Living room interior in modern economy class style

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Who doesn't dream of a warm and cozy home? In interior catalogs, every now and then you come across very beautiful photos of a living room in a modern style, but is it possible to bring all the design ideas to life in an economy class interior? Inexpensive design using inexpensive materials does not mean that the room will look cheap or too simple. With the right selection of materials, furniture and lighting, even with modest financial resources, you can create a beautiful and stylish interior of the hall.

With the right design and selection of materials, a budget renovation can look very impressive in the living room interior

Surface finishing

To make an economy class living room look decent, it is not at all necessary to use natural wood, stone, expensive wallpaper, frescoes, etc. You can achieve the desired results using simpler methods that look no less impressive.

Ceiling design

Not everyone can afford suspended ceilings, but they can easily be replaced by plasterboard painted in light colors or plain white plaster. If the living room is small, you should use materials that are a shade lighter than the walls to decorate the ceiling. This simple technique will visually lengthen the room and make it more spacious.

Stretch smooth glossy ceiling in the living room interior looks great

In small rooms it is better not to use multi-level ceiling structures, but in spacious living rooms they can act as decor or a visual boundary between functional areas. In small rooms, it is permissible to use one row of suspended structures along the walls; spotlights can also be built in there.

Interior of an economy class living room with a multi-level ceiling with lighting

Glossy paint will also give a feeling of spaciousness - this is an inexpensive alternative to suspended ceilings. However, such material is very demanding on the evenness of the surface; the slightest cracks or dents immediately spoil the appearance of the ceiling. Glossy ceilings are more difficult to maintain.

Plasterboard ceiling in the living room interior with spotlights

Wall decoration

The drywall used to level the surface of the walls can be replaced with less expensive plaster. If you plan to use plaster specifically for decoration, then you can save money here too by using textured wallpaper that imitates Venetian plaster.

Wallpaper imitating Venetian plaster will fit perfectly into the living room interior

Aligning corners and walls at 90 degrees can be too expensive for an economy-class living room, so you can only level certain areas where the ideal slope of the walls is especially important. For example, in corners for corner cabinets or sofas. It is also worth leveling the areas along the floor, otherwise the baseboard will not fit tightly to the wall, which will give a sloppy look. If the wall surface is not perfectly flat, thin wallpaper will not be suitable for decoration. It is best to purchase non-woven or vinyl wallpaper, thick enough so that minor wall defects are not noticeable. Vinyl is generally cheaper than non-woven material.

Textured wallpaper can hide defects and refresh the living room interior

When choosing a pattern for wallpaper, keep in mind that large patterns require adjustment, which means more material. Wallpaper with small or abstract patterns will be cheaper. Another option for an economy class interior is a simple vertical stripe as a pattern. If you want to divide the living room into zones using partitions, direct options will be cheaper. The same rule works for doorways - arches are more expensive than rectangular structures.

To make your living room interior modern and expensive, just choose wallpaper with a fashionable print.


If there was parquet in the living room, if you have a modest renovation budget, you shouldn’t replace it with a new flooring. Dismantling the parquet itself costs a large amount of money, since it must be done by a qualified craftsman. You should not contact unqualified people in an attempt to save money - there is a high risk that the new material will be irreparably damaged, which will require additional expenses.

High-quality linoleum with a neutral pattern will look laconic and stylish in the living room interior

If you plan to change the floor inside and out, the screed is the basis on which you cannot save. Otherwise, all irregularities will sooner or later appear on the surface. As the height changes, the floor will gradually begin to creak.

Regardless of financial capabilities, it is better to carry out a high-quality floor screed

You can save on floor finishing by using linoleum as a floor covering. The material does not require a perfectly leveled surface, which can significantly reduce the cost of roughing the floor. Synthetic linoleum is more durable, but will cost slightly more than its natural counterpart. A soft carpet in an economy class living room is comfortable for the same reasons.

A soft carpet on the floor in the living room is always comfortable and impressive

Color spectrum

There are no forbidden colors in modern interiors; designers use a full range of shades in their work. Modern styles allow the most daring color experiments, while classics gravitate toward soft and light colors that are not conspicuous. Neutral colors are always popular because they are the easiest to use in your interior. Also, beige, milky, silver-gray, etc. are an ideal background for decor and color accents.

