Types of white chests of drawers, tips for caring for them

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Each apartment should have a special place for storing linen and clothes. A white chest of drawers will best cope with this task. The shade is considered universal. It suits different styles. Varieties, materials, features - everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

What is a classic chest of drawers?

Chests of drawers are a worthy alternative to large and impractical cabinets; they are compact and functional, and most importantly, they fit perfectly into both small rooms and spacious rooms. A chest of drawers is a small cabinet of various designs: with drawers that are located one above the other, sometimes with hinged or sliding doors or open shelves.

Today there are a large number of products that vary in size and shape, have different numbers of drawers and are made from a wide variety of materials. At the same time, their main advantage remains unchanged - the ability to reach with your hand into the farthest corner of any of the drawers (which is not typical for a closet).

Typically, the material for making chests of drawers is natural wood, chipboard, MDF or plastic, and laminate or veneer is used for cladding. The following finishing materials can be used: leather, glass or natural stone, gloss, paint, stain, artistic painting or relief texture.

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Various types of chests of drawers made of wood, MDF and chipboard are very well suited for storing clothes or linen, various tools and other household items. It's all about imagination: you can fill it with jewelry and cosmetics, bed linen and children's toys, books, documents, and office supplies.

Dressers will decorate the interior of a bedroom or nursery, living room or hallway. Products made of plastic are easy to clean and are not afraid of moisture; they are often used for storing toys, shoes, vegetables or fruits. They are simply created for the bathroom, bathhouse, cottage or garage.

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How to decorate a chest of drawers in the bedroom with your own hands?

Don't be afraid to mix different textures and shapes, use paintings and mirrors. Place large and small boxes, boxes made of paper, wood, metal, plastic, stylish frames with photographs or candlesticks, and decorative candles on the tabletop.

An unusual alarm clock, a vintage box for cosmetic accessories, pots with house plants, and bowls of fruit will decorate a chest of drawers. This is a great place to store souvenirs, tea sets, children's toys, organizers, crafts, and anything related to creativity.

Choosing the perfect white solution

Any thinking person understands that the main criterion for choosing any furniture is not the price at all, but the parameters. Even if you have a limited budget, you should not make a purchase at random.

The first factor influencing the choice is the size of the room, the number of things that are planned to fit in the drawers. Having decided on the required size of the storage system, you also need to decide how many drawers will optimally solve your problem. For those who live in a small apartment but have a huge amount of things, models with 6 drawers are ideal.

IMPORTANT! When buying a chest of drawers, measure the distance from the back wall to the edge of the open door. If it is smaller than the size of the space allocated for installing furniture, you will not be able to open the drawers and will experience discomfort from using it.

The next thing to consider when choosing is the design of your room where you plan to install the purchase. Classic fits perfectly into any interior. Provence style models are popular among consumers.

Light and elegant, at the same time durable and spacious, chests of drawers will decorate any room. If your interior is made in a classic style, in the art deco style, furniture in the Provence style will perfectly complement and complete it.

The narrow and tall version with 6 drawers will fit perfectly into the interior of a bedroom, hallway, or kitchen. The model is ideal for storing small items that need to be at hand, important documents, jewelry or cutlery. More spacious models are suitable for larger rooms. This interior solution is chosen by villa owners or owners of spacious offices.

It is important to decide on the option of a chest of drawers that suits you: vertical and horizontal. Vertical options are suitable for small items, documents, medicines, horizontal options are suitable for clothes and shoes. Vertical takes up less space, horizontal allows you to put away more things.

The next aspect of choice is the material from which the furniture is assembled. The cheapest option is from laminated chipboard. More expensive ones are made of bleached oak and solid pine. Bleached oak in combination with exquisite decor looks luxurious and expensive, which fully corresponds to its cost. Oak contributes to a healthier atmosphere at home.

A solid chest of drawers made in Provence style will not look bulky and will create the mood of the room. Oak is distinguished by its density of wood, which does not dry out and is not afraid of temperature changes. Furniture made from such material is practical and reliable. However, it is worth understanding that the name “bleached oak” may hide MDF, which imitates the texture and pattern of natural wood.

