, which are undoubtedly the advantages of Art Nouveau furniture, the style also has a couple of disadvantages. Such a set lacks the notorious “universalism” and is not suitable for every interior. But if you are tired of traditional options for upholstered furniture and want to diversify your home with a non-standard beautiful solution - modern is ideal for you! Moreover, the concept of pragmatism has increasingly come to dominate design. Concepts such as “smart home” and so on are gaining more and more popularity. This is also true for furniture.

Modern furniture is functional, has plain upholstery, is arranged conveniently and laconicly

Modern models are characterized by regular geometric shapes, minimal decor and practical materials.

Among the huge range of upholstered furniture for the modern living room, the most common are modular systems that allow you to arrange objects based on the real situation

Developers keep up with information technology trends, so finding a “smart” soft sofa is no longer as rare as it was just a few years ago. This is another reason why modernism has become so popular in the modern world.

The second style is classicism, which is widely known and familiar to us. Light pastel colors, restraint of forms and peculiar pretentiousness are the qualities that confirm the phrase that classics are eternal. Classicism is always about comfort and a kind of “test of time.” Within this style there are also several popular trends:

  • Provence.
  • Empire style
  • Rococo.
  • Greco-Roman style, etc.

The classical style is preferred, as a rule, by people of conservative views who deeply respect traditions.

Wooden frames and expensive upholstery are mandatory elements of furniture in any of the classic styles.

Simple upholstered furniture with floral patterns matched to the tone of the curtains fits perfectly into the Provencal interior of the living room.

Furniture in the Rococo style is luxury, fancy decor and elegance of finishing

As for the choice of color, many important factors must be taken into account so as not to spoil the interior. First, it's always worth starting with a general concept. Think about what you want your living room to look like: contrasting/plain/bright/dark, etc.?

When choosing the color of the upholstery, you should avoid combinations that are close to the shade of the walls. It is better to select furniture by playing with contrast

Dark furniture will fit better into a light room and, conversely, furniture with upholstery in light colors will look better in a dark interior.

A monochromatic palette is appropriate when the goal is to “dissolve” the furniture in the living room setting

After choosing a concept, it is important to look at the rules for combining colors in order to create comfort, and not spoil it with inappropriate accents in the form, for example, of multi-colored furniture in a pastel interior. Also, do not mix different textures with each other, look for a middle ground. Agree that an unusual leather corner, a fashionable sofa upholstered in embroidery and a bamboo chair together will not look very harmonious, to put it mildly.

Purchase stages

A soft corner in the living room serves as a relaxation area, and in addition provides a place to sleep. The most important factor is practicality and comfort.

The choice of design depends on the need. A folding sofa will be needed to organize a sleeping area, turning the object into a bed. If this is not necessary, then a stationary or seated model will do; it will cost less and still perform its main function.

After studying the beautiful sofas for the living room, photos and prices, you can decide on other characteristics. The reliability of a non-sliding sofa depends on a stable frame, high-quality upholstery and the contents of the soft area. A folding sofa plus everything requires checking the mechanism.

Stylish solution for a cozy room

We’ll immediately explain how to arrange upholstered furniture in a small room. It is best to push the central sofa into the far corner, zoning the relaxation area (while saving as much space as possible). In the large hall, upholstered furniture is placed in the middle. If the living room is combined with the kitchen, the zone transition area is furnished.

  • Modern .
    The nobility of the setting, which should also be discreet, will be successfully emphasized by a leather sofa corner made of precious wood. It will be perfectly highlighted by walls lined with light-colored wood panels, textiles in golden or pearl tones and a light floor with a good laminate.

A sofa upholstered in light fabric in pure cool shades, leather armchairs (they can be from completely different collections, this is even desirable) against the backdrop of light wall panels - a modern vision of Art Nouveau

  • Minimalism. A self-sufficient soft sofa corner will fit perfectly into the company of a small coffee table and a few neat accessories. It is advisable to keep the overall color scheme in a light color. To get rid of some dullness, we use a carpet of a catchy shade.

Minimalism allows for natural and rough textures; upholstery of furniture made from rough fabrics is also quite acceptable

  • High tech. We take dark upholstered furniture with metal legs and place it in a light-colored room. At the same time, we accent the walls with black and white photos or abstract paintings, the ceiling with original lighting, and the floor with animal skin. A glass coffee table will add attention to the decor.

One of the main rules of 2015 in living room interior design is a combination of a wide variety of colors, patterns, textures, not limited to ready-made furniture sets.


