Light wallpaper for the bedroom: tips for choosing wallpaper, photo of white tone in the bedroom interior

Bright colors always attract attention and add color and variety to life. However, this cannot be attributed to the bedroom, where, on the contrary, harmony, comfort, and tranquility should reign. To achieve this, it is better to use light colors that fill the room with airiness and will not irritate your attention with colorful details.

At the same time, it is important that the bedroom does not become boring and you do not want to add anything to it. Design should be treated wisely, so this article will provide some tips for arranging a bright bedroom.

It is better to plan repairs

Before you go shopping for finishing materials, including wallpaper for draping bedroom walls, it is advisable to think in advance about a plan of action for repairs.

You should also decide on combinations of tones of walls, floors, ceilings, decor, and furniture. You can play with contrast. For example, light wallpaper in the bedroom, as shown in the photo, fits perfectly with dark furniture and textiles.

However, curtains can also be light. Even if the floor has black laminate, it should be complemented with a carpet to match the walls. Of course, many proceed from what is offered in stores, but layout rules still need to be taken into account.

How to diversify a bright bedroom and make it not boring

In a bright interior there is an opportunity to come up with a huge number of interesting and original solutions that harmoniously blend into the atmosphere as a whole. You can highlight individual details and introduce a little color into the interior, making it more positive and with a twist.

So, such details include curtains, pillows, bedspreads, rugs, etc. the most important thing is that they match the interior and belong to the same style.

The second option could be contrast in a bright bedroom. In this case, for example, they use dark furniture, which will always look harmonious against a light background. In addition, for better integration, a window or door is often chosen to match the tone of the furniture.

You can dilute light colors with the help of any accessories. For this purpose, paintings, panels, indoor plants, and chandeliers with a prominent frame are used. As an option, place dark books on light shelves.

Even the simplest and most monochromatic bedroom can be turned into a masterpiece with the help of a few correctly selected details.

Pros and cons of light wallpaper

Like all types of wall decoration, light wallpaper has its pros and cons. Of course, it still depends on the preferences of the owners of the apartment or house. However, it is worth paying attention to some nuances regarding this choice.

Pros of light wallpaper in the bedroom

They consist in the visual perception of space in which there is not enough space. For a small room this is an ideal solution. In addition, light wallpaper can become the basis for decor and exquisite furniture. Against their background, these elements will be favorably emphasized even in a large room.

Disadvantages of light wallpaper for the bedroom

Over time, stains may appear through the walls. This is due to the fact that the surfaces were not carefully processed and primed. You should pay more attention to this process and this problem will not arise.

Light wallpaper can fade and lose its attractiveness. And one more minus - they are easily soiled. Dirt stains and dust are clearly visible on them. Therefore, it is important to take care of proper care of the walls, promptly cleaning them from dust.

Constructivism style

When creating it, functional and rational solutions are mixed. When decorating a bedroom in a given style, light, pure tones and shades of white and gray are predominantly used. They can be diluted with bright but laconic decorative items. The textiles used are plain, as is the decoration of the walls and ceiling.

Constructivism is characterized by an abundance of natural light. Therefore, the presence of panoramic windows is welcome. The furniture is made in a laconic style without additional decorative elements.

Plain or patterned?

The choice in this context will depend not only on the preferences and tastes of the home owners, but also on practicality grounds. Plain light wallpaper is more suitable for a small bedroom, drapery with a pattern is more suitable for a large one. But if the room is small and you want to buy wallpaper with a pattern, you should choose the option with a small print or pattern.

Plain light wallpaper

Experienced designers say you can sleep more peacefully without monograms and intricate patterns. Indeed, neutral, pastel colors better induce sleep and have a calming effect.

Plain beige, gray, olive, and cream wallpapers look beautiful in the bedroom. You can choose soft pink or peach tones.

Wallpaper with a pattern for the bedroom

No one forbids you to select bedroom wall decor with an interesting ornament or a beautiful combination of patterns. In the sleeping room, walls with imitation stone, leather, and wood look beautiful. It is worth choosing neutral motives, then falling asleep will be more pleasant.

Main color

Anyone who has ever chosen wallpaper for their home knows how, sometimes difficult, it is to make the right choice. And most buyers are faced with the problem of choosing a color, because they understand that it can radically affect a person’s mood and psycho-emotional state. And if a person is calm by nature, then the decorative coating should be appropriate to his character. You should not be led by a momentary whim and make hasty decisions when buying bright wallpaper for the bedroom, as in this case the interior of the room will irritate. It is best to pay attention to the following range of colors:

  • olive;
  • peach;
  • beige;
  • light blue;
  • sand;
  • apricot.

