Making dreams come true: a dressing room in a small apartment

Advantages of a dressing room

Keeping your personal items and accessories in one place makes it easier to get ready for work in the morning and clean up periodically. Proper organization of a dressing room has many positive aspects:

  1. Availability of additional warehouse space. Inside, you can organize shelves and luggage racks, equip cabinets with hooks and shoe racks, and build umbrella stands.
  2. A voluminous chest of drawers and drawers for things can be moved to the dressing room. By removing cabinets in the bedroom and living room, the owner frees up space for other purposes.
  3. You can install a full-length mirror in your new room, which allows you to evaluate your appearance just before leaving the house.
  4. A compact dressing room can be arranged in a large corridor, in a wall niche. The most successful solutions are projects for placing changing rooms in a private house (in the attic, under the stairs on the second floor, on the first floor with glass partitions).

The advantages of this idea include a huge number of ready-made design projects with drawings of future dressing rooms.

The master can only find and print a diagram suitable for the job. An alternative option is sliding wardrobes in the room (used for studios).

What is good about a dressing room in the hallway?

There are many advantages of placing a wardrobe in the entrance area:

  1. Keeping everything in one place is very convenient when choosing an outfit.
  2. It's easy to change the seasonality of clothing. To do this, just move the sets from one shelf to another.
  3. Lack of large furniture in the remaining rooms of the house. There's simply no need for it. Therefore, the premises will remain free and open for the implementation of stylish furnishing ideas.

Of course, small pieces of furniture for storing linen, toys, books, and dishes will be located in the rest of the apartment, but the space will not be crowded - and this is the main argument in favor of locating the wardrobe system in the hallway area.

How to make a dressing room: placement options

In a house, a storage room is also assigned at the design stage or later when allocating a room. They are rarely found in standard apartments. Therefore, it is necessary to find a suitable solution. Let's look at several possible options for what and where you can make a dressing room with your own hands.

In the hall

It’s good that the owner has a large room at his disposal, part of which can be removed to organize a storage system. In this case, a partition is placed dividing the corridor into two rooms. The size and shape of the wardrobe are selected taking into account your preferences. In small apartments, there are two solutions for how to design a dressing room in the hallway. The first is intended for long but fairly large rooms.

There is a filing cabinet on one of the walls. It is optimal to choose a closed wardrobe, possibly with mirrored doors. This will visually expand a small space. The second option is for square or cramped layouts. In this case, the corner is fenced off with a partition, and a storage system is installed inside it.

Under the stairs

The free space under the flight of stairs is deep enough to accommodate a storage room. There are many options for arrangement. You can make a closet either open or with doors: sliding or hinged. A modular design, which is assembled from retractable or retractable elements, is also suitable. Hooks, crossbars, shelves, and drawers are placed inside such blocks.

Out of the closet

A boring wardrobe can easily be converted into a wardrobe if desired. The layout depends on the available space. The filling is pulled out of the old cabinet, leaving only the frame, which will become the basis of the new design. It is installed in place and the filling is installed.

It can be done differently. Use old furniture as closet storage. Take some elements without changes, change them and repeat something.

In the bedroom

It is customary to store clothes in the bedroom, so this solution is considered very appropriate. The space for the storage system is determined based on the shape of the bedroom. If it is too stretched, it is best to fence off the area across the room.

The bedroom will acquire the correct proportions, become more comfortable and attractive. In fairly spacious, square and adjacent rooms, a corner placement of the dressing room is preferable. It is separated by a permanent partition with doors or a thick curtain.

From a niche

If the size of the niche allows, shelves and shelves are arranged inside. All that remains is to install the doors: hinged, sliding or compartment. The cabinet can be left open, but it should look attractive and neat, or covered with a thick fabric curtain. Small niches are complemented by a plasterboard structure that expands to size.

In the pantry

Older apartments often have a small, windowless room called a closet. Usually its area allows you to place a full-fledged dressing room in the interior. The filling can be anything, placed along the walls or the letter G. The door is closed with a curtain or a suitable door is installed.

Dressing room in the attic

This is a less affordable dressing room option. But with the right room layout and furniture arrangement, the attic will be an excellent place for a dressing room. Since this is an attic, it is important to pay special attention to ventilation and vapor barriers. This is necessary to prevent moisture and mold from entering.

Behind the partition

You can arrange the closet behind the partition yourself, without involving specialists. The partition can be improvised or stationary.

Improvisation - using blackout curtains to divide a room. The curtain is attached to the ceiling using a frame or rod. The screen is suitable for a bedroom; behind it you can not only arrange a dressing room, but also store bed linen, and arrange a boudoir there with a mirror with good lighting. But a model with a curtain will hardly look appropriate in the living room.

The second option is zoning with plasterboard, this model is a little more complicated and expensive, but there are no problems with the location, it can be installed in any room. No permits are required for the construction of such a building. This structure can be dismantled at any time.

