Studio room, planning and zoning of a single space, tips on organizing the interior and choosing a style - 2022

What if we tell you that a studio can be bought or redesigned in an ordinary apartment in Moscow, and even furnished on a budget? The article contains a guide for such daredevils. For those who are not in the know: a studio is an apartment in which there are no partitions between the living areas: kitchen, bedroom, living room and dining room. In other words, this is a single living space that you can arrange as you wish. Usually either small in area (up to 30 m²) or quite spacious (from 100 m²) and with designer finishes.

This choice cannot be called traditional for Russia. Therefore, we will tell you about the features and rules of studio design so that the moving process is painless.

Apartment interior 2022 with fashionable design (photo)

For most people, it is often customary to think not about the construction process, which does not provide much convenience, but about the result and a house that will be cozy and beautiful for all residents. It's about creating a dream home for the future for you and your family. That is why the interior design of an apartment 2022 is one of the most important stages of work on each project, and includes the preparation of documentation for the further implementation of a full renovation.

The first and main step in creating your own interior is choosing a style. Of course, it will be very difficult for a person who is not savvy in design issues to understand all the existing directions and it will be even more difficult to correctly describe what he wants. Fashion magazines and Internet sites devoted to this issue will help solve the problem.

Save all the photos and images you like. It’s better to print or cut them out later so that you can compare them by placing them side by side. Usually twelve options are enough to make a decision.

Take a close look at the images and try to find common features: similar colors, density of objects, shape of furniture. It is also important to take into account the features of your own home. For example, the Victorian style will not suit the owners of small apartments with low ceilings, even if they are its ardent fans.

Features of dividing a one-room apartment.

When no more than two people live in an apartment, the interior zoning can be ensured by separating areas for sleeping, relaxing, receiving guests and a workplace. This can be done using:

  • light accentuation, you can highlight the living room area;
  • a podium on which to arrange a bedroom area;
  • carpeting that can be used to divide the living room.

To divide the space and separate the area for rest and entertainment of the child, it is worth using the brightest part of the room. For this use:

  • screen;
  • paintable wallpaper;
  • transformable furniture or shelving;

Design project of a studio apartment

The preparatory stage of repair includes:

  • a detailed projection of the customer’s vision of the future apartment in the design project;
  • searching for a reliable contractor who will do the repairs efficiently and on time;
  • measuring the premises and drawing up an estimate by a surveyor-engineer;
  • discussion of all the details (purchase of materials and their delivery to the site, garbage removal, cleaning, deadlines, creation of working conditions for the team, etc.), signing the contract.

Designing the design of a studio apartment is an important task, on the basis of which the entire further renovation process will be built. A feature of the studio’s design project is, on the one hand, the optimal furnishing of the premises with furniture and appliances, based on the needs and wishes of the customer, and on the other hand, the design of the apartment in a style that suits the customer’s aesthetic preferences and lifestyle.

Competent and thoughtful detailing of the project determines the final result of the renovation - convenience, comfort, and harmony of the interior. The guarantor of the accuracy of the project and the quality of the repair is a reliable contractor of repair work. The contractor’s work begins with a surveyor visiting the site and drawing up a detailed estimate. At the stage of signing a contract for the provision of repair services, the following must be recorded: the price and volume of repair work, completion dates, related services, payment procedure, guarantee and liability for violation of the terms of the contract.

After purchasing and delivering rough finishing materials and tools, the team begins work.

Apartment plan

Zoning should be started only on the basis of the plan. You need to clearly understand what space should be created in the end: how many square meters and what corners will become the bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen and study. After this, it will be possible to make a furniture arrangement scheme that will correspond to the functionality and the allocated area.

Ideas and tips for apartment interior design 2022

An uninitiated person who is furnishing his home has to make so many decisions, go through so many options, that he involuntarily settles on the most banal and familiar interior, not much different from the previous one. And when the renovation is completed, a slight haze of disappointment remains in my soul that I didn’t have enough courage and knowledge to create the ideal interior of apartment 2022.

The financial issue is far from the last place in the design of housing. Deciding on the amount you are willing to immediately invest in repairs is extremely important. Both the process itself and its scale will depend on this. If you don’t have enough money for everything at once, then you can initially work on the main room, and then move on to the rest of the house.

Room division methods

It is not difficult to divide a room in a modern apartment into several parts and for this there is no need to build an additional wall in the room. How can you divide a room and what methods are used now?

Partitions made of brick or block

In order to build a stationary partition in your room to divide it into two zones, you need to have at least 2 windows in your room.

Interior design features

A few design nuances:

  • To ensure that this studio apartment does not look cluttered, you should not use too many small details when decorating it.
  • It is not recommended to use large furniture elements in dark colors, as this can contribute to the creation of an uncomfortable and oppressive atmosphere.
  • There should be enough free space between furniture to provide an open and accessible passage.
  • When zoning a room, the design of the partitions should correspond to the overall interior style.

