Furniture for a teenager: how to choose, design features

Features of choosing furniture for a teenager

Modern furniture for teenagers is not similar to children's and adult options. To choose the ideal option for room design, consider the following features.

  1. Be sure to base it on the child's taste. Choose furniture taking into account his preferences, otherwise, in the end, the room may be radically remodeled by the teenager himself, and all your efforts will go down the drain.
  2. Style and design. The furniture should match the interior of the room, walls, carpet, curtains. If everything is light, it can be white or cream. Let it be the same shade of natural wood, as if it were all from one collection - this will be a good solution.
  3. A teenager needs to select furniture of adult dimensions, even if his height is still small - the child’s body grows quickly.
  4. Try to create a functional environment in the room; not all teenagers like meaningless things and unnecessary decorations. If there are two children living in the room, or the room is small, even more so. Every meter must be used optimally and wisely, so the furniture must be functional.
  5. Many teenagers love provocative colors, but you shouldn’t get hung up on excessive brightness - both the teenager and his parents will very quickly get tired of such an interior.
  6. At a young age, you want to stand out - this applies not only to the choice of clothing style and behavior, but also to furniture for the living room.
  7. Pay attention to the comfort and safety of the furniture. Make the edges of the panels protected and closed, wooden structures should be free of roughness and scratches.
  8. Quality. This does not mean that the furniture should be made of natural beech or mahogany. No, not necessarily. The material just needs to be durable and the assembly reliable.
  9. Price. There is no point in overpaying too much on big brands or overly designer interior items. But you can’t buy the cheapest ones either, they won’t last long. It is better to look for a middle ground and save where appropriate.

Furniture factories and large stores offer a huge selection of standard sets; purchasing such an element will greatly simplify the lives of parents and their children, because they will not have to meticulously design the ideal room for a long time.

But standard furniture does not always suit a teenager; everything typical and ordinary is diligently rejected during adolescence. Parents may find ordering a custom set difficult, but putting together a room design together can be fun for everyone in the family. In this case, the room will definitely be unique.

Design ideas

It is better to choose the interior design of a teenager’s room together with him. Show him several styles, discuss the details and features of each. You shouldn’t think in stereotypes: Provence is not always the best for a girl, and loft will not be appropriate in all decisions for boys.


This is one of the simplest and calmest options. For example, a girl’s space can be made white, diluting it with bright accents. But this style is not limited to white.

Neoclassical and classic

It is common to think that the space for a teenager is a modern interior, multi-colored and even “hardcore”. But neoclassic and classic are an excellent option when you want to maintain a single style for the entire apartment. But let’s say right away: this is not suitable for all children.

First of all, it is a light neutral color scheme, a classic European silhouette of furniture, delicate accents (natural or pastel), very high-quality textiles and, of course, dim lighting.


Loft brings brutality to the interior and therefore is most often liked by boys. In a loft it is easy to imagine the interior as public, like a living room, which makes the bedroom ideal for receiving guests.

Loft, first of all, has brick walls, contrast of wood and black, brutal decor with a metallic sheen. And also the right upholstered furniture - if you have enough space, put in Capito chairs or a Chesterfield sofa.

In decoration and decoration, slatted panels, brickwork or imitation, and an abundance of leather are often used.

It is important to have sufficient area (from 14 square meters) and high ceilings (ideally from 2.8 meters). If the room has low ceilings, red or red brickwork (even if it's just wallpaper or panels) will look unnecessary.


Minimalist room design for a teenager is also possible, although it is rare, primarily because the choice of a teenager is not at all associated with restraint.

Minimalism uses laconic furniture, a minimum of decor and a very restrained palette - black and white, white and gray, white and blue, etc. Bright and pastel shades are rarely present, the interior turns out to be more monochrome than color.

This solution is perfect for an older teenager, since minimalism can be easily changed and no major remodeling is required.

Zoning a teenager's room

As a person grows up, he begins to think about his personal space. Many involve interior designers, others try to cope on their own.

