Small bedroom design: 10 rules and 117 real examples

Comfortable housing does not mean a lot and is expensive. It’s easy to change a cramped, boring environment to a spacious and interesting one, without increasing the square meters of a one-room apartment. Now there are many ways to hide the shortcomings of a living space and show its advantages. You just need to approach this with imagination and practicality.

Comfortable housing does not always mean expensive renovations. There are many ways to add charm to your apartment with minimal effort.

Layout features

The main task when arranging a ladies' room is to get a warm and homely environment where everything you need for a comfortable life will be located. To do this, the bedroom is allocated a place for sleeping, storing things, a work area, as well as a boudoir area.

Having your own single bed will ensure a healthy and sound sleep. It can be replaced with a sofa, combining the sleeping area with the guest area. But this is done only as a last resort. For example, if there is no full-fledged living room in the house.

In the work corner you should place a table with a computer, books and important papers. Both a housewife and a businesswoman will need such a place for work and leisure.

It is advisable that the space include a wardrobe or a spacious closet, since girls usually have a lot of clothes and shoes. When arranging your wardrobe, you must not forget about the mirror so that a woman can admire herself in full height. There should also be good lighting here.

In a studio that combines a lounge and a living room, it is recommended to install a partition and place a separate sofa with a small coffee table.

How to create comfort in a small one-room apartment?

In old apartment buildings, the layout causes a lot of inconvenience and, it would seem, does not provide a chance for fundamental changes, but here too there is an opportunity to introduce something new.


Dividing the room into separate zones will help visually highlight the additional meters that are missing in small apartments.

Zoning will help here. This is a division of the room into separate zones. For example, in some apartments there are niches in the living room where you can hide a bed or sofa, attach a ceiling cornice and hang a heavy screen (don’t forget about light colors).

Light colors in the interior contribute to the visual expansion of space. When zoning, this rule also works.

If such a niche is missing, then the Soviet method of dividing the room with furniture comes to the rescue. It’s enough just to put a closet, hiding the sleeping area behind it. It would be good if the closet was mirrored or had glass doors. This will visually increase the space. The sleeping area is ready.

If you use furniture to separate the space, it is better to use air structures.

The rest can be made into a guest area plus a small work area with a computer. In the guest area there is enough sofa and a small table. In no case does the TV stand anywhere and does not collect dust - only on the wall.

For the convenience of guests, a TV can be placed in the guest area, but it should not interfere with movement.

If you are lucky enough to have a spacious kitchen, you can create an area for guests there too. A small sofa and a dining table, and a cooking area.

The spacious kitchen allows you to show your imagination. Work, dining and guest areas can be placed in one room.

You can create coziness in your apartment with small things made by yourself: a lot of pillows and pillows on sofas, chairs, and armchairs will complement the interior. Cute rugs. Wall planters, photo frames with memorable photographs, etc.

Photo frames and soft pillows will add a special charm to the room. And bright colors will create a great mood and charge you with positivity.

Order in the rooms

If things are scattered throughout the apartment, clothes are hanging wherever possible, in the kitchen there is a mountain of dirty dishes adjacent to a mountain of clean plates and cups, the owner himself will not always want to come to such a home. The most important rule for organizing a living space is to maintain order.

Even in an abundance of things, order can and should be maintained. Every thing has its place and a cozy atmosphere is guaranteed.

Dishes should be placed in their places, things should lie or hang in the closet. No clutter, just free functional space. How to make a room cozy by tidying up? Simply wipe off the dust. Things should sparkle clean.

Order, cleanliness and comfort in the kitchen are ensured. And the light colors of the headset will add volume to the space.

Cleaning up the old and unnecessary

Everything that has been kept at home for a long time, waiting for better times, these times will not wait. Things waiting in the wings need to be removed or thrown away. As a last resort, you can use the trick of making a shelf from ceiling to floor. Due to its width, it will not take up much space, but it will also collect a lot of things lying around.

Convenient shelving will help you keep things organized. They hold a ton of cute little keepsakes.

