Wallpaper for a small room 2022: TOP-80 best design ideas with photos

It is not easy to make small-sized housing with its cramped spaces and low ceilings comfortable. In such conditions, the question of how to increase space in a small room is always relevant. Below we describe techniques to transform a small space and avoid mistakes when decorating a small living room, bedroom or kitchen.

Interior in beige palette Source st.hzcdn.com

Basic rules for decorating small rooms using wallpaper

Consumers looking to make a small room feel larger have a variety of issues to consider, such as which space-enhancing wallpaper to choose.
A positive result can only be achieved here using the method of optical illusions. One of the basic rules is the rejection of dark accents and finishing materials. To increase space, no matter how illogical it may seem, you can use zoning. But this needs to be done correctly, using clear lines and interior items that will surround the area. For example, when choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is necessary to abandon contrasting techniques, since they immediately attract attention and emphasize the lack of free space. Bulky objects cannot be called expandable in space. Even in combination with wallpaper that visually enlarges the room, all attempts will be in vain. After all, this will only make the interior look untidy, but it will also become inconvenient to use such a room.

Since corridors in apartments are usually the narrowest place in a home, it is necessary to select finishing materials for them that increase the area. It is better to avoid dark patterns, as they will absorb all the light and in this part of the house there is usually only artificial light. Colors that do not expand, but rather reduce free space, are warm shades:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red.

They should be abandoned if the windows are as small as possible and the room is narrow and long.

Types of linoleum

This finishing material has many types. The properties of linoleum largely depend on what material it is made from.


This type of flooring is suitable for allergy sufferers and those who fundamentally use only eco-friendly materials. It is made from wood and limestone flour with the addition of resins, natural dyes and linseed oil. Jute fabric is used for the substrate, the top layer is sometimes coated with varnish or polymer, and often you can find linoleum without any coating at all.

The finishing material has all the advantages: it is beautiful, easy to install, is not afraid of water and temperature changes, and also does not accumulate static electricity and cannot cause allergies.

It has only one drawback: it is not as elastic as other varieties, so it must be transported not in rolls, but in sheets. Otherwise, unsightly folds form on the surface, which then spoil the entire unusual design of the room.

PVC linoleum (polyvinyl chloride material)

PVC flooring is the most common option. It is made from polyvinyl chloride. There are several varieties:

  • single layer. It is not durable, but it is bright and cheap. It is quite suitable as a temporary solution before an upcoming major overhaul;
  • two-layer. It is used more often because it lasts longer and is generally stronger. Here the polyvinyl chloride layer is thicker.

All synthetic linoleum has a weak, specific odor that takes a little time to dissipate. You may be allergic to it. Otherwise, this is a good material: it comes in different colors, matte and glossy, it can be combined with other coatings, and used to cover an office or hall. It is this linoleum that accurately imitates other surfaces.

Relin, or rubber linoleum

It is made from crushed rubber and rubber. It is elastic to the touch, wears out slowly and is almost always made in one color. It has a specific rubbery sheen. Most often it is used not in houses and apartments (no matter one-room or two-room), but in gyms and playgrounds.

This is due to the fact that it is not so painful to fall on. It also spreads around a faint smell of rubber and substances, the combination of which is harmful to humans. A large room with good ventilation helps prevent their high concentration.

But it should not be used in residential premises.

Alkyd (glypthal) linoleum

This coating has properties similar to polyvinyl chloride linoleum. The only difference is that it is more resistant to wear.

The influence of texture and texture on spatial perception

Embossed wallpaper is in demand, with the help of which they not only decorate the room, but also make the space more free. Discreet, voluminous models are appropriate in any style and are indispensable for those who prefer the classics.

The walls shine, the shimmer fills the house with light, the walls repel. The effect is enhanced by adding glossy or mirrored ceilings to the finish. You just need to remember that many small furnishings in the interior will double in size.

Complex relief lines distract the visitor’s attention from the volume of the room. A small room looks great when covered with textured wallpaper with small patterns. Such walls are pleasant to the touch and form a sophisticated backdrop. More preferably, the coating is made in a combination of colors.

The most popular textures:

  • Wool. The surface of the wallpaper reproduces the dense surface of the fabric.
  • Dust. The surface is fine-grained, a good basis for decoration.
  • Canvas. The outer layer imitates a porous structure.
  • Malta. Deliberately sloppy relief over the entire surface.

A coating that imitates brickwork, brick, leather or metal helps to place modern accents and decorate a room with an antique look. Construction materials that can be repainted more than once create an interesting design.

Smooth and textured coatings can be easily combined if you have difficulty choosing.


If you correctly install and distribute lighting in an apartment, the room will expand, transform and appear spacious. Choose recessed spotlights and LED strips. Devices should be neutral and inconspicuous. Use light to highlight certain areas to add depth and volume.

You can enlarge a room or kitchen using lamps built into the furniture. This is practical and original, while a massive kitchen set or cabinet will immediately become slimmer and lighter. Built-in plaster models are suitable for the ceiling. The devices are built into the ceiling and covered with plaster. Thus, the light remains, but the lamp is not visible.