The choice of specific furniture depends on the location of the planned installation. For the bedroom, choose low, compact models on which you can install a lamp or place a photo in a frame. A horizontal white chest of drawers with 4-6 drawers is ideal for the living room. In the kitchen, choose options with vertical doors hiding horizontal shelves and one or two horizontal drawers.

For families preparing to become parents, it is better to choose models with a changing table. You can store changing supplies in the upper drawers, and baby clothes and accessories in the lower drawers. The baby's mother will be delighted, because swaddling is usually perceived as a complex process that requires skill. With a changing chest there will be no problems with the changing process.

IMPORTANT! Before purchasing, ask whether the selected model is equipped with latches that will prevent the drawer from falling out.

If pure white solutions do not suit you, take a closer look at models in black and white. Alternating contrasting colors will add dynamics to the interior.

Fittings are as important as the frame and drawers. The length of use of the furniture largely depends on how reliable the handles and guides are. Handles must correspond to the overall design of the entire product, match its color scheme, and not create disharmony.

Responsible manufacturers try to produce accessories themselves in order to be 100% confident in the quality of the final product. Reliable mechanisms ensure quiet and smooth movement of the drawers, which is very important when the storage system is located in a nursery.

Additional accessories will help you organize your drawers. Buy a partition system so you don’t have to spend a long time looking for what you need. A well-organized drawer space will save your nerves.

Snow-white variations of furnishings for a nursery are not the best option. If you really want it, choose a model with glossy facades. The gloss will be easier to wash off from your child’s artwork. Moreover, glossy facades in most cases do not have sharp corners that could injure a child.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to attach the purchased furniture to the wall using special safety fasteners - this way you will prevent it from possibly tipping over. The issue is especially relevant for families with small children.

And a few more tips that are important to remember when buying a chest of drawers:

  • The drawer opening system should be of high quality and silent - so you can use the chest of drawers for a long time without any discomfort. An excellent option would be to equip the drawers with a closer - such a drawer will move easily, silently, without requiring effort on the part of the owner.
  • The thin back wall of the chest of drawers, when full, will lose its shape over time. Its thickness should be more than 6 mm.
  • Make sure that when the drawers are closed, they fit snugly against the back wall and rest against the bar. Only under this condition can the load on the side walls be reduced.
  • Gaps in the facade will spoil the entire impression of the purchased furniture. Make sure that the drawers and doors fit tightly.
  • Run your hand over the surface: it should be smooth. Good finishing of furniture is a guarantee of its quality.
  • Fittings are an integral part of the structure. Check whether all the fittings are in stock and how well the locks work.

Pros and cons of chests of drawers

Chests of drawers are becoming more and more popular every day. They are installed in the bedroom, hallway, living room. Most often they are placed near the closet, because they are necessary for storing small items of clothing.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of different types of chests of drawers, which differ from each other in color and design. White color is a classic; the versatility of this color allows it to blend perfectly with other shades of the decor. Dresser drawers are convenient, and their shape makes it easy to view their contents.

There are a huge number of types of chests of drawers, the photo presented above clearly shows all the advantages of this furniture:

  • The optimal choice for the design of a small room.
  • The product can be used for zoning a room.
  • It is an excellent basis for choosing other furnishings in the room.
  • Models made from high-quality materials have a significant service life.
  • Multifunctionality. If the design involves a mirror, this is an excellent alternative to a dressing table. And the model, which is equipped with sides, can be used as a changing table for babies.

Disadvantages include:

  • It is difficult to care for the product if there are pets or children at home.
  • The need for uniform distribution of the contents of the boxes, otherwise overloads and distortions are possible.
  • Fragility and instability of certain types of products.

The disadvantages are quite ambiguous, so they can easily be compensated for by careful use of the product. Types of chests of drawers that are made of high-quality material will last for many years.

