Openwork lambrequins: types, materials, design, color, combination with curtains

Length and width: what requirements must these parameters meet?

  • The length of the window decoration in the dining room is influenced by the location of the opening:
  • With a linear layout of a narrow kitchen with a window located on an empty wall, it is reasonable to offset the disadvantage with the help of a voluminous curtain to the floor with numerous folds.
  • A voluminous curtain to the floor will visually enlarge the window.
  • With panoramic glazing, it is appropriate to opt for barely noticeable products made of mesh or transparent fabric with floor length.
  • It is important to frame small windows with short arched curtains.
  • When placing a sink close to the practical side, you should give preference to short arched models or those assembled along the edge using decorative clips.
  • Curly curtains with an edge decorated with lace braid, frill in the form of fringe, ornate patterns embroidered with bright threads look elegant.
  • Short curtains for the window above the sink

If you plan to organize a dining area next to the window opening, then ideally decorate the window with a short transparent curtain with an arched cutout. In this design, the curtain will not interfere with admiring the view from the window. The type of window decoration depends on the width of the tulle. Thin rectilinear canvases corresponding to the width of the cornice look laconic, emphasizing the minimalist style of kitchen interior design.

The window frames are clearly visible through them. Therefore, to express their interesting architectural form, it is important to choose similar curtains from transparent fabrics. Thin curtains highlight the minimalist design of the kitchen. If the window is on the accent wall of the kitchen, it is optimal to opt for a multi-layer option. Numerous soft folds of drapery will be obtained with a curtain width twice as large as the opening. To form frequently repeating fabric gathers, it is advisable to use specialized curtain tape.

Curtains for the kitchen with a balcony door

Modern designers offer many non-standard solutions related to the disproportion of the balcony door and window opening, which, at the same time, become a decoration of the kitchen space and create a cozy atmosphere. Read more about this in the article “Choosing curtains for a kitchen with a balcony door.”

It is important to choose the right option for curtains, curtains or drapes, taking into account the characteristics of the kitchen space and the type of fabric

When choosing, remember the requirements for curtains for the balcony door in the kitchen:

Provide free access to the balcony so that the curtains do not get caught when opening and closing the door, since the balcony in the kitchen is visited more often than other rooms. Do not make the curtains long so that as a result of a strong gust of wind they do not accidentally end up on the stove. The curtain model should be combined with the type of balcony door, creating a seamless composition. The presence of a balcony reduces natural light, so it is important to choose the right color scheme and density of materials for curtains. Choose curtains for a kitchen with a balcony door in the style used to decorate the kitchen. In kitchens where the stove is located near the window, it is important to ensure that the curtains are located no closer than 30 cm to the stove. Striving for practicality, do not forget about the aesthetics and beauty that correctly selected curtains create.

Combinations with curtains

Proper combination when decorating a window opening will make the interior much cozier and more comfortable.

You will also be interested to see how to choose curtains for the kitchen.


Complements the entire design. This combination will give the room a respectable look and fill it with wealth and nobility.

It is very important to select curtains with a lambrequin so that they match the overall design style

Curtains (tulle, etc.)

This classic option gives the kitchen solemnity and elegance. Often patterned curtains are complemented with lambrequins with similar motifs.

In the photo there is a kitchen and a lambrequin combined with light tulle.

Simple and rigid options will be an original solution and will form a harmonious combination with blinds.

Roman curtains

Choose more restrained and laconic options. Thick bandeaus in the same color scheme go well with Roman blinds.

Design features of a small kitchen

When designing a small-sized kitchen, you should know some nuances.

  • For small rooms it is better to choose simpler and more concise options.
  • To visually expand the space and raise the ceiling, you should use light-colored canvases and attach a lambrequin to the ceiling cornice.

What is a lambrequin and what is it intended for?

Lambrequins came to us from France; in fact, the name is also French. This decorative element is a strip of fabric that decorates windows along the cornice. It can be short, medium length or long; curvy or flat.

