Children's loft bed: 135 photos and video description of how to choose and use a loft bed for a child's room

A loft bed will help owners of small spaces not only save space, but also occupy the baby when he has free space. This is not just another sleeping space on the top tier. Looking at various photos of a children's loft bed, you will notice that they often include a work area, a play area, and much more.

Therefore, when choosing such a sleeping place, you should take into account various factors, including the material of manufacture, design, and so on. Our article will help you figure this out.

Brief overview of the article


The classic children's loft bed is a sleeping place with legs. Below, space can be allocated for a variety of needs, depending on the needs of the room. This design allows you to save square meters and combine the bed with any other area.

The original appearance will interest any child. The number of games that will be possible is simply beyond counting.

Advantages and disadvantages

Saving space is the main “plus” of this design. There is everything necessary for the full development of a toddler - an area for games and sleep, homework and creativity. And it’s not difficult to keep the room clean. At the same time, there is no clutter in limited square meters - which means there are more opportunities for movement and play.

The height of the two-tier structure, which mom and dad often install where two children live, is more than two meters. Because of this, it is not recommended for apartments where the ceilings do not reach 2.7-3 meters. Otherwise, not enough oxygen reaches the top.

The “attic” is much lower – no more than 1.8 meters, so it can be installed in a “Khrushchev” building with low ceilings.

Children have different criteria:

  • Being on the “top shelf” is exciting, where you can have fun, looking at everything and everyone from above.
  • As a rule, there is a ladder leading up, then climbing it becomes additional physical training for the children.

Such a structure is the best option for transformable furniture. Some factory models, and even more so, custom-made ones, have retractable panels, so it is possible to lengthen the bed - it will “grow” with the child.


Possible disadvantages include insufficient lighting of the lower tier of the bed. The issue is resolved by installing artificial light in the form of a night light. It is also worth noting that with low ceilings on the top floor it can be stuffy and excessively hot. To avoid this, you need to choose a model that is suitable in size.

The main drawback is the relative unsafety of the bed. Children sleep differently, and even the presence of side rails cannot always protect them from active play.

Things to remember

Since these products do not have standard solutions, you should approach the choice especially carefully. We have prepared for you a list of several points that you should definitely pay attention to when purchasing.

Be sure to choose models with high sides. Make sure the sides are securely connected to the bed frame. Do not be ashamed to shake the display sample back and forth with a little force. The child will certainly do this. You should not have even a hint of the unreliability of the design.

Look at what furniture fittings were used. Are there any places on it where a child could get caught and get hurt? Some manufacturers can save money and use Chinese unreliable components as a basis.

We are generally silent about the fact that the structure for fastening parts should not contain any plastic. Conscientious manufacturers of such furniture make everything, even assembly, as safe as possible.

All parts must be sanded. Sharp corners are not allowed in the bed design.

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The manufacturer must have information about what the furniture is made of. No words like “take our word for it.” All necessary certificates must be present that the furniture is safe for children.

For safety reasons, a child’s bed should not be higher than one meter and sixty centimeters. Often, under the guise of a child's room, the seller may try to sell you a teenage one, whose height reaches one meter and eighty centimeters.

But these standards are established for a reason and you definitely shouldn’t neglect them. An adult bed, by the way, can be up to two meters high.

Since many of these beds are made to order, take one to grow. The product does not belong to the “cheap” category, so this will allow you to save a lot.

Modern features

Today, furniture manufacturers are trying to make the most comfortable, functional and modern models that will meet all the needs of children. Loft beds are equipped with additional elements for active children. On sale you can see products with slides, ropes, and sports rings.

For schoolchildren and teenagers, a sleeping complex is selected, which is equipped with everything necessary for classes, reading, and studying. Some models have special stands for installing a computer. The furniture can be equipped with additional shelves for a printer, music center, DVD player. Shelves with mounts for CDs and DVDs are installed on the desktop.

Some beds have built-in lighting above the work surface of the table. The place where the child reads, draws, or studies should be well lit. In addition, the beds can be equipped with light sources. As an option, a bed in the shape of a fairy-tale castle with night lamps in the form of torches. In addition, there are also options for original furniture equipment for girls - a carriage bed with LED lighting on a control panel with several flashing modes.

Many furniture manufacturers make custom beds. In this case, the theme, color design and additional equipment of the bed are discussed. An individual approach to each client allows us to select the most suitable model that will meet all the requirements and desires of the customer.


Manufacturers offer several options for how to climb to the second floor. They all push away from the area around the bed. The most popular option is to install a wooden or metal staircase. It can be either at right angles to the floor or inclined.