Narrow and wide chests of drawers for the bedroom

The maximum depth of narrow ones is 40 cm. Shallow models are used for zoning rooms and storing all sorts of useful little things. Favorite photographs and cute figurines will fit on the tabletop, and decorative cosmetics, notebooks, and handicrafts will be stored in narrow drawers.

Typically, chests of drawers with an average depth of 40-60 cm are ordered for bedrooms. They store underwear, socks, children's clothes, bedding, and knitwear. Products with a width of more than 60 cm are installed in cottages and separate dressing rooms.

Where to buy a white chest of drawers

Online furniture stores offer options from classic to avant-garde. In the catalogs you will find examples of classic chests of drawers, models in Provence style, and options in high-tech style. Familiar furniture stores and furniture showrooms in the city have a limited offer with a huge markup.

If you are afraid of online shopping, read reviews from the store’s customers on third-party services - this is the key to your peace of mind and confidence in the right choice.

Light facades create additional comfort and fill the room with light. When buying light furniture, remember that the cleaning process will become a constant and obligatory task for you.

How to choose the ideal solution for your home?

  • Think about what your goals are when purchasing this storage system. Why do you need drawers and not a cabinet, for example?
  • Once you are convinced that your intention is firm, take the necessary measurements. By measuring the free space prepared for furniture installation, you can determine the optimal dimensions that suit you. If the chest of drawers is delivered assembled, take measurements of the doorways.
  • Evaluate the interior of the room. You can narrow your search significantly if you decide which style will fit into your interior.
  • Study the ratings of manufacturers and store ratings so as not to waste your time and nerves on dishonest suppliers.
  • Do you need additional functions: changing table, closers, clamps? Sometimes the final choice depends on such little things.
  • Be sure to check whether the selected sample is in stock or whether you will have to wait for some time. Sometimes there is no time to wait, then you have to quickly look for another seller, which spoils the impression of the purchase.

In any case, do not rush to place your order - rushing in this matter is unacceptable. Furniture is a fairly expensive investment. A chest of drawers, being the most affordable option, still requires a considerable investment. A choice made in haste and fuss is fraught with disappointment and negative emotions from the purchase. To ensure that your choice makes you happy and the storage system serves you for a long time, protecting your home from scattered things, consciously approach the process of choosing it.

How to decorate a chest of drawers

To prevent the chest of drawers from looking lonely in the interior, hang a picture above it if it’s a living room or a mirror if it’s a hallway. But in both cases, you do not need to choose a hanging item that is too large or too small.

A chest of drawers under the TV is a good way to create an interior composition when you don’t want to decorate it. In this case, it will be ideal if the TV does not extend beyond the size of the chest of drawers.

In addition, you can decorate a chest of drawers in the interior using vases with flowers, a group of candles, small souvenirs and frames with postcards.

A bright chest of drawers in the interior, made using various colors, in itself becomes a decorating element, so there is no point in subjecting it to additional decoration.

Main models

With a huge variety of white chests of drawers, each of them has a unique design. Such furniture is conventionally divided into several groups:

  • classics - these options are always relevant, regardless of fashion trends. They look harmonious in any room setting. The design always includes several drawers framed with a beautiful surface. A mandatory element is elegant fittings;

  • bright glossy - this chest of drawers looks perfect in a room decorated in a minimalist style. A distinctive feature of the model is its shiny mirror surface. It adds a touch of charm to the interior;
  • models with a mirror - such products are often used as a dressing table;
  • Provence - a white chest of drawers in this style easily fits into an antique interior. Its facade is deliberately aged (it is decorated with scratches and abrasions).

If you don’t have enough space in your apartment, you can pay attention to corner chests of drawers. They have triangular drawers for extra storage space. You can put children's toys, books and laundry there. This option is ideal for small apartments, where every centimeter of space needs to be used.

This is interesting: The purpose of mini-dressers, the nuances of choosing and placing various models

A universal solution - wooden chests of drawers for the bedroom

They have much more advantages than disadvantages. They look attractive, environmentally friendly, durable and reliable. Furniture made from hardwood can easily withstand heavy loads, is resistant to mechanical damage and can serve its owners for many years.

