Bedroom design 15 sq m - design tips and photos in the interior

The bedroom is the favorite place in the whole house, the relaxation room. Your favorite things are located there, you can enjoy the surroundings and do your favorite things. Bedroom design is an important aspect, it determines whether you want to spend time inside. Thanks to the interior, a lot changes - from the daily routine, to setting new goals, planning the future.

The bedroom is the most important room in the house

The atmosphere in the bedroom should be relaxing

It is important to think through your bedroom design down to the smallest detail.

A person’s mood will depend on how the room looks

You can choose the design of the room from examples on the Internet

It’s not difficult to choose the interior of a 15 square meter bedroom, the main thing is to understand what you want. The second important question is how much money will be invested, because everyone’s budgets are different, you need to decide, write down all the costs. The size of 15 square meters is very convenient. The bedroom contains a bed, a work area, entertainment, a comfortable dressing room, flowers, paintings, and a mirror.

Many bedrooms have a balcony; they use it in different ways, for example, creating a small relaxation room or an office for work, but whatever your fancy? There are a huge number of different styles, each can be harmoniously, correctly entered, mixed, the result will be incredible. It is important to make a plan and then strictly follow it.

If you know what you want, choosing an interior will not be difficult

Mostly it depends on the budget

The bedroom should be cozy and functional

There are a large number of styles, choosing the right one will not be difficult

First of all, you need to make a plan

Layouts 15 m2

Bedrooms 15 sq.
m can look different: a regular square, a rectangle or a fancy shape, with one or two windows, with a balcony. The plan should be drawn depending on the initial data of the room. Square bedroom 15 square meters. Symmetrical or asymmetrical furniture arrangement is possible. In the first case, the bed is placed in the center with the headboard facing the wall, and identical pieces of furniture are placed on the sides. Another option for a mirror layout is to place cabinets on both sides of the window, but it is only suitable for bright rooms of 15 square meters. In the case of an asymmetrical arrangement, the bed is moved to one side, freeing up space for a wardrobe or desk.

Rectangular bedroom with an area of ​​15 m2. The layout of a 3 by 5 room should be built starting from the window. Most often it is located on the short side opposite the door, then the bed is installed across the long side in the center. This way there will be space by the window for a work area, and by the door there will be space for a wardrobe.

For elongated rooms with a window opening along a long wall, there are 3 ways to position the bed:

  • headboard to the short side, dividing the 15 sq. m bedroom into 2 functional squares;
  • opposite the window, offering a beautiful view;
  • headboard to the window so as not to wake up from sunlight.

The photo shows the implementation of Provence style in the interior

Ceiling finishing

The ceilings in a fifteen-meter room can be anything - dark, light, glossy, two-color, backlit.

If the height of the room is small, you should not get carried away with multi-tiered ceilings, but you can mount a two-tiered ceiling of a simple shape with lighting, prints, and the effect of a floating ceiling.

What color scheme is best to decorate in?

The design of a 15 sq. m bedroom can be made in any palette, because there is no goal to visually enlarge the room. However, if you are going to use a lot of furniture, give preference to light colors so that the bedroom does not look cluttered.

The color scheme is chosen based on 2 parameters: interior style and personal preferences.

  • Scandinavian style requires white, gray, beige.
  • For loft, gray, brown, and black are preferable.
  • The modern direction is distinguished by muted deep shades of blue, pink, green, yellow.
  • When creating an interior in Art Nouveau style, take gray or sand as a basis, adding bright accents to it.

The photo shows a renovation in yellow and gray tones

In addition, take into account the location of the windows in the apartment: if the northern bedroom is decorated in cold shades, it will be uncomfortable to be in the room. Therefore, remember the rule: a warm palette for the north, a cold palette for the south.

The last thing to pay attention to is the psychology of color. It's no secret that pastel blue and green shades help you relax. And red and orange excite. Accordingly, when creating a space for relaxation, use more soothing colors, using bright ones to a minimum.

The photo shows a design in shades of brown

Color solution

The bedroom, first of all, is a room for relaxation, so it is better to abandon the idea of ​​decorating it in bright, poisonous colors.

The best option would be to use pleasant pastel colors.

Suitable combinations of shades with each other:

  1. Milk, peach, lemon;
  2. Coffee, caramel, cream;
  3. Lavender, lilac, gray;
  4. Milky, turquoise, beige;
  5. Caramel, white, pistachio.

If the desire to decorate your bedroom in bright colors continues, you can find an alternative and decorate one wall in rich colors.

See alsoColor combinations in the bedroom interior

What to consider when repairing?

