Dark bathroom - stylish solutions in combination of dark shades of colors with the interior of the bathroom, 130 photos

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Black color in interior design can be associated negatively, unfortunately or from a practical point of view, as it is difficult to maintain cleanliness - all dirt will be visible on the black floor in the bathroom. However, black in the bathroom makes the interior almost magical. Black and white are the most classic and noble color combination in bathroom decor.

Black and white colors or combined with other accents are currently shining in decorative celebrations. Therefore, if you are thinking about bathroom interior design , what color of tiles to choose for this room, then without fear of excessive extravagance you can choose black. To meet the needs of many bathroom manufacturers, ceramics also offer their own variations.

You will be interested in: How to choose the right tiles for the bathroom: materials, features of choice and design ideas.

Black bathroom fittings—sink faucets—are becoming increasingly popular. Black sinks and toilets, as well as bathroom cabinetry and other fittings, are widely available. Will the interior be too dark when used in combination with resin-colored tiles?

It all depends on good interior design. For example, you might consider a combination of black tiles, a black sink, and white or gold under-sink cabinetry.

How to decorate a black bathroom

So, wondering how to design a black bathroom , in general or just with such accents, we will now find countless inspiring ideas. Regardless of whether the room should be in a Gothic style, glamorous or, for example, Zen - this “immortal” color will find its raison d'être.

Specifics of dark design in the bathroom

Everyone knows that dark colors visually hide the area of ​​the room. This is not so important for a large kitchen, but it is important for a bathroom of modest size.

In order not to turn the bathroom into a closet, you need to learn how to correctly use a dark palette, diluting it with muted pastels.

A dark bathroom does not have to be spacious. Steel, chocolate, and black shades are also appropriate in sanitary facilities of modest size. But in this case, glossy surfaces, light wood elements, and whitened matte tiles are recommended.

Lighting plays an important role. It must be multi-level.

In addition to the chandelier, it is necessary to place lamps in the mirror area and organize decorative lighting for the furniture. Then dark tones will turn from depressingly gloomy into comfortable and pleasant.


The selection and installation of lamps is an important stage in arranging a bathroom. The better the quality of light in the room, the better. The light rays from each source must not overlap each other. Lamps do not have to be installed exclusively on the ceiling. Spot lighting can be mounted on walls. The tone and power of the lamps are chosen taking into account the design features of the object and its dimensions.

Dark colors effectively compete with light colors in bathroom decoration. It is important to competently approach the issue of selecting the main shade, for which it is recommended to use the help of professionals. In this case, a fashionable, original and comfortable bathroom will remain in your use for many years. Contact Nikona Stroy. The company's designers will prepare an original design for the premises and quickly implement it. We carry out a full range of construction and repair work efficiently and inexpensively.

Style directions of interiors

A dark bathroom design can come in a number of styles. Below are the most current options.

Modern direction

Dark shades are ideal for a modern style bathroom. They allow you to create a strict and elegant environment.


The style is characterized by lightness and conciseness. The interior consists of exclusively functional objects. Minimalism is especially appropriate in small bathrooms.


It's a combination of rugged beauty and functionality. Everything here is laconic and there are no unnecessary decorative elements. The main features of a loft are bulkiness, untreated surfaces, and uncovered pipes. The plumbing in such a bathroom can be either aged or sharply modern.


The dark finish here is in harmony with gilded fittings and carved decor. A rich chandelier will add luxury. Don't forget to also hang a large mirror with a massive gold frame on the wall.


The emphasis in modernity is on brevity. The style is characterized by simplicity of lines, smooth textures, neutrality of the color palette. The defining features are glass, plenty of light, and space.

Eco style

Dark tiles in the bathroom can be seen if the room is decorated in eco-style. This design involves the use of natural materials and indoor flowers. Natural wood panels and accessories harmonize perfectly with dark tones.

Art Deco

Here, massiveness is combined with lightness, and modern trends are combined with the exoticism of Africa. An art deco bathroom features a large amount of glass, metal and marble. The walls are most often made glossy and kept in light colors with dark ornaments.

The monumental dark floor in the bathroom is decorated with marble, combining it with white slabs laid in intricate patterns. The plumbing fixtures chosen are bulky, with curved lines and streamlined shapes.


