Design of a bedroom with furniture in gray tones

Today, various shades of gray are reaching the peak of their popularity. Therefore, designers suggest using it to decorate a wide variety of living spaces, including bedrooms. How to do this correctly and play up gray in the interior, we’ll talk in more detail in this article.

Gray color allows you to create a discreet and noble design that sets you up for a relaxing holiday.

What to consider when decorating a bedroom with gray furniture

Before using any shade of gray in the bedroom, you need to consider a number of basic rules for its harmonious use:

  1. Since this room is a place of relaxation, it is necessary to choose predominantly light shades. The lightness of the color is especially important where the room has a small area and small windows.
  2. Gray, despite its seeming gloominess to many, is one of the classic colors. It is quite balanced, soft in perception and, moreover, goes perfectly with almost all other colors in the palette.

And another very important point that you need to pay attention to is that the gray palette has a huge variety of different shades. Thanks to this, you can create a room that is completely different in perception.

The nuances of using gray in the interior

  • Dark grey. In excess it makes the room gloomy and very strict. In addition, it visually narrows the room and makes it uncomfortable.
  • Ideal combinations with gray: white, chocolate and black colors.

  • Gray is an excellent base for bright and rich colors. For example, red, orange, green. They will open up especially brightly with a touch of romance.

The combination of a room with furniture in gray tones with different colors

If you choose gray furniture in the bedroom, then you need to choose the right background for it. Please note that depending on the combination of two colors, a certain style direction will be created.


For example, a gray-beige bedroom is a traditional combination for classical and neoclassical styles. Soft shades of gray and the lightest beige look especially good in this case.

Using a gray-beige combination, you can create a calm and neutral design

If you take them more saturated and, moreover, use wood, then you can decorate the bedroom in a rustic style.


Gray will go perfectly with white, no matter how saturated it is. This combination is perceived as quite light and makes the space more open and visually expands.

Paired with a smoky color, both warm and cold snow-white tones look good


Different shades of yellow will pair differently with brown. For example:

  • Rich yellow bordering on electric shades is an excellent option for a high-tech style.
  • While muted shades, including mustard, will create a more traditional combination that is ideal for a loft or postmodern.

Yellow color adds positive energy to the interior of the bedroom


A gray-green bedroom can be made in either cold or warm shades. It all depends on the shade of green:

  • Mint, turquoise green, apple, bright lime - these complementary colors to the basic gray will create an energetic space, more suitable for young people.
  • In contrast, olive, forest green, chartreuse, khaki, camouflage or asparagus will create calmer, classic combinations.

The gray-green bedroom has a cozy and unobtrusive design

And others

Naturally, these are not all shade combinations. Here's another color that gray goes with in a bedroom interior.

Orange is a fun and energetic combination that needs to be used very carefully. Bright sunny shades go well with pearl or gray mother of pearl.

Thanks to orange splashes, the interior will become dynamic and more interesting.

A gray-blue bedroom is an ideal choice for decorating a room in a marine style. But, in this case, it is worth considering that the level of natural daylight should be maximum. That is, it is preferable that the windows face south. Otherwise, a bedroom in gray-blue tones will seem cold, gloomy and will have a depressing effect on its owners.

Blue shades fill the interior with coolness and look great as accents

In combination with lilac, wet stone, steel, smoky, fawn or pearl, looks original.

The influence of gray on the psyche

Gray increases self-esteem and self-confidence, promotes practical decision-making and increases intelligence. Of course, it is difficult to believe that the situation has such an influence on us. But it is so. Psychologists consider this color the epicenter of calm and balance.

However, with prolonged exposure to dark shades of gray without bright admixtures, depressive thoughts arise. Life turns into a dreary road of fatigue. There is no need to talk about the ability to make creative decisions here. But lighter shades relax and help restore strength.

