Curtains for a children's room: types, choice of color and style, 70 photos in the interior

There is no need to explain to modern parents what an important role the nursery interior plays in the development and upbringing of a child. Every element is important in the design of this room. It is a small world for a child, which should give a feeling of comfort and security, develop a love of beauty, useful qualities, and skills. In every interior, curtains are one of the main participants. They have a significant impact on comfort, harmony, and overall impression. When choosing curtains for a children's room, you should take into account their role and the features of this room.

Functions of curtains in a nursery

As in any other room, curtains in the nursery perform aesthetic and practical functions. All of them are taken into account when choosing. It is important to understand that adult and child perception have significant differences. Colors, decor, and prints have a more powerful effect on a child. Consequently, when choosing curtains for a children's room, you will have to take into account not only the general criteria of the interior, but also the personal characteristics of the little owner.

The main functions of curtains in this room include:

  • optimal adjustment of natural light intensity;
  • giving the interior harmony and completeness;
  • formation of positive emotions.

Curtains in a children's room add harmony to the interior

Correctly chosen curtains at any time of the day will help create a comfortable atmosphere for sleep, active games and relaxing activities. There are several criteria that allow you to accurately select the design and materials to ensure the desired effect.

Harmonious combinations of curtains with other interior elements will help to develop good taste and the ability to combine shades on a subconscious level. A beautiful room will involuntarily attract a child and become a favorite room in which you want to spend a lot of time. Photos of curtains for the nursery, presented by professional designers, will help you make the right choice.

Curtains should be combined with other interior elements

All elements of the nursery should create positive emotions. Curtains play a vital role in solving this problem. They constantly fall into the field of view, which increases the effectiveness of the impact. To achieve this goal, you need to choose curtains based on the individual characteristics of the child. The modern assortment includes children's curtains for boys and girls, for children of different ages and interests.

Main functions

Window fabrics in the child's territory play a decorative role and complement the space with useful options. It is important to consider every detail.

The combination of colors, decorative elements and patterns have a much stronger impact on the psychological health of a child than on an adult. Therefore, when purchasing textiles, you should take into account not only personal preferences, but also the wishes of the owner of the room.

Curtains in a nursery should have the following options: protect from the sun and not interfere with natural light, create a beautiful and comfortable interior for a positive mood. The role of curtains is to improve comfortable sleep, and to provide a corner with good light for outdoor games and homework.

Ensuring optimal lighting control

The main practical function of curtains is to regulate the flow of natural light. For a child’s room, this factor is extremely important. Baby mode includes naps during the day. Lighting plays a major role in creating comfortable conditions. When choosing curtains for a child's room, several points are taken into account:

  • location of the room;
  • room area;
  • window features.

The room located on the north, east side does not require intensive darkening. For the most part, these rooms do not have an abundance of sunlight. Traditional thick curtains can create comfortable sleeping conditions. In a room located in the south, it is necessary to ensure high-quality closure of the window opening. Short curtains in the nursery, located on a frame, can help out. Roller blinds, Roman curtains, pleated curtains or blinds will do an excellent job of protecting from the sun.

Thick curtains will create comfortable sleeping conditions

In a spacious room, the child's bed can be located away from the window. In this case, intense darkening is not a prerequisite. If the room is small, the choice of curtains needs to be made more carefully.

During sleep, active games and creative activities, varying degrees of lighting are required. When choosing curtains, you need to take into account that it will need to be constantly adjusted to create optimal conditions. The design must provide this possibility. There are many types of curtains and cornices on the market. It is necessary to take into account the features of the window when choosing them in order to ensure high-quality design.

When choosing curtains for the nursery, consider the position of the window

Colors and prints

The color of the curtains should be in harmony with the design of the room and match the preferences of the young housewife. It is better to choose shades depending on the location of the room: a warm color will help to brighten the northern side, and a cool color will “cool” the southern side a little.

Curtain KauffOrt “Kinder” - 1600 rub.

Designers advise focusing attention in the room on one or more details. Such an accent can be a bright curtain in a room where the rest of the details are painted in pale shades.

If the room is already bright enough, then the curtain should become almost invisible.

It is not uncommon to choose textiles with various prints. The canvases are decorated with butterflies, birds, cute animals, flowers, and geometric shapes.

Striped models, which are quite popular, are also suitable for growing girls.

Pay attention to the stripes of different textures. One sheet may contain inserts of material different in density and color from the main one. This will give a special atmosphere to the room. The patchwork technique has rightfully gained popularity for its effectiveness in interior decoration.

