70 examples of how to make the interior of a room not only fashionable, but also cozy

A house is an indicator of the taste and sense of style of its owner; you can know a person all your life, but once you visit his home, you will radically change your opinion about him. Coming up with a room design is not as easy as it seems: you need to look through many websites, magazines, photographs, be able to combine the ideas you see and create a harmonious combination of them. The most difficult thing is for those who develop the design of a small room: maintaining functionality without losing comfort and creating cluttered structures is very difficult. Each room has its own purpose, its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing interior elements. You can always turn to professional designers, but your own project will look better and less formulaic. An apartment with individuality evokes admiration for its owner, the creator of a beautiful design. The rooms, depending on their size and location, are divided according to their purpose.


A comfortable environment in the house largely depends on cleanliness. Scattered things make the interior untidy, even if a designer worked on it during the renovation. In order for the apartment to “breathe”, you need to wash the floors, get rid of greasy towels, clean the dirty carpet and wipe off the dust on the shelves. Also, don’t forget about plumbing and windows. To carry out general cleaning, it is better to involve all family members - things will go faster and more fun, and order will be appreciated by everyone.

Bag chair

The legendary bean bag chair quickly burst into fashion and is still not losing ground. Children dream about it, and adults value cozy relaxation. Another plus is the affordable price, especially if you sew the bag yourself.

The classic shape is a pear with a comfortable handle for moving. Expanded polystyrene is most often used as a filler, which is additionally covered with an inner cover so that the outer one can be easily removed and washed.

The zipper is located at the bottom: this way it does not catch the eye and does not press anywhere. The dimensions depend on who will use the bag. The main fabrics are unpretentious oxford in all its variety of colors, textured microcorduroy, soft flock, even eco-leather.

Just remember that you will have to clean this case often. Therefore, choose fabrics that you can handle yourself. And they will fit into the interior thanks to the selection of colors and textures.

Photo: vse-otoplenie.ru Photo: vse-otoplenie.ru Photo: vse-otoplenie.ru

DIY old table decor: 14 easy ideas

Color palette

Cozy colors are different for everyone. Some people agree with dark walls (they really create a chamber atmosphere), others with brown furniture and beige wallpaper. But when choosing a palette, you should remember the location of the apartment: on the north side, where the sun rarely peeks, cold shades (blue, blue, emerald and gray) will not bring coziness to the room, but will make it even more faded. Warm colors - yellow, pink, orange - will improve your mood and add vigor.

In a small apartment, it is better to choose light shades for the walls, as bright colors can make the space look smaller and can be added as accents. One of the most win-win options for walls is white. It serves as a great backdrop for contrasting furniture and allows you to experiment with textiles that can be changed depending on your mood or season. In addition, white optically expands the space by reflecting light.

Room styles

When choosing the style of a room, you need to follow it impeccably. By mixing one style with another, we risk getting bad taste. Modern styles offer a solution for every budget and taste. With a limited budget, you can create a stunning room design in a loft or minimalist style. There is a general trend of preference in the interior for a combination of light colors and bright elements. The individuality of a room is given not by the chosen style, but by the elaborate details of the interior. The style depends on the purpose of the room.

Important! The styles of rooms in the same apartment should be close or identical!

For the kitchen they often use Provence, Scandinavian style, rarely minimalism. For the living room, loft, hi-tech, avant-garde are relevant. The bedroom can be made in eco-style or hi-tech. When choosing the style of a room, you need to take into account the general style of the apartment or house. There are the following types of interior design of rooms:

  • High tech. Characterized by the predominance of black and red colors in the interior and bright red and turquoise accents. It is distinguished by emphasized minimalism and strict lines.
  • Vanguard. It manifests itself in an abundance of bright details and interior items when decorating floors and walls in pastel colors. Reflected in broken lines, asymmetry, light abstractionism.
  • Eco style. The name speaks for itself - an abundance of plants, natural materials, absence of plastic windows and synthetic carpets.
  • Scandinavian style. Characterized by a predominance of white, shades of brown and gray, wood finishes and imitation brick.
  • Loft. A subtle combination of simplicity and minimal renovation with designer pieces from unwanted, unusual old items. In the style we can see: a panel made from “aged” boards, an open fireplace in the shape of a bowl. The direction was supposed to be a solution in the interior of attic rooms, but now the execution of this style is more solid and expensive.
  • Minimalism. The owner of an impressive cottage can afford this style. By allocating a significant area for a centrally located bed or sofa, you can create a unique design, but at the expense of functionality.
  • Provence. This style creates a doll-like interior and is popular in kitchen design. Stylized antique elements, vintage wallpaper, dishes on the shelves, artificially aged materials are a reflection of the sophisticated Provence style.