There are practically no restrictions on the use of finishing materials in the design of a 15 square meter bedroom - there is no high humidity or temperature here. Choose high-quality coatings that do not emit harmful substances and will last for many years.

Ceiling. The design of surfaces should emphasize the style of the interior. Whitewash or paint, order a suspended ceiling or a simple plasterboard structure. Decorate the ceiling with beams, rosettes, and moldings. The most universal color is white; other shades should be 1-2 shades lighter than the walls.

Walls. Classic solutions - wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster. The laminate behind the head of the bed looks unusual. Use wall decoration to correct the geometry of the room: dark narrow walls in an elongated room will visually balance it. Panoramic photo wallpaper or simple wallpaper with a pattern is glued to the long side.

Floor. The worst choice for a bedroom in a home is cold tiles. The flooring should be warm - parquet, laminate, linoleum. Lay 1 large rug or 2 small ones at the foot. Laying the floor across the long walls will also expand the narrow bedroom of 15 square meters.

The photo shows an example of using photo wallpaper in design

Bedroom too narrow

A room that is too narrow is not the best option for a bedroom, but when there is no other option, we need to work with what we have. If the room is too narrow, then it is important to avoid the main mistake of installing a bulky wardrobe along a long wall.

  • The maximum that can be thought of here is the placement of open shelving that is airy and practically does not eat up space. By the way, they are very appropriate in the bedroom, as are bookshelves.
  • The bedroom space is the least dirty, there is less dust, which means you will need to wipe open shelves much less often than, for example, in the living room.
  • If you can install a double bed along the width of the room, that’s great, but it is important that it is not driven into a blind corner, without the possibility of access to the far wall. In general, we try to arrange furniture so that nothing interferes with access to any part of the room.
  • In a narrow room, a bed is even allowed in the middle of the room, while the far wall can be used to install a spacious wardrobe. This will visually shorten the length of the room somewhat, which will only benefit the room.

Another option is to place it in the far narrow part of the dressing room, this will make the bedroom room even more regular in shape.

Choosing furniture and arranging it correctly

To furnish a 15 sq. m bedroom, start with the bed. Its size is determined based on the number of people sleeping and the additional purpose of the room. If you will use the bedroom only for its intended purpose, feel free to purchase a royal bed, 180-200 cm wide. A 160 cm mattress will be enough for two adults, and after installing it, there will be enough space for a straight or corner wardrobe. You can add a men's computer or women's dressing table to your wardrobe by reducing the width of the bed to 140 cm.

If you need a spacious storage system, one wardrobe is not enough. Buy a bed model with drawers under the bed or additional niches at the headboard. A freestanding chest of drawers also doesn't take up much space and can combine storage and makeup areas.

The photo shows a modern style bedroom with a table

If desired, not just a workspace, but a place for reading, can be organized near the window. In addition to the desk, you can install a shelf with books, a comfortable chair and a floor lamp. If a bedroom of 15 square meters is combined with a balcony, an office can be placed on it.

The photo shows a spacious bedroom set

Deciding on the design of the bedroom

At the moment, there are many different styles and designs: high-tech, modern, classic, baroque and others. People who are not experienced in this will not be able to correctly use this or any other style due to their inexperience. In order to create an original and unique design, but at the same time stick to one specific style, you should contact specialists who will help make your bedroom unique.

If the funds do not allow you to attract an outside designer, then you should rely on your taste and inner feelings; for greater confidence, you can correct yourself according to the designs presented in the photo on the Internet.

The bedroom is a place of rest, solitude and release from unnecessary thoughts. This is where a person can relax, take off the burden of a hard day's work and enjoy the silence. In order to create a pleasant atmosphere, it is best to use the color blue and its shades, which can calm the nervous system and create warmth and comfort in the room.

By taking orange or a similar bright color, you can feel joy and charge yourself with positive energy. However, it often happens that such tones quickly begin to irritate and excite, and not everyone likes this. For maximum comfort and calm, it is better to use bed colors that can relieve the nervous system after a hard day.

We should not forget that the bedroom is not only a place for relaxation, but also for passion. In this case, it is better to use red colors, but it would be more correct to use them only partially, decorating only one of the walls with this tone.

Black color will become very popular in 2022, but this can bring darkness to the bedroom design. In order to avoid this, you need to have good and bright lighting that can highlight the black tones.

Those who seek unity with nature and the environment can use green colors in soft shades. You can complement this picture with the help of properly selected wallpaper or curtains, photo wallpaper with a view of nature.