General requirements for curtains in a nursery

When purchasing curtains, many different factors are taken into account. You can choose bright or calm models, give preference to a simple or complex style, hang long or short curtains in the children's room. It all depends on the specifics of the room, interior, individual preferences. But there are general requirements that must be taken into account.

Curtains in the nursery should be:

  • safe;
  • practical;
  • attractive.

Preserving the health of the child and eliminating the risk to the fragile body is a fundamental condition in the arrangement of this room. The materials from which the curtains are made should not contain components that could have a negative impact. The design of the curtains must be safe. This factor is especially important in the design of a room for children. A good option is short curtains for the nursery; they are inaccessible to the child and do not pose a risk.

Short curtains are safe for children

When choosing curtains, you need to remember that they will be washed regularly. Not only dust will have to be removed from them. It is possible that contaminants of a wide variety of nature may appear, from food debris to plasticine and felt-tip pens. The fabric must be well cleaned from stains, otherwise it will not be possible to maintain proper cleanliness and order.

The attractiveness of curtains and their compliance with the general character of the interior are necessary for positive emotions in the owner of the room and the development of good taste. The modern range allows you to make a wonderful choice for any room. On the Internet there are many photos of curtains for children's rooms, short and long, in different shades and styles. You can use this tip when purchasing.

Curtain fabric should be easy to clean from stains

Curtain styles

The aesthetic and functional characteristics of curtains largely depend on their style. His choice depends on many factors:

  • interior style;
  • window designs;
  • child's age;
  • specifics of the premises;
  • personal preferences.

It is not recommended to purchase complex styles of curtains consisting of a large number of elements for children. The curtains in this room have to be washed often; removing and hanging them can require a lot of time and effort. However, if the mother has a reliable assistant in the form of an automatic washing machine, the design of the cornice provides convenience, this advice can be neglected. Curtains with a lambrequin and garters can become an important element of a little princess's boudoir. You should not refuse such a design.

Curtains with lambrequins for a little princess

You can successfully decorate the interior with simple classic curtains. If you want to provide the interior with originality, models with eyelets, ties, and asymmetrical products will help. Roman roller blinds for a newborn's or preschooler's room can be an ideal option. They provide reliable closure of the opening and efficiently regulate natural light. The child cannot reach them, accidental falling or breaking is excluded. Photos of short curtains in a nursery allow you to appreciate their high aesthetic performance.

Roman blinds effectively regulate natural light

Features of using blue curtains

Blue color belongs to the “cold” sector of the spectrum. Therefore, its active use in small, dark or cold rooms is extremely undesirable. But spacious rooms with south-facing windows can be successfully decorated with dark blue curtains, which will add depth to the space and nobility to the interior. On hot summer days they will create the illusion of coolness.

Blue curtains differ in a number of ways:

  • Design (with or without lambrequin, straight or gathered). Modern designs (roller blinds and Roman blinds) look interesting; they leave a lot of free space.
  • Method of fastening (on rings, eyelets, ties).
  • Size (they can be narrow and long, falling to the floor, or short, barely covering the window sill).
  • The quality of the material. Thick thick curtains are needed in the bedroom, and transparent bluish curtains are useful in the kitchen.
  • Colors (plain, combined with other shades, with patterns).
  • Texture (shiny or matte, mesh or dense, veil or thick massive). Shiny blue curtains look very impressive, but add coldness to an already dull color.

Dark blue curtains look good when paired with light-colored furniture, and in the bedroom the ideal composition is created with a fabric-covered headboard of the corresponding shade.

Safety and ease of use

The design decorating the window opening should be comfortable and safe. You need to carefully choose not only the curtains themselves for the children's room, but also the cornice and control mechanism. Any design can be used, but it must be reliable.

The type of cornice is selected taking into account the design of the window, the specifics of the room, and the style of the curtains. String, profile systems, and structures with pipe elements are used in the design of openings. It is important to securely and firmly fix the cornice to prevent it from falling or being damaged. Modern designs can control:

  • manual,
  • mechanical,
  • remote.

The best option for a child's room is to traditionally move the curtains manually. Chains and cords will definitely arouse the child’s interest. Even a junior schoolchild will find it difficult to refuse to play with them. This desire should not be stimulated. Otherwise, the control mechanism will quickly fail.

Moving curtains manually is the best option for children's rooms

It is advisable to give preference to remote, mechanical control if a room is being designed for a teenager. At this age, children prefer advanced technologies. For them, such curtains will be a positive moment in assessing the interior.

Material for curtains in the nursery

Child safety is a must. However, this does not mean that curtains for a children's room can only be chosen from natural materials.