When zoning a children's room, it is important to take into account what your child wants, what his preferences and interests are. It’s definitely worth consulting with him.

Things to consider:

  1. How many children will be in the room space?
  2. Room dimensions.
  3. Age and gender of children.
  4. Children's activities and interests.
  5. Decide on a color scheme.
  6. Choose a style direction.

Zoning methods:

  • furniture (cabinets, racks, etc.);
  • sliding doors;
  • decorative curtains;
  • podium;
  • lighting;
  • plasterboard construction.

Main areas

A standard teenage room is most often divided into four main zones:

Sleeping areaThe most important furniture in a living space is the bed. It should be comfortable, soft and durable at the same time.
WardrobeThe main property of the cabinet is spaciousness.
Work zoneBooks, notebooks, folders, a work computer, tables and chairs, in general, a comfortable place to study - all this should be placed in the work area.
Rest zoneHere you can place comfortable chairs, a game console, a TV, a stereo system or sports equipment - it depends on the child’s hobbies.

To save space, you can combine sleeping and entertainment areas. Folding sofas or folding sofas are well suited for this. This will be especially appropriate if a girl or young man has many friends who often come to visit.

The child’s work area should be planned where there is more daylight, next to the window, because The child spends most of his time studying. The work area should consist of a desk or computer desk, preferably with an extension, a bookcase, or a bookcase.

The recreation area varies depending on the child’s hobbies: TV, small library, computer, stereo center, space for sports, etc. In any case, you will need to create an environment that makes it possible to comfortably go about your business. Moreover, it is necessary to arrange good, competent lighting. There are no boundaries here! The teenager will spend his free time from classes and other activities here. Therefore, give freedom of expression. Let him put everything in its place himself

Tips for choosing

Furniture in a teenager's nursery must meet the basic characteristics:

  • functionality,
  • safety,
  • environmental friendliness.

Secure all cabinets and shelves as firmly as possible. Also check the strength of the desk: it must withstand the weight of books, a monitor, and various small items. The bed and chairs should have an orthopedic effect - teenagers put a lot of stress on their backs, and at this age problems with the spine most often develop.

Simple lines are the key to a stylish interior; don’t overcrowd the room with details. Over time, photos, toys, and souvenirs accumulate, so you need to leave room for them too.

The more functions the furniture has, the better for small spaces.

Combining a bed and a wardrobe (loft beds), a table and a chest of drawers, ottomans, soft chairs are options for modern teenagers. Furniture should be easy to move: teenagers strive for frequent rearrangements in order to feel new in the room. Natural furniture is important for health and mood.

The child has already grown up, so children's prints and colors of furniture are appropriate only if the teenager chose them consciously. You can purchase special stickers for decoration, which you can then simply remove if necessary. The more parts you remove, the more often you can update the interior.

Type of furniture

When choosing furniture for a modern children's bedroom for your teenager, you should stick to the chosen design direction. You can generally buy all the furniture from one collection, or you can choose individual items, but carefully so that they all harmoniously combine into a common ensemble.

For a teenager’s room, it is necessary to choose furniture that meets certain criteria that ensure safety and comfort:

  • the furniture must be durable - a teenager, due to his young age, may not be neat enough;
  • high-quality furniture will last a long time, and there will be no need to purchase new things;
  • environmental friendliness is an important criterion for preserving the health of a child; you should buy such furniture not only for a teenager’s room, but also for all other rooms.


Roomy, but not bulky - that’s the main rule. A teenager has a lot of things, and the closet is always a mess. So it shouldn’t be cramped, and there should be enough shelves and compartments for everything, both to hang things and put them on shelves.

A wardrobe that matches the color of the walls will not clutter up the space of a small room. It can be combined with a wall, for example, if it is a modular set. Also an excellent solution is a wardrobe. It will serve for many years and will never let you down.

Girls have a large amount of clothes; for boys, a large wardrobe is unlikely to be relevant.

