How to choose wallpaper for rooms with insufficient lighting

Modern wallpapers are so diverse that anyone can choose a worthy option for their home. There are a huge number of different colors, including the majority of available colors, many beautiful drawings and photographs. A well-chosen color and pattern on the wallpaper can help eliminate the shortcomings of the room and highlight the advantages.

Today we want to talk about what wallpaper options you can choose for a small, dark room to make it comfortable and cozy, and not lifelessly gloomy.

Floral theme in the interior of a tiny room

Color aspect of finishing

Nothing will fill a room with light more than using shades close to the white spectrum to create the main background in the interior. Everything here is directly proportional: the lighter the global surfaces in the decor, the more light will appear in the room.

yellow walls make the room brighter

For the ceiling surface, you need to take perfectly white finishing materials, but on the walls, white can be replaced with light beige. You should not leave white walls in rooms whose windows “look” towards the north: their whiteness will give off a gray coating, which is guaranteed to make the room uncomfortably cold. When decorating such rooms, you need to use the cream spectrum. In rectangular spaces, you can try making a short wall yellow. The atmosphere in the room will immediately become warm and filled with optimistic notes.

How else can you quickly make a room brighter? Remove dark floor coverings. Cover the surface with parquet, light linoleum or carpet.

windows without curtains - maximum daylight in the room

Safety precautions

To ensure that all the changes make you happy, it is important to know the following points:

  • When using candles, do not leave the fire unattended;
  • Fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, stores often take them back, and cleaning up mercury requires care;
  • To install the lamps, it is better to invite a specialist, or to insulate the wiring as carefully as possible.

Living in a dark hole is uncomfortable not only practically, but also psychologically. By following the suggested recommendations, you can turn even the most drab mink into a beautiful room where the whole family will enjoy spending time.

Specifics of wallpaper finishing

Pretentious colorful wallpaper is not an option for a dark room.
Here you need to purchase plain, light pastel materials. There may be a simple pattern on the surface of such wallpaper. If you cannot do without using wallpaper with a motley pattern, then, again, resort to an effective design move to decorate only one of the walls with it. In this case, their texture will not affect the illumination of the room, but its volume will seem somewhat larger. And from an aesthetic point of view, the room will look fresher, especially if the patterned surface is decorated with rhinestones or mirror stones. Alternatively, you can decorate not the entire wall with colorful wallpaper, but only part of it, or limit yourself to just one painted strip. maximum use of white color in the interior

Ways to solve the problem

Of course, the problem can be solved with lighting, but you won’t keep the lights on all day and night, it’s expensive and unnecessary. You can choose a color palette of wallpaper for the walls of a small dark room. First of all, the wallpaper should be light in color: peach or gold. It is not necessary that they dominate the wallpaper colors; inclusions of these colors are enough. When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account that by mixing different shades and colors, you can achieve the feeling of a bright room, but in everything you need moderation: if you overdo it, it will turn out colorful, the room will become even darker, thus you will achieve the opposite effect. We don't need strong contrast.

To achieve the desired effect, you cannot use wallpaper with large patterns, this will worsen the visual image of the room, it will appear smaller and darker. A small pattern, small relief and discreet color are the most suitable. If you decide to use wallpaper without a pattern, then purchase plain wallpaper in pastel colors.

To increase the illumination of the room, use this method: cover the wall located opposite the window with wallpaper with a small pattern and a light tone. And cover the remaining three walls with wallpaper that has a darker tone that matches the color of the light wall. You will get the visual effect of increasing light. The thing is that weak light from the street, reflected on a light wall, creates the feeling of two light walls.

Photo: the problem can be solved thanks to a successful selection of shades

Window space decor

“In addition to making the room a little brighter, curtains should also perform a decorative function, so if you need to expand the window area, use long curtain rods that extend far beyond the window space, on which hang wide curtains that will hide the partitions.”

In the specific interior of a dark room, it is important not only to choose the right background, but also to correctly design the window area. To do this, you will have to find light, preferably transparent and, of course, plain curtains. In cases where the decor requires the presence of brighter textiles, choose curtain models that will not completely cover the window surface. But how to hide from the curiosity of your neighbors and make the room brighter with such curtains? Yes, it’s very simple - by covering the glass with foil film, which does not interfere with the penetration of light .

a mirror located opposite the chandelier makes the room brighter

Organza and tulle are perfect for daytime curtains. They are beautiful and do not block the light. The second curtains (the so-called night option) can be much thicker, but also not dark - then they will protect the house from irritating street lamp light and will not absorb interior lighting, which is the problem with dark, heavy draperies.