Choosing a style for a bedroom with gray furniture

Since gray is a fairly neutral color, it can be used for a wide variety of styles when decorating a room. The only thing that needs to be taken into account in this case is the correct color combination, as well as the shape of the furniture and other interior items.

Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style in a bedroom with a gray bed looks very harmonious. In this case, it is advisable to make the walls white, soft mint, pale blue. This is due to the fact that this design tends towards minimalism and is implemented, in the vast majority of cases, in cool shades.

Traditional combination for Scandinavian style - white and gray, diluted with wooden texture

Also, you need to choose the right furniture. It should be concise and simple. Simple rectangular shapes, simple fabrics with no or minimal geometric patterns. As well as minimal textile window decoration - just one transparent white tulle is enough, which will further highlight the gray furniture. If necessary, the window can be supplemented with white or pearl blinds, which will protect the interior of the room from views from the outside.

Classic style

An interior in a classic style requires large financial costs. This is due to the fact that:

  • Gray cabinet furniture in this case should be wooden with carved elements. But it does not have the natural brown texture of wood, but is painted with paint and then applied with polish. Naturally, the shade of the cabinet can be very diverse, depending on individual preferences. But still, light and medium gray colors look better. Silver inlay will complement the look.
  • In order to maintain a style decision, it is advisable to choose white, beige, straw, pale blue shades as additional ones in the room.

You can make your bedroom interior truly chic with the help of a gray-golden combination

High-tech style

High-tech will require compliance with several basic rules:

  • Choose furniture in the most saturated gray color.
  • It is desirable that the body consists of surfaces that demonstrate their synthetic nature. Plastics, glass inserts, and metal are suitable.
  • For upholstered cabinet furniture, you can choose materials with emphasized synthetics.
  • Naturally, the shape of everything should be original and simple, but not emphatically linear, but, on the contrary, as if extruded and taking on smooth outlines.
  • You can use bright, flashy colors as a color accent. But there should be few of them and only locally, for example, in the form of sofa cushions or a small bedside rug.
  • It is advisable to keep the space more monochrome and not to overspray on color diversity - it is recommended to limit yourself to 3-4 colors.

A gray hi-tech bedroom is an interior from the future

Minimalist style

Simple gray furniture, plain walls, a wooden floor with a simple plain carpet, possibly with a long pile, uniform tulle on the windows - this is the main way to implement a minimalist style in the bedroom.

When decorating a bedroom in a minimalist style, it is better not to use more than three colors

Here it is worth starting from the name - use simple forms, use a small number of colors, do not overuse patterns and ornaments.

And others

Loft style is ideal for gray color. In this case, the raw concrete surfaces that are so needed here will become the basis for furniture in simple shades - black, brown, white, and possibly gray.

By mixing gray shades, a cold-blooded and brutal interior is created, ideal for a man's bedroom

You can also implement eco-style in gray. But here you will have to try, since you need to combine it with green, brown, sand, brick and other natural colors.


Any housewife dreams of creating a unique image in her kitchen, filling the room with an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. To do this, there is no need to follow fashionable interior trends, you just need to have your own taste and listen to your own wishes.

Professionals have some tricks to help them work with gray shades. Dark tones can hide any imperfections; they visually make the living space smaller.

Light shades have the opposite effect, so they are ideal for small bedrooms and living rooms.

To achieve a harmonious image, it is important to choose one specific color, and you can add shades to it. The furniture should be a couple of shades lighter or darker than the walls of the living space.

Attention! Professional stylists do not advise choosing the same color for the flooring and ceiling.

Instead of harmony, such a kitchen will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Proper distribution of space in the bedroom for arranging furniture

In order for the room to be cozy, it is necessary to take into account not only the right combination of colors. Take into account the area of ​​the room in sq.m. Naturally, if the space is large (more than 20-25 sq.m.), then there will be no problems with the placement of interior elements. But, if the room is small, then it is very important to properly distribute the space. Only in this case can you achieve:

  1. Ergonomics.
  2. Attractiveness.
  3. Visually expand the space or, at least, prevent it from shrinking.


The sleeping place should not be located directly next to the window, since this is where heating systems are most often located in apartments. It is advisable to choose a place for it on a free wall and place its headboard against a plane. There should be at least 70 cm on both sides so that you can comfortably approach the sleeping area.

