Bedroom for a teenager: 30 photos of children's interior design 2022 for a girl

03/08/2021 Read in 5 minutes.
Are you decorating your daughter's room? Then be sure to look at the ideas from the Fundament Group of Companies, which will show you a huge variety of beautiful wallpaper, designer furniture, stylish lamps and fashionable decor, as well as comfortable office areas with desks for your child’s study. Each of our projects offers a practical, comfortable and beautiful living space.

Interior design of an apartment from the Fundament Group of Companies in 2022

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Standard project

3200 2500 RUR/m2

  • Dimensional and installation plans
  • Working drawings for electrical, plumbing, etc.
  • Three-dimensional visualization of the interior in 3DSMAX
  • Selection of finishing materials
  • Drawing up an estimate for repairs

Total: 15,000 rub.


Optimal project

4200 3500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Standard Project
  • Full interior furnishings, including ordering, delivery and acceptance of materials in terms of quality and quantity
  • Design and creation of individual furniture and custom doors

Total: 15,000 rub.


Full project

5200 4500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Optimal Project
  • Architectural supervision, including site visits, correction of drawings and control of compliance with the interior design project
  • Development and approval of an engineering project for power supply

Total: 15,000 rub.


Lighting and backlighting

Multi-level lighting does not fail in rooms for teenagers. The scheme is standard: diffused overhead light, local illumination of important areas, decorative lighting.

Don't forget about the bedside night light and the desk lamp on your desk. Teenage girls already love to preen themselves, so a lighted mirror is a great choice.

In the rooms of older children, you can safely experiment with decor. With your girl, choose beautiful garlands or LED lighting for the shelves. This will make the room more interesting and cozy.

Design of a small bathroom (90 photos)

Wall design with panels and wallpaper in the bedroom for a teenager: 10 fashionable options

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In the photo: A bright and beautiful bedroom with a workplace by the window for a girl

In turnkey apartment renovation there are several fundamental points: style, apartment finishing materials, built-in and cabinet furniture, color scheme. In a teenager’s bedroom, all these elements and their combinations are no less important than in any other room in an apartment or house. A professional designer will help you create a comfortable place for your child to live, study, relax and have fun in any area. At the same time, in the field of aesthetics, the design of a teenage girl’s bedroom also matters. To feel comfortable, it is very important for a girl to have a beautiful, feminine, original interior that reflects her character.

Therefore, we strongly advise you to allow your child to communicate directly with the designer when choosing colors, furniture and decorative details, such as wall materials. Next, we will look at several options for decorating walls with wallpaper, panels, moldings and other materials that may interest you. Show this article to your daughter and have her tell you what she likes best.

Inspiring interior of an emerald-white bedroom for a 14-year-old girl

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In the photo: Fashionable wallpaper with white flowers in a teenager's bedroom

This bedroom interior design with emerald wallpaper looks simply magical. By complementing the interior with white furniture made to order specifically for this room, the designer was able to create a special mood here for the clients’ daughter, who chose the color scheme herself. It is worth paying attention to the unusual lamps in the room, as well as the attractive headboard of the bed with Capitonné upholstery.

Fashionable bright bedroom interior for a teenage girl 13 years old

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In the photo: Beautiful furniture with bright accent wallpaper in a teenager's bedroom

The next design project in our selection is made in the neoclassical style in a very light color palette. The basis was a snow-white shade, some furniture and decor were beige, and a pleasant blue color became the accent color. Pay attention to the chosen wallpaper: the pattern is repeated only twice on the wall and is clearly marked symmetrically on both sides of the bed. On the floor there is a tactilely pleasant engineered board (with solid wood in the upper part). Double curtains and decorative textiles also add coziness.

Cute neoclassical bedroom for a 12 year old teenage girl

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In the photo: White wallpaper with gold in a teenager’s bedroom

Here is another interior design option in the neoclassical style, this time it is a bedroom for a teenager with modern hobbies. The room has a large flat-screen TV, and the computer is on the loggia, in the office area. Thus, the child has every opportunity to engage in leisure and study in a comfortable environment. The advantage of this corner room in a new building is the presence of windows on both sides, so it is always sunny here, which is very important for a child.

Luxurious interior in art deco style in powdery tones for a high school student

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In the photo: Built-in furniture along the window in the nursery

The next option is a 3D design project for a bedroom in the art deco style for a teenager. The custom furniture for the writing area and the daybed by the window looks very modern. The textile panels behind the bed are complemented by gold molding inserts, and behind the bedside tables there is a beautiful finish with floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The lamps near the bed, stylishly grouped in threes, also stand out. The ottoman and half-chair here are on a metal frame, which is typical of the glamorous art deco style in which the room is decorated.

