Bathroom in light colors - stylish and practical design

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  • Bathroom in warm colors

What do you think is the most popular bathroom tile color? Blue? White? No, beige and coffee! And it’s not just that more collections are produced in warm cream tones than in other colors. Coffee and sand tones of tiles are chosen for the bathroom because they induce relaxation and calm.

If you are looking for beige or brown tiles for your bathroom, take a look at the selection of the latest collections in these shades.

Advantages of a bathroom in light colors

Choosing a light palette of color combinations in the bathroom allows you to best achieve a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. In addition, this provides a number of advantages:

  • Possibility of expanding space due to the play of light.
  • The time required for cleaning is reduced, since soap stains and water marks are less noticeable against a light background.
  • Bright accents can easily be changed according to your mood or season, since the range of colors combined with a neutral base is very wide.

Stylistic attention to detail.

Decorating a bright bathroom: choosing colors, designer tips

When decorating a bathroom in light colors, a win-win option would be to concentrate on color combinations between shades of brown and beige, as well as red and pink. These colors should be chosen in pastel, discreet tones. Such basic combinations will allow you to organically add details of bright shades, both warm and cool undertones.

Nude palette.

Read also... Bathroom design in beige tones, as one of the possible shades for a light bathroom.

Muted brown, orange or pink will add a feeling of coziness, and a splash of bright color details will add dynamism to the interior of a bright bathroom.

Floral motifs in decor.

To create a stylish bathroom interior without sacrificing comfort, designers advise adhering to the following recommendations:

TIP 1. When choosing lighting, you should consider the ability of glossy surfaces to reflect light well. Therefore, to create soft light, additional spotlights should be installed. If reflective surfaces predominate, traditional light sources can be abandoned altogether. The placement of light sources must be clearly thought out.

Unusual sconce mount to create warm light.

TIP 2. The design of a light bathroom can sparkle stylistically if you add some deep black details to the finish. It can find expression in a drawing, mosaic or pattern.

Dark wood as a bright accent.

TIP 3. Dynamics can be achieved through the texture of the finishing materials used. This will add chic to the room. The most successful choice would be to finish the ceiling and floor with a matte surface.

A combination of tiles and plaster.

TIP 4. Mirrors and glass are constant attributes of a bathroom in light colors. The use of doors on furniture with glass elements, transparent walls for a shower stall, and glass shelves will make the interior feel airy and light.

Interesting mirror design.

As a rule, in a bright bathroom you can get by with a single mirror surface, since all finishing components help expand the space.

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Single mirror on the main wall.

Abundance of air due to glass surfaces.

How to decorate a small bathroom

In a bathroom with a small area, you especially want to design it in such a way as to at least visually add space. This is not easy to do, but it is quite possible. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to decorate a room in the styles described above, but there will always be interesting options.

You can play on the size and color of the tiles, which will seem to expand the room. Place a beautiful vertical ornament or design on one of the walls. Winning color solutions for a small bathroom are pastel shades. The ceiling should be finished in the lightest color, and the floor in the darkest color. Even if you decorate the entire room in delicate colors, this does not mean that it will look boring and faceless.

Beautiful accessories and properly selected lighting will add color to it. You can apply a slight contrast of colors when the base color is pastel, and add a lemon or olive tint for freshness. Mirror surfaces and glossy ceramic tiles are welcome, as they add volume and height to the room.

Modern style in a bright bathroom

This design contains some features of a minimalist and progressive style without being tied to clear rules. It can be identified by the following distinctive features:

⇒ Characteristic shades of cream and gray palette. The predominance of straight lines and laconic accessories stands out.

⇒ Interior items are selected for maximum convenience and practicality.

⇒ Decorative elements add vitality to the composition.

⇒ Natural materials are preferably used.

A modern solution in decor and layout.

Features of modern style in bathroom design:

  • Refusal of the classic implementation of the hygienic compartment. Its functionality is provided by a separate shower corner.

Stylish solution for placing a shower area.

  • The design of a washbasin often includes countertops and built-in faucets. The shape of the washbasin is strictly geometric.

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Laconic sink.

  • Use of suspended plumbing elements.

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Hanging structure and original shelf built into the wall.

  • The decoration uses varieties of tiles that differ slightly in texture. There are rectangular panels with mosaics, sometimes with hexagonal elements. If desired, patterned tiles can also be part of a modern interior, but preference should be given to ethnic motifs or geometric patterns.
  • Among the materials used to make furniture, wood predominates. A stone countertop is often found.

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Natural wood in design.

The undoubted advantage of modern design is its versatility for rooms of any size.

Expanding space through the use of straight lines.

