7 solutions for organizing a sleeping space in a small apartment

Not every family can afford to purchase a spacious home where each room will have its own purpose. Many live in cramped one-room apartments with children. Then the question of organizing the area of ​​your home as efficiently as possible arises. A lot of space is consumed by the sleeping place and therefore in most cases the bed is replaced by a folding sofa. But not all sofa models can provide a decent level of comfortable sleep. So what should those who want to feel energetic in the morning do? Then people begin to look for a way out in zoning the room into a sleeping and guest area, trying to find a place for a full-fledged bed. And there is a way out, but then there is practically no free space left in the room, the interior becomes cluttered. What if you place the bed in the hallway? As much as possible?

Accessories for the hallway

Inside the hallway of a room, furniture is considered to be accessories. Indeed, the leather ottoman and the modular set with mirrors on the doors deserve admiration.

However, classic and modern hallways require completion and emphasis with different focal points:

  • Glass vessels - placed inside niches;
  • Door mat (mat) - has not so much a decorative as a practical value;
  • Mirror – comes with or without frame;
  • Artificial flowers - placed on a shoe cabinet or inside a niche;
  • The picture - the frame should look like a mirror;
  • A tall shade-loving palm tree in a floor pot - it is better to install it if the hallway has windows or open interior openings from which daylight leaks in;
  • A floor hanger is a kind of festive “Christmas tree”, the design of which depends on the headdress, clothes, and umbrellas used.

Sometimes for decoration it is enough to decorate 1/3 of the wall with brickwork panels. The attractive effect is enhanced if this masonry is framed by sconces.

The chandelier also claims to be an “Accessory”, especially since it has a practical meaning. Therefore, it is more profitable to arrange dual-use products inside a themed room than analogues that only load up the interior.

Scandinavian bedrooms and hallways in the same theme

If the bedroom opens directly from the corridor, it is logical to make the rooms in the same style. It turns out that the bedroom continues the hallway, and if both rooms are not very large, this will even work as a visual technique for expanding the space.

A similar finish is the first point to start from. You can simply plaster the walls and paint them white. And do this in two rooms at once - the bedroom and the hallway. But if this finish seems too simple to you, then, first, at least play with the shades. The same white color has a lot of them. Frosty blue, pearl, cream – there are plenty to choose from. And with nuances of lighting, the same color looks different in different interiors.

In order for the bedroom and hallway to harmonize with each other, they should be decorated in the same color scheme

Wallpaper is used less often. In a bedroom, this could be one accent wall and that will be enough. The classic option would be brickwork; white masonry is typical for a Scandinavian interior.

As for the floor, natural wood is preferable. It will make the white space warmer, as if it will warm the interior. More often it is light light pine, or birch and beech, but the Scandinavians do not really like wood with a reddish tint. White wood is used more often.

The ceiling is white and smooth; multi-level structures are usually not used. But spot lighting can also be in two rooms at once, and the lighting pattern can be the same. But there should be a lot of lighting - both basic, local, and exclusively decorative.




The interior with a bed in the hallway is not a figment of the designers’ sick imagination. This is a very good idea that allows you to make the most of the space in the room, as well as get the opportunity for a full, healthy sleep. The main thing is to turn on your imagination. Of course, like any decision, placing a bed in the hallway has its advantages and disadvantages.

Hallway furniture

The main costs when renovating the hallway inside an apartment are furniture. Although in fact even it can cost less than the front door. Speaking of the latter: when choosing the entrance material, it is necessary to take into account the color scheme of the future furniture.

If the latter is dark, then it is desirable that the front door closely resembles the profile or upholstery of the hallway products.

Standard furnishings include:

  • A place to store shoes, clothes and various small items - a shoe cabinet, a built-in set, a niche;
  • Seat - pouf, ottoman, bench.

Each piece of furniture should be comfortable and compact. It is not for nothing that the shoe cabinet has folding doors, and the built-in set can freely fit against the wall or be placed in a corner.

  • But before you add furniture to the interior of the hallway in your apartment, you need to find out whether a dressing room is suitable for the theme room.
  • The fact is that the latter saves hallway space by storing many things.
  • And although the hallway will have to be divided into two zones, creating a frame along the wall for a wardrobe niche, the rest of the part will remain free to move.
  • If the hallway is classic, then along the wall you can install a straight set with a seat in the form of an ottoman, which is included in the furniture set itself.
  • The push-button leather upholstery (upholstery) deserves special attention.

A square classic hallway room welcomes a corner set. The latter often has an open wall hanger in the form of a platform. This storage of clothes and hats suits a classic interior.

The only thing that can and should be observed regardless of the interior style is a mirror. It can hang on the wall in a single copy or be on the doors of built-in furniture. In the latter case, space is saved doubly:

  • Firstly, the walls remain free;
  • Secondly, mirrors optically expand the room.

It is advisable that the doors of the set work in a sliding manner, because hinged counterparts, when open, take up space and can cause injury.

What are the requirements when decorating a space?

Modern hallways in 2022 should be as comfortable as possible, rationally used and ergonomic. Particular attention is paid to their appearance, decorative finishing and decoration options. Thanks to this, it is possible to create an attractive design and a cozy atmosphere in the entrance area.