Large studio apartment

At first glance, it seems that creating the interior of a large studio apartment will not be difficult. In fact, not every designer is capable of such a task. The main goal is not to use every meter of space, but to harmoniously fill the space.

This photo clearly shows how you can divide the interior into zones without additional partitions

Active, cheerful married couples sometimes prefer to create a single interior from a multi-room apartment. The absence of partitions even in the bedroom adds space and air. Zoning is highlighted only by carpeting and minor details.

The abundance of natural light is smoothed out by elements of dark tones

A striking example of an ideal man's home. A large number of windows provide natural light. Black tones, including a dark brick wall, compensate for excess brightness.

Pastel colors and floral prints make the room brighter and cozier

Provence embodies the dreams of furnishing a studio apartment for a woman with a romantic nature. Light warm colors create a calming mood. Light partitions delimit the space into the necessary zones.

In this interior, the composition is built around a double bed

Calm tones and natural finishing materials create an environmentally friendly and natural effect. The compositional center is a large double bed, covered with light curtains.

Instead of radically dismantling the walls, you can make wide arched openings

In a standard three-room apartment, it is not necessary to completely dismantle all the walls to create a studio. Wide arches will create a feeling of solid space, with each zone highlighted by small partitions.

Design of a small studio apartment

It is even more difficult to furnish a small studio apartment. Therefore, we advise you to adhere to this plan:

— Be sure to measure all distances to the nearest centimeter so that there are no unnecessary gaps that waste space; — Before starting work, create a sketch or 3D visualization to make sure the layout is convenient; — Get rid of everything unnecessary: ​​souvenirs, chargers, extension cords, junk. Feel free to throw away and hide everything that can be thrown away and hidden; — Choose modular multifunctional designs. They are more expensive and more difficult to install, but significantly save space.

Studio apartment for a family with a child

Of course, this is not entirely convenient, but in life there are all sorts of situations. Therefore, we will consider this option for creating an interior.

The main point is the child, to whom the entire interior and style of the room will be “adapted”. Therefore, the primary task is to designate the nursery area for the baby. To do this, it is worth highlighting the selected part of the apartment with thematic wallpaper, laying a soft, bright rug and placing a drawer for storing toys.

Key points: 1. The child's area should not be located near heating elements. The child should breathe moist air and not get burned; 2. Optimal lighting. If necessary, equip additional light sources;

3. Natural and safe materials; 4. Furniture without sharp corners, no steps, ladders or podiums; 5. It is unlikely that a shower in the bathroom will suit a child, so it is better to install a small bathtub; 6. You can use transformable furniture for the nursery: a bed-wardrobe, for example; 7. Use a loft bed if the child is not too small, and place a play area under it.

If space allows, you can separate the kitchen from the living room or children's room with a partition. This will allow you not to disturb the child during sleep or activities. Well, for the rest, follow our general recommendations and advice: use less furniture, use more lighting and use mostly natural materials. You can also arrange a balcony or loggia into a full-fledged room for a child - without damaging your living room or kitchen.

Methods for zoning one-room apartments

In order to create a comfortable interior, furnishings are used. Both color scheme and texture play an important role, emphasizing zoned areas.

Plasterboard partition

When living in a spacious room, dividing it into zones is the easiest way. The advantage is that two separate rooms are formed, with excellent sound insulation.

If you install a plasterboard partition, then visually it will not differ from the supporting wall.

Installation of a false wall is simple from a technical point of view.

By design, the following types are distinguished:

  • solid;
  • arch;
  • with a round opening;
  • original partition.

Installation work will not take much effort and money, and the false wall will have excellent sound insulation.

Advice. When choosing a design, focus on the external effect. A false wall can be inconspicuous, simple in design, or it can be bright and unusual.

When, as a result of redevelopment, there is not enough natural light, this deficiency is compensated by installing additional lighting fixtures.

Note. To install a partition, you do not need to have it approved by law.

When choosing this method of separating zones, you must remember that dismantling the wall will require repair work.

It is problematic to dismantle such a partition if necessary; to do this, you will have to carry out the entire range of repair work in the room.


When you need to divide a room into two parts, a simple design technique will help.

Choosing a screen provides the following advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • minimum required area;
  • opportunity to make a change.

You can choose a stylish and laconic model that will complement the interior of the room.

Different components are used as materials: bamboo, metal, textiles, wood, etc. When choosing a model, it is important to take into account the style of the interior. For example, if the room is decorated in a loft style, then a metal mesh will look good. For ethno-style, original textiles are suitable.

You can purchase products that will fit into any style, hide part of the room from prying eyes, or create light outlines, decorating the interior.

Sliding partitions

The structure, made according to the example of a wardrobe, covers part of the room. Some models are made up of several doors, which gives them originality.