Choosing a place for a dressing room

A bedroom or bathroom often has a full-fledged dressing room adjacent to it. Often an existing storage room or corridor is converted into it.

The size of the apartment is not the only criterion for arranging a dressing room. Its position is also affected by the structure of the house. An ideal dressing room is considered to be a room with two entrances: from the bedroom and from the bathroom. And also the one that has a window, because in natural light it is more clear, like, for example, a blue dress and yellow shoes will be standing outside.

Remodeled empty closets under stairs, attics, and even patios can serve as clothing storage areas.

In fact, there may be several locker rooms. A man and a woman, for example. Or for seasonal and non-seasonal clothing. Once you decide to clear out your pantry, you don’t need to look for a large space. And use some empty and ineffective corners. For example, for seasonal clothing and accessories - a corner closer to the bedroom or living room. For out-of-season items: a remote closet or space under the stairs.

How to plan a dressing room of 2-3 square meters. m in an apartment


Specifics of a small dressing room

Khrushchev buildings and one-room apartments will not allow you to design a spacious room. However, it is really possible to intelligently plan a mini-room in them, in which you can store clothes, shoes, care products, and also place a shelf for bags and suitcases.

Dressing rooms with an area of ​​2 or 3 square meters. m have the following specifics:

  • they will not fit a full-fledged closet, so the best option is to use a large number of shelves or small cabinets attached to the walls;
  • to find things quickly, it is recommended to install cabinets with transparent doors;
  • you can plan such a room either without a door or with sliding or hinged doors;
  • a full-length mirror is a mandatory element used to visually expand the room;
  • it is necessary to plan the room in such a way that there are no problems in the process of choosing items of clothing, and also free access to any of its zones is provided;
  • an important detail is high-quality lighting, otherwise it will be difficult to find the right things in a dark mini-wardrobe;
  • It is unacceptable to clutter the room with an excessive number of shelves to avoid clutter.

Taking into account its specifics for proper organization of space will help you plan your mini-wardrobe correctly.


Planning rules

There are several layout options for mini-rooms, which must be chosen based on their distinctive features:

  • Corner layout is the optimal solution for small spaces, allowing you to plan a dressing room even in the bedroom. The most compact way to arrange furniture is a triangular layout. For trapezoidal, it is recommended to make niches using drywall. The most popular solution is the L-shaped one, which consists of attaching shelves along the walls and connecting them in some corner.
  • A U-shaped layout is a good option for a rectangular room with an area of ​​no more than 2 square meters. m. It involves placing shelves, cabinets and racks on three sides of the room. At the same time, for greater comfort, it is advisable to allocate space along the end wall to facilitate the process of changing clothes and finding the right things. It is easy to place a mirror surface in any area of ​​the mini-wardrobe of this design.
  • Linear layout is a way of organizing space by installing a closet along one long wall, with special attention paid to the optimal arrangement of things in it for ease of use.
    The use of a linear design eliminates the excessive length of the room to avoid problems with finding objects.



How to plan a dressing room with your own hands correctly? For convenient use of a room, not only its layout, but also storage devices are of great importance. An important aspect is also the design, with which you can create not only a comfortable, but also an aesthetic mini-wardrobe.

For a mini-room, interior items should be compact and ergonomic. Today it is possible to choose such solutions from a large number of options suitable for any small space.

Suitable for a small dressing room:

  • guides for easy movement of boxes and other items;
  • rods mounted in the center of the room, as this is considered the most effective way to organize a small space;
  • shelves on which you can store not only clothes and shoes, but also many other things;
  • special storage systems that can hold a large number of items and can be moved in different directions.

Most often, it is not possible to place all the necessary items in a mini-wardrobe, so it is recommended to leave the most visible place for storing seasonal items. Other wardrobe items can be put away in distant drawers and cabinets. It is better to put things that you use very rarely on the upper shelves. Casual clothing should be at eye level.



Planning a dressing room with your own hands is an excellent option for those who want to create a room that fully suits their own taste. In order for the finish to be harmonious, it is recommended to decorate the space in the same style.

Typically, the dressing room is separated from other rooms of the apartment using a screen or partition made of plasterboard. Materials used to decorate the space:

  • plastic panels are characterized by durability and low cost; they are easy to connect with each other, and the colors can be different;
  • Glass wallpaper is great for creating original and bright decor, but they are quite expensive;
  • Ceramic tiles will help give the finish a special appeal, but for this you need to know how to lay it correctly.

Paint is also a great option for decorating your closet yourself, as it is easy to apply and resistant to negative environmental factors. The design of the storage room should match the style of the entire apartment. When using wallpaper, it is recommended to choose washable wallpaper. To preserve the beautiful appearance of wooden interior items, it is advisable to coat them with a special protective varnish.

