Wallpaper for painting: characteristics, description of types and recommendations for selection

Surely each of us at least once wanted to radically change something in our apartment. When you don’t have the energy and time to think about rearrangements in the apartment, strip off old material on the walls and glue new ones, paintable wallpaper becomes the ideal salvation. Their colors can be changed up to 7 times, so they are especially suitable for changeable people.

In addition, there are cases when the wallpaper material is liked for its structure and cost, but the color does not suit the interior of the apartment. Here, too, the mentioned material will be a salvation.

Painting walls has become quite popular in the last decade. Not every material for wall covering can be simply taken and painted. If you paint ordinary paper wallpaper, it will swell, flake, and in general, nothing good will come of it. Therefore, you need to use special wallpaper . They come in several types:

  • Glass wallpaper;
  • Paper;
  • Non-woven.

In addition to the material, they
can differ in density, patterns, manufacturer, and, of course, their cost. Thus, non-woven ones, the weight of which ranges from 100 to 150 grams per square meter, cost from 700 to 1200 rubles per roll. The lightest paper wallpaper, weighing 95-135 grams, costs from 500 to 900 rubles per roll. Glass wallpaper is considered the densest and most expensive, with an average weight of 200 grams and a price of 900-1800 rubles.

Gallery: wallpaper for painting (25 photos)

Wallpaper color for the bedroom

Colors have different effects on the human psyche. When decorating a bedroom, it is better to avoid aggressive and overly dynamic tones, such as scarlet and orange, which can cause irritation instead of a feeling of relaxation. Pay attention to the location of the room’s windows - if they face south, the interior can be “cooled” a little, for example, with blue-green colors. For the north side, choose warmer colors - peach, green, yellow, which will “warm up” the dimly lit environment.

White wallpaper

Using white wallpaper, you can significantly increase the spatial volume of the bedroom. Feel free to combine a variety of wallpaper textures and shades of white, the most popular of which are pearl, milky and mother-of-pearl.

Gray wallpaper

The palette of ash tones is now at the peak of popularity. Its merits are highly appreciated by designers for its ability to create a wonderful, elegant background and perfectly coexist with any rainbow tones. Gray wallpaper with a relief coating or silk-screen printing looks especially elegant in the bedroom. And if you lack variety, you can choose light gray wallpaper with large patterns for one of the walls.

Beige wallpaper

Beige tones appear in color palettes of almost all style trends. In addition, they have the most positive effect on a person’s mental state, provoking proper rest. With beige wallpaper, the bedroom will be filled with extraordinary coziness and you probably won’t want to leave this comfortable, warm “nest” early in the morning.

Green wallpaper

The palette of green tones evokes associations in a person with Mother Nature, her endless grassy meadows and the freshness of newly blossoming greenery. In such an environment, anyone can easily immerse themselves in a feeling of serenity and tranquility, getting rid of disturbing, negative thoughts. When choosing green wallpaper for the bedroom, you can consider a plain version or canvases with a pattern - it all depends on the style of your room.

Blue wallpaper

Wallpaper in blue is a great option for the bedroom. Blue subconsciously recalls the elements of the sea and the infinity of the sky, which has a calming effect on the inhabitants of the room. Blue wallpaper with patterns will help make the interior more luxurious, especially if they are made in a white or black palette.

Bedroom interior in Scandinavian style (80 photos)

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is distinguished by its dense structure and practicality. In this regard, they are often chosen not only for the home, but also for offices and the walls of public spaces. They consist of hygroscopic non-woven fabric and polyvinyl foam.

Most often, non-woven fabric has a beautiful, voluminous texture. In addition, they are considered fireproof and environmentally friendly.

Unlike paper wallpaper, when gluing this type, the roll must remain dry; you only need to apply glue to the wall . The glue on the non-woven fabric dries instantly, so you should not allow it to get on the front side. You can paint them immediately after they dry and the glue is absorbed.

In addition to the usual method of painting, non-woven fabric is sometimes painted on the reverse side. This is done in order to give the non-woven wallpaper additional volume. Therefore, if you decide to paint them this way, you need to apply the paint before sticking them on the walls and wait for it to dry.

Material selection

Wallpaper for painting in the interior can be paper, non-woven or fiberglass. It is clear that each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most short-lived will be the paper-based coating, the other two have a decent service life and require better finishing results.

  • Regardless of the base, all material intended for painting must be white, without any shades, and can be textured or smooth.
  • It is worth purchasing smooth wallpaper for painting if the idea involves some kind of original work - say, creating a painting or pasting a ceiling - and textured surfaces are in no way suitable. In addition to their decorative function, smooth coatings cope well with minor mechanical damage.
  • True, if necessary, you will have to purchase additional tools: textured rollers, stencils for printing ornaments, in general, some small things.
  • Textured wallpaper also has its positive sides. Their biggest advantage over smooth coatings is that they imitate almost all existing finishing materials.
  • There are also textured finishing materials on sale with various original, and therefore unusual, ornaments and patterns that are ideal for adherents of abstract art.