Books and all sorts of little things can be arranged on shelves in artistic order. This way, things that pile up on tables and bedside tables will have their own place, and the apartment will have a lot of free space.

Organizing order in the house, when everything is in its place, brings its share of comfort.


Before this, you need to draw a rough plan, think about where to put the existing pieces of furniture.

Do not overload the interior with things and furniture. Sometimes minimalism is your best friend when it comes to rearranging.

There are several rules for rearranging furniture.

  • If possible, clear the room of all unnecessary things. Move small furniture into the hallway or kitchen. Then gradually fill the room with it in accordance with the plan.
  • All furniture structures must be cleared of things to facilitate movement.
  • If there are wheels, use them when moving furniture.
  • When rearranging furniture, you should try to form a square with it, unless it concerns the zoning of the room.
  • Small pieces of furniture should also change their location.

After rearranging, the room should be light.

Important! Before moving large structures, you need to measure them and compare them with the intended places where they will be moved. Otherwise, the rearrangement will have to be done more than once, dragging heavy cabinets and sofas from corner to corner.

Contemporary style

The name of the style translates as “modern”. It combined the features of constructivism and Scandinavian style. The direction gives designers freedom for creativity, because, despite the restraint and laconicism, the interior in the contemporary style can be varied.

Neutral colors are used for the background, and accents are placed on furnishings. For example, a bright painting, sofa cushions, original figurines. Don’t be afraid to combine materials of different textures in one space: wood, glass, metal, varnish. Together they will give the room expressiveness.

To emphasize the style in the bedroom, a steel-colored bedspread looks good together with a classic carved headboard. Place a modern wooden table nearby and place several metal lamps.

Preference is given to folding and spacious furniture: walls, cabinet products, folding sofas. Blinds and light tulle are hung on the windows. The design provides lightness and simplicity in every detail, so you should not get carried away with patterns and designs.


Typically, a desk is placed near windows to make the most of natural daylight for studying. Most often, you have to sit with your back to the door. Some girls feel discomfort at this, so it is better to place the desktop in any convenient place. How to emphasize the working mood in this case? Here are some options:

  • Neutral color scheme promotes focus and concentration. A great idea is to decorate part of the wall near the table in yellow or white;
  • Since it is difficult to imagine modern youth without computer technology, there should be enough space on the table for a laptop, textbooks, and notes. It is advisable to choose a furniture model consisting of several modules or with drawers (for cosmetics and various small items);
  • female students would benefit from a small book rack installed next to the desk. If the rack is installed across the wall, it can visually zone a room for a young girl. Only in this case it is necessary to select a design without side walls. The original idea is to fix the shelves on metal pipe bases (fixed in the floor and ceiling).

The choice of chair must also be taken responsibly. For comfortable work, you need a model that supports your back and has armrests. However, a little elegance will not hurt the chair, so choose a product with bright soft upholstery or decorated with textured materials (large knitting, fur).

Metal marker boards will come in handy in the work area of ​​creative individuals. They're good for capturing ideas (in writing or pictures) and as a reminder board for distracted people.

Classic style

The style is characterized by elegance and nobility, which is manifested in decoration and furniture. Pleasing to the eye pearl, chocolate, and olive colors predominate. Accents can be placed using black, burgundy, emerald.

Materials should preferably be natural: stone, wood, marble. But products with high-quality imitation are also not prohibited.

Luxurious, voluminous textiles, thick fabrics, ruffles and intricate patterns create a feeling of unpretentious luxury. Textiles (curtains, pillows, upholstery) can repeat the tones of the walls, but be a little more saturated. Furniture usually has warm, natural tones. Flashy bright colors will be superfluous here.

In a classic bedroom, the main place is considered to be a large and comfortable bed with a high headboard. Carved details, curved lines and a luxurious look are what a classic bed cannot do without.

For a women's room, it is worth providing an abundance of accessories. These could be framed photographs, vases of flowers, floor lamps by the bed, small lighting fixtures on a boudoir table. To harmoniously fit them into the classics, they should be made of bronze, porcelain or, in the case of lamps, resemble elegant candlesticks.