In mini-dressing rooms, natural light is most often not available due to the lack of windows. Therefore, in order to optimally plan lighting, this must be done at the project development stage. It is important to consider that the light should come from different sources: not only from the central chandelier, but also from LED strips or small lamps used as lighting for drawers and shelves.

It is acceptable to use LED lamps that are embedded or embedded in the ceiling. They not only save energy, but also provide comfort, since they can be used to adjust the brightness of the lighting. It is recommended to plan the light in the dressing room so that it is as close to natural as possible.

With proper planning, proper arrangement and attractive decor, you can create a multifunctional, comfortable and beautiful mini-room for storing things.

Types of dressing rooms

There are two main types of locker rooms:

  • Open
  • Closed

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Open dressing room

An open dressing room suggests that the pantry is not separated by partitions or doors, but is a continuation of the interior.

Advantages of an open dressing room:

  • Everything is in sight and within reach
  • Comfortable arrangement in small apartments
  • The space of the room remains visually spacious

Disadvantages of an open dressing room:

  • Everything is visible, including your guests
  • Items must be kept in perfect order to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the room.

Closed dressing room

A closed dressing room is located in a separate room or niche, which is fenced off with a mosquito net or compartment door.

Advantages of a closed dressing room:

  • The total area of ​​the apartment is not cluttered with things, clothes, clothes, accessories.
  • If there is no opportunity or time to clean up, none of the guests will notice from behind the door.
  • A large and spacious walk-in closet offers storage space for all family members, regardless of their size.
  • There is a lot of storage space, which can be organized as ergonomically as possible.
  • You can try on clothes, put them in order, iron them and prepare them at any time of the day, without disturbing the house (which is especially important if there is a small child in the house).

If you equip the dressing room with a large mirror or dressing table, then the dressing room will serve not only as a storage room, but also as a full-fledged dressing room.

Disadvantages of a closed dressing room:

  • You need the place because of its location
  • additional lighting required
  • A living room with a closed dressing room becomes visually and functionally smaller

Dressing room in the bedroom

A visually convenient and attractive option for placing a dressing room is the bedroom. The types of construction can be divided into several points:

  1. A sleeping area is allocated and covered with a plasterboard sheet, thus dividing the room into two parts. Lighting and ventilation are provided in advance. Afterwards, shelving, rods and drawers are installed according to the taste of the apartment owner.
  2. A cabinet is inserted into the pre-selected wall. It must contain specially equipped components capable of storing clothes in a vertical and horizontal position.
  3. An open dressing room is created without partitions. It does not narrow the visual space and allows you to move freely and without obstacles.
  4. A screen made of soft fabric is used, creating coziness and comfortable movement.

It is easier to equip a room for clothes and accessories in an elongated bedroom. But if it is not possible to use a lot of space, then the best choice is a built-in wardrobe.

Wardrobe room layout

Depending on the area, the location of door and window openings, the number of things and the preferences of the owners, the arrangement of the dressing room can be done in different ways. Each of the presented options has certain characteristics that make it suitable for a certain type of room.


The triangular-shaped area is fenced off. The foundation is two adjacent walls, with a façade placed between them. You can use any fabric doors or curtains. In some cases, an open closet is chosen. Also looks good in a corner version. Racks, shelves and other contents are placed along the walls. The space in front of them is used for change.

The size of the triangle is not regulated. It can be regular or extended. It all depends on the availability of free space. A façade with doors is not always straight. If its shape is close to a semicircle, there will be much more space in the fenced area. In this case, the main room will lose practically nothing.

This is a good option for a small dressing room. The partition cannot always be placed in an arc, so a broken line is often used.

Linear or one-way

Arrangement of shelves along one of the walls. There are two possibilities. In the first, the door is in front of the closet. In this case, the distance between the opening and the drawers must be at least 0.8 m, otherwise using the furniture will be extremely inconvenient.

A door at a narrow end is more convenient, making it easier to find things and change clothes. In this case, the minimum width of the room should be 1.2 m, taking into account the depth of the shelves of about 0.55-0.6 m.

Parallel or two-way

The racks are arranged in two rows, facing each other. A practical and spacious option, if the size of the room allows it. Its length can be any, but the minimum width is 1.5 m. In this case, it will be possible to place furniture 0.55-0.6 m deep on one side, and narrower cabinets on the other. If you plan to install shelving of the same depth, you will need a width of at least 1.8 m.


Storage systems involve three walls on which racks or shelves are installed. It is better not to use narrow rooms. Those whose shape is close to a square are suitable. The U-shaped option is considered one of the most practical, as it allows you to place a large number of things. At the same time, it is convenient to use such a cabinet.

Types of dressing rooms and layout

Dressing rooms can be closed or open. The first are isolated, self-contained rooms with a door. The second, consisting of racks and drawers, are covered with a light sliding door or screen. Since a niche, an appendix corridor, or any free piece of home is usually used as a dressing room, its layout depends entirely on the geometry of the allocated area.