The difference between a partition in a Japanese one-room apartment is that the panels are overlapped. This creates a laconic ethno design.

Sliding partitions, installed according to the principle of a wardrobe, allow you to completely hide a separate area.

If the area that stands out does not have windows, a glass structure with a frosted finish is suitable. The translucent partition provides additional light penetration and guarantees privacy.

A glass model mounted from floor to ceiling is called a “French window.” It is usually located between the kitchen and living room, as it prevents the penetration of kitchen “odors”, adding charm.

Stained glass or glass decorated with colored patterns looks interesting.


An intimate atmosphere in the room is created by fabrics that hide the selected area from prying eyes. When choosing this technique, you should focus on the style of the room.

Curtains separate the resting area, and thick material creates sophisticated comfort.

With the help of a flowing canopy, a note of romance is added to the interior.

Advice. For zoning, it is better to choose dense fabrics in light colors. Translucent materials, although they look light, are not able to create the impression of privacy.

Curtains made of bamboo or threads also highlight areas, combining with almost any style of room.

Niches and racks

Structures equipped with shelves are a place to store pleasant little things. With their help, you can create an exhibition: display your favorite books, souvenirs and other rarities.

Vertical shelving significantly saves space and divides it without overload. Cabinets with a mirrored wall also look great.

The ideal option is models with through shelves.

Note! Mobile racks on wheels are very convenient in everyday life. When you need to isolate your “office”, they are the ideal solution. Indeed, if there is not enough space for a working tool, they can simply be rolled to the side.


In design practice, there is an original way to divide a room. To fence off one of the zones, it is raised above the floor level. This design is called a “podium”.

Typically, this technique is used if you need to organize spaces for the living room, bedroom and office. As an accent, large boxes are installed that serve as a storage system.

The advantage of podiums is that they do not take up extra space and help highlight a certain area.

Designer's recommendation. Any of the selected areas must be properly illuminated. Both artificial and natural light can enclose part of the territory.


The choice of wall coverings is extremely wide, which makes them an excellent tool for zoning. The color scheme for the bedroom usually includes pastel shades. For the design of the living room and kitchen, choose a more saturated color.

When dividing a room into two zones, one of them is always allocated as a place to sleep.

Advice. It is not recommended to choose bright cartoon colors for a child's room. The main thing is that the interior does not look dull.

It is not always possible to choose harmonious shades for wallpaper, but this will not be difficult if you use a single palette. Example: if the head of the family devotes a lot of time to work, it is better to keep this zone in a calm tone.

Studio interior color scheme

In the last couple of years, the Scandinavian style has become popular, which is based on the predominance of white with the addition of bright accents and the use of furniture and accessories made from natural materials. This style is environmentally friendly and functional. Thanks to the variety of colors, the problem of combining styles and different shades is solved. To adhere to the Scandinavian style, it is enough to choose two primary colors and create the rest of the room design based on them.

A lot of white expands the space, and bright accents are pleasing to the eye.

When choosing white as a base color, you will have to think carefully about the lighting system in the room. This is due to the fact that if there is insufficient lighting, white walls, for example, will take on a grayish tint. As an alternative to white, you can choose its warm (ivory, almond, etc.) or cold (snow, smoky, white ghost) shades.

It just seems that gray is a dull color, but in fact it can calm you down or set you in a working mood.

Play of light and lighting

Proper lighting can transform any room, regardless of its design style. With the help of light, you can divide the space into functional zones, emphasizing the peculiarity of each area without the use of walls.

Thoughtful lighting for individual functional areas

To create a favorable interior design in an apartment, the hallway (photo to confirm this) should be evenly illuminated. For this, LED economical lighting in the cornice under the ceiling can be used. This rational solution allows you to illusorily increase the height of the ceiling. You can also use a single sconce located near the entrance door of the apartment. Photos of the hallway interior design clearly show possible lighting options.

Functional lighting in a studio apartment

The lighting of the main space of the apartment should be harmoniously combined with the other areas of the room. To illuminate the living room, you can use a ceiling chandelier or small lamps located at different heights.

Built-in or pendant lights are ideal for the kitchen area. In the sleeping area, it will be sufficient to use compact lamps or floor lamps, which will create a feeling of comfort and tranquility. Interesting design solutions for lighting options can be seen in the provided photos of the interior and layout of studio apartments of 30 sq.m.

LED ceiling lighting combined with pendant lights

The lighting of a studio apartment should be self-sufficient, not overloaded with lighting fixtures installed in a chaotic manner. It is undesirable to cover window openings with heavy thick curtains, which prevent the passage of natural light and thereby visually reduce the usable volume of the room.

Decorative and functional lighting in the room

Techniques for identifying zones in rooms of different sizes

Few people would want to convert a large multi-room apartment into a single studio. Therefore, people use this design in one- or one-and-a-half room apartments. Converted two-room apartments are even rarer.

