Modern stretch ceilings (matte, glossy, two-level). Selection and installation from A to Z + 230 PHOTOS

Updated: August 9, 2022

Stretch ceilings are an important part of interior design. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the abundance of interesting solutions presented in the photo!

  • Classification by number of levels
  • Styles of suspended ceilings
      High tech
  • Classic
  • Modern
  • Fusion
  • Ethnics
  • Minimalism
  • Stretch ceilings with photo printing
  • Selecting lighting
  • Stretch ceilings in various rooms
      In the bedroom
  • In the living room
  • In the kitchen
  • Ceiling installation and maintenance
  • Let's extend the life of the stretch ceiling
  • Stretch ceilings: pros and cons

    An important component of modern high-quality repairs is the installation of suspended ceilings.

    They are beautiful and allow you to complete the creation of an individual design in your room. In addition, such ceilings are surprisingly practical; their maintenance is minimal and simple. But at the same time, modern technology has met many opponents who claim that stretch ceilings are made of unnatural materials and are not environmentally friendly. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

    The advantages of suspended ceilings include:

    • Long service life
    • Ease of installation
    • Aesthetics
    • Waterproof
    • Huge selection of models for every taste
    • High reliability

    Among the shortcomings we note:

    • Needs replacement in case of flooding
    • Difficulty choosing lamps
    • May be damaged by accidental mechanical impact

    As you can see, suspended ceilings have significantly more advantages.

    Let's compare this fashionable design solution with a traditional whitewashed ceiling.

    Comparison parameterStretch ceilingWhitewashed ceiling
    Life time++
    Hide ceiling unevenness+
    Moisture resistance+
    Ability to create complex multi-level structures+
    Resistance to mechanical damage+
    Abundance of colors and styles+

    Positive qualities and disadvantages

    A very important element of any modern interior is the design of the ceiling in the living room, not just a simple one, but a stretch one!

    They are very beautiful. Thanks to their use, the individual design of the room will be complete. In addition, they are quite practical, because they are very easy and simple to care for. But in modern times there are people who insist that ceilings of this type are made of unnatural materials, which is why it is not an environmentally friendly material and, accordingly, harmful. But is this really true?

    You can consider their main advantages:

    • They will last a very long time;
    • Easy to install;
    • Aesthetic;
    • Waterproof;
    • Very reliable;
    • They are offered in a wide variety; absolutely everyone can choose them for their apartment or house.

    You can also consider their disadvantages:

    • If the neighbors above flood, the ceiling needs to be changed;
    • It is difficult to select lamps for such ceilings;
    • Accidental mechanical impact can damage the material.

    Conclusion. Such ceilings have much more positive qualities than disadvantages.

    You can compare a whitewashed ceiling and a suspended one for a general understanding of the picture. Of the above-mentioned positive qualities, in comparison with a whitewashed ceiling, the latter is inferior to a stretch ceiling only in its cheapness. In addition, stretch ceilings are beautiful, they can hide unevenness on the surface of a standard ceiling, they are moisture resistant, and you can create structures of several levels.

    Choosing material for a stretch ceiling

    The comparison made it possible to verify that suspended ceilings are superior to conventional ones in a large number of ways, but at the same time they are not without their drawbacks. If we compare suspended and suspended ceilings, the advantage of the latter is obvious: the distance between the suspended structure and a regular ceiling is no more than 3 cm, which will “save” height, while hanging products will “eat up” approximately 10 cm of space. In any case, the choice is yours!

    The cost of the structure largely depends on the material that was used for manufacturing.

