Blue curtains - 120 photos of ideas for combining in the interior + new design items



Home renovation always entails a significant investment of time and money. But on the other hand, the most sophisticated design needs regular updating. You can refresh the space, give it brightness or, conversely, peace without radical changes. It is enough to purchase curtains to make the interior sparkle with new colors. In this regard, one of the most successful are universal blue curtains. The noble color is not subject to capricious fashion. It easily fits into a variety of styles, from ascetic minimalism to luxurious classics. Many shades of blue allow you to choose exquisite decor for windows, regardless of the level of illumination or the purpose of the room.

Basic color characteristics

Blue shades are quite noble tones. It makes you think, eliminates depression, and helps you get ready for active work. What is important is that it does not irritate people in any way.

Many psychologists claim that blue color reduces appetite. This is why using blue shades in kitchen areas will encourage less food consumption.

If you belong to the category of people who, for good reasons, need to consume a lot of food, then you should not use blue color combinations in your kitchen design.

Blue color, along with all shades, is considered to be cool tones. In no case should you use blue curtains in those rooms whose windows face north, because the room will seem even more gloomy, dark and very cold. These color shades will look good in living spaces with windows facing north. Here they will give the rooms freshness and coolness.

When choosing blue curtains, it is important to evaluate the size of the room. For large rooms with huge windows, dark blue curtains are well suited, but in small rooms light blue or light blue shades will look harmonious.

When choosing blue curtains, it is important that it is present in other interior items or decor. You can use curtains with drawings or patterns, but in this case the same drawings should also be on textiles.

But not only the color of the curtains is of great importance in the room. It is also important what textiles you choose to decorate your windows:

  1. When using organza in the hot season, you will feel a surge of freshness.
  2. Using satin, you will feel comfort and harmony.
  3. Thick curtains can visually warm you and your family on cold winter evenings.

Successful color combinations

The universal blue color goes well with almost all warm and cool shades of the palette. But you still have to choose, due to the different effects that the combinations have:

  • Blue curtains + white (light) background - visually expands the room, making it taller and longer.
  • Dark blue color + background covering 3-4 shades lighter - the curtains take on the function of the main accent.
  • Cobalt + white furniture and light floors - the room becomes elegant, sophisticated, with unobtrusive nuances of luxury.
  • Blue curtains + textile decor in the same tone is a classic combination for creating a sophisticated, aristocratic interior.

Blue curtains can be safely purchased for rooms designed in a white, gray or light olive palette. In this combination, curtains calm and neutralize the space, but at the same time make it expressive and original. In combination with red, orange, yellow, blue curtains fill the room with richness and a festive mood. The bright palette ideally complements general purpose rooms - the kitchen or dining room. In bedrooms or living rooms, designers recommend avoiding excessive variegation. Combinations that are too flashy will quickly begin to irritate.

The choice of a blue shade for new curtains depends entirely on the style of the interior, the area of ​​the room being renovated and the purpose of the room. It is better to keep personal taste preferences in color under control, unless we are talking about a neutral pastel palette. An unsuccessful combination of shades can lead to the exact opposite effect. The owners of an apartment or house will begin to show causeless aggression or become despondent. In any case, blue curtains are combined with white, cream, soft pink, muted yellow and soft orange. To prevent curtains from looking like an alien spot in the room, it is recommended to complement them with decorative pillows, blankets, and tablecloths that match in tone.

Shades of blue in the kitchen

Many housewives know that the blue color in the kitchen is associated with cleanliness and order. If the people you live with are not used to eating a lot and respect measured meals, then this option is ideal for you. Checkered curtains are good for the kitchen.

When choosing a blue color for window decoration, kitchen units and furniture are often selected in milky or white colors. Such combinations are considered the best.

Psychology and mood of color

The psychological atmosphere of the interior is largely determined by the color scheme used. Textiles, and especially curtains, play a key role in this matter. Blue color is considered calm and noble. It can act as an excellent background and accentuate attention.

Designers boldly compare blue with the popular black. At the same time, for window decoration, shades of ultramarine, azure or abyss are called preferable.

Psychologically, blue color does not cause rejection. The shade options follow natural analogues: sky, water, flower petals. Blue helps to relax, calm down, and does not irritate. This color is chosen by intellectually developed, independent, self-confident people.

