Spotlights in the bedroom: basic location rules, diagrams + photos

The schematic arrangement of spotlights on the ceiling in the bedroom is the primary task of the owner, who responsibly approaches the implementation of the idea of ​​high-quality lighting in the room and thinks through every detail in advance, before the implementation of the plan begins.

Features of spot lighting in the bedroom

A bedroom is a room designed for a cozy, usually evening, pastime in a narrow family circle or comfortable solitude for your favorite pastime. The lighting here must meet certain requirements: be moderate, comfortable for the occupants of the room, covering every corner of the room. That is why bedroom design with spotlights is one of the most popular in the realities of modern times. The features of spot lighting in the bedroom include the following aspects:

  • the room is equipped with lighting fixtures in accordance with its dimensions;
  • lighting should be multifunctional to meet a wide range of owner needs;
  • a combination of two principles for organizing room lighting: basic (basic) and additional.

The basic type of lighting, also called European, is the main device that occupies the center of the room, a chandelier. In addition to it (or sometimes instead of it) is a lighting system called American. With this organization, the room is equipped with a large number of different lighting fixtures (table lamps, floor lamps, wall lamps), among which built-in spotlights occupy a special place. Thanks to the correct placement of spotlights on the ceiling, in a small bedroom you can visually increase the space and focus attention on individual elements of the room.

The main lighting is placed both in the center of the room and in its individual zones (for example, in the bed area). Bedside lighting occupies the second level in importance, along with practicality for the user (located at arm's length, which allows you to use it without leaving your warm bed), and performs a decorative function. Mirror surfaces located in the bedroom also require additional lighting, which is done using lamps located above the mirror or on the sides, on both sides. There are headsets with built-in lighting fixtures. Along with mirrors, equipping large wardrobes with lighting for storing personal belongings is an equally important task. Finding the right thing when the light turns on automatically is much easier and faster. The presence in the bedroom of a work area or a separate space for reading, sewing or knitting involves equipping them with separate lighting fixtures that harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room.

Serial connection

It is quite easy to implement such a scheme for installing ceiling lamps with your own hands, since it does not require a large number of wires. However, no more than six lamps can be connected in series, and the lighting will not be as effective. In addition, with a serial connection, a malfunction of one light source breaks the circuit, therefore, the operation of all lamps stops. To restore the functionality of the circuit, it is necessary to check each light bulb.

The connection diagram is as follows: the phase sequentially bypasses all lighting devices, and zero is applied to the output of the last lamp.

When deciding how to connect LED lights on the ceiling, you should exercise special care and attention

It is very important that the phase goes exactly to the switch and then to the lamps. Zero should go to the last element of the electrical circuit. This scheme will make the operation of the lamps safe and reliable.

This scheme will make the operation of the lamps safe and reliable.

A similar circuit for connecting spotlights is used very rarely, since the phase constantly breaks on the lamps. At the same time, the neutral wire remains intact all the way from the junction box to the output of the last lighting device in the chain.

Advantages and disadvantages of spot lighting with lamps in the bedroom

Decorative lighting in the bedroom with spotlights has a number of advantages compared to basic lighting fixtures:

  1. Compactness and external aesthetics of the products.
  2. A wide range of varieties of spotlights.
  3. Possibility of mounting on various surfaces.
  4. Reliability due to high quality.
  5. Economic benefit expressed in reduced lighting costs.
  6. Diverse product functionality.

Along with the listed advantages, spotlights have a number of disadvantages, including:

  • labor-intensive installation process;
  • spot design highlights existing flaws in the ceiling covering;
  • installation of lighting devices is carried out exclusively at the stage of repair work;
  • mandatory schematic designation of light sources in the room before their installation.

Comment! Taking into account the small angle of dispersion of the luminous flux, equal to 30 °, the number of lamps even in a very small room cannot be one unit.

How to care for a suspended ceiling

One of the advantages of suspended ceilings is that they are quite easy to care for. The material is coated with a special compound that gives the film antistatic properties. Dust practically does not settle on such a canvas, so frequent maintenance in the bedroom is not required. Still, the surface needs to be cleaned from time to time. Let's consider which care options will cope optimally and will not damage the canvas.

Stretch ceilings can be cleaned:

  • Using a vacuum cleaner is convenient for removing dust and cobwebs. Proceed carefully so as not to damage the canvas;
  • a soft, dry flannel or microfiber cloth with short pile;
  • a dry brush with soft bristles - ideal for sweeping fabric ceilings with a textured surface;
  • damp sponge or microfiber cloth.

Oily deposits are easily washed off with water and liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. You can use a special liquid for washing suspended ceilings.