Thoughtful light is the basis of a cozy interior. For a comfortable life, a single chandelier per room is not enough: when transforming a house, you should think through various lighting scenarios. For example, select several lamps for task lighting: above the kitchen countertop and above the desk. In the evening, it is better to use warm, dim light to help you get ready for sleep. We also recommend considering lighting for reading, home gatherings during dinner or during a holiday.

Balls of thread

You probably know these popular home garlands made of multi-colored openwork balls, empty inside? Making them yourself is as easy as shelling pears. For this you will only need colored threads, regular PVA glue and balloons.

First, inflate the balloons to the desired size so that they remain elastic. Puncture a bottle of PVA glue and pull the thread through it so that it is immediately saturated and there is no need to coat the base.

Carefully wrap the ball until you get the desired density, then carefully secure the end of the thread. When the structure dries, after a few hours, carefully burst and remove the ball.

Decorate the finished product with sparkles, flowers - whatever you like. In addition to a decorative garland on the wall, balls of thread can be used instead of Christmas tree decorations, as a lampshade for a lamp, and as elements of any other artistic compositions.

Photo: pinterest.ru

Photo: culture.ru Photo: marevna.ru Photo: 2023god.com


Indoor flowers not only add coziness, but also enliven the decor of the apartment. In a spacious room it is appropriate to place a spreading plant (ficus, monstera) or a tall palm tree. In small rooms, it is better to place flowerpots point by point: in addition to the window sill, cabinets, shelves, cabinets and tables are suitable.

If you don't like caring for plants, there are many unpretentious indoor plants: chlorophytum, flowering hibiscus, Japanese fatsia, dracaena, spathiphyllum, sansevieria and others. And sometimes wallpaper with naturally depicted leaves is enough to create coziness.

Photo printing

There is nothing easier than ordering photo printing with any designs and patterns in any size. And then act at your own discretion and do not deny yourself anything.

Stickers, comic book frames and posters are all the rage, brought with them by the pop culture trend. Print your favorite images onto vinyl and cover your refrigerator, cabinets or walls.

Do you want to paint a surface, but lack the skills? Print interesting drawings and patterns, because modern materials allow you to get the most natural picture.

Printed paintings are actively used, be they reproductions of artists or their own photographs. And to make the composition look fresher and more modern, compose the canvas from several volumetric blocks instead of a continuous array of photo wallpaper.

Photo: mapwood.ru Photo: mychatte.ru

Photo: dizainexpert.ru

10 cool ideas on how to decorate your apartment for the New Year


Comfort is unthinkable without pillows: even looking at them evokes a feeling of warmth and softness. Just lay out the pillows on the sofa or bed - and the decor will sparkle with new colors. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy new copies every time you want a change: it is enough to choose replaceable pillowcases that are easy to care for. Today, the choice of prints is huge, and if you wish, you can order a pillowcase with your own picture. If the pillow will be used not only as decoration, you should pay attention to the fabric - is it pleasant enough to the touch?

How to make a small room cozy

If you set a goal to visually enlarge the room, choose light, pastel materials for decoration, add mirrors and a lot of lighting fixtures. Also furnish it with comfortable, not bulky furniture that will accommodate a lot of things. This is important, since the main rule of decorating a small space is not to clutter it. In this case, the principles of minimalism are just right. Pay attention to corner sofas, bunk beds, tables with built-in drawers or a folding tabletop.

A few rules:

  • Since wallpaper is usually light, the color of furniture and other furnishings can be bright.
  • Paintings, lamps and decor should be proportionate to the area.
  • It is better to hang photographs, drawings, posters not in a horizontal, but in a vertical row. This will visually lengthen the walls.
  • If you use screens and shelving for zoning, try to make sure that they let in daylight.
  • If possible, hang translucent curtains on windows.
  • Choose low upholstered furniture.
  • To expand the space, use transparent chairs and tables, and mirror elements in the design.

If only a bed and some furniture fit into the room, there is most likely no goal to expand the space. To decorate such a corner, use bright wallpaper, a canopy, a small bedside table with a beautiful table lamp, and textiles.

