Ways to decorate windows with white tulle: combinations with other curtains

A mandatory attribute of an aesthetic, functional interior for a living room is a composition of tulle with curtains. Sometimes tulle acts as an independent decorative unit, but generally a complete composition is obtained when it is complemented with curtains.

Tulle for the living room

It’s not for nothing that the living room is considered a special place in the house. This is where the family meets to receive guests or spend cozy evenings at home, so its design is given great importance.

You can choose tulle for the living room with the help of designers or trust your taste. The main thing is to avoid variegation and excesses (color or texture).

Tulle for the living room is considered a universal material with which to decorate classic, trendy or even avant-garde living room interiors. Tulle can change the visualization of the geometry of a room, turn a boring room into a bright one, or simply create coziness.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, the strength and reliability of curtains and tulle is considered a prerequisite: they must well protect residents from uninvited glances.

Where white tulle is perfect

Room interior

The premises in an apartment building differ little from each other. To emphasize the individuality of the apartment design, it is enough to purchase new curtains. They will correct the shortcomings of window openings and help create an atmosphere of comfort.

Both a simple composition of tulle and designer clips, and a multi-layer composition using complex drapery will fit into the interior.

Country house design

In a private home, white tulle will emphasize the spaciousness of the room and the cleanliness of the air. It’s not difficult to find a suitable idea for decorating a baroque living room or a kitchen “like grandma’s.”

The interior determines the purpose of the room: a study or a relaxation room contains various design details.

Interior in non-residential premises

Office space, workshops, shops are a field for realizing design ideas. White tulle will give a strict working look and will set up visitors to make decisions.

Tulle, especially light-colored ones, allows sunlight to pass through well and helps save on energy costs.

The fabric from which this type of curtain is made is synthetic, therefore strong and durable. With proper care, the item will last a long time and will not lose its attractiveness.

Textiles for the living room

The following fabrics are used to decorate the window opening in the living room:

  • Synthetic:
  1. veil;
  2. organza;
  3. tulle;
  4. nylon;
  5. viscose;
  6. silk;
  7. net;
  8. muslin.


  • Natural:
  1. cotton;
  2. linen.

If you choose between synthetics and natural fabrics, it is important to note that different textiles look attractive in their own way.

Linen and cotton are suitable for interiors decorated in high-tech, minimalism or ethnic styles. Caring for such textiles requires care and attention, because natural fabrics washed in too hot water shrink. In addition, it is problematic to remove stains from such canvases. Also, after washing, natural curtains require careful ironing.

Synthetics are less capricious during operation. It practically does not deform, is easily washed by hand and machine (options are indicated on the fabric labels), dries directly on the curtain rods and often does not require additional ironing. Such fabrics are less electrified and attract dust. And one of the main arguments for many customers is that living room tulle made from synthetics is much lower than its counterparts made from natural fibers.

Based on the wide range of fabrics presented on the modern textile market, choosing tulle for the living room is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. What you should pay attention to?

Types of tulle

By fabric type:

  1. Tulle - mesh. Made from one, two or more threads. This determines what the finished product will be like: rough, but durable, or light and airy, but less durable. Using tulle from this material is simple: it goes well with your favorite curtains and can be used independently in the interior.
  2. Organza. The material comes in two types: matte or shiny. The product has beautiful iridescence, is pleasant to the touch, and holds its shape well. It is easy to decorate the fabric with perforations or patterns. Silk and viscose included in the fabric allow air to pass through and transform the bright rays of the sun into light that is pleasant to the eye.
  3. Veil. Production occurs by plain weaving of cotton, wool and silk threads. The fabric is denser than organza, also shimmers in the light, but has low hygroscopicity. Used for sewing wedding dresses, curtains and household decorative items.