To decorate the bed, textiles with tints and splashes of bright accents are used.

If the room is narrow, then you can place the bed along the wall. Although this option for a double bed is not preferable and is used only when absolutely necessary.


It is advisable to choose a corner cabinet, as it does not take up much space. There should also be a dressing table in the bedroom. In limited space, it is better to combine a cabinet with mirrors and shelves on one of its sides.

For a small bedroom, it is better to choose a wardrobe with mirrored doors.

If possible, you can fit a built-in wardrobe into the interior. This is realized when there is a need to organize a spacious storage system.


Most often, in standard apartments, only one additional chair can be placed. It is placed along the head of the bed in one of the corners. It is placed closer to the window when it is used to spend time reading.

An armchair with bright upholstery will act as a bright accent and pleasantly enliven a gray interior.


On both sides of the bed, it is advisable to place small bedside tables that serve as a bedside table. Lampshades are usually placed on them.

Dark cabinets are decorated with vases or table lamps

You can also use a chest of drawers placed opposite the bed. This is how a balance of elements in space is achieved.

And others

If you need to combine the function of a bedroom with an office, you will have to place a desk. If you have a small space, it is advisable to combine a table with a cabinet. This will save space.

Gray console table in a teenage bedroom, decorated in high-tech style

Combination of basic colors

Black is considered a universal color; it can be chosen for other tones. Allies of the black background will be red, white, orange, and green.

Red textiles on gray furniture have an exciting and activating effect; it is suitable for fans of modern interior trends.

The yellow background helps strengthen and tonify the nervous system; it is complemented by blue, lilac, and cyan shades.

Green walls give the owner of the room inspiration, bring freshness to the kitchen, they are ideal for a gray kitchen set.

Designer tips for choosing decorative elements and lighting for a bedroom with gray furniture

It is important that the lighting is properly organized. Gray walls especially need this, so in this case it is better to illuminate the entire ceiling area.

A gray room is a blank canvas on which to create the perfect decor.

Don't forget about floor lamps or sconces. They create the desired multi-level lighting in the room. And this is especially important for the bedroom, since in this case you can create a calmer and more intimate environment. Don’t forget about decorative elements such as vases, paintings, mirrors.

If you are in doubt about how to use gray, it is better to look at examples created by designers. A bedroom in gray and beige tones, as well as other shades, can have a unique, memorable design, as you can see in the photos below.


Textile elements in a gray smoky tone add nobility, sophistication and a solid appearance to the interior. Use the technique of contrasts. If the walls are light in color, the curtains are designed in dark and deep gray. And vice versa, when the walls are dark, the curtains are chosen in a light silver shade. As a rule, in such an environment, they look almost white, which gives freshness and lightness.

An additional tool is tulle, framed by heavy curtains in a mouse shade or gray and lead tone.

A carpet is laid on the floor, which is decorated in monochrome colors from gray to black. Here you should adhere to the general concept of the interior, otherwise there is a risk of darkening the overall appearance of the room too much.

Photo: 50 bedroom design options using gray

Finishing materials

Wallpaper is the most affordable wall decoration material; it hides uneven surfaces and light cracks. Wallpaper can be plain, with a floral or other pattern in a contrasting color, liquid with gold threads and the addition of shiny chips. Depending on the density, there are paper, vinyl and non-woven materials. If the walls are not level enough, you can use glass wallpaper for painting and create your own design.

The photo shows a living room interior with non-woven wallpaper with decor that matches curtains and textiles.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper in the interior on an accent wall in gray color is suitable with the image of a pencil sketch, photograph, city, monochrome drawing.