Most often, textured wallpaper is painted in a single color, and for placing any accents, combinations with smooth wallpaper or various color combinations are quite suitable.

There are plenty of examples in photos of wallpaper for painting on the Internet.

Wallpaper that can be painted in the interior

They will help you create a unique interior design that you will not find in any other apartment. With your own hands you can bring all your interesting ideas to life. At the same time, you will save a lot of money - after all, a team of workers charges double the price for such an interior design - first for gluing the wallpaper, and then for painting it.

In addition, gluing and painting such materials is practically no different from the same procedures with conventional wallpaper. You will need a roller, a container for thinning paint, masking tape and something suitable to cover the furniture.

Depending on the type of wallpaper in question, you need to use different paint . So, for non-woven and paper wallpaper you should choose water-based paint, and for glass wallpaper - acrylic or latex. When painting for the first time, apply two coats of paint to the wall, approximately one hour apart. It is advisable to keep the temperature when painting no lower than 17 and no higher than 22 degrees Celsius.

Not only can you paint your walls the color you want, but you can also combine colors in a variety of ways. If you have a studio apartment or simply have a multifunctional, large room, you can use the color of the walls to divide it into several zones. It is customary to paint the kitchen in cool colors, and the recreation area or children's room in warm colors.

Paint selection

To ensure that the environmental component of the house is not compromised after renovation, it is worth purchasing adhesives and paints and varnishes that do not contain toxic chemical components.

Purchasing paint for wallpaper, like purchasing any things, is a responsible process, since the final result directly depends on the quality of the paint and varnish material. Acrylic, water-based or latex paints are considered the most suitable.

You can choose the desired shade or do the tinting yourself. By the way, now many building materials stores have equipment that allows you to mix colors without effort.

Wallpaper for painting in a children's room

The children's room, on the contrary, is not afraid of catchy colors and flights of fancy. Any bright design is acceptable here , which is not advisable to reproduce in the bedroom or living room. Children can also participate in decorating their room. An ideal option here would also be glass wallpaper or water-repellent paper wallpaper, which can be easily washed if stains from paint, felt-tip pens, etc. appear on them.


Paintable wallpaper differs from ordinary wallpaper in the following characteristics:

  • moisture-resistant, which makes it possible to process them with the necessary means;
  • thickened and have increased density, which gives sound and thermal insulation to the room;
  • do not require special choice of color;
  • can have a very interesting texture;
  • environmentally friendly.

Glass wallpaper

Durable and wear-resistant. They are made from fiber using fabric or paper with an outer layer of fiberglass applied. The possibility of repainting them reaches thirty times or more! They can be cleaned without stripping the fiber.

Their main advantage is safety: glass wallpaper does not burn. Suitable for public spaces, offices, waiting rooms. When gluing, be careful and careful!

Vertical combination

You will need to buy canvases with the same texture and width, the color should be different. You can choose shades that are close or contrasting in color scheme.

Options for gluing canvases:

  1. In the center of the walls. To narrow the space, bright wide stripes are glued in the central part of the wall. Look at the photo.

  2. The principle of “asymmetry”. It is used to narrow and simultaneously expand space: several narrow strips are glued to one of the long walls in the corner of the room.

  3. Alternating stripes of two types. This method allows you to blur the outlines of the room. Most often, wallpaper is glued with 1-2 stripes along the entire perimeter. See how it looks in the photo.

Vertical combination of coverings will create an interesting play of light and shadow on the walls. In this way, you can glue canvases with different patterns. In modern interiors, paintable coatings are often used.

Color combinations

How to correctly combine the colors of different types of wallpaper:

  • red looks good with green, blue, golden yellow, gray;
  • pink goes with brown, gray, burgundy;
  • orange looks good with sky blue, green, purple, lilac, white;
  • brown is most often used with beige, blue-green, gray, and golden colors;
  • yellow goes with brown, golden, green;
  • blue is combined with red, brown, blue, orange, light purple;
  • blue harmonizes with red, gray, golden colors;
  • purple looks beautiful with golden, yellow, orange, light green, grass-green tones, sea green;
  • gray goes well with black, green, red, pink, yellow, blue.

It is important to remember the differences in shades in order to create smooth transitions in the interior. Consider the style and functionality of the room. Look at the photo to see how the decoration of a room with two types of wallpaper in a modern style looks like.

Brightness and dynamism can be added to the design using a combination of delicate and bright colors. In the bedroom, combinations of two types of contrasting fabrics will look good: brown and blue, in the living room - red and white. Look at the photo to see what the combination of wallpaper for walls looks like.

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