Wardrobe for the bedroom (150 photos): the best combinations in the bedroom interior, examples of beautiful design and decoration

In many cases, the question of purchasing furniture comes after the rooms have been renovated. Thanks to furniture, living becomes more comfortable and cozy, plus it is bought for many years. Naturally, it must be the most suitable and very carefully chosen.

Furnishing your bedroom will require more attention than other rooms in your home, because it is where most people spend almost a third of their entire lives. A wardrobe in a bedroom or another type of wardrobe plays an important role for this room, which can be compared to a bed. Therefore, the choice should be made most carefully.

Now there is no exact information regarding the origin of the cabinet in this world, but the chest is its main prototype. Over the years, chests were completely replaced, as they were used as tables and chairs, cabinets, and even beds. Today it’s hard to even imagine what we would do without closets where we would put clothes, shoes, and other items/accessories. Although choosing a closet is not an easy task, we will try to help you in this matter by providing a photo of the closet in the bedroom for your review.

Before buying a cabinet, you need to think about how the doors will open, will it have to be moved, or will it stand in this position for a long time, as it was originally?

A good closet - a spacious closet

It's no secret that a wardrobe should not only be a stylish element of the interior of a living space, but also delight with its spaciousness and organic design.

Matching the size of your closet to the proportions of your bedroom should be a priority. Buying a huge wardrobe for the bedroom is not difficult; It’s an art to choose the ideal option based on the available space.

Wardrobe as a decorative element

Due to their impressive size, sliding wardrobes are usually installed along the wall. They take up a lot of space, so designers advise not to miss the opportunity to decorate your home with an original wardrobe. For example, don’t buy the classic version made of wood or chipboard, but choose a cabinet with rattan wicker or leather inserts.

Recently, sliding wardrobes coated with lacobel - glass, painted on the outside in any color - have become especially popular. There are plain models, as well as with a printed pattern. Mirror facades are also highly valued by consumers and have different variations. You can order or buy a light or darkened surface, or choose a combined option of frosted and smooth glass.

When updating your interior, it is worth thinking about the little things created specifically to help the new furniture blend harmoniously with other items. These are pillows of different sizes and other decorative elements.

9 photos

Wardrobe with sliding doors

When choosing a wardrobe for your bedroom, it is important to pay attention to a very important practical aspect. This is a kind of door opening mechanism for some models (for example, a wardrobe).

The most popular bedroom wardrobes are those with sliding or folding doors.

Why? The mechanism for opening and closing the cabinet does not require additional free space. In addition, it is extremely simple and gives the cabinet a lightness.

A wardrobe with traditional hinged doors is perfect for a large, spacious bedroom. It is not necessary to use it - a built-in wardrobe in the bedroom may be much more convenient.


When purchasing a wardrobe for your bedroom with or without a mirror, the first thing you need to do is decide on the internal contents. Such models are equipped with shelves, racks, rods, drawers for storing linen, hooks, and pantographs. Increasingly, compartment wardrobes began to be made with mezzanines, which are perfect for storing shoes, small household appliances, and sports equipment. The cabinet can be equipped with the following elements:

  1. Crossbars are retractable rods for placing hangers. Used to store dresses, jackets, shirts, trousers.
  2. Boxes. They can have any shape and size. The most preferred options are on casters. In modern models, aluminum baskets are often installed instead of drawers.
  3. Shelves. Used to store different types of clothes, shoes, accessories.
  4. Trouser. It consists of one frame with several hangers.
  5. Hooks. Used for dressing gowns and other home clothing.

The cabinet filling scheme is selected individually. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the furniture itself. The best option is for the product to be equipped with all storage devices at once, since in this case the clothes can be placed as compactly as possible.

Crossbars Drawers Shelves

Trouser Hooks Mezzanine

Built-in wardrobe for bedroom

Choosing the right type of wardrobe for your bedroom should depend on the size of the room and its layout. You can find both free-standing and built-in wardrobes on the market.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. This is immediately noticeable in the photo of the closet in the bedroom.

