Which refrigerator to choose for the kitchen? The answer is in our article! 77 design photos.

A refrigerator can attract attention with its graceful shape, size, well-known brand, and price. But each criterion separately is not enough to choose a rather expensive and complex device.

A refrigerator is usually used for several years, so a mistake in choosing will not ruin your mood for the same amount of time.

But if you approach the selection of refrigeration equipment carefully and thoughtfully, even with the existing wealth of supply, the choice will be made flawlessly.

Five main refrigerator parameters

You will have to choose by:

  • external dimensions and, accordingly, internal volumes;
  • number and characteristics of freezers;
  • number and characteristics of compressors;
  • operating principle of the defrost function;
  • availability of additional features.

The logic for determining the values ​​of these parameters for the buyer is presented below.

Interior style

“Free-standing refrigerators, in my opinion, look cool in a modern interior,” says Marina Novikova. Such refrigerators are good, functional, they have more volume, but stylistically they are not always suitable. Built-in ones are good because they are easy to hide and blend into the interior, but they are smaller in volume. This conflict is resolved differently in each project, depending on the wishes of the customers, the style and layout of the space.

“I often include built-in refrigerators in projects; I don’t like to focus attention on this item,” admits Marina. – But in one of the latest projects we installed a free-standing refrigerator. It was black, covered with slate paint, and I couldn’t even imagine anything else there. Everything is individual."

Refrigerator K 20.000 Miele in a modern interior

In short, the more modern kitchen appliances evolve, the wider the possibilities for interior designers become, and our lives become more comfortable and simpler. It's only the beginning.

About freezers

Freezers are located on top, bottom or side-by-side. In the first case, their maximum volume reaches 200 liters, in the second - 300 liters, in the third - half of the total volume of the refrigerator chambers, or up to 500 liters.

The presence of drawers in freezers will be an additional plus. The supplies stored in them are easier to access, and the products themselves can be easily divided into groups. The Side-by-side system is easy to use; freezers are easy to access, as are refrigerators.

How to paint a refrigerator with your own hands

Of course, this method of decorating an ugly refrigerator cannot be called simple and quick. But it is he who opens up space for your imagination. By combining colors, you can create a masterpiece out of literally nothing! Materials and tools you will need:

  • sanding sponge;
  • a set of paint rollers;
  • primer;
  • dye.

Preparation is extremely important. Only a well-prepared surface will ensure durability and longevity of any paint coating.

  1. Remove handles and other parts (if any) and clean the surface thoroughly. Wash with soap and water. Wipe and let dry.
  2. Next, take a sanding sponge and quickly sand the areas that will be painted. Don't ignore this preparation stage! The sanding sponge ensures high-quality, uniform contact of the paint with the surface to be painted. Only sanding will create those tiny micro grooves that will hold the primer and paint without the risk of cracking.
  3. Wipe off all dust after sanding first with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth.
  4. Now let's apply the primer. Which one is up to you to decide. The construction market offers a huge number of types with very different characteristics. For example, oil-based primers are a universal material, but take a long time to dry. In this sense, aqueous quick-drying compositions are more attractive. And from the point of view of use, they are much simpler.
  5. Cover all holes and areas you do not want to paint with masking tape.
  6. Using a roller, apply the first layer of the selected paint from top to bottom, and after the time indicated in the instructions, apply the second.
  7. The finishing touch is painting the door handles. There are options here, but in any case, be sure to apply a finishing coat of sealant. This must be done so that the paint does not wear off. After all, handles are the most abraded part of the surface of the refrigerator.
  8. Fridge magnets, selected taking into account color and design, will help add some zest.

Important! If you use spray paints for decoration, be sure to follow safety rules. First of all, remember that you can only work with aerosol cans in a well-ventilated area.

About compressors and defrosting

Modern refrigerators have one or two compressors. In the case of two devices, each of them cools a separate chamber, but their total energy consumption is about a third higher.

On the other hand, a system of two compressors is considered more reliable. Here experts probably proceed from the fact that if one unit fails, the second one will work.

In any case, for the consumer it is not so important how many compressors are in the refrigerator and what is their layout.

There are three main ways to defrost a refrigerator:

  • Drip. Water settles on the back wall of the chamber, flows into a container, from where it evaporates.
  • No Frost. The air exchange mode in the refrigerator is designed so that drops of water do not settle either on the walls or on the food.
  • Full no Frost. This is a more advanced version of the previous system.

