What wallpaper should not be used in a sunny room?

Color selection

How it will interact with the natural light in the room.

This is the main criterion when choosing the color of wallpaper for the south side. After all, when bathed in bright light, different colors are perceived differently. Suitable for a sunny room:

Dark wallpaper in rich, deep tones is well suited for brightly lit rooms.

In the photo: Vine Tree wallpaper 81/7027 from Cole & Son.

  • Rich deep shades.
    You shouldn’t be afraid that a dark wall will “eat up” the space, because it will always be well lit.
  • Muted shades.
    They are preferable to pure colors, which can hurt the eye in direct sunlight.
  • Cool shades.
    They will give you a feeling of coolness. For example, green-blue wallpaper in a room with windows facing south will remind you of a fresh sea breeze. Yellow-orange wallpaper, on the contrary, can enhance the feeling of heat and stuffiness.
  • The colors of the natural palette
    - sand, earthy, ocher - will give a rest to the eye even in the brightest sunlight.
  • Gray colors
    will add elegance to the interior.

Gray wallpaper will appear silver in sunlight. In any case, the room will not look dull.

How to choose curtains for the bedroom

Before you start looking for the perfect curtains, you need to know what exactly they will be used for. Since curtains are intended not only to serve as interior decoration. Not only will they be pleasing to the eye, but they also have a practical function. Curtains can protect the room from the penetration of light rays and hide street noise so that you can relax in comfort.

Related links: What carpets are trending in 2022

In the bedroom, the issue of protection from the views of random or special passers-by through the windows is especially acute. Curtains are selected at the very end of the design process. Such options will look good in the bedroom, thanks to which you can quickly tune into a calm mood in the evening and a cheerful mood in the morning.


Restraint and moderation.

Wallpaper for a room on the south side should have a sparse, discreet pattern - if you really can’t resist it and wallpaper for your room is, first of all, wallpaper with a pattern and decor. Neglecting these two principles can lead to the fact that in bright light, wallpaper with too variegated patterns will begin to “ripple” and will be uncomfortable to look at.

One wall with a pattern

— it is best to place the pattern on the wall opposite the window, so it will be most illuminated and will attract attention. This can be ready-made wallpaper with an ornament, photo wallpaper or painting on wallpaper for painting - one decorated wall will be quite enough to ensure that the room does not look monotonous, and at the same time it does not dazzle the eyes of guests and residents. The remaining walls can be left plain.

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On the picture:

Place colorful photo wallpapers on the wall opposite the window - this way they will literally appear in the best light. Just don’t cover all the walls in a brightly lit room with wallpaper with bright prints—one will be enough.

Variety of textures

When buying wallpaper for the bedroom, keep in mind that each of the above types also has a variety of textures: designs, patterns, imitation materials. Most often, wallpaper creates an imitation of fabric, leather, marble surfaces, brick, stone, plaster and other things.

If you decide to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose several types of textured surfaces with different patterns. There is no need to be attached to the color - you can always get the desired shade.

The advantage of textured wallpaper for painting is that it is very easy to care for - you just need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth from time to time.



In the photo: symbols on wallpaper: 1. medium light fastness; 2. satisfactory light fastness; 3. good light fastness; 4. very good light fastness; 5. Excellent light fastness.

Blackout curtains

will also help reduce the rate of wallpaper fading, but care should be taken to ensure that they do not fade in one season. But keep in mind that in this case the fabric from which the curtains are made will fade.

Correct choice of wallpaper material.

If replacing double-glazed windows is not part of your plans for decorating a room on the sunny side, and you also don’t want to constantly shield yourself from the sun with curtains, you need to focus on the materials from which the wallpaper is made. Wallpaper made from different materials reacts differently to sunlight.

Most susceptible to burnout:

  • single-layer paper wallpaper (simplex),
  • coverings made of natural fibers (jute, sisal, bamboo, reed),
  • oil paints, which are often used to cover linkrusta,
  • posters and photo wallpapers made using inkjet printing.

