How to combine functionality and style in the design of a 10 square meter kitchen. m: tips and 74 examples

It just so happens in our lives that we spend a lot of time in the kitchen - not because we love to cook or eat endlessly, but because it’s more convenient and cozy there. Our kitchens began to perform the combined function of kitchen + dining room, kitchen + bar, kitchen + living room.

This is why the design of the kitchen area is so important to us. Having achieved multifunctionality, we rejoice like children.

A 10-square-meter kitchen is an ideal option to place almost everything you need in its area. If its design is developed “anyhow,” then a good percentage of the usable area will be lost, and you will have to forget about comfort and functionality.

Corner kitchen layout with an area of ​​10 square meters. m

Perhaps the most common layout, which allows you to intelligently arrange furniture and appliances with convenient access to each piece of furniture. The corner location will save on an already impressive space due to the concentration of kitchen elements inside the corner and along adjacent walls.

Furniture . A triangle with an area of ​​10 square meters. m assumes side lengths of 4 and 5 m (if the internal connection is 90 degrees), and therefore an island layout with appliances and work surfaces along the walls and a dining table placed in the center is requested.

Place a round sink in the corner, but let the cabinet have a front door and back walls converging at right angles. The banal approach to washing from a corner is extremely inconvenient, as you will very soon see.

Do not place the hob directly next to each other - the proximity of water and open gas (electricity) causes inconvenience and irritation. But the dishwasher belongs here.

Let the refrigerator limit the area of ​​the kitchen corner; on the other hand, a column/pencil case or shelving of the same height as the refrigerator will perfectly perform the same function.

In a corner layout, place the shelves at the same level, otherwise the harmony of the corner will be lost. Open shelves will not be practical either, but shelves with glass doors closer to the corner will be very effective.

The shelf above the sink should have a front surface, like the sink cabinet, which will allow it to maintain the style decision.

Lighting . The corner space is always dark in any room, and therefore lighting along the bottom surface of the shelves will be the most optimal. A low-slung pendant chandelier (lamp) is very appropriate above the dining table.

Important! Avoid a corner sofa in a 10-meter corner kitchen. It’s better to occupy the space with a stylish sink with a front door and a similar shelf - the corner will be cut off, the room will become more elegant, cozy and warmer.

Here are some options for a corner kitchen layout of 10 square meters. meters.

You can see even more photos of corner kitchens in our photo gallery.

Color palette

Color can significantly affect the mood of the inhabitants of the apartment, as well as hide or, on the contrary, focus attention on certain details. Based on this, it is necessary to approach the choice of color with all responsibility and understanding.

Beige kitchen color

Shades of beige can serve as a starting point for creating an overall kitchen interior. A beige room and appliances of the same color are popular with many designers, as it is a very practical shade that can calm people down.

The beige color will bring coziness to the atmosphere and will go well with all other elements. In a 10 square meter kitchen you can also create a cozy atmosphere with the help of warm shades of this color, as they actively fill the room and add a sense of harmony.

White color

Many people associate white with a special lightness and purity. Kitchens of this color pleasantly surprise with their spaciousness, and sometimes it seems that even the air inside them is cleaner.

Of course, the main advantage of this color is the visual increase in free space. It's no secret that light shades can create the effect of a large room.

White color will make a narrow space look much wider, and the floor and ceiling in this color will make the room look taller.

The design of a white kitchen is monochromatic, when most of the interior elements are based on a shade, in our case, white.

This design option requires high-quality finishing and the use of exclusively natural materials. The interior of such a room can be contrasting if the white color is complemented by dark elements - black, dark gray, and so on.

Purple kitchen

Purple is considered a rather complex color in the spectrum, as it is achieved by combining two opposing colors - blue and red.

If you decorate your kitchen correctly in this color, you can get a stylish room. Many designers know that an easy way to make a kitchen more elegant is to use purple in upholstery and curtains. Corduroy and velvet will look especially unusual.

Red color

Shades of red quite actively influence the psyche of people, so you should not abuse this color. Red should be used sparingly, in the right shades and combinations carefully studied.

When decorating a kitchen in this style, you should take into account the optical properties of red. When developing a kitchen design, it is better to use red shades only as an accent on certain elements, so as not to overload the space.

Brown color

Brown has always been distinguished by practicality, versatility and a positive effect on a person’s mood. On the other hand, shades of brown sometimes seem too dull, making the space appear smaller.

This color is very popular for flooring and is not always expressed only in wood planks or parquet. Ceramic tiles or even natural stone can also be brown.

However, you should not choose a material that is too dark, as it will darken the color and make the room appear smaller.

Green color

All shades of green are the colors of nature. They bloom and enliven the room. Green color is great for the kitchen, because being in such a room, a person relaxes and feels as comfortable as possible.

Kitchens decorated in this color can be very diverse: in modern and traditional styles, bright and pastel shades. If you are designing a kitchen of 10 square meters, then it is better to choose light and bright shades of green - mint, salad, and so on.