If such light wallpaper for the bedroom creates an overly calm atmosphere, then you can add some bright elements: a flower arrangement, a framed photo, a panel, a painting. In addition, the correct selection of a combination of wallpaper with curtains of a suitable shade is also important.

The combination of white and blue in the bedroom

Lavender, light lilac, as well as all shades of blue and cyan perfectly set the tone for a calm wave. City dwellers should give preference to all shades of green, as it is characterized by complete relaxation, relaxation, which is especially important for those who work mentally.

When choosing wallpaper, you should avoid those colors that, instead of relaxation, provoke irritation and aggression. Most often, designers include purple, orange, red, and rich yellow in this group.

Do not forget that the base color of the paintings should be combined with the furniture. A light base (cappuccino, beige, milky) “begs” for a room containing a chocolate-colored bed, wardrobe or cabinets. Furniture in mahogany color requires placement on a lighter, pinkish background.

Do you need a drawing?

Men's bedroom

Rarely does anyone choose plain light wallpaper for the bedroom. Most often, canvases with a pattern are chosen, which plays a certain role in creating the mood. To create a more welcoming, positive mood, you should choose an unusual and at the same time cheerful design. If you need to achieve greater lightness from the bedroom, then it is better to exclude the “stripe” pattern, and you should choose geometry, all kinds of circles, flowers.

A combination of different fabrics in a relaxation room is not excluded. But in this case, it is worth combining those that have an identical ornament, color, texture. Lovers of romance can surround themselves with flowers, and small flowers are best suited for a quiet room.

It is important to take into account the male or female direction of the room. If there are too many flowers in it, then this will speak of the feminine principle, but checkered fabrics, on the contrary, set the room in a masculine way. Married couples should choose plain canvases equipped with all kinds of finishes.

Don't go wrong with the material

Women's bedroom

You need to choose wallpaper for a bright bedroom not only based on its color and the presence of a pattern, but also on the main material and manufacturing technology. Most often, the following options for decorative canvases are offered to the buyer’s attention:

  1. Paper - in modern design they can have all sorts of variations, ranging from the thinnest to thicker, multi-layered ones. But, despite the difference in texture, embossing, degree of smoothness and presence of patterns, their service life is short. The main advantages of such coatings are their environmental friendliness, as well as their affordable price;
  2. Non-woven ones are more durable than paper counterparts and do not interfere with air exchange. But since the material may contain residues of chemical elements, you need to make sure of maximum safety and the availability of an environmental passport;
  3. Textiles are spectacular, eco-friendly coverings that can be easily used indoors for relaxation. Their outer part may have additional impregnations that protect the material from fading and the accumulation of static electricity.
  4. Vinyl is not the worst option for a bedroom, if, of course, it was made in accordance with the technology and has micropores for effective air exchange.

Variety of light shades

In the bedroom, light wallpaper is excellent. Here's how to decide on the shade. After all, there are almost fifty tones in the pastel range alone. It all depends on the preferences of the owners of the house and the colors of the interior.

You can't go wrong if you choose neutral beige, gray, or cream. Against this background, even purple curtains in the bedroom with light wallpaper will look great. However, if you match this textile with a soft lilac or purple wall decoration, it will look even better.

What to look for when choosing wallpaper color

They should be in harmony with the furniture. When the room is on the south side of the apartment or house, you may prefer cool, light wallpaper colors.

If in the north, warm ones are better. If the walls are uneven, you can choose a light decor option with a diagonal stripe. If you need to zone a room, you should buy wallpaper of different shades, but compatible with the overall interior.

Features of different colors

Certain tones have different visual effects on a person’s mood. Therefore, it is important to focus on this aspect. Moreover, in the bedroom you need to provide comfortable conditions for sleeping.

Green and yellow shades balance the emotional state. White people are in the mood for rest. But you shouldn’t overdo it, so as not to create the impression of a hospital ward. Cream, beige, gray tones set the mood for positivity and restful sleep.

What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

In general, wallpaper is better suited and more often used in classic bedroom interiors. Don’t be surprised that most of the photos will be from the classics. However, even in modern styles there are situations when no other material will give the desired effect.

