Bathroom in light colors - stylish and practical design

White is a universal base for any palette. But what if you make it not just a neutral background, but the basis of the entire color scheme of the interior? If you are ready to experiment, you can start with the bathroom: light colors will visually enlarge the room and also create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. In this article we tell you how to create a stylish design for a white bathroom without creating a sterile box.

Advantages of a bathroom in light colors

Choosing a light palette of color combinations in the bathroom allows you to best achieve a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. In addition, this provides a number of advantages:

  • Possibility of expanding space due to the play of light.
  • The time required for cleaning is reduced, since soap stains and water marks are less noticeable against a light background.
  • Bright accents can easily be changed according to your mood or season, since the range of colors combined with a neutral base is very wide.

Stylistic attention to detail.

Decorating a bright bathroom: choosing colors, designer tips

When decorating a bathroom in light colors, a win-win option would be to concentrate on color combinations between shades of brown and beige, as well as red and pink. These colors should be chosen in pastel, discreet tones. Such basic combinations will allow you to organically add details of bright shades, both warm and cool undertones.

Nude palette.

Read also... Bathroom design in beige tones, as one of the possible shades for a light bathroom.

Muted brown, orange or pink will add a feeling of coziness, and a splash of bright color details will add dynamism to the interior of a bright bathroom.

Floral motifs in decor.

To create a stylish bathroom interior without sacrificing comfort, designers advise adhering to the following recommendations:

TIP 1. When choosing lighting, you should consider the ability of glossy surfaces to reflect light well. Therefore, to create soft light, additional spotlights should be installed. If reflective surfaces predominate, traditional light sources can be abandoned altogether. The placement of light sources must be clearly thought out.

Unusual sconce mount to create warm light.

TIP 2. The design of a light bathroom can sparkle stylistically if you add some deep black details to the finish. It can find expression in a drawing, mosaic or pattern.

Dark wood as a bright accent.

TIP 3. Dynamics can be achieved through the texture of the finishing materials used. This will add chic to the room. The most successful choice would be to finish the ceiling and floor with a matte surface.

A combination of tiles and plaster.

TIP 4. Mirrors and glass are constant attributes of a bathroom in light colors. The use of doors on furniture with glass elements, transparent walls for a shower stall, and glass shelves will make the interior feel airy and light.

Interesting mirror design.

As a rule, in a bright bathroom you can get by with a single mirror surface, since all finishing components help expand the space.

Credit: @

Single mirror on the main wall.

Abundance of air due to glass surfaces.


The wide range of possible shapes and designs of white tiles in the bathroom allows you to use them in different ways:

  • On the walls.
  • As a floor covering.
  • For zoning individual areas (shower stall, part of the wall, niche).

White tiles in the bathroom Source Bathroom finished in white tiles Source

White bathroom walls Source

Healthy! A bathroom with white tiles as a floor covering looks impressive, but has a significant drawback: it is soiled and impractical.

White tiles in the bathroom interior Source

White tiles for the floor and walls of the bathroom Source White walls of the bathroom Source

Interior of white tiles in the bathroom Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in finishing materials.

The main differences between design ideas for using white tiles in the bathroom are the different ways of laying them out. The variety of materials makes it possible to reproduce any style. The most popular options include:

  • “Brick-like” is an original solution that imitates brickwork. The surface and size of the elements are different. The final design is selected in accordance with the style of the room. Several themes are available: matte, glossy, aged or decoratively coated.
  • “Marbled” is a white tile that imitates natural stone. Fancy brownish, gray or pink veins complement the picture, producing the effect of luxury and sophistication.
  • “Wood look” is an imitation of natural lightened wood structure. It completely repeats the pattern of the fibers so that it can only be distinguished from the original by touching the surface.
  • Mosaic - small edges of pixels that gracefully refract light flows falling on them, can be made in a classic style or have additional decor. It is created with the help of inclusions of other colors and decorative patterns.
  • Classic gloss - thanks to its high reflectivity, it creates the effect of interesting spatial illusions. Fills the room with coolness and freshness.
  • Classic matte surface - creates the opposite effect of gloss. Fills the bathroom with warmth and comfort.
  • Tiles with a pattern, pattern, ornament - they bring some intrigue and comfort into the room, reminiscent of the warmth of home. With their help, the belonging to a particular style of room decoration is strengthened. For example, white ceramics with bright colors will become a strong accent that will look unusual and expressive.
  • Embossed - used to emphasize individual areas. The decorative effect is achieved due to the convex surface structure. Thanks to its streamlined, wave-like structure, it can smooth out the interior space.

Bathroom interior made of white tiles Source Combination of white and black in the interior of a bathroom Source

Textured tiles using the example of a white bathroom Source pliki.dekordia.

An example of the layout of white tiles in the bathroom Source

Modern style in a bright bathroom

This design contains some features of a minimalist and progressive style without being tied to clear rules. It can be identified by the following distinctive features:

⇒ Characteristic shades of cream and gray palette. The predominance of straight lines and laconic accessories stands out.

⇒ Interior items are selected for maximum convenience and practicality.

⇒ Decorative elements add vitality to the composition.

⇒ Natural materials are preferably used.

A modern solution in decor and layout.

Features of modern style in bathroom design:

  • Refusal of the classic implementation of the hygienic compartment. Its functionality is provided by a separate shower corner.

Stylish solution for placing a shower area.

  • The design of a washbasin often includes countertops and built-in faucets. The shape of the washbasin is strictly geometric.

Credit: @

Laconic sink.

  • Use of suspended plumbing elements.

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Hanging structure and original shelf built into the wall.

  • The decoration uses varieties of tiles that differ slightly in texture. There are rectangular panels with mosaics, sometimes with hexagonal elements. If desired, patterned tiles can also be part of a modern interior, but preference should be given to ethnic motifs or geometric patterns.
  • Among the materials used to make furniture, wood predominates. A stone countertop is often found.

Credit: @

Natural wood in design.

The undoubted advantage of modern design is its versatility for rooms of any size.

Expanding space through the use of straight lines.

Design of tiles in the toilet - 35 photos

The design of most Russian apartments can hardly be called perfect. However, owners are increasingly turning to the services of professionals who develop attractive and relevant projects. It would seem, what interesting things can you come up with with such a small and purely functional room as a toilet? The examples of toilet design with photographs below convince us of the opposite, and one of the main tools for creating local comfort is tiles in the toilet.

A striking example of how you can intelligently use a minimum of free space. Discreet decorative inserts with a classic floral pattern along the perimeter visually increase the height of the room. Behind the tiled toilet is a small podium.

Another case where tiles in the toilet help make the space larger. The photo shows one of the most popular collections of the Ukrainian tile manufacturer Inter Cerama - Fantasy.

A real revelation is the minimalist design of a modern toilet with installation. The tiles are produced by Kerama Marazzi, Pleiner collection. Quite a large format and warm homely colors, moreover, it is laid out vertically, which made it possible to visually make the toilet a little larger.

And here the most popular beige color of ceramic tiles is presented in all its glory. There are dark borders on the side walls, and a neat curtain behind the toilet. The design of the toilet does not claim to score high on the scale of originality, but the chosen color scheme of the tiles is relaxing.

And again we welcome the butterflies we already love from the “Fantasy” collection from Inter Kerama. True, in a different color scheme. Against the backdrop of LED lighting, the decors seem to come to life and rapidly fly upward. An installation was installed in the toilet - this made the room more spacious. There is a convenient shelf behind - as you can see, you can store a lot of useful things on it.

Tiles with a mosaic structure are a very advantageous solution and look much richer than wallpaper in the toilet. The floor logically complements the chosen style. Pay attention to how harmoniously the wall-hung toilet and decorative plants in flowerpots fit into the interior. The case when every detail is in its place.

