Decorating a wall in the kitchen near the table: methods and photos of successful ideas

If your desk is against a wall, you should think about its design. You can, of course, even at the stage of repair and finishing, highlight this area (no matter whether with wallpaper, boards or something else). This will visually isolate the work area, isolating it from the general space. But even in this case, additional decor will not hurt.

Wall decoration in the work area can be not only purely decorative, but also functional, that is, useful. If there is an opportunity to make your mini-office more cozy, stylish and convenient, you should definitely take advantage of it. Let's look at a few ideas.

Note board

This is the name given to a panel mounted on the wall, intended for posting announcements, notes, reminders, etc.

In home interiors, boards are used primarily as decor. It contains, for example, postcards, photographs, dried plants. But it also fulfills its main function: letters, reminders, receipts, etc. are hung on the board. If the panel for notes hangs above the desktop, these papers are always in front of your eyes, preventing you from forgetting about yourself.

The design of note boards is varied. You can buy a cork panel in stores. This is a pinboard, that is, a board for pinning (papers are fixed on it using push pins).

Standard cork boards look too office-like. To decorate home offices, such panels are made by hand. The basis can be the same cork surface from the store. It is covered with fabric and complemented with a frame. The board takes on a completely different, much more elegant look.

As a base, you can use not only cork, but also, for example, plywood or drywall. Homemade boards can be both hard and soft (a layer of filler is laid under the upholstery). The surface can be supplemented with pockets and threads for hanging papers on clothespins.

French note boards are popular for decorating women's offices. They are very decorative and elegant. Their peculiarity is tightly stretched ribbons crossing each other. It is convenient to slip notes, letters, reminders, photographs, postcards, etc. under them. You can also use clothespins. Instead of ribbons, braid, twine or lace are sometimes used.

What to hang on the wall above your workplace? For example, a board for notes

Fabric-covered note panels are a wonderful decor for a work area. It makes the office homey and cozy. The correct selection of color and fabric pattern allows you to simultaneously highlight the work area and connect it with the surrounding space.

Manufacturing materials

Modern manufacturers use a variety of materials to make shelves. It can be chipboard, MDF, acrylic. However, traditional types of raw materials have not lost their relevance:

  1. Tree. Perhaps the most popular material. Solid wood shelves look great in any interior; they are especially often used in Scandinavian style or in loft-style rooms. In addition, wood has high environmental characteristics, which cannot be said about artificial materials made using glue. There are also some downsides - the cost of the shelves is quite high, since high-quality raw materials are always prestigious, environmentally friendly and expensive.
  2. Glass. Designs made from this material allow you to create a variety of design solutions based on a combination of the properties of a transparent surface and lighting. Glass is not affected by most aggressive environments, including moisture, is easy to clean and has increased wear resistance. The disadvantage of glass shelves is that they are fragile and traumatic.
  3. Metal. Steel products are simple and easy to use. Such shelves often have fastenings for installation on metal guides, which allows you to change the configuration of the product if necessary. The disadvantage is their low aesthetic properties, which is more than compensated by their functionality.
  4. Plastic. Modern manufacturing technologies for building materials make it possible to use plastic panels to make shelves with an almost unlimited choice of textures and colors. Plastic or vinyl products are environmentally friendly, often used in interiors in high-tech and modern styles, where there are non-standard shapes and curved lines. They have few disadvantages, one of them is that under heavy load the product can change shape or bend.
  5. Chipboard. Perhaps this material can be classified as the most budget-friendly. Chipboard shelves do their job well, but they are very fragile, especially at the fastening points, and have poor environmental performance due to the use of glue in the manufacture of the material.
  6. MDF. This raw material is most widely used for the manufacture of not only shelves, but also other furniture in Russia and Europe. Compared to chipboard, the material is stronger and more environmentally friendly. When applied, the coating can imitate many textures and have different colors. At the same time, MDF is a budget material and is relatively cheap.

The main characteristic of the material is environmental friendliness, which is especially important in families with children. Therefore, when choosing shelves based on price-quality ratio, emphasis should be placed in favor of the second indicator.







Painting or poster

Psychologists recommend decorating the work area with landscapes. The best thing is panoramas. From time to time you need to take your eyes off the monitor or papers and look at the picture. This will allow you to relax slightly, rest your eyes and mind.

You can, of course, choose any other genre, as long as you like the picture.

For some, a poster with an inspiring text will be more suitable, while for others, a portrait of a famous person whose success motivates them.

How to decorate the wall above the desktop? For example, decorate with a poster

chalk board

This decor can combine both a poster and a board for notes. You just need to pick up chalk and start writing, drawing, and being creative. Drawings and motivational inscriptions can change almost every day.

Small hanging boards in elegant frames look very cute and neat. But the board can also be the wall itself, painted with special black paint.

How to decorate a wall in the kitchen

You can use various decorative elements to decorate the walls in the kitchen. Here we look at the most popular items for wall decoration.

  • Mirrors.

Small and large mirrors visually expand the space, so this solution would be a great idea for a wall in a small kitchen.

  • Shelves.

Wall shelves are perfect for storing jars of spices, beautiful dishes and exquisite glasses that will be useful for a festive dinner.