Bedroom PLAY - exhibition in the Moscow salon

What are the disadvantages? Massiveness and high cost. Another drawback is the fear of moisture; the surface can be damaged due to improper cleaning or liquid ingress. If you want to minimize disadvantages, give preference to laminated wood panels.

Pay attention to the properties of the tree species themselves. Oak produces incredibly durable and massive products that do not rot, withstand heavy loads and can delight the eye for centuries. For lovers of marble, Karelian birch is suitable. Walnut is initially scratch-resistant and darkens over time. But linden, beech and pine are somewhat capricious and require some preparation.

Advantages and disadvantages

A chest of drawers is considered a popular type of furniture, and the demand for the product is growing every day. Entering the house, such a model can be seen in the bedroom, hallway, living room and nursery. Its main purpose is to store bed linen or underwear, so the wooden piece of furniture is placed close to the cabinets.

The models presented in furniture showrooms differ in their design and color. Classic white color is popular among consumers because it can be easily combined with other shades of interior decoration. A chest of drawers implies the presence of several drawers, often of a wide format, but small in height. Inside them it is convenient to place folded sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases, as well as any clothes. Thanks to the configuration, you can easily see where this or that thing is located.

It is worth highlighting the main advantages of white chests of drawers, photos of which can be seen below:

  • multifunctionality - if you hang a mirror above the product, it can easily replace a dressing table, and if the chest of drawers is equipped with sides, it can be used as a changing table;
  • a white product will be a good base for selecting furniture of other shades;
  • the model will perfectly divide the space into zones;
  • a chest of drawers in this color fits into the interior of any stylistic direction: from high-tech to baroque, according to the appearance of the product;
  • this model is suitable for small spaces, because the color visually expands the space;
  • an incomparable advantage of white chests of drawers is the invisibility of dust;
  • high-quality chests of drawers have a long service life; careful operation is considered the key to future operation.

White chests of drawers are not without their disadvantages:

  • if children or animals live in the house, caring for the product will be problematic: it is necessary to regularly wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth;
  • You should not overload the boxes: fill them from the lower sections, evenly distributing the load;
  • Depending on the material used, the product may be fragile and unstable.

As you can see, the disadvantages of using white chests of drawers for linen are ambiguous; they can be easily eliminated with careful care and operation. A high-quality product will delight its owners for decades.

Standard and unusual filling of a chest of drawers in the bedroom

For convenience, the product is certainly equipped with handles and, most often, legs. It is the legs that visually lighten bulky, massive structures and allow you to place furniture in different parts of the room and move it close to the wall. From the original additions:

  • Stationary or built-in mirror. It transforms the chest of drawers into a dressing table and visually makes the room more spacious.
  • TV stand. If necessary, there is also room for a router, modem, game console, and phone.
  • Ironing board. In fact, it replaces the countertop.
  • Baby changing table. The folding tabletop does not take up precious centimeters and makes the life of young mothers and grandmothers comfortable.
  • Toilet table. A unique combination of a cabinet and a table, as well as a secretary, are equally successfully used.

Whatever you choose, be sure to check all the mechanisms in advance and carefully inspect the parts. The priority should be the quality of execution, not the number of tasks assigned to the subject.

Characteristics of white color for a chest of drawers

The white shade is considered a classic in furniture production. It can be used in any room. The furniture always turns out refined and deep, since the color has more than 10 shades.

When choosing, focus on the overall design of the room

The main thing is to choose the best option for yourself. Among those in demand are:

  • pearl;
  • snow-white;
  • lactic;
  • platinum.

Any of these shades makes the chest of drawers stand out and emphasizes its advantages.

White with a tint is often chosen

White color has several important advantages.

These include:
  • Visual expansion of the space of the room in which this furniture is installed. The shade gives the chest of drawers additional volume.
  • Filling the room with space . White color reflects light well. This helps make the room brighter and airier.
  • Successful combinations . Any tone of white goes well with the rest of the furniture in the room. For example, with black, blue, red or any bright shades.
  • Feeling of calm and serenity . Psychologists have long proven that if there is white furniture in the room, this subconsciously calms a person down and also puts him in a positive mood.
  • The personification of success . Light colors program the owner of the apartment to achieve his goals, which will bring good wealth to the house. People who have achieved success in life usually furnish their apartments with only white furniture. This is considered a sign of high social status.

