Interesting design ideas for a living room-bedroom 20 sq. m.

Modern residential buildings mean spacious apartments with large footage. But, there are houses of old construction, where the square footage is more modest. Here the only option is to combine several residential areas. In a room of 20 meters, with the right approach, you can place a living room-bedroom.

Cream color in the living room bedroom will fill the room with warmth and comfort

The sleeping area can be separated using a partition

The colors in the room should be harmonious


At first glance, the bedroom and living room perform completely different roles. In the first they relax, gain strength, retire, in the second they receive guests, celebrate holidays, and discuss pressing problems.

To prevent the combined room from looking like a flea market, you must follow certain rules when decorating.

  • Zoning cannot be equivalent; you need to determine exactly which zone will prevail, and design begins with it.
  • Despite the different functions of the connected rooms, the style must be uniform; this can be the color scheme, furniture elements, patterns and ornaments.
  • It is recommended to place the sleeping area as far as possible from the entrance and prying eyes.
  • As an option, designers advise placing the bedroom by the window; the morning light will be a pleasant addition when waking up.
  • 20 meters is not so much for a double room; you shouldn’t clutter it with a lot of furniture, interior items, there should be enough free space.

Decide immediately which zone will prevail

Both zones must be designed in the same style

When a detailed plan for the distribution of zones is approved, it is necessary to decide what the partitions will be. Modern manufacturers offer many options: shelving, canopy, screen, partition.

Some designers like to zone using finishing materials.

Floor In the sleeping area you can put carpet, in the common living room - laminate, it is more resistant to wear. If you decide to use one type of flooring, it is recommended to lay it in different ways in each zone, or choose boards of different shades.
Walls Most often, the vertical surfaces of the room are covered with wallpaper and decorated with decorative plaster. In the bedroom you can use wallpaper that is darker, with a large pattern; in the living room, lighter shades are preferable.
Ceiling The most popular type of ceiling decoration in living rooms is suspended; the colors of the coating come in different colors, it all depends on the wishes of the customer. In the sleeping area, the ceiling is covered with wallpaper and decorative plaster.

It’s worth mentioning separately about zoning with curtains. Sewing can be from different materials, it all depends on its intended purpose. If it is a thin, transparent fabric, it will additionally decorate the interior. Most homeowners use blackout curtains to isolate the sleeping area. If the room is decorated in a classic style, the partition can be decorated with drapery and tassels. Modern trends recommend using plain curtains; you can apply a complex print or pattern to the surface.

The partition in the interior is important

Zoning a room can be done with curtains

Partitions can be decorated with lanterns, this will harmoniously complement the interior

See also Bedroom living room interior

Bedroom-living room design 20 squares in minimalist style

The name of the style speaks for itself. Space needs to be freed up using a minimum of items. The main characteristics of this stylistic direction are simple shapes, straight lines and a predominance of geometric shapes.

This style involves a minimum of objects and maximum space.

Despite the minimal set of furniture, the functionality of the items is maximum. One product performs several functions at once. The room should not look bulky and cluttered; there should always be plenty of free space in the room. The same applies to light, it is important not to overdo it with the number of light sources, but also to make sure there are enough of them.

There shouldn’t be too much light either, but there shouldn’t be too little of it either.

Additional Information! The color scheme in such an interior should also be minimalistic. One main color is used, which can be complemented by a couple of contrasting accents.

Modern room design options

Even in a small room there should be free space. To achieve this goal, you can use compact furniture. For example, the main place will be occupied by a sofa. It can also be used as a sleeping place, during the daytime you can just sit on it and watch TV. In furniture stores you can find a large selection of sofas that transform into a bed.

Don’t forget about proper storage of things. This is a closet, wall shelves, racks. If there is a need for a coffee table, a model on wheels is preferable for easier movement around the apartment.

To achieve maximum comfort, use compact furniture

Instead of a partition, you can put a small cabinet

Among young designers, installing a sleeping place in a niche is popular. It is not only beautiful and convenient, but also functional. Inside the niche there are drawers for storing things and other small items. Light bulbs can be installed into the structure itself for illumination. You can fence off a sleeping niche with a curtain or canopy.

A partition for zoning is of great importance. It is necessary to remember that if you want a classic brick version, it will take up space and you can’t move it. There are more mobile partitions made of glass and plasterboard.

A glass partition with a blur effect would be a great option

You can separate the sleeping area using sliding systems

Bright shades will fill the room with light and visually enlarge the room

See alsoDesign of kitchen-living room 20 sq.m.

Color solutions

Highlighting the interior of the bedroom and living room of 20 sq. meters in color, several methods are used:

  • by finishing the walls;
  • selection of furniture;
  • decorative accessories.

Decorators recommend thinking through the design in advance so that the shade variations do not look tacky. The selection of colors that are close in spectrum looks beautiful. For example, a creamy pink color is chosen for the recreation area, and a dense beige or light coffee color for receiving guests. The color transition is not so noticeable, but clearly divides the space.

Selecting pieces of furniture requires a more careful approach; here it is important to take into account the accessories and dimensions of the items. Richly colored furniture pieces look great in the reception area. The bedroom-living room looks fresh and individual.

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When choosing color accents, it is important not to overdo it with their brightness and take into account the small format of the room. Large dark objects visually conceal the space. Universal spectrum - all shades of warm tones, blue, burgundy. Let the color scheme of the sleeping area remain calm; furniture and accessories here should not evoke strong emotions.

