How to zone and decorate a nursery for two children. 12 tips + photos

Sometimes, in one room, it is necessary to organize several rooms for different functional purposes. We have to connect the living room and bedroom, kitchen and dining room, etc. Even if there is not much space, it is quite possible to turn one room into several by properly zoning the space. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out how to make two from one room.

Not everyone can live in an apartment where they can roam around and place everything they want.


Curtains are the most economical and affordable option for mobile room zoning. They do not take up space and do not affect the layout. But they have their drawbacks - curtains with sound and light insulation have not yet been invented, so small residents will have to look for a compromise. Or you can supplement the curtain with a mobile partition.

For darker rooms, choose a material that allows light to pass through (such as tulle). If this is not a problem, pay attention to denser fabrics (taffeta and jacquard). Do you want to please both children? Use double curtains - we guarantee delight and gratitude.

What to do with the kitchen

One of the most frequently asked questions related to remodeling is somehow related to the kitchen. If the owners decide to remodel the entire apartment, then such a remodel will probably affect it too. And there may be several options that will be useful to know about before making a final decision on redevelopment.

If you want to get larger rooms, you will have to sacrifice the kitchen. Well, to get something, you have to give something. Moreover, in many European apartments, a kitchen combined with a living room has long become the norm.

To do this, the wall separating the kitchen and the room is demolished (if it is load-bearing, it is necessary not only to obtain the appropriate permission, but also to strengthen the walls with load-bearing beams), after which the resulting room is divided into two parts - the bedroom and the living room, combined with the kitchen.

Sleep zone

A common sleeping area has its advantages: children communicate more, learn to respect other people's interests and are not afraid to fall asleep without light. But there is a significant drawback - they can interfere with each other. To avoid this, equip each person with a separate storage space and a local light source.

Bunk beds, folding chairs or sofas, transformable beds and loft beds significantly save space. Today the market offers options for every taste. Before buying, consult with your kids - they should feel comfortable and calm in their new bed. Children appreciate when adults listen to their opinions.

Full beds have not been canceled either. For the passage between them, allocate at least 60 cm. The question immediately arises - what is the best way to arrange the beds? For two brothers or two sisters, a parallel arrangement and a head-to-head arrangement are suitable. If you have a boy and a girl, place the beds along the wall and build a partition between them. This solution is suitable for an elongated room.

General points

Due to the difficult housing issue, millions of people in our country resort to cunning, trying to profit and save every free square meter. And in many cases, having learned how to turn a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment, they understand that such a solution to the problem will be optimal. At minimal cost, they get two, albeit not too spacious, but quite cozy rooms, which can comfortably accommodate 2-4 people.

This video talks about other options for remodeling one-room apartments

It will be quite difficult to fit so many people in an ordinary one-room apartment. How successfully the plan will be implemented depends on many factors, including the correctness of the redevelopment and the quality of the work.

Another redevelopment option for a family with children

So, in most cases it is better to entrust this difficult work to specialists. By paying for their services, you will get an excellent result - extensive experience and specialized skills and knowledge will allow them to complete the task with truly high quality.

Study area

The arrangement of the learning area depends on the age of the children. Folding, folding or coffee tables are suitable for preschoolers. They won't take up much space and will leave more space for games.

Choose furniture for schoolchildren responsibly. If funds and space allow, buy each child a table and chair with adjustable height. They cost more, but will last for many years. In Russia, it is better to make such models to order according to designers’ sketches or take a closer look at the options at IKEA. A more expensive option is German adjustable furniture. To avoid clutter and confusion, do not forget to think about a storage system for textbooks and notebooks.

Another solution is to purchase one long table and two chairs. Here are a few conditions for making a wise choice:

  • when the child sits, his feet reach the floor
  • the distance between the knees and the tabletop is 10-15 cm
  • the tabletop is at the level of the child’s solar plexus
  • free space under the table - at least 50x50 cm
  • the chair does not rock or rotate

Other useful tips in the article on workplace organization.

Second floor in the apartment

In the older parts of many large cities, you can often see apartments with surprisingly high ceilings, for example, one-room Stalinist apartments. Yes, there once was a time when builders did not try to save on the height of the premises.

Although rare, there are rooms where the ceiling height reaches 3.5-4 meters!

If this applies to your apartment, you can consider yourself very lucky. You can transform your one-room apartment not only into a two-room apartment, but also into a two-story one!