Diffused light that spills along the wall will make the room feel more spacious. To do this, hang several wall sconces. You can abandon ceiling lighting and switch to floor lighting. A ceiling without a chandelier looks freer and more spacious. Use better floor lamps and wall sconces. Warm light from different parts of the room looks cozier than cold overhead light.

Wallpaper color that visually expands the room

The rooms in modern apartments are not very large. You can expand the space only visually using original design techniques:

  • universal method - selection of wall finishes in light colors;
  • skillful combination of shades and textures.

It is not recommended to use dark colors (burgundy, dark brown, black or dark purple). It is also worth remembering that large motifs and dense small prints visually reduce the space. But such restrictions cannot be considered too categorical, since there are many interesting ways to transform any apartment with the help of colors and textures.

Lights and lighting in the living room

The final stage of achieving harmony in all of the above methods of creating the illusion of expanding space will be the organization of correct and competent lighting.

In this case, of course, it is necessary to make maximum use of natural light.

Therefore, closing windows, much less blocking them up, making a blank wall, is highly discouraged, since it is sunlight that has properties that positively influence a person regarding the perception of space.

The second aspect of this issue is the organization of artificial lighting, which has its own wisdom and tricks.

A large hanging chandelier in a small living room will negate all your efforts spent on expanding the space, but the use of small lamps built into the suspended ceiling will only enhance and emphasize the volume of your guest room.

Wallpaper colors and patterns for small rooms

Wallpaper for a small room should be selected taking into account the color and pattern found on it. Many people are afraid to connect light and movable walls for fear that they will join together and the interior will be boring. There are many successful examples of design using white, gray, and beige colors. For a small room this will be the best solution.

It should be remembered that the furniture should have a different shade - be darker than the wallpaper and the surrounding interior.

It is advisable to choose cool color options. They are working on expansion. These should be abandoned:

  • Contrasts. They visually cut the room into parts. They are suitable for use in large spaces. For example, for their zoning. This method is not suitable for small areas.
  • Bright saturated colors. Such wallpaper will visually narrow the room and turn it into a box.
  • Wide and contrasting patterns. Their perception in such a room will be impaired, since dimensional drawings emphasize a small area, and brightness aggravates the situation.

Tips for decorating a small room with photo wallpaper, how to “pull apart” the walls.

A contrasting wall is allowed. To do this, one side of the room is highlighted using a pattern. It would be better if they were geometric shapes. What's special about this? The color scheme of this surface should be calm and not differ much from the general style. Thus, it will fool the eyes: any person will think that the space is larger than it actually is.

There are several rules for decorating walls with wallpaper:

  • Opposite sides can be decorated in the same color scheme, but contrast them with cold and light shades.
  • How to shorten long walls? To do this, use wallpaper with a small print; for short walls it is better to leave a large pattern.
  • Diagonal placement of pictures on the wallpaper will also visually lengthen the space.
  • The method of different color saturation is also very popular. To achieve the desired effect, the bottom of the walls is covered with darker tones, and light ones are placed on top. This method is ideal for small rooms with low ceilings.
  • It is also possible to alternate the background with and without a pattern. However, to expand the volume of the room, plain canvases should be larger than wallpaper with ornaments.
  • A glossy finish is recommended. They create an increase in the area of ​​rooms, as they have the property of reflecting objects in front of them.

Briefly about the main thing

Various techniques that influence our perception work to increase space. There are many ways to make a living room, kitchen, bathroom or children's room visually larger. All of them are based on choosing the right color palette, materials and furniture.

To make a small room look more spacious, choose light colors for the walls and ceiling. In some styles (Scandinavian, minimalism), preference is given to white. The flooring is usually slightly darker than the rest of the finish: this achieves a balance of colors and makes the furniture look better.

To decorate a small room, preference should be given to a striped pattern. The use of mirror and glare surfaces is also useful. Curtains are preferably light-colored, of a simple cut, possibly striped.

The room will look more spacious if you decorate it with light wood furniture. Objects made of glass and transparent plastic will be a useful addition. Properly organized lighting will help improve the perception of the interior. It should be varied, with additional sconces, lamps and lighting.

Wallpaper with the right prints for a small room

Wallpaper with prints and patterns will organically fit into modern interiors of any style. Of course, to create a general background, it is advisable to choose canvases with a light base. Nuances of material selection:

  • typical for designs in country style, Provence;
  • geometric prints (squares, diamonds, circles) will add dynamism to the interior and make the decor in the high-tech and minimalist style laconic and effective. Abstract shapes painted in contrasting colors fit original into modern and retro designs;
  • a fashionable trend is materials that imitate the texture and texture of rough surfaces (masonry, concrete, concrete). Such wallpaper for a small room, which visually enlarges the space, can be called accent wallpaper. They will emphasize the naturalness of the loft, Provence style;
  • We can't help but mention the striped pattern. Pasting with such wallpaper is a universal way to enliven a space and visually change the geometry of the room.