Do not fade for a long time:

  • duplex paper wallpaper,
  • fabric wallpaper - a fabric base (silk, linen, jute, viscose), duplicated from the inside out with paper,
  • fiberglass wallpaper,
  • vinyl wallpapers,
  • water-dispersion paints and alkyd enamels on any wallpaper for painting,
  • photo wallpapers and posters made by offset printing.
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On the picture:

Traces of fading are less noticeable on light-colored wallpaper with a small pattern than on wallpaper with rich colors and large patterns.

Fashionable colors in 2022

Capricious fashion makes demands on its own standards. Color range for 2022:

  1. In first place is the purple color. Experts have found that such colors reflect the creative thinking of a modern person. It is not neutral and when using it with other highlights it is advisable to adhere to certain knowledge.

Purple color is a dominant color, and does not look harmonious with every shade, so when using it, you should show a competent combination in interior design. For lovers of calm compositions, violet can be compared with notes of white and beige. For eccentric people, a combination with raspberry and brown is suitable. But this tandem is designed for large spaces.

But not every person likes the proposed tonality; some people want to adhere to the laws of fashion as little as possible. The designers presented a way out of this situation: make one wall the accent of the room.

  1. The consultants suggest green as the second leader. His collection includes more than a hundred colors with olive and marble shades. With a creative approach, you can create a unique masterpiece from the main room of the apartment.

According to the recommendations of fashion experts, when choosing the color of nature, you should give preference to muted shades; they soften the interior and make it comfortable. Greenery easily combines with beige and light tones.

  1. Third place was won by several colors at once. Fans of bed shades will be pleased with the design option in white and pink tones. For adherents of the classics - dark blue pigment. People with an extravagant mindset will love trendy earth colors, from chocolate to sand. Traditionalists should consider the highlights of gray.

Color palette

What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom, taking into account the color scheme? Light colors are a classic option:

Green color of any intensity calms and helps to relax after strong mental stress.

A gentle blue tint extinguishes aggression and visually makes the room more spacious.

Pearl shades look luxurious. But keep in mind that the temperature in such a room feels 1-2 degrees colder (psychosomatics).

Don't be afraid of white wallpaper. Gone are the days when it looked like a hospital. To prevent the design from being boring, use the rule: 65% white, 25% additional color (any contrast), 5% bright decor.

Dark, but not bright colors are suitable for people who especially value comfort - chocolate, dark blue, wallpaper the color of wet asphalt set the mood for relaxation and a restful sleep.

Is a bright bedroom taboo? Yellow color is very sunny and does not strain your eyesight. In such a room, your mood involuntarily improves. The most effective solution is a combination with dark deep tones (purple, burgundy, blue).

Orange seems inappropriate for the bedroom. But it’s worth paying attention to its muted shades: peach, mango.

Red bedroom decoration is suitable for passionate people. To avoid eye fatigue, give preference to neutral details. Steel or chrome elements look luxurious against a red background.

How to choose wallpaper for the living room: basic color patterns and patterns

As noted above, wallpaper is part of the interior color scheme of the room. It is the color scheme that influences our mood, creating a certain atmosphere - calming, dynamic or, conversely, depressing. In addition to the emotional component, which directly affects mental processes, color also allows you to change the visual perception of the room - to make a small room visually larger, or, conversely, to visually reduce an overly spacious room.

The color scheme of the room should include no more than 2-3 colors, since a rich color variety tires the psyche.

The color scheme of the hall, as a rule, includes the following main color components:

  • Ceiling color;
  • Wall color;
  • Furniture color;
  • Textile color;
  • Floor color.

Pay attention to modern solutions for decorating the ceiling in black. Details in our article: https://homeli.ru/remont-i-otdelka/potolok/chernyj-potolok

The color scheme of the hall can be nuanced and contrasting. A nuanced solution involves using soft, similar colors in the color scheme. But a contrast solution means a comparison of two main contrasting colors: turquoise and brown, orange and blue, etc.

The strongest contrast combination is created by yellow, red and blue colors. And the most intense contrast of light and dark is black and white.