Photo: Instagram @sandi.interior

Photo: Instagram @mkdora1109

Photo: Instagram @vdindesign

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    Before and after: 3 old garages that were turned into cozy and stylish spaces


Curtains, tablecloths and rugs are the best way to add a lived-in feel to your space. Thanks to the flowing fabrics framing the window openings, the room seems to be dressed in comfort. Curtains must be chosen to match the decoration and furniture: it is better if they are several tones darker or lighter than the walls. If the room has wallpaper with patterns, give preference to curtains without patterns.

The use of carpets in the interior is again relevant: products in ethnic style in natural colors, as well as strict geometric patterns, look very stylish.

You can add coziness to your living room or bedroom with the help of an ordinary blanket casually thrown over the back of the sofa. This simple trick will add texture to a minimalist interior.

Choosing a style direction

To make a room beautiful, it is very important to choose the right style solution. The design of the room must correspond to the inner worldview. Therefore, before starting to repair or re-equip a room, it is necessary to clearly think through the style solution that will subsequently be implemented. It is very important that everything, from the finishing of the main planes to the smallest decorative elements, is subordinated to the same style.

Interior design styles have evolved over the past several centuries.


Modern is a very original interior solution. A home room designed in it should contain original textile solutions with patterns depicting non-standard large flowers, insects and curving lines. It is advisable to apply stained glass elements pointwise. And definitely wooden carved structures of unusual shape.

Art Nouveau style is a design in which natural materials, natural colors and soft, rounded lines predominate in the furnishings and decor.


The modern style is more dynamic, which is why it is not suitable for everyone. It is often chosen by teenagers and active young or middle-aged couples.

When decorating it, you should prefer an achromatic color scheme with small splashes of bright and rich color, but always in a small area.

Modern design style is a natural, eye-pleasing atmosphere.

All surfaces should be as geometric as possible, without any smooth complex designs. Here everything is subject to the coldness and prudence of the modern technological world. This is a kind of home comfort that is not suitable for everyone. And this should be taken into account!


The classic interior is more traditional. But for its most authentic execution, a significant amount of money for implementation and a large number of elements are required:

  • Expensive furniture of classical forms, with obligatory elements of inlay and carving.
  • Upholstered furniture upholstered in expensive fabrics such as brocade and jacquard.
  • Classic carpets on the floor and decoration with vases and figurines.

Classic style in the interior is like wine - it becomes more valuable over the years.

And others

When you want softness and tenderness, especially in the bedroom, a cozy white room can be decorated in a shabby chic style. It is worth mentioning right away that such an interior is more suitable for a young girl, since small ornamental motifs in the form of flowers or butterflies should be placed on the light-colored walls, upholstery and curtains. The abundance of ruffles, flounces, and textile trim makes the room truly girlish.

Shabby Chic style in the interior, otherwise known as “shabby chic”, is a fairly young design direction of the late 80s.

For the living room you can choose Provence or rustic style. They fit very well into standard city apartments, without requiring too expensive changes and, at the same time, do not clutter up the space with large furniture elements.

It is chosen by sophisticated people and people who want to add a romantic atmosphere of rural life to everyday life.

The colonial style also behaves well, but here you will need to maintain every little detail in order to maintain a balance between elegance and laconicism.

Colonial interior style is European comfort and oriental flavor in one bottle.

But using authentic national styles, for example, such as Japanese or oriental, is not recommended. They can get boring quite quickly and cause irritation in the owners later.


Excessive use of plastic and cheap film deprives the room of comfort. A room overloaded with gloss and mirrors ceases to seem homely. Get at least one item made from wood that is warm to the touch: furniture and decor made from textured wood never gets boring and brings a stable feeling of comfort to the interior. This could be a table, an antique chair or an ordinary shelf.

Photos of examples of decorating comfort in a room:

If there is no common understanding of how to decorate each room in your home, it is better to consider samples and examples. They will help you figure out how best to transform your living space to create greater comfort and coziness.


We must not forget about the little things that give the apartment individuality and tell about the character of its owner. We recommend keeping in sight only what is truly expensive and pleasing to the eye, otherwise the interior will turn into a souvenir shop. Many decorative items combine not only aesthetics, but also functionality: beautiful boxes or chests for cosmetics, knitted baskets, glass vase. For the bathroom, you can choose dispensers in the same style. But it is important to remember that small items do not create spots of color and volume, as they greatly “clutter” the appearance.