Is it possible to wallpaper with a geometric print and a floral pattern at the same time in a small room? It may seem that such a combination is unrealistic, but designers suggest experimenting and choosing materials from the same color palette.

Furniture selection

Knowing what color of the walls increases the space, you can easily choose suitable pieces of furniture; It is important to maintain balance. The ideal solution would be to choose light, large-sized items that are close in color to the wall decoration. By blending into the background, they will not attract attention, and the room will look more spacious.

Winning option Source cdn.inmyroom.ru

In a small room it is difficult to find space for standard furnishings; sometimes a couple of centimeters are not enough for the perfect solution. If you order the main furniture according to exact dimensions, it will be possible to arrange it perfectly. A coffee table with a glass top, a display cabinet, and chairs made of transparent plastic will help increase the space.

Furniture with legs Source www.alefnext.com Mirror cabinet in the interior Source yellowhome.ru

A simple, albeit somewhat unexpected way is to use a cabinet or bookshelves under the ceiling. Such furniture looks impressive and, paradoxically, makes the room look larger.

Ideal shelves for a small kitchen Source st.hzcdn.com Transparent dining group in the kitchen Source koffkindom.ru

How to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper?

  • A long, narrow room can be visually expanded with horizontal striped wallpaper.
  • If there is wallpaper with flowers up to 3 cm in diameter on the wall and on the bottom wall, for wallpaper with dark flowers but more than 5 cm in diameter, use this
  • By using bright colors on the back and side walls, the room will appear closed, expanding up and down.

Consider using wallpaper in a small room, it is recommended to remove it if you use it at the right time.

Glitter wallpaper is one of the best ways to expand your space. They will reflect the light that will be paid to those who live on Khrushchevka or in the community. In the bedroom it is better to place them on the wall located behind the head of the bed, in the living room - behind the sofa.

Using mirror surfaces

An old proven method for expanding the boundaries of space is the use of glare and reflective surfaces. Mirrors create the depth that a small room needs, reflecting and scattering light. Mirrors of different sizes and shapes are welcome in interior design; an original frame will turn a functional item into an interesting decorative element.

Interior with beveled mirror Source homify.com

Glossy surfaces also have an increased ability to reflect light, so glossy facades and mirror inserts on furniture, doors with glass inserts, and glossy mosaics on the kitchen apron work to increase space.

Mirror wall in the hallway Source homify.com Panel of mirrors Source media.price.ua

Room design ideas that expand space

There are several design techniques that can visually increase the area of ​​a small room. One of these techniques is to cover a panoramic wall of a room with photo wallpaper or 3D wallpaper. High-quality photographic images that have appeared in recent years are not inferior to frescoes in terms of impression, price advantage and speed of execution. 3D walls can transform a small room or studio beyond recognition.

Wallpaper for a small living room

The living room is the main room in the house, and it should be decorated as effectively as possible. Photo wallpaper can be used to decorate and expand the space of a small room. In most cases, the wall behind the sofa is more suitable for this purpose.

In the photo, the wall of a small living room is effectively decorated with vintage photo wallpaper and images of predatory animals, which adds dynamism and originality to the interior.

In the photo, the back wall of a small hall is decorated with photo wallpaper, on which images of bright house facades look very attractive. This design technique will not leave any guest indifferent.

Decorating a small dining room

When you want to decorate your dining room in an unusual way and there is not enough space in a small apartment, you can use images that expand the space and effectively highlight the dining area. The dining room in studio apartments, covered with expressive wallpaper, looks very nice.

How to visually enlarge a small bedroom?

When choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom, it is best to decorate it in subtle colors and patterns that are pleasing to the eye, promoting relaxation and restful sleep.

Wallpaper for a small children's room

For children's rooms, it is recommended to use easily replaceable finishing materials. When children grow up, the wallpaper can be easily re-pasted, changing the atmosphere of the children's room.

In the photo, the combination of stripes and plain wallpaper not only added austerity to the boy’s nursery, but also brought dynamism and variety to the small room.

The photo shows a nursery for a little princess. The walls are covered with wallpaper with birds. The small room looks gentle, bright and sunny.

Wallpaper that enhances the kitchen

Small kitchens, especially kitchens in Khrushchev, can be visually enlarged to a square if you don’t just decorate the walls with traditional tiles, but use expressive, bright wallpaper. Geometric patterns, stripes or shapes will perfectly highlight the geometry of kitchen appliances and appliances. And bright accents add dynamics, and a small room seems larger.

Mirrors as one of the options for increasing area

How can we not mention mirrored surfaces, which provide a stunning visual illusion directed in a positive direction. Any reflectors have the property of increasing the dimensions of space, which is so important for small rooms in the house. The larger the mirror, the better it will play into the hands of the owner of a miniature apartment.

Life hacks: where is the best place to put a mirror to visually expand the room:

  • A mirror installed opposite the window will reflect the sun's rays well, giving the room additional space during the daytime.

