Curtains for a small kitchen: varieties, tips for choosing, real photo examples

Curtains in the kitchen are needed not only for beauty, they perform several important functions - they create comfort in the room, protect it from the sun's rays and the prying glances of neighbors. In addition, a well-designed window opening helps to hide some of the existing shortcomings of the room - for example, visually enlarge the window.

The right design of kitchen curtains or attractive drapery can complete the design of the room, and even become its real highlight. Choosing curtains for the kitchen is a responsible process, and if the room is small, you should take the task with particular seriousness.

Roman or roller blinds for the kitchen

Roman, or roller blinds, have a lot of advantages. They combine the beauty of curtains and the convenience of blinds, and are perfect for installation on a kitchen window. Roman blinds are attached at the top to the cornice and are a dense strip of fabric that gathers in folds when lifted.

They rise with the help of slats and an adjusting cord attached on the reverse side. At the very bottom there is a special weighting plate, thanks to which the curtains always maintain a perfectly even shape.

Roller blinds come in two types:

Classic Roman blinds - this model is a smooth and even fabric that forms overlapping horizontal folds when lifted. These curtains look very simple and elegant; they easily fit into any kitchen interior.

Roman blinds are cascading - even when fully opened, this model has folds that go down in the form of a cascade, forming a beautiful drapery. Most often, such curtains are installed in rooms whose interior is made in country, art deco, and also some traditional styles.

Tulle design trends

New trends in window design change with each season. Photos and original ideas often help to refresh the interior without laborious renovations.

Among the newest trends are unusual curtains with decorative details in the form of names, unusual patterns or eye-catching textures. These simple tricks help brighten up a boring interior.

French-style kitchen curtains or a tulle arch for a country-style kitchen, decorated with a modest floral pattern, are trendy. The restrained Scandinavian style, which is characterized by rich colors and the absence of lush decor, is not losing ground.

Kitchen curtains with eyelets

A very popular design solution for decorating window openings in country houses and city apartments is the installation of straight curtains, which are attached to the cornice using special eyelets sewn to the top of the fabric.

To visually “raise” the ceiling, it is recommended to attach a round cornice closer to the ceiling, hanging long thin curtains on it. If desired, textiles can be quickly gathered into soft folds on both sides of the window. This design looks stylish and elegant, it goes especially well with the classic style of the interior.

How to sew curtains for the kitchen

Making new tulle curtains for the kitchen with your own hands is not difficult at all. The task can be completed even without a sewing machine.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the window design. It is not recommended to use complex options; they will add hassle to care.
  • An important component of success is proper measurement of the window opening. You should measure the length and width of the window taking into account the intended curtain model. To obtain lush folds, it is recommended to multiply the width of the window by three.
  • When purchasing, you must add at least 10 cm to the hem.
  • Cutting should be done on a flat surface. By laying a flannelette blanket, it is not difficult to cope even with such slippery material as organza.
  • After cutting, you need to carefully process the edges and also bend the upper part of the workpiece.

To do this, it is convenient to use a special tape if the curtain is attached to regular hooks. An important condition for obtaining high-quality tulle curtains is making neat seams.

Draping a kitchen window with tulle

If the room is small and the window is also small, the ideal way to decorate it is to use ordinary light, weightless tulle, transparent or translucent. Delicate lace creates a weightless effect, filling the room with air and light. Tulle takes up virtually no space, yet it looks expensive and easily fits into most popular interior styles.

You can use regular tulle without curtains if there is no need to protect your kitchen from prying eyes, as well as from direct sunlight. For a small kitchen, tulle up to the window sill is perfect, so it will get dirty less and will retain its attractive appearance longer. If the window faces the sunny side, it is recommended to install an additional Roman blind directly under the tulle.

Options for attaching to the cornice

The choice of method of attaching the tulle to the cornice directly depends on the preferences of the interior owners.


They ideally hold any type of fabric without deforming the top edge, and allow the fabrics to fold into elegant flounces, which is especially important when choosing tulle for the kitchen-living room.

The photo shows short tulle with brown eyelets.


Tulle on rings looks no worse than on eyelets. But at the same time, rings represent an additional element of window decoration in the kitchen. Rings can be either the same color or combined.


Similar to strings, this fastening is suitable for any type of interior. Usually the loops are made of the same material as the tulle fabric, but sometimes you should choose a material that differs in color and texture.


You need to be careful when choosing this method of fastening. It is not suitable for all types of kitchen interiors. For example, if the room is decorated in a loft, modern classic or minimalist style, such a mount will be inappropriate. But it will fit well into more romantic interiors.

