110 modern wall-slides for the living room: new items with photos



The living room is the main room in the house. Here the owners spend most of their free time and greet guests. Therefore, the choice of furniture for the living room must be approached rationally. A wall-slide for the living room not only serves everyday needs, but also gives the room style, effectiveness and originality.

Types of designs

Today, this type of furniture is produced in a wide variety of variations, which differ in colors, materials of manufacture, number of functional elements and method of placement in the room.

It is the last point that you should pay special attention to, because the design of the entire living room will largely depend on how the structure is positioned. The variety of models according to the method of arrangement is based on 3 basic options:

  • Linear or straight ones are installed indoors along one wall. These can be either large structures consisting of many items, or mini-versions of 3-4 elements that save maximum space. Depending on the model, such kits can occupy the entire wall or a small part of it.
  • The U-shaped option will fit perfectly into the interior of a spacious room. Here it is convenient to install all the audio and video equipment in the center, and on the sides there are narrow pencil cases, open shelving, bedside tables, and high chests of drawers. The walls can also be supplemented with shelves and wall cabinets.
  • Corner models will allow you to effectively use the corners in the room without cluttering up the space. As a rule, the center of the design is a tall cabinet, and on the side of it there are bedside tables, small cabinets for storing dishes or linen, chests of drawers and other necessary furniture.

All elements of modular kits combine perfectly with each other, and also give the owner the opportunity to dream up and create his own unique design. Items are organically combined, which allows you to easily transform the composition at your own request. Moreover, each module is completely self-sufficient and looks good separately. Furniture elements Modern designs include several individual elements that are installed in ascending order. The set may include the following pieces of furniture:

  • wardrobes or wardrobes;
  • cabinets for video and audio equipment;
  • racks, hanging shelves for books and souvenirs;
  • narrow pencil cases for linen and clothes;
  • glass display cases and sideboards for dishes;
  • bedside tables and chests of drawers;
  • wall cabinets for various purposes.

Popular designers often decorate furniture in rather unusual ways. Today you can easily find walls with lighting, engraving, artistic painting, photo printing, handmade carvings, stained glass and frescoes. In the photo you can see various options for modern wall slides and choose an interesting option for yourself. Fashion trends In the furniture industry, there is also a certain fashion that should be followed if you want to create an ultra-modern design. And buying a wall slide is no exception. To make it easier for you to make your choice, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the latest fashion trends:

Natural and environmentally friendly materials are very in demand and popular. Wood of various species fascinates with its magnificent natural pattern, rich color and pleasant aroma. Glass, metal and eco-leather are often used as finishing. Such materials are always relevant, look attractive, and are safe for health and the environment.

The set does not have to be made in a single color scheme, so feel free to experiment with shades

The set can consist of modules of completely different colors, it is only important that they are combined and formed into a composition harmonious with the entire interior

Matte surfaces look very beautiful, making the living room softer, more comfortable and warmer. Furniture in bright colors looks especially luxurious. The matte texture makes the color deeper and more expressive, and the complete absence of glare gives it a special charm.

Individual elements of the set can be made entirely of glass. This material will fill the room with sunlight, creating an atmosphere of lightness and cleanliness.

Asymmetrical modules look original - it's really stylish and fashionable. Try different heights, widths and shapes of cabinets, racks and shelves. This will allow you to create unique and somewhat eccentric compositions.

Modular systems fit perfectly into styles, ranging from classic to high-tech

It is only important to choose the right dimensions, color palette and texture of the furniture. A well-chosen set will create a unique atmosphere in the living room and provide a good mood for you and your guests

Styles of furniture walls for the hall

In the design of hall walls, three main styles are now most popular:

  • classic
  • country
  • high tech

Classic walls for the hall

Classic furniture has not gone out of fashion for decades. The walls for the living rooms are decorated with Baroque and Rococo elements and are distinguished by massive cabinets, exquisite carvings, and refined fittings. The doors of open dish cabinets are made of glass, which adds elegance to the entire system. Each item performs its function and harmonizes with others. Manufacturers produce classic walls for the hall, taking into account the ideas about the classics and the tastes of consumers: historical classics and its modern analogue.