The original chest is also a frequently used item in the classical style. You can put it downstairs by the bed. If space allows, an imitation fireplace is sometimes added to the decor. As for the closet, it can have built-in lighting and a large mirror.

There cannot be too many mirrors in a women's room. They should have an oval or any unusual shape, and be in a plain light or golden frame. You can simply place them on the wall or above the dressing table.

Rest zone

The rest area should have enough space for sleeping. If the room is small, then you can install a folding sofa bed, which, when folded during the day, is perfect for receiving guests, watching TV or listening to music, and at night can easily be converted into a sleeping place.

The sleeping area can be separated from the rest of the room using a screen if there is a sofa, or a canopy if there is a bed. Instead, you can use special partitions that will not only separate the recreation area from the rest of the room, but also diversify the interior in an original way.

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Even if a girl’s room is very small, you still need to approach interior design very responsibly and carefully. It is important to correctly calculate literally every centimeter of the room so that the result is a cozy, functional room. An original room design for a girl can be achieved by combining wallpaper.


A women's bedroom in Provence style is the embodiment of simplicity and lightness. The basis of the room is beige, caramel, silver colors and any other, seemingly slightly faded color scheme.

The furniture in the bedroom has a vintage look. Elegant wicker, antique and aged furniture in light colors will fit well: white, beige, light mint, pale lemon.

A white bedroom is considered a universal solution. This is a great option for rooms with large windows. The room is furnished with painted white wooden furniture with a natural texture. The decor is diluted with pastel decor.

For furnishings, you will need chests of drawers with curly legs, cabinets with painted fronts, and an elegant makeup table with a mirror. The bed can be decorated with a metal headboard and have small forged legs that will add simplicity and comfort.

The style greatly values ​​romance. A touch of France can be added to it with the help of floral patterns and real flowers in baskets or vases. Light curtains, carved boxes, black and white photographs, ceramic figurines and lamps with fabric lampshades are suitable as decoration.

For high-quality artificial lighting, you should buy a wrought-iron chandelier or a lamp with a frame. Lamps, floor lamps and sconces with unusual fabric lampshades are considered a good addition.

Lighting in a girl's room

The lighting design of a girl's bedroom is thought out taking into account the overall illumination of the room. If it is not enough, additional lighting must be provided. At least two lighting schemes are used in the interior: day and night. It is better to avoid large and formal chandeliers, unless this is dictated by the chosen style.

  • Instead of a chandelier, it is better to use point light sources, evenly distributed over the ceiling area, as the main lighting. They will suit any interior design and illuminate even the most remote corners of the room.
  • For the work area, it is better to choose a modern lamp with the ability to change the direction of the light flow. This lamp can also be used for additional illumination of other areas by directing it in the desired direction.
  • Bedside lighting can be implemented in different ways: a lamp standing on the bedside table, a sconce above the headboard or a floor lamp near the bed will provide an opportunity to read before bed.
  • Windows must be equipped not only with light, transparent, but also thick curtains that provide isolation from light from the street - this will allow you to fully relax at night. Instead of curtains, you can use blinds in your bedroom design.


As additional accessories in the interior of a girl’s bedroom, you can use not only photographs, souvenirs from travel, but also favorite toys, collections of figurines, embroidery or drawings of the owner of the bedroom, and all those little things that give comfort and warmth to this most intimate room in the house.

Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style is based on minimalism, which is individualized thanks to a white background and original decor. For example, woven carpets, wooden accessories.

The decoration of the women's bedroom in a modern style has white, gray, milky and peach colors. The style accepts all natural tones and does not tolerate pretentiousness and brightness of shades. They are allowed only in small quantities when choosing decor: pillows, potted plants, unusual paintings.

Another important point is the use of natural materials: stone, wood, leather. If it is not possible to use such materials, it is permissible to take a high-quality imitation as a basis.

Scandinavian style uses a minimum number of pieces of furniture, so the space is not overloaded and there is plenty of free space. Designers suggest replacing a massive wardrobe with open hangers, and bedside tables with functional shelves.