Ikebana art

Ikebana is a complex, centuries-old oriental art that can take years to master. At the same time, even small compositions will perfectly enliven the interior, and not necessarily only Japanese.

The main principle is harmony of shapes, sizes or colors. The original Japanese composition is always based on an equilateral triangle as its main symbol.

Strictly observe the proportions between the vase and the bouquet, do not overuse the number of shades. At the same time, asymmetry is needed, so place elements at different angles.

Ikebana must have three main lines:

— At the base is a strong, reliable and strictly vertical stem, around which the composition is built. It symbolizes the sky. — The second stem is about a third lower than the first. It is installed slightly at an angle and symbolizes a person. — The third level is the shortest lower stems at the base of the composition, which naturally symbolize the earth.

Photo: pro100hobbi.ru Photo: extremale.ru Photo: dlobal.ru Photo: rachelwilliamsonline.com


Owners of spacious apartments often do not know how to make them more comfortable. Designers advise dividing the space into functional zones and separating them with partitions or mobile screens. Behind the partition there is usually a sleeping place, a study or a dressing room. They use not only expensive materials (glass, metal), but also budget ones - wooden slats, textured doors, fabric. You can read about how to create a screen with your own hands here. https://design-homes.ru/sdelaj-sam/230-kak-sdelat-shirmu-dlya-doma-svoimi-rukami

Aging furniture

Aged, shabby furniture will harmoniously complement different styles: from loft to Provence. To do this, you don’t have to buy valuable antiques, because everything can be done with your own hands.

There is already a special craquelure varnish on sale, which, when properly applied and hardened, imitates paint cracked from age. The same technology creates the popular golden spider web effect on the surface.

Making scuffs is even easier: just a few sheets of sandpaper of different grits and a finishing varnish are enough. To whiten, take regular light paint, but apply it in a loose and uneven layer using a barely moistened brush or sponge.

Brushing gives the most expressive effect, but here you will need a special machine. But the noble patina is easily applied by hand with brushes and rags. And don’t forget to replace the fittings with worn gold, bronze or silver!

Photo: severdv.ru Photo: severdv.ru Photo: mebel-v-nsk.ru


Things made by hand are at the peak of popularity today. Recycling of clothing, furniture and other materials that have served their purpose is increasingly valued. Objects in which the soul is invested have a special warmth. Before creating something new, you should look around and determine what the apartment is missing. Perhaps you are dreaming of an interesting headboard, or a new lamp, or maybe you want to decorate a wall? There are a huge number of master classes on the Internet for every taste.

Weaving with ribbons

Decorations made from woven ribbons are very simple, but very bright. You can easily and quickly weave huge fabrics from rich, colorful satin of different widths. Decorative pillows, all kinds of covers and stands decorated in this way look interesting.

There are no secrets in the technology: the ribbons are arranged in the most ordinary wicker lattice, like a basket or the top of a pie. And when you get the hang of it, you can experiment with order and alternation, creating more and more new patterns.

Photo: snailquilt.blogspot.com Photo: pinterest.es

Photo: mobile.alphacoders.com

Wall decoration

Empty walls deprive the room of comfort: there is nothing to catch the eye and the room resembles a closed box. An accent wall with an active ornament or photo wallpaper is a decoration in itself, but plain surfaces require additional decor. For decoration, printed posters in a single theme, favorite photographs and paintings are suitable, which you can draw yourself or buy from young artists, supporting their creativity. In the modern world, it is easy to purchase a work by just browsing thematic websites: the painting you like will come from any corner of Russia.

You can approach the design of walls in a non-standard way. Use a collection of hats, plates, musical instruments or even old mobile phones. Plates, framed herbariums, mirrors and ceiling rosettes are suitable - the choice is unlimited.

Herbarium in the interior

With all the eco-trends and fashion for natural materials, the same elegant natural jewelry is especially appreciated. And what could be more natural than a beautiful decorative herbarium collected with your own hands?

Dried flowers and leaves look great in frames, and especially in compositions of several mini-paintings. You can also use them to collect dead wood and romantic bouquets in decorative vases. It looks interesting to applique or paint all kinds of surfaces using stencils of dried flowers and leaves.

It is recommended to collect plants in dry weather, choosing only healthy and intact specimens. Cut stems that are too thick lengthwise, thoroughly clean the excavated plant from soil, and dry all cut leaves from moisture.