In general, it is worth noting that there are quite a lot of ideas for designing a small bedroom and it all depends only on the choice of the home owner. If you approach this matter correctly, carry out high-quality renovations and try to stick to one specific style, you can create an interesting and fashionable bedroom. By choosing high-quality materials, decorative elements and wallpaper with an original look, you can make your dream come true - to create a comfortable and cozy bedroom that can please the eye every day for many years.

As soon as the renovation is completed and the bedroom has acquired the desired appearance, you should start decorating the room, correctly arranging everything you need in it. First of all, this is a bed, which must be as comfortable as possible, but not take up much space. Then comes the TV, life without which in the 21st century is quite difficult to imagine. It is best placed opposite the bed (sofa), placing it in front of the eyes in a sitting position. You can put the TV on the bedside table, or install it on the wall, which will save an extra square meter. It must be taken into account that the distance must be appropriate, otherwise your vision can be damaged.

You also need to install a chest of drawers or a closet here. There should be a mirror so that you can bring beauty; it is best to use a mirror integrated into the chest of drawers; it can also replace a table. By correctly using the functionality of furniture, you can minimize its quantity, thereby creating a little free space even in a small bedroom.

The armchair and ottomans are installed at will, depending on how much they are needed. Special attention should be paid to the decor; these could be paintings or figurines, decorative flowers and other elements that create additional coziness in the room.

In general, it is worth noting that correctly planning a small bedroom is a difficult task, but possible. If you approach this matter responsibly and carefully think through everything at the initial stage, you can create a cozy and modern bedroom with an original design that will delight you every day.

How to arrange a bedroom?

Although we spend most of the time in a 15 square meter bedroom in complete darkness, lighting in this room plays an important role. The main single large chandelier (it serves as an additional decor) or built-in spots (simple and functional) are suitable as a ceiling light source.

Spot light is distributed by zones:

  • sconces or lamps on nightstands near the bed;
  • table lamp or floor lamp on the desktop;
  • mirror lighting on the dressing table;
  • directional spots in the dressing room.

Subdued lighting in a niche with a TV or under a floating bed plays a decorative role and is perfect for falling asleep.

In the photo the headboard of the bed reaches the ceiling

In addition to good artificial lighting, take care to block natural light - blackout curtains will prevent the sun from entering the room in the morning. In a minimalist interior, curtains are replaced with roller blinds or curtains.

Without decorative elements, the bedroom will remain boring - hang frames with paintings or photographs, arrange fresh flowers and figurines. You can decorate a room of 15 square meters with ordinary textiles - cute pillows, textured blankets, rugs.

The photo shows an example of a combination of mustard and gold decor

Modern style - contemporary

The style is not pretentious and uncomplicated. The main feature is functionality. There should be no non-functional items in the room. It is characterized by fairly simple mass-produced furniture, simple curtains, simple picture frames and mirrors, comfortable upholstered furniture with plain fabric upholstery.

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This style carries elements of eclecticism - it can combine diverse objects: a compartment with a plastic or glass facade and a wooden bed, wooden bedside tables with a bed with a beautifully colored metal frame, a bright carpet and simple painted lamp fittings with a quilted headboard.

Design examples in various styles

Choose a 15 sqm bedroom interior style in which people will feel comfortable relaxing.

Classic assumes carved furniture, shine of glass and gold, patterns on wallpaper and fabrics, and an abundance of decorative elements in decoration.

Minimalism is much calmer: regular forms, simplicity of decoration, minimal decor.

The photo shows a white room in Scandinavian style

Modern style encourages relaxation with deep shades and noble textiles.

The eastern direction pleases the eye with an abundance of color, soft pillows and original patterns.

The photo shows a classic interior in pink tones

Spacious dressing room in the bedroom

It is possible to install a dressing room in such a room if you place a minimum of furniture (bed, table, TV). It is best to place an object that is pleasant for women in the corner of the room, decorating it with mirrored or glass doors.

It is better to decorate the wardrobe with a mirror, because this way you can visually expand the room.

The dressing room should contain:

  • Shelves where all the clothes will be placed, located at eye level for convenience;
  • Hangers for outerwear and evening wear;
  • Drawers for bed linen, underwear and other small items and accessories.

See also: Bedroom design for a girl. Stylistic design


Multi-level lighting is the most optimal. On the first and main floor there is a chandelier as the main light source. And in certain areas where it is necessary, floor lamps and table lamps will create enhanced lighting.

LED lighting around the perimeter of the room will add style and a cozy atmosphere. An additional lamp above the headboard will be very useful for those who like to read before bed.

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