Living room wall in a classic style

The expensive and sophisticated appearance is complemented by another advantage of walls for living rooms in a classic style - practicality and spaciousness. You can put away a lot of things in numerous cabinets, arrange collections of dishes or other items in glass display cases, and install a TV on a special bedside table.

Collections can be placed in glass cabinets

Classic hall walls are made from different materials, from chipboard to rare types of wood. In any case, the system should stand out with excellent quality, luxurious finishing, and look quite massive and solid. Expensive luxury accessories play a significant role in creating such an impression.

Mahogany wall in the living room

Walls for the hall in country style

A country style room has the most liberal, homely design. Since the country style has many design options, depending on the location (England, Mediterranean, Scandinavia), the walls for a country style hall differ from each other.

But furniture walls in this style also have a lot in common:

  • finishing of facades with natural or bleached wood
  • open shelves and racks for ethnic accessories
  • discreet fittings that match the overall finish
  • decorations in the form of carvings, moldings, patterns on glass

Country style wall made of bleached wood

Country-style walls are distinguished by naturalness, deliberate simplicity, and ethnic flavor.

Living room walls in high-tech style

High-tech walls leave maximum space in the living room

The materials used for the façade of the walls in the living room are chipboard, MDF and plastic in colors uncharacteristic for furniture: orange, green, blue. Metal, leather, tinted or colored glass are used as decorative inclusions.

The fittings are also laconic or absent altogether. High-tech living room furniture uses smooth modules that open when you press on the surface of the facade. A minimum of decor makes the wall for the living room beautiful, sophisticated and very airy.

Wall decorated with colored glass panels

When choosing a style for the wall in the living room, you should keep in mind that it is better to leave bulky furniture for other rooms. The hall should have a lot of free space, light and air, otherwise guests and hosts will feel uncomfortable in it.

Hall lighting

Since light plays one of the important roles in arranging a high-tech living room, you should use several electrical appliances at different levels of the room. Designers recommend abandoning the large traditional chandelier, replacing it with movable spots or lamps of unusual shape. An LED strip is often installed along the perimeter of the ceiling, which changes color depending on the needs of the home owners. At the middle and lower levels, halogen lamps, floor lamps, as well as furniture and floor lighting are actively used.

A room with a cluster of glossy surfaces actively reflects light and produces glare, which should be taken into account when planning lighting.

The photo shows a spacious living room with LED strip, spotlights and ceiling lighting in the form of squares instead of a chandelier.

What does a wall look like in different styles?

Decoration of the hall in popular stylistic solutions.

Photo of walls in a modern style

In modern design, this furniture is distinguished by the beauty of geometric shapes, high functionality and laconicism. The main decorative element here is a variety of colors and materials.

The photo shows a modern-style room with a TV wall decorated with white glossy facades.

For such a living room interior, models in both monochrome and contrasting shades are equally suitable. To decorate the wall and give it the finishing touches, certain content will help.

The photo shows a matte furniture wall in a living room interior in a modern style.

Examples of walls in a classic style

The classics can be complemented with the help of traditional construction made of natural wood, which is distinguished by facades with an artificially aged surface, giving the product a more vintage and luxurious look.

Hall furniture in a classic style has a special visual lightness, sophistication and unique elegance. Facades are often decorated with carvings, inlays or paintings.

The photo shows the interior of the hall in a classic style with a high wall made of wood.

High-tech style

This futuristic direction is distinguished by models with geometric shapes and correct proportions, made from modern materials, such as plastic, glass or metal. Here, transforming walls with additional capabilities, structures equipped with rotating sections, elements on wheels and other mechanisms are appropriate for the hall. The main color palette is white, gray, black and metallic shades.


The minimalist design of the living room involves the use of more spacious modules in gray, beige or white tones. The facades can have a matte finish or be decorated with glass, which gives the structure more lightness.


Quite simple products made from natural materials are perfect for the Scandinavian style. As filling, choose a small amount of decor, in the form of photographs or paintings, so that the living room does not look cluttered.

The photo shows a Scandinavian-style living room, decorated with a light wall of furniture.

Loft style

This style allows the use of furniture with some wear and an antique effect, which helps create the atmosphere of an attic space. The materials used are glass, wood, metal, plastic, and the color scheme is kept in darker, muted gray, brown, brick or black tones.