Types of ceiling spotlights in the bedroom

Among the general variety of point light sources, products are classified as follows.

  1. Models, distinguished by the type of device regulation, are installed on frame bases:
  • rotating - with the ability to change the direction of the light flux;
  • static, not allowing you to change the angle of the light;
  • rotary and retractable, used to highlight areas of the room;
  • LED lamps manufactured using cardan technology - designs equipped with several diode lamps with advanced adjustment of the luminous flux;
  • ceiling spots that provide illumination to a specific area;
  • devices with clearly directional light down Light.
  1. Lamps that differ in mounting method:
  • built-in or internal structures that require sufficient space under the ceiling and the creation of a heat dissipation system are installed on surfaces made of plasterboard, panels, fabric products;
  • overhead or external lamps are universal designs that can be mounted even on frameless bases;
  1. Lighting devices with different types of bulbs:
  • incandescent lamps - cheap, but too large in size;
  • halogen – durable, bright, but have a high heating temperature;
  • luminescent - one of the most popular, but unsafe;
  • neon - will make the room bright, original, not boring;
  • energy-saving models with dimmers, ideal for bedroom lighting;
  • diodes are a modern, safe version of spot light.
  1. Sources of artificial lighting with different functionality:
  • remote control;
  • coverage of the illuminated space;
  • dustproof, moistureproof;
  • equipped with a special device that regulates power.

Along with the technical parameters of artificial lighting spotlights, the overall style of the interior is important. Classics give preference to crystal chandeliers and wall lamps, the appearance of which resembles candles. The East is characterized by lantern forms with rich patterns and additional decorative elements. In Provence, floral motifs prevail. High-tech is a variety of shapes, tastes, lines. Minimalism welcomes spherical lampshades and spotlights, made in different versions.

Beautiful room design options

As you probably already guessed, the choice of lighting design for a relaxation room should be taken very seriously. The general atmosphere of the entire room and, accordingly, your mood will depend on your choice. For example, many lamps placed at different levels and in the most unexpected places will look very stylish and original.

By using this type of lighting design, you can easily highlight exactly those objects in the interior that are designed to attract attention and, on the contrary, visually disguise areas intended for intimacy

For multi-tiered lighting, spot lighting of the room, coupled with a classic chandelier and wall lamps, is well suited. So, with the help of directional light, you can create several functional zones separated from each other, which can be combined into a single space and separated again with a simple flick of a switch. This solution will be ideal in the design of a living room-bedroom.

In addition to the main function, with the help of well-placed light sources you can emphasize the originality of the design of your room. If your bedroom contains objects of fine art that have special artistic value, such as paintings or sculptures, then by organizing the right lighting, you will create an area of ​​increased attention for them. Remember that you can highlight absolutely any detail of your interior with directional light - it can be exclusive furniture and antiques or just an exhibition of your favorite family photos

Proper lighting will help you highlight any detail that you would like to draw special attention to.

How to calculate the number of spotlights on the ceiling in the bedroom

The decision to install artificial lighting in the form of spotlights in the bedroom requires certain knowledge in this matter and a responsible approach to preliminary calculations. When calculating the optimal number of lighting fixtures for the bedroom ceiling, the following indicators must be taken into account:

  • the basic illumination standard for one square meter of area is 20 W;
  • room dimensions;
  • lighting power;
  • actual division of the area into zones of main and additional lighting, where fish eyes will be installed;
  • types of light bulbs, installed lamps taking into account light saturation.

You can make the correct calculation yourself using several methods:

  • using a special online calculator that calculates the number of devices according to specified parameters;
  • a certain calculation formula, where N (the optimal number of lighting fixtures) is found by multiplying S (the area of ​​the room) by H (luminous flux saturation) and dividing the resulting figure by P (the power of the light bulb installed in the lamp);
  • Another calculation method is based on the use of a generally accepted indicator of the level of illumination (20 W per square meter) and a comparative table of calculated indicators of lamps of different types
Simple incandescent lamps, WLuminescent, WLED, WLight brightness, lumen

According to the data, when using simple 20-W light bulbs, their intensity is 250 lumens, while using LED lighting products, 3 W per square meter will be needed. It follows that a room measuring 10 square meters will require a lighting level of 30 watts, that is, 3 light bulbs with a power of 10 watts each or 2 such devices with a higher power of 15 watts. Due to the cost-effectiveness of diode products and good luminous flux output, it is advisable to use 2-3 pcs. per square meter. It is recommended to reduce the number of devices with higher power to 1-2 units, and for those with lower power, on the contrary, increase to 3-4. Using a similar calculation, we can say for sure that in a bedroom with an area of ​​20 square meters, 6 spotlights will be enough.