A linear (one-sided) dressing room is in most cases located in an alcove that complements the bedroom. The width of such storage, including the fitting area, must be at least 1.2 meters.

A corner dressing room occupies a corner of the main room, separated by a partition or sliding door. The racks are mounted along adjacent walls, leaving a patch in the middle for dressing.

The radius dressing room, round and smooth, looks especially impressive in the corner. True, it is, to put it mildly, difficult to implement this in a small apartment.

An L-shaped dressing room is the best option if for some reason you need more space for fitting. In such a room, storage systems are also adjacent to the walls - long and short.

The U-shaped layout is no less convenient, but requires significant space. The depth of the U-shaped dressing room must be at least 2 meters in order to freely choose clothes with the door closed.

A double-sided walk-through wardrobe is perhaps the most economical type. They equip it in aisles and corridors, placing racks parallel to each other along the walls.

Design and organization of a dressing room

The choice of dressing room interior depends on who will use it and what style the entire apartment is decorated in.

Universal dressing room for the whole family

When planning it, the number of those who will use it is taken into account - everyone should have their own section. Based on the number of things that are planned to be stored here, the number of shelves, racks and space for hooks is calculated.

It is important to analyze your wardrobe and understand what storage compartments each family member will need.

Men's dressing room

This is often done in dark colors using wood. Much attention is paid to the functional side: storage of ties, watches and cufflinks, convenient hangers for trousers and dresses.

Women's dressing room

Women's dressing rooms are often decorated in light colors. If space allows, a dressing table and pouf are installed inside. Often a carpet is laid on the floor, and the walls are decorated with paintings.

Most often, the women's dressing room is decorated in a classical style or has elements of Rococo and Baroque. The use of stucco and other decorations is allowed.

Children's dressing room

If the children's room is spacious enough, you can select a dressing room. They try to arrange it in such a way that it is convenient for the child to sort out his things and put them in their places.

This dressing room is decorated in light colors and a lot of attention is paid to the decor, which will turn the cleaning process into an exciting game. For older children, a more discreet design is suitable.

Wardrobe room - making a project

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for warehouse equipment and systems. But so that it doesn’t turn out that the great thing you bought simply doesn’t end up in your wardrobe, you need to draw up a plan on which you indicate all the sizes and dimensions. If everything “goes well,” armed with the dimensions (you have them, or you can measure them with numbers and calculate the real values ​​on the scale), you can go to the store to select systems.

There is another approach. Find out the dimensions of the lamps and systems you like (installation dimensions), cut them out to scale from cardboard or thick paper and try to combine everything. If possible, you can buy it. No, look for other options. As a result of your efforts, you should end up with the same layout as in the photo.

An example of organizing space in a dressing room (indicating the minimum sizes for different types of clothing)

To make it convenient to use equipment and get things out, the following distances should be observed:

  • minimum distance from shelf to shelf: when storing things - 30 cm; when storing shoes (without stilettos) - 20 cm;
  • shirts, jackets, jackets - 120 cm;
  • trousers: folded in half - 100 cm; length - 140 cm;
  • compartment for outerwear - 120 cm; coat - 160-180 cm;
  • for dresses - 150-180 cm.

Above we have reserved space for out-of-season clothing or items that are rarely used. There is often space below for a vacuum cleaner, and one of the cabinets has a built-in ironing board.

A detailed guide on how to properly plan a dressing room

Part 1: Planning

Planning and analysis is the first necessary and important stage in creating a dressing room.

Stage 1.

First of all, you need to decide on the number of people who will use this room. The ideal option is to have your own, albeit tiny, separate room for each family member. Unfortunately, this is not possible in most of our apartments. Therefore, if several people will use one dressing room at once, each will need to be allocated a personal area.

Stage 2.

To plan a dressing room successfully, you need to outline exactly what things it will be intended for. Depending on the size of the room or the amount of space allocated for the dressing room, large items, bedding, shoes and clothes, travel bags and suitcases, sports equipment, and jewelry can be stored here.

Stage 3.

Let's find out how many hangers and shelves will be needed for the future dressing room. To do this, you need to separate items into those that are stored in a suspended state and those that require a surface on which to place them.

Be sure to take into account the need to leave space “in reserve”! Because the wardrobe is expanding and not everyone likes to part with seemingly unnecessary things, leaving them for “just in case.”

Stage 4.

Measuring the length of dresses will help you plan your dressing room correctly. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to choose the height of the bar, focusing on the dimensions of one of the longest evening dresses. Such a dress will not suffer if it is thrown in a cover over the bar of a hanger.

Stage 5.

A sketch will help you plan your storage space. To start drawing it, you need to know exactly the dimensions of the dressing room and the things that will be placed in it, as well as the number of shelves. A good option would be drawings on paper of the future contents of the dressing room on a scale of 1:10, which are then cut out and moved to visually select the best combination.

