How to decorate a room for twins? How to choose furniture for twins?

When twins are born in a family, it is a holiday. Parents will be able to devote more time to themselves as their kids grow older. But until this moment you will have to sweat. After all, you need to place two children in an apartment. And if there is only one room for kids, you need to come up with something.

Twins mean double the happiness for parents, but also double the cost of furnishing the room

Today we’ll look at which nursery for twins will harmoniously combine functionality, harmony, and design.

Do twins need the same things?

When twins are born in a family, each father and each mother receives a double “portion of joy.” But at the same time, they get a “double dose of trouble” and a lot of puzzles. One of the most popular questions for parents of twins is: “how to dress babies?” Probably everyone racks their brains from time to time: should they be dressed the same or should they be differentiated by clothing?

From a psychological point of view, we can say that if parents dress their twins in different things, they have a beneficial effect on the development of the personality of their children. In this case, each baby will be able to develop an individual personality from the cradle. However, modern mothers do not think about this very often and prefer to buy the same things without wasting effort on approaching the individual characteristics of each. It is worth noting that there is nothing negative about this, since such an action unites the children and makes them inseparable, practically “one whole.”

Dad with twins

The situation becomes easier when a boy and a girl appear in the family at the same time. Here you want it or not, but pants are significantly different from a skirt. The basic rule that parents need to adhere to is to always show their kids your love and not give preference to one while punishing the other. Twins should exist in equal conditions and receive enough love from mom and dad.

How to decorate a nursery for twin girls? Photo

Having a daughter is every mother’s dream, but having two daughters is a double dream. It is worth paying close attention to the preferences of your kids and arranging the room so that the children will enjoy being in it. Girls are the embodiment of tenderness and softness. A room for twin girls can be decorated with numerous decorative elements:

  • drawings on the walls
  • elegantly shaped furniture
  • shelves with toys
  • dressing table
  • wardrobe

Every girl appreciates the presence of her favorite cartoon characters in the room, which will make her feel like a princess.

Decorative elements

In the interior of a children's room for a teenager 13-15 years old, bright wallpaper with catchy bright patterns or various combinations of finishes look good. Neutral light walls will benefit from posters or photos in unusual frames, panels and other wall decorative elements. If a girl draws, is interested in photography or embroiders, one of the walls can be specially designated to display her own works in stylish frames.

In the study area, the decor should not be too provocative. Here you can hang a beautiful clock on the wall or put it on the table, as well as place a special board for notes and various small items. Now you can make so-called wish cards, where you can add anything - your dreams, goals, etc. Decor options in the design of a room for a girl 13-15 years old can be seen in the photo below.


Since the teenage girl is past the age when she can accidentally tear the curtains, you can hang floor-length curtains. The density and color of fabrics depend on the amount of daylight and the size of the room. In a small nursery for a teenage girl, you should avoid heavy dark curtains and choose light, light fabrics - organza, tulle.

Also, light curtains should be on northern windows, where there is already little sun almost all year round. But in sunny rooms it is better to hang two layers of curtains - transparent and thick. This way you can easily regulate the intensity of sunlight and escape the heat.

The color of the curtains depends on the overall interior of the room intended for a teenage girl. If the decoration is kept in restrained or light colors, the curtains can be bright. The color and pattern of curtains can be matched to walls or upholstered furniture, echoing them. Interesting curtain design options that would be appropriate in the interior of a room for a teenage girl aged 12-14 can be seen in the photo below.

How to decorate a nursery for twin boys? Photo

Boys are active and restless children. For boys, you always need to skillfully delimit the territory of the room into play areas and recreation areas. Fill the nursery with plenty of bookshelves, pictures and posters, choose two-story cribs - they save a lot of space. Also, such a bed can differ in its individual approach for each baby and they will not have to constantly quarrel because one is disturbing the other.

Create a separate work area with a desk for each child, then you will not have disagreements about “the place being occupied.” Zoning will help kids feel comfortable.

Gender preferences

In the nursery for twin boys, try to leave more space for active games so that they can jump, run, and climb. Make room for a sports corner, which is so necessary for physical development.