A brick wall is suitable for a loft style and kitchen backsplash. Can be painted or natural grey. It is better to limit yourself to finishing one wall with brick and combine it with colored or white wallpaper.


Painting is suitable for smooth walls of the kitchen, living room, bathroom and corridor. Latex, silicone, acrylic and modern eco-paints are suitable for the apartment.

The photo shows a monochromatic interior with painted walls, white paintings and trim, corner decorative lighting adds brightness.


It is used to decorate walls and floors in the bathroom and kitchen, it comes with a classic decor, frieze, puzzle-type pattern, mosaic.


For additional sound insulation and unusual wall decor, laminate is used, which is an independent finish and is attached to liquid nails, clamps or lathing.


To add texture to the walls, plaster is used, which does not absorb odors, is a durable material and effectively hides surface roughness. Suitable for art deco, minimalism, hi-tech interiors.

Decorative rock

It is used for the interior of the kitchen and corridor, decoration in the living room or to create panels. Lighter than natural stone and easily mounted on the wall.

The photo shows the living room interior with an accent dark wall made of decorative slate and light plain wallpaper. Stone and fireplace combine harmoniously in a modern style.

Chipboard, MDF are resistant to moisture (in the presence of a wax coating), withstand the load of shelves, gray PVC panels have a high service life and fire resistance.

Combination of gray walls and doors

It is recommended not to match the doors to the color of the walls; there should be contrast in the interior; the trim can act as a color frame for the door or be combined with it.

In the photo, white glass doors in a classic apartment interior match wooden floors, tile floors and gray wallpaper with geometric patterns.

Wardrobe for the bedroom in dark wenge color: what to combine with and where to place it

Despite the shortage of fertile soils, the African continent is rich in amazing varieties of vegetation, one of which is the Wenge tree. Its height reaches 20 m and its diameter is 100 cm. Wenge (Congolese rosewood) has earned recognition for its high-quality wood of an unusual color. The veneer of this tree is often used to make furniture; for example, a wenge cabinet will add a unique twist to any interior.

  • Features of color.
  • The color structure of products made from rosewood is quite extraordinary and complex. The shade depends largely on the age of the tree: in young trees it usually has a brown tint, in old ones it is black with a gray-brown or purple tint. With the help of a magnifying glass, you can even see golden luminous veins on the cut of a tree. African rosewood has an almost black heartwood, and the young layer located immediately under the bark (sapwood) is light, reminiscent of bleached oak.

    Designers call wenge shades masculine, so interiors made in this color are distinguished by aristocracy with notes of brutality. Once in such a room, one gets the impression of rigor, reliability and stability of the owners.

    Since materials (boards, logs, veneer) made from wood are quite expensive, manufacturers have proposed an alternative. This is how the term “wenge color” appeared.

  • Materials used to make the cabinet.
  • The material used to make wardrobes for the bedroom and other rooms is veneer and solid wenge. Since rosewood is a valuable type of wood, furniture made from it is also expensive. Not everyone can afford such luxury. After manufacturers began to lose potential consumers, the expensive material was replaced with a cheaper one. Thus, a wardrobe appeared, made in wenge color, but made of plastic, glass, steel and mirrors.

    Plastic is used to cover fiberboard, chipboard, MDF or plywood boards.

    Advantages of furniture decorated with plastic:

    - water resistance;

    - strength;

    — ease of cleaning from grease, plaque and dust;

    — resistance to mold;

    - does not cause allergies.

    As for the disadvantages, there is only one and that is that the color palette of natural wood is represented by dark shades, while the surface of the laminate is matte, so even minor handprints are noticeable on it.

    Decorative elements and the frame of the cabinet are made of steel. The originality of the design will help to highlight the aluminum frame. To decorate cabinet furniture for living rooms, hallways and bedrooms, mirrors and glass imitating natural wood are used. Mirrored and glass doors can have a shade of bleached oak, characteristic of the sapwood of the African rosewood tree.