Be careful! The mirror should not be installed so that it is exposed to direct sunlight: this is dangerous for eyesight and may not be fireproof during extreme heat.

A mirror opposite the window gives the room additional space during the daytime

  • If you install lamps in such a way that they are reflected in the mirrors, then not only will the space be filled with depth and light, but the interior will also become more extravagant.

Lights reflected in the mirror fill the room with additional light

  • A full mirror wall from the floor to the ceiling is the best option for expanding the area: it will double the volume of any room (this method of expansion cannot be compared with any other in its progressiveness).

A floor-to-ceiling mirror wall is truly the best option for expanding space

How to enlarge a room with wallpaper: 5 ideas

Light wallpaper

The color of the walls, or more precisely the wallpaper, can greatly affect our perception of space. Cool shades make small, cramped spaces feel airier and look better than their darker, warmer counterparts. Another solution that can help brighten up a room and give it extra depth is an accent wall. Experts advise using wallpaper with a discreet, but no less original design, and choosing white, cream and pastel shades.

Panoramic wallpaper

You can also visually enlarge the room with the help of panoramic wallpaper, decorative panels, wall paintings or wallpaper with a trompe-l'oeil pattern. They can be used for an entire wall or part of it in the living room, or they can be used to decorate the headboard wall in the bedroom. A landscape on the wall will help create the extra perspective that small spaces lack, and will create the effect of an endless and elusive space.

Wallpaper on the bottom of the wall

Another trick is to cover not the entire wall with wallpaper with an active print, but only its lower part. A wall split in half horizontally will appear taller, and the lower section will add depth to the room. This option is well suited for loft rooms.

4.Photo wallpapers and frescoes

The quality of photo wallpapers is now very different from what was offered in the Soviet era. Modern photographs, frescoes that are fashionable today are of excellent quality, realistic, and last for many years. Any room will become more spacious, more original, and warmer if you use materials with the right pattern in the design.

Elegant canvases are made to order, based on the size of the room and the general furnishings. They take into account not only the design, but also the purpose of the room. Images of flowers, fields, and waterfalls are suitable for the kitchen. In the bedroom, an image with a terrace and spatial texture is appropriate. Urban and natural themes are popular in the living room. The visibility of three-dimensional space will be created by patterns in 3D format.

Frescoes used for decoration are made using different technologies and have different sizes and shapes. Even in a small room, they can completely occupy the ceiling or one of the walls, provided that the image has a perspective that imitates an open balcony, an alley stretching into the distance, or the expanse of the sea. The theme is selected based on the style of the room.

Wallpaper that hides room imperfections

Wallpaper with an active pattern is a good way to hide all the architectural flaws of the room. They will help hide unnecessary protrusions, hide a niche and smooth out all the unevenness of the walls.


What about photo wallpapers, frescoes, mosaic panels and other finishing materials with a textured pattern?

Indeed, such finishing materials on the walls will also help to visually enlarge the room, and also add something original to the interior. Now there are many high-quality and inexpensive decorative methods that will create additional space. With the help of frescoes, photo wallpapers, mosaic decor, panels with three-dimensional images, bas-reliefs and high reliefs, you can visually expand a narrow living room, a bedroom, a children's room, and a kitchen; even a long corridor can be adjusted if you arm yourself with some rules for expanding the area:

  • Photo wallpapers are a simple option for expanding space, as they can represent a very realistic picture, giving a three-dimensional deep image. Nature photographs: forests, mountains, seas increase volume especially well.

Photo wallpapers always add volume to a room, so they are a simple option for expanding space

  • Frescoes are where the real work of art is, which, it would seem, is long in the past. Yes, they are always difficult to work with, but when you look at them, you can enjoy a real miracle.

Frescoes in the bedroom interior give three-dimensionality to the space: beautiful and picturesque

  • Mosaic is always in fashion: not only is it durable, it is also beautiful. The picture assembled from small details inspires no less than modern photo wallpapers. Complex, but durable, panels made from small tile parts practically do not require restoration.

Mosaic tiles are most often used in the bathroom, which gives the room a significant visual impact.

  • Finishing materials with a textured pattern : 3D panels made of polymers or, even more noble, figured gypsum prints like bas-reliefs will also cope with the task of visually enlarging a room. The main thing here is not to overdo it, but to maintain a dynamic and at the same time minimalist interior image.

White color, 3D panels, lighting and minimalism give real three-dimensionality to a small bedroom

What to consider when choosing wallpaper for small rooms

When choosing wallpaper you need to pay attention to two features:

  • Quality and type of material (paper, non-woven fabric, vinyl, liquid fabric, foil, cork, with mineral spray).
  • Appearance (texture, texture, color).

When choosing a material, only the functional purpose of the room is taken into account. The appearance should correspond to the design style and emphasize the advantages of the room, masking its shortcomings.