How to make a nursery for twin girls? Little princesses will feel great in a room decorated with light colors interspersed with bright accents.

If they are of different genders, divide the room into two separate spaces. In this matter, color and accessories will come to your aid.

If fantasy structures from chairs, blankets and pillows regularly grow in the room, your children passionately love houses. You can continue to persuade them to return everything to its place, or better yet, buy them a playhouse.

How to beautifully decorate a room for opposite-sex twins?

As with clothes, decorating a room for opposite-sex twins is much easier. Many parents prefer to zone the room into “blue” and “pink” zones and decorate it accordingly. An interesting solution is the solution to the inscriptions on the walls depicting the names of the twins.

Stroller for twins: how to choose?

A stroller is an important item for every child, especially for twins. Nowadays, there are many different modifications of strollers that allow you to take into account the individual characteristics of each baby. There are three main types of strollers for twins:

  • Stroller "Locomotive"

It has such a name only because each child takes his “seat” in it one by one. Modern “Locomotive” strollers offer options for positioning children: one by one, face to face, back to back. This stroller is quite narrow, which allows it to pass through many doors and even travel along paths, but there are difficulties in driving along curbs. Of course, if you want, you can even operate such a stroller with one hand, but if you accidentally break the handle (and this happens quite often), then it is no longer possible to restore it. Also, the mother hardly sees what the child sitting in front is doing, and the “second” baby’s legs are limited in movement. And be prepared to be regularly disturbed by disputes about who sits where.

  • Side-by-side stroller

This is a fairly popular option among modern parents. Every baby is very comfortable in this stroller, from the cradle to the chair. The downside of the stroller is that, being a double stroller, it takes up a lot of space in width and you should forget about visiting shops and driving along narrow roads. It is quite difficult to control such a stroller with one hand, since it is heavier than the standard two. But what is the inconvenience of parents when every baby feels comfortable in a stroller and is always “in the front row”?

  • Stroller "Transformer"

The best option is the Transformer stroller. The advantages of this stroller are that, if desired, it can turn into both a “train” and a “Side by Side”. The stroller is very easy to use and does not create difficulties in performing various maneuvers. The only negative is the high cost compared to other models.


High demands are placed on the material. It should be:

  • durable - the sides must withstand the onslaught of children's teeth;
  • environmentally friendly - such products do not use toxic coatings or materials with a strong odor;
  • tolerates cleaning well - it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning daily in the newborn’s room, including wiping the crib.


The most common material for making children's beds is wood. But not every wooden crib meets the necessary safety requirements. The cheapest models are made of softwood, most often aspen. Children who try everything on their teeth can chew off small particles from them. Infants can develop splinters from parts that are not polished thoroughly enough.

High-quality children's furniture is made of hardwood (birch, oak, pine, beech). It is irrational to cover environmentally friendly wood with paint; furniture for babies is usually made without paint and varnish coatings.

Sometimes water-based acrylic paints and wax-oils are used.

The most popular color for children's beds is white.


Playpens are made from plastic combined with textiles. When choosing such a model in a store, you should take a closer look and smell it. High-quality plastic is uniformly colored and odorless.

Children's sleds for twins: how to choose?

In addition to strollers, in the winter season you may also need a sled. Many thanks to the manufacturers who regularly think about the parents of twins and have invented a sled with two seats. The only negative is that kids can quarrel from time to time about whether someone takes “first” and someone “last” place. But, a sled is significantly different from a stroller and gives every child an excellent overview, without being limited by mechanisms.

Such sleds are useful for small children; at an older age, you will have to purchase separate sleds for each child. If you don’t want to overpay twice, you can always buy two sleds and transport them separately, as well as tie them into a kind of “Locomotive”.

Here are a few more models of unusual sleds for twins:

How to choose the right children's bike for twins?

Just like single-seaters, there are double-seater bicycles. The city tricycle differs only in that it has one more seat. When purchasing, pay attention to such parts as pedals. There can be either one pair or two. If the bicycle has one pair of pedals, be prepared for the fact that children may regularly quarrel over the fact that “someone pedals and someone doesn’t.” Having two pairs will make you feel complete. The tricycle for twins has a durable frame that can support the weight of two children.