According to the texture of the fabric, they are distinguished:

  1. Plain. The most common type of tulle that does not require special care. It is enough to wash by hand in warm water without using strong chemicals and use gentle measures when drying.
  2. Net. Features a large cell size of the fabric. Used as a background for a complex composition of curtains. It is purely a decorative item because it does not protect from sunlight and does not restrict air flow.
  3. With embroidery. It is used to focus attention on a large window space, emphasizing the style in which the entire room is designed. If monograms are embroidered with gilded or silver-plated threads, it’s a classic; if tropical plants are used, it’s country style.
  4. Vertical and/or horizontal stripes. A simple method for adjusting space: visually making the ceilings higher, the room longer or wider, etc. The different colors of the stripes help not only to play with space, but to fit the curtains into the overall interior of the room.
  5. Cobweb. Spectacular and versatile tulle. Can be used either independently or in combination with curtains made from another type of fabric. Easy to care for (does not require ironing), durable and wear-resistant fabric.
  6. Kiseya (noodles). Suitable for dividing space within one room, for shading a room from the sunny side, for decorating door and window openings.
  7. Rain. The name is due to the weaving of dense thread into the fabric of light tulle. Creates a soft accent, helps to distract attention from the bright interior details in the room, and connects the decor into a single design.
  8. Floral print. Suitable for decorating a room in romantic or country style. It is not subject to draping because it focuses attention on the small pattern. Used in rooms with high ceilings and bright interiors.
  9. Lace. Used to emphasize the romance of the room and promote positive emotions. Most often used for bedrooms.
  10. Pleated. It retains the sun's rays well, so it is used for shading rooms located on the south side.

Features of choice

Finding the perfect draperies for a window is not always easy - some will be satisfied with ordinary snow-white tulle, while others will try to make the design unique.

Curtains for the hall are selected according to length, width, color, style, and material of manufacture.

The placement of curtains will be different in living rooms with and without a balcony, in rooms with panoramic or ordinary windows, bay windows, niches, and attics. Tulle is sewn in different ways - there are straight, simple, plain types, elegant fashionable new items, full of colors.

The interior of the room and its lighting also matter.

If the windows are large and face south, southeast, the curtains take on cold shades, with large, dense embroidered elements - flowers, ornaments, stripes. When the windows are narrow, very little street light penetrates into the room, light tulle fabric, warm colors, devoid of decor or with a small, barely noticeable pattern, is purchased.

They start choosing curtains when the interior style has already been thought out.

For minimalist interiors, fabrics such as a plain veil are used; for oriental interiors, several types of tulle are used at the same time. In the latter case, when you have to combine two or three or more types of fabric, it is important to carefully select the texture and pattern so as not to get excessive “variegation” or create dissonance between individual elements.

Since residents spend many hours a day in the living room space, its design should not be tiring or annoying. It is desirable that each member of the household likes the atmosphere.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of tulle fabric include:

  • versatility;
  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • good air and light permeability;
  • ease.


  • low hygroscopicity;
  • exposure to pollution;
  • allergenicity.

Don't be afraid of shortcomings. Washing difficulties are eliminated by dry cleaning. It is easy to avoid the negative consequences of allergies.

When purchasing, you should ask the seller: what is included in the fabric (this information must be reflected on the packaging or in accompanying documents); Check for harmful dyes or hazardous fibers.

Window design methods

Tulle can be used as an independent decorative item or as an addition to the overall composition.

In bright rooms where there is no need to specifically darken the space, white tulle will add completeness to the interior.

In rooms where curtains carry a functional load (prevent the penetration of sunlight), it is better to decorate the window space with shades other than white. For example, lilac, brown, champagne, orange fabrics will perform the task well.

White tulle can be combined with lambrequins and curtains:

  • curtains with borders and tiebacks;
  • pleated lambrequin;
  • curtains with tiebacks that are attached to arched cornices;
  • drapery with garlands;
  • blue curtains are tied with a single garland using tie-back bows;
  • cascades with decorative knots of two halves;
  • lambrequin with velvet trim;
  • roller blinds with beveled edges;
  • unification by common drapery;
  • arched lambrequin with a cascade of frills and bows;
  • decorative frills;
  • edge draped with fabric;
  • blue blinds;
  • green accessories with natural motifs;
  • transparent curtain;
  • asymmetrical cascade with garland and clamp.

Additional accessories

An excellent solution for the hall would be tulle on eyelets. The latter should be selected depending on the overall style of the room. Eyelets can be wooden or metal. This option gives you freedom. Especially if this room has access to the balcony, it will be very convenient. Curtains on a window with a balcony door will move gently, which will protect them from unnecessary creases on the surface.