The history and evolution of the wardrobe

Modern wardrobe modules have gone through a long evolution. The ancestor of the wardrobe is the chest. Until the end of the 15th century, a wooden chest with handles and a lid attached to forged hinges was the main piece of furniture. Not only were clothes stored in the chests, they were also used as a chair and as a sleeping place. At the end of the 15th century, humanity came up with the brilliant idea to install the chest in a vertical position.

From that very moment, the real history of the development of a popular piece of furniture began. The design was supplemented with shelves and drawers. The design of the closet began to change rapidly; the once rough chest made of boards was transformed into a pompous product made of expensive wood. The walls began to be decorated with carved elements, openwork metal overlays, inlays, and paintings.

In the 18th century, a gradation of furniture products appeared, and cabinets began to be classified according to their purpose. The concepts of a cabinet-office, a cabinet-cabinet for business papers, and a wardrobe appeared.

Freestanding wardrobe for bedroom

An option that will work especially in large rooms. Typically, these models are available in various sizes. In furniture stores you can find one- or two-door wardrobes, sometimes three-door versions are also available.

The big advantage of a free-standing wardrobe is its mobility - if you are bored with the current arrangement of furniture in the bedroom, then the furniture can be moved at any time.

Modern freestanding wardrobes no longer look like heavy, massive wardrobes straight from the USSR. These are quite stylish models that contain many interesting and necessary additions. Among them, an interesting option would be a wardrobe with a mirror in the bedroom.

How to choose?

It is necessary to select a high-quality bedroom set based on a number of main criteria.

Choose furniture that matches the style and color scheme of the bedroom. The set should not stand out from the situation - it should complement it, make it harmonious

You can consult with the designer to avoid mistakes in choosing. It is important to select furniture that has suitable dimensions. A set for a small room should not be too bulky - it will only make the space heavier, taking up a lot of space

Furniture should not block the passage in the room. All components must be in place. Before going to the store, it is important to measure your bedroom. You should choose furniture from high-quality and environmentally friendly materials. Don't skimp on your health. Request quality certificates for your set to ensure it is made from non-toxic materials. Check all components of the headset for build quality. None of the furniture parts should creak, wobble, wobble or be poorly secured. The headset must be made with high quality. The materials must not be damaged or defective. If you notice scuffs, chips, scratches or torn elements, then you should definitely refuse the purchase. Buy only high quality branded furniture. It may be expensive, but you will get a truly reliable product that will last for many years. Contact only good furniture showrooms with an impeccable reputation. At such retail outlets, you will protect yourself from the risk of purchasing a low-quality product that they will refuse to replace if problems arise.

Built-in wardrobe

If a free-standing wardrobe is not suitable, then a built-in wardrobe in the bedroom can be an interesting alternative. It will work well not only in a bedroom with an “original” niche, but also in a room where there is no such niche. It is enough to enclose the bedroom with one wall and get a functional place for storing things. Built-in wardrobes are made to order, so you don't have to worry about non-standard room sizes. Moreover, the customer himself decides how the furniture will look.

Buying a wardrobe for your bedroom can be a little challenging if you don't know what to expect from the furniture. The decision should be approached sensibly, because often a wardrobe is an investment for many years.

Advantages and disadvantages

If the bedroom is not large in size, a compact double-door wardrobe would be the ideal solution. Such models will provide the necessary comfort and will have an attractive appearance with sufficient capacity.

The advantages of such models include:

  • Possibility of installation even in limited space;
  • affordable price due to compact size. The production process requires a minimum of materials, which allows you to significantly save on purchases;
  • wide range, many colors;
  • multifunctionality with sufficient capacity;
  • the ability to install lighting and increase the level of comfort.

The disadvantages include only a small capacity, but perhaps all of the above advantages more than compensate for this minor drawback.