As a result, you will receive a clear, optimally designed scheme for ordering furniture - shelving and cabinets. Also, if you clearly plan your dressing room, you can get an idea of ​​what kind of hangers, trunks for storing things and various accessories that you will definitely need.

Part 2: Dimensions

The width of the compartments for clothes hung on hangers is calculated as follows: placing hangers at a distance of 5 cm from each other is considered normal, dense - 2 cm. And don’t forget about ventilation! Trying to plan your dressing room as efficiently as possible, saving every inch of space, can lead to an unpleasant musty smell, like an old chest. In addition, poorly ventilated items are stored much worse.

Hangers are selected according to the size of your clothes. Their width varies from 34 to 51 cm. It is quite easy to choose suitable hangers thanks to the wide selection.

The depth of the cabinet is in the range of 50-60 cm, the European standard is 56 cm.

Clothes stored on hangers can be of two types: long and short. For the first, a separation of 1.5 m is allocated, for the second - approximately 1 m.

120-130 cm is provided for the trouser compartment

Here are some tips on how to optimally plan your storage room:

  • To make it easier to remove things, make the distance between the top shelf and the clothes rail at least 4-5 cm.
  • To store short items, use two rods placed one on top of the other. The best distance between them is from 80 cm to 1 m, the height of the short rod is about a meter.
  • The optimal height of shelves, according to the advice of professional furniture makers, is at least 32 cm. Choose shelves with a height of 35 to 40 cm.
  • The best shelf depth is 40+ cm.
  • In order for two stacks of things to fit on the shelf, its width should be from 50 to 60 cm. This size can be considered the most convenient. Shelves about 80 cm long can sag under the weight of things. To avoid this, make some kind of support for them, for example, a partition at the bottom.
  • The best size of drawers for storage is a width from 40 to 70 cm, a height of approximately 40 cm. It is these parameters that make the load on their mechanism optimal.
  • Place baskets and drawers at a distance of no higher than 110 cm (at least 140 cm) for ease of use. In this case, be sure to take into account your height, since these calculations are given for average height, which is 160-180 cm.

The length of clothing is an individual parameter. It is impossible to optimally plan a dressing room without measuring skirts, dresses, trousers and other items available.

The table below shows the approximate lengths of various types of clothing:

Part 3: Equipping the dressing room

  • Barbell and pantograph
  • This is the most important element of any storage room. When deciding to plan a dressing room, first of all choose a place where long items will be located. They require a rod with a height of 165 cm. Blouses, shirts, jackets are hung on lower rods, about one meter; usually you need to purchase several of these for the dressing room.

    A pantograph is a bar that has a special mechanism that adjusts its height. Opt for this if you will be using the entire wall for short items.

  • Pull-out trouser hanger
  • Its recommended height is about 60 cm.

  • Drawers
  • They store jewelry and accessories, bed and underwear.

    Using dividers will help keep things organized and save time on cleaning inside and finding small items.

  • Shelves of various types
  • The storage room uses both retractable and stationary models.

  • Baskets and boxes
  • Cardboard boxes are an essential part of any closet. They can be used to store almost any item: albums and magazines, sewing supplies, photographs, and various small items. Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of these high-quality products, differing in shape, size and color. By using boxes, you can always plan a room so that not a single centimeter of usable space is wasted.

    Also pay attention to the pull-out baskets. It will be convenient to fold bed linen and various small items in them.

  • Shoe storage devices
  • There are a large number of types of shoes: summer and winter, high and low heels, weekend and casual, molded and soft, open and closed, sports and so on. Seasonal shoes are usually stored on mezzanines. For soft ones, trunks are used, for the rest - boxes.

    If you want to store shoes without boxes, this can be done using:

    - open shelves, regular or sloping, suitable for flat soles;

    — special stands that store shoes with heels;

    - special hooks for boots, allowing them to be stored hanging to avoid creases in the tops.

    Measure each pair to plan your closet properly. Shoe parameters, of course, are individual. The average size of a pair of boots is about 25 cm wide and 30-40 cm long.

  • Hanger for umbrellas, scarves, belts and ties
  • You can use various options for these devices: circular for installation in a corner, retractable, hanging of various shapes, allowing you to store accessories on the bar. Regular wall hooks are also suitable for storing umbrellas, belts and scarves.

  • Dryer and ironing board compartment
  • To store an ironing board, you need a compartment whose width will be at least 20 cm. To plan everything correctly, it is recommended to measure this item, since boards come in different sizes, although they usually fit into the average parameters.

  • Mirror

How to plan a dressing room if you can allocate a fairly spacious room for it? Place two mirrors in it: one large so that you can see yourself in full height, and an additional smaller one so that you can see the view from the back.

Take care of the lighting. A sufficient amount of light is a must, along with a large mirror, for a comfortable dressing room. If there is no natural light in the room, you will need to install spotlights.

If possible, place a cabinet and ottoman in the dressing room for convenience.