A real riot of color, created with the help of “Valkyrie” ceramic tiles from Kerama Marazzi. Behind the flashy tones, meanwhile, lies the subtle work of an experienced designer

Notice how cleverly the protrusions are played out here. Brick tiles add detail to the space and help relieve boredom.

Perhaps the most non-trivial option of all presented. A design that can be reproached for anything but secondary.

A very homely design that exudes relaxation. The room is extremely detailed. Ceramic volumetric volumes as skirting boards are very appropriate.

At first glance, a very boring toilet project with tiles in marble patterns. However, there is nothing superfluous in it. The pipes are securely hidden in the box. Contrary to accepted tradition, the floor here is light. This helps avoid the effect of excessively darkening a small room.

Spectacular ceramic tiles with a voluminous texture. Thanks to the wall-hung toilet, the room received more free space. Pay attention to how cleverly the floor is played out - and here again we see a reluctance to paint it in a dark tone.

Mosaic in the toilet is always beautiful. The real highlight of the project is the miniature rectangular mirror.

When the mood is not very good, a bright light green color comes in handy. Classic toilet design.

The authors of this design project seem to have adopted the motto: “There can never be too many decors.” The end result, however, is pleasing to the eye: a compact toilet, elegant vases in a niche. The style is 100% consistent.

For some reason, many owners avoid lining the back wall of the toilet. Take a look at the design of the toilet room with these wonderful tiles: without the back wall it would look much more ascetic and dry.

The original toilet fits perfectly into the peaceful light green tone of the ceramics. Marble patterns on the walls add depth to the room.

Luxurious toilet renovation with tiled tiles with expressive columns and high borders around the perimeter. The floor is laid out diagonally, small inserts decorate the design, which is already maximally rich in details and colors.

Cute washroom design. Absolutely unobtrusive decor on the walls, muted tones of ceramics. You can also relax in such a toilet.

The interior of the toilet, which uses ceramic mosaic. Communications are hidden behind a plasterboard niche.

There is an opinion that tiles in the toilet should, first of all, be unobtrusive. The collection of tiles “Marshmallow Carioca” from the leading Polish manufacturer Ceramica Paradyz fully meets the stated criteria.

Volumetric clay borders appeal to antique motifs. Surprisingly, a modern roller shutter covering sewer pipes fits quite organically into the built space.

Those who want to cover the walls of their toilet with brick-decorated tiles should pay attention to this extraordinary option. It is perhaps difficult to take your eyes off such perfection.

Are high ceilings intimidating? Use them to your advantage when creating a unique toilet design. The original texture of the tile allows you to get by with a minimum number of decorative inserts.

Bright, cozy, cheerful - perhaps this is how we can characterize this project. Well-chosen tiles in the toilet played a decisive role in this.

Black and white colors in a checkerboard pattern. There is little originality in this solution, but the result is nice.

Red and white tiles also go well together. In this case, they are diluted with a flower border. A soft rug on the floor fits well with this unassuming concept.

Many craftsmen claim that glossy tiles in the toilet look better. The design of the room in the photo can be counted in support of this statement.

Modern toilet design. Tiles in the form of small squares visually saturate the room. The baseboards were also matched to match.

And here is an example that matte tiles in the toilet are at least as spectacular as glossy ones. However, everything is relative, but one cannot fail to note the amazing harmony of the presented space.

Weak focus on the photo does not allow us to fully appreciate the comfort in this tiny room.

The floral panel on the back wall and unusually colorful borders create stunning coziness.

In this photo of the toilet you will not find flashy colors or original designs. Solid geometric harmony. LED lighting fills the room with warmth and harmony.

And a small toilet can be successfully decorated with ceramic tiles. By the way, a black lid on a white toilet bowl is quite a viable solution for this design option, don’t you think?