    Stretch ceilings made of PVC films will last at least 10 years, maintaining their impeccable appearance. One of the properties of the material is its high elasticity. Modern films are coated with a thin layer of Teflon, which protects them from contamination. Such ceilings will allow you to hide pipes, wiring, ventilation and other communications. PVC ceilings are not uniform in texture and can be divided into the following groups:

    • Glossy
    • Matte
    • Satin


    This is the most common option in the family of suspended ceilings; they will last more than 25 years, help create an interesting design in the room, and emphasize the taste of the owner. They are distinguished by a wide range of applications: they are installed in residential buildings, offices, government buildings, country residences, as well as in cafes and clubs. Such models are widely used in rooms requiring sound insulation (cinemas, recording studios). These ceilings have a number of advantages:

    • Waterproof (in case of flooding, they will help preserve both repairs and furniture)
    • Ecological cleanliness
    • Completely safe for health, including for allergy sufferers
    • Due to the property of high plasticity, complex multi-level structures can be created from them.
    • Looks very modern
    • Such models are literally created for mounting lighting
    • Due to their composition, these coatings do not form mold or mildew, which is why they can be used in rooms with high humidity.

    When choosing a stretch ceiling, trust only reliable manufacturers: cheap analogues are often harmful to health!


    Such models will allow you to avoid glare and in appearance resemble the whitewash that many people are accustomed to. They are ideal for large rectangular rooms and have a smooth surface.

    Such ceilings are preferred by owners of rooms with an original interior (antique furniture, columns, collections hanging on the walls): thanks to the matte finish, the coating will not distract attention from the contemplation of details. The advantages also include:

    • High moisture resistance
    • Increased density
    • Lower price (compared to glossy ones)
    • The abundance of color variations will help you choose the most optimal model

    Matte ceilings can withstand water loads of up to 100 liters and will ideally hide all defects and unevenness of a natural ceiling from view. Due to the fact that such products do not reflect light well, they should be supplemented with lighting devices.

    These universal stretch ceilings will suit any interior style and fit perfectly into the design.


    This is a kind of transitional option between glossy and matte models, a golden mean, a combination of unobtrusiveness of matte and light shine of glossy products. Their surface is perfectly smooth and has a delicate shine. Such ceilings are made from PVC canvas, lightly polished (but not to a mirror finish, unlike glossy ones). The texture of the canvas gives it a resemblance to satin fabric, which is how the name came about. Most often, manufacturers offer light color solutions (beige, pink, white, blue); photo printing will help add variety and individuality.

    Fabric stretch ceilings

    For their manufacture, a special fabric impregnated with polymers is used. Due to the fact that the rolled fabric is quite wide, unsightly seams on the ceiling surface can be avoided.


    • Very durable
    • Excellent resistance to low temperatures
    • More resistant to accidental mechanical damage than PVC products


    • Limited choice (small number of models presented)
    • Impossibility of re-installation
    • Difficult to clean from dirt
    • There is no possibility of creating complex multi-level structures.

    Selection of materials

    In comparison, you can see that the stretch ceiling option, compared to conventional ceilings, is much more practical and many times superior, even though they have their drawbacks. And if you compare suspended ceilings with suspended ceilings, the advantages of the first option are immediately visible. After all, the distance that can be from the ceiling to the hanging structure is a maximum of three centimeters, which will save height in the room! But if you use suspended ceilings, they will steal almost ten centimeters! But in any case, it’s up to you to decide. Be sure to look at the photos of suspended ceilings - they will help you make the right choice!

    The cost, how much the entire structure will cost you, depends largely on the material that will be used!

    A stretch ceiling made from PVC film will last at least ten years, while it will retain all its beauty and original appearance. Also, the main advantages of the material include its elasticity. Modern PVC films are coated with a very thin layer of Teflon, which protects the ceiling from contamination. They can hide almost any flaws, pipes, wires, ventilation and much more, no matter what you would like to see. In addition, PVC ceilings can be very heterogeneous in texture, which is why they can be divided into matte, glossy or satin. Look through the photos of ceilings in the living room and see that they can be very diverse!

    Classification by number of levels

    Two- and multi-level stretch ceilings will help you turn an ordinary room into an original space and bring your design talent to life. By using canvas of various colors and sizes, you can create amazing designs with smooth lines or sharp corners; Such models will help in zoning the room. The ability to combine colors will allow for creativity.

    Two-level ceilings are ideal for a room with low walls: they will visually expand the boundaries of the space.