Glamorous pink interior with floral wallpaper for my 14 year old daughter

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In the photo: Bedroom interior in powder tones for a teenage girl

The interior design of a bedroom for a teenager must certainly take into account the interests of the child. For example, in the design project in the visualization above, a separate boudoir area was invented to the left of the bed with convenient drawers and organizers inside, since the girl who will live in this room is interested in professional makeup.

Futuristic and fashionable simple interior for a girl gamer

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In the photo: Bedroom in neutral colors for a teenage girl

At the same time, a teenage girl does not have to have exclusively standard hobbies. If your daughter has an unusual hobby: a certain type of sport or dancing, gaming or anime, then functionally and visually it should be included in the interior design as part of the overall image.

Super-modern bedroom without bright accents for a student

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In the photo: Design project in 3D with visualization of a bedroom in neutral colors for a teenager

It often happens that the interior design of a room is ordered taking into account the fact that the child will grow up and move to another city or start working after graduation and live separately. Then it makes sense to decorate the bedroom in a guest style - functional, stylish, but neutral.

Cozy and modest interior for a girl artist

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In the photo: Beige bedroom interior with white furniture for a teenage girl

In this case, the style should be chosen taking into account the general character of the child. Modern styles are suitable for active ones, while pro-French styles (neoclassical, classic, art deco) are for calmer children. It is best if the child himself says what he likes.

Neat interior for a girl who dances

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In the photo: Custom-made furniture in the neoclassical style in a teenager’s bedroom

When planning a child’s room, the designer also takes into account other factors: whether there is a desire to receive guests and leave them overnight, whether there is a need for a place for a musical instrument or dancing in the center of the room, how many shelves are needed for books and what size of bed will be comfortable for the child. For example, if space allows, now double beds are often installed instead of standard single or single beds.

Age and interests

When choosing the style of the room, be sure to take into account the age of the child. But at the same time, think through the prospects, because in a couple of years the situation will radically change.

Room for a girl 10-12 years old

At this time, children are still very different. Some people still constantly watch cartoons and play with dolls, while others strive for an independent adult life.

It is better to replace frankly childish and cartoonish interiors with simply bright and colorful accents. And don’t forget to pay special attention to the work area, because at this time the child is still actively growing.

Room for a girl 13-15 years old

Children aged 13-15 already consider themselves adults. Toys and children's books gradually disappear, new interests are formed, and character is formed.

At this time, children are already quite capable of making important decisions on their own, so be sure to discuss with the girl what kind of room she wants.

Room for a girl over 15 years old

At the age of 15-16, teenagers are already fully formed adults. All typical “childish” manifestations finally disappear from the interiors. And new hobbies and interests take their place.

Cartoon photo wallpapers are a great replacement for posters and posters of your favorite movies or bands. Transformable children's furniture is a full-fledged adult set. You can convert a box with toys into a storage area for materials for creativity and handicrafts.

Furniture for a children's room: which one to choose?

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In the photo: Modern style in children's interior design

Furniture as an area of ​​responsibility should be completely entrusted to a professional designer. You should not try to choose a specific closet, bed or chair for your child. If a child or you can choose something in terms of color scheme and style, then the furniture designer knows better which one will be ergonomic and of better quality, how best to arrange it and how much space to provide for certain things.

Children's room with custom-made furniture for two teenage girls

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In the photo: Neoclassical style in the interior of a nursery for two teenagers

Built-in furniture requires even more attention from the designer, as it requires individual sketches. It is carried out exactly down to the centimeter for a specific room, as in the project in the visualization above. There is open shelving, a chest of drawers under the TV and two writing areas for studying and working on a computer by the window. If two children live in a room, it is better not to make each zone personal, but to dilute it: make one a written zone, the other a computer zone, so that the child changes place from time to time. On the other hand, if children already have two laptops, you can assign each one an individual zone.

Children's room with cabinet furniture in art deco and neoclassical styles

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In the photo: Interior design of a white bedroom for a teenager

Cabinet furniture in the interior is selected together with the creation of sketches of the built-in furniture, because the entire set of furniture is interconnected. It is advisable that the new interior does not contain any old items, even if they were purchased recently, as they can destroy the overall concept.

Children's bedroom with a comfortable study area for a teenager

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In the photo: Workplace in the corner of the bedroom

The work area must be planned with special care. For example, it should be a sunny place. The tabletop should be large enough. It is worth giving preference to a laptop, because you can remove it from the table and free up space. It’s also easy to work with a laptop while sitting or lying on the bed; you can move it to the dining room, etc.

Interior design of a children's room with a sofa

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In the photo: Comfortable workplace in the children's room

An important issue is the choice of the type of bed. Sofa or bed? Or both a sofa and a bed? The designer will help you decide on the type of sofa with an orthopedic mattress suitable for children. But the general recommendation is to choose a spacious and wide bed. And if you have enough space, add a sofa for relaxing while watching TV and receiving guests.