The interior in blue tones is always harmonious and fresh. In such an environment, the mind remains sober, and the field for imagination is open.

Children's room

You can use blue color in a children's room. Here these shades will create an atmosphere of balance and at the same time boundless fun. Unlike other rooms, in a children's room you can combine blue with pink, green or yellow color combinations.

Various mechanisms can be options for curtains in a children's room: lifting, roller, hanging. It is important that this combination fits harmoniously into the design of the children's room. You can use blue curtains with flowers in girls' rooms.

Photos of curtains in various styles

Blue tones of curtains can successfully fit into any style of room if you correctly work out the combination of curtains with furniture upholstery, wall color, and interior items included in the central group. There is a choice of different shades of blue.


A style in which blue curtains in the living room interior look great in an ensemble of items that harmoniously combine with each other. A maritime atmosphere emerges. You feel warm, a light fresh wind. The balance of tones is created by combining the color scheme of the curtains with pastel shades of furniture upholstery and accessories.


The main difference between curtains that reflect modern style is the presence of light or accent colors. What is important is the tendency to monotony, the exclusion of decorating elements in the form of bows and ruffles. In a modern-style living room, preference is given to using rich, single-color blue straight-style curtains. To harmoniously combine with them, you can install beige furniture and use large objects in warm colors: chests of drawers, tables, armchairs.


When the room is wallpapered with patterns, using plain blue curtains is suitable. Conversely, if the wall decoration does not contain a print, curtains with the same tone should contain a light geometric pattern. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the use of dark shades is relevant in large rooms, and lighter shades in small ones.


A style when, when decorating a window in light colors: white, beige, dark colors, for example, blue, are not avoided. The decision to decorate a room in a loft style dictates the need to use textiles or various types of accessories in the room, painted in the same shade as the curtains.


Here bright colors do not have the most characteristic role. With minimalism, preference often goes to dark blue curtains, which have a light contrasting pattern. You can hang curtains, the top edge of which is decorated with a bright stripe.

Photo of blue curtains

Curtain decoration options

The inclusion of decorative elements plays an important role in shaping the design of curtains. They function as decorations but also have a practical purpose. Often you simply cannot do without them. Especially when it comes to heavy matters. Many decorative elements make it easier for a person to manage large canvases. Secure them to let light into the room. Keep them on curtains.


Their selection is huge, as is their shape. From the simplest to custom ones, with patterns and plaques. The main materials are metal and plastic. Holders should complement the overall picture of the interior. They are often chosen to match the color of the curtains.

The product should not damage the curtains when grabbed. The holder must be smooth and not catch the material. Blue curtains with transparent white tulle look very beautiful, opened and secured with metal holders in the form of a branch with petals.


It is important to choose clamps that can support the weight of the sheet material. They are sold in stores, but you can make them yourself. You can, for example, find a use for an old beautiful hairpin. It will make an original exclusive clip. Conventional products hold the curtains tightly and, when lined up in a row, add style to the curtains.


Beads, twine, and multi-colored ribbons manifest themselves in this capacity. Tiebacks, as decorative elements, must fit under the curtains. It happens that they are made using the same material that goes into blinders. In another version, their color is similar to the shade of light tulle. For blue curtains with soft blue tulle, tiebacks in the form of blue ribbons or blue woven twine are suitable.

Tassels and fringe

They are best combined with thick curtains, which give the room, together with other interior items, a rich style. Tassels and fringes can make curtains more sophisticated and give them individuality. The colors of the brushes usually differ from the colors of the curtains. White or soft beige colors are often chosen. For a blue tone, choose blue, azure, turquoise.

Cool wall shades

Cool shades are used quite rarely; most often they are used for rooms facing the sunny side or in bedrooms where you want to maintain a feeling of freshness.

  • For cool rooms in a beige finish, curtains with dusty rose flowers or soft purple clothes for windows are perfect.
  • Fans of more exotic design should try a non-standard design with turquoise fabrics reminiscent of sea freshness.
  • Blue curtains will help achieve the same effect.
  • A light greenish tint of pistachio ice cream will help make dreams of tranquility and harmony with nature come true, and gray-brown curtains will be the perfect backdrop for brighter interior items.
  • Purple or sophisticated gray curtains will add additional coolness.
  • Modern high-tech in cool tones of “silver fox” or smoky beige shades will be successfully complemented by smoky or metallic colors of light material, helping to create the mood of something completely unearthly and absolutely technical.