    Tiled suspended ceilings

    If the previous option allows you to make stunning designs, then this type is very simple and concise. It has a relatively low cost, so most often such ceilings are installed in offices and other similar premises. One of the most important advantages of tiled ceilings is the ability to reach communications in a matter of minutes. It should be noted the relatively low cost of such structures.

    By far one of the biggest disadvantages of tiled ceilings is their fragility. When dropped, the tile breaks very easily.

    Styles of suspended ceilings

    High tech

    Fans of this modern style can opt for a glossy PVC ceiling. Thanks to the abundance of options, you can install a model indoors with a metallic paint or an interesting pattern. Original lighting is also welcome here.


    The classic style never loses its relevance. Those who prefer a traditional conservative approach to room design can choose a matte ceiling. Satin models would also be appropriate here; thanks to their gentle shimmer, they will add a special flavor to the interior. All shades of white, beige, ivory, and natural linen are ideal for ceiling coverings. Monochrome two-level designs are allowed. The role of additional elements will be perfectly played by arches, semi-arches, and columns.


    The style is distinguished by clear lines and simplicity of forms; A white matte ceiling would be ideal for it; a black one would also be appropriate, without any additional details.


    One of the brightest and most unusual styles of our time, fusion, can be successfully complemented by a creative stretch ceiling: it is better to choose a model with an unusual texture and original colors; Imitation of wooden or stone surfaces, even a combination of both, are perfect. In this style, all types of multi-level structures will be appropriate, be it dunes, arches, smooth lines, you can decorate the ceiling with photo printing of the most unusual tones. A creative approach to lighting is also welcome: an abundance of small lamps, illuminated cornices will help turn the room into a real kingdom of harmonious madness!


    The ethnic style ceiling looks great. Fans of African savannahs can opt for models in brown or sand color, with warm-colored lighting, or have colored square panels in wooden frames built into the ceiling. For lovers of Indian chic, it is interesting to design the ceiling in the traditions of a real palace of a wealthy maharaja: with an abundance of decorative elements and ornaments.


    This style does not require any complex design developments; it will be perfectly complemented by a single-color matte or glossy ceiling that matches the color scheme of the room as a whole.

    Suspended ceiling based on plasterboard

    If you are going to make not a simple ceiling, but with unusual designs, then choose a plasterboard base. This solution will allow you to realize absolutely any idea you want.

    However, such a ceiling should always be made taking into account the characteristics of the room and the planned design. For example, a multi-level design will go well with a minimalist interior. But with another option it may not look so harmonious.

    It is worth noting that installing such a ceiling is quite complex and time-consuming, so we recommend seeking help from professionals. They will not only design and install the ceiling correctly, but also carefully seal the joints of the sheets. In addition, if desired, they can integrate lamps or simple lamps.

    As for the material for manufacturing, plasterboard sheets are most often used for this. But if you plan to install such a ceiling in the bathroom, then you must take this into account and purchase exclusively moisture-resistant plasterboard.

    Stretch ceilings with photo printing

    Modern technologies make it possible to apply absolutely any image to the ceiling covering, be it the abundant greenery of the wild jungle, blue sky, scarlet sunset. The most daring can decorate the ceiling with an unusual portrait or reproduction of a favorite painting; images of animals and cities are also in demand. Photo printing will help to visually expand the boundaries of space - imitation of the sky with fluffy clouds.

    Photo printing can be applied to any ceilings, including matte ones. An original design will allow you to bring brightness and creativity into the interior, expressing the personality of the owner. This technology perfectly performs the function of zoning a room: various patterns seem to draw lines in the room that separate one functional area from another. Photo printing on the ceiling will help diversify the nursery, making it cozy and fabulous. The black and white color scheme looks very stylish; it is perfect for those who like conservatism in design.

    New generation stretch ceilings, with photo printing, will allow you not to limit your flight of imagination to the usual limits!

    Ceiling design options

    There may be differences not only in color, but also in shape. This gives the surface more expressiveness. But it is necessary to take into account the size of the room.