The standard set includes a laconic bed, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers of strict shapes. Modular furniture is welcome, thanks to the movement of which you can quickly change the surrounding appearance.

For decoration, they buy porcelain and metal figurines, paintings with landscapes, and original panels.

Much attention is paid to lighting. The windows should be large and the amount of light should be as large as possible. Therefore, you need to take care of floor lamps, sconces, and built-in lamps.

Storage systems

To conveniently store numerous outfits, it is better to use a tall wardrobe. The optimal depth of the product is 55-60 cm. An excellent idea is to install one door with a mirror panel. In this case, it will be easier to select a wardrobe and you will not have to additionally install a mirror. Additional storage spaces can be drawers located under the bed.

New styles

The modern women's bedroom gravitates towards trends that are based on laconicism and functionality. Let's look at what styles this is inherent in.


In its pure form, minimalism is rare. But the simplicity of finishing and practicality, which is characteristic of the style, is close to many directions.

When arranging a room, you need to take into account that the overall color scheme should not contain more than three shades. Ideally, stop at two. The most popular are white bedrooms with delicate or bright accents: gray, beige, chocolate or lemon, as well as blue, green, red with more neutral companion colors.

Modern style advocates neutral surface finishes. The walls are carefully painted with plain paint or covered with wallpaper in basic colors. Imitation wood looks good on the floor: laminate, parquet boards or ceramic tiles. The ceiling can be either multi-level or single-level white. The built-in lighting looks impressive in such an environment.

For a bedroom in this style, it is advisable to select simple and comfortable furniture, without an abundance of decor and patterns. It is desirable that the furniture be made of wood, leather, stone and other natural materials.

Minimalism adheres to a simple rule: minimum decor, more free space. But don't forget about interesting accessories. For example, black and white photos, fresh flowers, modern painting.

High tech

Translated from English, hi-tech means “high technology”. Therefore, this direction is chosen by those who cannot imagine life without innovative solutions. Clarity and restraint reign in it, and the originality of the design is achieved by playing on the contrast of shades. Usually this is a cold range: black, white, silver, blue. Red and burgundy are used for accents.

The main materials used in rooms of this style are plastic, metal and glass. Natural materials can only be used as supplements and in small quantities.

Stretch ceilings with a glossy surface are perfect for finishing. This option will be especially advantageous for small rooms, which, due to the reflection of light, will become visually more spacious. Any finishing material is acceptable for the floor, but there should be no patterns on it. The surface is usually glossy and in cool, discreet shades. To decorate the walls, you can choose any tone - from rich dark to light. Both painting and non-woven wallpaper are suitable.

Preference should be given to multifunctional furniture with a strict geometric shape. Next to the simple bed there is a small bedside table and a spacious wardrobe. The overall picture will be perfectly complemented by a coffee table.

High tech requires a lot of lighting. Spotlights that are built into the furniture, floor and ceiling, a flat chandelier in the middle of the room, and sconces by the bed are suitable.

Art Deco

Since its inception, the style has been in demand among the female half due to its emphasis on elegance, chic and decorativeness. A bedroom of this style should have strict geometry and symmetry, a lot of gloss in metal, glass, mirrors and expensive materials. Wood, stone, leather, glass are actively used, but imitation should be abandoned.

The key color scheme is black and white. For accents choose gold, burgundy, emerald, chocolate. The main thing is that the colors look expensive and elegant.

Floor finishing is made from natural materials. Ideally, this is parquet flooring laid out with geometric patterns. You can put an animal skin or a fur rug by the bed. The walls are decorated very richly. For example, wallpaper with ornaments or hand-painted patterns. Stucco molding would be appropriate on the ceiling, as well as complex designs with lighting.

The bed in the interior of a women's bedroom usually has a rectangular headboard with a velvet or leather headboard. The furnishings are complemented by stylish chests of drawers and bedside tables with lacquered finishes, a table with a mirror and an easy chair.