Classic wallpaper in the bedroom interior

The theory of combining wallpaper will come later, for now we will simply provide photographs and comment on them, finding out why the bedroom interior looks stylish or not.

The standard and best version of classic wallpaper for the bedroom is wallpaper with a colored background and pattern without strong contrast. This can be either a pattern that differs from the main color by 1-2 tones, or a silver or gold pattern.

Wallpaper with a clear pattern is accent. They cannot cover the entire room. The standard is 1 wall, maximum two. Let's look at the photo.

Classic wallpaper with a large pattern and especially with gold and silver colors at the base looks expensive. The rest of the bedroom furnishings must match, otherwise there will be dissonance and an inharmonious appearance. Photos when this rule is not followed:

The second type of classic wallpaper is wallpaper with a contrasting pattern. It would seem that whether the contrasting pattern makes a big difference or not, does it make sense to separate them into a separate type. Eat. They are perceived completely differently, the bedroom design around such wallpaper is built differently.

There is a huge difference between classic wallpaper with a contrasting pattern and a non-contrasting pattern.

Wallpaper with a contrasting pattern greatly loads the bedroom interior with details. If you don’t take this into account and add more details with bed linen, curtains and other items, you’ll end up with a mess. Such wallpaper should almost never be used on more than one wall.

Another type of wallpaper for classic styles is paintable wallpaper. It makes little sense to provide their photos, because... It is impossible to distinguish a simply painted wall from a wall with painted wallpaper from a photo. In reality the texture is visible, in the photo it is not.

Modern wallpaper in the bedroom interior

In most modern styles, wallpaper is rarely used. To decorate the walls, paint, decorative plaster, 3D panels, etc. are used. But when you need a pattern, geometric shapes or something like that, wallpaper still helps out.

An interesting borrowing from classic styles is black wallpaper with a low-contrast or silver pattern. It is in black that they are used in modern styles when you need to add a little luxury.

Geometric shapes and broken patterns go well with some modern bedroom interiors, and you can only get them with wallpaper. There's also wallpaper with stripes and fine textures.

Neutral wallpaper without a pronounced texture is also an interesting option. Especially considering that the basis of all modern styles is minimalism.

Gradients and photo wallpapers are another type of wallpaper that fits well into modern bedrooms. But be careful with photo wallpapers - this is a very risky move. This option can look stylish, or maybe even collective farm, you need to have a fine sense of the line. If you know how to work with graphic editors, you can photoshop the wallpaper in your bedroom to get an idea of ​​what it will look like.

Combinations of light wall colors

In the bedroom you should not combine flashy shades with any light ones. It is better to prefer discreet combinations of wallpaper in pastel colors.

However, if you want to give the interior some zest and make it brighter, the sleeping area can be decorated in exceptionally light colors, and where there is a wardrobe and dressing table, the walls can be draped with brighter wallpaper.

Contrasting combinations

The following combinations of wallpaper shades look very beautiful in the bedroom: black with white, blue with soft blue, pink with desaturated burgundy. You can combine several shades of beige and combine them with brown decor and one accent wall.

Related combinations

These are also appropriate, especially in a small bedroom. Lilac wallpapers with pink wallpapers, white wallpapers with vanilla or beige, cream wallpapers with pink or soft peach tones are beautifully combined.

In what style to perform


Classic style will never lose its popularity. It wouldn’t be out of place in a bedroom in light colors. There can be many directions, ranging from luxurious baroque to simpler classicism.

They never go out of fashion and are harmonious in any interior. In a classic light bedroom there are bright, cold, catchy, neon colors that irritate the eye. On the contrary, there are light natural shades.

In this case, furniture made from natural light wood is welcome. The textiles used are luxurious, but at the same time calm and harmonious.

The furniture pleases with its elegance, which in no way affects comfort and coziness. Symmetrical decor will be very appropriate. For example, you can hang two identical mirrors on opposite walls or put the same cabinets and chairs.

Tip: this style is characterized by antiques and art objects. Don't be afraid to use them. They can perfectly dilute a light tone and add zest to the interior, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Country style

This style can be called rural; it will allow you to move from the bustle of the city to a cozy country home. Country is distinguished by its environmental friendliness, mixed shades, textured decor and walls, and a variety of fabric accessories.

Solid colors are inappropriate here; they need to be diluted with an interesting palette and contrast. To do this, in a bright bedroom you can use a wicker carpet, antique clocks, a knitted bedspread, paintings and much more.

