10 secrets for the correct placement of a painting on the wall


Lighting of canvases is of great importance. But if in a museum they can be placed along one wall and lamps installed above each, then in an apartment it is better to use good natural lighting. Additional lighting can be useful when glare appears or you want to focus attention on the wall. For these purposes, it is better to use LED lamps that do not heat up and create a directional ceiling of light.

Important! The maximum permissible illumination for painting is 150 lux. You can use a 100W incandescent lamp or a 20W fluorescent lamp. They should be located at least 1 m from the canvas.

Composition of paintings

This option looks like a win-win if you create a combination of paintings of the same size and motifs.

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It is better to arrange the images in a row or several rows.

If the composition contains one large and many small paintings, then the larger drawing should be placed in the center, and the rest in a circle.

For elongated living rooms, a modular picture with a continuing pattern is suitable. Choose no more than 4 modules so as not to clutter the space. Remember, a painting is a decoration.


You should not hang pictures too high, otherwise it will be impossible to admire them. The following universal technique will help you correctly determine the location of the canvas. Draw an imaginary line, step back 3 cm from the bottom edge of the horizontal picture, and hang the canvas so that the line is at eye level. The same principle applies to vertical canvases. But if the apartment has low ceilings, then the distance should be 6 cm from the edge.

Important! It is also necessary to take into account the distance between the walls. There is a separate rule here. The size of the larger side of the canvas must be multiplied by 3 - this is the minimum recommended distance for viewing the canvas.

Modern paintings for interior

Today there are many different styles in painting. But it’s the author’s paintings that are truly valued. Despite the high cost, art connoisseurs want to purchase just such paintings, not for the sake of solidity, but more because these paintings seem to “breathe” and “live” next to their owners.

  • When you want to add modernity and novelty to your interior, then you should pay attention to posters.
  • You can independently select the picture you like on the Internet and transfer it to a flash drive.

Using photo printing and image processing programs, specialists will print the image onto any medium, be it paper or fabric.


If there is a large wall in the kitchen, and the paintings are small, it is better to place them in groups, around one canvas that you like the most. The group should include paintings similar in style or color scheme. For example, a series of batiks, united by one theme.

Important! In a group of three paintings, the middle canvas is the main one.

Canvases of the same size are most often hung in one row at an equal distance from each other. But they look more interesting when they weigh at different levels.

Often people perceive canvases as elements of classical painting that require a large amount of space on the wall. They should not be covered with furniture or other decorative items.

What other technique for hanging pictures can be used in the kitchen or any other room? A continuous trellis grouping, when the canvases cover the entire wall.

Important! To decide how to properly hang canvases on the wall, you should first create a composition on the floor and then transfer it to the interior. But it’s definitely not worth hanging a lot of canvases “by height” in the direction of increasing or decreasing. This is a sign of bad taste.

Schemes for the arrangement of paintings above the sofa

The most logical place for art in the interior is in the living room above the sofa. Upon entering the room, the paintings will immediately attract attention and arouse interest from the guests. Hanging a picture in the living room above the sofa will not be difficult.

There are ready-made schemes that take into account the combination of the size and shape of the frames with the general proportions of the furniture and room. You can use ready-made options, but creative people are better off choosing their own method for arranging images above the sofa.

You can limit yourself to one canvas that matches the scale of the sofa, or try to combine a large poster with medium and small ones to adequately fill the space.

It is important that a group of paintings is united by a common element: color scheme, genre, theme, size of details. This way the composition will look more harmonious.

To create a single composition, it is recommended to use three images. If the frames are small and identical, then you can try to create a rhythmic composition of two or three rows, with three patterns in each.

Symmetry is a pleasing state to the human eye, but monotony is not. You can move the canvas to the left or right if there is also something to look at on the opposite side of the sofa - for example, a large vase or an unusual lamp.

It is recommended to fill at least two-thirds of the width of the sofa with paintings above it. If there is a step beyond the limits, the furniture will seem insignificant. And if the space is not occupied enough, then the canvases will not look so elegant and attractive.

Interior solutions can be very different, the main thing is that the canvas fits organically into the overall model of the room.

How to hang a picture

Before hanging a picture in the kitchen, you need to prepare materials for attaching the canvas. A finishing nail 5 cm long will withstand various types of load. However, the anchor screw with a round head is considered the most optimal. If we are talking about a plasterboard wall, then the canvas should be placed on the frame stand. This is the most reinforced part of the wall under the plaster, bearing the main load. It can be determined using an electronic detector or manually. To do this, just tap on the surface in different places. Where the dull sound is located is where the stand is hidden.

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It is best to place the painting on brackets. How to determine the height at which the canvas should be placed has already been described earlier. Place the canvas against the wall to mark the mounting points. You need to make holes in them for the anchor screw using a small drill or a regular nail and hammer. Then you should place an anchor screw in the hole and secure it with a screwdriver. The canvas should be hung on the created mount in the kitchen or room.

Fashionable trends in painting

Today, the fashionable trend in room design is a natural, natural style, but styles such as minimalism, Mediterranean motifs and textures also do not lose popularity.