  • Combination with other shades.
  • Wenge is distinguished by dark tones and rich structure. With this in mind, you can use contrasting shades of light colors to highlight the splendor and richness of wenge furniture.

    According to the recommendations of the designers, in the interior where there are objects made of African rosewood, you should not use other types of wood that have a pronounced texture. The fact is that against their background, the superiority of wenge decreases, and it becomes just a “companion”. The exception in this case is white oak, which, on the contrary, can emphasize the advantages of its neighbor.

    You can emphasize the luxury of a wenge-colored bedroom interior if you consider the following:

    — turquoise, pink, blue will help to highlight the beauty of rosewood shades;

    — the warmth of chocolate and burgundy can sparkle in combination with green, yellow, red and pistachio shades;

    — crimson, blue, lilac and gray colors will help to emphasize the greatness of cold purple.

    In addition, wenge-colored furniture will look advantageous against the background of parquet or wallpaper in the shade of bleached oak. Possible combinations can be seen in the photo on the Internet. A set made of natural wood will look great together with mustard curtains and a snow-white sofa.

  • Choice of style.
  • Wenge is ideal for the Art Nouveau style. A characteristic feature of this trend in home decoration is the maximum use of natural wood. The ideal option for making furniture in this case is African rosewood wood, since Wenge is characterized by increased strength. In addition, modernism involves the use of bold, bright colored decorative elements in the interior, creating a unique contrast that is so necessary for wenge furniture.

    The wenge color in a classic bedroom interior will become a real highlight if it is used to frame large mirrors and create contrast with elements of lighter shades. Bleached oak allows you to add grandeur to the atmosphere, which can be seen in the photos on the Internet.

    Furniture, as well as decorative elements in wenge color, can fit into absolutely any interior, the main thing is to follow the rules for combining materials and shades.

  • Rules for placing a wenge-colored cabinet.
  • Due to the color feature of the wardrobe in this color, it is advisable to place the structure in bright, large rooms. If we talk about children's and small rooms, then it is better not to install this piece of furniture in them, since it will create an atmosphere of despondency and discomfort.

    A wenge wardrobe is most suitable for the bedroom. If you wish, you can install both a corner and a classic version with sliding doors. To decorate doors, it is better to use a wenge mirror or glass. This will create the effect that it does not take up much space.

    In the living room it is ideal to install a modular multifunctional wenge wardrobe, in which open shelves are combined with closed ones. Individual modules can be made of oak. If milky oak-colored wood was used, then in combination with dark-colored wenge, the room will visually seem larger.

    Ideal options for the kitchen would be cabinets, wall cabinets and countertops. The furniture in this room must be arranged so that it receives maximum daylight. It is worth noting that a win-win option is still to install a wenge-colored cabinet, especially if the homeowner wants to demonstrate the rigor of the style. The main rule that you should not forget is that this tone is best combined with bright contrasting shades.

Selecting curtains

When choosing curtains, it is important to take into account the natural composition (linen, cotton), synthetic additives and the tendency of the material to fade. In length they can be short classic, Roman, Austrian, rolled, long.

The color is selected based on the shade of the walls and the pattern. Cool shades, pale pink, lemon, lilac are suitable for a light tone. White translucent fabrics, bright tones of red and yellow will suit the dark tone. A neutral option would be beige curtains with a gray pattern.

Gray wall decor

For decoration, stone inserts, fabric panels, photos, 3D wallpaper, mirrors, bright flags and pom-poms in the nursery, sconces, portraits in the living room, paintings and reproductions in the bedroom are used.

The photo shows the interior of a living room with wall decor: colored abstraction, shelves with souvenirs that make the walls brighter and remove monotony.

If the walls are plain, you can use 2 types of decor; if it is wallpaper with decor, then it is better to refuse additional accessories.

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