Allows you to hide the cornice and fastening system.

Initially, short canopies on the bed were also called lambrequins. Then they began to decorate windows using this method. This element was used in the luxurious Baroque and Rococo styles. Canopies were made from expensive fabrics of bright colors with the obligatory inclusion of gold-colored thread. They were often decorated with embroidery made from such thread.

This decorative element is attached to the pipe at the edges or in the center.

In their modern form, there are many different types of lambrequins. Some have not lost their former luxury, others have adapted to the modern style and have become less noticeable and pompous. Among the types of modern lambrequins we highlight the following.

  • Soft. They are sewn from various fabrics by assembling. This way they form beautiful folds. Curtain tape can also be used to make them. Soft models can be either folded or even.
  • Bando. This is a type of solid lambrequins. They are made using a rigid base onto which fabric is stretched or glued. Bandeaus can be made of wood or cardboard, without the use of fabric.
  • Combined. In this case, the first and second types are combined. For example, a bandeau is placed on top of the cornice, and below is a soft lambrequin with drapery.

Each window has its own form of drapery for decoration.

In modern design, this element has not only an aesthetic, but also a practical purpose. It allows you to visually smooth out small irregularities in the window and hide the cornice.

A rigid lambrequin has the appearance of a semicircle or rectangle with a figured or smooth edge.

Most often, this element is used in the living room, since this room often has large windows, and such a bulky design can be applied to them. However, it is also suitable for the kitchen or bedroom. But in this case, you need to choose a less flashy design and lighter fabric.

They can add completeness and expressiveness to the image of the entire room.

Photos in various styles

Today, a huge variety of lambrequins allows you to choose the right option for any style.


In modern dining rooms, bold, bright or plain designs with abstract or geometric patterns would be appropriate.

The photo shows a kitchen in a modern style and lambrequins with a geometric print on the windows.


Products made from soft fabrics in neutral shades with thematic patterns look most successful in this style. They are added with accents in the form of unusual draperies and flounces, and decorated with fringe and tassels.


Complex shapes and multilayer compositions are used. Combining two or three types of fabric is encouraged. They are also decorated with tassels or embroidery.

The photo shows a baroque kitchen interior and burgundy lambrequins decorated with tassels.


Rigid structures of strict shape look harmonious. Sometimes asymmetrical options are used, but without unnecessary bends and folds.


Simple straight-shaped designs decorated with embroidery, frills or ribbons will fit perfectly. Properly selected kitchen textiles will complete the decor of the room.


A room in this style looks cheerful and bright. Lambrequins of various styles and shapes with frills, fringe or braid are suitable here.

The photo shows a country-style kitchen and a window decorated with swags.

Combination of lambrequins with different interior styles

Lambrequins can adequately decorate any interior. The main thing is to choose the right material, style, correctly combine textures and use decorative elements.


This style is often called "luxurious simplicity". Its main features: laconic layout, comfort, design integrity, functionality, clear forms, smooth surfaces, a minimum of accessories, the use of built-in and modular furniture.

To decorate a window in a kitchen in contemporary style, it is best to use a simple rigid lambrequin in combination with blinds. Frills, folds, fringe and puffs will be completely inappropriate in this option. As for the color scheme of the lambrequin, it should be in harmony with the overall interior. It is advisable to choose light shades or white.


One of the most cozy and warm kitchen interior styles. It is perfect for lovers of elegant simplicity and rustic romanticism. Natural materials are used to furnish the premises: wood, ceramics, clay, stone. To decorate a window, you should choose a soft lambrequin made of light, light fabric. The use of ruffles, folds, frills, and bows is encouraged. You can combine a lambrequin with curtains, tulle, curtains.


A style that is distinguished by the greatest pomp and luxury. To recreate it, you need a room with a high ceiling, light and spacious. Expensive natural materials should predominate in the interior; the use of synthetics should be excluded.