Experts recommend paying attention to the last two options.

Recommendations for choosing a refrigerator

Only at first glance it may seem that choosing a refrigerator for the kitchen is a simple matter. You just need to select a unit that is suitable in size and meets the buyer’s cost requirements. But not everything is so simple. It is necessary to choose a refrigerator in such a way that it fits ergonomically into the interior of the room, matches the design of the kitchen, and most importantly, it is convenient and practical to use and has the necessary set of functions.

We bring to your attention a list of requirements for a modern refrigerator for the right choice:

1.Dimensions of the household appliance

Obviously, it is necessary to choose a refrigerator based on the size of the kitchen space and the number of family members. If your kitchen has a large area, then there will be no problems with choosing a refrigerator, but for small rooms you need to take into account every centimeter - there is no point in purchasing a large appliance for a small family.

As a rule, standard kitchens have an area of ​​no more than 8-10 square meters. For such a room, the best option would be a refrigerator with base dimensions of 60x60 cm. For small rooms, manufacturers offer compact models with base dimensions of 45x60 cm.

2.Appliance height

Ideally, the height of the refrigerator is determined by the level of the furniture set. But such a correspondence is not always possible. An unwritten rule states that the refrigerator should be no higher than 1.5 m in order for its operation to be convenient for all family members.

If the household appliance is too low, you will have to bend over all the time. The tall model is also inconvenient to use - it is difficult to reach the upper shelves. The best option is a wide and not very tall household appliance. But in the case of a small-sized kitchen, models the size of a kitchen stove can be widely sold.

3.Refrigerator volume

Buyers often neglect this criterion, but the choice of refrigerator by volume is influenced by the number of family members, the frequency of cooking and the size of food supplies that meet the needs of the family. The most popular models are those with a European standard volume of 250-300 liters.

4.Number of cameras

A refrigerator with several chambers is necessary for those who need the ability to cool or freeze food at different temperatures. For example, meat and fish are cooled at one temperature, and greens or berries at another. Currently, there are buyers who are satisfied with single-chamber refrigerators. The greatest demand is for two-chamber models - with the possibility of cooling and freezing.

Recently, the demand for three-chamber refrigerators with zero and lower temperature conditions has been growing. In such household appliances, products retain their freshness longer, because each type has its own cooling or freezing temperature regime. After a week of storage, greens, fruits and vegetables look as if they were just picked from the garden.

In deep-freezing chambers you can store berries, herbs, vegetables and fruits, preserving their vitamins. The temperature in such chambers is indicated by asterisks - the greater the number of asterisks, the longer the food can be stored. Under “dry fresh” conditions (from -3 to 0 degrees) with a humidity of 50%, fresh meat and fish can retain their nutritional qualities for up to a week. If the “wet freshness” mode is set (from +0.5 to +3 degrees) and the humidity is 90%, fruits and vegetables are able to maintain their freshness three times more than the normal mode of the refrigeration chamber of standard refrigerator models.

5.Defrosting method

In order for the refrigerator to do an excellent job of cooling food. But at the same time it did not consume a lot of energy; it is necessary to choose models with “no frost formation” or “with non-freezing walls” modes. Such units have a self-defrosting function. You will only need to unplug the device once a year and completely defrost it in order to wash all surfaces.

6.Noise level of the operating device

The level of noise emitted by a refrigerator depends entirely on the quality of its compressor. In turn, this factor affects the service life of the entire unit. The optimal compressor noise level is considered to be in the range from 21 to 55 dB. Experts recommend purchasing two-compressor models - the load is distributed over two (or more) chambers. Also, thermoelectric and absorption devices operate quietly (without compressors). But such modules are produced only in compact sizes (due to the characteristics of the cooling system).

7.Filling the refrigerator

When considering the refrigerator model you like, pay attention to the shelves in the refrigerator compartment. Manufacturers offer us monolithic products from:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • glass

Experts recommend purchasing shelves in the form of bars - air circulates freely through them inside the refrigerator compartment, and this has an impact on maintaining the level of freshness of products.

8.Antibacterial coating

Most modern refrigerator models have an internal cavity with a special antibacterial coating made from inorganic silver. Unpleasant odors in the refrigerator are a thing of yesterday. There are also options for the kitchen's most important appliance that come equipped with antibacterial carbon filters.