  • Wooden frame is an ecological material. This base is quite strong and will last a long time. The tree has proven itself reliably in all types of structures.
  • The metal frame is number one in terms of strength. In production, empty pipes with a square or rectangular profile are used. The material is fire resistant and environmentally friendly. And due to the hollowness of the pipes, it has a small mass. It has a high price, so it is not used in inexpensive models.
  • Plywood frame is a reliable material. It is recommended to choose dense and thick plywood; the strength of the structure depends on this.
  • Wood-fiber frames. Often used to add decorative details.
  • Chipboard is the most budget-friendly frame. It won't withstand heavy loads. If you buy a sofa for the living room made of chipboard, you should be prepared for the fact that it will quickly fail. This is especially true for folding models; porous and fragile material cannot cope with daily transformation.

The frame should be selected based on the load on the sofa. For regular use, you should opt for durable options.

Principles of transformation

The principle of transformation is of great importance if you are going to use the sofa as a sleeping place.

There are models that transform in different ways, but they can be divided into two general categories:

  • laid out parallel to the wall;
  • laid out perpendicularly.

Let's move on to the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular transformation mechanisms.

Book - works on the principle of raising the seat and lowering it after a click.

Advantages: quick layout.

Disadvantages: furniture cannot be placed tightly against the wall.

Eurobook - to lay out sofas with a similar design, you need to tighten the bed and lower the backrest into the vacant space.

Advantages: speed of layout, convenience. This option is suitable for both frequent use and infrequent use (for overnight guests).

Dolphin. The second part of the bed is obtained through a loop from under the furniture.

Advantages: ease of layout.

Negative points: there is no storage box.

Accordion. The stock rises until it clicks and is pulled forward. Positive aspects: wide stock.

Disadvantages: difficult to assemble; during use the hinges begin to wobble.

Advantages: comfortable bed for sleeping with a thick mattress, metal frame, presentable design.

The American and French varieties of folding beds have a simpler design compared to the English one, but the second one is more convenient for sleeping.

Roll-out models - the bottom of the sofa rolls out. They are durable and affordable.

Disadvantage: low, possible marks on the floor from the wheels.


How comfortable it will be on upholstered living room furniture depends on the contents:

  • Spring blocks are comfortable and durable. Independent spring blocks are perfect for a sofa bed.
  • Polyurethane-based materials are considered rigid fillers. Options made from balls are used to fill frameless furniture. PPU confidently copes with loads, it is comfortable to sit and sleep on, and can last more than ten years.
  • Soft fillers - holofiber and latex. The list of materials is extensive, but these compositions are practical and convenient.

Manufacturing materials

Not the least role, directly affecting the cost, service life and appearance of the product, is played by the materials used in the production of upholstered furniture.


No one needs stylish sofas for the living room with upholstery that will tear in a month. Therefore, in addition to the attractive appearance, the properties should also be studied. The furniture material must be durable and not create problems during cleaning.

For regular use and high loads, you should choose dense materials. If you have pets, the upholstery can withstand claws. And delicate soft fabrics are best left for furniture with rare and careful use.

Modular or cabinet furniture for the living room?

The problem with cabinet furniture is its strict staffing. Roughly speaking, a clear layout and lack of combination options in the modern mobile world are already more of a disadvantage than an advantage. Each module of cabinet furniture supports the other, creates a support, and therefore they cannot be swapped without destroying the entire composition.

The photo shows a cabinet wall with a built-in sofa

Modular furniture, in turn, consists of separate sections that can easily be adjusted to your own preferences. Cabinet doors, for example, can either open wide or simply fold back.

The photo shows a modular wall in a modern style living room

By the way, it is worth noting that large wardrobes in modern living rooms have long been relics of the past. This room is now filled with small bookshelves, hanging shelves and various equipment. The reason is banal comfort and convenience, since large cabinet monoliths only burden the overall atmosphere of the room.

It is also important to note that the undeniable advantage of modular furniture is that it is made, as a rule, to order, taking into account all the parameters provided by the customer. Therefore, for those who are looking for the perfect solution for a small living room, this is the perfect find.

Another advantage for those who love constant change is that you do not have to constantly buy new furniture. The modular system allows you to be creative, and if some module is missing for the perfect picture of your room, you can always order only that, saving quite a bit of money.

But the biggest advantage is that modular furniture is not only about cabinets and shelves. Soft modern sofas can also be a kind of transformers. Firstly, there is a convenient opportunity to select the dimensions of the furniture according to the customer’s personal measurements. Secondly, such a sofa can easily be transformed into individual elements, such as poufs and even armchairs. Thus, the modules do not clutter small rooms, but create comfort and practicality.

