Choosing modern curtains for the kitchen: what’s fashionable in 2022

In the process of designing any interior solution, designers try to take into account all the details and pay attention to every little detail, from the choice of materials from which all repair work is directly carried out, to decorative finishes, accessories and textiles. At the same time, every corner in the room, be it a wall, door or window opening, is given maximum attention. And if the walls are perfectly combined with many variations of decoration, and doorways are usually decorated using various models of doors and arches, then the most popular and timeless way to decorate windows is the use of tulle curtains. This interior detail perfectly protects the room from direct sunlight, and also fills any room with warmth and comfort.

We will tell you further about what new tulle products are offered by designers in 2022, and how to make the right choice to create a comfortable atmosphere in your home or apartment.

Curtains and tulle: timeless classics

The combination of thick curtains with translucent tulle is rightfully considered a classic of the genre. This tandem has been tested for centuries, is able to give a finished look to any room and effectively emphasize the originality of the environment.

Curtains are floor-length curtains made of thick fabric. To decorate one window opening, two curtains are traditionally used, which, gathering into lush folds, move apart to the sides. Tulle is a light, smooth or patterned curtain made of mesh fabric that transmits light. Usually one tulle curtain is hung on the window, which is not pulled apart. However, this option is not very practical for a small kitchen.

Due to the fact that curtains were traditionally made from very dense natural fabrics: velvet, brocade, satin, which quickly become dirty and absorb odors, until recently it was believed that they were not suitable for the kitchen.

But today the concept of a curtain is interpreted much more broadly than 20-30 years ago and speaks more about the shape of the curtains. They can be sewn from any fabric: linen, medium-weight silk, mixed and synthetic materials. The main condition is that they must be long and move apart to the sides.

Curtains with tulle will look best in a kitchen that satisfies at least one of the following conditions:

  • with high ceilings and large windows;
  • combined with a balcony or loggia;
  • located in the studio apartment.

Since curtains with tulle are hung in two rows and they require a two-row or two-profile cornice. There are many ways to attach modern curtains to it: hooks, loops, ties, clothespins with rings, but the most popular this year is eyelets.

They are appropriate in all design styles and look harmonious both in laconic and strict, and in lush interiors with an abundance of additional elements.

Eyelets are plastic or metal rings with a diameter of 1 to 5 cm, bordering the holes in the upper part of the curtains. These holes are strung on a round or string cornice. Thanks to them, the curtains are gathered into elegant, smooth, gently flowing folds. Curtains with eyelets always look stylish and expensive. It is also interesting that such a mount looks like a factory one, but you can install it yourself, and the process itself is quite simple and does not take much time.

Eyelets are made of plastic or metal. Metal products last longer, but can oxidize when washed. In any case, for DIY sewing it is better to use plastic rings, since their installation does not require special equipment.

In addition, plastic rings are cheaper than metal ones, do not make noise while moving, and the choice of their colors is unlimited, and you can always find a shade that matches the curtains.

Short curtains for the kitchen are suitable for small areas or when the space under the window sill is occupied by furniture.

Ideas for modern houses

Before you go to a specialized store to buy curtains, you need to make a rough sketch of the desired shade and the fabric from which the tulle will be made. Often the minimalism style intersects with the modern style. The main differences will help you avoid confusion in choosing.

Both directions, modern style and minimalism, are constantly undergoing certain changes. Designers periodically introduce new trends in the elements of curtains, modifying the concept of “modern”.

This year, technical advances have also reached the installation of curtains. This means that without getting up from the sofa, you can curtain the curtains using a special remote control or an ordinary smartphone. The innovation will be especially appreciated by the owners of multi-storey cottages, who, using one command on the device, will be able to close all the curtains at once in all rooms.

Sometimes it is necessary to curtain a room with blackout curtains to block out sunlight. This is especially suitable for those categories of people who work night shifts and need to get some sleep during the day. If light still penetrates into the room, then it makes sense to use special blackout linings.

It must be borne in mind that a competent choice of curtains is carried out only when planning the future interior. For this reason, it is not recommended to purchase curtains in advance, as they may not be suitable.


Lambrequin is a short, fixed horizontal drapery or decorative detail located across the entire width of the cornice at the top of the window. Most often, it is made from the same fabric as the main curtains or a fabric that matches them in texture and shade, and is decorated with additional decorative elements in the form of fringe, tassels or curly cutouts.

