What is a console table for and where to put it?

What is a furniture console?

This word has Latin roots and is present virtually unchanged in most European languages. However, the term most likely came to us from France. After all, it was there that consoles experienced their real heyday 3-4 centuries ago. “Console” from French means “support”, “bracket”, “support”. Objects with similar meanings are found in construction and architecture.

Well, in the furniture industry, a console is a small stand in the form of a table or cabinet. As a rule, consoles are installed against a wall or next to a large piece of furniture (for example, a sofa). They are often attached to vertical surfaces.

An important distinguishing feature of consoles is their decorative nature. Despite the fact that this item also has purely utilitarian functions, its main purpose is to decorate the interior. At the same time, consoles can have both a rich and very laconic design, it all depends on the style of the room.

What is the design

A console table is a design that is long and narrow. It is basically attached to the surface of the wall. It is for this reason that it resembles a shelf. The console can have 1,2 or 4 legs. The architectural support that supports the part of the building that protrudes is the prototype of the cantilever. It is because of this that the classic-looking interior console was semicircular in shape, since it was wall-mounted. There are also mobile-type models that do not require fixation near the wall, as they are quite stable. The height of this original piece of furniture can be 70-110 centimeters. Mostly tall structures are used for decorative purposes. If the plans involve sitting at a console table, then the height should be between 75-85 centimeters.

Console tables can be of the following types:

  • iron;
  • stone;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • wooden.

Such tables can have shelves, closed cabinets, and drawers.

Furniture console, what kind is it?

There are many varieties of this piece of furniture. However, most of them have a main element - a horizontal tabletop of an elongated shape, most often rectangular or semicircular. Otherwise, consoles can differ from each other in the most dramatic ways.

There are models with 4 supports - almost a full-fledged table, but with a small tabletop depth. In this case, the product can be moved by changing its location. Or there may be two supports (as if an ordinary table was cut lengthwise) - in this case, the console is additionally attached to the wall. Models on one support also require wall mounting.

There are consoles without any supports at all - in the form of a small shelf. And sometimes the supports are purely decorative. For example, a shaped profile imitating a leg is placed under a wall-mounted tabletop.

One or more drawers can be located under the console tabletop. There are even quite roomy cabinets with drawers and niches, although they have a small depth. But most often it is still a compact product, not designed for use as a full-fledged storage system.

As with configuration, console sizes vary widely. As a rule, this is a high design - from 70 cm to 120 cm. Lower consoles are quite rare. The width of the tabletop can be absolutely any. But the depth most often does not exceed 30-40 cm. There are also very compact decorative models, with a tabletop depth of 10-15 cm.

Decorative console in space

Such tables are usually used to fill empty space. Compactness is the main advantage of such consoles. You can use it to decorate a small niche, as well as a wall or a rather narrow corridor. On the tabletop of this item you can install clocks and table vases, lamps and bouquets, photo frames and candlesticks with candles. But above the console itself you can hang photographs and watches, paintings and mirrors. Under the item you can place floor vases, wicker boxes and poufs. They can also be used to partially disguise heating radiators.

Where and for what can a furniture console be used?

There are practically no restrictions on where the consoles can be used. Unless for the kitchen this piece of furniture will still be too frivolous and of low functionality. But in other rooms - in the bedroom, living room, study, hallway and even on the loggia - the console will be absolutely appropriate.

Due to its compact size, this piece of furniture is especially suitable for small spaces. For example, for the hallway. Here the console table will go perfectly with the mirror. Such an area at the entrance will not take up much space, but will greatly decorate the room. And for the bedroom, the console can play the role of a dressing table or bedside table.

In the living room, you can install a console table as a decoration, or just to take up free space. Decorative vases, framed photographs, and various trinkets will look great on such a small tabletop. But you can also use the console as a desk. And even instead of a full-fledged workplace.

Often in the living room, console tables are installed next to the armrest of the sofa. Especially if the room does not have a coffee table. On a small console you can store a TV remote control, books and magazines, and items related to your favorite hobby. Another option for using the console in the living room is as a TV stand.

As a rule, the product is selected in accordance with the design of the rest of the furniture in the room. In some furniture sets, especially those made in a classic style, the console may be part of the set. For modern interiors, it is better to choose incomplete items. That is, they are combined with each other, but are not part of one set. This kind of interior will be unique, reflecting your individuality.

The main thing is to remember a sense of proportion. If you choose a console with rich decor, you should not overload it with additional elements. Conversely, a laconic table will be greatly decorated with decorative interior items placed on the tabletop.

What types of console tables are there?

Console tables are very popular and are often chosen to decorate rooms. In order for the furniture to fit perfectly into the interior, you need to get acquainted with the types of tables:

  • Freestanding. Small products that can be installed along walls or near furniture. The peculiarity of such products is that the furniture is narrow and most often serves a decorative role.
  • Attached. Compact models that need to be placed against the wall. Tables cannot be used without support as they have little stability.
  • Wall or hanging. These models are wall mounted and are suitable for small spaces.