Bookcase and shelves

You can use a cabinet and shelves for educational supplies. It is better to make the latter hanging, but not too high, so that the child does not have to get up for something every time. This arrangement will significantly free up space. It is better to choose bookcases with deep shelves that can easily accommodate many items.

Sliding wardrobe in a teenager’s room - modern ideas with photos

Of course, all parents try to provide their child with maximum comfort, but not everyone asks their child’s opinion. At this age, teenagers want to express themselves most clearly, to reveal their personality from different sides, and decorating the interior of their room quite helps some of these aspirations to come true.

Remember - each child has his own uniqueness, and at this age they only strive to emphasize it. You won’t be able to find a standard solution that will become a universal answer to the question of how to decorate a teenager’s room. Approach this matter purely individually, remember all the interests and principles of your child, do not forget about his interests, hobbies - you should not assume that you know your child better than he knows himself.

Nowadays, young people always try to be in trend, follow current trends in fashion - interior design is no exception. The vast majority of teenagers prefer a minimalist style combined with maximum rationality. Luxurious furniture and an excessive number of accessories are no longer fashionable. Straight, clean lines without frills, successful combinations of recreation, interest and work areas, a feeling of free space - this is what a teenager needs.

The most important thing is not to overload the room with too much furniture. And here a universal solution will come to the aid of parents - a custom-made wardrobe. At https://shkafispb.rf/ you will find high-quality cabinets, made to individual sizes, in different price categories using various materials.

A closet often sets the tone for the design of a room, so by making a custom-made wardrobe, you can take into account all your child’s preferences. The choice of its type depends on the size of the room: it can be a built-in wardrobe that covers the entire wall, or it can be a corner wardrobe that occupies a small niche. This piece of furniture will allow you to fit any “filling”: be sure to think about a compartment for outerwear; for the rest, the company’s manufacturers offer a wide selection: drawers, shelves, laundry baskets, special compartments for small wardrobe items.

In order for the wardrobe to fit most favorably into the decor of the room and delight your child, choose the external design together: girls may like the idea of ​​mirror panels on the wardrobe doors, boys can choose, in addition to mirrored ones, patterned panels or their analogues made of colored plastic . It all depends on your choice: you can also decorate the corner wardrobe with posters of your favorite bands, photographs of your friends, funny posters.

When decorating your child's room, try to choose things that are both fully functional and a decoration that reflects the teenager's interests and preferences. A sliding wardrobe is an ideal space for imagination and decoration, and at the same time, it is a rational space saver and a guarantee of order in your child’s room.

Furniture material

Natural wood

Objects made from natural wood are good for everyone: they are durable, safe for children's health, and durable. Such tables and cabinets are incredibly beautiful and decorate the interior. You can make beautiful and comfortable shelves from wood with your own hands.

The downside is that wooden interior items are quite expensive. But if your budget allows it, don’t hesitate, this is what you need! Just choose carefully and think, will the teenager grow out of this furniture? Changing it will be problematic, buy with the future in mind.

MDF and chipboard

Lightweight, affordable, strong, very durable. Even the appearance is beautiful, indistinguishable from real wood. Chipboard is lighter and a little cheaper, MDF is heavier and more expensive, but stronger.

These materials are used to make cabinets, walls, modular structures, beds, cabinets, and shelving. You can purchase a complete bedroom set; this is a great idea so as not to select each item by color and texture.

Combined furniture

You can combine different materials. For example, the bed is wooden, and the table and wardrobe are made of MDF. The chair can be made of metal and plastic, the rack can be made of metal. The main thing is that all objects externally match each other in style and the surrounding interior space.

Textures and shades must be combined. If you have a light, elegant metal shelving unit, then a heavy oak bed next to it will look illogical.

