Wallpaper for the living room: fashion news 2022 and nuances of choice

The living room of any home is the place where the whole family gathers and welcomes guests. Therefore, the interior of this room should be conducive to communication and comfortable pastime. Properly selected wallpaper helps create coziness.


Geometry in the interior is becoming increasingly popular. It is universal, easily accepts the rules of the game of any style, welcomes experiments and compromises, is capable of narrowing or expanding the space, giving the interior severity or, on the contrary, frivolity. Wallpaper with geometric patterns is very diverse. Straight and diagonal lines, cubes, triangles, ovals, polyhedra and other shapes, flat and three-dimensional, alternating with each other, intertwined into regular or asymmetrical patterns... This design looks great in kitchens, halls and hallways. You can use geometric wallpaper for the living room, but it is not necessary to cover all the walls with it; make one accent surface that will decorate the interior of the room.

Photo: hendersoninteriors.co

Selecting wallpaper depending on style

When choosing wallpaper for the living room, you need to consider the style of the room:

A classic living room is characterized by neutral tones.

A room in Art Nouveau style can be decorated with wallpaper decorated with images of animals or plants. Mosaics and geometric designs would look good here.

High-tech is as close as possible to minimalism. Therefore, choose wallpaper for such a living room in glossy, gray, white or black shades.

Country or Provence involves the use of light shades with floral patterns.


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With a textured surface, this wallpaper looks very interesting. In addition, they have a number of advantages over conventional ones. Firstly, such wallpaper is easy to apply; there is no need to adjust joints or fuss with glue. Secondly, they are perfectly amenable to restoration if damaged. Thirdly, they are easy to care for and can be washed. Fourthly, they do not fade in the sun. And finally, they have a wide range of colors. The scope of application of liquid wallpaper is huge due to its diversity.

Photo: shpock.com

Fashionable 3D wallpaper for the living room in 2022: photos of stylish options

The use of 3D printing amazingly transforms ordinary wallpapers, turning them into exquisite large-format images. Volumetric imitation of various textures, color, and geometric compositions looks realistic, creating an amazing, enchanting atmosphere. You can purchase backlit options and mysteriously flickering fluorescent canvases. Volumetric 3D wallpaper 2022 will fill the most unremarkable interior with shine, but it is important to listen to the advice of designers and decorate one wall in 3-D format, keeping the remaining planes monochrome, choosing a tone in a single color scheme.

With bright patterns on a light background

Vision is one of the main mechanisms for human perception of the world. The more bright, positive things around you, the better your mood. If you want despondency and melancholy to be rare guests for you and your loved ones, use a simple trick: cover the walls with wallpaper with colorful images of birds, animals, houses, pencils, fruits or other small objects on a monochrome background. Even if your day is not going well, a glance at a picturesque wall kaleidoscope will help you take your mind off depressing thoughts. Please note: to prevent the room from seeming too colorful, in large rooms it is advisable to combine such wallpaper with a plain wall decoration.

Photo: thegolfclub.info

Fashionable photo wallpaper for the hall in 2022: bold decisions, photos, examples

By 2022, improved photo wallpapers will be at the peak of demand. The trend is for images that bring perspective into the room. It could be a path going into the distance, a window with incredibly beautiful views behind it. Filling the living room with a sense of luxury is the image of a fireplace with majestic decoration or bookshelves with rare publications in rich bindings.

Gorgeous flowers enlarged to cover the entire wall, exotic landscapes, and elegant bouquets are popular. You can independently select a drawing, reproduction, or even a photograph and order any subject, having first thought through how harmoniously it will fit into the interior.

Under tiles

Wallpaper with a tile pattern is not only original, but also profitable - it allows you to save on expensive ceramics for the kitchen or bathroom. They can look playful and mischievous due to the uneven drawing of the tile joints. Such cheerful wallpapers are well suited for a nursery or a recreation room where you want to create a relaxed and pleasant environment for communication.

Photo: lakaskultura.hu

Add texture

Yes, the design industry is coming up with more and more new ways to interest clients, and production is constantly improving its technologies to satisfy even the most demanding needs. One of them is the trend of the next season - textured wallpaper.