White color reflects light well

White color exists in different shades. The main thing is to choose one that suits the design of the apartment. If the apartment is decorated in a minimalist style, then it is better to stick to cool and laconic shades. For more sophisticated designs, furniture should be made in alabaster or pearl tones.

Advice It is better not to combine white color with grey, light green or brown shades of decoration. They will cover up all the positive properties of the pure tone.

It is better to combine with light wallpaper

There is no need to furnish the entire room with only white furniture. This may evoke an association with a hospital. It is not comfortable to be in such a room.

How to choose the right model from hundreds and thousands?

First, decide on the purpose of the chest of drawers. Will it perform only the standard function or additional ones? Be careful when choosing your size. Try to complete all renovations and rearrangements in the room to assess exactly how much space can be allocated to this piece of furniture. Take measurements calmly and carefully, and be sure to write down the results.

Find out in advance about the types and types of chests of drawers and materials. Look what shape they come in. In some rooms you cannot do without corner or semicircular ones, in others radius or rectangular ones will look organic and attractive. And sometimes it’s worth complementing the interior with original chests of drawers for the bedroom in the form of a trapezoid, the letter “G” or an unusual geometric figure.

Decide exactly how many drawers you need, where they should be located, and how they should be pulled out. Do you need wall mounting, lighting, a stopper and other details?

Don't worry, we'll tell you a lot about it now. And if you have additional questions, you can always ask our specialists.


The stores offer a large number of different models of white chests of drawers. Each of them has its own design.

With proper care they will last a long time

Furniture can be divided into several main groups. Among them :

  • Classic option . The models have been and will be relevant at any time, regardless of the trends of modern fashion. They will suit any decor in the room. The design of the chest of drawers includes several drawers. They are framed with stylish surfaces. Each piece is complemented by elegant fittings.
  • Bright gloss . This white chest of drawers can be installed in a room decorated in a minimalist style. A special feature of the model is its mirror or shiny surface. It adds charm to the room.
  • Cozy Provence . The design of the white chest of drawers makes it easy to fit into an interior decorated in the spirit of antiquity. To achieve this, furniture facades are specially aged. For example, they create artificial abrasions or scratches.
  • Models equipped with a mirror . The furniture can be used as a dressing table. Cosmetics, photographs or other small items can easily be placed on its surface.

Model version equipped with a mirror

There is also a separate type of furniture - white chests of drawers for a children's room. They are for different ages. For example, for a small child the model is additionally equipped with a changing table, and for schoolchildren - with additional storage space.

If the apartment has very little space, then you can buy a corner chest of drawers. Its feature is deep triangular shaped drawers . They create additional storage space where toys, clothes, linen and even books can be easily stored. This option is suitable for a small apartment. It will allow you to make good use of every centimeter of space.

Classic interior option

Corner chest of drawers

This pattern is perfect for small rooms, especially for square-shaped rooms.

This is explained by the fact that when placing other chests of drawers, the room corners do not function at all, i.e. space in the corners is empty, and the chests themselves take up extra space.

In the case of a corner chest of drawers, excess space is not used, since it is located in the corner of the bedroom.

A corner chest of drawers for the bedroom is not only an excellent solution for a small space, but also an excellent option in terms of aesthetics and practicality.


When choosing a chest of drawers, a person focuses on the overall design of the room, as well as the cost of materials.

Furniture should be spacious

Among the most popular are:

  • particle board . It is produced by pressing. Resins are used in production. They are absolutely safe for health;
  • fibreboard . Only a small amount of resins is used in production, which makes the material practically harmless to humans. A special feature of MDF is its increased strength. They are suitable for making chests of drawers with a glossy surface;
  • solid wood . The material is suitable for the production of luxury furniture. This will add luxury to the interior. During production, only environmentally friendly materials are used that highlight the natural beauty of wood;
  • plastic _ It is well suited for children's rooms. The material has increased strength and safety indicators.

