How to choose the right painting for the interior + 69 photos

A modern person wants not only basic comfort from his own home, he also wants to receive aesthetic pleasure. There are a lot of possibilities for this: from purchasing utilitarian but beautiful things, to decorating the space with “useless” items, which can easily include trinkets, figurines, and holiday decorations. In the same row, but still standing apart, the paintings stand apart.

Why do we even need to select paintings for the interior of the house?

Have you noticed how over the last 10-15 years we have begun to pay much more attention to the design of our home? And this is not surprising, because there are so many beautiful things around, movies show beautiful and stylish houses that, willy-nilly, you also want to make your home beautiful and cozy.

In addition, if you have a large family with many relatives or a wide circle of friends whom you like to invite to visit, you want to decorate your home for them as well.

If you have no problems with renovations and the furniture is already in place, you just need to add a few little things to give the space a finished look. One of these ways can be interior painting, which is gaining popularity every year. But choosing a painting to match the interior is not so easy. Sometimes you just get lost, I don’t know what exactly to hang in the house and is it necessary at all?

Of course you need it! After all, you can do so much by choosing the right picture: covering complex defects in the walls, placing accents and enlivening the room, giving it a certain style and character.

In other words, the lack of pictures and “bare walls” is one of the reasons why the room may be uncomfortable. The only way to solve this issue is to find the right painting that is right for your interior. And how to do this, read below!

Favorite place

As I already said, the bedroom is the very room in the house where we relax, the place where we want to find peace and comfort. When choosing the interior for your bedroom, think about the paintings you want to hang there.

They should convey peace and tranquility, but at the same time, correspond to the spirit of your room, emphasizing its style and the characteristics of the owner of the apartment.

To find out where it is better to hang a picture in the bedroom, how to do it according to Feng Shui and what the basic rules are, read this article to the end, look at the photos and get inspired to create a special atmosphere in your bedroom.

What interior paintings are in fashion now?

Knowing all the main fashion trends in interior painting, you will be able to answer the question for yourself, and maybe even tell your friends and acquaintances which paintings are best to buy for your home. And even though the fashion for paintings changes, some of her pieces fall into the category of classics and become relevant for all times.

Also, do not forget that every artist brings something different to the world of painting, and interior paintings are no exception.

The following works are currently at the peak of popularity:

  • abstract painting;
  • graphics and black and white, monochrome paintings;
  • paintings in the animalistic genre with birds and animals, most often exotic;
  • various 3D paintings, using additional decorative materials, for example, texture paste;
  • modular paintings consisting of both canvas and wooden surfaces;
  • paintings using gold leaf, gilded paintings.

Now that you know the basic principles for choosing paintings for your home, it will be easier for you to choose your painting and make your apartment a little nicer, prettier and more comfortable.

Choice of color design

When choosing a general color scheme, you need to start from your own preferences, the purpose of the room and the psychology of perception.

The color red is known to awaken energy, so it is not recommended to be used indoors for sleeping and relaxing.

A children's room implies cheerfulness, and therefore rich, pure colors: orange, blue, yellow.

Color can expand the space or, conversely, level it: cold shades make the room more spacious, while warm shades add warmth and comfort. Halftones carry a flair of mystery, incite reflection and relaxation, so the ideal room for their use is the bedroom.

A painting in the interior is not a banal decoration; rather, it is a full-fledged piece of furniture, since it is capable of more than mere eye candy. A painting, a photo print, a poster, a tapestry - all this sets the dynamics, shapes the image and mood of the entire room.

History of creation

Pastel painting has been used for 500 years. It was created by the French court portrait painter Jean Perreal (de Paris). He enjoyed success with the august persons: he often traveled with King Louis XII to the battlefields and made sketches of battle scenes.

It was Paris (early 16th century) who came up with the idea of ​​creating a pastel pencil from dry pigment and gum (resin) from some trees.

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By the end of the 16th century, the novelty had already gained popularity among painters in France, then the material conquered Italy and England. The artistic technique of pastel began to spread en masse around the world for painting custom portraits.


There are three types of pastel.


Artistic oil pastels are a material based on pigment and mineral oil. Works of art created using this method are well stored, do not crumble, and do not require securing with a finishing coat.

Dandelions Isaac Levitan

Example: “Dandelions” (1880) Isaac Levitan.


Main composition: wax and pigments. Pastels come in the form of crayons and pencils. It can be used when mixing techniques - with watercolor, gouache.

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Example: “Pearl”, M. A. Vrubel.


It looks like a block without a rim. Typically, dry pastels are made from a mixture of chalk, pigment and binders. The art material lays down softly, leaving delicate lines, and rubs easily.

Sketch of Isabella d'Este by Leonardo da Vinci

Example: "Isabella d'Este" (1495), sketch by Leonardo da Vinci.

Pastel drawings are made on textured paper of different colors. The tone depends on the intended design.