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If the first option can be classified as compact, then the second implies the presence of a full staircase next to the sleeping area. The child will climb to the second floor in the same way as he climbs the stairs home when entering the entrance. It's up to you to decide which is more convenient.

Important tips when choosing

  • the strength and reliability of fasteners is the first thing you need to pay attention to. Safety comes first;
  • the staircase should have a comfortable angle of inclination, fairly wide steps and comfortable handrails;
  • It is necessary to have comfortable protective sides near the berth;
  • Make sure that the distance between the ceiling and the mattress is at least 1 meter, and that it is free and comfortable to move under the bed.

Types of possible combinations

Everything is clear with the bed itself. It’s unlikely that there’s much to offer here. Well, except that children's loft beds for boys differ from those for girls. There are options in the form of cars or carriages, but otherwise all the diversity lies in the zoning combinations underneath. We will now tell you what they are.

Color solution

The main detail of the interior of a children's room is a bed with a loft. Therefore, auxiliary furniture items and the overall design adhere to the harmony of the corresponding range of colors. An ensemble of several pieces of furniture in a boy’s room can become a chord of cheerful inflorescences.

From birth, girls gravitate towards the gentle pastel romantic tones of their individual living space. A sterile white loft bed will decorate the bedroom of a cute teenage princess. For children with an active lifestyle, it is appropriate to use the apricot color of individual pieces of furniture.

With a table

An extremely convenient option that significantly saves space. Sooner or later the child will go to school. He needs to keep his personal things in order somewhere, read, draw, spend time.

A loft bed with a table is simple and functional. There are both ready-made options in which the table is built into the overall structure, and beds that simply assume such a solution.

If you choose a model in which the table is independent of the bed frame, you can replace it in the future and sometimes move it. If the table is built into the overall structure, it can no longer be moved, replaced if necessary. But such a table will increase the rigidity of the overall frame, giving it reliability.

You will need to think about the placement of the light in advance. This is either a lamp or something that the manufacturer has already prepared.


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What to consider depending on the age of the child

When choosing interior items, consider the following:

  1. Safety - all beds, cabinets, tables, shelves and decorative elements should not threaten the health of children. Before purchasing, you must carefully inspect all stairs, sides, and steps. They should be without sharp corners or roughness, only smooth, rounded lines. The height of the sides must be selected so that the child does not fall out of the bed during sleep. It is recommended to equip the stairs with railings;
  2. The stability of the structure - you must check the loft bed and all its components, cabinets, and table. Fasteners and connections must be reliable and durable. Otherwise, the child may be injured;
  3. To maintain the correct posture of the child while he sleeps, it is recommended to choose an orthopedic mattress model. This point is especially important, since the musculoskeletal system in children develops very actively;
  4. The height of the attic bed is selected depending on age;
  5. The material used to make the bed must be hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Interior items made from natural wood are considered the best. Also, furniture elements can be made of metal, plastic, MDF, chipboard.

A staircase located at a slight angle will be more convenient than a straight one. It is better to purchase a vertical model for older children.

In addition, the type and type of construction of the attic bed depends on the age of the child:

  • Children aged 2-3 years - a bed that is placed at a height of approximately 1-1.2 m is suitable for them. These are the lowest models of all. Thus, it will be convenient for the child to go up and down the stairs. It is recommended to give preference to models with high sides and wide steps. All elements of the playing area must be equipped with durable fastenings;
  • Children over 5-7 years old - choose a higher bed: 1.3-1.6 m. For a 7-year-old girl, you can set up a work area where she can study, read, draw;
  • The highest model of an attic bed for a teenage girl is 1.8-2.0 m. In such models, more free space is freed up on the lower tier and you can arrange everything you need: cabinets, a transforming table, a sofa. Particular attention is paid to the strength of the structure and how much weight it can withstand.

It is possible to save space in the room, decorate the room, and correctly arrange everything necessary for the development and free time of the child if you purchase a bed set. The design allows you to organize a work and play area, as well as a storage system for clothes, books, and school supplies.

With wardrobe

A children's loft bed with a wardrobe is an excellent solution to save on storing not only bedding, but also children's toys, clothes and other things. The child will not need to turn to you for help to ask you to get him a warm blanket or blanket. He will always have everything he needs at hand, and the room will be freed up for new areas.

For example, in the place where the closet was supposed to be, you can now install a computer desk next to the window. Natural light has a beneficial effect on the work of any person.

It is also worth noting the fact that the closet does not require lighting under the bed. Being, as a rule, built-in, it significantly increases the durability of the structure.