Important! To avoid deformation of ceiling structures, it is recommended to install spotlights whose power does not exceed 35 Watts.


Many people are accustomed to thinking that there are only two types of light: warm and cold. Depending on this, it is more white or yellow. However, modern manufacturers of LED lamps are not limited to a couple of shades. According to its characteristics, light can be:

  • cold;
  • warm;
  • matte;
  • bright;
  • colored;
  • absent-minded;
  • diffuse.

Light bulbs also vary in type:

  • halogens;
  • LEDs;
  • neons;
  • incandescent lamps.

  • You can install flickering, LED, neon lamps with special color filters and reflectors in the room. You can provide lighting in any color in your own bedroom: from light blue to bright crimson. Combine different shades and use your imagination. This will make your room look even more stylish and unusual.
  • If you really love the color purple, but cannot afford such lighting for fear of its impracticality, then you have nothing to worry about. Just make several rows of light bulbs, alternating the classic color with your favorite shade. You can set different switches for each shade - this is very convenient.
  • Now you can create a real starry sky on the ceiling. If your room has suspended or suspended ceilings, then be sure to try this option. Every night you will fall asleep watching amazing sparkling stars.

Distance between spotlights on the ceiling in the bedroom

When arranging spotlights in the bedroom, several types of criteria are taken into account:

  • technical parameters of the arrangement;
  • style of room decoration;
  • external aesthetics.

The distance between lamps can be equal or zoned. Suspended ceiling structures are characterized by placing built-in devices at a distance of 20 centimeters or more from the surface. The minimum distance between light points should be 30 cm. It is important to take into account the quality of the material with which the ceiling is finished. When installing tension fabrics, the lamps are placed 15-20 cm further from the seams and light bulbs are used, the power of which does not exceed 60 W. These rules allow you to avoid deformation of the ceiling. Among the general recommendations that promote optimal light distribution in rooms with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, the following points are identified:

  • the inter-row space between lighting fixtures should not exceed 100 cm;
  • the space between the wall and the lamp located in the outer row should be within 60 cm.

At what height should I hang it?

The installation height of the sconce depends on where the lamp is located and for what purpose it is used. There are no strict limits in the regulatory documents; there are recommendations that should be used to select the height and not have to redo the work later. There are several recommendations to consider:

  1. For lamps placed near furniture on which a person is lying or sitting, choose a height in the range from 100 to 150 cm. This will provide comfortable conditions for reading or handicrafts.
  2. Where the sconce serves to illuminate a large area or is used as the main source of light, it is better to place it at a height of 2 meters if the ceiling is high and 1.8 m if it is low.
  3. If the backlight of a painting or other object is mounted, the height should be selected according to the fact. Keep in mind that the luminous flux must be distributed in a certain way, so it is better to first connect the lamp and choose the best position.

Illumination of paintings with wall lamps.

General requirements and location rules

When installing, you should follow the safety rules for working with electrical devices. If you have no experience in working with electrical equipment, it is better to entrust it to a specialist. There are also some features that you need to remember when choosing a place for sconces:

  1. Choose one of two ways to connect to the network. Direct connection is safer and more convenient, but for it you need to first lay out the wiring and install the switch in a convenient place; often the switch is placed on the body of the sconce. Connecting via an outlet is easier. There is no need to prepare anything, the main thing is that the power supply is nearby; the length of the cord in lamps is usually no more than one and a half meters.
  2. If a cord with a plug is used, the key switch should be located at a height of 80 to 170 cm above the floor level. Choose so that you can turn off the light without getting up. In children's rooms, it is worth placing the switch higher so that the child cannot play with it.
  3. Wiring with a direct connection can be done either hidden or open, there is not much difference. The exception is bathrooms and rooms with high humidity, where it is better to install hidden wiring.
  4. The distance from the switch to the gas pipeline should not be less than 50 cm.

Models with moisture protection are installed in the bathroom.

It is also necessary to take into account the illumination standards that are prescribed in SanPiN 2.2.1/ In accordance with the document, it is necessary to ensure the following illumination indicators per square meter:

  1. 400-500 Lux in areas where you need to strain your eyesight: reading, making crafts, doing handicrafts, etc.
  2. 300 Lux for places where you have to periodically look at something or do work that requires moderate visual strain.
  3. 200 LK in play areas, children's rooms and other places intended for children.
  4. 150 Lux for kitchens and living spaces.
  5. 50 Lux is enough in a bathroom, corridor or hallway.

Determine in advance the type of light bulbs that will be installed. It is better to abandon traditional incandescent lamps and choose fluorescent, halogen or LED. The latter option consumes the least electricity and lasts an average of 5,000 hours, so it's worth choosing.