Choose quality materials

When creating models, various additional materials are used, as well as furniture fittings.

How to use the chest of drawers?

How to use a chest of drawers in space? Of course, the main purpose of a chest of drawers is to store things. In the bedroom, a chest of drawers is most often used to store beds, pillows, blankets, etc. They also use mini-dressers - console tables with drawers on high carved legs.

In the living room, the main purpose of the chest of drawers is to store photographs, albums, disks, etc. Of course, the chest of drawers also performs a decorative function; it will decorate your living room well!

In the children's room in the chest of drawers they store toys, notebooks, pens, everything for the child! A chest of drawers is a good platform for a child to experiment.

Store shoes, umbrellas, outerwear, and shoe polishes in the hallway. It is not recommended to decorate a chest of drawers in the hallway. There, the chest of drawers performs its direct functions!

The chest of drawers is best used in a spacious bathroom. There they store bath accessories, body care products, etc. Decorating a bathroom chest of drawers is as simple as hanging a mirror above it! It's practical and looks good!

Design options

There are a large number of design options for linen closets on the market. Furniture showrooms offer both classic solutions and completely unusual ones. For example, the main color of a chest of drawers “bleached oak” can be favorably emphasized by dark sides. Popular design options:

  • Classic. A striking representative is tall rectangular furniture on legs with four wide, deep drawers with two handles. Will fit even into the most modern room design.
  • Minimalism. It can be just a chest of drawers without handles, legs, mirrors and other accessories. A cabinet in a minimalist, as well as in a classic version, will become a stylish addition to any room.
  • Provence. A product in this style has a somewhat irregular shape on the sides. Its legs are small, slightly curved, reminiscent of a cat's paw. Most often, bedrooms are decorated in Provence style.
  • High tech. Furniture in this style has a clear geometric shape and shiny smooth surfaces. It is compact, without unnecessary parts or accessories.

Dressers with mirrors can be in any style. Often, such options replace dressing tables or bedside tables, performing several functions at once: storing linen and a place for makeup. This is very convenient, especially if there is no room to place both items in the room.

Glossy chests of drawers are an excellent solution for a children's room. It is much easier to wipe off dirt on them. This solution will visually expand the space and add light. Modern chests of drawers with wide drawers are unusual. An oval shape or non-standard shelves, the absence of handles, different facade textures and a number of details give a special charm to a familiar, simple piece of furniture and add original accents to the style of the room.

There are design options for every taste. This makes it easy to arrange a living space regardless of its purpose. Universal models attract special attention.




High tech

Original chests of drawers for the bedroom

Designer furniture can create a certain mood and add variety to the atmosphere. Sometimes it resembles a classical work of art or a modern sculpture, but much more often it conveys the character and worldview of a person. You can also put certain ideas, memories or dreams in the chest of drawers.

Classic chest of drawers for linen in the bedroom

Nowadays vintage and antique items are back in trend. They can be complemented with modern elements, creating a stylish, original composition in the bedroom. For example, long legs will emphasize a metal facade, prints that are relevant today - a product in the form of an antique chest, etc. Metal models are equipped with wheels to make the structure visually “lighter”. To further emphasize the industrial style, wooden boxes with an artificially aged surface are inserted and various inscriptions are made.

Decoupage is still in fashion - gluing ornaments, images and varnishing, as well as photo printing. The second method is used only on flat surfaces. An actual solution would be to illuminate the base or other part of the chest of drawers. The location of the LEDs and other details depend on the choice of materials, shape, size and, of course, your imagination.

