Ceiling in the hallway - types, features, design and examples of stylish design. 170 photos of design combinations

One of the most important stages of renovation is the design of the ceiling in the hallway. Its color, shape and height complement the overall design and allow you to create a complete design.

Ceiling design in the hallway Source mebelvdome.org

Previously, there were few options for finishing ceiling surfaces, but today, thanks to the variety of materials and technologies, you can make a real work of art from the ceiling.

White ceiling in the hallway Source arts-deko.ru

Particular attention should be paid to the ceiling in the corridor; this room is the calling card of an apartment or house. The overall perception of the entire home depends on the interior of the hallway.

Design of the ceiling surface Source studiapotolkov.ru

Types of ceilings

There are two main categories of ceilings. The first category is suspended ceilings, which are very popular today. This design not only looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but also has many important advantages. The absence of the need to provide additional maintenance to the structure is also one of the advantages.

In addition, thanks to the abundance of colors and textures, it becomes possible to choose the most optimal option for yourself. In addition, various lighting fixtures can be built into suspended ceilings. This feature opens up many possibilities for designers to experiment with lighting.

The second category is suspended ceilings. The photo of the ceiling in the hallway below shows how beautiful these designs are. They are no less popular than tension ones. But the principle of their installation is very different.

Let's look at all the available options:

  • plasterboard - allows you to create multi-level ceilings. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to use different types of lighting and thereby visually hide some of the repair flaws, if any. Therefore, plasterboard ceilings in the hallway are very often used;
  • slatted - the design consists of special slats with a glossy or matte surface. They can be painted in any color and have inserts. Such inserts are usually painted gold, silver or bronze;
  • plastic panels are especially popular due to their ease of installation and wide color palette. Caring for the ceiling is quite simple, and its surface is perfectly smooth;
  • wooden – environmentally friendly material. This is a method of finishing a ceiling that involves the use of wooden slats, lining or laminate. Such a ceiling in a small hallway will, of course, look strange;
  • glass ceiling is an interesting and unusual option that can impress with its appearance. Designers believe that such a ceiling can give the interior a premium feel;
  • mirror - usually used to visually increase the height of ceilings. This ceiling is suitable for installation in a cramped hallway;
  • painted - a budget option that allows you to experiment with the design of the structure;
  • ceiling tiles - ease of installation and practical design make this option suitable for many;
  • coffered ceiling - with its help you can create an unusual interior, as it will be a bright accent.

Choosing from such a variety can sometimes be difficult. But it is important to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of each design. Then it will be easier to do it. Of course, it wouldn’t be superfluous to consult with a designer who will recommend suspended ceilings in the hallway or another design.

Lighting and ceiling lighting

Be sure to carefully consider the lighting in the hallway, because most often there are no windows and access to natural light is minimal. And in the hallway you will have to get dressed, get ready, select accessories or fix your makeup. For all this you need normal, comfortable and fairly bright light.

Pendant lamps

A classic central chandelier with massive embellishments looks natural in spacious, square hallways. But most often it will be too cumbersome and not effective enough. If you still prefer pendant lamps, pay attention to modern slatted systems or laconic minimalist models that are hung in series in a row.

Slatted structures are especially good in loft and grunge interiors, in modern style and minimalism. The geometric shapes allow you to change the perception of the room, and the dispersion of sources provides more uniform light.


A series of compact spotlights provide calm, even illumination throughout the entire hallway. This is an ideal choice for multi-level stretch ceilings to highlight their interesting shape. Tightly fitting lampshades are almost never installed on PVC film, but for built-in models it is enough to leave a mounting hole.

If you leave an arch, niches or shelving in the hallway, spotlights can be repeated there too. To make the composition complete and harmonious, choose light bulbs of the same color, temperature and saturation.

Decorative lighting

Decorative lighting is most often used to create multi-level soaring stretch ceilings. It is the LED strip and small built-in lamps that create the desired effect, and at the same time visually lighten the design.

Ceiling options

Regardless of which model was chosen, it is necessary to decide on the number of levels of the structure.

Single-level ceiling - this model does not require levels or any height differences. This design is one of the most popular because it is easier to install. In addition, this is a great option for hallways with low ceilings.

Two-level ceiling - with its help you can easily hide wires or zone the space. But this option is suitable only for owners of apartments with fairly high ceilings.

Multi-level ceiling - has several tiers, so it is more difficult to install. Typically, during the installation of this structure, different materials are used. Therefore, it is not so easy to think through the design of a ceiling in a multi-level hallway.

Having decided which design is suitable, you need to choose the texture of the ceiling. This is important because with the help of texture you can make the decor of the room complete.

The classic type of surface is matte. The peculiarity of the matte texture is that it is not reflective, and therefore does not create glare. This is the most common type of texture that designers also like to work with.

Glossy surfaces are a little more difficult to work with, but the result is worth all the effort. Because thanks to the reflective ability of the material, it is possible to visually make the room larger. But this is only possible if the lighting has been installed correctly. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve glare. Especially in the evening. The design of a suspended ceiling in the hallway in this case must be chosen wisely

Satin ceilings have a very silky texture that creates a pearlescent sheen. The main difference between the models is that they imitate a fabric surface. But since working with this material is not easy, you need to entrust the installation process to professionals.

Materials and finishing options

The abundance of modern technologies and finishing materials makes it possible to construct both simple, unpretentious and technically complex, multi-level, intricately geometric ceiling structures in the corridor. And having understood the intricacies of the ceiling covering, its advantages and disadvantages, it becomes much easier to make the right choice. Let's look at them in more detail.