Gothic allows you to achieve a full disclosure of black color. The contrast is provided by the light ceiling. The atmosphere should be gloomy, but not overwhelming.

Experiments with textures are appropriate here:

  • Stone,
  • Steel,
  • Glass.

New plumbing fixtures or LED lighting will add a touch of modernity.

Finishing and materials: floor, walls, ceiling

A win-win finishing material is tile. Firstly, it is easy to care for, and secondly, there are a huge number of tile design options. It can be plain, with a marble effect, with a geometric pattern, in one word, for every taste and color. You can also experiment with tile grout colors. White grout against the background of dark tiles will be an excellent contrast and visually expand the space.

Light grout for the joints makes the dark mosaic look voluminous.

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Option to combine tiles of different colors.

A combination of black and white tiles with the addition of ornaments.

Due to the wide variety, tiles are easy to combine. For example, you can use plain dark tiles on the floor and tiles with a black and white pattern on the walls. This option will make the room more airy.

The transition from a dark floor to a light ceiling gives the interior a feeling of lightness.

Marble, stone and wood will also fit perfectly into a black bathroom. Part of the walls and ceiling can be painted or plastered. When choosing a material, it is important to remember that the bathroom is a room with high humidity and high temperatures. Not every material is able to withstand such loads and maintain its original appearance for a long time. Choose materials designed specifically for bathrooms.

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Combination of tiles and decorative plaster in bathroom design.

Natural stone in wall decoration.

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Wood fits perfectly into the interior of a black bathroom.

In what colors is it better to decorate?

The leader of the dark range is black. Its advantages are its excellent ability to absorb light, versatility, and neutrality. To get rid of the excessive activity and drama of black tones, it is allowed to dilute them with white. Charcoal, anthracite, and metallic shades are just a small part of the gray palette.

The photo of a dark bathtub shows that to create a warm interior it is better to use brown color. It can be chocolate, coffee, chestnut color.

Speaking about the color scheme for arranging a bathroom, it is worth taking a closer look at shades such as blue, green, and burgundy.


Furnishing a bathroom is not an easy task if it has a dark design. When purchasing models, you need to choose the optimal combination of tones, guess the configuration and installation location. The option with neutral white sanitary ware may not be suitable. The darker the tile is chosen, the more accurately the accents should be placed. For example, in a photo of a bathroom design in brown, you can see furniture in similar tones or in gray-beige. For coffee walls, experts recommend choosing white furniture or contrasting green and burgundy models.

How can you dilute a dark design?

Additional colors will help add coziness to a dark bathroom:

  1. White. It is worth leaving the traditional color scheme of plumbing fixtures and adding a few white elements - a border, a cabinet, towels, a carpet.
  2. Light shades of the dark colors used are ash, sand, aquamarine, light green, ruby. In stores you can find tiles of the same design, but in different colors.
  3. When arranging a bathroom, you should pay attention to bright details, for example, yellow accents in a black room or green in a gray one. It is the accents that make the interior dynamic.

Choosing shower doors

There are several types of sashes:

  • swing,
  • sliding,
  • folding.

In addition to the shape, pay attention to the material from which the doors are made. It is better to prefer glass curtains to plastic curtains, as they are of higher quality and are easy to clean. For the production of glass, a special dirt-repellent coating is used, which provides a perfectly smooth surface of the glass and does not leave any traces of stains when water enters from the shower. Plastic curtains, although cheaper than glass ones, are not reliable and are easily contaminated by deposits from running water. When choosing a shower cabin for a bathroom, the main thing is to consider personal comfort and complete freedom of movement in the room.

The shape of the cabin directly depends on the pallet. They come in round, semicircular, square, rectangular and pentagonal shapes. The height of the threshold and the depth of the tray deserve special attention.

The quality and cost are affected by the material used to make the pallets. They are usually made from steel, acrylic or composite materials.

As for modifications of shower cabins, there are several of them:

  • simple;
  • multifunctional;
  • with steam generator;
  • hydroboxes.

Semicircular cabins are ideal for small spaces. They take up minimal space, saving space and making various arrangements possible in the room. You can choose cabins with double or sliding doors with convenient handles. For installation in a larger bathroom, it is preferable to choose square cabins with more space for bathing.