Style and design of the room

The style of the room is the very factor that determines the choice of decoration and furniture details. First, they focus on a certain direction in design, study its features, and only then select wallpaper, furniture, and decor. Decorators highlight a separate line of styles that are perfect for small spaces of standard and non-standard shapes. Here are three popular leaders:

  • Minimalism. The breath of the East, bursting into the art of modern design, is a long-awaited discovery. Minimalism can be characterized by the single principle of “nothing superfluous.” The room is decorated in white with rare splashes of gray or black, they use only the necessary furniture set, and practically do not spoil the interior with furniture. This approach allows you to rid the room of unnecessary things, as a result of which it begins to look larger than it actually is.
  • Scandinavian. The cold blue of the fjords, the dazzling shine of artificial snow caps in the sun, rare spots of greenery and the piercing blue of a clear sky. This is the only way to describe the natural color scheme of the Scandinavian style. The interior should glow slightly from the cold, which is melted by the warmth of the fireplace and the warmth of animal skins lying on the sofa or armchair. Scandinavian style is northern, strict and uncompromising. Here, too, unnecessary details will look inappropriate, as in minimalism
  • High tech. A modern trend characterized by an abundance of mirror and chrome surfaces. The combination of neutral white and gray will open up an illusory extension in a small room with additional square meters.

Wallpaper for minimalism is devoid of texture and any pattern. They are monochromatic and may seem boring to connoisseurs of eclectic medley. In the Scandinavian style, they often resort to the “wall separation” technique. Wallpaper with a pattern or print covers only one surface, which will become an accent. The rest remain monochromatic within the acceptable color range for the Scandinavian style. For high-tech, you can use unusual foil wallpaper that will harmonize with the chrome surfaces of furniture and decor.

Drawing and texture

Texture is a special relief on the surface of the wallpaper, which often forms a certain pattern. Most designers agree that raised shadows add volume to a room and are suitable for small spaces. If you need wallpaper with a delicate texture, you should pay attention to vinyl and paper. On them, convex areas protrude above the surface by only 1-2 mm. “Liquid” wallpaper has the most pronounced texture. Drawing is another important feature. Wallpaper without an image is called plain. The rest can be conditionally grouped into several groups:

  • Striped wallpaper. Scratching walls has never gone out of style. Vertical stripes are more common than horizontal stripes. The former are ideal for small rooms with low ceilings. Vertical stripes lengthen the space and visually “lift” it. Horizontal lines expand the room, but at the same time lower the ceiling. First, decide on the type of room you have (small with a low or high ceiling), then proceed to choosing striped wallpaper.
  • Cell. Another “timeless classic” design. Plaid goes well with rustic style. It brings order and at the same time light notes of anger when performed in rich colors. Don't cover the entire room with checkered wallpaper. This is not a prison. An accent wall is enough. The combination of cells and floral motifs looks gentle and familiar. This is one of the favorite combinations in Provence.
  • Floral motifs. There are enough options for floral wallpaper design that even a fastidious designer will find it “the same.” In small rooms it is not recommended to use wallpaper with large flowers. It is better to opt for delicate miniature field bouquets or small inflorescences.
  • Wallpaper with large and small stains. They can also be called abstract. Such wallpaper perfectly masks unevenness and defects of the walls. Large dots make the space visually smaller, while small dots, on the contrary, move the walls away from each other.

Color spectrum

Color is the main criterion for wallpaper. It can visually make the room larger, but it is important to choose the right combination of shades for the walls, floors, ceilings, and later furniture. Black and all dark colors are not suitable for such rooms. Blue, light blue, turquoise, cobalt, asphalt gray in combination with the whiteness of the ceiling will add air to the room. These shades are recommended to be used if the room has a large window and a lot of natural light. For those rooms whose windows face the shady side, it is better to choose a duet or trio from a variety of warm shades: yellow, ocher, light brown, café au lait, peach, pink. Unfortunately, these tones will not affect the visual perception of the size of the room, but will make it much warmer and more comfortable. Saturated bright colors look good only in combination with calmer, faded shades. A striking example of such a combination is the “different walls” technique.

What not to do

  • Install bulky, heavy furniture in dark colors;
  • Use dark and gloomy wallpaper or painting walls, ceilings and floors;
  • Make a completely mirrored wall. It will create the illusion of endless space, which makes the living space cold, uncomfortable and uninhabitable;
  • Hang multilayer and heavy curtains, products with lambrequins and frills;
  • Arrange large indoor plants in the form of palm trees, ficuses and various trees;
  • Zone the space using color. If the hallway flows into the room, and it into the kitchen, do not separate the zones with different colors or shades. This will split the apartment into small spaces. It’s better to combine the rooms into one functional space.

We looked at how to enlarge a room. When visually expanding a space, it is important not only to use various design methods, but also to keep the house clean. Clutter and a large amount of decor reduces the space, making the premises untidy and sloppy. How to quickly put things in order and get rid of unnecessary things, see the link.

Ideas for using photo wallpaper in the design of small rooms

They also resort to photo wallpapers that visually enlarge the room. This is a pretty cool and effective way. But you should take into account the characteristics of each of the paintings. Not all drawings on the panel will give the desired result.