Suitable scenes for Feng Shui

An important point is to choose a suitable subject for the image. It is worth abandoning scenes of violence, images of various natural disasters and broken objects. It will be useful to use still lifes, landscapes and portraits of happy and cheerful people in decoration.

A good alternative is to hang family photos in the hallway.

It is necessary that the painting in its own style does not violate the overall concept of the corridor. Flirty versions of paintings that fit perfectly into the entrance area will look very touching.

Russian pastelists

Talented pastel artists of Russia are rightfully considered among the best in the world.

Levitan Isaac Ilyich

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A famous Russian artist of the 1890s, he became an epochal figure in plein air painting. “Spill” is one of the best works.

Irina Plaksina

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Represents the Russian school; the most successful works are related to the village theme. Irina uses oil pastels. Her painting technique delights in the play of light and shadow.

Denis Korobkov

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A young artist from Penza, who is not yet 40 years old, but is already a regular participant in all prestigious exhibitions. Many of his pastel drawings are kept by private collectors.

Olga Kosheleva

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Works with graphics, member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Her paintings are laconic and rich in color.

Sergey Usik

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An extraordinary artist, pastel painting is his main direction. He is a participant in foreign and domestic exhibitions.

The Tretyakov Gallery stores and exhibits unique works by other pastel masters.

History of pastel painting

Russian artists became acquainted with this trend at the dawn of the 18th century. It was brought to the country by foreign portrait painters. Throughout the century, paintings for the Russian nobility were painted by pastel artists from foreign countries. In the 19th century, it was very prestigious to have family portraits at home by famous painters.

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The rather quick execution of a drawing often served the function of modern photography. The images sometimes took up entire walls. After some time, the technique of pastel painting spread among Russian artists. One of the first painters of this trend were Alexander Orlovsky and Alexey Venetsianov.

How to give your office an original look with posters

You should not assume that the most suitable and comfortable interior for office work is bare walls. Bright fragments on the walls not only decorate the design, but also arouse interest among employees and clients. It turns out that beautiful office walls help you get into a working mood and significantly affect your good mood.

Vast walls can be filled with these office posters that will give the room a fresh look. With such a background, ideas will be more creative!

You can choose paintings in accordance with the theme of office work, which will only be beneficial

It is not necessary to make a bright accent on the walls - an image in an achromatic color scheme would be appropriate

Expert's point of view

Yaroslava Galayko

Lead designer and studio manager at Ecologica Interiors

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“Paintings with blue and green shades will help you get into the mood for work. With such flowers, employees will feel calmer and more productive.”

When the paintings hang long enough, you can simply swap them and install lighting above them. This makes for an interesting, budget-friendly change to the office environment.

Not all office workers like abstraction, however, the right colors and patterns can have an unexpectedly positive effect

In almost every city you can make a custom poster specifically for the style of the office. The more comfortable the office is, the more happy people are to come to work.

Large format photo poster on the wall with an industrial or urban theme

People like urban themes - you can hang a large photo poster in your office that draws attention to yourself.

Cityscape is also a popular theme for the office

Industrial themes are perceived as an era of achievements, which helps to tune in to the result

Large format photo posters in the form of modular paintings look amazing in any office

Motivational posters

Many people are prejudiced against motivational posters - what can a few words on the wall mean? However, as psychological research shows, the effect of daily exposure to motivating words is great.

Where else, if not in the office, can you hang such a wonderful phrase?

Motivation, motivation and... deep meaning

Very soon the eyes of employees will turn to the poster more often

Pastel techniques

Although the technique of drawing with colored chalks is more often associated with graphics, the material is also used for painting. Here it is important to see the colors and apply the strokes correctly: it must be applied in one direction, and not chaotically. By fulfilling this condition, you can achieve the volume of the drawn object. It is recommended to paint over large stains by holding the pencil horizontally to the surface.

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When working with pastels, you should remember the rules of aerial perspective. The contours of distant objects should be done more softly than those of close ones. The colors of distant objects in the landscape should be cooler than the foreground images. To regulate the sharpness of contours and color, the shading method is used. Small lines are easier to draw with pastel pencils.

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The pastel technique also uses lines and spots. They come in the form of intermittent, simple and complex shapes, of different volumes. Watercolor paper is used for drawing. It can be any texture, white, pale cream. If the presence of light colors is to be minimized, the white background is covered with a thin layer of paint of the desired color.

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The image is fixed with a special fixative that prevents the material from crumbling. The most affordable is an aqueous solution of bee honey, sugar, and PVA glue. For better preservation, a fungicide (a fungus remedy) is added. They even use colorless hairspray.

Simulate a window

When you live in a small city apartment, any thought about vacation makes it seem even smaller. But why not “attach” a piece of paradise right to your apartment? Like a real window into the forest, desert or coastline, expressive nature photography will expand the boundaries of your home.

Photo: Amy Bartlam

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