The furniture can also be green, in which case the walls should be decorated in neutral colors - white, beige, etc.

Pink kitchen

Many people know that pink can calm people down and improve their mood. That is why quite often this color is used in the design of not only kitchens, but also children's bedrooms.

In no room will the positive properties of this shade be superfluous. When creating an interior in pink tones, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the shade.

If you have a dimly lit room, shades like peach, blush and tea rose will make it more comfortable.

Square 10-meter kitchen

A 10-meter square allows for more imagination than a triangle. Although the length of the walls used is shorter, it is easier to create harmony in a square of the same area.

An additional style bonus of the square is several corners, each of which can be played in its own way without violating the general key.

Furniture . Follow the same rule when placing the sink: an angular position with the front panel of the cabinet will smooth out the corners and add softness to the environment.

If you decide to use a rectangular joint, then move the bowl itself a little to the right or to the left: the angular approach to the sink will soon get boring and begin to irritate, which is due to psychology.

In the very corner you can place a very cute little hanging drying rack, which is quite enough if you use a dishwasher.

After all, the dryer is not intended for storing dishes, but only for drying. The shelf above the drying rack should follow the contours of the lower part: if there is a front panel, then both there and there.

One of the corners (closer to the window) can be occupied by an elegant dining table without sharp corners. The position of the table by the window is more harmonious and does not require additional lighting during the daytime.

Placing the sink near the window will not decorate the room, but will rather give the kitchen a provincial look. The island position of the table on a square 10-meter area is very controversial.

Mathematics will help us: such a square has approximately 3-meter sides, so that almost the entire internal space occupied by the table creates very dubious convenience.

It is better to place the refrigerator closer to the door. This way you will outline the boundaries of the square and not “eat up” a single centimeter of productive area.

Do not push the stove into a corner. The best place for it is one section from the sink or one section from the window (window on the left hand).

Lighting . In a square, illumination of working corners and median lighting are important. Lighting for work surfaces, stoves and sinks can be provided with lamps under shelves or along the walls.

The ceiling chandelier must match the design. If the table is located closer to the corner by the window, then it is very “cozy” to use a wall lamp in the same style as the ceiling chandelier.

Important! High-tech style ceiling chandeliers have rotating lamps. By turning them in the direction of the corners, you will provide illumination to all 4 dark places of the kitchen square. The same lamp with rotating lamps is very effective when mounted on the wall.

Ceiling and floor decoration

A matte white ceiling is a great solution and will fit perfectly into any style. If you are an inexperienced person in interior design, then you should not make colorful glossy two-level ceilings - they are difficult to work with and they rarely look good on 10 square meters.

For more information about what material to choose for the ceiling and what finishing options exist, read our separate material: How to make a ceiling in the kitchen - making the right choice

When choosing finishing materials for the floor, you should also be guided not only by the practical properties of the materials, but also by the design.

The following types of materials are most practical for the kitchen:

  • PVC tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • linoleum.

Laminate and parquet are impractical flooring in kitchens. Truly waterproof materials are very expensive, although they also have their advantages: unlike porcelain stoneware, laminate is not as cold and tactilely more pleasant for the feet.

The design of the floor allows you to adjust the shape of the room if the kitchen is too narrow. To do this, you can lay out porcelain tiles in a diagonal pattern.

Bright tiles or porcelain tiles with an interesting pattern will also become a fashionable trend. To make it stand out in your interior, keep the overall design in neutral colors.

Kitchen-living room 10 sq. m

Kitchen-dining room, kitchen-bar, kitchen-living room - three flowers of one bouquet. All these terms apply to studio apartments or private houses. A room designed in this way requires limiting the immediate kitchen space using a bar counter of any configuration.

A powerful hood above the stove is vital in this case - otherwise the smell of food will constantly be in the living/dining area, which, you see, does not add comfort.

Furniture . By limiting the kitchen area with a bar counter, you will create a conditional square or rectangle with two “imaginary-symbolic” walls.

Functionally, only two real joining walls will be used, and therefore recommendations for corner placement of furniture will be very appropriate here.

For such a “catering unit” with an area of ​​10 meters, multi-level shelves that will create the effect of air movement would be a very correct design solution.

Don't get carried away with open shelves. They will become universal dust and kitchen grease collectors. It is better to use partially glazed shelving - slightly different lighting for such a kitchen will cause the glass to glare, which will make it possible to visually outline the boundaries of the kitchen area.

The role of the dining table is assigned to the bar counter. Seating people on both sides of the bar while eating encourages intimate communication.

Lighting . Considering the specifics of the kitchen-living room, it does not require central ceiling lighting. It is enough to fix long lamps under the shelves and beautifully decorate the lighting on the top panel along the center line of the bar counter.

Lighting is provided in the exhaust unit above the stove. You can illuminate the space for washing dishes with a decorative lamp attached to the top shelf.