  1. Minimalism is a common style. It has not lost its relevance for several years. There are several characteristic features of this style: severity, conciseness and abundance of light. There are paintings that can advantageously complement this style, these are the author's portrait, landscape, still life and abstraction.
  2. Eco-painting is a modern trend. Natural elements are used to create paintings. It can be moss, stone, live or dried flowers. This picture looks quite original and can surprise guests with its unusualness. The advantage is that such paintings can be placed both in the bedroom and in the bathroom. This canvas can decorate your home with lush and bright greenery.
  3. Geometric theme. All kinds of geometric shapes are also at the peak of popularity today. They express aesthetics, style and clarity. This direction does not overload the interior of the room and looks light and modern.

Installation Tips

Do not overload the frame stand. One or two canvases can be hung on a wooden beam. The rest are better placed around.

  • Before hanging pictures in the interior, you need to mark the distance between the canvases using a pencil and ruler or multi-colored stickers. During the installation process it will be easier to determine the location of the next panel.
  • Arrange the pictures creatively. Six or seven canvases of different sizes will visually create the effect of increasing space. Experiment before hanging your canvases on the wall. But don't place them very high or low.
  • Think through all the details in the interior. Small canvases will not look good in different rooms, so it is better to place them on one wall. Landscape photos give you more options than portrait paintings. Experiment with their placement in the interior until you find the best way.
  • When designing where in the interior to hang a picture, consider the height of the furniture, shelving, the location of windows and the lighting of the room as a whole.

Abstract painting

And one more unwritten rule - the picture should not only be proportional to the plane of the wall, but also be in harmony with its decoration and the color palette of the floor covering. Otherwise, it will simply “get lost” among the flashily decorated walls.

The only exception is abstract painting, but such a bold decision is designed for original taste. Another important aspect to consider when placing your painting is lighting.

Do not hang paintings in direct sunlight or opposite windows. Diffused lighting that improves side visibility would be more appropriate.

Subject VS Color

What comes first: palette or content? If the interior has a distinct stylistic theme, then you should select the canvas according to its content. In such cases, thematic and stylistic inconsistency is not acceptable.

For example, if the living room is decorated in an African style with a predominant beige and yellow palette, then an African woman with a blue turban would look more appropriate than an autumn forest. Color imbalance can be corrected with accessories. For example, hang a picture on the wall above the sofa, and put blue pillows on it. Even if color comes first, the plot remains important.

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Advice! Paintings with abstractions, portraits and plants are universal. They can be used in any room and even in the kitchen.

Rules for placing paintings in the apartment

Nowadays, many design ideas are proposed on this topic with intricate names of styles that have little in common with ideas about home comfort and are more suitable for exhibition display.

In an effort to equip and decorate your home, it would be a good idea to remember the fairly simple rules for placing paintings in a residential interior.

The main principle that must be followed is not to turn your home into an art gallery, even if you are a big art lover. In this case, you will need a separate room, a kind of office for the owner of the house. And here you can densely hang paintings of various genres. This will emphasize the refinement of the owner's taste.

Don’t forget about the need to change paintings from time to time, or at least the way they are hung, or the design of the frame. The painting is the main accent of the room and its attractiveness should not fade.

In terms of its impact on a person and its importance in the interior, it has a worthy rival - a television or home theater, which are capable of absorbing a significant part of the household’s free time.

But works of art have one undeniable, time-tested advantage. For example, a painting can be a gift from a loved one for an important life event and become a “keeper” of warm memories. This memorable significance is clearly represented in the author's works, even if it is the author's copy or an edition engraving.

The artist’s signature, traditionally located in the lower right corner of the canvas, will remind you of a visit to a particular exhibition, or a meeting with a creative person. This feeling of the “human factor” cannot be conveyed by any technical means with all their power of influence on the viewer.

With a few exceptions, almost all techniques and genres of fine art are suitable for placement in a residential interior, of course, except for battle scenes and mythological scenes on the theme of the Flood.

Selection of canvas by color

Before properly hanging canvases on the wall, you need to make sure that they will fit into the interior. An ideal option if the canvases completely rhyme with the interior. Their images in color scheme repeat the colors in the setting. Most often, the canvas blends into the surroundings and goes unnoticed. But at the same time it performs the main function - it decorates an empty wall. Such a canvas can serve as a connecting element. For example, in a kitchen with green walls and purple furniture, an image of a lilac branch will connect the primary colors.

Children's vernissage

A special theme is paintings in the children's room, where they are intended to play a large educational role. Many children love to draw. It’s worth supporting this hobby and organizing a small vernissage of your child’s own drawings with characters from their favorite cartoons. Or decorate the nursery walls with a few watercolors. Invite your child to try his hand at this painting technique. Even a preschooler can do this.

A teenager's room should look a little different. A riot of colors and the most daring experiments are possible here. A poster is suitable for these purposes - printing an image from digital media onto canvas or special paper, sometimes with the author’s drawing of the details of the plot.

The theme of such works may reflect the musical preferences of a teenager with portraits of favorite performers or famous athletes. The hobbies of young people are changing quickly and replacing inexpensive posters will not be burdensome for the family budget.