The selection of wallpaper should, in addition to color, take into account one more nuance - the wallpaper pattern. Wallpaper patterns come in large, medium and small scale.

Selection criteria

Often, the hall is one of the largest rooms in a house or apartment, so the following wallpaper is suitable for this room:

  1. If the living room is very large, spacious, high and contains little furniture, then in this case it is better to use wallpaper with a large-scale pattern for the walls.
  2. If you need to paste wallpaper in a standard apartment of a multi-story building, then in this case, you can paste wallpaper for walls with a medium-scale pattern. But at the same time, you should not place small paintings and photographs on the walls, so that the wallpaper design does not “argue” with such decor.
  3. The most common type of wallpaper for the living room is wallpaper with small-scale patterns, which are perceived as a neutral element of the interior. In this case, paintings, photos, collages, etc. can be placed on the walls.

The choice of wallpaper for the hall is carried out taking into account the chosen color scheme and the richness of the room’s interior (paintings, furniture, etc.).

Living room interior where there is little sunlight: where to start?

A bright and spacious room is definitely great. But what to do if you don’t have much fun in the room? Moreover, if there is only one window, it also faces the north side (or there is none at all).

Well, first of all, there is no need to be upset. In any case, the existing situation can be used to the maximum advantage.

It is advisable to decorate the interior of a living room, where there is little sunlight, in light colors. This technique will visually expand the space, making it lighter and airier. However, do not overdo it: the abundance of white makes the interior look frozen and faceless.

Don't forget about bright spots in the form of sofa cushions, contrasting curtains or an original coffee table. You can dilute the dull white color with splashes of blue, rich yellow, and turquoise. These can be framed photos, paintings, floor vases or original figurines.

The optimal range for decor is the following shades:

The main thing is that with a lack of light, the colors do not look dull and grayish.

But not everyone likes pastel colors. What to do, you ask? Listen to yourself, first of all. After all, you live in an apartment, so you decide what “comfort”, “coziness” means to you, and what causes despondency and boredom.

Here in these photographs are living rooms that are made in dark colors. Agree, this design looks no worse.

The interior looks original with elements in the loft style. Here, for example, exposed brickwork only adds warmth to the design. Natural light in the living room, complemented by artificial light, did the trick. The room turned out to be bright and cozy.

What kind of wallpaper should I put on the ceiling in the living room?

The ceiling of the hall, just like the walls and floor, affects the perception of the room as a whole.

There are many ideas and tips for decorating the ceiling with the most modern types of wallpaper in our next material: https://homeli.ru/remont-i-otdelka/potolok/zhidkie-oboi-na-potolok-foto-i-otzyvy

As a rule, wallpaper should be glued to the ceiling taking into account the following principles:

  1. Traditionally, ceiling wallpaper is chosen in light colors.
  2. Dark wallpaper is only acceptable if the room is very narrow and high. In addition, if there is not enough light in the room, then help brighten it - use light wallpaper materials for the ceiling that reflect the sun's rays well.
  3. For a sunny room in the southern regions, wallpaper with dark colors - blue, terracotta, light blue - is suitable for the ceiling - they absorb excess light.

Wallpaper for the ceiling in the hall should create comfortable lighting and complement the overall color scheme of the room.

What wallpaper is suitable for the hall: basic materials

Any wallpaper should look beautiful when finished, and wallpaper materials for the living room are no exception. However, the wallpaper in the living room should not only be beautiful, but also practical to care for. Of course, the living room is not a kitchen, so you can choose materials for it that are not subject to wet cleaning. However, the wallpaper in the hall must withstand cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, i.e. be mechanically strong, in addition, they must have a lasting color, especially if the room is sunny.

In addition to the above properties, the wallpaper material should:

  • Hide the imperfections of the walls;
  • Be safe;
  • Easy to replace.

At the moment, the finishing materials market offers the following types of wallpaper: paper, vinyl, non-woven based, as well as wallpaper using textiles, silk, foil, velvet, bamboo, wood fibers, glass, etc. The range of wallpaper materials is constantly changing and expanding.

