Children's room in Khrushchev: photos and layout options (61 photos)

Many people think that it is impossible to make a comfortable nursery from a small room in which the baby will enjoy being. But this is not so: even a room in a standard Khrushchev can be turned into a room ideal for games, relaxation and creativity. To do this, you need to carefully think through the layout, use every square centimeter of space, choose the right furniture and try not to clutter the space with unnecessary objects.

Children's room in Khrushchev in Provence style

Children's room in Khrushchev made of pine

Children's room in Khrushchev blue

What you need to know about planning

The layout and zoning of the nursery depends on how many people it is intended for. But even the smallest room should be divided into four parts. These are the areas where the child will:

  • sleep;
  • do homework and create;
  • play and do exercises;
  • have fun with friends.

You can set the designer the following task: a children's room in a Khrushchev-era building with layout options. But you can save money, study photos of a variety of rooms and come up with your own design option.

Children's room in Khrushchev gray

Children's room in Khrushchev in the style of Star Wars

Children's room in Khrushchev in monochrome design

If two children live there, the location of the zones needs to be thought out even more carefully. Each child should have personal space and a place to sleep. A real find for Khrushchev apartments is a double bed. You can also order a shared work desk with a long tabletop, and there can be a shared space for games and entertaining guests.

In a room for two, each person should have their own sleeping place. You can put a bunk bed or separate two regular beds with a wardrobe.

Children's room in Khrushchev with a sofa

Children's room in Khrushchev with painted walls

The layout of the zones needs to be thought out carefully. The sleeping area should be as comfortable and safe as possible. And in the working room it is necessary to install additional lighting and place it near the window. The center of the room will be the play space. To have as much of it as possible, it is recommended to use transformable furniture.

Children's room in Khrushchev is bright

Children's room in Khrushchev for two

Children's room in Khrushchev in Art Nouveau style

Princess's room

Where the girl will live, everything must meet the requirements of the little lady. A wide velvety chair and a high soft bed will fit well here.

Battered pink can be diluted with olive and white. Or you can completely abandon it in favor of new interesting shades.

It is better if your daughter has her own private corner where her dolls, daughters or fairy-tale animals live. A nursery for a girl in Khrushchev is a small island of tenderness.

Zoning options

Today, lighting or finishing materials of different colors are often used to divide into zones. But this solution is more suitable for a living room or bedroom, and in a nursery, the space needs to be separated by physical objects or partitions - this way the child will be more calm and comfortable in the nursery.

Children's room in Khrushchev orange

Children's room in Khrushchev in loft style

Children's room in Khrushchev with plywood furniture

To zone a room you can use the following:

  • curtains;
  • screens;
  • plasterboard partitions;
  • cabinets and racks;
  • sliding partitions;
  • podium.

Children's room in Khrushchev green

Children's room in Khrushchev with a sofa bed

Children's room in Khrushchev with painting

Some people think that installing additional structures will make the room smaller. Of course, a partition or screen will take up several square centimeters. But whether it will visually reduce the space depends on its color, location and size. If you choose the right screens and curtains, it will not become smaller. On the contrary, such zoning will make the interior more logical and understandable.

To divide the space, you can use curtains, screens, cabinets and plasterboard partitions

Children's room in Khrushchev blue

Children's room in Khrushchev with solid wood furniture

Design tips

In order to make the most profitable design of a bedroom for children with your own hands, we recommend taking as a basis the rules used by designers when working with rooms with limited space:

  • The main color palette of furniture facades, walls and flooring is calm, gentle and bed shades. The use of this color scheme allows you to visually expand the space (see Color of a children's room: an important component of design);
  • The interior door and flooring should have a monochromatic and calm design. The main shade must be chosen so that it is several tones darker and more intense than the walls and furniture facades;
  • There is no need to weigh down the windows with massive, thick and heavy curtains. Give preference to light tulle. Depending on the chosen style, organza and blinds can be used;
  • If the children's room is located in the same room as the living room, which has zoning, it is necessary to pay special attention to lighting. In order to visually enlarge the space, you can use special spotlights that are mounted around the entire perimeter of the room;
  • The ceiling must be decorated in the most similar shades to the wall covering. Using light colors with a monochromatic structure will expand the bedroom. It is possible to use hanging structures with a glossy and reflective surface.