The photo shows a modular kit consisting of several segments that can be combined at your discretion

Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with examples: living room sets (photo), living room furniture (photo). Pay attention to how harmoniously modern sofas for the living room look and what a key role furniture plays in the pictures. These simple examples demonstrate the importance of a conscious approach to thinking about interior design.

The photo shows a lilac sofa, harmoniously combined with the floor and walls, decorated in warm colors

The photo shows a rounded sofa, the shape of which ideally matches the decor of the ceiling covering

In the photo, upholstered furniture with white stripes on a blue background is a common solution for recreating the Mediterranean style

In the photo there is a mustard sofa complete with a rectangular ottoman on legs

Remember that home renovations are not done for a month or a year. This is a long-term project, so you should take the choice of furniture and other details seriously. Using our advice, you will certainly create comfort and harmony in your home!

Large living room

Spacious rooms have great potential, where you can play with your imagination and not limit your ideas. Large living room sofas with interesting shapes will easily fit.

You can place several sofas of different sizes from one collection. The classic option is to place a couple of armchairs and a sofa next to the fireplace. Modular sofas created specifically for spacious rooms look modern. The modular design will accommodate a large number of people. The blocks move easily, creating a more convenient arrangement for guests.

In the spacious living room, sofas can be placed along the walls or moved away from them. To make an accent on the sofa, you can place it as an island. Round, in the shape of the letter C and P, they place a hearth or table inside.

A large area is easily zoned with a soft corner. Dividing the seating area with the dining area. Ideally, use the corner option. Thus, the item will fulfill its main function and act as a construction part.

What should you pay attention to when choosing upholstered furniture?

There are a number of general characteristics that are worth considering when purchasing furniture. The first criterion is quality. You should not choose very budget options, as they tend to lose their appearance in a short time. The second important point is the material. It is important to choose furniture that has fabric that can easily remove potential stains. The third, but no less important nuance is the style of your home and the living room itself. Agree that classic wooden furniture with carvings and fabric upholstery or an expensive leather sofa will look strange, for example, in a loft apartment. And, of course, before purchasing, do not forget to “test” each of your options for convenience.

A stylish leather sofa will be the optimal solution for a youth loft

Furniture with colorful patterns on the upholstery will fit into a retro or eclectic style interior

Let's put the theory into practice. Let's say you are going to buy stylish upholstered sofas for your living room. Make yourself a list of characteristics that they must meet.

  1. The optimal size, taking into account the features of your layout. (small/large/corner).
  2. Stylistics (classic/modern).
  3. Functionality (folding/non-folding).
  4. Material (leather/textile/leatherette).

An important nuance is the choice of other elements of upholstered furniture, such as an armchair, poufs, etc. Don't be afraid to experiment with your headset connections.

A comfortable and stylish sofa is the main piece of furniture in the living room

Next in importance are armchairs, usually included in an upholstered furniture set.

Additional elements - poufs, ottomans, soft benches and benches

The main rule is to always combine furniture wisely, taking into account the size of the room, so that there is still a spacious place that gives a feeling of airiness.

Small living room

A small room needs practical furniture. It is advisable to choose straight sofas in the living room with a small sleeping area. Moreover, the dimensions are calculated both folded and unfolded.

Stylish round and oval shapes eat up a lot of free space. Therefore, giving preference to unusual shapes, you should abandon other bulky items.

To make efficient use of a small area, sofas are placed in a corner or along the wall. Moving an object away from the walls can create problems in the resulting narrow passage.

Often, the layout of studio apartments allows furniture to be moved away from the walls to separate the kitchen and living room. The main thing is to choose the minimum sizes; a large sofa will create inconvenience when moving around the apartment.

Body and filling

The strength and service life of upholstered furniture depend on what the base is made of. The most durable are sofas and armchairs with a body made of natural wood: birch, pine, alder, spruce. Such models are distinguished by their high cost and decent weight.

  • Lighter and cheaper products are those whose body is made of chipboard or MDF. It should be noted that the service life of such models is shorter, since they are based on pressed lumber.
  • In terms of filling, it is important to know that products with a full spring block are designed for full sleep. They are designed for a large load over the entire area, provide excellent back support, and are reliable.
  • They have a long service life. Due to the high cost, it is not advisable to choose such models as seats.
  • The polyurethane foam filling is not inferior in its consumer characteristics to spring blocks, but has a limited service life. Most often used in models with a transformation function.