This year, lambrequins continue to be one of the most popular tools in the art of decorating windows in the kitchen. With them, modern curtains take on a sophisticated and finished look. And if previously only classic curtains were combined with lambrequins, today they can be used to complement any curtains.

They soften the strict lines of Roman blinds, make roller blinds less formal and add solidity to the muslin. Even under Japanese panels, which do not tolerate any decorations or unnecessary details, or Austrian curtains, which when assembled look like narrow horizontal draperies, you can choose a suitable model.

Curtains with a lambrequin are usually hung in classic interiors, but you can also choose models for modern design. Lambrequins can be divided into 4 main types:

  1. 1 Hard (bandeau). A narrow strip of fabric is attached to a self-adhesive sealant, for example, non-woven fabric, and mounted right up to the ceiling on a profile cornice. The bandeau can be rectangular, oval or shaped. It completely hides the cornice and the upper wall of the window and perfectly masks any defects on them.
  2. 2 Soft. This model is distinguished by the presence of fabric draperies sewn from one or more figured elements, such as:
      Swag is a shell-like semicircle draped with folds.
  3. Semi-swag - a swag with a hole in the upper part.
  4. Jabot is a frill-like side piece with a stepped bottom edge.
  5. A tie is a tie-shaped side piece with folds along the top edge.
  6. 3 Combined. These lambrequins consist of a solid base, like rigid models, and softly hanging side draperies.
  7. 4 Openwork. A type of rigid lambrequins with an openwork pattern cut on thick fabric or other material using a laser.

When choosing a lambrequin for the kitchen, you need to consider several rules:

  • it must match the interior;
  • heavy, lush draperies “eat up” the space and “ground” the ceilings;
  • lambrequins for curtains are sewn from the same fabric as the main curtains;
  • A win-win option for all kitchen curtains (except drapes) is a modest lambrequin made of transparent organza.

In the current year 2022, curtains with rigid and openwork lambrequins have become popular.

For the bedroom

The most relevant solution for the bedroom would be snow-white tulle or a delicate variation of champagne shade. In this case, it is customary to gather the curtain into folds so that the surface of the tulle looks more interesting. The interior in a classic style suits lace tulle in calm colors. For a retro bedroom, you can leave a completely embossed lace option or look for products with ruffles in the form of a border. An ideal solution for a child's room would be a window curtain made of organza or cotton combinations.


Roman blinds are rectangular sheets of fabric with transverse drawstrings located along their entire length at a distance of 30-40 cm, with rigid inserts.

On the underside of the drawstrings there are plastic or metal rings sewn through which the cords are threaded. Thanks to this design, when lifted, the canvas folds into even folds. We offer you a selection of photos of modern Roman blinds that are great for the kitchen.

They first appeared in our kitchens about 10 years ago and have not been leaving since then. There are a number of objective reasons for this:

  • They are as convenient as blinds and as beautiful as curtains.
  • You can hang Roman blinds directly in the window opening and thereby free up the window sill and use it as a tabletop or shelf.
  • If desired, they can be combined with curtains and lambrequin. This solution is convenient for separating kitchens combined with a living room or in studio apartments. In the kitchen area, only Roman curtains are hung, and in other areas, Roman curtains are hung with curtains, thereby unifying the interior.
  • Fits into most popular interior styles.

Most often, Roman blinds are hung in the window opening, but in this case it is impossible to open the window sashes wide open. Therefore, if it is important for you to use all the elements of the window structure without restrictions, purchase Roman blinds of a small size that allows you to mount them on the sashes.

Roman blinds go well with classic straight curtains and look good in a modern kitchen design.

Bamboo curtains

An unusual design solution is suitable for the recently popular eco-trend. Goes well with other types of textures - fabric, metal.

The material is highly moisture resistant and is perfect for use in bathrooms.

Austrian curtains: elegant pomp

In appearance, Austrian curtains simultaneously resemble French and Roman curtains. They are distinguished from the former by less lush and larger festoons. From the second, there are no hard longitudinal inserts and smooth rounded lines. Such curtains are made from well-draped soft fabrics and are often complemented with tassels, cords or fringe.

Here are just a few reasons for the popularity of Austrian curtain models in kitchen fashion this season:

  • The draperies of such curtains are very elegant, they do not take up much space and even in a small kitchen they do not seem bulky or pompous.
  • Allows you to use the window sill and the space under it;
  • Just like Roman blinds, Austrian curtains can be complemented with a lambrequin and combined with curtains.
  • “Austrians” are an ideal choice for those who are completely satisfied with the practicality and convenient operation of roller blinds and blinds, but do not like their official and strict design.