Agree that each individual apartment has its own dimensions, and sometimes there is no way to fit some things into it. For especially small rooms, there are certain zoning recommendations, which we will outline throughout this chapter.

Kitchen area

Let's start with the most difficult thing, because a kitchen with open walls means constant odors, grease and soot in the living rooms. In addition, due to the fact that the interior decoration of this area will always be visible, it is worth organizing its space in such a way that there are enough cabinets and drawers for kitchen utensils for all the dishes without leaving a trace.

  • To put all this into practice, you will have to equip the kitchen with a powerful forced ventilation system.
  • Also, in order not to take up too much space with kitchen furniture, it is recommended to install multi-level storage systems with pull-out and fold-out elements that can effectively use the corners of the room.
  • Drop-down cabinets are also very convenient, since some models are not attached to the walls and are attached directly to the ceiling.
  • Another point to consider during renovation is the removal of debris that constantly accumulates in the kitchen. This can be avoided by organizing a multi-level floor, which should be lower in the kitchen. However, this problem does not stop many people, and on the contrary, they raise the floor in the kitchen.

Attention! If you live alone, then the garbage problem is unlikely to affect you, but if you live with a family, even a small one, you will definitely encounter it.

Bar counter with drawers
If the size of your apartment does not exceed 30 m², then to save more space, you can use a table to create a partition, or install a bar counter that will successfully replace it. This design is also good because on the kitchen side, you can place drawers or cabinets in it to store dishes, and it will be very convenient to cook food on its surface.

But if you have plenty of surfaces for cooking without a counter, then it can be placed as a separate zoning element, at which it will be convenient for a large number of diners to sit.

How to partition a studio apartment: a table as a divider

Such a bulky element of any kitchen as a refrigerator can be disguised, or you can immediately purchase a built-in model. The size of these devices must be selected according to the needs of the user.

Original layout of household appliances, electrical and plumbing

If the size of the studio apartment exceeds 35 - 40 square meters, then you can take a walk and put up a more solid, beautiful partition. But it should not be too bulky, but rather, emphasize the spaciousness of the room as much as possible. Wall projections with beam ceilings are perfect for these purposes.

Studio apartment: zoning

It’s very good when you can place a full-fledged table that can be installed on the border of two zones. To give the space an original appearance, you can play with the geometry of the partitions and openings, making them round or wavy.

The main thing to remember when organizing a kitchen area is to make the room not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Therefore, always be restrained in your imagination, limiting it only to the necessary functionality of the room.

Sleeping area - relaxation area

The next, no less important task is to plan the area in which we will rest from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and gain strength for new labor and creative exploits.

To implement a bedroom “inside” an open space, there are several ways. One of them is to get a folding sofa (see Sofa in the bedroom instead of a bed: which is better), which in the evenings will turn into a comfortable sleeping place. In addition, you can install various kinds of ottomans, armchairs, designer chairs, and a coffee table next to it.

Modern folding sofa

The second way is to separate your sleeping area. Some simply place a bed, fitting it into the interior due to the color and texture of the material, others prefer greater privacy and hide it behind all kinds of partitions, including retractable blackout curtains, which provide a private corner inaccessible to prying eyes.

Studio apartment: sleeping area

How do you like this solution - to hide the bed behind a bookcase? It looks original, and in practice, saves a lot of free space.

Partitions for a studio apartment

Many people prefer to do without a bed at all, and place the sleeping place on the podium. But it is worth noting that to implement such an idea, you will need high ceilings - at least 2.7 m.

Podium bed

Children's area in a studio apartment

Despite the fact that living with a large family in a common open space is, for obvious reasons, not entirely convenient, some people deliberately turn their apartments into studios, following the call of fashion or their personal preferences.

Organizing areas for children requires its own special approach. And if for a small child it is enough to provide a sleeping place and a play area, then for schoolchildren and students the space should be made more functional.

  • It should include a work area with good lighting. It’s good if there is a window nearby, which can also be used by turning the window sill into an original reading area.
  • If a relatively small area is enough for written work, then to accommodate computer equipment (PC, printer, etc.), it will require much more. A built-in computer desk will be an excellent solution for saving space.
  • If your child is not an avid gamer, then instead of a stationary device it is better to buy a laptop or all-in-one computer.
  • Well, don’t forget about the bookshelves, on which you can conveniently arrange countless textbooks, reference books, workbooks and notebooks.

Successful layouts of studio apartments

I consider successful apartment options to include layouts in which the kitchen area is clearly distinguished, which theoretically you can try to separate. If at the same time there is also space for a closet, then it’s practically “Bingo”.

I will say right away that such layouts are quite rare, but you can find them both on the primary and secondary markets. Most often, such apartments have an area from 23 to 33 m2, but there are also rare options with a smaller area.

What are the advantages of this option?

