Paintings in the interior: choosing the appropriate option, what to pay attention to and where to hang the canvas

Paintings and posters are traditional wall decor, filling an uncomfortable void and introducing additional color, thematic and style nuances. How to choose a painting for the interior so that it fits harmoniously into the overall outline? First of all, I would like to give advice not to treat the painting as one of the soulless accessories. Art should convey the mood of the interior, reflect the feelings and tastes of the owners. Take your time with the purchase, especially if you are looking for a painting for such important interior areas as the living room, dining room or hall.

What is important to consider before choosing a painting?

A painting is not just a decorative element. With its help you can:

  • Place accents in space, highlight one or another zone.
  • Create the finishing touch after renovation.
  • Improve the psychological and emotional state of family members.

Even if the painting fits perfectly into your interior, but you don’t like it, it’s best to refuse to buy it. Pay attention to the works of other artists made in the same style.

In order for a painting to look harmoniously in the interior of your home, it is not necessary to purchase a work of art. It could be a small painting painted by an unknown artist. When choosing a painting, pay attention to the subject. It should fit harmoniously into the overall design of the room.

Living room

This is a great place to place city landscapes, abstract paintings and the most daring solutions. In this case, a lot depends on the overall design style of the room. For example, in a classic living room you can even hang a portrait. A lot depends on the tastes of the apartment owners themselves.


A quiet and cozy place designed for relaxation and sleep. There is no place for bright motifs, abstractions, dark paintings, etc. in the bedroom. Images of nature, animals, birds, etc. are suitable for this room. Canvases with sunsets and water surfaces look very beautiful in the bedroom interior. In general, the chosen picture should evoke a feeling of harmony and comfort.


The hallway can be called the “face” of your home. Bright and abstract paintings that attract the eye are suitable here. By the way, paintings depicting actions are perfect for placement in the hallway: running, dancing, flying, jumping, etc.

Kitchen and dining room

Complex ornaments and gloomy motifs are also inappropriate in the kitchen and dining room. Canvases with images of fruits, fresh harvests, beautiful dishes, flowers, etc. are best suited for these rooms. Drawings should evoke positive emotions and appetite.


The best option for placing in a nursery are images of cartoon characters or characters from your favorite films. If the child is big enough, when choosing a painting for his room, be sure to take into account the opinion of the little owner. Regardless of the age of the child, you should refuse to buy paintings with scenes of violence or horror.


The atmosphere of the office should be conducive to fruitful work. That is why there is no place for bright paintings that can distract attention. It is best to place images of mountains, forests, nature, etc. in the office. The canvas itself should be placed behind your back.

It is necessary to choose a painting for your home based not only on your own preferences and tastes, but also on the overall interior design. The canvas should be in harmony with the surrounding objects and complement the space.

If you want to place paintings or reproductions of famous artists in your home, you should not combine them with other decorative elements.

Beautiful flowers

For those who are looking for their match or want loving and trusting relationships in the family to last for a long time, it is advisable to hang Feng Shui paintings in the bedroom or the southwestern part of the house. Art objects with flowers depicted on them are the following symbols:

  • chrysanthemum - luck and success in life;
  • bamboo - longevity and strength, security;
  • magnolia - the meaning lies in marital happiness, tenderness, beauty of a woman;
  • poppies and all flower fields - increases the chance of having a child, a sign of masculine strength;
  • orchid - large offspring, family happiness;
  • lilac - freshness and renewal.

Peony is mentioned in two ways in the Feng Shui system. First of all, this flower depicted in the picture can mean love and wealth. The richer its color, the more positive energy it emits. A blooming peony has magical powers: it is believed that placed in a vase in the living room or painted in a picture, it can attract a betrothed for an unmarried girl. However, this plant does not always have such a beneficial effect (for example, to preserve the family, its presence in the house is undesirable). A painting with a peony in the bedroom can influence the decision of one of the spouses to start a relationship with a new partner.