The more pronounced the 3D effect, the cooler it is. Usually, such wallpapers at first glance even look more like plastic panels. But this option is not to everyone’s taste. If you are not yet ready for radical experiments, pay attention to textured wallpaper. You will want to not only look at them for a long time, but also touch them.

With floral pattern

Today, people, especially those living in megacities, have increasingly begun to think about the environmental friendliness and naturalness of the things around them. This is reflected in the interior design of houses and apartments. The owners try to replace the artificial with the real as much as possible, to create at least the illusion of contact with the world of living, wild nature. Therefore, the popularity of wallpaper with floral patterns does not fade. Depending on the design, they can be used in almost any interior. Agree, it’s nice to drink tea under the vines, indulge in thoughts while contemplating cherry blossoms, and fall asleep to the barely audible rustle of leaves.

Photo: paint-paper.co

Softness in everything

In 2022, a stylish “knitted” wallpaper design was proposed. They are an incredibly high-quality photo of a light-colored, chunky-knit wool fabric.

This unusual design solution was created specifically for Scandinavian-style interiors. It is recommended to complement such wallpaper with knitted accessories of the same color in the interior.

Textile wallpaper

Fabric wallpaper looks unusual and surprising. Most often they are presented in the form of a canvas with a bright pattern. Such wallpapers create a cozy atmosphere and make the interior more colorful and varied. It is advisable to decorate only one or two walls with them so that the room does not become oversaturated. A similar solution is suitable for living rooms, where wallpaper can become the main decoration. Also, with the help of such wallpaper you can make smooth transitions from curtains to walls.

Photo: knoxdesign.net

Trends for 2022

Despite the variety of design photos of new 2022 wallpapers presented below, they have one thing in common - the highest print quality.

The once popular photo wallpapers have reached a new level - now they use images in the highest resolution, and the theme of the wallpaper itself, for the most part, has moved from nature to technology.


Every city has old buildings. And if, when you go inside, you take a closer look at the floor, you will probably see scatterings of multi-colored inclusions on the stone surface. This is terrazzo. Today, a forgotten texture has returned to fashion. In modern interiors it is used not only for flooring. The terrazzo style has migrated to the walls. No, these are not bulky slabs, but light, stylish wallpaper, where bright spots are scattered against a calm background with colorful splashes - from miniature dots to weighty blots. They will please the eye in the children's room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and even in the living room (of course, with a competent design solution).

Photo: housebeautiful.com

Wallpaper color in the living room interior

Light wallpaper will be an ideal option for living rooms facing north. To create the illusion of a high ceiling, gradient shading is used from top to bottom. But it is still traditional to decorate the lower part of the wall with darker tones, and the upper part with lighter colors. Dark shades of wallpaper are usually used to accentuate a separate wall or part of it.

The choice of colors depends on the style of the living room and the personal preferences of the owners. In this case, you need to adhere to some rules:

  1. In living rooms, especially large ones, you should avoid using too bright colors.
  2. If there is not enough natural light in the room, then you should avoid using dark shades.
  3. In small rooms, only one tone will be appropriate, and it must be light.

Wabi Sabi

Modesty, simplicity, unpretentious beauty with a touch of antiquity are the fundamental principles of wabi-sabi - a style that originates in Japanese philosophy, the essence of which, contemplating the everyday, is to comprehend its perfection. Wallpaper made in this style may seem primitive, rough and even unattractive, but this is precisely their charm, which should be emphasized by properly selected furniture and other interior items. Wabi-sabi is not as simple as some people think. Yes, we are talking about modesty, but it is aesthetic and highly artistic. And if you like this style, it is better to turn to experienced designers.

Photo: grandecolife.com

Fashionable shades

If we consider the stylish color scheme of fashionable wallpaper for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, hallway and other rooms, then designers recommend using the following:

  • Warm grey. Ideal for almost all rooms. Goes well with white and black trim, window frames, and door thresholds. Creates an atmosphere of calm and balance.

Shades of Gray

  • Spiced honey and all shades of golden and mustard. Noble tones, which are especially good for northern, dimly lit rooms.

  • Mint and turquoise. They belong to the category of cold shades, but with the right combination of secondary colors they calm, refresh, and relieve stress.