For French Provence or rustic country, choose the most simple and light models made of solid oak or MDF in pastel shades. Such products generally have smooth lines, a rough texture and can be aged artificially, in the form of abrasions, cracks or uneven layers of paint, giving the furniture a unique vintage chic.

Design styles

A wall slide in the living room will serve as an excellent design addition to the chosen style. Any interior style dictates certain rules. The photo shows the most common styles.


Classic will require natural materials with rich finishes and the use of carved fittings. The main features are the massiveness of the parts, the symmetry of the location relative to the center.


Art Nouveau is characterized by smooth, even lines without decorative excesses. Glass inserts and floral ornaments are appropriate. Characterized by streamlined shapes and large internal volume of cabinets.


For the oriental style, sets made of natural solid wood with elaborate reliefs are used. Floral designs can be painted on the surface of the facades.

High tech

Cosmic coldness, minimalism, and strict lines distinguish the high-tech style. There are a minimum of modular blocks in such headsets. Clear lines, simple features are the basis of the relief. Decorative elements have a silver metallic and chrome sheen.


Provence loves luxury and is similar to the classics, but in a calmer, lighter design. The facades of the components are painted in light colors and have a worn effect.

So, the wall wall is not an independent object of the central room in the living room, but carries within itself a unifying principle for all pieces of furniture located in the hall. This piece of furniture will help highlight your individuality and style.

TOP 4 ideas for using space

We have already given several ways to quite usefully use the area of ​​the guest room occupied by a wall, but there are quite a few such options.

1By choosing a corner room located near the window, you can save a lot of space in your apartment by placing several storage systems under the window. This idea is suitable only for those who do not have radiators directly under the windows.

2Also an interesting design move is the use of modular corner shelving for zoning space, if the room is really large enough. It happens that there is a growing need to create separate areas for relaxation, entertainment, such walls are suitable for this, at the same time being used for storing some things.

3You can turn it into a living room workspace area by organizing a modular design with a work or desk for a computer, as well as many shelves and drawers. A small comfortable chair is then purchased as part of the package, which can be put back into the module if necessary.

4If you don't know which design to choose for your room, stop at the slide. The wall slide is suitable for both small and large rooms; it is quite practical, but does not take up much space. The remarkable thing about the slides is that they are universal, suitable for almost any interior, while remaining interesting and modern.

The best option is considered to be a slide

Drawing of a living room with a cutting map

Walls in the living room

Design Update Options

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Modern types of walls are completely different from those that were common in Soviet times. Now the appearance of all models is changing for the better. Previously, all the walls had approximately the same appearance, were located along one wall and were quite massive. Modern designs may have a different appearance. So, the walls are:

  • classic linear;
  • L-shaped;
  • U-shaped;
  • Modular;
  • Slide walls.

Classic linear walls usually consist of some basic elements, which include a wardrobe, chest of drawers, bookshelves, a mezzanine, and a niche for a TV. These are luxury cabinet pieces of furniture with a closed or open design. Each such wall must have bookshelves. They can be located on the sides. Some people install souvenirs, newspapers, magazines and other things on them that should be easily accessible.

The wall design also includes wall cabinets. They make the room lighter. As for L-shaped and U-shaped models, they differ from linear ones in that they are located not along one wall, but along several at once. From above on the plan they will have an appearance in the shape of the letter “G” or “P”. L-shaped models occupy two adjacent walls, and U-shaped ones are the largest, most dimensional and bulky. They are located along the perimeter of three walls.

U-shaped models have the largest number of cabinets, shelves, and bedside tables, therefore they are the most functional and practical. But at the same time, their dimensions are very impressive.

A wall slide is a very stylish and modern solution for any living room. It is suitable for any interior design. As a rule, such pieces of furniture include almost all the same elements as classic ones, but, as a rule, all objects differ in their shape and height. Thus, it combines the most incompatible elements.

All parts of such furniture are quite compact, so the wall is not as large as other models. Wall slides look very elegant both in large rooms and in small rooms.

Modular walls are also popular now. This is the most stylish variety, which is usually installed in a room decorated in a more modern style. This piece of furniture includes several different models that allow for the creation of a variety of combinations. You can independently choose in what order to arrange all the design elements.