Lighting plays a huge role in style. The lack of natural light can be compensated for by fancy lamps of various shapes, as well as lighting of niches, seating areas, beds and other parts of the room.

There are no restrictions on decor. Large fans, gilded vases, antique lampshades, and heavy covers for poufs with ornaments are actively used. The most commonly used textiles are silk, satin and velvet.


Stylistic features include smooth lines, the use of a muted palette and soft lighting.

Modernism does not accept sharp transitions, so the walls and flow are kept in the same range. Sand, cream, pearl, and lilac are used for the background. Dusty pink, lavender, and lemon will add a touch of mystery to a woman’s interior.

Designers use any type of wood, metal elements, and glass surfaces for finishing.

On the floor, parquet with plant motifs is most often found. Light-colored coverings are suitable for small and narrow bedrooms, visually making them larger. The dark floor contrasts with the neutral walls and adds dynamics.

The walls are usually discreet, decorated with decorative plaster. The ceilings are made two-tiered, stretched with a satin texture. They can be diluted with stucco molding and baguettes.

Furniture should be functional. Mainly for Art Nouveau it is made of wood with glass inserts. Upholstered furniture includes sofas and armchairs of bizarre shapes. It is permissible to complement the seating area with a massive tabletop on thin curly legs.

In modernism, lamps act as style-forming elements. These can be floor and wall lamps made of wood and glass, spotlights, as well as sconces and floor lamps with porcelain details and metal elements that illuminate the dark corners of the room.

Competent selection of color palette

When designing a room for a girl, it is very important to choose the right main color of the room. Designers do not recommend combining more than three colors for one room, so it is important to highlight the main one among them. Warm pastel shades are good for a youth room: yellow, orange, peach, and in addition to them the use of contrasting colors. It is important to know that for a bright shade there must be a contrasting calm color to brighten up its aggressiveness. Bright colors should be used very carefully; they go well with the explosive and active temperament of a girl with a rich imagination.

Light colors, although not very practical, will make the room visually more spacious and brighter. Light shades look good in a small room. They are ideal for the calm and romantic nature of a teenager. But you need to know that light-colored furniture very quickly loses its presentable appearance due to its soiling.

Pink color with all its shades will suit a glamorous young lady. It gives the room a rich, imposing look. Additional accessories can add to the sense of glamor and luxury. This could be, for example, decorative pillows in burgundy or a panel on the wall.

Cozy and calm environment

Interiors made in pastel colors create an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility. For romantic natures, Provence, classic, and Scandinavian styles are suitable.

  • Provence is sunshine, soft shades that give the room a sophisticated and delicate look. Popular colors: soft lilac, light blue, sand, blurry olive. Wallpaper with small patterns (flowers, birds) or stripes is used to decorate the walls. The windows are decorated with ruffled curtains or more modern Roman blinds. This style welcomes textiles made of cotton, satin, linen, and silk. Furniture should be made of natural wood, painted white/blue/greenish with elements of aging (scuff marks). The decoration of the bed and table may contain openwork decorative elements.
  • Classic suggests a luxurious, pampered modern interior for a girl’s room. Primary colors that emphasize the airiness and splendor of the setting: pink, beige, turquoise, pistachio, coffee, white. The chosen style does not accept contrasts, so there are no sharp color transitions. For furniture, beautiful products with gracefully curved shapes made from natural wood in light shades are selected. Moreover, natural fabrics (sometimes embroidered with gold) and leather are used for furniture upholstery. Textiles are made from natural expensive fabrics: silk, satin, viscose. The material is most often monochromatic, but a light and discreet pattern is allowed.
  • The Scandinavian style is distinguished by laconicism, a minimum of decor and looks advantageous in large areas. The most acceptable colors: shades of white, sand, blue, blurry green. Moreover, the main color in the interior is white, and shades can be used to zone the room. The furniture is made of light wood. It is possible to paint the products in a white base color or to preserve the natural texture of the wood. Handmade things are welcome - a coffee table made from boards, a bedside table made from a stool.

For the room of a 20-year-old girl, you can choose a small podium bed, inside of which there are sections for storing things.

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