At first glance, it may seem that horizontal scalloped draperies have no place in a room where numerous odors and greasy fumes are in the air. But modern Austrian curtains can be made from light mixed fabrics that are easy to wash and almost do not absorb dirt and odors.


You can see how diverse the types of airy fabric are by looking at advertising catalogs with photographs of tulle in bedrooms, dining rooms, and kitchens. In almost any room, fabric can create a refined atmosphere of grace and comfort. Among the most common types of tulle, we note the following:

  • organza;
  • veil;
  • chiffon;
  • classical;
  • modern;
  • cobweb;
  • "rain".

An important point is the fact that the highest quality materials are used in the manufacture of tulle, so the curtains can be used for a long time and they do not lose their presentability after being in the washing machine.


Roller blinds consist of a single, smooth fabric that rolls up into a compact roll. Their decorative qualities are determined by an unlimited choice of deep, rich colors and the possibility of applying photo printing with any print to their surface. Both allow you to effectively highlight the interior and for the third season in a row have made roller blinds the favorites of “kitchen” fashion.

Advantages of roller blinds in the kitchen:

  • look stylish and elegant;
  • allow you to use the window sill and the space under it;
  • modern roller blinds are impregnated with a composition that protects them from dust, dirt and kitchen odors;
  • Roller blinds are made from transparent, translucent and non-light-transmitting (blackout) fabric. This makes it possible to choose a model with which you can adjust the level of natural light in the kitchen according to your preferences.

When unfolded, Roman blinds look like film on the glass. When folded, they hide in a box and are completely invisible on the window frame. Thanks to this feature, they are especially loved by connoisseurs of minimalist interiors.

The sizes of roller blinds are chosen based on the need to open the window wide open. If you are not going to open the window completely, you can choose a model 10-20 cm wider than the window opening and hang it above the window, like Roman curtains. If you want to use the window sashes without restrictions, hang curtains on each of them, like horizontal blinds.

Did you know that

Tulle is a semi-silk, cotton, and today also polyester, viscose, polyamide and other fabric. According to some sources, it came to us from Britain, according to others - from France, and was originally used for sewing clothes.

By the way, in the French city of Tulle, if not invented, then at least such material was sewn several centuries ago. Previously, it was made by hand and not everyone could afford such an expensive pleasure. With the advent of machine production, the scope of use of this fabric has expanded significantly.

Kiseya: oriental luxury

The kitchen is the most popular place to use muslin this season - curtains made of cascading threads. This is primarily due to the fact that the kitchen work area should be well lit at any time of the day, and in terms of light transmittance only a bare window can compete with muslin.

At the same time, allowing the sun's rays to penetrate into the room almost unhindered, filament curtains soften the bright daylight and hide everything you need from prying eyes. In addition, string curtains are perfect for a kitchen with a balcony.

In addition, there are several other good reasons for using muslin in the kitchen:

  1. 1 Even when curtained, muslin perfectly allows air flow to pass through and does not interfere with the natural ventilation of the room or restrict access to the window.
  2. 2 Kisey is an ideal tool for zoning space and designing niches.
  3. 3 Unlike classic oriental models, modern thread curtains are made from synthetic materials that almost do not absorb dust, dirt and odors.
  4. 4 These are the easiest curtains to clean.

Another advantage of muslin is that it is combined with almost all models of curtains and curtain accessories. And this despite the fact that thread curtains are completely self-sufficient and their decorative possibilities are, without exaggeration, limitless. They can be tied in knots, cut in waves, steps, in the shape of an arch, or hung in two rows and the top layer draped like a lambrequin.


The most popular color palette are shades:

  • blue;
  • white;
  • red;
  • beige;
  • green;
  • turquoise;
  • brown;
  • lilac color.

Let's take a closer look at which stylistic direction this or that type of curtain and its color best suits.

Japanese panels: ingenious simplicity

Japanese curtains are straight fabric sheets, ideally stretched using a weighting strip, moving parallel to the window along the guides of the profile cornice.

Since such curtains fully meet the main requirements for the kitchen interior this year: functional, simple, elegant, the fashion for them, like everything Japanese, is in no hurry to leave our kitchens.

The design of Japanese panels is more typical for screens or wardrobe doors, rather than curtains. Therefore, before you go to a store or studio to buy such curtains, you should make sure that there is space for them to move freely and think through such details as the number of panels and tracks on the cornice for them. Typically, at least three panels are installed on a small window. Their classic length reaches the floor, but exceptions are often made for the kitchen, cutting the canvas just below the window sill or steps.