As for the decor of kitchen windows in the Baroque style, an excellent option would be to use luxurious “jabot” lambrequins, falling down in soft folds. The use of fringe and lush tassels is also encouraged.

It is important that the window openings are large and high enough. You should combine lambrequins with heavy curtains, or choose expensive tulle to match them

Empire style

Arranging such an interior in the kitchen is not an easy task. This requires a fairly spacious room and a large budget. This style is associated with luxury and wealth, and this means that only natural and expensive materials can be used in decoration. The set should be made of natural wood; porcelain tiles or stone are suitable for finishing the floor.

Particular attention should be paid to decorative elements: you can arrange heavy candelabra, use elegant gold-colored fittings, hang a large chandelier. The lambrequin must match such splendor

It can be soft, hard and combined, the main thing is to use only expensive fabrics, silk tassels, fringe, scallops. The color scheme should be chosen saturated.


A cozy rustic style that will appeal to people tired of the noise and rhythm of the metropolis. When arranging such a kitchen, you should not chase luxury, the main thing is to make it comfortable and convenient.

Maximum stylization of the room as a rustic kitchen is encouraged: the ceiling can be decorated with beams, bunches of garlic and onions can be hung on the walls, clay jugs can be placed on the shelves, etc.

When decorating a window, it is best to choose a soft lambrequin made of light fabric that falls in soft folds. It should be combined with the same simple curtains.

Art Deco

This style is suitable for sophisticated people who follow every fashion trend. A kitchen in this style should be luxurious and at the same time laconic. Decorative elements should be used in very measured doses.

When choosing a set, it is best to give preference to simple forms with glossy and mirror surfaces. In the decoration of the room you can use natural or artificial stone, metal, wood, glass. To decorate a window, a rigid lambrequin is suitable, to which you need to choose a translucent light (preferably white) tulle.

High tech

A strict and modern style, chosen by people who keep up with the times. The kitchen should be laconic and as functional as possible. A rigid straight lambrequin can be combined with blinds, but there is no place for different curtains, tulle and curtains in such a room. The color scheme should be restrained, a combination of contrasting shades is possible.

Types of lambrequins

To make it easier for you to decide on the type of drapery, you need to familiarize yourself with the options offered. Lambrequins are:

  • hard;
  • soft;
  • combined.

In general, lambrequins are divided into three groups: soft, hard and combined.

Let's look at these types of drapery in more detail.

Hard lambrequin - cornice decoration

Rigid models are made from dense fabrics, and to give shape, they often use proclamin, padding polyester, non-woven fabric, plywood or other material that serves as a regular frame. Often this type of lambrequin covers the cornice completely and independently fulfills this role.

Rigid models are made from dense materials, which allows them to better retain their shape.

This model is also called a bando. In addition to aesthetic value, it can also perform purely practical functions. By the way, if you fix the bando higher than the usual height, then your window will visually increase in size.

To make the element attractive, its lower contour is carved or decorated with decorative trim.

If you want to decorate the lower edge of the drapery, you can attach fringe, beads or other type of decor to it

Details on how to sew a lambrequin for the kitchen with your own hands, namely a bandeau, are described and shown in the video at the bottom of the page.

Lambrequin made of soft fabrics - a symbol of home comfort

The most popular is the soft version of lambrequins. It provides for the presence of decorative drapery, all kinds of flounces, puffs, etc. With their help, any room acquires a cozy atmosphere conducive to rest and relaxation. Therefore, such curtains are often used to decorate windows in the kitchen, dining room and living room.

The soft lambrequin folds easily into elegant folds

There are several types of soft lambrequins:

Flip - when folds are formed by simply throwing a piece of fabric over a baguette (photo). This method is the simplest and at the same time very effective. In addition, it does not require patterns or sewing skills. An ideal option for those who want to quickly change their kitchen design.

Crossover is the easiest type of drapery for a window opening to implement.