Interior design of a dressing room in a spacious apartment

The design of a dressing room is much easier to complete in spacious rooms, but there are also nuances. It is necessary to take into account the style, the correct selection of colors and the necessary components.

The dressing room should be made in large sizes so that you can move freely and try on outfits. It is important to make a pouf or chair in the center of the room so that it is convenient to organize the docking.

The interior design of a dressing room should look impressive and cozy, because for a woman this is a particularly important criterion. Here, the beautiful half of humanity enjoys different clothes and shoes and considers this corner their happiness and relaxation.

Secrets of arranging a small dressing room

How to properly place all things in a small space?

Experts recommend:

  • use the entire space, including the area near the floor and under the ceiling;
  • the rack for less popular items is located in the far corner and is difficult to access;
  • a large wall mirror inside or outside the door, as well as a floor mirror, allows you to try on clothes and put yourself in order without going into another room;
  • mesh baskets and transparent drawers make it easy to find what you need;
  • small things are sorted into boxes, boxes, boxes, providing them with explanatory inscriptions;
  • for shoes you can buy special shoe racks, use narrow high shelves or lower shelves;
  • Take advantage of all the possibilities offered by modern systems and devices for organizing space.

For non-standard premises, projects can be sorted according to individual measurements, with the required number of rods, hangers, and shelves.

Dressing room in the pantry

Without occupying separate rooms and preserving the footage of the living space, they choose to design a dressing room in the pantry. You don’t need a lot of space for this, 1.5-2 square meters is enough. This room can accommodate small quantities of hangers and ordinary boxes. But even an optimal dressing room will save the owners from problems with clutter and placement of things.

It won’t be possible to put a closet or other furniture in the pantry, so you can build ordinary rods at an acceptable height from the ceiling and arrange neat shelves. Proper space planning will improve the efficiency of your dressing room. Grids are installed under shoes in the closet; they make it possible to place the necessary things in a row.

Principles of zoning a dressing room

The criterion for distributing clothing is the frequency of use.

The upper zone is an alternative to mezzanines; it is placed at least 190 cm. These shelves contain seasonal items that are in demand a couple of times a year. To reach them you will need a ladder.

The central zone is for storing clothes and linen for every day. There is a bar for outerwear, hangers for trousers and ties, and shelves for linen. In the same area, the dressing room design usually includes an ironing board.

The lower part is a place for boots, sandals and shoes. They are stored in special storage boxes and rarely used shoe boxes.

Just above the center area there is a compartment for hats and caps. Each cell must have a minimum size of 25x18 cm.

Dressing room decoration

Once you have removed unnecessary debris from the area where the dressing room will be located, drawn up the right design plan and chosen a style, you can begin to decorate it.

First you need to make ventilation that can pass air into a confined space. Things must be in a well-ventilated place, otherwise they will quickly become unusable. It is also necessary to pay attention to the lighting equipment, since daylight does not penetrate into the dressing room, so it is better to think about bright lighting in advance.


You need to start finishing the dressing room from the walls. Use special tools to remove old plaster. Get rid of the wallpaper, as it will not be needed later in the plan. The walls need to be leveled with new materials. If left in the same position, the racks and shelves will most likely not be evenly spaced.

Drywall can be used for precise alignment of walls, as well as PVC panels. With this choice, a corner of the corresponding color is used to connect the ceiling and walls.


After covering the walls, the ceiling is made to match. If PVC panels were used, it is necessary to cover the top of the room with them so as not to deviate from the style and color of the room. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the color of the furniture and components of the dressing room.

If you have a high ceiling, you can use drywall to make the room look even and tidy.


Having previously completed work with the walls, it is necessary to carefully consider the finishing of the floor, since a person will stand for a long time and choose clothes, which means that the floor should be lined with a pleasant and comfortable material. In this case, linoleum or laminate is used, depending on quality and price.

Organization of the ventilation system

When building a wardrobe, there are a number of important rules that allow you to manage the room for a long time and efficiently. First of all, the master must take care of the ventilation system. In a closed room, in the absence of regular ventilation, a musty smell appears, and fungus can develop on walls and things.

In particular, this problem is relevant for small dressing rooms and rooms where outdoor shoes and outerwear are stored.

High humidity quickly affects the cleanliness and hygiene of the room. As a rule, 2-3 crossbars and 1 ventilation shaft are installed in a closed dressing room.


In the dressing room, regardless of whether it is closed or open, you must place a large mirror. This will make it easier for you to choose clothes, otherwise you will have to carry each set from room to room to try them on. And choosing accessories with shoes in front of the mirror will be much easier.

For convenience, experts recommend placing a couple of ottomans or a small bench in the dressing room.

Make sure your closet has a horizontal surface to put something on. This could be a coffee table or a low chest of drawers that acts as a bedside table.

General style

If your open-type dressing room is a continuation of the interior of one of the rooms, then there is no doubt about the choice of style as a whole - the dressing room should be made in the same style as the main room.