Here are just a few advantages of using these non-trivial curtains in the kitchen:

  • Japanese panels are ideal for windows combined with a balcony door. They serve as additional protection from drafts, but do not interfere with the passage to the loggia.
  • They hardly collect dust and dirt, and if you choose fabric with special impregnation, they will not absorb odors.
  • Japanese curtains are very convenient for zoning space.
  • They are easy to wash and dry quickly.

Japanese curtains do not tolerate accessories, but they can be decorated with a rigid, laconic lambrequin, complemented with tulle or muslin. It is believed that such curtains are only suitable for spacious kitchens, but the variety of fabrics and materials for sewing them, as well as the ability to move away from the classic design, allows you to choose a model of Japanese curtains that is suitable for small rooms.

How to choose curtains for the kitchen in different styles

When planning to buy curtains for the kitchen in 2022, it is important to pay attention not only to current trends, but also to the style of the room. Agree that in a room, for example, made in high-tech style, long light curtains with flowers are not entirely appropriate. How to choose the right window design with curtains for each individual style? Let's take a closer look.

Modern style

For a kitchen designed in modern style, you should choose simpler, laconic models of kitchen curtains. A fabric with a slight sheen will look good. Roman or Japanese curtains, as well as blinds, are especially appropriate in modern kitchens.

Tips for choosing

As mentioned above, when choosing curtains for the kitchen this season, it is customary, first of all, to be guided by practical considerations, but you should not neglect the aesthetic component either. Let's consider the main selection criteria offered by professional designers:

  1. 1 Since practicality is the main requirement for kitchen curtains, it is better to choose fabrics for them that are easy to care for: synthetic, mixed or natural, but impregnated with an antistatic and dirt-repellent composition.
  2. 2 The color of the curtains should be combined with the main color palette of the kitchen interior. The most popular option this season is duplicating the color of the fabric in the shade of kitchen furniture. Fabrics with ornamental prints are considered especially relevant. The more intricate the patterns, the fresher and more unusual the curtains look.
  3. 3Modern curtains should match the decor. For a small room filled with furniture, you need short curtains that do not take up much space: roller blinds, Austrian, Roman, shortened Japanese panels. The scale of the spacious kitchen-dining room is favorably emphasized by curtains with tulle, Japanese floor-length curtains and lush lambrequins.
  4. 4Today it is fashionable to decorate one window with several curtains of different textures. Light transparent textiles will allow natural light to flow freely into the kitchen, but at the same time hide it from views from the street, and thick curtains will help create non-trivial design accents. These can be drapes and curtains, various Japanese panels, muslin and roller blinds. There are many options.
  5. 5Also, when buying curtains for the kitchen, you should not forget about the style features of the room. They should fit well into the interior and not cause a feeling of dissonance. Tulle curtains and Austrian curtains are a good choice for kitchens with an elegant, classic feel. Roman, Japanese and roller blinds will fit perfectly into a laconic design in the style of minimalism, hi-tech or loft. Kisey is suitable for fancy Arabic and Indian interiors.

The range of fashionable kitchen curtains of the current season offered by designers is varied. Fans of all interior styles, from lush classics to laconic minimalism, will be able to find a suitable option.

The main thing is to remember that any design rules are not dogma. They only set the general direction and, by choosing fashionable and modern curtains for a specific kitchen, you will be armed with good taste and a sense of style.

Fashion trends and new items for 2022

The coming year 2022 will delight you with style diversity and fashionable new items. Everything is relevant: time-tested classics, vintage motifs, avant-garde and folk. It all depends on the general idea of ​​the interior and the tastes of the apartment owners. Designers recommend paying attention to the following options:

  1. 1 A combination of tulle of the same texture, but in different shades.
  2. 2 Large lace motifs combined with smooth fabric or fine mesh.
  3. 3 Gradient and smooth color transitions.
  4. 4 The most simple cut without fluffy lambrequins, pick-ups and numerous folds.
  5. 5 Striped pattern, preferably not too contrasting.
  6. 6 Interesting complex colors that combine well with each other.
  7. 7 A combination of matte and shiny textures in one color.
  8. 8 Natural shades of varying saturation, combined with each other.

It’s not difficult to implement fashion ideas – just find a suitable photo in an interior magazine. The right combination of colors and textures will help you achieve the desired effect.

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