And for dessert the sweetest thing is cats. Or rather, there are cute pictures of them on the back wall of this miniature powder room. Classic combination of black and white. The design of the toilet in the photo is distinguished by a noticeable tilt towards minimalist modernity. However, we’ll leave complex terms to the artists, and we’d rather just silently enjoy the excellent design solution.

Will be useful: Design of a small toilet


Classic style in a bright bathroom

  • The concept of classic is quite broad, but this style has certain distinctive features:
  • The material of furniture and accessories is of natural origin.
  • The design lines are laconic and clear symmetry.
  • This design creates a luxurious interior.
  • A pastel color scheme with a predominance of beige and green shades is used.
  • Imitation of jewelry coatings is included, columns, stucco molding, and arched ceilings are used.

Luxury and grace.

You might be interested to learn about a turquoise bathroom - here.

Classic bathroom design in light colors follows the scheme:

⇒ The ceiling is finished with a predominance of white. In large rooms it is important to add stucco.

⇒ The floor is tiled, preferably of natural origin.

⇒ Decorative plaster or finishing with natural materials (marble, stone, tile) is chosen for the walls. For spacious rooms, it would be appropriate to decorate with wallpaper that is not afraid of moisture.

⇒ Cast iron bathtub of classic shape. For large rooms it is possible to add a podium.

Raising the floor level in the hygienic area.

⇒ Provided that the walls are completely transparent, a shower stall may be placed. It is also possible to install a shower corner.

⇒ The washbasin is built-in and has a round shape.

⇒ The design of the faucet reflects the general style - a retro finish.

Gold plating of plumbing fixtures.

The furniture may contain forged elements. The interior will also be complemented by a pouf or armchair, shelves and chests of drawers.

An original idea for storing bath accessories.

The accessories also have a touch of antiquity. An abundance of textiles is allowed. Panels, bas-reliefs and sculptures would also be appropriate. Functional accessories – hooks and soap dishes and the like – should be color coordinated with the plumbing elements.

Choosing the shape and size of tiles for the toilet

Cladding tiles come in many standard sizes. If you take this into account in advance when planning repairs, then you will not have to trim it in the end, which means that the appearance and integrity of the design idea will be preserved.

Wall tiles come in a variety of sizes. It starts from 10 by 10 cm, then 20 by 10, 15 by 15, 20 by 20 and up to 30 by 60 cm.

In a small bathroom it is advisable to use large tiles; small ones may look uncomfortable here.

It is customary to use square or rectangular tiles for the floor, but there are also non-standard shapes, such as triangles, octagons, etc. They can be used as decorative inserts.

In a large room, tiles of any size look good - from fragments and mosaics to large-format products

Square tiles have standard side sizes: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 33 and 60 cm. As for rectangular tiles: 20 by 10, 20 by 5, 30 by 15, 30 by 20 and 40 by 30 cm.

During the tile production process, clay has the ability to contract or expand. So the actual size of the tile may not coincide with that declared by the manufacturer. The error is acceptable within 5-7 mm, and this should be taken into account.

Design of a small bathroom in light colors

In a small space you can create a feeling of freedom. A small bathroom in light colors is decorated without overloading with decorative details and large technical and furniture items. To visually expand the volume, you can use shelves mounted on the wall; you can also use non-traditional places to store things, for example, above a doorway. The composition should adhere to clear lines, concentrating on stylish details, which, at the same time as adding zest to the interior, will distract attention from the small area. When choosing accessories, preference is given to those that can perform an additional function.

Credit: @

Photo of the design of a light, small bathroom.

Ergonomic storage option.

Types of tiles

First of all, it is necessary to note the fact that tiles can be of two types, one for walls, the second for floors. The tiles used for the floor are more durable and resistant to impacts, in addition, they have anti-slip properties. This tile cannot be used on walls, as it has considerable weight. Tiles designed for walls are lighter; in addition, they are very slippery and fragile, which means using them to cover the floor is dangerous.