Kisey for the kitchen

For a small window in a small room, muslin is perfect - special curtains made in the form of thin long threads. Such stripes look very attractive and elegant, besides, they visually make the kitchen more spacious, “raise” the ceiling in it, create a feeling of comfort and coziness, and allow sunlight to pass through well. They are also very easy to care for.

Kisey can be decorated in different ways. It can be simply fixed on one side of the window using a decorative clamp, or divided into two parts and secured on both sides of the window opening. You can also simply unravel the muslin so that it covers the entire window.

The huge range of colors of such curtains provides additional opportunities for decorating the kitchen. If desired, you can choose a simple white or bright version of muslin, as well as muslin with a soft gradient.

Types of long curtains

There is a misconception that all long curtains look the same. In fact, there are many different options:

  • Panel. These are sliding panels that rest against the floor and hold their shape well, which are also called Japanese. They look more like compartment doors. The textile is stretched between slats that move along runners. When opened, the blades slide behind each other. They are suitable for the tallest and widest windows. There are models with remote, automatic control. Panel curtains do not require washing or ironing; it is enough to occasionally wipe them with a damp cloth;
  • Kiseya. These are curtains consisting of many thin threads held together by a dense strip of fabric at the top. They have a modern, fresh look that suits many styles. They are often made from beaded fabric or with a gradient - a smooth transition from one color to another, which allows you to create a unique design. They transmit light well and will not darken much even on the rainiest day.

Kisey can be decorated with beads, glass beads, ribbons and bows. They look good either as a stand-alone window decoration or in combination with other types, such as blinds.

Thread curtains are not appropriate if the stove is located next to a window, and also if there are small children and animals in the house, since the threads quickly stretch and break from frequent touches;

  • Classic. These are thick curtains or light tulle, which are suitable not only for classic kitchens, but also for modern interiors. Due to the numerous folds and draperies, they fill the atmosphere with comfort and mask existing flaws.

Classic curtains get dirty faster than others and absorb kitchen odors; they are more difficult to care for. There is a risk of fire if placed near an open flame. They are best used in large kitchens and when there is a large distance from the stove;

  • French. These are curtains with lush scalloped rows that form separate sections and go down to the floor. They look very impressive, pompous and cute. Most often found in classic designs. The folds are preserved both in the folded and folded position. Their quantity and splendor can be adjusted independently. Such curtains are much more difficult to wash and iron;
  • With lambrequin. This is a curtain with horizontal drapery at the top. Lambrequins are often used in combination with sheer tulle in traditional designs. It masks the cornice and other fasteners. The choice of model depends on the size of the kitchen - the smaller it is, the more laconic and restrained the lambrequin should be.

Decorating a kitchen window with cafe curtains

Cafe curtains are most often used to decorate windows in small spaces, so they are ideal for a compact kitchen. Such curtains are attached to a thin strip, which can be placed in any part of the window opening - for example, in the middle, or higher. After installation, the upper part of the window remains open, but if desired, you can install a lambrequin made of the same fabric as the curtains.

The curtain itself is attached to the curtain rod in different ways: on hinges, on a drawstring, on hooks and braid, on ties, on eyelets and on rings. The lower part of the curtains can be decorated with scallops, tassels or decorative tiebacks. Cafe curtains look very cute and are perfect for installation in a kitchen, the interior of which is made in Provence, shabby chic, or retro styles.

A little history

Tulle appeared in the 15th century in the small French town of Tulle. The creators tried to do something unusual and they succeeded.

Until the 19th century, this material was not popular. During this period, people paid attention to it and began to sew light curtains that went well with heavy and oversized curtains. This decision allowed us to decorate the rooms and make the interior complete.

Many people consider tulle a relic of past eras and try to abandon this accessory. But I would like to note that even the most fashionable designers decorate window openings with tulle. Such curtains complement the interior and make it complete.

Curtains with lambrequin for the kitchen

Exquisite lambrequins can transform any, even the most modest, kitchen. They harmonize perfectly with long curtains and heavy drapes; lush folds that fall in soft waves make them especially luxurious.

However, if the kitchen is small, it is recommended to use lambrequins of simpler and more concise shapes. They should not be too lush and voluminous - it is better to give preference to a rigid, monochromatic design that is in harmony with the color of the furniture and curtains. Lambrequins are absolutely not suitable for installation in a kitchen designed in a minimalist or high-tech style. But they will look great in a classic interior.

Austrian curtains for the kitchen

This option is a successful hybrid of Roman and French curtains, as they combine simple design control and lush drapery. With a simple movement of the hand, the light canvas covering the window opening turns into luxurious festoons - gathered semicircular folds. Austrian curtains look sophisticated and elegant.