Whitewashing and painting

Against the background of the relative cheapness of materials, these options for finishing corridor ceilings are significantly inferior due to their fragility and the length of time the work takes to complete. Indeed, in this case, almost perfect leveling of the surface is necessary, and this is very labor-intensive.

Wallpapering and ceiling panels

This ceiling design is resistant to high humidity and does not require perfectly flat surfaces. Its price is quite reasonable, installation is easy, and maintenance (if the material is of good quality) is not at all burdensome. But if the wallpaper is cheap, you cannot wash it. And the tiles fade too quickly in the sun. In addition, when the ceiling is uneven, these coatings will not hide it, but rather even emphasize it.

Plasterboard structures

Decorating the ceiling in the hallway with plasterboard allows you to realize sometimes even very bold design solutions. They easily hide electrical wiring, as well as elements of other communications.

Such surfaces lend themselves perfectly to painting and pasting. They are easy to combine with other materials. And by building spotlights into them, you can easily play with the size of the room, either visually narrowing or expanding it in the right directions. Using plasterboard, you can create abstract, figured or “floating” ceilings that are so popular today.

But it also has disadvantages. So, this material is afraid of moisture. And designs using it significantly reduce the height of the room.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are an excellent interior solution. They are made from PVC film or polyester thread. Installed on a pre-mounted profile. This ceiling decoration easily hides flaws and communication elements. And in case of flooding from above, it is easily restored.

Such structures collect water, preventing it from flowing down and ruining repairs or anything in the furnishings. They are absolutely not afraid of cold and moisture, have excellent performance characteristics, and also allow you to easily play with textures, colors and shapes of the ceiling. But here, too, there were some flaws. First of all, such coatings are expensive. In addition, they are too vulnerable: they are easily damaged by any sharp object. And it is simply impossible to install it yourself, because during installation you cannot do without special equipment.

Modular ceilings

These include coating materials such as aluminum sheets, mineral fiber and mirror panels, textured and colored polycarbonate. The structures are quite durable and easy to install. They are not afraid of moisture and boast good sound insulation. They are easy to maintain and have a long service life. They look good in different styles: loft, minimalism, hi-tech.

Color palette: how to choose the color of the ceiling

The ceiling in a narrow hallway is a real problem. After all, it becomes necessary to choose the right color palette. Theoretically, you can choose any color for the ceiling structure. Indeed, in this case it all depends on the individual preferences of the person doing the repairs.

However, it must be remembered that the choice should be made carefully. The color of the ceiling should be chosen in such a way that it harmonizes with the color palette of the interior. The universal color is white.

But in this case, everything depends on the chosen palette for the remaining elements of furniture and decoration. Therefore, you can safely experiment.

It’s just important not to forget that dark ceilings are more suitable for spacious hallways. This should not be forgotten when trying to understand which ceiling is better in the hallway, since the color palette plays an extremely important role.

Finishing the hallway with plasterboard: the advantages of using gypsum plasterboard

Repairing with gypsum board sheets in a small corridor is quite short and simple. Even a non-professional can handle the repair work.

Drywall sheets are also used for:

  • Design of vertical surfaces;
  • Arrangements of shelves, arches and niches;
  • Arrangements of other decorative elements.

The use of plasterboard sheets has a significant advantage over traditional plaster. In addition, drywall has undeniable advantages over other materials.

For example:

  • High technology.
  • Light weight.
  • Fire resistance at a high level.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Affordable price.

Plasterboard material is considered environmentally friendly and safe for use in residential premises. It has neutral acidity, does not conduct current and does not emit any odor. Master builders love to work with gypsum boards because sheet plasterboard is quite easy to install. The building material is easy to cut and processed using a jigsaw or knife.

Using gypsum plasterboard, you can easily make a hollow structure in which you can arrange various communication systems and utility networks in the form of pipes, cables and air ducts.

Plasterboard sheets make it possible to create creative partitions between rooms and multi-tiered ceiling structures of the most unexpected configurations.


  • Functional shelves;
  • Niches;
  • Exclusive interior items;
  • Stylish furniture.

The scope of use of gypsum plasterboard is incredibly wide, and no one will regret choosing this material for finishing their corridor.

Tips for choosing

  1. If the room is small, stretch fabrics with a mirror effect are more suitable for finishing it.
  2. The correctly chosen color palette will help to visually expand the boundaries of the room.
  3. If the hallway is a long but narrow corridor, it is recommended to use cross beams during the installation of the ceiling. Using drywall would also be a good option. In this case, the color of the ceiling in the hallway should not be dark.

Please note that in a small hallway it is necessary to use more lighting fixtures. Artificial lighting should be chosen in such a way as to visually make the room more spacious. Therefore, it is recommended to use as many built-in lamps as possible.

Combination of materials

Drywall goes well with tension fabric. opening up great scope for creativity and allowing the implementation of interesting and unusual solutions.

The use of different textures for decoration is encouraged. The stretch fabric can be glossy or matte. The glossy surface of the ceiling with matte edging around the entire perimeter has a beautiful appearance. Painting or photo printing will look non-standard.

Please note that using more than three shades on the ceiling is not recommended.

Mirror surfaces have an original look; they can create a feeling of endless space.

Spot lighting can create an effect that visually increases height and aesthetic appeal.

Modern lamps allow you to organize lighting in several tones.

If you are installing a two-level plasterboard structure, you can use LED lighting, which is mounted in a niche of the lower level along the entire perimeter of the hallway. This technique can be used in both large and small rooms; it allows you to increase the height and slightly expand the overall space.

Photo of ceilings in the hallway

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