Every housewife knows how much effort and time it takes to care for curtains made of pure linen. The material has high strength and durability. But it is difficult to iron it properly after washing. In addition, it wrinkles a lot, which makes it difficult to maintain a neat appearance under difficult use conditions. The decoration of the nursery will have to be changed quite often; it is not advisable to purchase expensive linen curtains.

You can buy cotton curtains made from chintz or satin. These natural fabrics do not require complex care. However, even high-quality dyes will not be able to preserve their original beauty with frequent washing or exposure to direct sunlight.

In the modern assortment you can choose beautiful and practical curtains for a child's room. Curtains made of mixed, synthetic materials:

  • are easily washed off from any dirt;
  • do not wrinkle;
  • have rich shades that last a long time.

Curtains made of mixed materials are easily washed from any dirt

There is no need to worry about your child's health. Leading manufacturers do not use raw materials that pose a danger to the human body in the production of materials. You only need to choose materials that have quality and safety certificates.

When choosing textiles for a nursery, the required density to provide sun protection is taken into account. If the curtains have a complex style, you should pay attention to the ability of the textile to drape and create beautiful folds. You can look at photos of curtains for the nursery from different materials and make your choice.

Fabric structure

Despite the importance of material safety, it is not necessary to choose natural formulations. These fabrics are not always easy to care for, and deformation is possible after washing. Natural textiles are difficult to iron, so it is very difficult to give a neat look.

The exception is fabrics made of cotton and chintz. They are easy to care for, but the coloring pigment is quickly washed out after washing and fades from the sun. Curtains mixed with natural and synthetic compositions retain color, are easy to clean and do not wrinkle.

For all their advantages, such fabrics are non-toxic and safe. Roller blinds are entirely made of polyester, but the composition fully complies with the standards and is very easy to clean.

Modern manufacturers do not use raw materials that can harm humans. And for complete peace of mind, you should give preference to materials with a quality certificate.

Curtains in a newborn's room

The age of the child plays an important role in the design of the room. Curtains, as an important element of the interior, are also selected taking into account this criterion. When arranging a room for a newborn and a baby up to one year, priority attention is paid to functional qualities.

In baby mode, sleep takes a lot of time during this period. It is important to provide comfortable conditions for proper rest, necessary for development. The window opening must be reliably protected from sunlight. This requires high-quality adjustment of the intensity of light fluxes, allowing you to create conditions for sleep and wakefulness.

A newborn's room requires high-quality adjustment of light fluxes

Short curtains in a newborn's nursery are the best option. You can install:

  • Roman curtains;
  • roller blinds;
  • pleated;
  • blinds.

All these models provide high-quality darkening. They are fixed in the opening, on the wall, on the doors. The position of the canvases and lamellas is adjustable, providing the ability to select the optimal lighting intensity.

You can choose curtains taking into account the specifics of the interior, personal preferences and capabilities. Photos of short curtains for the nursery will help you decide on the best option for a particular room.

Roller blinds provide high-quality shading

There is no need to choose colorful, too bright curtains for a newborn. Child psychologists believe that such objects can negatively affect the unformed psyche of the baby. It is better to buy curtains for the children's room in calm, neutral colors. Curtains must be breathable and allow air circulation.

For the little princess

Ruffles, folds, and draperies will help create a look for a little lady.

Curtains will help not only with window decoration. Your little girl will be enchanted by the pink canopy bed. High-quality cotton fabric will look chic over any bed.

It is better to decorate a low window opening with light curtains of soft pink color just below the window sill. This technique will maintain the height of the walls. Bring bright colors through accessories, hinges, fasteners, garlands (hearts on strings, small lanterns).

A white room for a girl with a white window will be given a special charm by classic thick curtains of the same color palette with furniture and accessories. This will bring all the parts of the restrained interior into a harmonious composition.

Curtains up to the window sill are a suitable option for a small room. Thick drapery and a combination of short tulle and thick curtains will create the effect of a fairy window.

Classic curtains with a plot print along the entire length will visually increase the space. A favorite fairy-tale hero is a win-win option for a child’s room for a grown-up girl of primary school age..

Curtains for a preschooler's room

At preschool age, the child's daily routine also includes naps. It is important to take into account functional indicators in such designs. In addition, children at this age are active and inquisitive. Classic long curtains can pose a certain danger. You can choose designs mounted in openings, or reduce the length of curtains, tulle to a radiator or window sill. In this case, accidental tearing of the curtain or falling of the cornice is excluded. A short curtain in a nursery can have any desired shape or style.