Care Tips

White, like black, loves cleanliness and frequent cleaning, so when purchasing something of this color, you need to be prepared for the fact that stains and lint will always be visible on it. You can care for light-colored furniture as follows:

  • Wipe with a damp microfiber cloth - it does not leave lint and removes dirt well.
  • Use glass cleaner to clean. They do not contain corrosive substances and easily cope with stains on shiny surfaces and fingerprints of small hands.
  • Wipe with soapy water and then with a damp microfiber cloth. This will help erase greasy stains and give the glossy tabletop and sides a pleasant and soft shine.
  • Car polishing wipes for shiny surfaces are an excellent tool for cleaning glossy furniture.

Under no circumstances should you use chemical compounds used in the kitchen to remove grease that contain acetone and other corrosive substances. This will not only ruin the color of the furniture, but also erase the gloss. In addition to chemical liquids, there are folk remedies, but they should be used with extreme caution and tried first on the most inconspicuous area.

When choosing an interior item such as a chest of drawers, you need to decide for yourself what it will be like: functional or just to decorate the room, glossy or matte, the color of dark wood or bleached oak, and so on. Only after the answers to these questions have been received can you safely go shopping for linen furniture. The acquisition will please you for many years.

Types of chests of drawers

There are many types of chests of drawers. Let's look at some of them.

The classic model is the most popular. It is perfect for furnishings made in any color. This product, equipped with several convenient drawers and high-quality fittings, has a very stylish appearance. A width of 60 cm is considered optimal for such pieces of furniture.

A chest of drawers with a white glossy surface will wonderfully complement the decor in a minimalist style. Gloss will add sophistication and elegance to the bedroom or living room. The mirror finish of the surface is achieved using a modern seamless laser system.

Models in the Provencal style are quite widespread. They are ideal for vintage interiors. The main distinguishing feature is antique styling. The surface of such chests of drawers is aged and ancient drawings are applied to it. Using decoupage, you can make a lovely piece in Provence style out of an ordinary chest of drawers with your own hands.

A white changing chest will be a great solution if there is a baby in the family. It can store diapers, powders, diapers, rompers, etc.

Models equipped with mirrors will decorate any room. You can put frames with photographs, various figurines and trinkets on them. Such chests of drawers can serve as a dressing table.

Corner models with spacious drawers in the shape of a triangle look interesting. They can be used to store not only clothes and linen, but also children's toys. These chests of drawers are distinguished by their versatility. They are ideal for small, cramped rooms.

When choosing a chest of drawers, you should consider the number of family members. The corner model is suitable for a family of three to four people. If more people live in the house, then it would be more appropriate to opt for a product in a classic style.

The versatility of a white chest of drawers

This model fits perfectly into any modern interior. It can be made in high-tech, shabby chic, classic or country style.

The main thing when choosing a white chest of drawers is to rely on the originality of the style and unusual finish.

Chests of chests made of natural wood without treatment are suitable for a room decorated in Scandinavian style.

A white chest of drawers with gold trim and curved legs is the perfect solution for a classic.

Is your bedroom or living room decorated in shabby chic style? Feel free to buy a chest of drawers with decoupage in a floral direction. It will highlight and complement the floral interior.

If the room is designed in high-tech style, choose a model with a minimalist design.

Nuances of care

Chests of this color look beautiful and cozy, but many consumers do not want to purchase such products because of the color staining and careful care. Others, on the contrary, despite the difficulties, prefer white chests of drawers and do an excellent job with the nuances of care. Listen to these tips so that the chest of drawers retains its original appearance for a long time:

  • to remove greasy and contaminated areas, use a cut onion - treat the stains with it and wipe dry with a napkin;
  • For glossy surfaces, use non-abrasive cleaning products: first, try cleaning an inconspicuous area to check the reaction of the material;
  • chests of drawers made of bleached oak, made on the basis of laminated chipboard, simply need to be wiped with a damp cloth dipped in warm water; if there are stains on the surface, add a soap solution to the water;
  • Do not use hard, dry fabrics; viscose napkins are best.

By following these tips, you can maintain the original appearance of white chests of drawers for a long time, both with a glossy and matte surface.


Strengths and weaknesses of the model

Recently, furniture has begun to actively gain popularity. It can be found in almost every room. A white chest of drawers is placed in the bedroom, nursery, living room and corridor. The model copes well with its main task - storing bed linen or various things.