Successful combinations and designs

The following rules will help you choose curtains for beige wallpaper without closely studying and comparing them:

  • In general, any textile in beige and brown tones will do. The main thing is that the fabric is a little lighter (darker) than the walls, and you like it.
  • A good strategy is to match the shade of the curtains to the contrasting piece of furniture. This could be a carpet, upholstery or lampshade. It is important that the print on the wallpaper is neutral.

Window decor harmonizes with furniture Source

  • If the wallpaper has a pronounced pattern (ornament), the color of the curtains can be coordinated with one of its shades. To avoid variegation, choose a fabric that is plain or has an unobtrusive (small) pattern.
  • Catchy and multi-colored prints on curtains are appropriate in a room with plain beige walls. This decor can become the accent of a living room or bedroom.
  • Total beige has gone out of fashion, but if you like, you can match beige curtains to wallpaper of a similar shade. To avoid getting boring, designers advise adding one bright detail to the interior, for example, a deep blue ceiling or a sofa with the same upholstery.

Prints on walls and curtains in the nursery Source

The right choice of curtains for beige wallpaper

How to choose curtains to match beige wallpaper? The main components are: the color of the curtains, which will balance with the shade of the wallpaper, and the pattern on the walls. Patterns on curtains allow you to regulate the space in the house, namely to increase or decrease it. For example, there are patterns of flowers on the walls, then so-called floral textiles will be used, but again it should look harmonious with the color scheme of the buds on the wallpaper.

In other words, if there is no pattern on the walls, then the selection will be made by the color palette of the furniture, and sometimes even by the pattern on the carpet or the fabric on the furniture.

It should be noted that curtains without images and patterns will easily fit into the planned new interior, but again you should pay attention to the color of these curtains. If the walls have a light tint, then curtains with a dark tone, for example, light chocolate curtains, will look interesting here.

In living rooms it is very cool to use curtains with some shiny elements, for example Lurex. They will add elegance and majesty to your room.

  • Many people ask this question: “What color of fabric for windows should I choose for beige wall hangings?” In this case, you need to pay attention to the type of wallpaper pattern.
  • Professionals advise combining curtains with one tone that has strong contrast, and ideally, if the shade of the curtain matches the color of the wallpaper. By the way, with such manipulations you can come up with a rather holistic and atmospheric design.
  • Most people prefer furniture made from real wood or just something that looks like “wood,” which means that apartments are most often filled with brown-colored furniture.
  • So how to choose the right curtains for such furniture? In such a situation, you need to take not only the design and color of the furniture and wallpaper, but also everything present in the interior. For example, the furniture is brown in color, then you need to choose curtains of the same tint or a little darker.

But the color scheme of curtains and wallpaper cannot be “exactly”, because it will begin to shimmer into some kind of mass, but if the coloring is the same, then it is necessary to play with the tones.

It is this decor that will create a kind of “gradient” or transitions that will not hurt the eyes, but on the contrary will create only comfortable conditions. What to do if apartment owners often use several curtains and curtains? The answer is simple. The fabric of several curtains should be the same color as the wallpaper.

Features of beige color

The controversial attitude towards powdery and nude shades does not detract from their advantages: they create a calming atmosphere, give warmth, enhance illumination, expand space and harmoniously combine with many colors.

And designers and fashion designers have “christened” the beige color “the new black”, which is synonymous with the words “basic”, “stylish”, “fashionable”, “for all time”. And so it is!

The versatility of a neutral palette lies in the fact that it can be used to create an interior of any style, and this is achieved without major alterations. New curtains, paintings, accessories or a couple of pieces of furniture can transform a room beyond recognition.

In other words, beige is a background on which you can depict anything. Oddly enough, neutrality of color often leads to difficulties in choosing suitable textiles.

Obviously, a 100% match in color means harmony, but in a modern interior, total beige is not held in high esteem and is considered a manifestation of facelessness.

And if you select curtains of intense colors, then it is difficult to choose ready-made furniture with suitable upholstery.

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