I consider the layouts to be a little larger in area (from 25 to 32 m2) more comfortable.

This layout can already accommodate a family with one child.

I consider these layouts to be very successful, but this is probably a matter of taste.

The studio option with three windows is the most successful of those presented earlier.


This is a universal option that uses classic combinations of materials and colors. It won't have any big surprises, but that's what makes it good. Suitable for calm and balanced people, it would also be a great choice for older people or married couples.

High tech

A style born of the era of high technology. Provides minimalism and practical use of every meter of free space. A somewhat artificial interior - a minimum of decorations, a maximum of plastic, metal, chrome surfaces and glass. And, of course, modern technology has a special place. It will look good in a small apartment.


It features quite non-standard modern solutions and allows you to emphasize the individuality of the apartment owner. Allows combinations of classic and bright colors, wood and gilding. The interior of an apartment in the Art Nouveau style welcomes various technological solutions.


Combining the kitchen and living room is the best solution, if the space allows it. The kitchen area contains interior items intended for receiving guests.

Soft, dim lighting is best for the sleeping area, while bright lighting is best for the work area or where you entertain guests.

Combining the living room and bedroom is possible if you select a special area for sleeping and disguise the bed.

You can divide the territory of a one-room apartment using dim lighting in one part of the apartment and brighter lighting in the other.

Combining a nursery and a bedroom requires that the needs of all family members be taken into account. In this case, it is possible to overload the interior, which is best avoided. The designers also came up with such an interesting technique - separating the adult bedroom with a headboard.

In addition to simple hanging chandeliers, neat sconces and comfortable floor lamps will also come in handy.

Advice. Furniture for children should be different from that located in the sleeping area.

And the last thing is a trick for housewives. In everyday life, a method is used that will not only quickly divide a one-room apartment, but also turn it into a greenhouse. By building a “green wall” of plants, you will create an environmentally friendly home.

You should always make the most of what you have. Then a one-room apartment will not seem so uncomfortable to you.

Space planning

Before you start designing and decorating, set all your priorities:

— An important question: was the studio originally like this, or is it an ordinary modified one-room apartment. This affects the area of ​​the space, its configuration, and the location of windows.

— Design the room taking into account its shape. In ordinary rectangular and square studios, classic interiors look interesting. And in new non-standard layouts with rounded shapes and beveled corners, modern trends play more interestingly.

— Be sure to consider how many people will live in the apartment, because the needs of an individual, a couple or a family with a child are very different. If you have a baby, first of all focus on the safety and practicality of the design.

— Depending on your lifestyle, your needs change. Some people need a living area, others need an office, a workshop or a small dressing room in the corner. All this directly affects the design of the apartment.

Arrangement of the kitchen and dining area

The kitchen area is allocated less space than, for example, the living room, because it needs to accommodate a large number of different necessary things. Even if you are used to eating out, a basic set of kitchen utensils should still be present in the apartment. In this case, professional designer tricks come to the rescue:

  • use of compact built-in kitchen appliances;
  • give up bulky household appliances or give preference to multifunctional appliances. For example, instead of a traditional double boiler, install a multicooker;
  • installing a powerful hood and an effective ventilation system, especially if you plan to cook frequently at home;
  • make maximum and efficient use of storage space;
  • It is advisable to place the kitchen area in niches and erect a low stationary partition or bar counter. You can hang a TV on the partition on the living room side, and line the surface facing the kitchen with glass.

Partitions for zoning space in a room. From the publication you will learn the functions, types, materials of manufacture and types of partition designs, and also find photo examples of glass, plasterboard, wood and other products.

Photo of a kitchen in a studio apartment

As a rule, dining tables are an integral part of the kitchen area. However, in large studio apartments, you can create a separate dining area between the kitchen and living room. In this way, the issue of zoning and comfort will be resolved. It must be taken into account that there should be enough free space around the table so that you can get out from behind it without any problems.

The table is also the separator between the kitchen and living room

Limit sleeping space

The rest area fencing can be built-in or portable. The best options for zoning in a studio bedroom are transparent, mobile, lightweight partitions. And also screens, racks, curtains, drapes, sliding doors that will not cramp the space and block the light. Additionally, you can designate the sleeping area with textiles and decor.

Studio bedroom with transparent partitions

Reception area

The central part of the room should be reserved for the living area. This is where you should start planning the room. This zone is a kind of epicenter, relative to which other functional zones are located. The living room part of the room includes: a sofa, a coffee table, armchairs, chairs, poufs with internal niches, armchairs, pillows, a TV, video and audio equipment.

Sofa and light plastic chairs for seating guests

Helpful advice! To save space, give preference to plasma TV models that can be conveniently placed on the wall.

You can delimit your living space using compact shelving installed across the room. Low furniture clearly defines the boundaries of zones without overloading the space. It is convenient to store dishes and other items in such racks. Also, a similar piece of furniture can separate the kitchen and living room.