Some similar models may have a built-in extra bed for another child. Such beds can often be found in kindergartens. The lower shelf slides out to accommodate a mattress with a blanket and pillow. An extremely convenient option for families with two children.

Structural elements

When looking at the photo, several blocks can be identified:

  • width and dimensions of the bed;
  • practical children's furniture of this type with a wardrobe or bedside table - located on a separate side from the structure or directly under it;
  • block with stairs - can be vertical, corner, specially modulated and podium;
  • area for work and study;
  • dimensions of the wall or model of furniture for a child of this type with a slide;
  • sports complex.

With extra bed

But if the above option seems to you not such a beautiful and functional solution, then perhaps it’s worth considering another one. A children's loft bed with a bed underneath is ideal for large families. It is necessary to pay attention and keep the situation under your supervision.

Some children may argue over who sleeps upstairs and who sleeps downstairs. For adults, this seems stupid, but kids are sometimes not able to competently solve this issue. Talk to your children about this.

It should be borne in mind that with a low distance from the floor to the ceiling, the upper tier can be stuffy due to the fact that warm air rises. If in the summer this may not be noticeable, then in the winter, when the batteries are working, this problem can manifest itself.

Also make sure that there is always light on the lower tier. The problem is solved either by artificial lighting or natural lighting, when the bed is placed opposite the window. A child sometimes wants to read before bed, and a problem like this can become an obstacle to this.

Review of models and manufacturers

You can purchase a ready-made bed, have it made to order, or even make it yourself. You will select the appropriate option by studying the characteristics of individual models and the features of materials. The price of furniture complexes depends on the manufacturer, the quality of raw materials and assembly features.

Characteristics of the “Baby” loft bed model

This model is suitable for small rooms. The compact loft bed “Baby” has a height of 89 cm. At the same time, it contains many useful functions. In addition to functionality, the product also has excellent decorative qualities.

Here is the bed equipment:

  • three large drawers for clothes in a retractable ladder;
  • a roll-out table with drawers for writing instruments and two shelves on the doors;
  • There is also a spacious toy box located under the bed.

The ladder can be easily moved by a child. At the same time, it is very stable and does not move to the side. The complex is designed for several tasks: a play and work area, a sleeping area and a storage compartment. This option is suitable for children 3-6 years old, as it has a low sleeping position and is equipped with safety sides. There are models with a height of up to 1.3 meters from the floor. They can be purchased for children under 12 years of age.

Compact design with drawers and cabinet

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What are the features of the “Fairy Tale” loft bed?

The “Fairy Tale” children's loft bed model is also popular. It includes a bed measuring 80*160, a ladder, a roll-out drawer and a spacious compartment. The height of the top side is approximately 35 cm. All corners are rounded, and the steps are made of solid wood. The set also includes a mattress made of holofiber and latex coconut.

This furniture set is produced in St. Petersburg. Manufacturers offer several models in the series.

Functional model "Fairy Tale"

A model of the “Legend 3” loft bed is made from laminated chipboard. The maximum permissible load on a sleeping place is approximately 80 kg. For safety, special sides and shockproof edging are installed on the structure. The steps are made of solid pine. The sleeping area is 1800*800 m. The kit includes a corner ladder, a bed and a table. The complex is assembled on both the left and right sides.

A model of the “Legend 3” loft bed is made from laminated chipboard. The maximum permissible load on a sleeping place is approximately 80 kg. For safety, special sides and shockproof edging are installed on the structure. The steps are made of solid pine. The sleeping area is 1800*800 m. The kit includes a corner ladder, a bed and a table. The complex is assembled on both the left and right sides. There is another type of loft bed model “Legend 2”. It is suitable for children from three years old. The size of the bed is 800*1600. The niche under the bed is used as a play area. There is a round window in the sidebar. The furniture is made of chipboard. Shockproof edging is installed on the sides. You can choose two options for stairs: a straight one with wooden steps and a corner one in the form of a chest of drawers or a cabinet with doors. In addition to the loft bed, you can purchase a table, shelves, chest of drawers, shelving and other items. The set can be purchased in a different color palette.

There is another type of loft bed model “Legend 2”. It is suitable for children from three years old. The size of the bed is 800*1600. The niche under the bed is used as a play area. There is a round window in the sidebar. The furniture is made of chipboard. Shockproof edging is installed on the sides. You can choose two options for stairs: a straight one with wooden steps and a corner one in the form of a chest of drawers or a cabinet with doors. In addition to the loft bed, you can purchase a table, shelves, chest of drawers, shelving and other items. The set can be purchased in a different color palette.