Important Details

Details can change the appearance of the cabinet and how it matches the interior. Despite the fact that currently one of the leading trends in interior design is the most simple furniture against a background of light walls (popular Scandinavian style), details can add a gentle, individual “color”.

What design elements of a bedroom closet should you pay attention to?

  • Furniture handles. They should be not only functional, but also beautiful. Do they match the color and style of the entire bedroom? For a lasting visual impact, the silver or gold color of the handles should also be present in other details, such as a bedside lamp, a mirror frame or a curtain rod hanging over a window. It is worth paying attention not only to the color, but also to the finish: whether it is shiny or matte is also important for the final character of the bedroom. Generally, a matte finish gives furniture a more modern look, while a glossy finish is suitable for traditional bedrooms. There are also handles in wood and other colors, such as black, which are mainly suitable for minimalist and industrial interiors.

A good solution for a bedroom in Art Deco, retro or vintage style would be handles that resemble jewelry. It is worth accurately determining the style of the bedroom and considering the best option for furniture handles.

If the stylistic concept changes over time, it is the replacement of handles that can easily give a wardrobe a second life.

  • Legs. When choosing a wardrobe, starting with support is a way to add lightness to the interior. Different types of legs can make furniture slimmer and give it charm. It is worth consistently choosing a bed with a frame raised on legs - the furniture will look uniform, neat and elegant. Legs are an easy way to indicate Provençal, English or Scandinavian style. They fit perfectly into small interiors. They are also practical - they make cleaning under furniture easier. As in the case of handles, the best effect will be achieved when choosing furniture with similar legs (and if you buy a set of furniture, then the same) in color and height.
  • Carved/decorated furniture corners. Although these are not the most popular styles in interior design at the moment, they have their loyal fans. They are suitable for interiors in Baroque or Art Deco style.


There are quite a few types of cabinets and each of them has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages. Undoubtedly, for an error-free choice, it is necessary to carefully study absolutely all the characteristics of a particular model, and especially its disadvantages:

Built-in. Built-in wardrobes look very neat and sophisticated; they are not a separate piece of furniture, but a functional element of the interior built into the wall. The fact is that this type of cabinet is located directly in the wall itself. To place it, it is necessary to create a special niche or lightly scrape the walls. In addition, you can place it on the entire wall, which will be much simpler - you need to leave the space needed for shelves inside and install sliding doors at some distance from the wall.

  • Corpus. Cabinet cabinets are more common and familiar, although they are a more cumbersome option than built-in models. Cabinet cabinets include any variety consisting of furniture panels and having a clear frame.
  • Bedside cabinets are quite widespread because they are very functional: they can store various bedding and underwear, as well as books and other personal items. In addition, bedside cabinets are often part of a bedroom furniture set, so the room will be decorated in the same style. Part of such sets often includes wall-mounted cabinets that are located above the bed.
  • Modular furniture is also a fairly common type of cabinet furniture. Modular cabinets are products consisting of different compartments that are not fastened to each other. Parts of a modular closet can be interchanged with each other, giving it a completely different look. Typically, among the parts of a modular cabinet there are tall, narrow compartments - cabinets, which are called pencil cases. Most often, these types of cabinets are equipped with shelves and are intended for storing folded clothes.
  • In the bedroom, a wall cabinet may be quite appropriate, which, of course, is not suitable for storing clothes, but will fit well into the interior, replacing any other bookcase. This type of cabinet is good for storing various small accessories and decorative interior items.

Choosing a cabinet is an important process

The furniture market offers a huge range of cabinet models. Such diversity can make you dizzy.

Buying the perfect wardrobe for your bedroom is not easy, but it is quite possible! However, this requires immersion in the topic and patience.

Needs and opportunities (financial and related to bedroom size) will help narrow down your search. They should be used from the very beginning - it will save a lot of time.

Varieties of forms and stylistic directions

There is a huge variety of wardrobes on sale with different finishing and decor options. And if you choose a white color for your bedroom closet, then think in advance about how it will fit into the decor of the room. Buy furniture only after you have decided on the general style of the interior.