Decoration and accessories

When choosing decorative elements, parents must first of all understand that their child has grown up and ordinary children's decorative elements will not suit a person in adolescence. A teenager can come up with furniture decor options himself. Parents will simply need to provide their child with space for creativity:

  • Simple monochromatic furniture facades will soon after installation acquire posters, photographs and a cluster of souvenirs.
  • Gifts from friends and awards for participation in competitions will appear on tables and open shelves.
  • Many teenagers begin to paint their own furniture according to their tastes. In this case, parents should not worry about damaged furniture; on the contrary, they need to support their child in his creativity. For a teenager, modern furniture in his room is a canvas for the embodiment of creative ideas.

A teenager's often changing tastes force the room to conform. A very good solution would be a chalk board for drawing. Many people think that this is a child’s decorative element, but sometimes even adults need to quickly write something down or draw some pictures according to their mood.

Place a reminder board above the desk or on an empty wall. It is an element made of soft material securely fixed to the wall for pinning. You can hang posters, reminders, or anything else here. The main advantage of the board will be the preservation of wallpaper and furniture in their original form. If a teenager gets tired of the decor, then it is enough to simply remove it from the board and hang new elements.

Furniture for a teenager in a classic style

The term “classic” (Latin “classicus”) means that this style is recognized as a standard and ideal. Classic also refers to everything that is typical, generally accepted and traditional. Those who choose a classic style design are not inclined to experiment and strive to use proven methods and techniques. This trend will always be popular, and classic interiors will remain in demand and modern.

Mandatory interior features:

  1. Furniture made of wood or wood-look material.
  2. The walls are light, plain or with an inconspicuous pattern.
  3. Laminate or linoleum to match the color of the furniture.
  4. Thick curtains, tulle.

The decoration and furniture in a classic teenage room can be made in the following light and natural colors:

  • cream;
  • Ivory;
  • dairy;
  • pearl gray;
  • chocolate;
  • olive;
  • emerald;
  • wine

What furniture should I choose for a teenager?

First of all, you should take care of your sleeping area. This could be a sofa, bed, sofa. The main thing is that it is big. After all, when your offspring is 16-17 years old, he will have the same height and weight as an adult.

Another essential element of furniture for a teenager is a workplace. It includes a desk, a comfortable chair, a computer desk and bookshelves. All furniture should be as comfortable as possible for the child, and at the same time be stylish and modern. To save space and avoid having two tables in the room (one for the computer and one for writing), choose a comfortable computer desk with a large work surface. At such a table it is convenient to study lessons and work at the computer.

It is very important to buy your own wardrobe for your teenager. At this age, children are especially critical of their external image, experimenting with their appearance, so let them have a full-fledged wardrobe where they can dress up and make faces in front of the mirror.

A teenage girl can also buy a small dressing table or chest of drawers, where she can store various cosmetics, combs, elastic bands, hairpins, accessories and other small items. Let the girl learn to take care of herself from a young age. In addition to the basic furniture for a teenager, the room can accommodate racks for CDs, a table for a TV, bedside tables and stands for audio equipment.

When choosing furniture for a teenager, make sure that it is not just comfortable and functional, but also stylish. Bright, modern and beautiful furniture will fit perfectly into a youth room. But furniture in a classic style will look out of place here and the child will not like it. At the same time, it should be quite universal - suitable for relaxation, study, creativity and gatherings with friends.

Furniture for a teenage girl's room

When arranging a room for a girl, it is necessary to take into account the child’s individuality and the peculiarities of his understanding of the world. Girls are more sensitive to the color palette - they prefer calm colors and their combinations. A girl's room is ideally suited to various accessories that complement the interior and create an atmosphere of comfort.

In the living space for a teenage girl there should be a chest of drawers, a cabinet for storing cosmetics and hygiene items, and if possible, it is also worth placing a dressing table with a mirror.

Avoid using acid shades. Light shades of pink, purple and other similar colors are ideal.

Not all girls like pink and light colors; some teenage girls prefer completely different colors and shapes. Perhaps the girl is into heavy music and therefore wants to live in a punk style bedroom.