If the dressing room is separated from the living rooms by a screen, doors or even a separate space, then there is already room for flight of fancy. One of the benefits of a separate dressing room is that you don't have to be seen by anyone.

Therefore, you can equip it by focusing on practicality and functionality, and not on fashion, pretentiousness and extravagant style for the delight of guests. That is why experts recommend decorating a dressing room in a loft, minimalist or classic style. Although, of course, if your soul calls for an Art Deco or Shabby Chic design, the cards are in your hands!

Lighting organization

To ensure that the interior of the dressing room is well lit, built-in ceiling models are often installed. They are combined with clothespins that are easily fixed on a shelf, stand, or rod. The mirror zone requires additional sources. LED lighting allows you to highlight individual shelves or an entire rack.

Dressing the dressing room outside and inside

The walls of the “locker room”, if we are not talking about a finished room, are easiest to make from chipboard panels, veneer and plywood. Drywall is used less often, keeping in mind that nothing heavy should be attached to it.

Wood is a surefire way to create a comfortable “room within a room.” This finish is relevant for almost any interior style and, in addition, will allow the walls to “breathe,” which is important for a dressing room.

All interior styles, list with photos

The inside of the dressing room can be covered with paper, non-woven or vinyl wallpaper and painted. If screens are provided, it is better to choose light, plain fabrics, tulle, organza or thin jacquard.

Light wood is also suitable as flooring. However, linoleum, laminate, and carpet are also suitable.

All floor finishing options, overview

Where minimalism, loft or hi-tech is held in high esteem, the walls and floor of the dressing room are designed in accordance with the style: brickwork, concrete, tinted glass, porcelain stoneware.

Minimalist dressing room design

In houses that claim to be chic and exclusive, dressing rooms are decorated with marble, furnished with antique chests of drawers and elegant couches.

Classic style dressing room design

But no matter what you choose, simple chipboard or valuable wood decorated with carvings, remember the power of color and its “magnifying” properties. The best color scheme for a dressing room is pastel and light. Milky, cream, sandy beige, vanilla, golden shades will expand the room and make it warmer.

Step-by-step construction of a wardrobe

Before starting any construction work, it is necessary to prepare a plan drawing in advance, which indicates the dimensions of the dressing room, the location of all cabinets, shelves, and drawers.

Be sure to indicate the outlet points and the location of all lighting fixtures. If desired, you can use a ready-made project.

What you need for work

It is very convenient to equip a dressing room in a finished room (for example, in a closet). However, this situation does not always arise; more often, construction starts from scratch. To work, the master will need a number of tools:

  1. Jigsaw for working with wooden surfaces.
  2. A plane and sandpaper are used to smooth the surfaces.
  3. Moisture-resistant oil is a universal composition that makes wood resistant to moisture, rot, and the action of fungi and pests.
  4. Compositions for decoration (paints, acrylic varnishes, PVC films or decorative veneer).
  5. Set of fasteners. Shelves and racks are connected to each other using self-tapping screws, metal corners, and dowels.
  6. Additional accessories in the form of hooks and racks can be purchased at any hardware store. There, the master will have to purchase rotary fittings, grooves, rollers, and handles for attaching the door.
  7. A tape measure, building level, pencil or marker are indispensable assistants in any independent work.

Pre-treatment of all surfaces can significantly extend the life of products, cabinets, and shelves. For inexperienced craftsmen, it is best to first watch a series of training videos on how to make a dressing room in a room.

Interior decoration

Having chosen the location of the future dressing room, we begin to decorate the interior of the room. If a wood or plaster partition is used as the external frame, this step is usually skipped. For a full-fledged new premises, a number of finishing works will be required:

  1. All walls and floors will be checked for rough cracks, joints, and unevenness. Repair if necessary.
  2. Before painting or wallpapering, it is important to treat the walls with an antiseptic primer. Protecting personal belongings from discussion is one of the key tasks of the master.
  3. Ceramic tiles, laminate, linoleum can be used as flooring. For walls it is better to use liquid wallpaper or decorative plaster.

It is at this stage that work is carried out on installing sockets, laying communication lines and organizing ventilation grilles. The design of the dressing room can be anything, depending on the personal wishes of the owner.

Installation of cabinets and shelving

The main and most important stage of the master's thesis. Step-by-step making of a dressing room with your own hands:

  1. Ready-made cabinets and shelving are installed along the walls.
  2. For homemade cabinets, you will need to pre-assemble the structures. Shelves and furniture must be attached to the walls, which will ensure the safety of future owners.
  3. Two horizontal strips (metal pipes) and a vertical riser are mounted along one of the walls. The central axes are designed for storing outerwear on hangers.

When installing (or making your own shelves), it is important to make sure that their depth and height between adjacent panels is sufficient to store boxes and suitcases.