Of course, before carrying out work, it is necessary to carry out complex calculations to allow the second floor to withstand both permanent loads (furniture) and temporary loads (the inhabitants of the room).

Typically, the supporting structure is a metal profile (corner) attached to the walls of the room, as well as boards that serve as the floor for the second floor. On the second floor there is most often either a children's room or a parents' bedroom. The first floor can remain a living room or an office. But with such a redevelopment, you need to seriously think about whether the ventilation in the room is good enough?

If ventilation is insufficient, then being on the second floor will simply be uncomfortable - too stuffy. If necessary, a hood can be installed or other methods of increasing room ventilation can be used. Converting an ordinary room into a two-story one can surprise many people.

But still, as a result, you get a full-fledged, spacious room in which 3-4 people can live comfortably. Therefore, the game is undoubtedly worth the candle. The financial costs of such a redevelopment will be relatively small, and the resulting result will satisfy even the most picky owner and inhabitant of the apartment.


The quality of the chosen furniture directly affects the health of children. It should be reliable and strong, made of hypoallergenic materials and preferably lightweight so that the baby can move it independently. No sharp or protruding parts! We also remember about protecting sockets and insulating wires.

A properly equipped nursery will help to quickly develop independence. Place switches and shelves at such a height that the child can reach them himself. At five years old it is approximately 130 cm, at 7 years old – 150 cm.

The need for zoning in a children's room

The cozy atmosphere of any room consists of well-placed priorities. The children's room is no exception. Dividing space into sectors is a very relevant topic for moms and dads. Loving parents with special trepidation arrange a separate room for their children, combining 4 zones in one place at the same time: for sleeping, playing, leisure and storing things. This technique has clear advantages:

  • The ability to make several rooms out of one without reducing the total area.
  • Space optimization.
  • Teaching a child to order in an unobtrusive manner.
  • A budget-friendly way to change the interior without erecting solid walls.
  • Visual increase in space due to glass cabinets and open partitions.

In order for children to develop responsibility and maintain routine and order, zones are needed in the children's room.
The main goal of zoning a nursery is to create conventional boundaries for a more comfortable stay. It is easier for a child to concentrate on a certain type of activity if the room design is divided into zones. It is clear that everything will not remain strictly in place. But the baby will realize that every thing has its own place.

For very small children, it is worth preferring to zoning the space with interior items; it is easier for school-age children to navigate by color and decoration, especially since the dominance of furniture can lead to injuries.

Nursery design for two boys

In a nursery for two boys, consider the ages and interests of both. Kids will surely love the design with themes of space, pirates, cars, travel, Legos, dinosaurs, and robots. For older people, high-tech, loft, country and Scandinavian styles are suitable. You can express the individuality of tomboys with the help of different bedding sets, posters with your favorite characters and nameplates.

In what style should I create a living room combined with a children's room?

The main difficulty in how to zone a living room for parents and children is the lack of free space. In such a situation, it is not always possible to think through a stylistic solution and create a harmonious interior.

Choosing a style can help play on contrasts and properly divide the room.

A living room, decorated in classic or neoclassical style, goes perfectly with the High-Tech children's room and at the same time the distinction becomes obvious. The common area in a country style will be noticeably different from the minimalist Japanese style. Luxurious baroque contrasts with eclectic design.

Nursery design for two girls

To make a room for two girls look holistic and harmonious, decorate it in a single theme (fairies, princesses, mermaids) or style (Provence, country, classic, Scandinavian). Have doubts or disagreements about the base color? There are several exits. The first is to choose a color that both like, the second is to give preference to a neutral color. And the most interesting thing is to divide the room into two zones using your favorite colors. Just check first to see if they fit together well.

Zoning methods

A small living room with an area of ​​less than 15 square meters is unlikely to be divided into two full rooms. In such a room it is better to organize a separate area with a crib. In order to arrange both adult and children's areas in one room, you need a space of 18-20 square meters or more. There are many ways to zone a room.

Curtains and screens

The room can be divided using curtains. This is a simple and universal way of zoning. If necessary, they can be moved apart, and when necessary, to isolate one of the zones (while the child is sleeping or preparing homework) - hang them up. The cornice is easy to attach and just as easy to dismantle.

Also an option: Children's corner in a one-room apartment

It is even easier to install a screen made of fabric or plastic. Screens fit well into a classic-style interior and add coziness to the room. The downside is that their height does not allow for complete separation of space.