An excellent solution is latex, a safe material that does not accumulate dust and has a long period of use.

The most budget models include sofas, armchairs and poufs with foam filling. The material quickly loses its shape and its consumer qualities.

Some manufacturers' lines include options filled with holofiber, synthetic down, and felt.


The combination of a sofa with a design is determined by two main criteria. In the first case, interior design begins with the purchased item.

In the next version, the room is decorated, and all that remains is to choose a sofa that is in harmony with the whole picture. The correct arrangement of colors is important here.

Regardless of what stage the purchase will be made. The main thing is that the final result can combine the interior into one style, carefully placing color accents.

Modern style in design

Color trends in furniture fashion lean toward shades of gold, amber, and copper. Increasingly, they are used in decorating individual elements: armrests, legs, sofa backs, minibars.

Their noble radiance brings an atmosphere of luxury to our homes.

Such samples are made from wood. Most of these items have leather upholstery. Although this option is not a budget purchase, their aristocratic, important appearance will decorate a classic living room. And the versatility and practicality of leather, or its analogues, will not create any care problems.

Textiles are a very popular material for upholstery in any modern interior. The best examples of popular fabrics, including velor, suede, jacquard, flock, chenille, matting and others, can satisfy the needs of any buyer.

With the right color scheme, these fabrics will create comfort and add a warm touch of coziness to your home.

For practical purposes, the choice of upholstery material should take into account the presence of children and pets in the family.

What upholstered furniture is best combined with a sofa:

The sofa is an absolutely self-sufficient unit. But with a large number of residents, additional places for recreation are needed.

As a rule, owners buy two chairs as a set, creating a specific composition. A soft ottoman, modular blocks or ottoman are also suitable.

They will not only provide additional space, but also add a certain charm to the room.

Sofa starring

The main piece of furniture in this solution is the sofa. To achieve this effect, you can choose original upholstery. Use colorful colors, or order a case with the desired prints. A bright choice in contrast to the rest of the design. Small accessories in the color of the furniture will help enhance the result.

A sofa in a modern style living room can be of a non-standard shape. Whatever the experiments, the main thing is not to forget about the main style direction. Do not allow an abundance of flowers to avoid bad taste.

Upholstery fabric

Upholstery fabric will help to correctly combine upholstered furniture in the interior with wall and floor decoration, as well as cabinet furniture. It varies in composition, texture and color. Tapestry, silk, velor, velvet, wool, leather, eco-leather, suede and other materials are used to cover sofas, armchairs and chairs.

Leather sofas are elegant, presentable and stylish. They are used in living rooms, studies, offices. Such furniture is very expensive, and leather is quite capricious in care and use.

Eco-leather is a more noble name for ordinary leatherette. Externally, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between natural and artificial leather. The difference between them is in price, and in terms of durability, artificial ones are inferior to natural ones.

Additional role

The soft corner here merges with the overall picture. It acts as a necessary detail, matched to the living room. It is recommended to choose not bright shades, calm, even colors that are not conspicuous. The standard shape of the sofa is selected, straight or angular.

Color of upholstered furniture

In order for a sofa or chair to fit perfectly into the interior, you need to choose the right upholstery color. It can match the finish of the walls and floor or contrast with them.

You can choose colors that seem completely different, but do not contrast with each other, for example, beige walls and a gray sofa. Also, calm tones of the upholstery will restrain and dilute too bright colors of trim, curtains, and decorative items.

A bright sofa, on the contrary, will enliven the interior and become a central object that attracts attention.

The right combination of upholstered furniture and the rest of the furnishings will not only bring harmony and comfort, but also visually correct the shortcomings of the room: size, configuration, lack of natural light. That's why it's so important to get the color right when buying a sofa.

Seating in the living room

It is recommended to start decorating a room with bulky items, as a rule, this item is a sofa. And starting from the main model, the rest of the furniture and accessories are selected.

To determine the placement, you can determine the contours by placing sheets of paper on the floor according to the required parameters. Or use an online apartment planning program. You should remember the dimensions when unfolded so that the furniture clutters the entire room.

In a small area you can place a functional corner sofa. Before purchasing, it is important to take measurements of the door to be sure that the furniture will fit into the opening.

Photo gallery

Look at a selection of photos with other options for modern sofas for a hall or living room - there are narrow and wide, long non-folding and even huge modern sofas, and may your choice be successful:

Photo of sofas in the living room

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