A cold and gloomy room will become much lighter if you hang yellow curtains on the window. Light flowing fabric will be associated with the sun's rays illuminating the room.

thanks to the use of light shades for finishing the walls and ceiling, the room becomes more spacious and brighter

But, in addition to making the room a little lighter, the curtains should also perform a decorative function, so if it is necessary to expand the window area, use long curtain rods that extend far beyond the window space, on which hang wide curtains that will hide the partitions. If the task is diametrically opposite, then the cornice should end exactly along the boundaries of the window. In this case, the curtains are narrow, floor-length, not burdened with ruffles and ruffles.

The influence of different tones on a person’s mood

Photo: bright colors will not only make the design of the room more pleasant, but will also help visually brighten the space

If you find it difficult to choose color options to brighten a dark room, knowing the effect of colors on a person’s mood can also be useful. Here is a description of the psychological effects of color on people:

  • Peach-colored wallpaper is great for a bedroom; it makes the room feel larger and brighter. This color lifts the mood in gloomy rainy weather.
  • Beige wallpaper creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere and is also suitable for bedrooms or a living room. Combined with white, creating light, warm tones; when combined with other, slightly darker tones, they create a feeling of calm.
  • Wallpaper in golden colors stands out from the usual color scheme. They add a little solemnity, warmth, tenderness. An excess of this color will spoil the impression of the room; use it as small additions to beige or light brown wallpaper.
  • Cheerful yellow color goes well with almost any other color, creates the effect of a sunny day in a room, and is great for brightening up dark rooms.
  • Orange wallpaper is similar in appearance to yellow wallpaper. Color promotes a working mood, raises tone, and encourages communication. It is not advisable to use such wallpaper in the bedroom; it is best to glue it where your whole family often gathers.
  • Brown wallpaper can make a person feel sad, but when combined with light shades, it can make the room look more noble and austere. But they require more artificial lighting because they darken the room.
  • Pink color is characteristic of romance and sensuality. Light pink shade evokes calm, bright colors excite. Such wallpaper is quite suitable for brightening up a girl’s bedroom or bathroom.
  • Aggressive red color should be used in places where ostentation and festivity are appropriate. This color stimulates the appetite, so it should be used in the dining room or kitchen.
  • Purple wallpaper creates a feeling of space in small rooms. It might seem like a dark tone, but it does a great job of visually expanding rooms.
  • Blue color, on the contrary, narrows the space. This cool, soothing color reduces activity and causes drowsiness.
  • Blue is the color of romantically minded people; it gives a feeling of comfort and reduces excitability. Some companies use blue rooms to resolve conflicts and disputes. Suitable for small rooms, allowing you to expand the space, suitable for children's rooms.
  • Green is associated with life, confidence, and visually pushes apart walls. In such a room it is easier to cope with anger, irritability, and negativity.
  • Striped wallpaper affects a person not so much with its color as with its geometric pattern. Vertical stripes visually increase the height of the room. Horizontal stripes give the impression of increasing width. Bright colorful stripes create a good mood and playfulness. Classic - strict style.

Drawings and patterns can add liveliness and variety to the interior

As you can see from this article, the color scheme can be chosen to increase light and space. For this purpose, there are certain colors that can affect a person in different ways. You just have to decide what you want to achieve from a particular room.

Selection of furniture

With regard to furniture, the issue can be resolved quite simply. Most often, it is enough to simply remove dark facades from the decor and install light-colored sets. It is necessary to take into account the property of light to propagate from top to bottom. Because of this property, all pieces of furniture that are more than half a wall in height should have a light texture. For example, tall and large items, such as massive sideboards and global wardrobes, should have a light background, but small tables, such as coffee or coffee tables, and armchairs can remain in a dark color.

in order to make a room brighter, it is recommended to choose compact, light-colored furniture.
Designers know a few more secrets on how to use furniture to make a room brighter . In this context, they successfully use polishing, glossy facades, and mirror doors. Glass furniture will be an equally effective tool in this aspect. Its surfaces perfectly transmit light and allow it to spread freely in space.

Say no to obstacles

The space of any room is subject to zoning, but in dark rooms, when doing it, they resort to specific passages and never use solid partitions. Also, transversely installed cabinets would be nonsense for such decor. All of them incredibly interfere with the spread of light. In general, in the interior of such rooms it is better to abandon any partitions and dividers. For a room to be filled with light, it must be spacious.

pastel colors of walls and furniture make the living room brighter

If you're really thinking about how to brighten up your room and are ready to take a radical step, then try removing the standard interior doors and replacing them with sliding ones with extensive glass inserts. If it is impossible to manage the decor without partitions, purchase something lightweight, like a lattice screen or a wall made of glass blocks.