Tip 7: Choose functional furniture for the dining area

A kitchen for a large family requires a spacious dining area. Fortunately, ten square meters can accommodate a large table or even a table with a sofa. The main thing is that the passage between the dining area and other furniture, for example, a kitchen set, is at least 90 cm. Here are some more tips for choosing furniture:

  • If you often receive guests, then choose lightweight folding structures.
  • A compact kitchen corner will help save space, because you can often store things under its seat.
  • For 1-3 people, the dining table can be replaced by a bar counter. It is more compact, looks modern, and is very convenient for snacking and even working at the computer.
  • However, a bar counter can be placed in addition to the main table, if you allocate space for it using a set and a small dining group. It can also be made from a converted window sill.

Try to move away from standard solutions and bring more exclusivity to the interior. So, for example, a couple of chairs can be replaced with an elegant sofa, wicker furniture can be used instead of wooden furniture, and restored vintage furniture can be used instead of new factory furniture.

Kitchen design 10 sq. m with balcony

The layout of such a kitchen space, as a rule, has a rectangular shape with a balcony at the end.

The small distance between the side walls and the balcony door at the end do not allow placing the dining table in the middle, so it is moved to the wall closer to the balcony, or even placed on the balcony area, if the space allows and high-quality glazing and insulation are provided.

Furniture. In an elongated kitchen with a balcony, furniture is distributed along the side walls in two lines. With this layout, built-in appliances are very appropriate, in some cases arranged in several tiers, which does not give the impression of clustering and looks very organic: for example, a dishwasher + a modern grill + a microwave oven.

In a kitchen with a balcony, open shelves and shelving are appropriate, but there should not be too many of them, because the place where food is prepared is still highly polluted.

Closed or glass shelves and the level of their placement on the walls will correspond to the chosen style. In an elongated room with a balcony, the location of the sink and stove is usually in the middle part.

Their placement at different walls opposite each other looks original. In the corner at the entrance to the kitchen there is a perfect place for refrigerators and freezers, which thereby “set the tone” for the stylistic implementation of the idea.

Lighting. In such a room, special attention should be paid to ceiling lamps. If the room is very elongated, then there may be two of them.

Additional wall lighting around the dining table and on the balcony is very important. By the way, if the balcony is not used as a dining area, then a sofa with multiple Asian pillows is appropriate, which will create excellent conditions for rest and relaxation.

So, a 10-meter kitchen gives room for imagination and allows you to bring to life quite bold design ideas in any geometric space: be it a triangle, a square, a pencil case with a balcony, or a conditionally fenced area combined with a dining room or living room. 10 meters is not so little.

If you set a goal, you can even save money and visually expand the space and turn your kettle into candy. Moreover, she will even benefit from such “savings”. A well-chosen style of execution will help to impeccably place accents and emphasize aesthetics.

Modern style

in the interior of a small kitchen

I really love kitchens built into niches.;)
They look stylish and solid. So, we have already discussed the functionality and ergonomics of this room, let's move on to the appearance. In modern kitchens, the first thing everyone pays attention to is the smooth fronts. MDF facades are especially popular now. They can be matte or glossy. In terms of price, the most inexpensive options are plastic facades. They are very similar to painted MDF, but their price is much lower.

Modern kitchens very often lack handles. They have special push-up fittings, with the help of which the doors open. Today, facades with integrated handles are especially popular; they have a neat and small recess in the facade.

Lots of modern kitchens!

Kitchen 10 sq. meters - real photos

You might be interested in our photo gallery, which features 220+ photos of examples of beautiful kitchens from professional designers.

Ideas for a kitchen apron

Tile splashback

In my opinion, tiles are the best choice for decorating a backsplash. Even after years, such an apron will be in demand! And today there are so many different types of tiles that there shouldn’t be any difficulties with choosing! There are such interesting options as mosaic, triangle, hog. A choice for every taste!

Tempered glass apron

When decorating a kitchen, a tempered glass backsplash gives you a lot of different ideas. This apron will definitely appeal to lovers of minimalism, because plain painted walls can be hidden behind transparent glass. You can also hide wallpaper behind such an apron. For kitchens in the neoclassical style, this is the best option. There are also aprons with photo printing, but they are rarely seen in interiors.

Wood effect apron

Those who are tired of the asceticism of a modern-style kitchen will definitely like a wood-effect apron.
Previously, laminate was used as an apron. Laminate is a very practical material that is easy to care for. But its seams are afraid of water and can swell greatly. Nowadays, many people choose wood-imitation tiles instead of laminate. Lots of ideas for an apron!

Grey colour

10 squares in kitchen design

This color has a very interesting history. Once upon a time it was considered sad and did not like to be used in interiors. But today this color is in trend. You can find it very often in design projects! With it, the interior becomes serious and a little strict. And gray with bright colors looks very noble and stylish!

There are gray kitchens here!

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