Works of art provide ample opportunities for arranging a residential interior in accordance with a wide variety of tastes, ranging from a laconic classic version to an ultra-modern type. Moreover, this task is not always associated with significant material costs. You just need to remember the special conditions that apply to the placement of paintings.

What to avoid

Today, paintings in the interior are a tool for decorating the environment. The perception of the entire room depends on the size and location of the painting on the wall. Their very presence can change the usual way of life. According to Feng Shui, for a painting to bring happiness, you need to fall in love with the image.

Therefore, in interior design you should avoid:

  • Aggressive subjects in the form of floods, fires, wild animals - such paintings change the positive energy.
  • Images of elderly people and broken dishes will bring destructive energy into the house.
  • In the kitchen or in any other room, you should not hang radically different images. Mixed energy will also not bring comfort.
  • You can hang pictures of water in the kitchen. According to Feng Shui, such images attract financial flows. In the living room you should hang dynamic paintings with an active plot. If the room or kitchen is used for frequent gatherings of friends, then images of noble animals would be appropriate.

Advice! It is advisable to select solutions in blue and blue colors.

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Reasons for the popularity of wall paintings

This turned out to be possible for several reasons.

Firstly: a large assortment

The emergence of a rich assortment of finishing building materials allows you to decorate the interior in accordance with the conditions necessary for placing works of art.

A few decades ago, the carpet was considered the main decorative element in the house. It had to not only please the owner’s eyes, but also hide the shortcomings of the construction industry of that time. For example, a meager list of finishing materials and floor coverings, poor sound insulation.

In addition, the carpet insulated the home, since double-glazed window frames and individual heating were very rare.

Secondly: large area

Modern housing, even of an average level, differs from previous forms by a much larger area of ​​​​premises. This is an important factor for placing paintings, which need space not only for hanging, but also for viewing. Without this, it loses its decorative and semantic significance.

Thirdly: availability of paintings

Paintings have become more accessible, and the possibilities for copying and using ancient technologies have expanded. Printed graphics, popular at all times, are also able to satisfy any request. But, nevertheless, originals are still considered a sign of refined taste, among which there are relatively inexpensive options.

Color scheme in the interior

You can create an original atmosphere in your home without special training. To get a unique design, it is advisable to follow a few simple rules:

  • Colors should be chosen according to the principle of opposites (yellow with blue, red with white) or by mixing related shades (brown with orange).
  • In dark rooms, it is recommended to use light and bright colors to compensate for the lack of natural light.
  • The winning option for the hallway will always be gray. In this case, an image made in any style, even a very original one, is suitable.

Beautiful bright images in the hallway will contribute to a harmonious combination of elements that are incompatible at first glance.

Paintings by contemporary artists are very diverse, and their range is huge. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the lack of a suitable option. A work of art that is correctly selected in terms of texture and color scheme will harmoniously fit into the existing atmosphere of the room.

Modular photographs, paintings or paintings are perceived differently even if they depict the same subject.

The role of paintings: mood and correction of space

The guests’ opinion about the inhabitants of the home depends on how carefully and in detail the interior of the corridor is processed.
However, the main role of artistic paintings is to create a good mood. They are necessary to please the eye and evoke positive emotions. If you want to look at the canvas again and again, the main goal has been achieved. The entrance area can be decorated simply, and that’s good. You can also adjust the space if you choose the right paintings in the hallway on the wall.

So, when choosing, it is important to measure the size of the room and future furniture. If the hallway is modest in size, it is better to decorate the walls with several small paintings. They will fit perfectly into the decor and will be perceived as part of a single whole, especially if you take care of the same frames or the same style.

If you want to raise the ceiling, choose narrower vertical designs. A large-scale canvas will make a small room even cramped and visually reduce the height of the ceilings. In addition, it is difficult to assess it from a distance of one and a half meters. The lucky ones who have a spacious hallway have a greater choice of suitable sizes and ways to display pictures.

Apart from choosing the right size, the following methods are called image correction methods:

  • Taking into account the color palette of the canvas. Warm shades (red, yellow, brown) create coziness, but at the same time visually narrow the space. Cool shades (blue, white, green) have the opposite effect - they expand and refresh the interior.
  • Using a contrast effect. On dark walls, a composition of small light canvases looks good (the opposite is also true). The corridor receives additional structuring, which is perceived by the subconscious as calming.
  • Using Feng Shui methods. In the Eastern tradition, the presence of a mirror is considered important. Its position should contribute to the correct flow of qi energy, the same applies to the texture of the paintings. The relative position of these objects is allowed, in which the canvas is reflected in the mirror. Followers of the teaching claim that if the site is chosen correctly, it will attract harmony and success to the house.
  • Using a mirror. Even if you are not a follower of oriental practices and arranging paintings in the corridor according to Feng Shui, the canvas reflected in the mirror creates a volume effect that will not interfere in a cramped corridor.
  • Most hallways suffer from a lack of natural light, so it’s quite normal to provide backlighting for paintings. This can be special LED lighting or ordinary wall lamps. To prevent the image from fading, it is protected with anti-reflective glass.
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