    The simplest design option. The canvas is stretched at an equal height. The ceiling level is reduced minimally. 3-5 cm from the rough ceiling is enough, and if recessed lamps are selected - 10-15.

    Suitable for low rooms. Installation is quite fast - 2-3 hours in a room of about 20 m². Due to ease of installation, it is cheaper than other varieties.


    Part of the ceiling drops lower. This way you can hide communications or simply divide the space into separate zones. Sometimes the lower tier is built from plasterboard, in other cases both parts of the ceiling are made of tension.

    Depending on the relative position, the following options are possible:

    • the lower level is located along the perimeter of the ceiling in the form of a frame;
    • similar to the previous one, but the upper tier has the shape of an oval or circle;
    • part (half, third, etc.) is omitted along the entire width;
    • the lower tier is in the center and is made in the shape of any figure;
    • several similar designs, etc.

    As a rule, fabrics of different texture or color are selected for levels. Often additional lighting is built into the lower tier. The ceiling level decreases more, so the initial height of the room should be at least 2.75 meters.

    For installation, a complex structure of profiles is assembled. It is necessary not only to stretch the canvases at different heights, but also to ensure a beautiful transition between them. Only professionals can handle this task. The cost also increases.


    The design of suspended ceilings can be more complex with three or more tiers. Any variations described in the previous section and their combinations are possible.

    But each level “takes away” part of the height, and the whole structure as a whole seems rather cumbersome. Therefore, such ceilings are not installed in ordinary apartments. They are suitable for large spaces - commercial premises or combined areas of cottages.

    Selecting lighting

    Thoughtful lighting is important when creating the perfect design. Spotlights placed around the entire perimeter will help make a room with a suspended ceiling look elegant and add an element of solemnity. Chandelier shades should be directed downward, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the ceiling surface due to temperature exposure.

    Using ceiling lighting you can achieve the effect of zoning a room. Built-in lamps will help visually increase the height of the walls.

    Additional advantages of suspended ceilings include the ability to choose not only overhead, but also recessed lamps, as well as a large number of different LED strips and spotlights of various diameters.

    Stretch "starry sky"

    A beautiful stretch ceiling, designed in the shape of a starry sky, has an atmosphere conducive to communication. Imitation of the starry sky is relevant not only in living rooms, but is also successfully used in rooms intended for recreation and entertainment. With the help of modern lighting technology, you can realize different scenarios of the night sky: the twinkling of stars, the fall of comets. To reproduce stellar masterpieces, LEDs, halogen and fluorescent lamps are used.

    A canvas strewn with twinkling stars is an excellent solution for a bedroom or nursery. The space theme creates a unique atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The effect of the twinkling of stars and the movement of galaxies is created by a special projector - a light generator. Using light filters, the effect of movement or color change is achieved.

    The stretch fabric with optical fibers is especially impressive. Optical fiber is the main element of the “starry sky”. Fiber threads perform the function of transmitting light flux. Illuminating the ends of these fibers with a shimmering effect creates the appearance of a night sky of unimaginable beauty.

    Specialists who install suspended ceilings in the style of a starry sky use a little trick. At the final stage of installing such a ceiling, if you touch the end of the thread with a soldering iron, the thread will melt and its cross-section will increase. This produces stars of different sizes. But you can purchase optical fiber of different diameters, which will provide the same effect.

    Stretch ceilings in various rooms

    In the bedroom

    For the most romantic room in the apartment, satin or matte stretch ceilings in light colors are best suited: the color of baked milk, beige, delicate peach, pink. A traditional white ceiling is also appropriate here, which will harmoniously fit into any interior.

    The light turquoise glossy ceiling looks very romantic. When choosing a model, you should avoid bright colors and catchy images; the ceiling should promote relaxation.

    In the living room

    The central room of the house, where friends gather and celebrations are celebrated, the living room, gives the widest possible choice of stretch ceiling. These can be either film or fabric models of various colors, multi-level is allowed.