Advice! Before making a nursery in a one-room Khrushchev-era building, you need to select furniture that is suitable in size. These can be ready-made modular sets that include several elements at once (desk, bed, shelving, cabinets, chests of drawers).

For two children, a bunk bed will help save space. For preschool children, you can buy a pull-out bed. No less popular are various furniture sets that have a folding and transforming mechanism.

You can learn more about all the intricacies and possibilities for choosing materials and styles by watching the video in this article.

How to divide a room with screens

This option was invented many centuries ago in the East. Modern designers also actively use this technique. After all, there is nothing easier than dividing space with the help of a mobile stylish screen.

Children's room in Khrushchev with a balcony

Children's room in Khrushchev for sisters

Children's room in Khrushchev white

They are made from rice paper, wood, plastic, glass. For a child's room, you need to choose a durable model made from safe materials. Paper may tear, glass may break, but plastic will survive impacts and falls.

Children's room in Khrushchev in Scandinavian style

Children's room in Khrushchev with lamps

Children's room in Khrushchev with a bunk bed

You can hide a bed behind a screen. The structure slides apart before going to bed, and the rest of the time it can stand assembled against the wall or in a closet. If two people live in the nursery, you can also use a screen to fence off the desk. Products can be the same color as the walls, or vice versa, contrasting.

Children's room in Khrushchev in country style

Children's room in Khrushchev for a teenager

Zoning the space with curtains

In a child's room, curtains can be placed not only on the windows. Using dense pieces of material, divide the space into several zones. The canopy can be hung over the perimeter of the bed. For girls, curtains made of translucent fabric are suitable, but boys need to choose something more “brutal.”

The easiest way to divide the space is with fabric. No need to build drywall walls or assemble a closet. It is enough to find high-quality curtains that will not allow light to pass through.

Children's room in Khrushchev is narrow

Using curtains you can divide a room into two parts. One will have a work desk and a bed, and the other will have a play area and a place for entertaining guests. So, with the help of curtains you can separate and hide your personal space from prying eyes. To decorate a nursery, you need to choose only fabrics made from natural materials. Linen or cotton, decorated with bright patterns, are suitable. It is better to choose a light fabric - it will make the nursery seem more spacious.

Installing plasterboard partitions

You can also zone a child’s room using plasterboard partitions. You just need to build not a blank wall, but make it with through windows. With this design, like curtains, the space can be divided into two parts. Windows are left in the partition so that light spreads evenly throughout the room and there is no darkness near the door.

Plasterboard partitions are suitable for all interiors. So that they do not interfere with the spread of daylight, they must be made with windows.

The openings can be left through or stained glass windows can be inserted into them. If the windows in such a partition remain empty, they should be used as shelves for small items. Place books, toys, boxes, photo frames there. It’s not worth filling such niches completely, but they need to be used. Additional light sources can be installed inside the plasterboard partition. With them the interior will be even more comfortable.

Interior of a children's room in Khrushchev

Children's room in Khrushchev wenge

Hallway design

The hallway in Khrushchev has several disadvantages:

  • miniature;
  • long and narrow corridor;
  • inconvenient layout in the shape of the letter "G".

To avoid lack of space, the hallway can be expanded to include a bathroom or living room, at least to install a wardrobe. The fact is that even a narrow closet in such a hallway will be inappropriate, because often the situation is aggravated by the bathroom door opening into the hallway. If you do not plan to enlarge the room, then you will have to resort to various design tricks to prevent the hallway from feeling cluttered.