A background that enhances space should contain images that go deeper into the image:

  • forest path;
  • street in a big city;
  • undersea world.

Another rule is that vertical images optically lift the ceiling.

Selecting and gluing photo wallpaper is a complex process, and there are several design secrets that will help you correctly place panels in a small room:

  • Promising wallpaper should be glued to a wall in a room where there are no windows or doors.
  • You cannot darken or cut out the image using furniture. For a wall with photo wallpaper, a low sofa, table or bed is suitable.
  • The smaller the room, the clearer the wallpaper pattern should be.
  • For rooms facing the sunny side, you should choose cool tones, and for those who need light, warm tones are suitable.

Designers also often use backlighting for wallpaper. This method does work. It is used in both small and large rooms. Flashlights should be used for flashlights. They can be placed in a frame; they can be used to “raise” bedside tables or a bed.

In addition, built-in lighting is often used in niches - this helps to achieve a volume effect and visually add space to the room.

On video: wallpaper that expands space.

Selecting curtains

Special attention is paid to window decoration. The smaller the room, the more it needs high-quality natural lighting. On the other hand, the abundance of textiles attracts excessive attention, and the lush decor covers the window and does not benefit the small volume. Therefore, for curtains it is preferable to choose light, translucent fabrics in light colors that expand the space of the room.

Curtains in European interiors Source www.fabrika-horeca.ru

The pattern on the fabric plays the same role as on the wallpaper. Light vertical stripes will make the living room or bedroom visually taller. The same effect can be achieved by a cornice mounted on the ceiling or on the wall close to the ceiling. A replacement for classic curtains of a simple cut can be Roman curtains or blinds.

Cozy bedroom Source design-homes.ru In a schoolchild's room Source laurelinekoenig.com

Enlarging a room by combining wallpaper

The combination technique will help increase the height and width of the room.

  1. Covering the same color range, but of different intensity. Both backgrounds and monochrome patterns are used. The lower part of the wall is covered with darker ones, the upper part with lighter ones. In order not to “steal” the height, the border is chosen thinner. The bottom of the finish should not exceed one meter.
  2. A room of up to 10 square meters can be decorated vertically with two types of wallpaper. In a larger room, 3 types of different materials are also glued. “Comrades” should match well in color and pattern. It is better not to overdo it with horizontal and bright combinations; in the bedroom it is better to place “ripples” on the head so that they do not irritate the eyes before bed.
  3. An accent wall, on the contrary, is placed in the field of view. It is covered with beautiful expensive wallpaper and you can admire its beauty while sitting with a cup of coffee in the kitchen or relaxing on the sofa in the living room.
  4. Sometimes the emphasis shifts to the ceiling. Then it becomes a continuation of the accent wall. A small room is not finished with dark materials, so that the ceiling does not put pressure on the psyche. The juxtaposition of “comrades” is smoothed out, redistributing attention to the surrounding decoration.
  5. A small bedroom can be covered with dark wallpaper only if it is close to a square shape. The walls near the window or any other part of the room are darkened, except for those walls that should reflect sunlight.
  6. In cramped spaces, large flowers cut out from your favorite wallpaper, silhouettes of a kissing couple on the head of the bed, glued to a discreet background or small houses, elephants in the nursery will come in handy in cramped spaces.

Floor and ceiling

A plain floor and ceiling is the best solution to expand the space in a small apartment or studio. Do not use different floor coverings in rooms. This will unite the space, making the apartment look more spacious. In this case, it is desirable that there are no thresholds or joints between adjacent rooms.

Place glossy white or light-colored tiles in the bathroom. Reflections and glare from the glossy surfaces of the material will increase the volume of the room. Here you can use a suspended glossy ceiling with proper lighting. It will make the ceiling higher and the room more voluminous.

For the living areas of a small apartment, choose a monolithic monolithic self-leveling floor without seams, so that the eye does not catch on squares and slabs, stripes and patterns. In addition, the surface of the self-leveling floor reflects light, adding depth and volume to the room.

If you prefer natural and environmentally friendly materials, you can use parquet boards or laminate. The main thing is that it should be in the form of strips or slats. The material expands and enlarges the space in the direction in which it is laid. This way you can extend or expand the room. How to care for parquet and laminate flooring, see here.

How to use wallpaper to increase space - tips from designers

When solving such a difficult problem, you won’t have to give up bold tricks. The wallpaper itself would be a great option for the ceiling, but you need to use the wrong shade to apply to the walls. You can visually open the sky above your head with the help of blue canvases. Ceiling light sources should be abandoned. If the renovation is carried out in the bedroom, then the ceiling can be decorated by gluing canvases with images of the starry sky.

If you don't want your walls and ceiling to lack detail, think about how to combine colors. You can expand the space by making the main colors a little darker. They should become lighter as you go up. This is how avant-garde interiors are usually decorated.