The recommendations in the following article will help you choose the right wallpaper for the ceiling of the hall: https://homeli.ru/remont-i-otdelka/potolok/oboi-dlya-potolka

Naturalness and natural materials have always been and will be in trend, so one of the most suitable wallpaper options for a living room is textile wallpaper or wallpaper made using materials such as bamboo, palm fibers, etc.

Wallpaper options for the hall

Before choosing one or another wallpaper option for the hall, you need to take into account the orientation of the room, i.e. degree of illumination of the room.


  1. If the room faces the sunny side, then green or blue-gray wallpaper is suitable for the walls.
  2. If the sun rarely comes into the room, then wallpaper in warm yellow-green, yellow or orange colors with mother-of-pearl, gilding, mirrored, etc. is preferable, i.e. The darker the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. In addition, in the southern regions the overall color tone should be colder, and in the north it should be warmer.

As for the size of the room, a bright but small room will seem larger if you put greenish or blue wallpaper on the walls, since cool tones seem to push the walls apart. But warm shades have the opposite effect.

The size of the room also affects the selection of wallpaper according to the pattern - large and bright patterns make the room smaller, but small patterns in soothing colors make the room larger.

Wallpaper with longitudinal stripes visually raises the ceiling, and wallpaper with transverse stripes visually pushes the walls apart.

Furnishings also have an important influence on the choice of wallpaper for the room. So, if the hall is a room with a fireplace, where there is little furniture, then we choose marbled wallpaper for it, and 1-2 color paintings will perfectly complement the interior.

In general, neutral light colors and small-scale drawings are good for the hall - this allows you to focus attention on other interior details - paintings, photos, children's drawings, etc.

Photo wallpaper

The most effective and beautiful way to make a small room visually larger is to use photo wallpaper for decoration. True, not all drawings can give the desired result, so it is worth taking into account the characteristics of each canvas.

To increase the space, you should choose wallpaper on which the images will tend to go deeper into the picture. This could be a photo of a street in a big city, a forest path or an underwater world.

A panorama of the city of different sizes or an image of nature will help create a special atmosphere in the room. Volumetric landscapes or individual elements of trees, bushes, bamboo or reeds create the effect of presence. Psychological immersion in the visual effects of photo wallpaper is an excellent antidepressant.

Advice! If the hall also plays the role of a dining room, then zoning with photo wallpaper will help avoid clutter.

If you choose photo wallpaper correctly, you can visually expand a small room or make it more square if the room has the shape of an elongated rectangle.

For many, gluing photo wallpaper is a difficult process, but there are secrets that will allow you to quickly stick a panel in a small room:

You can add space and dimension to the room using built-in lighting to the wallpaper. To realize this effect, the backlight colors must be matched to the tones present on the wallpaper. Using just white light is ineffective; it can give the opposite effect, illuminating the boundaries of wallpaper, walls and other objects, thereby eliminating the effect of volume.

Mistakes when choosing wallpaper for a sunny room

There is enough light in such a room, so there is no need to use light wallpaper. It is better to use cool colors, for example, blue or green. Monochromatic options don’t look very good, but excessive variegation won’t work either. When choosing a pattern, it is better to focus on large prints rather than discreet small patterns that will be colorful and may become boring over time.

A large ornament is very suitable for a well-lit room, as it will make it appear larger and even brighter. It is unacceptable to use a large number of bright colors, as the room will seem too blurry and saturated. This, of course, will enliven and give the room brightness, but the eyes will be very tired, so it will be uncomfortable to be in it.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you glue wallpaper with a glossy surface in a room located on the south side. It is also not recommended to use those with glitter on them. This is due to the fact that the sun hitting the surface will produce glare, which will be unpleasant for the eyes.

Healthy Balance

Bright colors are best left for the living room, office or library. As already mentioned, rich red or blue excites the nervous system, makes you be collected and energetic. And soft and relaxing shades - for example, cream - are recommended for the bedroom or nursery. However, any choice is determined solely by the taste of the owner of the room.


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