Design techniques that will make the interior as uncluttered as possible:

Minimalist furniture. This applies not only to the design of furniture, but also to its quantity. The hallway should contain only the essentials. These are, for example, places for shoes and clothes. Moreover, you should avoid open hangers, since even a couple of sets of winter clothes on it will create the effect of chaos. Still, you need to try to allocate space for the closet. This could be a small corner cabinet with a mirrored door. Nearby you can hang a small shelf for small things that should be at hand. In general, corner structures and mirrors should be used in the hallway of a Khrushchev building. But hanging a mirror opposite the door is not recommended according to Feng Shui. A competent selection of interior colors will help expand the space. It is known that light colors visually make the interior more spacious. This is also true for the hallway. However, if you follow this advice, choose materials that can be washed. For example, for walls it could be paint, for floors it could be tiles or ceramic tiles. Avoid materials with a porous texture; in a cramped hallway they can easily get dirty, but it will be difficult to return to their original appearance. Color accents will distract from the cramped hallway, but don’t overdo it – there shouldn’t be too many of them. As for the ceilings, they must certainly be light, no experiments with dark shades on the ceiling, otherwise the ceiling will feel very low.

Lighting. Of course, the corridor design should include carefully thought out lighting

In a hallway, which is a priori deprived of a natural light source, this is extremely important. The best option would be a glossy stretch ceiling with spotlights

Their number should be sufficient. For example, lamps are often placed along the entire ceiling along the center line or along the perimeter of the walls in two rows. Additional wall lights can be provided. The switch must be positioned so that it can be reached from the threshold. It is completely inconvenient when it is located in the center of the hallway. You have to cross part of the hallway in the dark in dirty shoes, coming from the street, just to turn on the light. By the way, if the corridor is long, then it is advisable to install a pass-through switch, with which you can control the lighting from different ends of the corridor.

Zoning. In a miniature hallway, zoning will probably be inappropriate, which cannot be said about a long corridor. Some designers advise dividing the space of such a corridor into two, maximum three zones using arches; you can also use color schemes.

Photos of hallway interiors

Sometimes a regular open hanger can help out. A large mirror on the side wall will expand the space of a narrow corridor

In a pinch, narrow wardrobes will help out.

If the width of the hallway allows, you can place a wardrobe along the wall

Agree, the wardrobe at the end of the corridor with photo printing looks interesting in the interior. Like a continuation of it.

A corner built-in wardrobe with sliding doors is convenient if there is no space to install a conventional straight wardrobe

Shelving and cabinets in the interior

A plasterboard partition can be replaced with a cabinet or shelving unit. Furniture can be used to separate an area with a computer desk or bed. If the rack will not stand near the wall, but across it, it should be without a back wall, through.

Children's room in Khrushchev for a boy

Children's room in Khrushchev with an ottoman

It is not recommended to use cabinets that have a back wall to divide space. Because they clutter the room and interfere with the spread of light and air.

Choose cabinets with end-to-end storage systems. It's rational and convenient. You can put books and all sorts of small things on the top shelves, and cardboard or plastic boxes with things on the bottom.

Children's room in Khrushchev with a starry sky

Design of a children's room in Khrushchev

Selecting the optimal color scheme

Not only solid white color makes it possible to make a room spacious. You can use many other shades. The main thing is that they are close to light, pastel. Tones such as : _

  • Cream;
  • Sand;
  • Soft pink or peach;
  • Lavender;
  • Pale yellow or pale green;
  • Baby blue;
  • Light grey.

In general, take your favorite color as a basis and choose from a palette of light shades. also allowed to use in the interior of small rooms . But they should appear in the form of small accents. For example, it could be a beautiful floor vase, a painting, a small rug or sofa cushions. To ensure that the color scheme of the apartment does not resemble a vinaigrette and is clear and harmonious, it is recommended to use no more than 3 colors. Where 60% of the area should be occupied by the main background color, 30% by the additional one, and only 10% should be reserved for bright details. This rule is used by all interior designers, because only with this method is it possible to build a correct and easy-to-perceive color composition.