Attention! If you are not afraid of non-standard creativity, then striped wallpaper can be pasted diagonally. This not only focuses attention on the walls and distracts it from a small space, but also visually expands the room.

Techniques for increasing the height of a room:

  • If you don't just focus on the background, you can consider additional techniques to increase the height of your ceilings. You can achieve the result with the help of lamps and lampshades, the light of which will be located from the bottom up. It will also make the room more comfortable.
  • If possible, the window opening should be extended vertically. But this approach is only relevant in a private home.
  • If it is not possible to work with a window opening, you can try raising the top of the doorway to the ceiling. Modern designers generally recommend making doors almost invisible. For this purpose, special doors are used, and the plates are completely removed.

The main rules for increasing the area: what will work without fail?

Designers have worked hard to visually make the room more voluminous (larger) using a variety of methods that create a kind of optical illusion. Professional designers in the field of interior design achieve such an illusion in the following ways (in one or a combination of them, if the project and the basis for creating a visual three-dimensional effect allow it):

  1. Select a light color scheme.
  2. Use the correct pattern on the walls and furniture.
  3. Cover the room with photo wallpaper or 3D panels.
  4. Illumination is introduced harmoniously.
  5. Place as many mirrors as possible.
  6. They use compositional techniques with furniture and decor.
  7. They do not focus on textiles.

You can visually expand a room using several methods simultaneously: palettes, photo wallpapers and combined type lighting devices

Take note! Strong contrast will “eat up” the effect of visual expansion, as will massive pieces of furniture. For small rooms, the use of minimalism in interior style will be much more important.

Examples of wallpaper for a small room that visually increases the space (photo)

Ways to increase using the ceiling

Win-win techniques to beat the ceiling in narrow spaces:

  1. The glossy surface of the stretch ceiling mirrors the space. Reflection makes the room appear larger.
  2. Photo printing with the image of the sky will make the room limitless, large, and spacious. A blue ceiling in light colors works similarly.
  3. Wooden beams, metal inserts, dark stripes on the ceiling across a narrow room make it wider.
  4. Non-standard form of suspended ceiling or plasterboard structure.
  5. A traditional chandelier in the center will only highlight the problem. Instead, designers recommend installing spot lamps here, the light of which will be directed onto the walls.
  6. False on the ceiling. You can install a lamp in the form of a window in the ceiling niche or stick photo wallpaper.

How to choose the right lighting

Lighting is a great option to visually enlarge a room. Modern production of lamps makes it possible to select and place any lamp directly where it is most needed. Spotlights can be placed in a long narrow hallway facing the walls from the center of the ceiling. The light flux falling on the wall will give the desired result. At the same time, the lamps themselves should be inconspicuous. It is preferable that they are hidden in a plasterboard device or in a specially designed niche.

In the photo: Combination of chandeliers and recessed lighting in the living room

In addition to the main lighting source, it is possible to use a number of auxiliary ones. This will create the most bulky space. In addition, light reflected from shiny planes creates the illusion of a continuation of the object from which the rays come.

Visually expand or reduce the room

Enlarging a room is very easy; to do this, it is not at all necessary to start renovating an apartment by moving the walls. It is important to create an optical illusion that can help our perception perceive space as voluminous. The method makes it possible to visually enlarge the limits of a modest room. Furniture and devices, underestimated by many rules for choosing a color palette, will help make it light and colorful and visually raise the ceilings.

In some cases, for the design of typical city apartments, it is recommended to select externally simple and expressive styles. The difficulty is that such trends in the Russian worldview lack ordinary home convenience and comfort. However, this is possible with the help of competent interior design and proper renovation.

Standard project

3200 2500 RUR/m2

  • Dimensional and installation plans
  • Working drawings for electrical, plumbing, etc.
  • Three-dimensional visualization of the interior in 3DSMAX
  • Selection of finishing materials
  • Drawing up an estimate for repairs

Total: 15,000 rub.


Optimal project

4200 3500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Standard Project
  • Full interior furnishings, including ordering, delivery and acceptance of materials in terms of quality and quantity
  • Design and creation of individual furniture and custom doors

Total: 15,000 rub.


Full project

5200 4500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Optimal Project
  • Architectural supervision, including site visits, correction of drawings and control of compliance with the interior design project
  • Development and approval of an engineering project for power supply

Total: 15,000 rub.


There are several principles for virtually increasing space that designers regularly use:

  1. Light tones of walls and parquet visually add width and height, while dark tones help to visually make the area a little smaller.
  2. It is possible to divide a room into areas using a linear zone. When zoning, various finishing materials are used.
  3. Contrasting points reduce space.
  4. Do not place too large, massive objects in small spaces.
  5. It is possible to enlarge a room with a minimum of interior decoration.

The dark tones of the ceiling and walls in this case represent the loft style. This design looks very unusual.

Mirrors in the interior

It has long been known that a room with a mirror looks much larger. After all, with a sufficiently large reflective surface, the room visually doubles in size. If you decorate a long wall with mirrors, the limited room will look square. This is the most beautiful view for a bathroom. Particularly brave designers decide to use mirrored ceilings, but the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to achieve the opposite result - a feeling of isolation.