Choosing a room style

Even before the start of repairs and the purchase of finishing materials, the owner decides on the style of the living room-bedroom. When purchasing, flooring and wall covering materials and colors are selected.

There are many styles, the choice directly depends on the preferences of the owner and his lifestyle.

Classic. The choice of conservative, calm personalities. All colors are neutral, lines are precise, patterns and designs are restrained. Finishing materials, decor, everything natural: stone, linen, wood. Gold embroidery can be applied to textiles. All furniture is made of noble wood.

When planning your design, try to do everything in the same style

Most styles are suitable for living room bedroom

Modern. For people who prefer home comfort, tranquility and peace. This style is characterized by figurines, floor lamps, carpet, and indoor plants on the shelves. The color scheme is neutral and warm. Laminate is laid on the floor, the ceiling is finished with plaster and painted.

Loft. The most current style today. The main task of the designer is to create a competent combination of a rough brick wall and upholstered furniture. You need as much free space as possible, only furniture that is really necessary. Primary colors: white, gray, brown, in the form of bright spots there can be burgundy, orange. All equipment is modern, furniture elements of the most unusual and bizarre shapes.

Modern styles are perfect for small spaces

Use bright shades, they will visually expand the room

The combination of dark and light shades will harmoniously match the interior

High tech. The choice of ardent minimalists and pedants. In this case, cold steel shades, glass and metal predominate. The sleeping area occupies a minimum number of meters, there is enough bed and space for things. The living room has a sofa, an ultra-modern TV with a stereo system, and a coffee table if necessary.

Country. A corner of rustic simplicity amid the bustle of the city. All furniture is made of wood, textiles with a checkered pattern, ceramic products can be used for decoration. A soft, natural-colored carpet is placed on the floor.

Eco style. A distinctive feature is the use of only natural materials. The floor is decorated with wood, the walls with panels or plaster. Natural shades are preferable in the color scheme: green, beige, brown, yellow. Pots with plants can be distributed around the perimeter.

Warm shades are perfect for the sleeping area

Modern style is perfect for small rooms

See alsoInterior of a room for a girl in a modern style

Color selection

When choosing the main color scheme of a room, it is important to consider the level of natural and artificial light. If the living room has a window facing north, warm, light shades are recommended. Each interior style involves the use of certain colors, for example, eco requires natural shades, minimalism requires white, black, beige.

A residential apartment or house is a place where a person spends a lot of time. Psychologists say that color can influence a person’s psychological state. For this reason, when decorating a room, you need to choose calm, soothing shades that will be conducive to relaxation or active work. You can opt for neutral tones.

Color plays an important role in the interior

Warm shades are best for the sleeping area

Light shades will visually expand the boundaries of the room

See alsoLighting design

Color design: bedroom combined with living room 20 sq.m. m

When choosing a color scheme, it is important to focus on your personal preferences and the characteristics of the room. The color design in the bedroom should not be bright and irritating, but on the contrary, it should calm the nervous system. Any pastel colors are suitable for this purpose, and blue, purple or calm green will also fit well.

The minimum of items is compensated by the maximum function.

You should not choose yellow and red colors, they only excite the nervous system, which is not at all advisable before bed. They can be used to create small accents in decorating a space.

This style is typical for studios and workshop rooms; it is an interesting design for a bedroom-living room.


When combining several zones in one room, special attention must be paid to lighting. As noted above, in the bedroom it is preferable to have a predominance of natural light; in the living room there are many options for placing artificial light sources. Using lighting fixtures, you can place emphasis on important areas and hide imperfections in dark corners.

The family spends most of the afternoon and evening in the living room, so the lighting should be good. A central chandelier is suspended in the center of the zone; floor lamps and floor lamps can act as lighting.

For the sleeping area, a lot of light is not required; soft, subdued light will be enough. You can install several LEDs in the ceiling or floor. It can also be a backlight mounted at the head of the bed, a sconce, a floor lamp, an LED strip illuminating a picture, a wall photograph.

There should be enough light in the recreation area

Soft, dim light is suitable for the sleeping area

See alsoDesigning a living room in a loft style


The elevation of one part above the other fits into the interior of any style.

  • Most often, a bed is mounted on the podium.
  • Illuminating it and curtains will create an intimate atmosphere.
  • A raised area for the entire bedroom area is organized in the far corner of the room, closer to the window.
  • Boxes built into the lower part are used as storage. The living room is almost never set up on a hill.

The most difficult zoning option is the design of two zones in different styles.

This preserves one color background for the entire room. It is important to know the laws of the juxtaposition of two modern styles.

Selection of furniture

Now on the Internet you can find many programs for creating the future interior of a room, with all the necessary measurements and shapes.

In a room of 20 meters of large-sized furniture, everything should not be compact and multifunctional. Transformers “rescue” here. Preferable elements are those that stand along the artificial partition.

In a modern living room-bedroom you can install:

  • large bed;
  • if necessary, a sofa; straight and angled models are suitable for functionality;
  • 1-2 bedside tables;
  • table, preferably a transformer;
  • closet;
  • TV:
  • hanging shelves.

The smaller the standard set, the better; even one extra detail can create a feeling of crampedness and clutter.

See alsoFloor lamps in the living room interior photo

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