A white wardrobe with gilding, carved details and hinged doors looks luxurious in the Empire style or classicism. Such furniture is most often made from solid wood, which guarantees a long service life. These models have a lot of carvings, painted elements, smooth lines, and gilded inserts.

Photo of a wardrobe in a bedroom interior


The main advantage is sliding compartment doors, like on a train. They look elegant and create a special atmosphere in the house. In modern interiors, doors are made not from the usual wood, but from glass and mirrors. Recently, stained glass doors have been in demand. A beautiful painting or ornament will help emphasize the style of the whole house, making the home special and attractive.

Many years have passed since the first such device was installed in the home of a simple American employee in a one-room apartment. Now this is not an angular structure, but a modern design with different design options, presented in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The main types are built-in and cabinet-mounted. But angular and straight ones are increasingly in demand. Before deciding which cabinet is better, you need to know the basic classification:

  • corner - can be placed in the corner of the room. Any available space will do. A good place is a corridor, then all outerwear and shoes will fit there. Some people like the U-shaped option installed in the corner of the room;
  • a straight sliding wardrobe - successfully uses the space from wall to wall; sometimes this design is used as a partition between rooms. The model is inexpensive, the structure is installed on two sides of the room. The walls of the room are sidewalls, so no additional material is required. The resulting wardrobe is homely, practical and spacious;
  • built-in - placed in a niche of a room, kitchen, corridor or loggia. Equipped with shelves, compartment doors, possible presence of inserts made of metal, wood, plexiglass;
  • Cabinet sliding wardrobes can consist of several modules. The basis is a compartment with hangers or a large compartment for large items, and various shelves, racks, and mezzanines can be attached to it. Modules are selected by the owners depending on their purpose and design style.

Many people ask the question: “How to choose a wardrobe?” First you need to decide what will be stored there and in which rooms to place it. There are many types of sliding wardrobes. From each type you can create your own special version. This can be furniture for a nursery, library, dressing room, it can be installed in a Khrushchev-era building, or can be used when a studio apartment is being decorated.

Designers offer many options. The ideas are completely different and sometimes extraordinary. The design can include not only wood, but also glass, mirrors, metal, and eco-leather trim. The leather sliding wardrobes photos, which are collected in the selection, are presented in different colors. They look elegant and fit perfectly into a living room designed in Art Nouveau style. The most important thing is to combine materials correctly, and then the room will acquire its unique look. There are a lot of ideas, don't rush to choose.


What color scheme is best to decorate in?

A 10 sq. m bedroom in dark colors will look like a tiny little room, so give preference to light shades. Paint the walls and ceiling white if the bedroom windows face north. This is a universal background that can be transformed and decorated with colored textiles and accessories.

Photo ideas for a 10 sq m bedroom in white

If a room of 10 square meters is already bright, take a closer look at pastel colors: light green and blue colors promote relaxation.

Do you prefer pastel colored textiles? The gray finish will be the perfect backdrop.

Textiles and lighting

It is with the help of textiles that you can diversify a room that is made in light colors. Bright pillows on the bed can become the main accent. They can also be curtains or tapestries, which are typical for the classical style. Here you are allowed to fantasize and decorate the interior to make it brighter.

The number of pillows should not exceed 3-4 pieces, as this may not become the highlight of the bedroom, but a vulgar and poorly chosen accessory.

One of the textiles that should be in bedrooms and reflect the style of the environment are curtains. In romantic bedrooms, you can use lace and chiffon curtains. The length of the curtains should correspond to the size of the window. Nowadays, there are many stylish designs and color options that are specifically designed for bedrooms.

The decoration of the bed is the bedspread; it can completely match the shade of the walls. Its size must be chosen correctly. According to the rules, its length should be 70 cm longer than the mattress.