    In the kitchen

    Here, models that are resistant to dirt are most appropriate: the best option is a matte stretch ceiling in beige color or a shade of baked milk. It is better to avoid white products, since all stains on them are very clearly visible, including those from accidental grease. Read more about kitchen design in our article.

    How to decide on color when creating a ceiling design

    A suspended ceiling is part of the interior, so it must fit harmoniously into the overall style. When creating a suspended ceiling design, it is important to choose the optimal color that will not be intrusive and will emphasize the interior features of the room.

    The color of the stretch ceiling should emphasize the design of the room and not irritate the residents

    Helpful advice! The price practically does not change depending on the color of the canvas, only in some cases white canvases are slightly cheaper than colored ones. But in general, how much a suspended ceiling costs is influenced only by the name of the company that manufactured the canvas and the chosen structure.

    When choosing a shade for a stretch fabric, designers recommend paying attention to the following points:

    1. Cool colors visually expand the space. For example, light green and blue visually lift the ceiling.
    2. Warm shades narrow the room, so it is not advisable to install such ceilings in small rooms. In addition, warm colors bring comfort, for example, when studying photos of suspended ceilings in the bedroom, you can pay attention to how amazing coral or peach canvases look.
    3. White color is a universal solution and a win-win option if the room is already full of clear details. It should be noted that the white glossy ceiling “absorbs” the surrounding colors - the shade of the walls, floors, curtains, which needs to be taken into account.

    Most often in interiors you can find the following ceilings:

    When choosing a color, you need to remember that warm colors visually narrow the room, and cold colors expand it.

    1. Blue. Soothing, relaxing, reminiscent of the sea. The blue ceiling is ideal for bedrooms and recreation rooms.
    2. Yellow green. Pleasant colors, symbolizing joy, additionally stimulate the brain and improve digestion.
    3. Pink. A romantic shade that represents purity of thoughts, happiness and romance.
    4. Brown. The color of stability and decency. Best suited for rooms with a classic interior.
    5. Turquoise. Associated with the color of sea green. Visually changes the perception of space, fills the atmosphere with freshness, coolness and romance. Most often found in Mediterranean interiors and Provence style.
    6. Orange. Creates an emotional atmosphere in the room, brings notes of exoticism and originality to the room.
    7. Red. A heart made on a glossy canvas looks very impressive in a young couple’s room.

    Ceiling installation and maintenance

    Many people ask the question: should the installation of a stretch ceiling be carried out before or after wallpapering? The answer is simple: installation is the final stage of repair; it is performed after all dust-related work has already been completed.

    The time spent on installation depends on the size of the room, as well as on the complexity of the structure itself.

    Thermal shrinkage is the process that is used when installing PVC ceilings. Its essence is as follows: the canvas is heated with a special gas gun, due to which its elasticity increases significantly, then the product is stretched along the perimeter of the ceiling and secured. For fabric models, the cold installation method is used: the fabric is stretched and fastened without changing the temperature. Due to the fact that the procedure is quite serious, it is better to entrust the installation process to professionals; it is not for nothing that on the websites of many manufacturers the price is indicated with installation.

    The following video will help you understand the intricacies of installation technology:


    Modern stretch ceilings are unpretentious and do not require any special approaches to maintenance. Such products are quite easy to keep clean; it is enough to wipe the ceiling with a dry soft cloth as needed. The application of a special polish will help restore the original shine to glossy ceilings. To avoid streaks, it is recommended to wipe the surface with straight back and forth movements.

    Matte ceilings lend themselves well to cleaning with water steam or a warm solution (with the addition of a small amount of crushed laundry soap). If the ceiling is fabric, wet cleaning is allowed in rare cases of severe contamination. The solution should be used with a very low soap content; To avoid color changes, its effect should first be tested on a small, inconspicuous area.

    Features of self-installation of various types of suspended ceilings

    Depending on what type of structure was chosen for installation in the room, it is necessary to observe various nuances of the work, strictly adhering to individual rules and recommendations:

    • The grigliato ceiling is a lattice structure that consists of individual cells. At one time, this particular type of suspended ceiling became widespread and to this day is most often installed in offices. To install the cells, a special mesh frame is prepared, and the lamps are freely mounted in any unfilled cells. One of the main advantages of this type of ceiling is ease of maintenance and the ability to remove any cell, gaining access to the communications laid above;

    The suspended ceiling can be mounted either to a bonton coating or to a wooden one.