Swag is the most popular type of lambrequin. They are a drapery of fabric in the form of several semicircular folds. Here, of course, you will need a lambrequin pattern for the kitchen and the ability to handle a needle. Swags come in a wide variety, from simple “swings” to complex compositions.

A swag consists of several semicircular folds

Simple ones include swags, the folds of which are formed by tacking in the form of a decorative ribbon or gathering on a braid.

Due to the fact that soft fabrics are easy to drape, you can use almost any pattern of curtains and lambrequins for the kitchen. Lambrequin patterns for the kitchen may have special terms, the meanings of which are worth knowing:

  • The swag shoulder is the part of the element, measured along the cornice, on which the folds are laid;
  • Deflection height or depth - the distance from the eaves to the lowest point of sagging;
  • Symmetrical and asymmetrical swag - with equal and different shoulder sizes, respectively;
  • De jabot is a side decorative element that has vertical folds and a beveled bottom line;
  • The mold is a component located in the middle of the composition.

With the right skills, you can adjust the number, splendor and height of folds

Combined lambrequin - invariance of design

Combined models look very impressive. The combination of a rigid element with flowing coattails of soft fabrics allows you to improvise indefinitely.

Combined models consist of hard and soft lambrequins

With the help of such curtains, you can create the desired atmosphere in the kitchen. And considering that in modern planning there are more and more projects with an integrated cooking and dining area, this window design will look very stylish.

By combining fabrics of different colors, textures and densities, you can get amazing results.

If you decide to sew lambrequins for the kitchen with your own hands, it should not be difficult. And don’t think about it for long, watch the video on our website and get started!

The main problems when sewing lambrequins

The biggest problem is the inability to correctly calculate the required amount of fabric.

In order to give the cascades a zigzag shape, they are sewn with a lining of a contrasting color.

Remember! The size of the fabric determines the thickness and size of the folds on the lambrequin.

Please note that when assembled, the fabric tightens, forming folds. At the same time it becomes shorter.

Think in advance what the length of the lambrequin should be, taking into account the folds.

Preparatory work

Lambrequin is classified as a decorative element of a composition that decorates a window or doorway. Its peculiarity is its horizontal placement along the length of the cornice and its shape: a lambrequin is most often a draped piece of fabric that is in harmony with the color of the interior.

There are 3 types of lambrequins:

  • hard; soft; combined.

For rigid models, dense fabrics are used. In addition, to give the product its shape, they use materials that can serve as a frame: padding polyester, proclamin, non-woven fabric and even cardboard or plywood. Decorative braid, beads, tassels, cords and more are used as decoration.

With the help of a lambrequin you can completely transform your kitchen

The second option is the simplest; it will not require a lot of money, time and professional skills from you. Soft lambrequins are made from lightweight fabrics, creating drapery, puffs and flounces on their surfaces. There are 2 types of such curtains.

Transfer. You can simply throw a piece of fabric over a baguette, smoothing out the folds beautifully.

In the simplest version, you don’t even need patterns or sewing skills. Classic swag is fabric draped in several semicircles. For such a lambrequin, a pattern and sewing skills are required. But there are so many options that it will be easy for you to choose a model specifically for your kitchen.

Combined lambrequins look very impressive. You can use thick fabrics for the rigid part, and soft ones for the flowing curtain. Combine them with each other to create a real masterpiece.

Synthetic materials or combined ones are excellent - a mixture of natural and artificial fibers.

Let's consider options for sewing simple, but at the same time effective and beautiful lambrequins for the kitchen. In addition to the fabric you choose, you will need:

  • paper, ruler, pencil for creating a pattern; needles; threads to match the fabric and contrasting ones - for basting; sewing machine.

Check out our gallery to find the right model.


Lambrequin size 200x145 cm, length adjustable from 170 to 220 cm, cost – 23 dollars.

Lambrequin with roses, approximate cost to order - $45.

Lambrequin for the kitchen, length - 2 meters, cost - $20 (without cornice).

Combined lambrequin: bandeau plus soft. Cost: $50.