Despite all their pomp, they take up very little space. If desired, transparent or thick fabrics can be used to make such curtains. This option does not involve the use of tulle or other decorative window decorations. Austrian curtains will appeal to gentle and romantic people; they will help make the kitchen elegant and stylish.

Additional Tips

For the kitchen, it is important to use curtains of bright but shallow colors - lemon, salad, turquoise, peach, etc. Deep color can only exist in a limited volume.

To prevent traditional curtains from getting clogged by flower pots, street fluff and heating radiators, they are tied in the middle. The same technique is relevant for fitting, i.e. creating a decorative effect.

The choice of curtains depends on the level of lighting, and the location of the windows affects the luminous flux. If the windows face south and southeast, it is better to hang thick traditional curtains, roller models or blinds.


Perhaps the most laconic way to design a window opening. Blinds will fit perfectly into all modern styles. They will reliably protect the kitchen from the scorching sun, without making the room heavier and taking up virtually no space in it. Blinds are also good because they can serve for a very long time, they are simple to operate, and easy to care for.

Blinds can be bamboo, plastic, wood, they are also made from multi-textured materials and fabrics. As a rule, the dimensions of such a structure coincide with the dimensions of the window opening.

To add originality to the interior, you should choose blinds with a pattern or photo printing.

Emphasis on harmony

Curtains differ from each other not only in length, but also in style. No matter how attractive the design of kitchen curtains is, it must correspond to the following kitchen elements:

  • Aprons-screens, which are between the worktop-tabletop and hanging shelves;
  • Tablecloth on the dining table;
  • Upholstery of soft chairs, stools or benches.

It is also important to pay attention to the type of glazing. Laconic and devoid of ornaments, dark curtains suit white plastic windows.

Wooden windows, on the contrary, welcome light curtains with patterns. However, this rule is not necessary to follow, since there are interior trends that combine different subtypes of decor.

Choosing curtain colors for a small kitchen

It is recommended to choose the color of curtains for a small kitchen in accordance with the overall color scheme of the room. In a compact kitchen, curtains in light shades, without large, tacky patterns, will look best.

Beige curtains are ideal for any small kitchen. They go perfectly with any shades present in the interior, since beige is the basic and most neutral color.

Light green curtains - it is advisable to use light and translucent materials.

You can install Roman or Austrian light green curtains, then they will become a real decoration of the kitchen.

Yellow curtains are a great option for a small kitchen whose windows face north. It is better to choose a shade that is not too bright and saturated; it should be somewhat muted and as light as possible, then the kitchen will look more spacious.

Pink curtains - this option is also best used in a kitchen located on the north side. Pink color should be delicate: powdery, salmon, pastel. A rich and bright fuchsia shade will look out of place in a small room.

Gray curtains are one of the neutral options that will suit any kitchen design style and will go well with any color scheme. To make your kitchen look elegant, you should choose pearl and silver shades of gray, abandoning dark tones.

Curtains with a pattern - any large and too bright patterns can visually bring objects closer, so such curtains are not suitable for small windows in small kitchens. At the same time, light curtains with delicate pastel patterns will decorate such a room, fill it with light and create an atmosphere of comfort.

Light long curtains with longitudinal stripes will help to “raise” the ceiling.

Design and combination of curtains


There is such a thing as curtain design, and it is also relevant for the kitchen.

Let's see what ideas can be implemented.

One side

The kitchen is always not symmetrical relative to the window. Therefore, hanging curtains asymmetrically is standard.

They can only be on one side, they can be of different widths, even different colors (risk). All these options have the right to life.

We combine different types of curtains in the kitchen

You can sew a set of different curtains from 1 fabric (one or two colors). For example, combining regular and Roman ones is a classic.

Tulle is still a popular addition to the kitchen because it allows you to hide the radiator without blocking the light if not required.

For the Provence style, you can use curtains with lambrequins in the kitchen (horizontal short curtain at the top of the window). Sometimes they are combined with two short tulle halves.

By the way, we are in:


Classic tulle (yes, masculine) is white, low density and with lace.

In modern kitchens, more strict versions without patterns, gray and other colors are more often used. But here, as with the choice of wallpaper for the kitchen, it depends on the goals.

There are no rules here. If you like it, use it.