Important! In small rooms, light colors should predominate, visually expanding the space. Dark and rich colors look good in spacious rooms.

A number of modern styles (glamour, avant-garde, fusion, etc.) involve bold experiments with color combinations. In these areas, design comes first, not functionality. Kitsch, elaborate details, a combination of incompatible elements. Unusual combinations of textures and colors can create original and stylish interior compositions, even when using economy-class materials.


The name speaks for itself. The less time a person spends in nature, the more he misses it. Ecostyle helps to establish an imbalance in a person and brings him closer to his roots. The style involves the use of natural materials - wood, stone, linen, cotton. Indoor plants occupy a special place. They must be in the house on window sills and special stands. If desired, you can complement the interior with an aquarium.

These are the 7 most budget-friendly options for home decoration. Of course, you don’t have to save on them and spend a lot of money, but this will not change the perception of the interior. Therefore, these styles are ideal for those who are not ready or able to spend all their savings. Any style can be made more budget-friendly, but the ones described above will not lose their charm and beauty.

Related article: Design and decoration of a room for a student

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Choosing a style for the living room

The interior reflects the individuality of the owners of the apartment or house, their tastes and habits. Even with a modest budget you can create a harmonious and stylish interior. When choosing a design for an economy class living room, it is important to take into account the opinions of all household members.


Classic style is a good choice for families with a traditional lifestyle. To decorate an economy class living room, light shades are used as a background, and the main emphasis is on the decor. This could be imitation stucco, wall clocks, paintings, decorative candlesticks, curtains with drapery, etc. Parquet is popular for flooring. Expensive parquet boards can be replaced with laminate or linoleum with a parquet pattern. An economical option for furniture is with MDF coated to replicate the texture of wood.


This style is for young people who love order and simplicity in everything. Minimalism is appropriate both in spacious halls and in small rooms in Khrushchev. Neutral colors are used for decoration, decor is minimal or absent altogether. The furniture is used in simple forms, the best option is modular designs.

To prevent the interior from seeming too faded, you can enliven it with live plants in pots or a couple of bright accessories - pillows on the sofa, a vase, wall panels, etc. Minimalism is great for economy-class interiors.

High tech

One of the most popular modern design trends. This style is perfect for small living rooms; its main features are the absence of frills in the form of decor and the simplicity of furniture designs. High-tech is characterized by built-in furniture, as if recessed into the walls. Glass and metal parts are popular finishes. In the interior, contrasting combinations of black, white, red, gray, etc. are possible.

Budget renovation in a rented apartment: main stages

Inexpensive renovation in a rented apartment

Often, when moving into a rented home, you want to carry out routine renovations in the apartment.

. At the same time, as a tenant, you will have to go through “several steps”:

Discuss repairs with the owners

No matter how long you rent, other people own the apartment. Therefore, any of your ideas will have to be agreed upon. And first, is it possible to make changes to the apartment? If so, who will pay for it: the owners, you, or both?

If several tens of thousands of rubles don’t hurt your pocket, and the aesthetics of your appearance are more expensive, take it all on yourself!

Choose a repair: cosmetic or major?

If you really want changes, and you will pay in half with the owners of the apartment or they will pay for the repairs themselves, then make up your mind! You will live for the same rent in more comfortable conditions! But this rarely happens.

Being realistic, we understand that most often repairs can be purely cosmetic. Therefore, weigh who will do the finishing (yourself or hire craftsmen) - and get started!

The most profitable option: wallpapering and painting batteries

This type of renovation is common, especially for rented apartments. That is, it is not so much cosmetic or finishing as it is decorative.

The stages of its implementation will be as follows:

1. Preparation. You should take out old unnecessary things and even pieces of furniture and remove the previous wallpaper. Sometimes they come off along with the plaster.

2. Wall decoration. If there is an unplanned removal of the top layer of plaster, you will have to apply putty. At least one layer.