It is better to dry the herbarium in a separate folder and under a strong press. This can be a heavy book or special boards tied with ropes. Periodically change the liner sheets with which you place the plants so that they are always dry.

Photo: mykaleidoscope.ru

Photo: ekocollection.ru Photo: livemaster.ru


A home library is another step towards creating comfort. If books are on an open shelf, they can be grouped in several ways:

  • By color, when the bindings create a gradient or smoothly transition from one shade to another. You can also select a different color for each shelf.
  • By size, from largest to smallest.
  • Mixed with decorative elements, tilted or stacked.
  • Bindings inside.

Paperback editions reduce the cost of the interior: it is better to provide them with a closed drawer or cabinet.

Patchwork carpet

A patchwork-style carpet is made from all kinds of multi-colored and different-textured patches. This could be remnants of other floor coverings, leather, old jeans, outerwear, sweaters, worn upholstery and any other textile fragments.

The peculiarity of patchwork is the play of texture and shades, and also its uniqueness. It is basically impossible to make two identical carpets. This decor is good for eclectic interiors, country, Provence, boho, Scandinavian style and even loft.

There are two main manufacturing technologies: stitching different flaps along the edges in a chaotic order, as well as tying long flaps in different sequences.

Photo: repairstyling.com Photo: livemaster.ru Photo: inarabymay.com


Musty or stuffy air can ruin all efforts to make your apartment comfortable. The room must be ventilated and also supplemented with your favorite scents. You can use scented candles, sticks or sachets in the shape of pillows or petals. You can make a sachet yourself: from coffee beans, cinnamon, herbs and citrus fruits. Fresh flowers and mint planted on the windowsill emit a pleasant smell.

Decorative jars

Ordinary kitchen jars can also be used. Wash them thoroughly and fill them with whatever your heart desires. For the kitchen, for example, jars with cereals, pasta of various shapes and shades, with all kinds of spices, herbs and dried fruits are ideal. This decor is also very functional!

For a children's room, you can make a classic snow globe or a decorative aquarium in a jar, in which artificial algae is filled with ordinary colored water.

Collect a whole fairy forest in a jar using dried moss, twigs and flowers. Even decorative sand or pebbles, laid out in layers, look fresh and interesting.

Photo: wedmegood.com Photo: tesa.com Photo: belaruspartisan.by

Photo: my.mail.ru

Wicker baskets

Previously, baskets were only used to carry various items, but today they have become an integral part of home interiors. They are convenient for storing blankets, children's toys, hats and linen in the bathroom. The texture of natural weave looks warm and cozy. Large baskets and chests can be placed on the floor, while smaller items can be hung on walls and placed on shelves.


Embroidery is one of the simplest and most undeservedly forgotten ways to decorate any textile. This is especially true for rustic styles, artsy classics, Scandinavian trends and eclecticism, which tends to be handmade.

Repeat similar motifs on different things: pillows, curtains, tablecloths, tiebacks, potholders, napkins, towels. These do not have to be complex drawings; even one small expressive element will become a kind of logo for your unique interior.

Embroidery is also good as paintings on walls in traditional styles. If you love to embroider complex artistic canvases, make full use of it! Such designer decor is now more valuable than ever, because individuality is in fashion.

Photo: a-secret.ru Photo: keywordbasket.com Photo: roomble.com


The founders of hygge, the Danes, light candles several times a week, and 28% - every day, thereby instantly immersing their home in an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. To make the interior look stylish, it is best to choose plain candles of a simple shape, collected in a group. This way they provide more light and are ideal for romantic and intimate meetings.

A cozy home is one where it is pleasant to return. It is comfortable to receive guests, study, engage in hobbies and relax. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to turn an apartment into a stylish space - it is important that the apartment tells the best about the person living in it.

Where to begin?

When it comes to arranging furniture, you may find yourself standing in an empty room for a long time and not knowing where to start. There are so many things to consider: personal aesthetic, lifestyle, budget and more, but the best place to start is with your furniture layout.

Furniture layouts for children's rooms

In other words, determining the placement of sofas, chairs, tables, storage cabinets and everything else that relates to the room layout (any item that touches the floor). I've put together a simple guide that works for every room in the house, starting with the living room. These living room arrangement ideas will make the job of organizing furniture and decorating your home easy and enjoyable.