Short curtains prevent accidental tearing of the curtain

The color and decor of curtains in a preschooler’s room is chosen carefully. The child learns to correctly combine shades, his taste is formed. At this age, he already has his own interests and preferences that need to be taken into account. Curtains should:

  • harmoniously combine with other interior elements;
  • have a positive psychological impact;
  • correspond to the gender, age, personal preferences of the child.

The choice of shades depends not only on the specifics of the interior, but also on the nature of the owner of the room. With the help of the psychological impact exerted by various colors, you can correct behavior, mood, and form positive qualities.

The design of the curtains should correspond to the gender and age of the child

It is necessary to create maximum comfort in the room. The child should like the curtains and evoke positive emotions. Children's curtains for boys and girls are selected taking into account their interests. Plain canvases are not the best option. The drawings will ensure proper attractiveness and compliance with the specifics of the nursery:

  • fauna representatives;
  • Vehicle;
  • cartoon characters, fairy tales;
  • plants, flowers;
  • numbers and letters.

There are many photos of curtains for the nursery on the Internet, allowing you to find the right options. Curtains with prints will make the room more cheerful and attractive. It will become a child’s favorite corner, his little comfortable world.

A bright print on the curtains will make the room more cheerful.

The practicality of curtains should be given special attention. It is unlikely that it will be possible to keep them clean in the room of a little fidget. Curtains will have to undergo frequent washing and cleaning from various types of dirt. The material and dyes must have increased strength. This will allow you to maintain functional and aesthetic qualities for a long time.

It is advisable to use additional decor in the decoration of windows. You can attach butterflies, flowers, images of your favorite cartoons, cars, etc. to the canvas. Many interesting, accessible ideas can be found in the photo of curtains in the children's room.

Curtains in a student's room

The value of the functional indicators of curtains for a schoolchild’s room is reduced. At this age, children do not need to go to bed during the day; there is no particular need for high-quality darkening. On the contrary, a maximum supply of light is required for preparing lessons and creative activities.

Aesthetic indicators come first. Curtains should adequately decorate the interior and provide it with attractiveness. The choice takes into account:

  • harmony of combinations;
  • compliance with fashion;
  • modern equipment.

A schoolchild's room requires maximum light input

In the design of rooms for schoolchildren and teenagers, gender plays a vital role. As in the entire interior, calm, neutral tones prevail in children's curtains for boys: gray, brown, grey, green. In girls' rooms, preference is given to pastel, rich shades of red, yellow, purple, etc. This is taken into account when choosing curtains.

Teenagers follow fashion; an important point for them is that the interior matches modern trends. You can hang asymmetrical models, multi-component structures, roller blinds, Roman blinds, and blinds in the room. It is advisable to choose models with modern mechanisms and remote control. Teenagers will appreciate such solutions in their interior.

Modern Roman blinds are perfect for a schoolchild's room

The design of the curtains should correspond to the overall style. If the room is decorated in a modern, laconic design, Roman blinds or blinds can be used as an independent window decoration. Classic decor is characterized by the use of two types of materials: thick curtains and light translucent tulle.

General recommendations for choosing curtains

  1. Curtains should be of a simple style, made of durable material and easy to wash. It is best to choose even curtains with eyelets and decorate them with tiebacks.
  2. Curtains should not be easily flammable (organza, voile).
  3. The main color of the curtains in the nursery depends on the location of the windows relative to the cardinal directions (warm shades warm the northern room, and cold shades add freshness).
  4. The pattern or drawing should be simple (chosen based on the age and gender of the child. To prevent the child from getting bored with the drawing with cartoon characters, it is better to choose wallpaper with a large abstraction, which will contribute to the development of thinking).
  5. The fastening and cornice must be strong, without sharp objects and small decor (so that the child does not collapse the structure during games and does not swallow decorative beads).
  6. Modern children's curtains must match the style of the interior.
  7. Curtains in a children's interior can be of different types, and their combination can be practical (for example, simple curtains and roller curtains let in light and hide the room from prying eyes).

The photo shows a modern design for a teenager’s children’s room, where roller blinds with ornaments fit harmoniously.

Choosing a color based on the child’s characteristics

When decorating a nursery, you need to take into account the psychological impact of shades. This will allow you to avoid negative factors, correct the psyche if necessary, and stimulate the development of the child. The choice by gender and age can be made from photos of curtains in children's rooms posted on the Internet. But the main criterion for the final decision is the individual characteristics of the child.

Here are some recommendations from experts on choosing the color of curtains for children:

  • Red curtains should not be hung in the room of a melancholic person, they will depress the child’s psyche. There is no need to choose this option for hyperactive children. They can have a positive effect on a child who is too calm and does not show interest in active activities.
  • Orange curtains are well suited for a nursery, they give warmth and positive energy. It is not recommended to use them in the room of an overweight child. Orange curtains will whet your appetite.