There are also special frost-resistant tiles and tiles for public spaces, the durability of which is especially high. The price of such material is always higher, which means you don’t need to pay attention to it.

When purchasing tiles, you need to make a reserve, which will be 10% more than was originally calculated. This is due to the fact that some of the tiles may be damaged during transportation or during installation.

Using accessories in a room with light walls

Due to the neutrality of the base palette, it harmonizes well with bright accents that create a complete style. Textiles and decorative elements of rich colors can be used as such elements. Bright details of blue-green tones will give a feeling of coolness and freshness, while warm colors, such as bright peach or orange, will create an atmosphere of calm and comfort. There are many ideas for combining with a light base. It is important to maintain balance, since an oversaturation of white tones will negate all attempts to create a stylish composition.

Photo of a bathroom design in light colors with bright elements.

Details in shades of the main range.

Laconic finishing and discreet decorative elements.

Types of tiles and their features

  1. Tile (ceramic tiles).
    The advantages include strength, resistance to chemicals and high humidity. It cleans well and has high dielectric properties. The downside is its fragility to mechanical damage. Tile in the toilet design photos are presented below. Ceramic tiles are the most common option for finishing toilet walls and floors.
  2. Porcelain tiles. Strength and wear resistance are much higher than those of tiles. Chips and cracks are not a problem for such material. The load it can withstand is 500 kg per 1 sq. cm, and even higher. It is used for both wall and floor finishing. Disadvantages are heavy weight and slippery surface.
  3. Stone tiles. The material is eternal with high environmental qualities. It does not react to dampness and humidity. Mold and mildew are not scary for him. There is natural stone and artificial. The second is different in that it weighs less, is easier to install and is inexpensive.
  4. Glass tiles. Used as a decorative element when decorating the interior of a bathroom. Glass can be: – colored; – transparent; – translucent; – glossy; – matte; – textured; – smooth.

The effect of using glass tiles is impressive. Often a design is applied to it to create a unique style.

When decorating bathroom walls, glass mosaics are most often used, which allows you to create original interior compositions.

The service life of tiles is more than a dozen years. Thanks to this strength, you can safely install furniture and household appliances on it.

Bathroom lighting

An important detail of the interior are light sources. The bright bathroom is optimally illuminated by soft rays with a daylight effect. In addition, the lamps should be organically combined with the entire room. In small areas it is better to use discreet chandeliers and lighting. The selected lampshade should be in harmony with the main tone. To maintain the composition, inclusions of pattern details present in the decoration on lighting items will help.

Unusual lamps.

Using a light palette as a base for decorating a bathroom, it is quite easy to create an interior in a current modern style, or adhering to the principles of classic design. The created composition will retain its relevance and freshness for a long time.

Color and design solutions

The color of the tile plays an important role in creating a cozy interior in the toilet. The main rule is that the smaller the room, the colder the shades. Warm colors make the room visually smaller.

The interior of a small toilet room should be dominated by light shades

For small rooms, the ideal tile color can be: cream or white, soft blue or silver, light pink, lilac, emerald.

White tiles make a small bathroom lighter and more spacious, which is why they are most common

Dark shades work well for the floor, but they should not be too bright. The ideal option is brown or gray.

If you lay rectangular tiles along a short wall on the floor of a narrow toilet, you can achieve a visual expansion of the room

Tips for choosing the color of floor tiles:

  • Light floors have the ability to visually expand spaces. Used for tight spaces.
  • The main property of dark tiles is to warm. The disadvantage is that dust and dirt are very noticeable on it.
  • Rich and bright shades attract attention, but in low light they can be tiring.
  • For the classic version, natural ceramic colors are suitable, which always remain relevant.
  • An interesting option is one with a pronounced pattern (national motifs, wood, etc.).

To prevent the interior from being boring and monotonous, you can combine several colors

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