Bright interior of a children's bedroom with white furniture for a teenager

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In the photo: Zoning in the interior of a teenager’s room

A universal option is light furniture: white, beige, gray-white, light brown, depending on the chosen style and color scheme. Accents can be placed using a chair, ottoman, pillows, and headboard. It is also better to choose large-sized furniture in the lightest colors possible. Pay attention to furniture with facade decoration with moldings, carvings, and mirrors. Glossy furniture also looks great in a nursery.

Children's room with luxurious white furniture in the same neoclassical style

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In the photo: Spacious and very beautiful children's room in blue tones for a teenager

This interior boasts luxury neoclassical style furniture designed specifically for this bedroom.

Built-in furniture unit for storage in the nursery interior

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In the photo: Bedroom interior design with green wallpaper and white furniture

Built-in furniture provides the best storage in any room.

Finishes and materials

At home, teenagers spend most of their time in their room. Therefore, choose only high-quality, beautiful and functional materials.

Carpet is still a good choice for a teenager's room. Modern coatings differ significantly from the old stereotypical dust collectors. They are practical, durable, warm and provide additional sound insulation.

The second popular option is laminate. For a teenager's room, it is much more convenient than expensive, capricious parquet. And the texture and color can be absolutely any.


The simplest solution is a suspended ceiling or a single-tier plasterboard structure. They almost do not “eat up” the height, but they hide all the irregularities, communications and lamps.

Basenji care and maintenance in the apartment

The spacious room has room for sophisticated plasterboard ceilings. They are suitable for zoning and lighting planning. And to create creative design solutions.


Teenagers often change preferences and interests while they are searching for themselves and just forming their own taste. Therefore, it is more convenient to do the finishing in such a way that, if something happens, it can be changed easily and at minimal cost.

Wall paint can handle this. Modern compositions are environmentally friendly, varied in texture and effect, and you can choose absolutely any shade. And even mix your own.

Bed in a teenager's bedroom: stylish design examples

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In the photo: Bedroom interior design in art deco style for two teenagers

In the interior design of a teenager's bedroom, the bed deserves special attention. It can be wooden and framed, on a wooden frame, but upholstered in textiles or leather. The headboard can also be separate, wall-mounted, and the base can stand on its own. At the same time, first of all, you should pay attention to style, aesthetics, type of fabric and color. After all, you can choose any mattress based on comfort.

Bed with Arabic headboard and faux suede upholstery

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In the photo: Small bedroom for a teenager

An excellent option for any modern European interior.

French bed with capitonné upholstery in velor

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In the photo: Design of a lilac bedroom with built-in furniture for a teenager

A very aesthetic headboard option for neoclassical, classic and other pro-French styles.

English bed “with ears” upholstered in faux leather

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In the photo: Beige bedroom with built-in furniture for a teenager

Massive in appearance and very comfortable due to its special shape, the English bed is perfect for those who like to read or watch TV for a long time while sitting on the bed, because it adds a feeling of intimacy and privacy.

Luxurious bed in French classic style with a carved headboard

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In the photo: French surroundings in the interior of a children's room

An incredibly beautiful bed with a carved wooden headboard and capitonné upholstery.

Fashionable bed with shell headboard in art deco style

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In the photo: Bright teenage room with white walls and built-in lighting

A shell-shaped headboard is often used in the Art Deco style. At the same time, the shell itself may look different and have a different number of edges.

Canadian style transitional bed with vertical geometric upholstery in corduroy

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In the photo: Interior of a blue children's room for a teenager

This bed has clearly drawn vertical tie lines.

Designer bed in Italian style upholstered in velvet

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In the photo: Interior design of a room in brown and beige tones for a teenager

This option looks chic in contrasting modern interiors.

A bed in a minimalist style, upholstered in wear-resistant fabric

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In the photo: Bedroom interior design in blue for a teenager

The perfect solution for any modern style in interior design.

Unusual bed in a modern style without a headboard

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In the photo: A cozy bedroom with apricot walls for a girl

A great example of an interior with a bed without a headboard.

Vampire theme in the interior of a children's room with a pink bed

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In the photo: Children's bedroom with a vampire theme for a teenage girl

Luxurious bed with tie tape in the children's room.

Additional recommendations for choosing wallpaper

You can spend a long time choosing the style of the room, the wallpaper material, and thinking through color schemes, but a lot will depend on several other factors:

  • For narrow rooms it is better to use photo wallpaper with a 3D effect; they will have a good perspective. An excellent option would be to use canvases with wide horizontal stripes.
  • Small rooms should not be covered with wallpaper in dark shades, otherwise the space will be visually smaller.
  • If there are wall defects that cannot be corrected at the moment, then preference is given to wallpaper with a large pattern.

Of course, when choosing wallpaper for a teenager, the girl’s desire will be the first priority; it cannot be neglected. But you also need to remember about everyday and everyday practicality.

Photo gallery: decorating a teenage girl's room

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