  • Marsala. A deep pink shade makes a spacious room noble and expensive. If used for small rooms, then in limited quantities. Such fashionable wallpaper for a living room, bedroom, hallway or kitchen will look especially good in rooms designed in an expensive classic style.

Interesting: Curtains for the bedroom: design in a modern style

Natural materials

And no, we are not talking about the composition of the wallpaper itself. By the way, you can read about how to choose the best option here. And about the case when the wallpaper pattern resembles natural materials. The hit of the 2022 season is multi-colored marble chips.

The image of either an exotic gemstone in cross-section or cosmic processes is not far behind. And all this with a pearlescent tint. You remember: more shine! Imitation of concrete, as well as precious and semi-precious stones, is still relevant.

Lighting and decor

The compositional center of the lighting fixtures is the chandelier. Therefore, she has the right to attract attention, even in a minimalist interior. You can supplement the lighting in the living room with table lamps and floor lamps on the sides of the sofa, as well as a system around the perimeter of the ceiling (for example, small spotlights).

The main decor of 2022 is plants. As practice shows, there cannot be many of them. The largest flower can be placed separately, and the smaller ones can be used to create a composition. Pay special attention to vases and pots, because shades should also become a logical continuation of the design.

More and more attention is being paid to textured and patterned fabrics. Thus, textiles act on behalf of the decor, and assorted pillows, blankets and carpets can become the main highlight of the interior.

What else can you add to the decoration: commemorative figurines and dolls (even the size of a person!), painted chests, bright posters, paintings to match the color scheme of the room, photographs, a mirror in a beautiful frame, candles.

Decoration of premises

To choose the right fashionable wallpaper, you also need to decide on the room whose walls will be decorated; each room requires a special approach.


Light colors are in fashion this year. Moreover, there is a tendency that wallpaper in any form, including washable or liquid, is being used less and less for kitchens, giving way to various types of tiles and decorative panels.

When decorating a kitchen, it is important to take into account that it is often furnished with a suite, other furniture, an apron, a stove, and so on. Therefore, one of these parts can be emphasized with a bright, monochromatic canvas, and the rest of the area can be covered with materials of calmer tones.

Wallpaper with a bright print

Also this year, photo wallpapers are being used to decorate accents. Realistic designs, rich colors and interesting effects attract attention to the wall. The new trend is the contrast of black and white, in which case the interior will not look boring and monotonous. As for furniture, you can use any options - from minimalism to antique, massive interior items.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen

Living room

If kitchens are now increasingly moving towards a modern style, then the living room, on the contrary, is returning to the past. Now the design in Provence, retro or classic style will look quite appropriate. The main thing is not to try to create a fusion of antiquity and modernity. For the living room, the ideal solution would be wallpaper in unobtrusive tones with light prints or small patterns.

Living room in Provence style

But it is important to remember that the character of the living room should be both restrained and cheerful, so bright accents are simply necessary here.

Instead of wide stripes, you can use small inserts of red, brown or purple. Also, do not forget about the possibility of combining different materials.

Important! The main thing is harmony in the interior, so you shouldn’t overload it with inserts or combinations. For bright wallpapers, muted colors are chosen in pairs, catchy prints are combined with strict patterns, and so on.

Decorating the living room walls with two types of beige wallpaper
The combination of different wallpapers allows you to isolate the main surface in the living room, beautifully decorate ledges or niches, and also focus attention on other interior items. In large rooms, combinations are used for zoning. At the same time, many large patterns on surfaces will make the room visually cramped, so it is better to limit yourself to a restrained ornament. As for shades, pastel colors are trendy this year.


Peace and comfort should reign in this room, so the interior should be as soft as possible. Floral motifs have returned to fashion, and they will also be appropriate in bedrooms. The predominant color scheme does not change - these are pastel colors. Some bold designers use wallpaper in dark and muted shades. The only bright stroke that will not spoil the interior is the stripe at the head of the bed, where you can add an accent using wallpaper in more saturated colors.

Bedroom in light colors with a bright accent at the head of the bed


The design trends for this room in the modern world have also remained virtually unchanged. As before, it is recommended to give preference to light shades and small, discreet patterns. A combination of multi-colored stripes to expand space is very popular today.

On a note! The main new product of the year is a combination of wallpaper and products that imitate natural materials, such as leather or wood.

Wallpaper imitating snake skin

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