Placing the podium

Installing a podium in a child’s room is another way to divide it into zones. It can be installed near one of the walls or near a window. A bed is most often placed on the podium, which is additionally covered with a canopy.

Children's room in Khrushchev with furniture

Children's room in Khrushchev with shelving

This space can also be used as a work area. A table with a computer, a chair, and a bookcase with books are placed here. The podium acts as an additional storage system. A closed space appears under it, which can be used for boxes with out-of-season clothes, books, toys and other things that are not used every day. The design must be strong and reliable.

Children's room in Khrushchev with a drawing on the wall

Making sliding partitions

The operating principle of most sliding partitions is the same as that of wardrobe doors. Metal rails are attached to the floor and ceiling, into which a panel of wood or MDF is inserted.

Children's room in Khrushchev with wallpaper

Partitions can be placed in the center of the room, dividing it into two parts, or you can separate one of the functional areas. To make the room seem larger, one of them can be made mirrored or frosted glass. This is a good option for a teenager's room. If a small child lives in the nursery, then it is better to abandon such an idea - it is too dangerous.

Children's room in Khrushchev for a baby

Sliding partitions take up less space than plasterboard or shelving. But they have a drawback - they cannot be used as a storage system. And in Khrushchev it is extremely important that every centimeter of space is used functionally. Therefore, you can install folding partitions that work on the accordion principle. But this will require building a plasterboard wall, which is not always suitable for a small room. Sliding partitions are suitable for a nursery in which two children live: if necessary, they can isolate themselves from each other.

Children's room in Khrushchev purple

Features of a nursery for two children of different sexes

The most difficult thing is to equip one room for children of different sexes, especially if they are of different ages. Usually, parents delimit only a place to sleep for children of different sexes. This is a big mistake.

Children of different sexes have different hobbies, just like their friends. Therefore, it is important to consider the design and furnishings of the room taking into account the interests of children. The layout options here could be:

  • Selection of work and study areas with two places of different design
  • Arrangement of sleeping and working space for each child along separate walls. You can use different colors to create visual contrast.
  • Using folding workstations and different storage boxes. In this case, children can use the workspaces alternately. This will teach them to negotiate among themselves.

Whatever the design, the most important thing is to create comfort and peace in the nursery, which only truly caring parents can do.

Arrangement of furniture in a one-room apartment with a nursery

A difficult task faces the owners of one-room apartments, who also need to create a children’s room in this room. The best solution is to zone the space. Here the child must have his own corner, in which there is a place for a bed and a table.

Children's room in Khrushchev with wooden furniture

Children's room in Khrushchev themed

You can equip a children's space near the window. Place a table next to the window sill, a bed next to it and fence off the space with a screen or shelving with through shelves. This corner should be illuminated as much as possible, so you will need a wall lamp or sconce here. The place for receiving guests will be shared between the child and parents. Usually this is the area near the TV.

Even in one room, you can divide the space into children's and parent's areas. You just need to plan the interior correctly.

Using a closet you can also divide the only room in the apartment into space for adults and children. In the parental area there is a bed and a convenient wall in which equipment is placed. Next to the bed you can place a table with a computer.

Children's room in Khrushchev with cabinet furniture

In the children's area, a bed is placed on one wall, a wardrobe on the other, and the window sill is converted into a table. It is better to divide the space with a shelving unit, which can also be used for storing things. To make both parents and child feel more comfortable, you can use sliding partitions or opaque curtains to divide the room.

Children's room in Khrushchev red

In the children's room you also need to arrange the furniture correctly. The table is placed opposite the window or near the wall so that the light falls from the left side. You can also leave space near the window for games and meetings with guests. And the bed can be moved to a darker part of the room, closer to the door. But the child will read here, so there must be a lamp above the bed. Cabinets are also moved closer to the entrance. When they stand near the window, the room immediately becomes smaller.

Children's room in Khrushchev black

Children's room in Khrushchev with a map

For a room in a one-room apartment and for a separate nursery, you need to select transformable furniture. A sofa bed, a chair-bed, a table with a folding lid will do. Don't give up on the idea of ​​adding a bunk bed. With this design you can save space.