Modern ideas

Let me summarize and add a couple of modern ideas for choosing curtains for the kitchen:

  1. If you have an ordinary window and a small kitchen, Roman ones are a cool choice
  2. If the window is large, complex, or there is a balcony door, use regular floor-length ones. Can only be used on 1 side, can be combined with roman and tulle.
  3. Gray or pastel curtain colors will suit most kitchens.
  4. Think about what you will hang it on. If the renovation is major and the ceiling is suspended or made of plasterboard, you can make a niche without bringing the ceiling to the wall with a window (this is the standard).
  5. If the fabric is thick, you can fasten Roman blinds a little higher, and regular ones a little wider than actually needed. This will create the illusion that they are covering a larger window than it actually is.
  6. For classic and modern styles, approximately the same curtains are suitable. Excessive complications, lambrequins and selections look ridiculous even for a kitchen in a classic style.
  7. Thread curtains look like a throwback to the 90s - they shouldn't be used.
  8. Curtains with grommets (large round holes reinforced with plastic or metal that they hang on a curtain rod) look bad. The less flashy the mount, the better.

I hope you have decided for yourself what type of curtains you want for your kitchen. It is better to clarify the remaining nuances at the place of purchase. Good luck with the renovation!

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How to choose curtains for the kitchen depending on the interior style

To make the interior of a small kitchen look organic, you should carefully select curtains to match the chosen style. When creating an interior in the style of hi-tech and minimalism, it is recommended to give preference not to fabric curtains and tulle, but to light blinds. You can also use plain Roman blinds of the most laconic design.

Long curtains with lambrequins would look appropriate in a classic interior.

When creating shabby chic, retro, Mediterranean and Provence styles, you can choose Austrian curtains, cafe curtains or tulle.

For a rustic-style kitchen, you should choose light, short curtains or muslin.

Types of tulle

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of light and translucent fabrics for decorating window openings. The service life of curtains directly depends on the quality of the base material.

In the kitchen, additional requirements are placed on fabrics. They should withstand frequent washing well without losing their aesthetic appearance.

The most popular types of tulle for the kitchen include:

  • chiffon;
  • organza;
  • mesh;
  • veil.

Both natural and synthetic fibers are used in the production of materials. For the kitchen area, it is recommended to give preference to artificial fabrics. They have a certain margin of safety, do not absorb moisture, grease and dust, wash well, do not wrinkle, and dry quickly. Synthetic tulle allows air to pass through well, does not fade, and is easy to care for.

New tulle products for 2022 are complex fabrics that combine several components. The use of fibers of various textures allows designers to create spectacular patterns that give tulle a non-standard and very beautiful appearance.

Which curtains should you not choose for a small kitchen?

To properly organize the space of a small kitchen, designers advise following some simple rules:

  1. You should not choose too dense, heavy curtains in dark shades.
  2. Curtains made of light fabrics, made in light colors, are much more suitable.
  3. For small kitchens located on the north side, curtains in cold shades - blue, gray, white, light blue - are not suitable.
  4. If the apartment is located on the upper floors, there is no need to choose thick curtains that carefully cover the windows; it will be enough to hang light tulle and install roller blinds to protect from the sun.
  5. It is also very important to choose the right curtain rod - you should give preference to a ceiling model, or a forged structure attached as close as possible to the ceiling.

If you follow all the tips given, even the smallest and most modest kitchen will look luxurious and stylish.

Color spectrum

The color of the tulle should be in harmony with the color of the furniture in the kitchen. If it is difficult to choose, you should give preference to light or pastel colors.


A classic color for framing a window in a kitchen, especially a small area. But when choosing a white color, you should take into account that it is an aggressive color and is best combined with a calm, light interior.


Neutral, calm color. But when choosing a beige color, you should keep in mind that there are two shades of beige - warm and cold.


Great for expanding space and ideal for dark rooms. Increases vitality and increases appetite.


Light and airy green tulle will enliven and refresh the kitchen space. Green color is a natural color and therefore calms the human psyche well.


It will add lightness to the interior, as the delicate blue color is associated with clear heavenly expanses. It harmonizes best with warm green, delicate pink or peach flowers.


It is a complex, paradoxical color, the brightness of which varies depending on the degree of saturation. A monochromatic palette of gray fabric in the kitchen will go equally well with both a blue set and sunflowers on the wallpaper.


An aristocratic color that can emphasize the status of the owner of the kitchen with such curtains. An interior with brown tulle creates a feeling of isolation and security. This color also has a significant drawback: in combination with dark furniture, it visually reduces the kitchen area.


Ideal for a kitchen with windows facing north. Will add light and warmth.

The photo shows a yellow French curtain.


The color accentuates attention, so it is important, on the one hand, not to overdo it, and on the other hand, complement the kitchen interior with red tulle of the same color with dishes or textiles. A combination of white and red, for example, a checkered pattern, looks good.


Suitable for kitchens decorated in modern or country styles, Provence. When choosing a pink tone for the kitchen window frame, it is important that the color of the furniture is matte or has a wood grain structure.


Suitable for creative and romantic people. Transforms the room and turns a nondescript environment into an elegant interior conducive to conversation.

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