Walls and floor

Pastel tiles are easy to find; most often they depict small flowers, twigs, and diamonds. If you want to make your bath appear larger, use small tiles or tiles with a small pattern. To extend a room vertically or horizontally, you need to lay rectangular tiles in the direction in which the room extends.

The floor can be laid with darker or neutral tiles. Cool brown and gray shades and stone textures go well with pastel colors.

Classic style in a bright bathroom

  • The concept of classic is quite broad, but this style has certain distinctive features:
  • The material of furniture and accessories is of natural origin.
  • The design lines are laconic and clear symmetry.
  • This design creates a luxurious interior.
  • A pastel color scheme with a predominance of beige and green shades is used.
  • Imitation of jewelry coatings is included, columns, stucco molding, and arched ceilings are used.

Luxury and grace.

You might be interested to learn about a turquoise bathroom - here.

Classic bathroom design in light colors follows the scheme:

⇒ The ceiling is finished with a predominance of white. In large rooms it is important to add stucco.

⇒ The floor is tiled, preferably of natural origin.

⇒ Decorative plaster or finishing with natural materials (marble, stone, tile) is chosen for the walls. For spacious rooms, it would be appropriate to decorate with wallpaper that is not afraid of moisture.

⇒ Cast iron bathtub of classic shape. For large rooms it is possible to add a podium.

Raising the floor level in the hygienic area.

⇒ Provided that the walls are completely transparent, a shower stall may be placed. It is also possible to install a shower corner.

⇒ The washbasin is built-in and has a round shape.

⇒ The design of the faucet reflects the general style - a retro finish.

Gold plating of plumbing fixtures.

The furniture may contain forged elements. The interior will also be complemented by a pouf or armchair, shelves and chests of drawers.

An original idea for storing bath accessories.

The accessories also have a touch of antiquity. An abundance of textiles is allowed. Panels, bas-reliefs and sculptures would also be appropriate. Functional accessories – hooks and soap dishes and the like – should be color coordinated with the plumbing elements.

Design of a small bathroom in light colors

In a small space you can create a feeling of freedom. A small bathroom in light colors is decorated without overloading with decorative details and large technical and furniture items. To visually expand the volume, you can use shelves mounted on the wall; you can also use non-traditional places to store things, for example, above a doorway. The composition should adhere to clear lines, concentrating on stylish details, which, at the same time as adding zest to the interior, will distract attention from the small area. When choosing accessories, preference is given to those that can perform an additional function.

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Photo of the design of a light, small bathroom.

Ergonomic storage option.

Using accessories in a room with light walls

Due to the neutrality of the base palette, it harmonizes well with bright accents that create a complete style. Textiles and decorative elements of rich colors can be used as such elements. Bright details of blue-green tones will give a feeling of coolness and freshness, while warm colors, such as bright peach or orange, will create an atmosphere of calm and comfort. There are many ideas for combining with a light base. It is important to maintain balance, since an oversaturation of white tones will negate all attempts to create a stylish composition.

Photo of a bathroom design in light colors with bright elements.

Details in shades of the main range.

Laconic finishing and discreet decorative elements.

Feng Shui

Recently, people are increasingly turning to ancient Chinese science in search of options on how to achieve success in business, attract prosperity into the home, and become successful. It has become fashionable to decorate and arrange premises according to the principles of Feng Shui. The bathroom in this sense was no exception.

It symbolizes cleansing from negativity, excess, unnecessary. The water in it is a symbol of prosperity and stability. And even if you have a small room, some of the ideas recommended by this science can definitely be brought to life. (See also: bathroom color according to Feng Shui)

According to Feng Shui, the bathroom is decorated in white tones, which can be combined with other gentle, unobtrusive shades, but white should be the dominant color.

It is very important that in a combined bathroom the toilet is somewhere on the sides of the front door, not opposite, and it is advisable to choose a rounded bathtub itself.

Bathroom lighting

An important detail of the interior are light sources. The bright bathroom is optimally illuminated by soft rays with a daylight effect. In addition, the lamps should be organically combined with the entire room. In small areas it is better to use discreet chandeliers and lighting. The selected lampshade should be in harmony with the main tone. To maintain the composition, inclusions of pattern details present in the decoration on lighting items will help.

Unusual lamps.

Using a light palette as a base for decorating a bathroom, it is quite easy to create an interior in a current modern style, or adhering to the principles of classic design. The created composition will retain its relevance and freshness for a long time.

What colors should you use to make your bathroom soft? Choose pink

A soft and pleasant pink color permeates the delicate bathroom. Designers love its sophisticated spirit in a room where every detail matters. It goes well with raw wood and modern style: bathtub and washbasin with minimalist lines, designer faucets and sophisticated decor. Pink paint is applied sparingly, on the wall or with a touch of color.

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