Children's room in Khrushchev with built-in furniture

Children's room in Khrushchev for three

Examples of successful redevelopments of Khrushchev buildings

In this section we will give several examples of stunning and functional layouts of one-room Khrushchev apartments with an area of ​​30 sq.m., which actually implemented . When planning, all the requirements and wishes of the owners were taken into account, and the dimensions of pieces of furniture, the thickness of partitions and passages were calculated down to the centimeter. Otherwise, it would simply not be possible to bring the furniture into the room.

  • Example No. 1. When redeveloping this dwelling, all the partitions were first demolished, and then new ones were erected. The right thickness and in the right places. The kitchen was nevertheless combined with the living room; a bar counter and chairs were installed at the border, since the table had to be sacrificed. This made it possible to fit a sofa and small bedside tables on the sides. It is worth noting that the kitchen area is only 5 square meters. The bedroom turned out to be quite spacious and could fit a bed and a wardrobe. It was possible to preserve a spacious corridor where a niche was organized for a wardrobe. Thus, there is more than enough storage space in the apartment. The area of ​​the bathroom is only 3 sq.m. Therefore, a shower cabin was preferred to a standard bathtub, and the sink was installed above the washing machine. Well, why don’t you want a full-fledged two-room apartment?

  • Example No. 2. This layout is implemented on an area of ​​31 square meters in a corner apartment. In this option, the kitchen remained isolated from the rest of the rooms. In addition, a partition was added in the living room, which made it possible to separate the sleeping area and the opening between the corridor and the living room was expanded. The door frame was removed, which made it possible to visually expand the room. Due to the fact that the apartment is a corner one, both the living room and the bedroom have a window opening, which makes them full-fledged, separate rooms. Bedroom area – 7 sq.m., living room – 9 sq.m. Moreover, both rooms include one small workplace. Please note that all furniture is mobile and functional.

    The desktop is equipped with wheels, which allows you to move it to the center of the living room when guests arrive. The spacious closet is represented by a corner model. And the most pleasant thing is that it was possible to fit a full-fledged rectangular bathtub in the bathroom due to the fact that narrow plumbing fixtures and a wall-hung toilet of the smallest size were used, and the washing machine was suspended above the toilet;

  • Example No. 3. The area of ​​this apartment is 29 square meters. In this case, every centimeter of space was used to the maximum. Some of the partitions were dismantled, a niche was equipped to accommodate a bed, and the entrance to the kitchen was moved. Where there used to be a door to the kitchen is now a small workspace. In the kitchen of 5 sq.m. There is a large amount of built-in equipment. It was possible to fit it in thanks to the fact that the narrowest built-in models were chosen, and the gas stove was replaced with a two-burner hob. In order to have a full-fledged work area, the tabletop was extended and opposite the window. The bedroom and living room essentially form one room. But the sleeping area is isolated due to the retractable screen. The diagram shows that a large corner wardrobe fits in the hallway. Additional storage space is provided by a niche in the sofa and a large box under the mattress of the bed with a lifting mechanism, as well as wall shelves;
  • Example No. 4. This is an example of redevelopment of an apartment with an area of ​​30 sq.m. It is interesting because a glass partition was used to isolate the sleeping area. Additionally, it is equipped with blackout curtains, which provide complete darkness even in daylight. In the bedroom, under the wall there is a large wardrobe with glass fronts. This technique makes it possible to create perspective, which visually increases the space. Another smaller closet is located in the hallway. The living room is combined with the kitchen, and on the border there is a dining group. The window sill in the kitchen was raised to the same level as the countertop and is its continuation. The entrance to the bathroom was moved, making it possible to compactly place everything you need, and even a full bath. In this case, the washing machine is also suspended using special mounts above the toilet. Agree, after such actions it is already difficult to call the apartment Khrushchev. Such housing is maximally adapted to the needs of the owners, functional and comfortable.
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