Installing doors indoors

The chest of drawers must be isolated from other rooms, especially from the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Installing door structures will protect personal belongings from moisture, unpleasant odors and accidental contamination. Doors to the dressing room can be made in different versions:

  • Oscillating structures. The sliding wardrobe is made in retro style and has a very original design.
  • Sliding doors (it will be necessary to install grooves and moving rollers).

You can use a glass or plastic partition with decorative coating. All types of available doors can be seen in the photo of the dressing room in various variations.

How to calculate the size

It is important to calculate the size of the dressing room at the design stage itself. In the future, this will make it easier to arrange this room and help you do it right.

To correctly calculate the size of the dressing room, it is worth dividing all the work into several stages:

  • the type and quantity of things to be stored is determined;
  • zoning - here you need to determine the level of depth and calculate the size of the width.

Determining the type and quantity of things to store

Many people often have a constant accumulation of things in their apartment, which can occupy most of the premises. So that they are nearby, but do not take up much space, you need to put them in the dressing room. However, a dressing room is not always provided for standard apartments, so you often have to arrange it yourself. You definitely need to evaluate the number and type of things to store.

What things should be stored in this room:

  • outerwear - coats, jackets, down jackets, windbreakers. It is imperative to evaluate the size, volume and heaviness of this type of clothing;
  • You can put warm sweaters, cardigans, and sweaters in your wardrobe. Especially in the warm season;
  • various pants, trousers, dresses, skirts. Typically these items should be hung on hangers;
  • The dressing room must have space for storing various shoes of winter, spring, autumn and summer types.

It is worth assessing the total number of things that you plan to put in the dressing room. The size of the dressing room, as well as the number of lockers and drawers for storing clothes, will depend on this condition.


The ergonomics of the dressing room should provide a convenient location of all areas in which you can fit a lot of things. But at the same time, this room should not be cluttered.

All things are different, they need to be put away on the upper shelves, hung on hangers, and placed on the lower shelves. For this reason, it is important that the dressing room is divided into zones. It is usually divided into several zones:

  • upper zone - this segment is located at a level of 200-250 cm from the floor. These are mezzanines that are designed for folding out-of-season or rarely used clothes. The height of this area should be about 50 cm;
  • middle zone - this part is located at a height of 60 to 170 cm from the floor surface. Usually this area has to be used frequently. Here it is recommended to hang things on hangers and rails; you can also install open shelves for sweaters. Bed linen, towels, and accessories should be stored behind closed fronts and in chests of drawers;
  • the lower zone is the area that is 70 cm from the floor surface. This area is the most ideal place to store shoes, heavy items, and various bags. This area is not used very often.

Upper Middle Lower

Depth detection

Before you begin making calculations, it is worth finding out the specific configuration of the dressing room. The type of configuration should be determined depending on the filling of the internal space of the sections. If a rod with a longitudinal structure parallel to the wall is placed in this room, then the depth of the dressing room should be at least 65 cm.

If hangers are placed around the perimeter of the dressing room, then for a suitable arrangement of shoes, you will need to install a special shoe cabinet below the hangers. The depth of the shoe cabinet should be at least 35 cm.

The optimal size of dressing rooms, namely their depths, must be calculated according to the following scheme:

  • it is necessary to add the depth of the shelves, the width of the door and the passage;
  • if the room involves the placement of drawers, then the depth is also calculated;
  • if the wardrobe cabinets have doors with a sliding structure, then the width of this room will be equal to the width of the cabinet and the passage part;
  • The most ideal size for the depth of a dressing room is considered to be 100 cm.

When calculating, it is important to take into account the height of the person. Option for filling the dressing room

Width calculation

It is advisable to first make a drawing on which you can mark the parameters of this corner. This will make the task of properly arranging the room much easier.

When installing furniture along the wall surface, the width of the dressing room should be calculated according to the following diagram:

  • The width of the cabinet door and the size of the passage are added to the depth of the cabinet. A room with a width of 1 m would be a suitable option;
  • if the wardrobe has cabinets without doors, but with sliding drawers, then the width size is calculated as follows: the size of the passage area is added to the two depths of the cabinet. Typically the width is also 1 meter;
  • if the doors have a sliding system, and instead of drawers there are shelves, then the width should be calculated as follows - the size of the passage area is added to the size of the depth of the cabinet.

If the furniture is installed along the opposite wall, then the width size is calculated as follows:

  • you need to add two cabinet depths, as well as two sizes of the width of the open doors of the cabinets and the width of the passage part of at least 30 cm. If all the calculations are performed correctly, the doors will open freely and people will be able to calmly dress indoors;
  • if the cabinet does not have doors, then the size of the passage part is added to two depths. The width in calculations should be 1 meter;
  • if the dressing room has a cabinet without doors, but with drawers, then you need to add 4 cabinet depths.

When calculating the width, it is worth taking into account standard clothing sizes

Photo of dressing room design ideas

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