The reception area is visually separated from the bedroom by a sofa


A balcony room in a one-room apartment can perform various functions; you can use it as a change room or storage room. If the balcony is well insulated, then you can place a winter garden there.

By connecting the balcony to the apartment, the studio area increased from 50 to 53.5 square meters. m

It would be better to combine a balcony and a room, especially since the layout of small studio apartments allows this to be done. To do this, it is worth removing the wall where the exit to the balcony is located. Such a room must first be insulated. For these purposes, a variety of insulating materials are used:

  • Styrofoam,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • mineral wool,
  • polypropylene and so on.

Finishing work on the walls of the balcony room must be carried out in the same way as in the living room. This will give unity to the entire space. If you want to visually separate these two zones, then you can use different floor coverings or use curtains, curtains, screens and much more.

Option for arranging the balcony of a studio apartment

Advice. When combining a balcony room with a living room, you should immediately consider a heating system for the additional area. This can be central heating or individual heating, for example, by installing heated floors.

How does layout affect the interior?

We have previously talked about the interior design features of a small studio.
We were talking about apartments with an average area of ​​15 square meters. As a rule, these are small elongated rooms. If we talk about how to zone studio apartments of 25–30 square meters, then here the planning solutions are more diverse and are divided into two main types. The first option is the same elongated rooms with one window. They differ from small-sized ones in their larger width, thanks to which furniture and interior details can be placed more conveniently.

The second option is apartments with two windows. This is a more comfortable layout, since when installing interior partitions, you essentially get a separate kitchen, and an additional source of natural light makes the apartment brighter and visually more spacious. Other types of layouts are less common and require an individual approach depending on the actual plan.

Pros and cons of studio apartments

The main contingent satisfied with the interiors under consideration are modern working youth, who are in no hurry to burden themselves with serious relationships with the opposite sex and build a strong unit of society.

Modern realities are such that the majority of residents of large cities, under the age of 30–35, prioritize building a career, and only then think about family and children. But, of course, there are pleasant exceptions, which we will talk about in the “studio apartment with a children’s area” section.

Zoning in a studio apartment

So, let's name the positive aspects of such a layout:

  • Compactness. This is an opportunity to fit many functional elements into a small room without burdening the space with unnecessary walls. This plus will be appreciated by those who like to have everything at hand: watch TV at the dining table, or control a home theater without changing their location.
  • Economical. The main reason why this style in construction was formed is to save money during repairs. This is not surprising: due to the fact that there are fewer walls in the apartment, less materials are required to decorate the room. And if you correctly incorporate the “Loft” style into the interior, then costs should decrease even more.
  • For these reasons, the price of one square meter in a studio apartment is significantly lower than that of a standard analogue.
  • Unique appearance of the room.

But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Man, for the most part, is a frail and lazy creature, and demands more and more comfort and tranquility over time. Therefore, in reality, you most likely will not be able to save much, and there are several reasons for this.

Oddly enough, but from the main advantages, come the disadvantages of this interior:

  • The first is the lack of interior sound insulation. If several people live in an apartment, then over time there will probably be inconveniences due to the fact that someone likes to watch TV until late, read, work or play computer games. And as you understand, “air partitions” will not allow you to sleep peacefully in such an environment.
  • The second is the free circulation of odors. To avoid suffering from this inconvenience, you will need to install a powerful ventilation system with an exhaust hood above the stove. But even such a measure will not provide complete protection.
  • The third is temperature. Some people like to sleep with the windows open, while others are afraid of drafts like fire. And that’s not all: installing a climate system (air conditioner) in a room is associated with certain difficulties, since when choosing it, you need to make adjustments for the entire area, plus take into account the moments when food is being prepared in the room and the heat spreads throughout the apartment. But, if you prefer to dine in cafes and restaurants, then this problem will not affect you.
  • High cost of equipment and furniture: to create free space, transformable furniture is most often used, which costs a lot of money.
  • Also, all electronic equipment should have a low noise level, otherwise you will have to fall asleep to the loud rumbling of the refrigerator every day.
  • Kitchen furniture is made to order with built-in electronics, as a result of which it will be impossible to take it with you when moving to a new place.
  • Difficulty of execution - it is very difficult to create a harmonious separation with your own hands, since you are required to correctly combine materials, shades and furniture with different functionality. Therefore, most likely, you will have to invite a professional designer, who will probably tell you about many subtleties that you did not even suspect existed.

From here we will draw our small conclusion that the cheapness of studio apartments is not at all connected with the availability of finishing, but with the limited demand for such interiors - and this, despite the growing popularity of these apartments.

Efficient arrangement of a small space

As previously stated, it is paramount that you need to decide on the zoning of the room. That is, choose the zone into which it will be divided. After all, some people prefer to give preference to a spacious and bright living area, while others want to place several functional areas in it at once.