The layout of the space should be taken into account based on the area of ​​the room, its location and length. Experienced professionals recommend correctly combining color balance and shade palette.

Most often, this territory is presented in the form of a narrow or small space, on the territory of which there is a storage system and a shoe rack. How to make the interior in the hall area as cozy as possible?

The design of the hallway in 2022 involves the use of a light palette of beige, milky or white tones. Thanks to these colors, it is possible to visually enlarge a small area and compensate for the lack of light. Agree that pastel shades look much nicer than dark ones.

Another option is to use mirror and shiny surfaces. Most often, the equipment storage system uses large doors, the surface of which is decorated with a mirror. Correct placement of light points allows you to create the illusion of a spacious room.

Wallpaper for the hallway in 2022 can be made in a single color or combine a small pattern in the form of streaks. For finishing, it is best to choose vinyl-based products. This type of decorative coating can hide minor imperfections on a vertical plane.

Options for organizing a sleeping area in the hallway

Standard bed

If the area and shape of the room allows, then of course you can install a regular bed. But then the space will not be used very rationally. Therefore, it is better to choose models with drawers and niches for storing linen. Nevertheless, the sleeping place will always be in sight and take up a lot of space.

Transformable bed

This type of bed allows you to effectively use the space in the premises, combining several pieces of furniture at the same time. There are many options for transformable structures, but a wardrobe-bed is suitable for a corridor. They can be either double or single and even bunk. If you need a double model, keep in mind that it will take up quite a lot of space when unfolded. Therefore, it is necessary to provide free space taking into account the reserve, otherwise if you need to go to the room, you will have to walk on the bed.

Pull-out bed under the podium

This type of bed is often used in one-room apartments, studios and children's rooms. The sleeping place is hidden under a towering structure - a podium, which can serve for a number of other functions: organizing a work area, a relaxation area, a dressing room. This model will come in handy if you have a spacious hallway with space for a wardrobe. Thanks to this design, you can very rationally use the hallway space by combining a bedroom, a corridor and a dressing room in it. At night you can pull the bed out from under the podium in a matter of seconds, and in the morning you can hide it back with the same ease. As a rule, such furniture is made to order. If you don’t want to remove the bed linen from the bed every time, then calculate the height of the niche taking into account the height of the bed linen with pillows and blanket.

Bed under the ceiling

Another good option for placing a bed is the ceiling. True, these designs are only suitable for rooms with high ceilings, since the distance from the ceiling to the bed must be at least 1 meter. There can be many placement options; here you should be guided by the features of the hallway; you can place it above the door, or above the wardrobe.

Lift bed

A lift bed is a structure that hides a sleeping area in the ceiling during the day, and at night the bed moves down. This way the lower part of the room is completely freed up during the day. There are many varieties of these structures, but in the case of a corridor it is best to give preference to models with a ceiling type of mounting.

The main features of Scandi style

The Scandinavian style is light, natural and simple - that’s why it’s so attractive. Scandinavians create a warm and cozy interior, and this is their prerogative, and luxury is a second question. If you decide to renovate and plan to use images of Scandinavian interiors in your home, you will have to adhere to some rules. True, following them is very interesting and pleasant.

The main feature of the Scandinavian style is the simplicity of room design

The main features of Scandi style:

  • The dominance of white and its variations in the interior. Without rich color accents, white will be boring and mournful. Yellow, red and green shades are welcome, often accompanied by frosty white and deep blue.
  • Materials should be as natural as possible. And these are, first of all, wood, real stones, metal, glass, leather, linen, ceramics. The warmth of nature is transferred to the mood of the interior.
  • The furniture is practical and functional, without overshadowing the decor. Furniture is usually selected from light wood species. Textiles, suede, cotton, linen, and leather are used for upholstery.
  • The decor is simple and bright. It shouldn't be a lot, but it will be meaningful. Originality and naturalness, even in small things, are one of the tenets of the style. The same glass vases will interestingly reflect the rays of the sun, and this will be a natural decor in the room.

She loves style and mirrors - they fill the rooms with even more light, making the space visually larger. Textiles are always carefully selected. Candles, porcelain and ceramics are also integral attributes of Scandinavian decor.

The choice of wallpaper for the hallway-bedroom depends on its design

In some houses, the hallway is the connecting link between several rooms. As a result, household members and guests are forced to go from the kitchen to the bathroom through the combined room. In order for everyone to get to their destination without complications, it is necessary to select wallpaper and arrange the furniture correctly. The first thing to remember is that a color accent cannot be placed on the front door.

A house is a closed space, so all attention should be paid to its components. Where do household members go most often? After answering this question, you can determine which direction should be highlighted with a lighter shade. Read about decorating rooms in light colors here:.

It would be a good idea to follow other recommendations:

  • It is recommended to avoid wallpaper with contrasting patterns;
  • The same should be done with textured wallpaper that “eats up” space;
  • The ideal option for the hallway and living room would be a pastel shade that slightly shades the furniture.

If there is a children's room next to the hallway, then the entrance composition is made using a soft peach shade.

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