In addition, such a wall is quite easy to install. To do this, you will not need to call specialists; you can assemble it yourself. Such furniture will be original and unique in its own way. Modular furniture is the most compact and functional.

The big advantage of such furniture is that if one module breaks down, it can be easily replaced with another. In this case, you do not have to completely replace the entire wall. Also, if you move or want to expand the wall, you can purchase additional modules and thereby transform the appearance of this wall.

To furnish small living rooms, lightweight mini-walls are often used. These are very convenient and unusual models that are suitable for installation in small living rooms. Also, mini-walls are very often used for zoning in studio apartments. They are the most compact and lightweight and consist only of a shelf for a TV or other household appliances and small cabinets surrounding it.

There are also other wall models. This could be a transforming wall with a rotating bar, a model with a sideboard, with a wardrobe, or radius walls. Designer models with built-in fireplaces are popular. Hanging, built-in and stackable models are often purchased.

What to consider when choosing a slide for the living room

When choosing a modern slide for the living room, it is first of all important to determine the functional purpose of the elements. For some it is important to have as many bookshelves as possible, for others it is necessary to place a film library and equipment. The options can be different - with sideboards for dishes, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers. A minimal option is also possible in the form of a TV stand and shelves for decoration.

In addition to the functional purpose, when choosing a slide, you need to consider the following factors:

  • room area,
  • ceiling heights,
  • interior color scheme,
  • room style,
  • layout.

To choose the best option, it is important to take correct measurements of the room, taking into account everything down to the smallest detail: the size and shape of the room, dimensions and number of elements.

In addition, it is important to fit into the style of the room and stay within the budget calculated for the purchase.

A properly constructed wall-slide can replace a number of pieces of furniture and save free space in the room.

Wall slide: the best choice for the living room

Furniture manufacturers always try to stand out with something special. At the moment, cabinet furniture is manufactured at the most popular factory “Pinskdrev”. Along with other manufacturers, the production quality indicator of this factory is much higher; in addition, it is not difficult to purchase cheap modular structures there.

The wall-slide has a number of positive aspects, namely:

  1. Absolutely every element of the wall is endowed with functionality and practicality, the same can be said about the design of the slide;
  2. Thanks to the special structure of this wall, you can achieve a certain style. Basically, the wall-slide is used to achieve the Art Nouveau, classic style;
  3. Modern walls are also suitable for creating a high-tech style, namely, they perfectly accommodate any equipment for the living room.

In order to create an individual image, you just need to choose one of the various options for wall slides. This wall loves experiments, it can be complemented with various interior items; pictures or portraits are perfect.

Options for decorating a wall slide

Depending on the design features, slide walls have different contents.

Models made of solid wood, decorated with carvings and beautiful fittings, look very attractive and expensive.


Almost always present in any style headset. The attribute partially, and in some cases completely replaces cabinets. The open design of the shelves looks more advantageous and allows you to place a lot of things on them, from photo frames, vases, figurines, to designer boxes and caskets with various small items.

A slide with hanging shelves looks airy and stylish


Not only cabinets and shelves of unusual design can act as decorative elements. A good solution is to use technology. For example, a TV, stereo, coffee machine can be the same decorative elements. This option is especially relevant for studio apartments, where the kitchen is combined with the living room. Owners often purchase a miniature display for dishes in a living room with glass doors to visually expand the room.

A slide with a built-in bio-fireplace looks incredibly stylish and fashionable.

Other options

Entire complexes built into the set are also used as filling. This includes a retractable ironing board, a bed with a lifting mechanism that transforms into a closet.

A functional transforming slide, combined with a bed or sofa, will be the ideal solution for a small room

Pros and cons of a slide wall in the living room interior

As a modern type of living room set, wall slides have a lot of obvious positive characteristics. These include:

  • a variety of shapes, types of structures and materials for their implementation;
  • compact size with sufficient capacity;
  • mobility, ease of movement;
  • ergonomics;
  • the ability to independently compose a set of the necessary modules;
  • environmental friendliness and naturalness (solid wood models);
  • durability of high-quality slide walls;
  • neat appearance that does not clutter up the living room space;
  • the opportunity to support and complement any interior.