    • installation of a cassette suspended ceiling involves the use of a frame in the form of a grid, the compartments in which are square or rectangular in shape. What exactly this shape will be depends on the shape of the cassettes. The frame is attached to the rough ceiling, after which the compartments are filled with elements of a suitable size. In this case, the lamps can be installed in one of two ways: instead of some ceiling tiles or in specially prepared holes that are cut in the slabs;
    • mirror ceiling is a special type of finish that can have a slatted or cassette design. The elements that fill the cells can be made of various materials capable of reflection: mirror cloth, aluminum, glass or acrylic. As in previous cases, individual ceiling elements are simply inserted into the compartments of the frame, due to which they are held;

    Example of installation of a two-tier suspended ceiling structure

    • the popular Armstrong ceiling involves the installation of longitudinal and transverse slats, which form a grid with square-shaped compartments of equal area. Special elements and lamps are placed in the compartments;
    • The design of the slatted ceiling assumes the presence of exclusively longitudinal compartments into which slats are inserted. In addition to the frame itself, they are also held in place by fastenings that are provided on the side of each element. Like puzzles, the slats are fastened to each other using clamps specially provided for this.

    Helpful advice! If you install a slatted ceiling, some difficulties may arise associated with the installation of the lighting system. Therefore, it is best to think in advance where the lamps will be located, and based on this, purchase the required number of panels with holes.

    To avoid swelling of drywall, it is necessary to take care of the reliability of fastening and high-quality insulation of seams

    How to care?

    Minor stains should be removed without wet cleaning; just take a dry cloth and gently wipe the cloth. In addition, modern fabrics for such ceilings undergo antistatic treatment, which further reduces the likelihood of dust collection.

    More complex stains can be removed using conventional detergents, but they should not contain abrasive additives. A simple soap solution will also work for this purpose. For glossy ceilings, there are special polishes that help give the original shine and avoid streaks after drying.

    Matte ceilings are easier to clean because they do not leave stains during regular wet cleaning; dishwashing detergent may be suitable for this purpose. You can also refresh it with hot steam. If the ceiling is in the kitchen and greasy stains have formed above the stove area, it is easier to remove them with a solution of ammonia. In this case, you should not put too much pressure on the canvas, so as not to damage the integrity of the structure.

    Interior solutions

    The specific design of a stretch ceiling allows you to use fabrics of different colors. Thus, it is possible to divide one room into zones without resorting to physical separation. Thanks to this, a lot of space in the room is saved - it is divided into sections without the use of partitions. Take a look at the photo of a similar design.

    Dividing a room into zones

    The space will receive the illusion of visual expansion. To achieve this goal, it is enough to choose the right colors and textures of the ceiling covering.

    The reflective properties of some models make it possible to provide maximum illumination with minimal electricity consumption. Using simple LED chandeliers, you can illuminate literally every corner of your apartment, making it bright and beautiful. Below is an example of such a solution in the interior.

    Interesting room lighting technique

    PVC cloth

    PVC ceilings have a thickness of 0.15-0.35 mm and a width of 1.3-2 meters. The seam in such ceilings is invisible and durable. This type of coating, such as PVC, has several subtypes, each of which differs in texture:

    1. Matte finishes. They can be smooth (give a slight reflection) or textured (look rough). Such coatings are the most popular. An example is in the photo.

    Matte finish

    1. Glossy coatings. They usually have a varnished surface, which makes them reflective. This visually increases the size of the room. Seams on such a surface are invisible. Canvases can be of any color.

    Glossy finish

    1. Metallic and mother-of-pearl coatings. These are new, just gaining popularity, high-tech style coatings. They have a lot of metallic inclusions, and in appearance they look like glossy coatings.

    Pearlescent finish – unique design

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