To make the adult and children's areas in one room look like two separate rooms, you can separate them with a partition made of plywood or plasterboard. To ensure that both zones are sufficiently illuminated, the upper part of the partition can be made in the form of a rack for souvenirs or indoor plants. You can also glaze this part. Tempered glass is better suited for this purpose. Frosted, colored or patterned glass in an interior partition will look more harmonious than transparent glass. The disadvantage of this design is that both its installation and dismantling require a lot of effort and time compared to other methods.

In such a partition you can make a doorway in the shape of an arch, or you can install a sliding door. This design will allow adults to talk or watch a movie in the living room without fear of waking up a child sleeping in the nursery. It must be taken into account that the child should be able to open such a door, no matter which side he is on.


Separation is also possible using furniture.

This could be a closet, which is used for its intended purpose in one of the rooms, and decorated in another with paint, wallpaper and other materials.

The rack will also be in place: it looks equally good on both sides and allows light to pass through.

Children's two-level furniture can also mark the boundary between two rooms.

3. No designs

A children's room in a small living room can be designated without additional structures. For this you can use:

  • colors (different wallpapers or paint on the walls, painting);
  • various floor coverings (wood and linoleum, tiles and laminate);
  • carpets of different colors or textures;
  • light (pendant lamps or spot lighting at the border of zones, local lighting for each half).

We recommend reading: Bedroom and nursery in one room

other methods

If there is a niche in the room, it can mark the child’s territory and hide the most bulky of his furniture (crib, closet, etc.). A loggia can perform the same function if it is well insulated.

Zoning is possible using ceilings of different heights or a ceiling beam at the border between the children's and adult halves.

A podium will help save room space - a small hill on which you can place your baby. Even the interior style can be a zoning tool. A living room combined with a nursery is an excellent opportunity to decorate two zones in different styles at once. Classic and high-tech, baroque and eclectic, country and exotic styles combine well. If you use two different designs, the nursery and living room will look completely independent without any additional tricks.

Nursery design for brother and sister

Most often, boys and girls have different interests, so organize separate private areas for your brother and sister, where the kids can relax from each other, dream and calmly go about their business. Curtains, screens, mobile partitions or pieces of furniture are suitable for such purposes.

For decoration, choose a neutral color scheme that will suit both children, or divide the room into zones using color. For a boy - blue, green, brown, turquoise, gray, burgundy. For girls - yellow, orange, coral, lilac, cream. Based on the children’s temperament: calmer ones will benefit from saturated colors that can stimulate them, and for those who are very active, muted colors will suit them.

There may be two brothers, two sisters, a brother and a sister growing up in a family; they may be the same age or have a big age difference, have a passion for literature or be interested in completely different things. In any case, it is in your power to create a comfortable space for both. The main thing is to listen to the needs and desires of children. We will help you with the rest!

What is zoning and why is it needed?

A common room should be comfortable for all its inhabitants.
Zoning is usually understood as the conditional delimitation of space into separate sections, each of which performs its own function. In the case of a small apartment where a young family lives, we are talking about dividing the premises into adult and children's halves.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and a nursery can be done using various techniques. At the same time, each family member gets their own personal space: adults get a place to work and relax, and the child gets a place to study and play.

Options for decorating a children's room

You can create a cozy space not only with well-arranged furniture, beautiful wallpaper and flooring. The highlight is small accessories that add comfort, create a calm, friendly environment, and make the interior complete. From childhood, a child should be surrounded by beautiful things so that in the future he develops a sense of beauty.

Along with the physical separation, you can use different decorative items, which over time will help make the necessary associations.

The most popular ways to decorate and delimit space include:

  • Purchased and homemade garlands.
  • Suspended structures - mobiles.
  • Inserts from children's photographs and drawings.
  • Vinyl stickers.
  • "Outfits" for furniture.
  • Shelves for the most necessary things.
  • Themed decorations for holidays and important dates.

Vanishing structures

To furnish an unusual home, you can also use multifunctional furniture. A Murphy bed can help you organize vertical space efficiently and keep clutter out of sight.

Bedroom by Michael K Chen Architecture

Sofas or couches in the office can be used as an additional place for friends to relax.

Cabinet by De Meza + Architecture

This guest room was located next to the office space. A snow-white color palette and multifunctional furnishings give this space incredible aesthetic appeal and coziness.

Cabinet by Prestige Custom Building & Construction, Inc.

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