How to transform an unlit room: getting rid of doors and massive partitions

The apartment becomes lighter if the rooms smoothly flow into each other. In this case, doors become undesirable elements of the interior. It is better if there are arches between the rooms - they look more picturesque than “bare” rectangular openings.

If a room needs to be zoned, it is worth abandoning high plasterboard ceilings and other elements that block the flow of light. Glass or fabric partitions will help you successfully divide a room into sectors.

If you want there to be a lot of light in the rooms, but there is no way to remove partitions, you can go another way. For example, choose interior doors with glass inserts.

Bright room without doors

Specifics of lighting

For a dark room, the correct organization of lighting is an extremely important issue. Its interior should have everything:

  1. Sconce;
  2. Floor lamps;
  3. Chandelier;
  4. Desk lamp;
  5. Hidden lighting.

in the daytime, natural light enters through uncurtained windows, and in the evening two floor lamps can cope with the lack of lighting

The secret is to create a multi-level supply of light. For hidden lighting, it is not at all necessary to equip suspended ceilings; it can easily be laid in wall friezes or along the cornice. A mosaic arrangement of sconces will help correct the situation. How to make a room even brighter? Install floor lamps and think about cabinet lighting. This will also work great to achieve the final goal.

Textured decor finishing

The enemies of the interior of a dark room will be textured plasters, relief tiles, and stucco, because all the depressions involuntarily act as mini-niches that actively absorb light. Imagine how global relief surfaces will increase this effect. If there are real niches in the stylish space of the room, then be sure to decorate them with lighting. This will make the room presentable and get rid of dark corners.

a white floor not only visually increases the space of the room, but also adds light


Wallpaper options for a dark room can be varied, and it is important to understand how to achieve maximum style without reducing the visual space of the room. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of the appearance of a lack of light.

Bright ornaments can be used in large rooms where there is one free wall. If it is located opposite the window, then this is the best option. But it is only suitable for large spaces. As we have already written, diversity can be detrimental to the room. Bright designs of flowers or other objects can complement the space, but they must be applied carefully.

It is worth achieving a maximum glossy surface, since it is the reflection of light that will allow it to be diffused throughout the room. This way you can achieve the desired effect. In dark areas, you should never use dense matte coatings, as they will simply absorb light. Excessive relief will result in shadows appearing in the room, which is undesirable.

Picture size

It is important to pay attention not only to the drawing itself, but also to its size. It depends on how it fits into the overall design, and whether it will perform its functions of overall brightening the room. It is better to use some ornaments and small geometric patterns.

How to Brighten a Room Using Mirrors

In the fight to brighten the space of a room, all methods are good, but the most useful decorative item in this aspect will be mirrors.
Why? Because they, unlike glass, which simply transmits light, can double its brightness. Metal surfaces and accessories have the same characteristics. Decorate a dark room with a mirror chandelier with a chrome frame, lamps with crystal pendants, and sconces with reflective lampshades. Hang mirrors on the walls, replace cabinet doors with them, and arrange mirror panels. If the introduction of mirrors is played out in an original and tasteful way, then the decor of the room will never be banal and sad.

Designers advise placing mirror elements opposite the window or in such a way that a sconce or chandelier is reflected in them.

if it is not possible to install additional lighting, use mirrors

Mirrors and shiny surfaces

This is a real lifesaver for small or poorly lit rooms. They are able to reflect light and create a special atmosphere. Shiny metal surfaces, glass, and crystals have the same properties. Crystal or glass chandeliers, transparent furniture, decorative translucent or gradient vases or figurines look very interesting in dark rooms - the main thing is not to overdo it.

"Rays of light" in the dark kingdom

Monochrome cream or snow-white furnishings, of course, will never look dark, but how to make the room not only brighter, but also more joyful is the question.
Experts recommend adding sunny and other, no less juicy, accents to such decor. A yellow rug will really refresh the decor. If you put it on the floor, an association is born with a ray of sunshine entering the house and drawing a sunbeam on the floor. The atmosphere of the room is instantly filled with sparkling joy. You can add a few more yellow-orange accessories to the rug. They will serve as the finishing touch to the playful mood in the interior.

yellow accessories in the living room interior

Accessories in blue or turquoise will add light to the room and become a wonderful decoration. Since they remind us of the sky and endless bodies of water, their role in the interior is not limited to adding light to it. Such accents also expand the space.