Try to choose a bike that has a handle on the back for parents. This will allow you to intervene in your children's driving route. It’s good if the bike has a basket for small items and a sun visor.

How to decorate a room for twins: tips and reviews

Twins are an unusual and joyful event for every family. It's safe to say that these kids will never be lonely, as they will always have a best friend. When decorating a nursery for twins, always take into account the interests of each child, since each baby has a bright personality and individuality. If one person loves yellow and the other loves red, don’t be upset. You can always divide the room into separate zones.

Choose furniture for children only that with which they will feel comfortable. If it’s convenient for the kids to be nearby, a two-story crib will be a salvation, but if not, place them in different corners of the room. Try to provide your baby with individual desks and separate drawers for clothes.

What elements to use to divide the space?

To comfortably place children in one room, it is necessary to divide the space. Zoning methods will directly depend on the dimensions of the room.

Architectural elements

Architectural elements include partitions, arches, and podiums. Sharing a room with their help is only possible if the room area is 12 square meters or more. m. The layout of the bedroom and the location of the structures will have to be thought out at the renovation stage, since it will not be possible to complete such elements yourself.

Unauthorized redevelopment or changes in structures sometimes require approval from certain authorities. Otherwise, intervention may result in fines or difficulties in selling the apartment.

We think through small niches or through holes in the arch to lighten the interior. You can put books, toys, and other things in them. We equip the podium with drawers in which we put toys or things.

Selection of finishing materials

General recommendations for the selection of materials:

  • When choosing materials to decorate a room, we think about their texture, color, and pattern.
  • The optimal floor covering for a nursery is linoleum, parquet, laminate. In small rooms we use light and natural shades.
  • The ceiling is best done in light colors. In a small room, you can simply paint it, since the construction of a stretch ceiling will take away precious centimeters.
  • We don’t use a lot of colors and shades in a small room, as visually it will be perceived even smaller.
  • Fresh natural colors are suitable for the working area, and calm and muted colors for the bedroom. We decorate the play area with bright, sunny, energizing colors.
  • A small room can be done in one color, add color and delimit the space using furniture, textiles, and lighting.

Think about the texture, color, pattern for the room

We decorate with lighting fixtures

Using light you can also achieve zoning of a room. A well-lit room visually looks more spacious. We supply the room with basic lighting, and select additional lighting fixtures for each zone.

We complement the sleeping areas with dim lamps or dimmable lamps. We must provide the study area with bright light; each child must be given a table lamp for studying.

The gaming area can be decorated with LED strip. It comes in different colors and will perfectly dilute the interior.

Zoning with light

Selecting furniture

A standard set of furniture for a nursery is:

  • table;
  • armchair;
  • bed;
  • closet.

It can be replenished with new items, however, it becomes problematic to fit a double set into the room for both children.

In conditions of saving space, special requirements are placed on furniture for a children's bedroom.

Choosing a bed

A very popular option is a bunk bed, and most often its analogue with a perpendicular arrangement of lying areas. A closet can serve as a support for the upper berth, which simultaneously supports the structure and saves space.

Consider the child's height, weight category and ceiling height when choosing a bed. When sitting on the top tier of the bed, the distance from the head to the ceiling should be at least 10 cm.

For older children

The beds can also be placed in one row along the wall, with a small partition between them, or you can purchase a bed with a ready-made partition at the head. As a rule, such partitions usually have a rounded shape.

We are considering folding furniture:

  • sofa;
  • ottoman;
  • beds.

Modern models and systems will not make it difficult for a school-age child to make his own bed. Thus, children are provided with their own sleeping place, which when folded does not take up a significant area of ​​the room.

Pull-out shelves and drawers under the bed also help out. You can put bed linen, pajamas, towels, etc. in them.

A pattern like this makes the room cozier

DIY crafts made from natural materials for kindergarten and school (+180 Photos). Beautiful and creative ideas for children

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