Beautiful white furniture in the interior

Many people are afraid to buy light-colored models. They think it is very difficult to maintain it in its original condition. But with timely care there will be no problems. The shade is considered universal. It suits almost all styles and goes well with other colors.

The main feature is the configuration of the furniture. Most often it has several drawers. They are slightly wider than regular shelves, which makes it easy to view the items inside. It is convenient to store bedding and other things here.

Many people are afraid to buy such light furniture

The main advantages of white chests of drawers include:
  • versatility _ The model performs several tasks simultaneously. The main function is a place to store linen or things. If you hang a mirror above the chest of drawers, it can easily be used as a ladies' dressing table. In addition, furniture, complemented by sides, can replace a changing table;
  • The shade is suitable for any room style . It is used as a base. Color helps create a cozy atmosphere in a room;
  • zoning of space . The model will do an excellent job of dividing a room into certain zones, for example, work and rest;
  • The chest of drawers can be installed in a room with any style . The main thing is to choose the appropriate facade;
  • On a light surface, dust will not be so noticeable;
  • long service life . The main thing is to take proper care of your chest of drawers in a timely manner.

Suitable for any interior

This type of furniture is best installed in small apartments, where every centimeter is worth its weight in gold. The white shade visually expands the space, making the room area much larger.

In addition to its advantages, each type of furniture has its own disadvantages.

The disadvantages of the chest of drawers are:
  • Careful and constant care . Especially if there are small children or pets in the apartment. All surfaces will need to be wiped daily with a damp cloth.
  • Do not overload the interior space . The boxes need to be filled evenly, starting from the lower sections.
  • It is better to give preference to high-quality and wear-resistant materials . If you choose externally beautiful, but fragile parts, the model will quickly fail.

Requires special care

Advantages of white chests of drawers in the interior

The main advantages of this piece of furniture are:

  1. A shade suitable for any interior. White is the base color and it creates a gentle homely atmosphere.
  2. The versatility of a white chest of drawers gives it the ability to perform several functions: a place to store clothes, linen and a dressing table if you hang a mirror on top. If there is a newborn in the house, the chest of drawers can be supplemented with sides, and it will turn into a convenient changing table.
  3. Zoning of the premises. This model of chest of drawers easily divides a room into several separate zones.
  4. On a light surface, dust is almost invisible.
  5. With proper care, a chest of drawers can last quite a long time.

Rules for choosing a chest of drawers

Not every white chest of drawers will fit into the space of the room. For this to happen, you need to know the basic parameters for choosing furniture.

Option for a beech chest of drawers in a children's room

These include:

  • Dimensions . Standard models have a depth of 60 cm. The size allows you to neatly place the required number of things. The furniture will not take up much space in the room.
  • Room . There are some nuances to choosing furniture here.

Small model when there is not much space

  • nursery _ Models should be equipped with convenient drawers. They open and close using a simple but reliable mechanism;
  • living room or hall . Furniture must have a durable surface;
  • bedroom . It is best to choose a chest of drawers with additional storage space, wide drawers and shelves.

Furniture must have a durable surface

  • Material . In almost all rooms you can install a white chest of drawers made of chipboard or MDF. The exception is the bathroom. Here the humidity level is always at an elevated level. Therefore, it is best to choose solid wood or plastic.
  • Style . All furniture in the room should be combined with each other. It is selected based on the design of the room.
  • Choosing a location . Before installing furniture, you need to prepare the place for this and take all measurements.

VIDEO: Dressers are an indispensable thing in the interior

Selection and recommendations

PERFORMA | VIP sofas offer you a large selection of classic and modern chests of drawers for the bedroom and living room. You can search for a suitable model by cost, manufacturer, dimensions, style, and view the most popular options. If you like the idea, but want to add something to it or, conversely, remove unnecessary elements, we will be happy to help. Just call or leave a message and we'll create a custom design together! You can be sure that you will not find such a chest of drawers anywhere else!

Expert: Nadezhda Gumennaya

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