The meaning of sakura is also ambiguous. In Japan, this flower is masculine and is the emblem of the samurai. Also symbolizes the beauty of life, despite the presence of delicate petals, sakura blooms in any weather. According to Feng Shui, you cannot hang a picture with flowers in the bedroom: quarrels and mistrust will arise. Their beneficial influence in the house is reflected only in one thing: when active energy is needed for a quick recovery after a debilitating illness. Feng Shui flower paintings, the meaning of which is difficult to understand, should be assessed only with the help of intuition. If you liked the image, then this picture will work.

How to choose according to color scheme?

In addition to the plot, when choosing a canvas, it is very important to pay attention to the color scheme. To avoid dissonance, the colors used in the painting should be combined with the colors in the interior. If you wish, you can play with contrast, but in this case it is important to be careful and not overdo it.

Remember that contrasting colors should also be combined with the basic colors of the interior. To do this, use the Itten circle.

It's also worth remembering a few tips:

  • The painting should not blend in with the color of the wallpaper or paint.
  • If the canvas has a frame, it can be the same tone as the walls themselves.
  • Consider the location of the canvas. Remember that some colors can have a direct effect on your mood. For example, dark paintings are inappropriate in a nursery.

When choosing a painting that will harmoniously blend with the surrounding space, it is important not to overdo it. Otherwise, the canvas will merge with the wall and become “invisible”.

How to choose a painting for the interior? Size matters

When choosing a size, you must take into account the width of the object over which the painting will be located. For example, if the picture will hang above the bed, its width should be at least half the width of the headboard. Otherwise, the wall decor will look dull and lonely. This principle is also objective for paintings that are planned to be placed above a table, chest of drawers, cabinet, or console. The width of the picture above the sofa should be at least a third of its length.

If you like a smaller painting, choose one or more companions for it. A series of small paintings looks much more impressive. By the way, if the interior is neutral and achromatic (white, gray and black), a collage of small paintings can be multi-colored.


The paintings differ not only in subject and color scheme, but also in type. Let's look at the most popular types of paintings, and also talk about ways to place them.

Modular images

Such paintings consist of several parts that are interconnected. The number of modules can be any. Most often there are paintings consisting of 3-5 elements. Canvases in modular works are not framed: this allows you to create a feeling of the integrity of the picture and its smooth flow.

Modular paintings allow you to visually expand the space, which is why they are often recommended for small rooms or offices.


This is a poster made on paper. Very often, posters depict musical performers, famous groups or artists. The poster can be without a frame or enclosed in a frame and covered with glass on top.

Posters are suitable for any room. However, they look best on plain walls.


Three-dimensional or 3D paintings are distinguished by a high degree of realism. The image is applied in several layers, which allows you to achieve the desired effect. Such paintings are well suited to modern interiors, but completely inappropriate in classic ones.

Since a three-dimensional painting in itself is a bright element of decor, it is best to place it on a plain wall.

Copies of famous paintings

A high-quality copy is practically no different from the original. In addition, such canvases have a reasonable price. Copies can be framed or sold without it (you can choose the appropriate option yourself).

Copies of famous paintings go best with classic interiors.

Selecting a topic

The painting can become a direct reflection of the interests and views of the owner. Also, the canvas should be in harmony with the surrounding space.

Urban motives

Canvases depicting urban motifs go well with modern trends in interior design. These can be images of busy streets, quiet parks and squares, secluded temples and old houses. Thanks to the huge variety of plots, everyone can choose the ideal option for themselves.

Where to hang it?

  • Living room
  • Hallway
  • Bedroom


Images of animals are no less popular than urban motifs. Just like the previous option, they are suitable for any direction in the interior. The paintings can depict dogs, cats, horses, etc. The canvas can be realistic or exaggerated.

Where to hang it?

  • Living room
  • Hallway
  • Cabinet
  • Children's


Images of nature are calming and have a beneficial effect on the mental state and nervous system. Landscapes look best on large canvases. A painting with natural motifs is universal: depending on the subject, it can be placed in any part of the house.

Where to tell the story?

  • Living room
  • Hallway
  • Bedroom
  • Cabinet
  • Kitchen
  • Children's


Quite unique and unusual paintings. The canvas is based on a clear pattern consisting of lines, geometric shapes, drawings, etc. This is a great option for self-expression. Such paintings have proven themselves excellent in modern interiors.

Where to tell the story?