A furniture set of items of different sizes makes the living room interior more interesting and attractive.

Against the background of positive qualities, several negative ones can be identified:

Materials used

Since the wall of the slide is the central part of the most public room of the living space, the requirements for the material from which the set is made are quite stringent. Furniture must have high aesthetic qualities and properties, be durable and resistant to external influences. Let's consider the most common manufacturing material - particle boards with different processing methods.


The most affordable, but not environmentally friendly material is chipboard - pressed sawdust bonded with resins, which release formaldehyde into the atmosphere. To protect chipboard from external influences, manufacturers cover the surface with a film of various textures by laminating or laminating. Externally, such materials do not differ from each other, but the laminated film may peel off after some time. Chipboard cannot be finely processed; it is impossible to create shaped parts from it.

Advice! The highest quality and environmentally friendly material is produced by Austrian and German manufacturers.


MDF boards do not contain harmful substances, as they are produced by pressing the smallest wood sawdust. Such plates are characterized by increased strength and are easy to process. The cost of such a board is somewhat more expensive than chipboard, but it compares favorably in external qualities and durability. If you cover MDF with wood veneer, then such a material will be no worse than natural wood, and even superior in functional characteristics.

Types of decorative coatings and finishing of the facades of built-in wardrobes for the living room

Decorating will allow you to make the facade the most advantageous element of the room. The main types of finishes are:

  • Mirror. In modern models, all mirrors are covered with shockproof film. This will save you from splinters and the risk of injury. In addition, such a mirror can withstand a heavier load. Visually enlarges the space due to reflection. Another decorative technique is partial tinting or applying a matte pattern;
  • Perforated panels. They are of an overhead nature, so the openwork strips are attached to the base of the facade. Very beautiful, but accumulate dust inside the cavities of the pattern;
  • Veneer. It consists of very thin sheets of wood or natural stone. They are used to cover the facades. This is also a very expensive way to decorate the interior. It is afraid of moisture and may warp because of it. Requires special care;
  • Faux leather. It is made with a complete imitation of natural material and has a soft, pleasant-to-touch surface. The coating is durable, does not fade, and is easy to clean.

The leader in terms of decor is glass. Modern industry has learned to do a lot with it:

  • Float glass Durable, smooth and shiny. Defects are not allowed;
  • Optiwhite. This is the name given to clarified glass, in which the ability to transmit light is maximized. A wonderful option for films, enamel and color printing;
  • Colored;
  • Tinted;
  • Lakomat. The entire surface is covered with a layer of matte varnish. The more it is, the lower the transparency;
  • Matelux. Plain or tinted glass is etched with acids until partial or complete loss of transparency;
  • Lakobel. The reverse side is painted in any desired color;
  • Matelak. On one side the glass is painted, and on the other it is etched with acid until matte;
  • Acrylic glass. Essentially, it is transparent glossy plastic that transmits light no worse than glass. Very durable, will last a long time. It comes with a mirror coating (plexiglass).


You can make the wall of the slide a bright spot, a stand-out detail of the room, by using decorative elements. Facades and protruding parts will be decorated with photo printing on a laminated surface or drawings on a mirror applied by sandblasting. Inserts made of colored or tinted glass will highlight the style. For classic options, carved fittings in golden tones are suitable. A beautiful addition to the wall of the slide located in a niche will be framed with stucco. Chrome and silver details will be relevant for minimalist and high-tech headsets. A win-win option for any interior can be lighting around the entire perimeter of the wall or its individual parts.

External decoration elements can be various figurines, vases, plants in stylish pots, and collection items. They can be distributed on shelves and racks. Behind the glass doors of the cabinets, designer sets or books in the same binding will look noble. Any use of decorative details must correspond to the overall design and be strictly dosed.

Types of living room walls by style

Wall in the living room in a modern style

Increasingly, various modern styles are being chosen to decorate the living room, such as minimalism, Scandinavian, etc. Of course, it is best to choose appropriate furniture for them. Walls in a modern style are made mainly from high-quality chipboard. Due to this, the cost of these structures is relatively low. At the same time, they look quite impressive and have high functionality. Experts note that such walls are most often modular, which allows you to select only the necessary furniture elements.