3. Purchase of materials. The most important thing here is to select the necessary materials. It is especially important to choose wallpaper, because it will help you place the right accents in the room. Unique people manage to spend a minimum of money on this purchase with maximum efficiency. It is also advisable to cover up old floors. Carpet is an expensive thing. But carpet material in rolls is a completely acceptable choice.

4. Creation of hand-made elements. You can make your own pillows and even rugs from balls of balls. But DIY chandeliers and lamps look even cooler. They can be either concrete or made from golden wires, sockets and Edison lamps. Lampshades made from flowerpots can “fit” into classic, country, and minimalist styles.

5. You can invest in a couple of new chairs. This will add harmony and functionality to the dining or study area. Or chairs can “move” from room to room, depending on need. If you paint them from modern spray cans with some attractive shade, they will become a distracting element of the interior.

6. Wallpapering. It’s okay if the walls are simply puttied. And not in several layers. When the apartment is rented and the renovation option is budget-friendly, this will do.

7. Furniture transformation. Apartments with antediluvian Soviet furniture are often rented out cheaply. In this case, with the permission of the owners, it can be sanded and covered with black slate paint. This is enough for it to take on a new look. A couple of bright symbols or geometric shapes painted with a different paint will add elements of life and joy. If young people live in the apartment, you can draw or glue posters on treated furniture with this option.

8. Window decoration. If the window frames are peeling and worn, there is no point in replacing them in a rented apartment. But you can close it. The first thing that comes to mind is different, albeit old, but clean toys. Second - curtains. You can save money on them too. All you need to do is select the required piece of fabric at a sale or stock and process it.

This option for renovating a rented apartment is so budget-friendly that it will take about 20-30,000 rubles, even if you have to “treat” not only the room, but the entire apartment in this way. This is if you don’t hire specialists and you have enough time to manage it yourself.

Economy living room furnishings

To create a beautiful and harmonious economy-class interior in a living room in a private house as in the following photos, you can use repeating elements. For example, a pattern on wallpaper can be duplicated by a pattern on a carpet or upholstery. Metal parts on the chandelier can be balanced with metal curtain ties made in the same color and style. Furniture in an economy class living room should be functional and comfortable. The shape of the sofa depends on the needs of the owners. To receive guests, you can choose a corner model as it is more spacious. The sofa is complemented by a coffee table on wheels.

Note! A wall-slide for souvenirs, various small items, etc. will cost less than massive cabinets.

What to save on?

The modern building materials market offers a huge selection of finishes to suit every taste and budget. In such a variety, choosing inexpensive and style-appropriate options for an economy class living room is not so difficult. So, here are a few simple rules that will help you save on purchasing materials:

  • Unnecessary purchases are often made out of boredom or during long wanderings around the store. To avoid buying too much in an impulse, think in advance about exactly what materials you need. Decide on the color and texture before going to the store, make a list, this will protect you from impulsive spending.
  • Compare prices in different stores. Often the same product has different prices in large hypermarkets and small building materials stores.
  • Feel free to look closely at inexpensive analogues of expensive materials. Parquet can be easily replaced with linoleum or laminate with a suitable texture and pattern. This coating looks no worse than the original. Take a closer look at Russian manufacturers; they often produce wallpaper and floor coverings with designs similar to more expensive imported products.

Even with a small budget, you can create a beautiful and stylish living room. You can make a room cozy and at the same time functional without spending a lot of money. The originality of the design depends not so much on the high cost of materials, but on your taste and imagination.

The interior of an economy class living room is not synonymous with bad taste and simplicity. By choosing materials wisely, you can create a stylish and beautiful interior that is not inferior to more expensive options.


Cozy and simple rustic style. It is ideal for those who are tired of the bustle of the city and want to plunge into the atmosphere of pristine and lightness. A prerequisite is spacious rooms with sunlight.

The walls imitate brick or woodwork. Natural textiles are used - linen, cotton. It is not only beautiful, but also practical. Instead of cabinets, the room uses shelves, cabinets and folding tables.


Comments (1)

  1. Anna January 23, 2022 at 6:12 am

    If this is an economy, according to the author, then what is NOT an economy?! The one who wrote the article - for whom did he do it? The floors, walls and ceilings in the presented interiors cost as much as no ordinary citizen of our country will earn in a few years!


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