The Astra 7 loft bed includes a full-fledged sleeping area and a work area. A convenient staircase with metal steps is provided for access to the upper tier. At the base of the stairs there is a box for children's accessories. The work area has a convenient shelf for books, a table and a place for a computer. To the left of the table there is a spacious and convenient cabinet, and the material used is laminated chipboard. The sleeping area occupies 80*195 cm. The wardrobe holds 3 shelves and a clothes rail. Assembly is done on both sides.

Advantages of the Astra loft bed

The Astra 7 loft bed includes a full-fledged sleeping area and a work area. A convenient staircase with metal steps is provided for access to the upper tier. At the base of the stairs there is a box for children's accessories. The work area has a convenient shelf for books, a table and a place for a computer. To the left of the table there is a spacious and convenient cabinet, and the material used is laminated chipboard. The sleeping area occupies 80*195 cm. The wardrobe holds 3 shelves and a clothes rail. Assembly is done on both sides.

A spacious closet is considered a design advantage

The Astra 5 loft bed has the following advantages:

  • high sides;
  • comfortable corner wardrobe;
  • a large number of shelves;
  • compact staircase.

The disadvantages include sharp edges that are found on individual elements. There are also shallow drawers. Astra models are distinguished by well-thought-out ergonomics and original design. The models provide a load of 120 kg. The complex is universal and can be assembled on any side.

Nuances of the Teremok loft bed model

The Teremok 1 Grand loft bed model is not universal; the required side is determined by the stairs. Permissible load within 80 kg.

The package includes the following components:

  • sleeping place size 90*200 cm;
  • work area with a pull-out desk;
  • a table on wheels will not allow you to damage the floor covering;
  • chest of drawers with open shelves;
  • there is an orthopedic grill at the base of the bed;
  • sides 400 mm high.

An original solution for children's rooms

Characteristics of the Corsair loft bed

The Corsair designs are produced by the Scand Mebel factory. The manufacturer offers original models that are the embodiment of a child's dream of adventure. The thoughtful modular system is designed for both girls and boys.

Such a set can be purchased for growth, that is, it can be supplemented with different items: chests of drawers, a wardrobe or a chest with a seat. Only environmentally friendly materials are used for production. All parts are processed using modern equipment.

A custom model for adventure lovers

The following parts are included in the package:

  • wardrobe with hinged doors;
  • comfortable chest of drawers;
  • table with drawers;
  • open shelf; ladder with strong handrails.

There is a spacious sleeping area with high sides for sleeping. The top side provides excellent safety. This complex is made from laminated chipboard with German PVC edges. European-made fittings are used. The children's complex will add brightness.

Modern and functional sets include the Carlson mini loft bed model. This option is suitable for children from 5 years old. The set includes a bed, a linen closet, a ladder, a built-in countertop, a chrome stand and an additional pencil case. The manufacturer offers a varied range of color palettes.

The top side provides excellent safety. This complex is made from laminated chipboard with German PVC edges. European-made fittings are used. The children's complex will add brightness.

Comfortable set Carlson will save useful space

Arrangement of the attic bed "Sturo"

This model has a height of up to 270 cm. This option is not suitable for small children who may fall from the top tier. The mattress used must have a thickness of no more than 19 cm.

Loft bed "Sturo"

The models are made of pine and come in three colors: black and white stain, as well as unpainted wood. This product has the following advantages:

The furniture complex "Indigo" has a stylish design and original color scheme. In a small area you can install a sleeping area, a work and play area. The base of the bed is made of chipboard, and the frame material is made of chipboard. This model can be supplied with up to 17 different parts.

  • suitable for compact apartments;
  • the structure is equipped with a slatted wooden bottom;
  • below there is a small sofa, a floor lamp and a coffee table;
  • the ladder can be fixed on both the right and left sides.


Advantages of the Indigo loft bed

The furniture complex "Indigo" has a stylish design and original color scheme. In a small area you can install a sleeping area, a work and play area. The base of the bed is made of chipboard, and the frame material is made of chipboard. This model can be supplied with up to 17 different parts.

The Indigo model will fit perfectly into a teenager's room

Characteristics of the loft bed M 85

A popular option is the M 85 loft bed. This model has many advantages. It is made from environmentally friendly materials and has all the necessary certificates. All sets are equipped with different types of mattresses, from simple to orthopedic. At the same time, the furniture is distinguished by modern design and functionality.

Modern and compact solution

With work area

There are also combined options for a children's attic bed with a work area. In addition to the table, below there are additional drawers, devices that improve the installation of a desktop computer, functional items for writing instruments, and so on.