  • Hallway
  • Cabinet
  • Bedroom
  • Kitchen
  • Living room


Quite rarely found in modern interiors. Typically, portraits depict close relatives or famous personalities. Portraits look good in both modern and classic interiors.

Where to hang it?

  • Living room
  • Cabinet

Still lifes

This is an image of inanimate objects: compositions with food, dishes, flowers, etc. When choosing a still life, pay attention to the quality of the image - it should be as natural and realistic as possible. Such images are ideal for the kitchen and dining room.

How to place it in the house?

To highlight the merits of a painting, it is very important to place it correctly on the wall.

To do this, you need to remember a number of rules:

The canvas should be located at eye level.
Thus, anyone can examine the picture in detail and enjoy the canvas.

Maintain distance between canvases

If you want to hang several paintings side by side, be sure to maintain a distance between them. The optimal distance between the canvases is 2-3 cm (but not more than 10 cm). It is important to take into account the dimensions of the frame: the more massive the edging, the greater the distance between the panels.

For apartments with low ceilings, choose vertical paintings

Conversely, for a room with high ceilings, it is best to choose horizontal paintings.

Be careful when placing paintings next to interior items

Make sure that the picture frame is not located too close to furniture or other items.

Use lighting

This will create an additional emphasis on the picture. Halogen lamps with cool light are suitable for additional lighting.

Stick to existing painting layouts

This option can be used to place a large number of paintings on one wall. You can find a suitable scheme on the Internet.

Consider the dimensions of the canvas

A painting that is too small on a large wall will simply get lost and, conversely, a large painting on a small wall will look out of place. Remember that the length of the canvas should not exceed the dimensions of the furniture located underneath it.

If the painting is very large and enclosed in a massive frame, it can be placed on the floor. Such works do not have to be hung on the wall. If desired, you can create an entire art gallery in your home.

When choosing a painting for your home, rely not only on fashion trends, but also on your own preferences.

Features of storage and care

Without a frame, paintings are easier to care for and store. This is especially true for massive, carved baguettes.

If we are talking about canvas without a frame, then caring for it comes down to the following points:

  • Wipe the surface from dust with a soft cloth. A soft brush will also work for this purpose;
  • getting rid of stains using a soap solution;
  • timely coating of the painting with varnish and contacting the workshop if sagging appears or the paint begins to darken.

These are general rules. It can be seen that caring for paintings without a baguette is not difficult.

Now imagine that you liked a seascape framed in a wide wooden frame with an intricate pattern. In addition to the items listed above, baguette care is added.

Once a week it is necessary to wipe the frame from dust; go through hard-to-reach places with a soft brush or cotton swabs. Periodically, the canvas needs to be removed and the back wall vacuumed. It is also necessary to regularly inspect the frame itself: if the varnish is cracked, you should contact a workshop. If this is not done, the baguette may swell from moisture or crack.

It is recommended to store paintings on a stretcher. If the frame is narrow, then the painting can be left in it. But this complicates the care of canvases during storage, as we wrote about above.


Which painting is best to choose for Scandinavian style?

Scandinavian style involves maximum simplicity in detail. Paintings depicting natural motifs, posters with inscriptions and geometric patterns are perfect here.

Is it possible to place abstract images in the nursery?

Yes, you can. However, choose appropriate patterns: soft and smooth lines, delicate colors and shades. Abstraction is suitable for both toddlers and older children.

How many paintings can be placed in one room?

It all depends on the size of the room and the paintings themselves. In this case, there is no clear limit on quantity. You can hang as many canvases as you like. The most important thing is that they must be combined with each other.

At what height from the floor should I hang a picture?

Designers advise placing the picture in such a way that its center is located at a height of 145-150 cm from the floor.

Are modular paintings suitable for a classic interior?

Yes, such paintings are universal. They go well with any design trends.

Another good luck talisman - a picture of a horse according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui paintings with horses
The image of a horse will help create the mood to increase endurance and perseverance in achieving goals, because since ancient times this animal has been considered a symbol of nobility and greatness. A rising horse will help increase wealth and bring victory in competition. A pair of horses will strengthen mutual understanding between spouses and household members.

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