Girls are more likely than boys to invite friends home, so it’s worth taking care of additional chairs or armchairs. If the room is dark, choose furniture in light colors, and if the room is spacious and located on the sunny side, you can choose any shades.

Furniture for a teenage boy's room

Boys in adolescence begin to play sports intensively, participate in various competitions, and become interested in music and other exciting things. They are looking for themselves and their calling, trying absolutely everything, so a teenager’s room should correspond to his hobbies. It is necessary to allocate places for storing the attributes of his hobbies.

Furniture for boys differs from girls' options in color palette and design characteristics. While girls most often prefer light colors, boys choose dark or neutral colors. Also, the room of young people is minimalistic.

Furniture should be chosen in cold or neutral colors, but you can use individual bright details that diversify the interior.

The bed in a boy's room must be comfortable and durable, with an expensive mattress. At the age of 12-16 years, boys develop posture. It is better to immediately choose a quality bed.

Often a minimal set of furniture is bought for a boy’s room: a bed, a desk, a chair and a wardrobe. Future men rarely use all kinds of accessories and additional furniture.

You can put a wardrobe in a boy’s room; it can be strict and compact, but it must contain everything necessary. It's become fashionable for teenagers to be fashionable, even for boys.

  • If a boy is interested in music or plays any musical instruments, he will definitely like furniture in a musical style.
  • If the boy plays video games, separate the work and entertainment areas if the size of the room allows it.

Practicality is what young people value most during adolescence. But sometimes you can diversify the room by hanging posters, paintings or photographs that match the interior.

If you prefer modular furniture, choose a corner structure or a shelving unit - a boy can put sports items, music or game discs, books and other things there.

Good physical shape has never gone out of fashion, either for adults or for young people. You can put a sports corner or wall bars in the room and add a punching bag.

Quality furniture for teenagers

A teenage bedroom set can be of any design and color, but it must be of high quality. We offer sets of high quality teenage furniture made from safe materials in accordance with modern technologies.

Bright accents, pleasant colors, designs, rich colors - this is all that is required for a boy or a girl in adolescence. In such a room it is pleasant to do homework, spend time, do some business, and also invite friends.

We have reliable, multifunctional furniture sets. We cooperate only with manufacturers of certified products. A teenager's room should be safe, as well as multifunctional, so that he feels comfortable there.

Furniture for two teenagers

If you have two children in one room, then arranging a room for them is a little more difficult. Especially if the children are of different genders. It’s good if they have the same preferences and interests, in this situation we just buy one additional bed, and the job is done.

Another question is when one person likes one thing and the other another. Nevertheless, you can find several interesting ideas for organizing the interior for this situation. Consider the personalities of teenagers, who are rarely the same. Visually divide the room into several identical parts using special partitions or color schemes. The room can also be divided by a cabinet or structure with shelves. Another idea: simply place the beds back to back.

But there is another way to organize space for small rooms. You can choose bunk beds for two children, extendable sofas, combined work tables, as well as a sitting area for two.

You can also decorate a room for two teenagers of opposite sexes in a stylish and modern way - just divide the room into two parts, in each of which you place furniture that is similar, but different in style and color characteristics. You can also buy furniture in one style for your daughter and another for your son. And place a neutral-colored desk in the middle.

To use the space of the room practically, equip it with cabinet furniture. Ideal for this purpose are a bed with built-in drawers, a computer desk with shelves and niches, as well as 3-in-1 furniture: a table, a chest of drawers and a sleeping area.


In addition to the main one, there should be a point, it is convenient and adds coziness to the atmosphere. Many people prefer to use background lighting, especially when it comes to the bedroom.

A teenager should be comfortable reading and studying in different parts of the room, not just at the desk.

Children's rooms for two teenagers need this even more, for example, so that the room can be used for sleeping and doing business at the same time.

Furniture for a teenager's room in various styles

Modern furniture for a child's or teenager's room should not only be comfortable and practical, but also stylish. It is best to choose a clear style direction and act within the requirements of this style.