When arranging small rooms, it is very important to choose the right lighting. These should be lamps that will illuminate the interior well, but will not visually divide, overload or reduce it. In this case, it is recommended to install ceiling lights. They illuminate the interior perfectly and evenly, and do not take up much space.

Many people don’t like classic lampshades, but today there are many other interesting solutions. Both in modern and classic style. You can choose several smaller bulbs or LED models installed directly under the ceiling, or steel structures.

Once the central lighting is determined, the most important thing to think about is additional points of artificial light. You cannot do without bedside lamps; they are mainly used for reading in the evening. It is worth choosing lamps with small lampshades, preferably in light colors, so that they do not clutter up the space.

If there are places for bedside tables, then you need to choose lighting in the form of pendant lamps. This solution is very popular with people who like to read in bed. Two wall lamps installed on the sides of the bed can be turned on in the dark and directed so that they illuminate the book being read, but do not disturb the other person’s sleep.

Floor lamps are rarely installed in the bedroom; they are more suitable for decorating other rooms. And it is impossible to install such a lighting device in a small area; it will constantly interfere.

Advantages and disadvantages

Built-in furniture has many advantages. In particular, sliding wardrobes have only advantages:

  • universal, can be installed in the living room, bedroom or corridor, that is, in any room;
  • allows rational use of any corner of the room;
  • diversity and variation - the ability to manufacture in any form at the owner’s discretion (built-in, straight, corner, cabinet);
  • such furniture allows you to hide places that were unsuccessful after renovation;
  • use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • simplicity of design solution;
  • excellent capacity - sometimes it seems that the size is small for a wardrobe, but a lot of things fit there;
  • sliding wardrobe with lighting is made to any size;
  • the internal configuration depends on the wishes of the customer;
  • Can be used both for storing clothes and household appliances.

It would seem that with so many advantages there can be no disadvantages, but every item always has disadvantages. They are here too, although they are few in number and if used correctly, you can forget about them. Minor shortcomings are unlikely to scare anyone away, and what the disadvantages are are described below:

  • door closing and opening systems wear out quickly;
  • the specific design does not allow you to see all the contents of the cabinet at once;
  • it is not possible to install standard lighting or its cost will be significantly higher;
  • Aluminum structures are usually used for installation, but this is a soft material and is not durable.

Experts also note that all mechanisms must be carefully monitored, otherwise they will quickly fail. The latest new products offered are made using the latest proven technology and have no disadvantages. The disadvantages are not so terrible, you need to slightly adjust the design, treat it with care and listen to the recommendations of specialists, then the long cabinet will delight its owners for a long time with its beautiful appearance and the operation of the mechanisms.

Nuances of small bedroom design

The design of a 10 sq. m bedroom requires a competent approach, taking into account the characteristics of the room:

  • calculate the project with millimeter accuracy;
  • decorate the walls, ceiling and floor in light colors;
  • choose laconic furniture with clear lines;
  • add glossy and mirror surfaces;
  • do not overdo it with decor;
  • use horizontal and vertical lines.

What to consider when repairing?

The main task when decorating a bedroom with an area of ​​10 square meters is to visually increase the space. For this you can use:

  • Mirrors. The main thing to remember when installing mirrors is that they reflect the surface opposite. That is, to make a narrow room wider, they are installed on the long side.
  • Gloss. If the bedroom has wardrobes, cabinets and other furniture, let their doors be glossy, not matte.
  • Horizontal stripes. The easiest way to create them is wallpaper or painting. They also use moldings, long shelves, and various accessories.
  • Panoramic images. 3D photo wallpapers perfectly blur boundaries. For a small room, choose a design that is as close in size to the real thing as possible: large enlarged elements are only suitable for large spaces.
  • Diagonals. Parquet or laminate does not have to lie lengthwise or crosswise. Laying at an angle will visually expand the bedroom.
  • Small parts. Large elements require a lot of space to view them from afar. Small prints on wallpaper or small decorative items, on the contrary, look more harmonious in a small room.

The photo shows a white ceiling and turquoise wall decoration

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