9.Electrical energy consumption

Saving energy is not a fashionable trend, but a necessity of today. It's not just about electricity bills, but the entire energy consumption situation on our planet. The most economical in terms of electricity consumption are models marked A, followed by B and C.

10.Refrigerator design

Obviously, not only the technical characteristics and dimensions of the refrigerator model are selection criteria. The method of execution of the unit, its color and stylistic design will influence the perception of the entire image of the kitchen space. In addition, it is important that the refrigerator can serve “faithfully” for as long as possible. And this is influenced, among other things, by the method of creating the coating of its frame. Manufacturers offer us three options for such coating:

  • made of coated glass (no fingerprints left);
  • stainless steel;
  • surfaces treated with paint and enamel.

Additional functionality

Some additional features may be useful. The buyer can choose from:

Super cooling. If you need to quickly cool, for example, drinks, this function will be just right.

Super freezing. Great for freezing fresh vegetables and fruits.

Vacation system. If the refrigerator is not used for a long time, the refrigerator compartment switches to an economical mode of operation automatically.

Modern settings systems. They allow you to select the temperature with an accuracy of a tenth of a degree.

Protection against bacteria. The refrigerator chambers contain a generator of silver ions, which are believed to be able to resist harmful microorganisms.

Refrigerator decor with panels

Not the easiest, but quite effective way to fully integrate any, even the oldest unit into the kitchen interior. To implement this, you will first need to build a frame that will need to be placed on the refrigerator. In the case of a single-chamber model, it will be enough to use only the door for this purpose.

About brands

There are many good brands, and they exist both at the premium level and in the mid-price category. But practically no one works in the budget category, if we mean refrigerators.

If you can make sure that it is not a fake, you can safely trust the brands Bosch, Ardo, Bekker, AEG, Beko, Electrolux, Gotenje, Hansa, DeLonghi, Whirlpool, Miele, Indesit, Samsung.

The list, of course, is not final; it can easily be doubled. The main thing is that the manufacturing company not only gives a guarantee, but also backs it up with an extensive network of service centers.

Refrigerator design and its location in the kitchen interior

Color solution

One of the most popular color schemes for a household appliance such as a refrigerator is snow-white surfaces. It is not surprising that most Russians choose the traditional version of the color palette - such a device fits organically into any interior design, decorated in any stylistic direction. But such a refrigerator will not become the accent of the image of the room (an exception can only be if all other kitchen surfaces are made in a dark or bright color, but this option is extremely rare).

Models coated with stainless steel are no less popular. Such a refrigerator can be easily combined with other kitchen appliances (oven, hood, stove, microwave, dishwasher). It looks organically in any type of modern style of kitchen space design.

If you want to make the refrigerator an accent element of the kitchen interior, choose a bright, rich color for the appliance’s coating. A similar effect can be achieved by installing a black refrigerator in a bright kitchen (but it is important to understand and be prepared for the fact that all prints will be visible on the surface of such a unit).

But in some cases, the color of the refrigerator will not make any difference. We are talking about disguising a household appliance behind the facades of a storage system. Most often, this design technique is used when creating classic kitchen interiors. In order for the appearance of a classic kitchen to be close to the canons of this style, it is better to hide modern household appliances behind the facades of cabinets that match the design of the furniture set...

But even in modern variations of kitchen space design you can find the use of this design technique. The refrigerator “hides” behind the smooth (or simply undecorated) facades of modern furniture, fitting perfectly into the overall picture of the interior.

The second option, in which the color of the refrigerator surfaces does not matter much, is associated with the use of black magnetic boards on which you can write down recipes, grocery lists, or simply leave messages for household members.

Location of the refrigerator in the kitchen

If the kitchen area has a medium to large area, then there will be no problems with the location of the refrigerator - you can choose the optimal location for the convenience of working processes (not far from the sink and cutting surfaces). In this case, the entire Feng Shui rule can be followed - do not place the “cold source” in close proximity to the “fire source” - the stove or hob. In a spacious kitchen you can even install two refrigerators with different modes (including a wine cooler), arranging them symmetrically to create a harmonious interior environment.

But what is the best way to install a refrigerator in a small or even small-sized kitchen? Experts recommend choosing one of two options: the first is due to the fact that the refrigerator occupies one of the free corners of the room, the second - the household appliance is installed near the door. It all depends on the size of the room, the location of window and door openings (and in some cases, their number, since the room can be a walk-through room), the presence of projections and niches (for example, the presence of a garbage disposal box).