For example, there are owners who prefer to work from home, so they cannot do without a comfortable office. You also need to decide how many square meters the kitchen will be located on, and how much space to allocate for the sleeping area.

The following features can be identified that will influence its layout:

  • total housing area;
  • the number of family members who will live in it;
  • number of window and door openings;
  • shape of the room;
  • the presence of a loggia or balcony;

Zoning and partitions

The most optimal zoning option is partitions, which can have a separating function, represent a storage system or simply a decorative element. Such structures may have a sliding or rotating mechanism; glass, plastic, metal, wood and other materials are used in their manufacture,

The photo shows a partition made of glass in the interior of a studio apartment.

For small apartments in Khrushchev, it is very popular to install transparent glass, combined decorative partitions, through structures or multifunctional shelving to the ceiling.

Be sure to look at the options for combining tiles with laminate.

Sliding systems

Sliding systems are relevant for small spaces. Sliding panels are mounted on special rails attached to the floor and ceiling. Each sash moves on rollers along its own guide.

The main value of sliding systems lies in their ergonomics.

Sliding (mobile) systems Sliding (mobile) systems

They have increased comfort and save space when used. Installation of mobile doors is mainly common between narrow spaces - a corridor and a living room or dining room. At the same time, any door leaf that does not stand out from the general finishing concept can be used as sliding structures.

Original ideas for partitions

Some unusual ideas used for partitions.

Bar counter

A counter connected to a wall or kitchen unit blends harmoniously with the rest of the decor or creates a bright and stylish accent that attracts all attention.

In the photo there is a bar counter that goes into the wall as a partition for the kitchen combined with the living room.


A phytowall as a partition will bring freshness and a feeling of comfort to the atmosphere. A composition made up of plants will become a modern and alternative zoning element.


It is a rather elegant and stylish solution for decorating the space between the kitchen and living room. A fireplace built into a false wall allows you to radically change the environment and functionally divide the room. With this design you can achieve an unusual effect of visual unity.

Decor and accessories

Decorations in all areas of a one-room studio should be selected in the same style and present a harmonious composition. Appropriate decorations in a small apartment:

  • paintings;
  • beautiful shelves and other wall installations;
  • unusual lamps;
  • mirrors;
  • small vases, glass or metal figurines;
  • items that perform both practical and decorative functions: painted porcelain dishes, colorful towels, holders;
  • houseplants.

You should avoid heavy textiles, bulky frames and other bright and large decorations: they will not only take up too much space, but also distract the eye, introducing an imbalance into the interior. Interesting ideas for studio decor can be seen in the photographs below.

Features of a combined room

If you are afraid of combining several zones with different functions in one room, then it is worth counting the positive qualities of the combination:

  • the space of the room expands noticeably;
  • in one living space you can comfortably accommodate both a recreation area for adult family members and a playground for small apartment residents;
  • the space in the absence of wall partitions looks more pleasant, and if you need an area for privacy, you can install a screen without any problems;
  • With a professional approach to the division of zones, you get an interior that creates harmony for any area of ​​your home.

The negative aspects of this design step are manifested in the refusal of the opportunity to retire indoors with good sound insulation, since the partitions are not designed to contain noise.

How to visually enlarge a room

The correct selection and placement of furniture, the presence of a large number of mirrors in tandem with good lighting and light shades of the walls will help to visually increase the space.

You should definitely take into account that furniture in small apartments should not be bulky; try to choose a small, cozy set in calm and soft shades.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to leave the design of a studio apartment in the hands of professionals who can easily turn the room into a comfortable and cozy home.

Facades made of natural wood and a wall made of decorative bricks will give the interior brightness and zest.

Gray color and its various shades are perfect for decorating a stylish interior of an economy class studio.

The use of natural materials is a fashion trend in the interior design of studio apartments

Furniture arrangement

Start from the small height of the furniture, the lack of volume and the abundance of carved elements. To avoid a cluttered effect, it should not be too contrasting with the wall decoration.

  • In square rooms, the furniture is carried out around the perimeter, in rectangular rooms it is moved to one of the walls. In the latter case, a free wall is considered a good place to organize a storage system and is filled with shelves.
  • Transformable furniture is good for the living room: folding table, sofa bed, shelving with a folding tabletop, etc.
  • For studios with an insulated balcony, a good furniture option is to install a bed or sofa / arrange an office or sitting area in a balcony niche.
  • When installing the bed with the head of the bed facing the window, the window sill can be used as a shelf for storing things.
  • In a studio with two windows next to each other, no zoning techniques are needed: one window is allocated for the kitchen, the second for the living room/bedroom. In this case, you can do without partitions.

Selection of furniture

When choosing furniture for your studio, avoid massive and monolithic structures and sharp corners. It is better to choose elongated oval or round tables. An excellent option would be a sofa bed, a round table for the dining area, etc.