For the living room, it is worth considering a model with lambrequins. Complex draperies will look perfect in large rooms. They can dilute a too simple environment or add a “zest” to a complex interior.

Combination with other curtains

White tulle can be combined with thick curtains made of velvet, chenille, jacquard, and taffeta.

These are complex and heavy structures that emphasize the richness and luxury of the interior. Curtains perform sun protection and status functions and are used in spacious rooms with high ceilings and large window openings.

Curtains made of voile and organza are combined with curtains made of natural materials: linen, cotton, wool and silk. This duet is suitable for decorating bright small rooms - kitchen, bedroom, nursery, etc.

Lambrequins and curtains are a good addition to tulle fabric. Cascades descending from the upper level complement the lightness and airiness of the tulle.

White tulle in different interior styles

Modern style (modern)

Here the curtain should be plain or contain a pattern of simple figures of the correct shape. The color should fit into the overall design concept of the room and be in harmony with household items. The fabric should be smooth, without shimmer or bright prints.


In a classic interior, a combination of heavy velvet and brocade curtains with light airy muslin, complemented by cascading lambrequins and crossovers, fringe and large tassels, is welcomed. It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the composition, combined with the size of the room.


Weightless fabrics in pastel peach shades, draped in large folds, or straight flowing curtains with a floral print are suitable for creating an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

Scandinavian style

Simple muslin or roller blinds will add austerity and laconicism; white color is suitable for decorating any room in this style.

New season - what colors are trending

Color this season is not limited by anything other than individual preferences and harmonious combination with other tones in the interior.

Can be combined with any interior design.

It is worth considering that if the room is quite dark, then the tulle should be chosen as transparent and light as possible.

For classic interiors, it is better to choose shades of white and milky.

For shabby chic, Provence, rustic and Swiss chalets, you can choose either creamy shades or any pastel colors of any color. Light lilac, pale blue, straw yellow tulle looks very gentle.

But for ultra-modern ones, you can choose bright colors - blood red, sunny orange, rich emerald green and others, which will decorate the interior and add piquancy to it.

Such curtains in the hall look much more interesting and original than ordinary ones.

When choosing tulle, you need to take into account all the little things, from the harmonious combination of colors in the room to the correct selection of design. Only in this case will the room be individual and stylish and evoke a feeling of harmony and peace among those in it.

In photo 2022, modern tulle design ideas combine not only conciseness, but also originality - which is the highlight.

The most popular length option, it looks elegant, visually enlarges the ceiling and the living room space as a whole.

Using tulle in different rooms


Curtains of medium length, made of synthetic fabric that will not catch fire, are best suited. Light fabric of peach, turquoise, milky colors will visually expand the space and provide a feeling of freshness.

A dark, dense fabric with a black pattern matches the gray wallpaper and emphasizes the strict style of the workspace.


To decorate a room, you can use both bright colors - turquoise, lilac, blue, and calm ones - plain brown, combined beige and others. The goal is to create an atmosphere of home comfort and relaxation. Family photos will complement the interior.

Living room

The fabric for curtains in the reception room should focus attention on the interesting details of the interior.

When choosing curtains for the hall, you need to take into account what color the ceiling is painted and find out whether it is possible to change the color by moving from light to dark.

In purple tones, a two-color version of curtains will look ridiculous, so you need to add more different shades to the composition.

Basics of creating multi-layer compositions

To make the window design look organic, experts recommend considering the following options:

  • Build a composition based on contrasting colors while maintaining a single texture;
  • Combine smooth fabrics with voluminous lace;
  • Use of soft color transitions;
  • Classic without ruffles and an abundance of decorations;
  • Combination of matte and glossy fabric;
  • The choice of material where the pattern is made in combination with a weak stripe;
  • Playing on different intensities of natural colors that combine with each other.

If appropriate, tulle can be accessorized. The contrast between fabrics of different colors and textures is sometimes created through lambrequins. They differ in rigidity, the presence of openwork elements and other parameters. This should be taken into account when choosing.

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