Placing the refrigerator at the entrance to the kitchen space in some cases may require getting rid of doors or moving the doorway. But these will be small sacrifices for the possibility of installing a refrigerator within a small kitchen space, because fitting this device into the interior of any other room (in some cases, owners have to install it in the hallway) will be much more difficult.

Most often, designers propose integrating a refrigerator into the frames of a kitchen furniture set. Thus, this unit will not stand out from their overall picture, attracting unnecessary attention. In addition, the box created for the refrigerator can be supplemented with a shelf for installing a microwave oven or any other household appliance or storage system. And an extra cabinet in the kitchen never hurts.

If the kitchen area is part of one spacious room that combines several functional segments, then it makes sense to consider the possibility of integrating a refrigerator into the interior partition.

Photos of popular kitchen refrigerators

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Down with stereotypes!

There is a widespread belief that household appliances in the kitchen should be decorated in the same color scheme, and also neutral. The most “favorite” colors are white and steel. This particularly applies to the refrigerator. But why does it have to be white or stainless steel? Who defined this rule?

An original deep dark blue refrigerator built into the kitchen unit

A colored refrigerator is a great way to add fresh color to your kitchen and add personality. Such an ambiguous item at first glance will fit into most interior styles: from romantic retro to strict minimalism. A bright refrigerator will enliven the kitchen of a “bleached” Scandinavian design, emphasizing the character of the loft and the dynamics of modernity.

Advantages and disadvantages

In fact, a built-in refrigerator has many more disadvantages than advantages:

  • higher cost than free-standing models of similar functionality and volume;
  • the choice of built-in equipment is always smaller;
  • additional installation costs will be required (it will not be possible to install and connect such a unit on your own);
  • the useful area of ​​the freezer and refrigerator compartments is smaller due to thicker walls (to improve thermal insulation);
  • additional costs are required to create an extra kitchen cabinet for the refrigerator.

Against the background of a large number of shortcomings, built-in refrigerators have only one significant advantage - their aesthetic appearance.

Oddly enough, for many, appearance is the main criterion for choosing a refrigerator. People are ready to incur additional costs and difficulties, just so that the entire kitchen set looks beautiful and harmonious.

Refrigerators with intelligence

The most unusual refrigerators are “smart” household appliances, stuffed with electronics. Some modern models connect to a smartphone, which allows you to see the contents of the shelves from the other side of the city. This feature is useful for those who constantly forget what they need to buy. Through the app you can adjust the temperature and receive a warning when the door is open. And some refrigerators have built-in computer displays, so you can order groceries online right in the kitchen.

Which refrigerator will remind you when food expires? Such models are found not only in science fiction films, but also in LG stores. Agree, this is very convenient!

Many refrigerator brands, such as WHIRLPOOL, provide their models with nanoshelves. If liquid spills on them, it will not spread over the entire shelf, but will collect in one place. Fantastic!

It turns out that the most fashionable refrigerators are practical and functional household appliances, where everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Study the offers, make your choice, and let your equipment serve you for as long as possible!

Custom designed refrigerator - design ideas by Karim Rashid

Another product from a series of designer refrigerators from the same LG Electronics is the LG GR-M317SGKR refrigerator, designed by the famous designer Karim Rashid. Laconic, strict forms are combined here with some external luxury. A geometric pattern consisting of smooth lines on a mirror surface, handles, again decorated with Swarovski crystals, embody the idea of ​​“sensual minimalism”, so beloved by the author of this project.

Defrosting method

There are also 3 of them: know frost, drip and manual. No Frost does not require turning off the device every 3-4 months to remove ice; this happens automatically.

If defrosting is drip, it is necessary to empty the reservoir from the water flowing into it 3-4 times a year or more often; manual defrosting requires frequent shutdown of the refrigerator. The ice melts naturally, and the water flows into the placed container.

The cost of refrigerators directly depends on the defrosting method. No frost is more expensive, manual is the cheapest.

Refrigerators in classic style from Smeg - example of design with photo

For interiors in a classic style, Smeg offers the Coloniale series. Refrigerators in this series of two colors - anthracite and cream - have brass or even gold-plated fittings of a traditional look, while their body is a simple rectangular shape without unnecessary frills. Stylish, elegant and sophisticated, they are also state-of-the-art devices using the most advanced technology.

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