Room plan for furniture arrangement

Budget renovation

Changing the color of the walls will not be very expensive. This could be new wallpaper or paint. You can lay fresh linoleum on the floor. Old linoleum can also be painted with varnish and decorated with interesting prints. Or, if the floor is wood, update it with paint and varnish.

The walls do not have to be covered with expensive wallpaper. It is enough to choose the appropriate colors of furniture, and the brick wall will sparkle with new colors.

As for the furniture, you can also update it by reupholstering the sofa or covering the kitchen table with electrical tape. If there is an old-fashioned wall - the star of the Soviet era - simply glue it down or repaint it and it will get a new, modern second life. Alternatively, cover the structure with fabric and the exclusive wall will be unique among all the walls in the world.

Antique furniture adds a touch of charm to the interior. You shouldn’t immediately get rid of the annoying toilet; it might be worth restoring it.

Furniture that cannot be repaired and does not provide any special benefit other than storing unnecessary items should end up in the trash heap.

Attention! If the curtains are not working properly, it is imperative to buy new ones and install them at the points of failure. Swinging doors have never brought comfort and order to the house.

If there are no double-glazed windows, be sure to install them. This will add light and newness to the room.

Ceiling. If the surface is perfectly flat, it is enough to paint it with water-dispersion paint. If the ceiling leaves much to be desired, it will be cheaper to make a suspended ceiling, since its prices are affordable.

The stretch ceiling looks simple but elegant. You can always choose a shade that matches your interior.

Room size when choosing a design

If the room is small, it can be quite difficult to decide on a style. The only optimal solution is minimalism. With a room area of ​​5-6 square meters. meters, the design of a small room must be approached with special care and irreparable mistakes must be avoided.

For decoration, choose light shades and medium-sized designs. The set of furniture and accessories is minimal, otherwise the entire space will be cluttered. Typically, such a room contains a wardrobe and a crib.

If the room area is 8-9 square meters, there is more room for creativity. You can place other furniture in the room and create comfortable conditions - hang a plasma TV on the wall, put a small sofa and an aquarium.

A large hall with an area of ​​about 15 square meters or more offers enough space to choose a stylistic solution and interior items. But this does not mean that you can buy and organize a bunch of furniture, accessories, or choose bright and rich decor. This can lead to overcrowding and overcrowding.

The color scheme can be any, dark saturated colors are also suitable. It is important that the decoration, furniture and fabrics are in harmony with each other. First you need to choose a style and, based on this, select design options.

Playing with lighting

Good lighting undoubtedly improves the appearance of the apartment. But if there are some minor flaws in the room, then highlighting them with bright light bulbs is unprofitable. In this case, it is necessary to place lamps or floor lamps in the room, arranging comfortable zones with them.

Room lighting is an important design element. Original lamps not only complement the interior, but also create an atmosphere.

When it comes to lighting color, there are two types.

  1. Hot. With yolk. It's relaxing. This lamp fits into the bedroom or living room.
  2. Freddo. White is the color of light. Thanks to him, concentration occurs. And it's useful for work. Therefore, white light is essential in the kitchen or work area.

There is a design technique called the “chameleon room.” The point is that depending on the time of day or occasion, you can change the tone of the lighting in the room.

LEDs will bring new colors to the interior. At different times of the day they will provide certain lighting, thereby filling the space around them with the desired shade.

To do this, you need to install colored LEDs that glow a certain color at different times of the day, for example, the living room wall glows blue in the evening. Sleeping area with greenish lighting, etc.

Important! When installing additional lighting in your home, be sure to remember safety precautions. Electrical wiring must be in good condition.

Ceiling details

If the room is being renovated, you should not forget that plinths glued to the ceiling give the room a finished look. With the right skill, you can make ceiling niches around the perimeter of the living area. If you hide LEDs in them, it will not only make the room more comfortable, but will also increase the space upward.

If you add lighting to the ceiling niches, this will expand the space of the room, and the room itself will take on a mysterious look.

Ceiling niches, even without lighting, look interesting and appropriate in any living room. As for the stucco on the ceilings, it all depends on the interior of the room, but it certainly won’t become more spacious. To visually enlarge the space, you can install several lamps in the ceiling.

Lovers of bright shades of the rainbow can make a color accent on the ceiling. At the same time, you should not overload the walls of the room with color.