Orange curtains in a children's room will give positive energy

  • Yellow curtains can be used in the interior of a child's room of any age. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, stimulate the organs of vision, and have energy.
  • Green curtains are great for decorating a schoolchild's interior. They have a positive effect on the eyes and relieve fatigue.

Green curtains will help relieve fatigue

  • Blue curtains can calm an overly active child. They will help the student concentrate, activate the brain, and promote reflection.
  • Purple curtains can be chosen for a teenager’s room if a girl or boy lacks self-confidence. This shade increases self-esteem and builds self-esteem.

Blue curtains have a positive effect on brain function

When choosing curtains in rich colors, it is necessary to wisely create combinations with wallpaper, textile decor, and furniture. It’s worth spending time studying professional photo curtains in children’s rooms and learning from designers the rules for combining tones. A beautiful interior will definitely have a positive impact on the child, will lift his mood, and stimulate the development of excellent taste.

Fashion trends and new items for 2022

In 2022, the following types of curtains came into fashion:

  1. 1 Curtains depicting an exotic jungle. When choosing such products, you should take into account that they require appropriate interior design.
  2. 2 Plain curtains. They will fit well into any design. When choosing such curtains, combinatorial properties should be taken into account.
  3. 3 Neo Mint. This is a shade of green. Curtains made in this color are becoming increasingly popular in 2022. They are ideal for a children's room, since the green color has a positive effect on the nervous system of children. It calms and normalizes sleep.
  4. 4 Curtains with geometric print. It is not necessary to choose simple curtains with triangle circles. You can choose original curtains for the children's room with geometric pictures made in the form of a pencil sketch in a notebook.
  5. 5 Polka dot curtains. In 2022, translucent curtains of various shades with polka dots of various sizes, as in the photo, came into fashion. Such curtains will decorate any interior.
  6. 6 Gradient. This is one of the most relevant new products of 2022. The transition from shade to shade can be in both vertical and horizontal directions. The current combination is blue, blue-blue and light blue.
  7. 7 Curtains with urban print. These curtains are suitable for decorating a teenager's room. Most often, curtains with London-themed prints are used - double-decker buses, matching lanterns and other similar designs.

For your information! You should not choose multi-layer curtains in 2022, as they have lost their relevance.

Curtains in the design of premises in a kindergarten

Preschoolers spend most of their time in kindergarten. In this institution it is necessary to create a safe, comfortable environment for children. Curtains play an important role in this. In the photo of curtains in a kindergarten you can see many options for window design. Designs and materials are selected taking into account the characteristics of the room and interior. Attention is paid to:

  • quality of textiles;
  • color palette;
  • practicality;
  • security.

Materials must have increased strength and maintain performance under conditions of regular washing and various external influences. In the playroom, the windows can be decorated with light translucent curtains. The photo of curtains in kindergarten shows various styles and types of such designs. In the bedroom, a mandatory element is thick curtains that protect from natural light.

Curtains for kindergartens must have increased strength

The color of the curtains is selected taking into account the overall design of the premises. They should be harmoniously combined with wall decoration, furniture, and floor coverings. In a playroom, curtains can have a bright, rich color; plain materials and fabrics with children's themed designs are used. The bedrooms use curtains in soothing neutral colors.

It is advisable to complement the designs with various decorative elements to provide the interior with a bright, cheerful character. In the photo of curtains in kindergarten you can find original design options.

Age-related transformation of the interior

The nursery changes dynamically as the child grows older. It is not economically profitable to modify the entire interior as it grows. It’s easier to replace curtains, wallpaper, and wall paint – and the room will be transformed. From a pragmatic point of view, it is better to purchase furniture without pronounced “childish” elements, then it will easily fit into the updated interior. The desire for change is clearly manifested in adolescence. Children strive to assert themselves, to confirm their status as a maturing personality.

Pink curtains for boys' room Source

Room for a teenage girl in a classic style Source

Curtain options for teenagers:

  • Blinds: vertical, horizontal. Preference should be given to fabric types. Thanks to special impregnation, they do not become dirty. There is a wide range of colors on the market.
  • Roller blinds that are assembled into rolls.
  • Pleated curtains. Their advantage is that they are adjustable vertically from above and below.
  • Japanese curtains. The fixed fabric moves along special guides.
  • Regular curtains in pastel, neutral colors.

The design of the windows echoes the wallpaper pattern, the upholstery of frameless poufs, and the bedspread.

Gray curtains Source

Textiles in pink tones Source

Modern room for a teenager Source

Photo gallery - curtains for the children's room

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