Stylish sconce with LED lamp.

How to place spotlights in the bedroom

When choosing a model for placing spotlights, you need to take into account the parameters of the room, its functionality, style, and the need to delimit zones. There are many schemes for placing spotlights in the bedroom, among which the following location variations are the most popular:

  • oval shaped;
  • round;
  • in the corners of the room;
  • semicircles located on both sides of the ceiling covering;
  • cross-shaped placement of points;
  • rectangular arrangement;
  • in the shape of the Latin letter “s”;
  • “starry sky” design;
  • distribution of points on the ceiling in the form of a wave;
  • choice of design ornament;
  • arcuate zoning of the area.

Spotlights in the bedroom in the shape of a month are located both in the center of the room and in separate areas to accentuate attention.

Spotlights in a bedroom without a chandelier

A bedroom without a chandelier with spotlights looks no less beautiful and cozy than with one. This option is especially relevant for rooms of modest dimensions. Here, along with spot light, you can “revive” and decorate the room by resorting to the use of additional lighting sources. Among them are wall, floor, table lamps, hidden lighting, colored glass. A spot ceiling in a bedroom is an excellent, cost-effective alternative to standard lighting arrangements that expands the range of ideas for the room owner.

Comment! Irregularities on the ceiling without a chandelier will be hidden by a suspended structure equipped with a spotlight.

Spot light in the bedroom with a chandelier

The bedroom is a place where the inhabitants of the house spend a large amount of time both in the morning and in the evening. Room lighting plays an important role not only from a practical but also from a psychological point of view. Comfortable light puts you in a positive mood and changes people’s views. Decorating a bedroom with a chandelier is a classic option, which is complemented by newfangled trends, but does not disappear without a trace. To implement original design solutions, they use techniques of combining main and additional light, where the latter is spotlighted on the ceiling. A chandelier most often acts as a central element around which spotlights are placed. With the help of spotlights, they delimit zones, designate accents, and decorate the space.

Spotlights above the bed in the bedroom

One option for placing spots is to install them at the head of the bed or along its perimeter. Spot lighting above the bed is used as an additional light source or decorative element. In the first case, the height of the placement is important. Specially equipped structures where lamps are built into can create high-quality lighting. Due to the fact that spot lighting fits perfectly into any interior and is convenient to use, it is the most popular design option in bedrooms.

General interior style

Since lamps perform not only a practical, but also a decorative function, their appearance should be combined with the design of the room, complement and decorate it.

In order not to miss the choice, choose laconic transparent lamps or devices in neutral colors. This option will fit perfectly into any interior and will not provoke dissonance.

If you prefer the high-tech direction, you should take a closer look at lamps of non-standard geometric shapes. Devices can be made of plastic, metal or glass. For lovers of Provence or country style, lampshades and chandeliers with forged elements, fabric frills, mesh, wicker, and so on are perfect. When a room is decorated in dark colors, lamps in unusual bright colors, with stained glass or other decorative elements look great. If you love flowers, purchase beautiful lamps in the shape of your favorite plants.

8 photos

Layout of spotlights in the bedroom

The following layouts of lamps in the bedroom are considered the most successful:

How to get the lighting right

In modern design there are many solutions for decorating bedrooms; apartment owners can only choose the appropriate option that will be more comfortable for them. Until recently, bedroom lighting received less attention than other interiors. The obligatory bedside lamps were selected and installed after the renovation was completed, and the overhead lighting was created from a more or less nice chandelier. A more competent approach should be the preparation of a project with a designer organic design of details. This includes lighting systems in which lighting devices fit into the overall style and are located as conveniently as possible. See photo.

Combination of different light sources

In addition, the correct lighting system makes it possible to hide the architectural flaws of the room. This requires good experience as a designer; it is not always possible to achieve what you want with your own hands.

Original use of chandeliers

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling

Designs for plasterboard ceilings have long been popular because they are suitable for implementing the most non-trivial ideas. Whatever design the homeowner has in mind, drywall will help make the dream come true.

Ceiling with plasterboard niches with lighting in the bedroom

The effect of a luminous ceiling is achieved by constructing several levels of plasterboard. They can have a wide variety of shapes, sizes, thicknesses and even colors.

Important! A luminous multi-level ceiling looks most successful in spacious rooms.

Complex multi-level luminous plasterboard ceiling in the bedroom

A plasterboard ceiling is also good because it allows the installation of any lamps, chandeliers and lamps: spotlights, pendants, strips and others. By combining them, you get different lighting scenarios and interesting effects.

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