Art Deco

This interior style is significantly different from all others. Wealth, radiance, glamor - all this characterizes art deco

Special attention is always paid to the design of furniture, because it occupies a significant part of the living room space. Basically, the walls are made of expensive wood

As decoration on the doors you can always see rhinestones and stones, mother of pearl, as well as bronze details. Of course, not everyone will like this solution, so look through all the options to find the ones that are most suitable for you.

Provence style in the interior

Unlike laconic interiors, Provence style involves many details. The wall in this case is most often made of natural wood of expensive species or from a material that imitates it. Designers recommend choosing light shades with an imitation of aging, as well as a rough structure. You can also often see floral designs, various patterns and much more on the doors. This interior looks very gentle, but at the same time fresh.

Classic wall in the living room

Lovers of classic interior style should choose the appropriate wall. They are mainly made from natural wood or chipboard. Such designs look very beautiful, expensive, and therefore are a real decoration of the interior. They often contain carved elements and cast fittings as decoration. It is noteworthy that the classic wall can be purchased not only as a standard set or separately element by element.

The classic wall is suitable exclusively for large rooms. Because they are characterized by a neutral color scheme, as well as the presence of natural materials. As for the placement of all wall components, they must be located symmetrically.


A discreet, laconic interior style undoubtedly requires suitable furniture

And it doesn’t matter at all whether the room is large or small. The wall in this case must have the correct shape, as well as ideal geometric contours

Thanks to this, it will ideally complement the chosen interior. As for the color scheme, furniture in neutral tones will look best in this case. Namely snow-white, black, gray or beige. By the way, the matte texture in this case is more appropriate than ever. Reflective and glass planes are allowed, as are decorative details on the wall façade

Please ensure that all cabinets are practical and functional. This nuance is especially important for a small living room.

After all, almost all things should fit in the selected furniture.

High tech

This interior style is often confused with minimalism. Because it is also characterized by practicality, convenience, as well as modern furniture. The wall most often has glass planes, as well as stylish metal fittings. In some cases, plastic parts are additionally used. This allows you to realize design ideas that will be the ideal complement to a high-tech interior. A neutral color scheme for furniture would be optimal. That is, milky, black, gray or even steel color.


Lovers of sophistication and simplicity in the interior will definitely like the Art Nouveau style. It is distinguished by soft lines, muted tones and simplicity. It is used in living room design quite often, regardless of the size of the room.

Main characteristics of the style

High-tech is perfect for a small space because it visually enlarges the space. This is achieved using:

  • plain color of furniture, walls;
  • avant-garde lighting;
  • abundance of metal, glass, concrete, plastic in finishing;
  • abundance of cutting-edge technology;
  • finishing walls with untreated brick, concrete;
  • integrated lighting;
  • partitions and sliding doors;
  • glass and chrome surfaces;
  • using gray, pastel, black, white and metallic shades.

The living room combined with the dining room can be separated by a glass matte partition. The function of a dividing element can be performed by a large aquarium equipped with LEDs.

The living room combined with the dining room can be separated by a glass matte partition

The uniqueness of the style lies in its restraint, geometric shapes of furniture, accessories, and strict lines. The room must certainly be furnished with high-tech modern equipment. It can be:

  • automatic air temperature control;
  • Robot Vacuum Cleaner;
  • climate control system;
  • remote lighting control;
  • air aromatization.

In such a home there are no wires or cords from equipment. They are most often removed behind false partitions and suspended ceilings. Conventional batteries are replaced with a warm baseboard or even a wall.

In such a home there are no wires or cords from equipment

This design suits a certain circle of people:

  • young people who have modern views on home improvement;
  • owners of small apartments;
  • shocking home owners;
  • dacha owners who like glass and metal in home decoration.

young people with modern views on home improvement

Wall location

The wall in the guest room can have not only different equipment, but also its location depending on the conditions.


Typically, this option occupies the entire wall, but it may well be located in a specific area, depending on the size of the room and the dimensions of the purchased furniture. The overall interior design is also taken into account here, so sometimes it is placed in a niche to make more efficient use of the space in the room.

Straight wall option


An option for not too large rooms. It is often installed in conjunction with a cabinet or TV stand, but other options for arranging furniture in the corner are used. By choosing a corner format, you will get a lot of free space for installing living room furniture such as a sofa, dining table or coffee table with chairs.