In the photo: a well-placed mirror creates the illusion of another window.

Textiles come to the rescue

When achieving the goal of maximizing the space in the room, one should not forget about such an important detail as properly designed and selected textiles.

In first place, of course, are the curtains. No matter how beautiful heavy and dark drapes and curtains look, they should be abandoned forever, giving preference only to light colors. Textiles gathered in an accordion will help increase the area, but they should be long - reaching to the floor. And the cornices should be chosen wide and up to the ceiling.

Light curtains will not prevent the penetration of sunlight

Tablecloths on tables should be removed and forgotten about until moving to larger spaces. Textiles for the table attract attention, that is, an unnecessary emphasis is placed.

Do you love carpets? Then only light colors and light textures, since carpets with a dark and massive pattern make the room heavier, depriving it of the necessary space. In the bedroom you can lay a carpet on the entire floor, but in other rooms it is better to abandon this idea altogether.

Choose a carpet in light shades

How to choose linoleum for an apartment

The material owes its popularity to a number of characteristics:

  • Easy to clean. The coating does not require special care, just wet surface treatment is enough;
  • Moisture resistance. Linoleum can be installed in rooms with high humidity - the coating repels moisture and is easy to remove from the floor;
  • Easy to install. Often you can lay linoleum yourself;
  • Attractive price/quality ratio.

Easy to wash the coating without extra effort Laying linoleum with your own hands
The design and compatibility of the material with other interior details is also an important parameter.

Monochrome solutions

Plain linoleum is the most common choice for the design of any room in an apartment. Which is quite logical, because if you are planning an interior filled with details, then the floor covering should not draw attention to itself.

A single-color coating highlights the interior elements. Option for a bright floor.
The warm color of a single-color linoleum visually enlarges the space and creates coziness.
Cold tones are used to create a strict interior that is not overloaded with details. Warm tone “Cold” interior

Color of linoleum and doors

The flooring cannot exist in a design separately from other details.
Therefore, the right solution would be to combine the colors of linoleum and doors. The best option would be to create contrast, i.e. if you choose light linoleum, then the door should be darker and vice versa. Light linoleum and dark door White doors and dark floor
But to avoid disconnection between these elements, the tone of the door or floor covering must be duplicated in the baseboards.
For example, a door and a wenge-colored floor plinth go well with gray linoleum. Combination of wenge and gray tone

How does the color of linoleum affect the psyche?

It is known that the colors surrounding a person directly affect his mood and general morale. Each shade has a specific effect on the human psyche, namely:

  • Red is the color of energy, life. Creates a positive mood and motivates to action. But excessive use of red can lead to nervousness and overwork;
  • Orange – bright, optimistic. Surprisingly, this color increases appetite, so its best use is in the kitchen. But not only that, because it also enhances concentration when paying attention, which means orange decor should be brought into the study;
  • Yellow is a sunny shade that drives away depression. Encourages decision-making, improves brain function. Be careful - people prone to insomnia should not use this tone in the bedroom;
  • Green – calm, fresh. This coloring promotes relaxation, puts you in the mood for rest, and helps you collect your thoughts. There are no contraindications to its use in the interior for the psyche;
  • Blue – similar in characteristics to green. The tone is suitable for bedroom design, helps cope with insomnia and affects concentration;
  • Blue is an interesting shade that has pitfalls. Light undertones of blue are calming and calming, which is why they are used in bathrooms and bedrooms. However, dark colors can provoke depression and apathy - it is better to dilute it with other colors;
  • Purple is the color of creative people. A light line of purple gives a romantic mood and improves performance, but you need to be careful with dark shades - as with blue, they can cause stress.

Balanced design with red linoleum Warm colors for the living room with orange flooring Yellow linoleum in the kitchen area Green flooring in the recreation area Gray-blue color scheme in the children's room Light blue is a suitable option for relaxation Purple linoleum with a pattern
Just one floor covering can completely change the design of the house . Make your choice responsibly, and then all your expectations will be justified.

Techniques for increasing the height of a room

You can raise the ceiling high using such simple techniques in absolutely any apartment or house - now the room will not be “overwhelming” with its homeliness and darkness. We have already talked about possible options for increasing height using wallpaper. But there are several more ways to make the area taller and more spacious.

Having set yourself the goal of making the room visually larger and taller, give up horizontal lines. There should be as few of them as possible - both in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, and in other visual planes.

To visually increase the ceiling height, abandon horizontal lines in the interior

If you are at the stage of a deep renovation and are planning to change the floors, then be sure to remove the old wooden ones. Make a new screed on which you can lay more modern floor coverings - this way you can gain a few centimeters.

So that in one of the rooms the transition from low to high is not so clearly visible, you can remove excess space in higher rooms. This compensation effect will smooth out the impression when moving from a low room. Installing suspended ceilings in higher rooms is ideal for this technique.

A suspended ceiling will help remove excess space

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