Such beds are ideal for older children, whose pastime is not limited only to playing, but also requires time for study and hobbies.

Such designs already contain light, so you are unlikely to have to buy a lamp.

Design features and selection rules

The furniture frame must withstand active games. Stable bed models are attached to the walls and floor. The basic material for the production of children's furniture is solid oak and beech, but many manufacturers prefer pine or birch wood. A frame in light colors is suitable for a girl, while models for boys use blue, green and gray paints and varnishes.

Wood is an environmentally friendly material, characterized by strength and relatively low weight. When ordering a high-quality loft bed for a child, you should avoid composites, since synthetic resins are used in their production. MDF and laminated chipboards are used for the production of cabinet elements of furniture and fencing, but materials with an environmental safety class of E1 will have to be used.

Metal frames made of low-alloy steel in the form of hollow pipes with a polymer coating are valued for their durability. These designs are only suitable for teenagers, as children can be seriously injured by metal components.

The sleeping area consists of a solid or slatted base. Choosing a bed with slats will be the best solution, especially if it is planned to be supplemented with an orthopedic or anatomical mattress. For preschoolers and schoolchildren, sleeping places of high and medium hardness are used. The best option would be a mattress with a combined filling (coconut fiber, coir, natural latex or polyurethane foam). Models with an independent spring block can be used for children over 6 years old.

Safety requirements will allow you to choose a loft bed for your child, taking into account his individual needs. It is recommended to install sides with a width of at least 40-60 cm. The height of the fence should exceed the thickness of the mattress. The ladder should be attached to the bed frame or wall. Mostly ladders are used, but the best option would be a stationary structure with large steps.

Separately, we should mention the design where the sleeping place is located below, and the attic is reserved for the play area. You can install a table and cabinets here only on the sides of the bed. The second tier will additionally have to be equipped with a net or reliable sides that protect against falling.

With play area

An extremely common option, in which there is either a wall bars below, if we are talking about a boy, or some kind of play complex. Some models can be specially stylized as a jungle, with a rope at the bottom.

When choosing such models, make sure that they are durable and do not react at all to physical contact. Don’t be lazy and try this bed in a store to make sure it’s reliable.

Some models have a doll house at the bottom and additional shelves for toys. You can also build a hut for your child below, which will be met with incredible delight. There are so many options for gaming complexes that describing them would be difficult. We are confident that you will be able to choose the option that suits you.

Any options are possible

Since most often such models are made to order, you will be able to implement any design solution.

For example, a children's loft bed for a girl can be made in pink tones and contain images of any cartoon characters. Or, having enough space, specialists will be able to create a structure that resembles a full second floor in a room with a separate staircase.

You can implement the bed in the form of a kind of house, if the ceiling height allows this. High sides protect the child, and the design adds an element of easy play. The main thing to remember is the most important thing: the design must be extremely reliable and safe.

Types of furniture complexes by material of manufacture

In the production of sleeping structures, materials are used that are characterized by high strength characteristics, environmentally friendly and reliable in operation. Ready-made furniture sets are presented in the following categories:

Wooden loft bed

The products are distinguished by their impeccable performance properties and environmental friendliness of the natural base. A wooden loft bed is made from an array of valuable species - for example, beech, oak. The material is resistant to external factors, withstands intensive use, the surface is pleasant to the touch.

A loft bed made of solid wood looks presentable, can decorate even the most luxurious interiors, and emphasizes the special status of the home. The only drawback of solid wood furniture is the high cost of production. If you buy a loft bed made of pine, you can save your budget and enjoy the fresh aroma of pine needles for a long time.

Sleeping complexes made of chipboard

Products based on particleboard are not highly resistant to external influences. To eliminate the risk of purchasing low-quality goods, choose among the offers of trusted furniture manufacturers with an impeccable reputation in a competitive environment. Domestic brands with many years of experience in the specialized market offer high-quality loft beds made of chipboard of various modifications at affordable prices. Before purchasing furniture made from chipboard, be sure to ensure that it has an environmental safety certificate.

Metal loft bed

The design is strong and durable, able to withstand significant loads. When choosing an ergonomic solution in the form of a double loft bed, it is worth considering this product option.

A loft bed made of metal with elements of artistic forging looks especially presentable. Children's metal modifications are most often intended for the generation of teenagers with irrepressible energy. If your child prefers a minimalist style in the interior, you should choose among laconic steel solutions. You should not install such a model for fidgets of the youngest age, restless preschoolers and slightly older children, since metal structures are traumatic, and the surface is cold to the touch.

Photo of a children's loft bed

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