If, when buying furniture, you have to choose whether it is functional or beautiful, give preference to functionality, or even better - multifunctionality and unification. The ideal option for a studio is furniture that can be transformed or folded.

The main qualities of furniture: compliance with a single style, a minimum number of elements, multifunctionality, monochrome. It’s better not to arrange cabinets and chests of drawers, but to limit yourself to a built-in wardrobe and a small bookcase. The overall style of furniture and design makes the space feel unified. Multi-colored furniture is good only with plain walls and ceiling. Eclecticism in studio design is unacceptable.

In the kitchen of a studio apartment, powerful and silent supply and exhaust ventilation is installed to help ensure an optimal microclimate in the room and avoid problems with the spread of food odors.

Kitchen area

Equipment and decoration of the kitchen area in a studio apartment is perhaps the most difficult task. Since there are no partitions, without a powerful hood, all odors and soot will spread without barriers. Therefore, this equipment must be of good quality. One more point: since everything is in sight, there should be nothing on the countertops. Everything is laid out in cabinets and drawers, of which there should be a lot. To rationally organize space, it makes sense to use storage systems and modern pull-out shelves that allow you to use corners or cabinets up to the ceiling (corner and drop-down shelves).

The most common mistakes when drawing up plans

It happens that even at the initial stages, due to inattention, you can make mistakes that will negatively affect the entire interior in the future.

  1. The most common mistake is incorrect visual markings. Even before finishing begins, the owners of the premises have an incorrect idea of ​​the territory of each zone. As a result, the living room is smaller, the kitchen is larger, and there is not enough space for a workspace. In such cases, it is better to draw up a competent planning project.
  2. The second common mistake is the abuse of zoning. The sectors are so small that it is impossible to live comfortably in such a room. For example, for the sake of a separate sleeping area, the already small space of the living room is sacrificed.
  3. And the third mistake is mixing many interior styles. This is especially true for the color scheme. Bright colors, sharp transitions from warm to cold tones - all this is very annoying when visually examining the apartment. To avoid this, you need to carefully select styles and color palettes.

Decorative zoning using finishing materials

An example of zoning using finishing materials is highlighting a podium covered with clapboard. Wood on the walls and shelf creates a small cozy room inside.

When a rectangular room is zoned diagonally, the carpet can be crossed by a laminate path. If there is no partition between the hallway and the living room, the same tiles on the floor will visually increase the area of ​​the room. The sleeping area will be marked with carpet or laminate.

These examples show how the use of finishing materials zones a room. Even a strip on a wall made of wood, tiles with imitation brick or stone will be perceived as a partition.

What should a studio kitchen and bathroom look like?

Regarding the kitchen, there are also options, especially since modern city dwellers cook little, coming home at night and on rare weekends. It is not necessary to take up space with a large 4-burner gas stove with oven. If you cook often, you need a powerful hood to prevent fumes and odors from filling the entire apartment. This is the only minus of the studio apartment.

One person does not need a full kitchen.

Everyone chooses from the list of kitchen equipment only the most necessary:

  • Small electric stove with 2 elements;
  • Electric kettle;
  • Oven (microwave oven);
  • Electric grill;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Food processor;
  • Universal pressure cooker.

Several devices will fit in a small kitchen cabinet next to the sink or the only washbasin, if a bathtub is not included in the design project of a small studio.

A studio-type apartment does not require bulky cabinet furniture; open modular shelves that can be rearranged for equipment and office supplies are sufficient. Some pieces of furniture can be displayed on their ends, using them as a functional partition.

The interior of the small studio does not have a full kitchen, only a small catering unit.

Usually a studio-type apartment has a full-fledged toilet or bathroom, but it can also be isolated rather conditionally. The problem is odors and hygiene. Therefore, it is better to separate it as it should be - according to all standards. There is no bathtub - just a shower box with a tray where you can do laundry is enough.

The size of the bathroom in a studio apartment does not allow it to accommodate a full-sized bathtub.

A compact washing machine can be located in a niche under the sink, so as not to allocate a separate space for it. This technique is used in Khrushchev and modern design. When the composition of the family changes, children are born, it is advisable to change the studio to a multi-room apartment.

There is a washing machine built under the countertop, and there is also a small storage system.

As long as everything suits a small family, it is better to have one large room that meets all modern requirements than a small one-room Khrushchev-era apartment, where even one person is cramped. The studio always has a lot of light, air and free space in the passages, if it is not cluttered with old furniture and unnecessary rubbish.

Having a small studio apartment, you can make the most of the space and keep everything at hand.

The choice of finishing materials for the design of studio baths and kitchens in small apartments is the same as in a traditional layout. Considering that everything is united here, the room must have good waterproofing.

Double-glazed plastic windows will help improve the sound insulation of a house located along the road.

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