Colors and their combinations

To brighten up a small, dark room, you can use multiple colors. A couple of light ones and one bright one will be enough to create a balanced interior and place a small emphasis on important places in the room.

If you use more bright colors, the room may turn out to be too blurry and saturated. Of course, outwardly it will look more lively, lighter and even brighter, but it will be difficult to stay in it for a long time. Do not forget that the use of contrasting combinations in such a room is also inappropriate.

Wallpaper for a dark and small room should work with all its texture to lighten it, so options should be considered with a glossy finish. It’s very good if there are already sparkles on the wallpaper; if not, then they can always be added to liquid wallpaper or paintable options. It is very easy to add reflective elements to the mixture of liquid wallpaper being prepared. After applying it to the walls, the sparkles will be placed on them in a chaotic manner. By adding similar elements to the paint for painting walls or wallpaper, you can also achieve a similar result.

When choosing glossy wallpaper, we know for sure that matte wall coverings will not suit us for our room, since they contribute to the absorption of light rather than its reflection.

Comfortable and warm atmosphere in the bedroom

Don’t forget about the side of the world that the windows of your room face. In our situation, most likely it will be the north side, which means that the following will suit us perfectly:

  • yellow colors, sunny and cheerful;
  • beige tones, soft, light and at the same time very warm;
  • various variations of orange, gold colors.

Related article: Bedroom interior ideas in a wooden house (26 photos)

White and its shades will not be appropriate here. In low light they will look gray, dull and dreary, but we don’t need depressive moods at home.

You can use this original move when choosing wallpaper in a store. Just ask yourself for the rolls of wallpaper you like to try on, and in the immediate conditions of the room, see how they will look on the wall on a normal day in natural and artificial lighting. If you are satisfied with this type of walls, buy them, otherwise continue to look for the right color.

Techniques for decorating a dimly lit room

“By freeing up space as much as possible, you will have to make such a sacrifice as banishing flowers from the windowsills in order to make the room brighter.”

By freeing up space as much as possible, you will have to make such a sacrifice as banishing flowers from the windowsills in order to make the room brighter. However, this does not mean that they have no place in the room. Choose shade-loving plants and they will be a luxurious decoration for your decor. An alternative option could be artificial flowers, which are now sometimes difficult to distinguish from real ones.

Light sand-colored curtains are an excellent solution for rooms. located on the north side

Choosing a color for a room on the north side

In the northern room, designers suggest choosing from soft, muted, as if whitened colors. It is recommended to use chocolate tones as an accent.

Grays with blue, turquoise and blue are cold, but slightly saturated and energizing. They are successfully used from the north side - in small doses and with a warm background.

The beauty of warm, muted terracotta shades, which include red, brown and pink, are not suitable for a room on the north side. These flowers need sunlight.

You shouldn't trust warm peach, it will make you dull and boring.

Orange, a clean and rich color, adds coziness and a cheerful atmosphere. Plus a little pistachio, yellow, chocolate or white.

Sometimes two orange pillows and the same ottoman are enough.

Yellow and golden colors add sunshine when light passes through even loosely drawn yellow curtains.

An original combination when hanging white and yellow - two layers of tulle.

The bed has a yellow bedspread, sofas with yellow pillows, rugs on the floor. For those who don’t like the abundance of yellow, advice: cover the upper part of the walls, up to the ceiling, with milky white wallpaper or paint it. It is advisable to put furniture in warm brown shades and add green accents.

Red shades: poppy and rowan, coral and brick are suitable, but their saturation and brightness are too tiring. Excess red and bright coral will take away comfort and beauty.

Of the green shades, it is recommended to choose warm and rich ones. Cold greens, even bright colors, without the sun become dull and cloudy, which cannot be said about pistachio, apple green shades or the color of young greens.

Those who love a calm atmosphere in the northern room choose cream, beige and coffee-with-milk colors. Sand and light brown are also popular neutral colors. For cheerfulness, the interior is diluted with 3-4 decorative items in rich colors.

You should not mix gray into this range - it will turn a clean palette into dirty shades. To avoid a beige mixture, use chocolate, burgundy brown and dark red tones as a contrast.

There is no place for black in a dark room where the sun rarely shines. It will fade or become a cool blue or purple color.

More: Botanical style in interior design

Of the white paints, choose a milky white color, but not pure white, and not white-blue, and not white with green, purple and gray shades. Without the sun, they look unpleasantly dirty in appearance.

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