Teenagers love this style for its modernity and a certain daring. Brick walls, gray and brown tones, rough textures. You can put a very fashionable bedroom set for a teenage girl or boy in the loft style: a rough closet made of solid untreated wood, a large metal bed, stylish rough accessories, wired lamps, decor.

Modern style

Modern style. A modern teenage bedroom can be very comfortable. Simple functional furniture, cleanliness, lots of light and nothing superfluous. Furniture made of wood or more affordable materials, but similar to natural wood, without bright spots. Everything is light, modern, practical, modular and multifunctional.

High tech

This direction is distinguished by a cold palette and the absence of ornaments and floral patterns. Furniture in this style should have a strict geometric shape. It is preferable to use hanging shelves and racks. To diversify the interior, it is possible to use bright accents, steel and chrome accessories.


Provence is considered one of the favorite styles among designers. Colored prints, light textiles and sophisticated furniture shapes create coziness and comfort. The interior items are roomy, but not bulky. Many of them have curved legs and forged fittings.

Acceptable colors are white, gray and pink. This solution would be the best option for teenagers whose main life principles are simplicity and convenience.


Country style uses wallpaper with a floral pattern and a bed with a canopy. A dressing table, a banquette, a mirror with a carved frame and curved lines of furniture also perfectly complement the overall interior.

This style is suitable for dreamer girls who do not lead an active lifestyle and value convenience and elegance, comfort and tranquility.

Furniture for a small room

Small space 9-12 sq. m. requires a minimalistic approach. There are various tricks that allow you to save treasured meters.

  • Loft bed. You can sleep on the second floor, and put a table and wardrobe below.
  • Daybed with drawers and extra bed. You can put things you don’t need at the moment inside. And the extra space will come in handy for guests.
  • A wide window sill transformed into a desk (examples in the photo below).
  • Dressing table with folding mirror. It can easily be transformed into written form.
  • Built-in wardrobe with mirror and lighting.
  • A regular small sofa. It also has a storage compartment.
  • Folding bed.

Light colors are preferred. Use white, beige, milky and other pastel colors. You can zone such a bedroom with color accents. For example, highlight the wall behind the bed.


A set of furniture for a teenager needs to be chosen with the child, since preferences at this age change greatly. The catalog contains sets for teenagers with facades in light and pastel colors, or bright samples. There are no models of aggressive shades that are not recommended by experts. A teenage bedroom set should not be too flashy so that the teenagers’ psyche does not become strained.

For girls there is furniture in light green, white, pink, lilac, and beige shades. These are calm colors that go well with many types of wallpaper and textiles. A set for a teenage girl may include the following furniture:

  • sofa or bed;
  • chest of drawers and wardrobe;
  • dressing table;
  • desk;
  • chair;
  • other elements.

A dressing table is an important piece of furniture for a teenage girl, as it is used to store jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, etc., and also allows the growing lady to show off in front of the mirror. This place needs to be thought out just as well as the work area.

From us you can buy various sets of furniture for teenagers. For boys, other colors of facades are allowed: brown, pastel, purple, light green, brown and others. Models with photo printing attract attention with bright designs. Teens love using photo prints because it makes the room feel personal.

Furniture for a narrow teenager's room

In this case, the combination of colors plays a big role. We recommend leaving long walls light. Their vertical stripes visually shorten them. The ends, on the contrary, can be darkened. Suspended structures make such a space heavier, so it’s better to just paint the ceiling white.

For an elongated layout, zoning with the help of shelving that allows daylight to pass through is important. To save space, use a folding bed and tables, a retractable podium bed. If the sleeping area is located near a window, separate it with a thin canopy curtain.

If there are high ceilings in such a nursery, you can arrange a second floor where the child will sleep. Under the canopy there is a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. And the rest is for study and relaxation. Try not to clutter the room with unnecessary decor. Leave a direct path from the window to the exit.


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