Selection of furniture for a small room

  • Properly selected furniture will visually expand a small room. It is recommended to choose regular, but slightly smaller standard furniture.
  • You should not choose bulky wardrobes, beds, upholstered furniture with large armrests, or large dining tables. Compact and comfortable furniture is wonderful.
  • When choosing a wardrobe, it is better to opt for a high mirrored version with sliding doors or built-in wardrobes.
  • Other options for optimal use of space are bunk beds, modular walls, folding tables and chairs. Instead of a large dining table, you can choose a glass or plastic coffee table. Open shelves and shelving also create a feeling of spaciousness and transparency.
  • Large pieces of furniture are placed in the background, smaller ones in front.


Textiles play an important role in giving a room a cozy and residential look. These are beautiful curtains that harmoniously match the interior, rugs, soft pillows and cushions, and blankets. Draperies will perfectly soften the harsh features of the room.

Beautiful curtains and pillows, harmoniously matched to the interior, will give a complete look to the design of the room.

It is important that the textile elements match the color of the rest of the room. Some things can be chosen in the opposite color so that the room does not drown in too soothing colors - for example, bright pillows will fit well on a white sofa and a fluffy colorful carpet on the floor. The house is enlivened by many interior details.

Flowers in pots

Plants will enliven a room and make it more complete. On the windows or on the table, in vases on the walls. It is important not to overdo it and not create a botanical garden in your apartment; everything should be in moderation.

A couple of flower pots on the windowsill will add warmth to the atmosphere of the room. It is important that the vases fit harmoniously into the overall background color.

To visually enlarge the living room, just place a couple of potted bushes in the corners. They will fill the gaps, add comfort and vigor.

A single flower in a floor vase can transform a room and add a green coziness.

If there is a large shelf covering the entire wall, where important details are carefully marked, several small flowers will coexist well there. Even a cactus on your computer desktop will soften the severity of the settings.

Flowers also need light. If you place them in front of a window, the plants will always delight their owner with greenery.

When decorating an apartment with greenery, we must not forget about plant preferences. Some flowers will do well in the corners of rooms or under a glass table, but some are important for sunlight and, except in a window, will not please the eye anywhere.

To bring comfort and light into your apartment, you don’t have to do major renovations or buy expensive furniture. It is enough to competently move things around the space, a few well-chosen interior details, take out old unnecessary garbage in the trash and keep it clean - the apartment will change beyond recognition.

A trick to increase the space of a small room

  • The main conditions that create a feeling of cramping are low ceilings, lack of light and lack of space. Therefore, in order to visually expand the space, it is recommended to work on eliminating these factors.
  • The optimal choice of colors is a decisive factor when you want to visually expand the space. A single-color coating or a small matte pattern is recommended. The ceiling is painted in light colors, white is best.
  • For a small room, an interior in beige, milky or light gray is suitable. These tones are diluted with several bright accents. It is recommended to place objects with a glossy surface in the room. This could be mirrors, furniture, accessories. Light reflected from these surfaces creates the illusion that the room extends inward.
  • If the wall in front of the sofa is covered with panoramic or 3D wallpaper, you can achieve the effect of depth of space and spaciousness. At the same time, such a pattern will distract attention from the rest of the interior.
  • Herringbone flooring also makes the room feel spacious. It can be parquet or herringbone laminate. Upholstery colors should be light or neutral.
  • The same effect can be achieved by laying linoleum on the floor in an oblique pattern or imitating wood.
  • The play of light is a great way to expand a room. The feeling of spaciousness is created by several spotlights placed in different parts of the room. In this case, it is advisable to make the lamps themselves invisible.
  • Unused corners are highlighted below. This is a design technique that smoothes the geometry of lines, expands the space and gives the room a special coziness.

If you place an unusual object in the far corner of the room, it will distract attention from the cramped space. This could be a sculpture, another bright accessory. To enhance the effect, place a lamp nearby. Part of one of the walls can be decorated with a large print or bright decorations. In this case, it is important that the remaining walls are even and smooth.

Soft rugs made of pompoms or other raw materials will provide the child with comfort when playing on the floor, and dream catchers will give him pleasant dreams and good rest.

Mirror in the design of a small room

To increase space, you can use various optical illusions, for example, mirrors, glossy surfaces. The mirror is hung strictly vertically; it is necessary to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on it, otherwise its surface may become dull and dirty.