Console tables can have different designs. Often, when choosing a product, the overall interior of the room is taken into account. For those who want to highlight a certain area in the apartment, it is enough to purchase a model of an unusual shape and design.


Today I want to talk about how you can beautifully decorate a console table. Recently I had a story related to the decor of a console, or rather, I advised my friend, told her and showed her examples of decor, explained the basics of composition. And then I realized that such material would be useful on the pages of the “On the Wave of Decor” website.

The other day a friend came to visit, admired the decor of the window sill in our living room, complimented the beautiful yellow table lamps and complained: “You know, I tried to repeat this decor and did everything like you. But it turned out to be complete nonsense for me. And I arranged the lamps and the bouquet and the books in a stack, but it’s ugly and not pleasing to the eye at all.”

I thought about it very seriously. How can it not work? After all, it seems like you can put anything on the console and it will still be beautiful. Lamp, candles, painting or mirror. One, two, three - that's it.

But my friend didn’t succeed. She sincerely came for help and advice, knowing that if I came to visit her, I would not say a word, since I never express an opinion unless asked. However, I can quietly myself, while waiting for dinner, for example, move something on friends’ tables. That's why they like to invite me to visit.


So what was wrong with my friend?

Globally - a violation of the composition, which led to the fact that everything is ugly, inharmonious and does not look good in the interior.

On the massive console table there were very tiny 2 table lamps and in the middle there were modest three Mezzanine magazines, and on top of the wall there was a small IKEA mirror hung. And all this looked so tiny against the background of a three-meter high wall and a long console. And the console table itself was completely inappropriate for a friend’s living room, while in another room there was a beautiful one, with carvings, ideal in shape and size for the interior.

I picked up my iPad and quickly created a composition using the Neybers app that was perfect.

And then I came home and drew illustrations with formulas for beautiful compositions for decorating the console table. Save to your Pinterest boards and share on Instagram with your friends. Just don’t erase my authorship, please, and mention my name on social networks. This is the best thank you for my work on the “On the Wave of Decor” website.

On the one hand, there is nothing complicated in the decor of a console table. On the other hand, there are very few beautiful compositions in photographs, even in fashion magazines.

I have prepared for you 6 interesting solutions for decorating the console in the interior. Each solution is universal and at the same time easy to transform. Each solution will fit into absolutely any interior style, with skillful selection and combination of items.

Option 1. Symmetrical decor of the console table.

Everything is neat, symmetrical and nothing superfluous. The most common composition. Above the console we hang a larger picture or mirror exactly in the center. We place two identical table lamps symmetrically to each other. Let's put a stack of books in the middle and add something pretty on top.

by Pinterest

Under the console you can place two chairs (barrels or ottomans), which will balance the lower part and emphasize symmetry along with table lamps. Due to the fact that all the objects are different in scale and are positioned correctly, the result is a visually pleasing picture.

by DecorPad Pinterest If you completely move away from symmetry a little and complicate the composition by introducing additional shape and color, it will turn out more interesting.

Option 2. Symmetrical composition with a high center.

illustration by Oksana Panteleeva
Unlike the previous composition, we create a very high center here. Table lamps should be lower than the vase with the bouquet. Remember that a bouquet in a vase should always be fresh and beautiful.

DelightFULL Unique Lamps USA/Pinterest You can put one tall flower instead of a bouquet, for example, an orchid in a pot. Or a large dry branch with an interesting shape.

If the console table is large, you can add small decorative items between the lamps and the vase. But, most importantly, do not overdo it with small items. Fighting visual garbage is always a difficult job.

The tall bouquet can be replaced with wall decor, which will serve the same role as the top of the triangle.

Miles Redd. Symmetrical decoration of the console table and wall.

Option 3. Non-symmetrical composition with central wall decor.

A very common, beautiful and quite simple composition for console decoration. Here I showed how to create a kind of triangle with a wall mirror, a lamp and small decor.

illustration by Oksana Panteleeva


If you don't fill the space between the table lamp and the stack of books with nonsense, the cleanliness of the line will attract attention. If you place objects in such a way that they slightly overlap each other, the composition will not visually fall apart. Everything will be balanced.

Option 4. Growing composition of the console decor.

illustration by Oksana Panteleeva
One of the most difficult compositions from my point of view. Here you need to select items that will be different in height, but perfectly combined in shape, texture and color. The composition will emphasize the balance of all items together.

by Pinterest Complex compositional solutions are not always successful even for professionals the first time. Therefore, do not despair if something does not work out in five minutes.