Various trinkets can also bring positivity into the atmosphere - figurines, clay plates, soft toys, chests. Family photographs that are worth placing in rare frames will look good.


Minimalism implies functionality and restraint, each item is located for its intended purpose and in a convenient place. This interior has a minimum of details and accessories.

The color range does not exceed more than three colors. This style is most characterized by light colors, which are so good to use in the bedroom.

The centerpiece of a minimalist bedroom is the bed. Often in this case, podium beds and tatami beds are used. Sometimes it can even be replaced with a comfortable mattress. Bedspreads, furniture, decor - everything should be in restrained colors, without any patterns or decorations.

Features of using white tone

In a small bedroom, such a solution for wall decoration could not come in handy. However, in order not to overdo it with white, it is worth complementing it with other shades.

White with pastel colors

Combinations of white with delicate beige, more saturated, but not dark gray are appropriate here. All shades without exception go well with white. Therefore, you just need to shade the bedroom walls a little with white wallpaper, emphasizing them with decor, and do the rest of the walls in olive, nude pink or lilac tones.

White with darker tones

If you decide to play with contrast, you should use combinations of white with black, chocolate, brown, blue, and rich purple. These shades set you up for a restful sleep. But with red or poisonous tones of any scale, it is advisable to be careful.

Light wallpaper is great for any bedroom, small or large. It is important to take into account a number of nuances in the design of the room, choose safe materials and carefully prepare the walls for pasting, so that yellow spots do not appear on the surfaces over time.

Where to begin

When decorating a bedroom, it is important to focus on two aspects - the choice of style and color scheme of the room. When choosing a style, you should be guided by considerations of functionality, convenience, and capabilities. Color is the more emotional side of room design. It creates a mood and affects the well-being of residents. There is a wide choice here.

The more spacious the room and the higher the ceiling, the more light and air it has. Initially, this room was intended for relaxation. Therefore, it should not contain sharp details or sharp color contrasts. For decoration, wooden furniture with soft seats and natural materials in window textiles and bed linen are often used.

A great-looking wallpaper in a store may not fit into your bedroom interior. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, take samples and “try” them on the walls.

Photo of light wallpaper in the bedroom interior


Design ideas

  • Wallpapering all the walls of a room with the same color is no longer relevant. The current fashion trends are to highlight the wall at the head. The remaining surfaces are plastered or painted.
  • You can use wallpaper in bright colors if the bedroom faces north and does not have enough light.
  • The interior of a small room needs to be thought out without striped patterns in wallpaper and furniture in bright colors. All these elements visually reduce the space. But they are perfect for a square bedroom with high ceilings, provided that the stripes are parallel to the floor.

  • You can add dynamics to your bedroom design with wallpaper in different patterns and colors. For example, stick wallpaper on two walls in the same color as the curtains, and leave the rest white.

Pastel shades

The photo shows an option for decorating a relaxation room, made in pastel colors. With the help of symmetrically located mirrors, you can fill the room with lightness and light; this is important when decorating an interior in the spirit of neoclassics.

Green shades are often used when decorating bedrooms with light-colored furniture. It can be considered a universal color. Depending on the shades, the green tone can have different effects on the body. For example, olive or mustard notes have a positive effect on proper sleep and allow a person to get rid of stress accumulated during the working day.

“Green Apple” is considered a real brand in interior fashion. It gives vigor and enlivens a room that receives insufficient sunlight. If the room has light furniture, then you can count on using bright green colors.

Attention! When selecting green shades, it is not advisable to select shiny and glossy coatings. It is better to replace them with unusual textures made from natural materials.

Light-colored furniture has a beneficial effect on the overall interior of the bedroom. The photo shows a variant of this decoration, which allows you to get a sophisticated look. The modern market offers a good range of wallpaper, many of which are of quite acceptable quality and reasonable cost. Let's analyze some wallpapers that will be appropriate when decorating a room for sleeping and relaxing.

Interior professionals advise paying attention to ordinary simplex trellises. They have the shortest service life. This option is ideal for those bedroom owners who like to carry out systematic cosmetic repairs. Among the obvious advantages of such finishing materials, it is necessary to note their environmental friendliness and low cost.

Advice! When using two-layer (duplex) paper wallpaper, you can significantly extend the service life of the wallpaper, without visible damage to the appearance.

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