They allow you to create an elegant bathroom style using the available space for a bathtub or Jacuzzi. You can purchase a simple cabin or one with hydromassage. Changing the nozzles in such a shower allows you to enjoy needle-shaped or pulsating streams of water, affecting the skin thermally and mechanically at the same time. Choosing a shower cabin, attention to detail. When choosing a cabin, it is recommended to pay attention not only to the elegant profile of the product, but also to pay attention to the details and their finishing. It is the handles, hinges and hangers that determine the functionality of the cabin. Parts made from high-quality materials will ensure comfortable use and stable service of the shower cabin.


Dark design requires careful selection of finishes. All materials must be expensive and of high quality. Dark tones love luxury. Experts advise taking a closer look at dark types of wood and black marble. Wood objects will give such interiors a soft and light look.

The loft will require concrete. Other possible options:

  • Tile;
  • Porcelain tiles;
  • PVC panels;
  • Lining;
  • A natural stone;
  • Dye.

To make the interior look harmonious, you need light textiles and translucent accessories.

Accessories for black and black and white bathrooms

Some accessories that can be used in the interior of a water treatment room:

  1. soap dispenser;
  2. shower curtain;
  3. paper bin;
  4. soap dish;
  5. stand for brush;
  6. floor mats;
  7. glasses for toothbrushes;
  8. lamps and mirrors.

Accent decorative elements refresh the interior of the room

All items presented must be made in the same style. If you choose golden faucets, then it is better to use this tone for accessories. The silver faucet does not oblige you to choose a specific shade; you can combine it with any one you like. Black decorative elements look great against a white background or plumbing fixtures.


When choosing to decorate your bathroom in dark colors, you need to follow the advice of experienced designers:

  1. You should avoid using exclusively dark paints. Additional color must be applied.
  2. Don't be afraid to experiment with bright accents. They will enliven the atmosphere and add personality to the design.
  3. When tiling the floor or walls, it is better to fill the seams with a solution that is harmonious in color with the overall color scheme of the bathroom.
  4. If the bathroom is limited in size, the walls should be properly decorated. The bottom should be kept in dark shades, and the top – in light colors. This technique will give the room additional volume.

It’s not difficult to decorate a bathroom beautifully and stylishly in dark colors. The main thing is to study the key rules and become familiar with the basic recommendations.

Furniture for a black bathroom

Choose furniture so that it does not get lost against the background of the walls. Against the background of a black renovation, a white cabinet with dark handles will look great. The bathroom will look great if you use different shades of black, gray and their combinations when decorating.

Black furniture looks good against a dark gray background.

Dark plumbing looks stylish against a light background.

Photo of dark bathroom design

What are the pros and cons of using

For some people, it is associated with mourning, sadness and deep depression, so they do not risk using such a palette. But this is in vain, because it has a number of advantages:

  1. It creates an extraordinary and modern interior.
  2. Perfect for any light source and accessories (if you choose wisely).
  3. You can combine a variety of tones or harmonize the look of the room.
  4. Emphasizing smooth transitions of lines and curves in minimalism and hi-tech.
  5. Suitable for conditionally dividing a room into zones.
  6. Suitable for creating contrasting transitions and combining with many other palettes.

“Some people believe that black color for a small room is a prohibited technique, but this is far from the case. If you use glossy finishing materials - tiles, suspended ceilings, then a mirror effect is created, and the space will visually look wider and more spacious.”

Now it’s worth considering the other side of the black coin.

Disadvantages of using black:

  1. If the room has low light, it is better to give preference to a different tone.
  2. If you overdo it with black, a gloomy and dull atmosphere will be created, and you will feel melancholy, be in bad thoughts and anxiety. Therefore, it should be used in moderation, so as not to regret later and not spend money on new repairs.
  3. Against a dark background, streaks, plaque, traces of soap, settled dust and other contaminants are clearly visible. Therefore, if you are a fan of ideal cleanliness and sterility, black is not the right color for you.
  4. A dark floor also reveals all the dirt, but this problem can be solved - you can lay the tiles in a checkerboard pattern or alternating white and black tiles.
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