Option 5. Complex wall design as a background for the console decor.

illustration by Oksana Panteleeva
Another difficult option. There is a pronounced asymmetry here, which lives very well with paintings placed chaotically on the wall.

by Pinterest

And the whole trick is that you first need to hang paintings or photographs organically and beautifully, and then create a composition on the console table.

by Pinterest

Option 6. Asymmetrical composition for console decoration.

illustration by Oksana Panteleeva

by Pinterest My favorite composition.
Asymmetrical. Easy to change. And, most importantly, very pleasant for any interior. The basis is a large painting (poster, photograph) on the wall or just standing on the console, or you can put two paintings that will overlap each other to complicate the composition and give it rhythm. The decor against the backdrop of large posters is simple - one tall lamp and something small, low, but definitely noticeable. Let there even be a stack of books and something interesting on top.

by Pinterest

Or you can just put a tall vase with a bouquet and a beautiful low sculpture. It is imperative to combine objects in shape and color.

The main mistakes in decorating a console table from my point of view:

  • Disproportion of objects or everything is small or everything is huge...
  • The composition falls apart due to the fact that the colors in the composition are not chosen correctly
  • Too many items. If you are collecting a collection, then it is a slightly different story. It's not for the console. Or rather, there is no need to put the entire collection of cats on a small narrow table at once.
  • We don’t take into account that bouquets wither and flowers fade.
  • We are afraid to “block” objects from each other. We arrange everything as if in a line.
  • It's obvious that they worked hard. I don't know how to say it in other words. Contrived compositions are immediately visible.


The blog “On the Wave of Decor” is a non-profit project and is created only by the author. If you appreciated the article and liked it, I would be grateful for a little financial support. Thank you!

Furniture selection criteria

In order for the table to cope with the assigned tasks, it is necessary to take into account the following features when purchasing:

  • Size. This criterion depends on the availability of free space in the room.
  • Material. Preference should be given to natural materials that do not emit harmful substances into the air.
  • Further care. When choosing a model, you need to purchase products that are low maintenance. This saves personal time and effort during cleaning.

When choosing wall-mounted models, you need to ensure that the structure is firmly fixed and does not fall at the most inopportune moment.

How to make it yourself

You can make a console table with your own hands “from scratch” or from an old table. To make the work easier, you can buy ready-made legs and order the parts to be cut. This will save time and help out a novice craftsman who does not have the necessary tools at home.

It is selected to match the overall design of the room, usually as a stand for TV, cosmetics, and various decor.


According to the drawings, the console table can be made with a lower part, which has parameters equal to the table top. You can do without this part, but then you will need to install either 3 wider supports or 4 narrow legs.

Experienced craftsmen know many options for making a console with their own hands.

Selection of tools and materials

In addition to wood, plywood and MDF, you can make your own console table from unusual materials. Some people use old narrow windows or parts of doors. Such furniture will fit into modern and kitschy interior styles, and is also suitable for a loft.

If you want to create a masterpiece from scratch, you will need a step-by-step guide to action.

To make a table you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint/varnish;
  • brushes

Parts for the structure can be cut by hand from a single sheet or plywood, or you can order them or buy ready-made elements.

Creating a table

To make a console table from balusters with your own hands, you need to choose the most beautiful and original legs in the store. Wooden ones made in the form of columns are most suitable. But forged ornate options will fit perfectly into the idea of ​​a decorative table.

Visit a hardware store: you will find a variety of table leg models and choose the appropriate part.

First you need to prepare the board. For the top and bottom of the table, take 4 boards 1.5 m long, 20 cm wide and 10 cm thick. As already noted, you can order sawn materials or make your own from two 3-meter boards.

To create the top and bottom of the table, use a three-meter board, ten centimeters thick, 20 wide.

You will also need 4 boards 145 cm long, 10 cm wide and 10 cm thick. You also need to cut 4 squares with a side of 10 cm.

The 145 cm parts are laid parallel, the lower and upper ends are connected with squares, which are placed perpendicularly between the boards.

The legs are screwed in between the tabletop and the lower part (150 cm pieces).

We take the legs purchased in advance and screw them to a board one hundred and fifty centimeters long.

The resulting structure from 145 cm boards and squares is placed in the center of the tabletop, with the end edges down. Secure with wood glue. Cover the top with a 150 cm board and secure it. It turns out to be a “puff” tabletop. Exactly the same part needs to be made for the bottom: turn the almost finished table over, secure the structure in the center of the bottom part, and glue the second board.

However, you can make a table with a regular tabletop.

When you have completed all the work, you will have a real masterpiece.

It is enough to screw the legs to the board of the required size.

Final stage and decoration

Wooden parts must be sanded so that there are no nicks left. Sandpaper of varying degrees of grit is suitable for this. First, take a coarse-grained one to smooth out noticeable unevenness.

Finishing is carried out with fine-grained paper.

Then the table or parts are covered with wood putty: the material smoothes out the defects. After the layer has dried, the wood can be sanded to ensure better adhesion of the surface to the paint.

Before applying colored paint, the part is coated with a primer and dried.

If the table is varnished, there is no need to prime it. Instead, the part is treated with stain.

The final finishing is painting/varnishing the table. If desired, it can be decorated using decoupage technique, painted with ornaments or abstract patterns.

This piece of art is perfect for any living room or hallway.

An original idea: lay out a pattern on the tabletop with metallized strips, cover it with plexiglass or durable triplex.

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