  • Watch.

This is a convenient and functional element of wall decor, thanks to which you can always track the cooking time of your dishes.

  • Posters and panels.

They create bright accents in the interior and enliven the space.

  • Plant compositions.

Live and artificial plants are a popular element of wall decoration. Plant arrangements look stylish and create coziness.

Wall shelves

They can be used for stationery and books, as well as for decoration.

The main thing is not to overload the area with shelves. There should not be too many of them, otherwise the work area will look cluttered and heavy.

Wall organizer

Organizers are designed for efficient and convenient storage of papers and office supplies. They can consist of cells, pockets, rails with containers, a stand for small items and hanging baskets (from one or several elements at once).

Functional wall decor above the desk


An artificially created niche, inside which a dining table is placed, helps to make the kitchen environment more expressive and private. The structure can be made of plasterboard and decorated with clinker tiles, or use shallow cabinets.

The second option is more practical, as it plays the role of an additional storage system for dishes or workpieces. But such a solution is appropriate only in spacious kitchens with an area of ​​9 square meters and above.

Wall clock

This is an ideal choice for decorating a classic work area. Shelves, boards for notes and organizers will not be very appropriate here. Classics tend toward rigor and restraint. A single decor in the form of a wall clock will allow you to get rid of the emptiness without going overboard.

How to decorate the wall above your desk? For example, for hours

Watches are associated with solidity and seriousness. These qualities are very relevant for the office.

If there is only one piece of decor, it should be large enough and catchy. Otherwise, the design will look lonely and ridiculous.

Glass panels

A more expensive option for decorating the wall design of the dining area is glass panels with photo printing. They are usually made of thick glass, have a width of 60 cm and holes for mounting. With a standard width, it will be enough to order 2-3 stripes.

The design of such panels can be anything: natural motifs, still lifes, city landscapes - the main thing is that your favorite painting matches the overall interior. So, for example, in a kitchen in light lilac tones an image of a purple iris or black butterflies will look organic.

Glass panels with photo printing are installed from ceiling to floor. In this case, you need to take into account the location of the image - it must start at a distance of at least 72 cm from the floor, otherwise the kitchen table will cover all the “beauty”.

Panels with photo printing can be ordered in smaller sizes and placed like a painting. This is what they do in cases with a small kitchen space. In this case, the best choice would be a large image of a single object: a cup of coffee, an apple, an orange, a flower, etc.


It is not here to engage in narcissism (although this is not excluded), but to visually expand the space and make the work area brighter.

It is desirable that the mirror be large and very impressive. It will not distract from work if you hang it higher.

The mirror is an excellent choice for decorating an office in the classic and art deco style, as well as for a female work area.

How to decorate a wall above a workplace? Hang a mirror


An important place in decorating dining areas is occupied by the color scheme of finishing materials. In order to make a choice taking into account not only personal preferences, but also general perception, you need to know exactly how a particular color affects a person.

  • Red and yellow. These colors increase appetite and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. However, a large amount of bright red color has a depressing effect on the human psyche, so it is better to decorate the dining area in soft shades of orange and yellow.
  • Green. Green color also increases appetite, and at the same time relieves nervous tension and adds calm. This impact is especially relevant for city dwellers, since large cities with their high pace of life, a large number of dark concrete buildings and a small number of green spaces contribute to an increase in stress levels.

In this case, you should give preference to light and light green shades, since the dirty green color does not look very presentable and neat.

  • Blue and purple. These colors are considered more suitable for the bathroom than for the kitchen. They reduce appetite, which is completely contrary to the purpose of this room. However, they can be used to make bright and interesting accents.
  • Black and white. There is an opinion that black color discourages appetite, and white, on the contrary, promotes overeating. Perhaps this is precisely the reason that such colors are not used separately in the kitchen interior, but only in combination.

Regardless of what color was chosen to decorate the wall next to the kitchen table, you should remember the following rules:

  • glossy surfaces and cool shades expand the space, giving it darkness and coolness;
  • matte surfaces and warm shades narrow the space, but make it cozy and bright.

Geographic map

This option is similar to decorating with paintings and posters. Taking time off from work and looking at a map is just as useful as looking at a landscape (provided the map is in color). Looking at a generalized image of the Earth's surface instantly relieves tension.

But at the same time, the map, unlike paintings and posters, is more concise and strict in its essence.


If there is a lot of space above the table, you can use mixed decor, that is, decorate the wall with several items listed above. For example, hang a clock, a board for notes and a poster above your workplace.

However, remember that this area should not be overloaded. Small details in large quantities will tire and distract attention.

No. 16. Empty frames

This idea, at first glance, may seem wild, but if you study the example photos, it becomes obvious that this is a good way to decorate an empty wall. Collect several frames and paint them the same color. A win-win option is white, and if you are confident in your own taste, you can choose a bright shade. The frames are used to form a composition, the volume and shape of which you choose yourself. Frames can hang separately from each other, or they can be layered one on top of the other. This decor looks most impressive on plain walls. Don’t be afraid to play with contrast: white frames will look great on a dark gray wall, yellow frames on a blue wall, and red, blue, orange and other frames in bright colors on a white wall.

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