Corner wall


In this case, two corners will already be used, so a lot of space is wasted. This means that this wall must be thought out, or the living room must be really spacious.

Such a module can combine a wardrobe with a set of the owners’ things, a home theater, an armchair, because collecting everything in one place is quite convenient, especially since it helps to relieve space in other rooms.

U-shaped wall


A wall consisting of completely different structures is often precisely in size. From the name it is obvious that the slide is often quite uneven in height of the elements, sometimes it can also be asymmetrical. Interestingly, all height changes have smooth transitions.

Slide option in the living room

Arrangement of a mini-wall. It is more like a straight format, but includes a module of furniture of rather narrow dimensions: a shelving unit and a cabinet. A similar wall is most often used for a TV with a stereo system, with various souvenirs, and sometimes just small shelves or a regular bookcase are equipped with a cabinet.

A mini wall is a great option for a small guest room.

Projects of houses with a flat roof - simple construction technologies (one-story, two-story, wooden, small). Modern trends in high-tech and minimalism (175+Photos)

Wall slide for the living room - design features

A furniture display for the living room is a complex of elements of different sizes, shapes, and configurations, which make up a harmonious composition in a single color and style. The peculiarity of the design is the obligatory observance of an increasing sequence of elements. This design feature of the furniture gave it the name “slide”.

Initially, the slide was a pyramid-shaped shelf in which crystal and other utensils were stored. However, over time it transformed and began to denote the modern idea of ​​a wall.

The modern wall has a number of obvious advantages, which determined its popularity in modern interiors:

  • Compactness of furniture with its large capacity.
  • Mobility – the ability to easily swap modules.
  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Wide selection of shapes, colors, materials, configurations.
  • Possibility of choosing a design.

When choosing a wall slide for the living room, it is important to decide what will be placed in it. A wardrobe is needed to store clothes, and a special cabinet is also required for dishes. If the slide is necessary for installing video and audio equipment, then the wall should be equipped with large shelves. This type of furniture is also suitable for placing books, installing a TV and decorative elements.

Types and models

Today there are many types of living room walls. You should choose the right option for your space before heading to the store. Let's look at some options:

  • Modular. Such options are quite practical and convenient. Such walls consist of sections that are designed to perform different functions. At the same time, they can be swapped and the design can be supplemented with other modules. The composition will not lose its organicity and uniform style. Such models will be relevant both for old buildings and for modern apartments. The advantages of such a wall include the ability to move it to any place and at any time.
  • Built-in. These options have an undeniable advantage - significant space savings. The models are built into the niche of the room, thereby adding beauty to the interior, as well as accommodating all the necessary things. However, there is also a significant drawback to such products. You will not be able to transfer them, or supplement the composition with any other elements. Built-in furniture will be indispensable for those apartments that cannot boast of extra square meters.

  • With wardrobe. A good choice would be a wall with a wardrobe. This option will allow you to neatly place all your belongings and necessary items. In this case, the model can be placed on the entire wall. This will be especially true for spacious living rooms, where there is a lot of free space. However, you can choose a suitable option for a small room. The cabinet will fit perfectly into the entire composition of the room.
  • With a chest of drawers. An interesting option is a wall with a chest of drawers. You can choose such models in a store or build them yourself. For a small room, you can choose a more compact option. Choose the right color and style for your products. They should be optimally combined with other interior items.

There are other interesting options for similar furniture. You can choose models with a mezzanine, sideboard, bar. Furniture with shelving will be suitable for books.

Many people prefer to purchase a transforming wall. It is perfect for a small room. Such options can at any time turn into a bed, table or other items you need. This model will help to effectively save space.

Among the many models, you should choose what will be relevant specifically for your room. Don't blindly follow the advice of friends or fashion trends. Think about what you would like to create in your home. After all, you will see the wall every day, which means it should evoke only positive emotions, good mood and aesthetic pleasure in you.

Wall slide in the interior - photo



A wall slide is an interior item that will help you properly plan the living room space, save free space even in a small room, place all your things in one furniture set, and at the same time become an indispensable and bright decoration of the living room.

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