Modular living rooms - 90 photos of modern decor options and universal furniture systems

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A tastefully furnished living room will highlight the space of the room, create a stylish atmosphere, set the mood and create coziness.

Modular walls are functional and ergonomic furniture that will fit into the interior of any living space.

Modern production has gone far ahead, leaving behind monotonous headsets that were bulky and often located along the longest wall.

Today, thanks to the variety of modules, the ability to arrange and rearrange them, you can create unique combinations for a wide variety of living room styles.

What distinguishes modern furniture from the usual Soviet walls is the following:

  • capacity
  • functionality
  • attractiveness

You can “refresh” the interior by adding some modules or removing them; at the same time, they look impressive even separately; a corner cabinet or shelves do not have to be located together.

It is the variety of elements and the ability to combine parts to your liking that makes modern modular living room furniture the most successful solution when it comes to decorating an apartment.

Briefly about modules

Set elements were created so that every person has the opportunity to properly and effectively organize their living space.

And if at the beginning of the introduction of this idea into mass production there were only individual boxes or shelves, now furniture factories offer integral compositions consisting of several components, which can be combined and combined in any order to obtain a unique design of the so-called modular living room.

Composition of the headset

A modular living room can include one and a half dozen various components - a chest of drawers, shelving, tables of different sizes, shelves, narrow cabinets of different heights, cabinets, corner elements. These items can fill a space of any size.

Of course, this does not imply chaos. Before buying a set, you need to sketch out at least a sketch, think about where and what will stand so that it looks beautiful. But you can do without a preliminary design by arranging the already delivered blocks in the most appropriate way.

Strengths of modular furniture

In the photographs, the modular living room does not differ from the usual solid one, but in everyday life their undeniable advantages are clearly manifested:

  • Multifunctionality allows you to use a separate segment as a table, cabinet, stool, footrest or base for a shelving unit;
  • Mobility gives you a chance to easily and quickly change the layout of the room and rearrange the furniture;
  • Space saving dominates, because the modules are compact in shape and have the ability to transform into the necessary interior elements;
  • A bright palette is relevant, because manufacturers are deliberately moving away from standard beige or brown, replacing them with bright colors and prints;
  • The individuality of the future design depends only on the buyer’s imagination;
  • Cost-effective, because you can choose the volumes and equipment yourself without overpaying for what you don’t need.


In most variations, MDF, chipboard or natural wood are used to make the frame of modular furniture, which subsequently affects the cost of the finished products. And in this case, the choice of furniture depends only on your preferences and financial capabilities. The upper part of the sections is lined with veneer or decorative film and covered with a layer of varnish or acrylic, which protects the surface of objects from minor external damage, humidity and temperature changes.

Glass is used for making facades or as decorative inserts.

In designer products you can find types of finishing made of genuine leather or textiles. All fittings and other decor are usually made of metal. However, this fact does not completely exclude the presence of plastic.

Variations of modular furniture

Nowadays, almost every piece of furniture can be found in a modular version, but most often you have to choose from the following list.

The first are modular walls in the living room, the designs of which are striking in their diversity. Available segments include open shelves, closed drawers, cabinets and bedside tables. The basic layout of the parts is the "TV surround", where all objects are placed below, above and on either side of the plasma screen.

Shelves were the first to be broken down into component boxes, from which the entire structure was formed. Modern technology offers only improved palettes, textures and layout options, and the elements have changed only in shape, for example, elongated models or finishing elements in the form of triangles or pentagons predominate.

The modularity of such a system allows it to be actively used in the interior and not only for storing books, but also for dividing the room into functional zones.

An intermediate link is considered to be modular corner cabinets in the form of a shelving unit, a high chest of drawers or a one-level wall, which are sometimes indispensable in compact living rooms or studio apartments.

Often in adjacent rooms they use a modular design of a bar counter, combined into a single unit with a rack, cabinet or kitchen unit. It is these arrangements that fully demonstrate the functionality of sectional furniture.

Modular sofas for the living room most often represent separate soft sectors in the form of mini-chairs, which, when arranged in a row or in a certain shape, can create an interesting place to sit and relax.

Current sizes

Just like other types of furniture, modular structures are made to specific sizes, and in this case the mobility of objects should not be combined with dimensions. The ability to rearrange sections if necessary has nothing to do with the height and width of objects. These parameters, as you understand, remain unchanged, especially when it comes to ordering custom-made furniture.

Thus, the typical width of a vertical cabinet, for example, varies from 40 to 60 or 80 cm. You can find the dimensions of horizontal or corner structures in any of the manufacturer’s catalogs offered.

How to choose?

Abundant supply always makes choice difficult, but this is more of a plus than a minus. However, in order to choose the right headset, it is better to pay attention to some recommendations.

Pay attention to the layout features, take into account the need for zoning or connecting several functional sections in one room.

  • Consider options for arranging several elements into a single whole, for example, a bar counter with shelving or a sofa with shelves and a cabinet.
  • Decide on the design and color scheme of the future living room.
  • Measure the available space and draw up a furniture layout.

Calculate the possibility of using modules of standard sizes. If there is some discrepancy in dimensions, you can always order additional sections made in a certain style, according to individual parameters.

Don’t forget about decorative elements: glass inserts, mirrors, spraying, painting, gloss - everything that will make the furniture as exclusive as possible.

Modular living rooms in a modern style amaze with the abundance of ideas, styles, colors and layout options.

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Sectional furniture allows you to harmoniously place everything you need for a convenient and comfortable life even in the most limited spaces.

The main thing is to competently approach the planning of the future design, think through the desired result, and, if necessary, additionally order the missing element.

Corner walls

For small living rooms that cannot accommodate a wide system, corner modular living room furniture is ideal.

It is distinguished by its compactness, and the distinctive feature of the modules is the ability to arrange them, which will allow you to very easily circumvent the problem of cramped space.

Corner furniture looks modern and stylish, the right color and fittings will successfully fit it into a wide variety of living rooms, and the use of mirror and reflective surfaces will visually increase the space.

Manufacturing corner furniture to order also eliminates the problem of dimensions; in this case, the modular system will also be the most ergonomic.

Tips for choosing

Modular furniture sets differ from each other in terms of capabilities.

You need to think about what functions the furniture will perform in the future and choose a set that can provide the majority of functions.

When choosing furniture, you need to take into account the raw materials from which it is made.

When making a choice, you need to compare the color, appearance and style with the decor of the living room.

If you don't trust your taste, use the knowledge of a professional.

To avoid making a mistake in your choice, look through the maximum number of modular sets.

Important! Don't buy the first set you like.

What should be the composition of the kit?

Traditionally, the center of attention in any living room is the TV. Obviously, to install a TV or plasma, you will need either a special cabinet or a special module, inside of which all the elements of a home theater will fit. Hanging shelves will be conveniently located around the TV, where books, souvenirs from trips, objects of decorative and applied art, etc. will find a place.

To sit comfortably in front of the TV, you can think about buying a comfortable sofa and a couple of armchairs.

If you often have guests in your house, it’s a good idea to have a bar and a bar counter. The creators of modular living rooms even took care of collectors, offering many models of illuminated display cabinets, inside of which collections of cans, packs, figurines, vintage glasses, etc. can be displayed.

You are not limited in any way in your choice of items:

  • Wall and base cabinets;
  • Dressers;
  • Cabinets;
  • Shelves;
  • Corner cabinets;
  • Pencil cases;
  • Showcases;
  • Coffee tables;
  • Bars and bar counters;
  • Add-on elements.

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