  • A vertical mirror visually lifts the ceiling. If you want to focus attention on any bright element of the interior, then place a mirror in front of it.
  • It is not recommended to place a mirror in front of the bed. The best option is in front of the window or on the chest of drawers. It is recommended to hang a lamp above the mirror. The light reflected in the mirror adds depth to the room.
  • If possible, it is advisable to make one of the walls completely mirrored, that is, from floor to ceiling and from corner to corner. This will help visually expand the room in width and depth. At the same time, it seems almost twice as spacious.
  • Don't get carried away with mirrors. An excessive amount of shiny objects or surfaces deprives the room of comfort and tranquility.

Living room layout

Measure your living room from wall to wall, taking into account the length and width of the room.

First draw a diagram, noting measurements on all sides. Whether you create it in a computer program or draw it by hand on graph paper, a scale floor plan will be extremely useful for planning any kind of space. The easiest way to convert meters is on a scale of 1:2, where 1 m2 is equal to 2 notebook cells.

For example, a living room measuring 13 by 25 m2 will turn into a diagram measuring 26 by 50 notebook cells. Next, measure any furniture you decide to include and create a separate diagram with a unique size for each piece. If you're drawing by hand, I have an idea that involves creating mock-ups of paper furniture (to scale) by cutting it out of the paper so that it's easy to play with different furniture variations.

Determine the focal point

Deciding on a focal point will really help in planning the space - TV, fireplace, chandelier, artwork, etc. Once that is decided, the furniture pieces will fit around it.

Emphasis on the focal point of the space

If there is a TV in the living room, please note that the viewing distance of a standard TV is between 2.5 and 3.5 m and the viewing angle is no more than 30 degrees. Thus, the main sofa, daybed or sectional should be positioned against this wall. Additional armchairs and chaises can also be placed against either side of the TV wall, rounding out the seating area while adding visual balance.

Correct placement of furniture

For living rooms with a fireplace, the most important purpose, according to most people, is conversation. Thus, a semi-circular design of furniture around the hearth, with no more than 2.5 m between seats, promotes easy interaction with family and friends. For living rooms where there is neither a fireplace nor a TV, a central focal point makes the most sense. Place a sofa (or two, facing each other) around a coffee table, with chairs arranged in a circle to cover any gaps.

Arrange the table, wardrobe and sofa

Once the seating area is set (around the focal point), place the table and cabinet next to them. In the living room, the main coffee table or ottoman can be placed between the sofa and chairs. It's best to leave 50cm between the coffee table and the sofa so that drinks and the TV remote are within reach. The cabinet can be placed behind the sofa.

Wooden folding table

Be sure to leave at least 30cm between pieces of furniture in areas where people need to pass. For small spaces, consider folding tables that can fold out when in use and fold away when not in use. Storage cabinets and chests of drawers are placed against the wall where space allows.

Placing the cabinet where space allows

Media consoles and TV stands go under the TV, and a buffet is usually placed along the longest wall. Tall shelves and open cabinets that hold mementos, books, accessories and family photos look better on a larger, empty wall so it doesn't look crowded. Bar cabinets and carts are elements that add an aura of glamor to the living room.

Elegant trolley element

Consider floor and table lamps

Floor lamps take up part of the table, so a coffee table should be within reach for guests to place drinks. There are some floor lamp designs that come with an accompanying table.

Floor lamp for recreation area

Table lamps are self-explanatory—just make sure they don't take up the entire tabletop. Chandeliers should be concentrated above the main seating area. Recessed lights make sense anywhere on the ceiling since they don't droop. Spot lighting can draw attention to artwork, sculptures or a library.

Living room table lamp

Center your mat

The last element of living room furniture design is also the simplest: the rug. It should be centered in the middle of the main seating and extend a few inches under the sofa and armchairs (or even further) to anchor the entire room. If the room is already carpeted, adding a thicker accent rug on top is a great way to add warmth and encourage guests to relax and stay a while.

A rug in the living room for warmth and comfort

By following these simple steps to designing your living room furniture, you'll ensure that your space is a pleasant place to relax and flow into the rest of your home. Here are more questions to ask yourself:

  • What do I want to see first when I walk into a room?
  • what do I want to see on the walls - will there be an air conditioner or a radiator?
  • will there be zones or dividers designed in the room?

Comfort zones in one large room

Basically, figure out what's most important to you before you start decorating or buying furniture, and you'll be able to create a special space that reflects your personal taste.

Make your dreams come true

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