Master class on making a lambrequin arch

Kitchen lambrequin design ideas

Unique models will allow you to decorate the window opening in an original way and emphasize the stylistic direction of the room.


A colourful, textured and accent element of the decor that acts as an exclusive complement to curtains. A carved lambrequin will add a bright personality to your kitchen design.

The photo shows a dining room with an openwork lambrequin on the window.


A window decorated with asymmetry on one side or decorative corner, oblique elements will change the standard composition of the room.


These decorative elements can add originality and sophistication to any kitchen. The fabric, assembled in a special way, resembles a braided braid. Puffs are used in large kitchens to emphasize the richness and exclusivity of the room.

With fringe

Swags or semi-swags decorated with fringe along the edges look very funny and at the same time elegant. Fringe is often used as a trim for velvet or taffeta fabrics.

The photo shows the interior of the kitchen and windows with lambrequins decorated with fringe.

With tassels

They carry energy that has a positive effect on the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. They can be with fancy tails and thereby add some life to the window composition.

They look like curtains tied with braid. Suitable for kitchens in rustic styles.


A practical option for the kitchen. Suitable for decorating small window openings and windows located near the stove or countertop with a sink.

Arch shaped

Homely and cozy. An equally convenient option that emphasizes the unusual style of the room.

The photo shows the kitchen interior and arch-shaped lambrequins on the windows.


The simplest lambrequins. They are often used together with classic curtains. They are easy to attach, do not collect dust and are very easy to clean.

With flowers

Quite a cute and playful design solution. Floral prints will bring warmth, comfort and a bit of sunny summer to the kitchen.


There are many materials from which these curtain decorations are made.


Soaring, graceful, creating a feeling of lightness. This veil design is complemented with ribbons, embroidery or beads.


Fashionable, stylish and creative solution. They look unusual and have a distinctive appearance.


Felt makes denser products. This material is also used in the manufacture of elegant openwork lambrequins.


Light and weightless flowing chiffon fabrics can add grace and elegance to windows and the entire interior.


Lambrequins made of nylon look quite attractive. This material is very light and airy, but requires careful handling.


The noble shine of this type of fabric lifts your spirits. Curtain compositions made of satin create a festive atmosphere in any kitchen interior.

What are the curtains for the kitchen with a lambrequin made of: photos and design ideas

Curtains with a soft lambrequin look elegant and majestic, and with a hard one they look restrained and graceful. A rigid lambrequin usually consists of one piece of fabric with a cut-out pattern. Soft options have a lot of constituent elements.

What does a soft lambrequin consist of:

  1. Swags are the horizontal part of the lambrequin. Usually it is made in the form of one or several semicircles, which can be located along the entire length of the product or cover only one side.
  2. The chill mold and ruffles are also part of the soft lambrequin. Usually they are located between the semicircles of the swag.
  3. The frill is that part of the lambrequin that is located on the sides of the window. It can have different lengths. The size of the frill is determined by the size of the window and kitchen.
  4. The tie is sewn into the frill. It is not present on all lambrequins, but it significantly enlivens the design of such a product.

The lambrequin should fit harmoniously into the interior. It should match the color of the rest of the room elements, as well as the shade of the curtains.

Also, the lambrequin should be selected depending on the size of the window. Often the windows in the kitchen are small, so lambrequins with a large number of decorative elements are not suitable there.

For small windows, you need to choose accessories that do not exceed 1/5 of the window frame in size. The fabric should not be very bright and not have large patterns or designs.

A narrow rectangular lambrequin with a small amount of short fringe is perfect for a small kitchen. You can also purchase a small wavy accessory with tassels on one side.

Combined asymmetrical lambrequins, if chosen correctly, can also decorate a window. It is desirable that the soft fringe be located only on one side of the lambrequin.

What parts does it consist of?

Lambrequin is considered a complex structure. It may consist of one or more parts. The specificity of the composition is determined by the design requirements.

Design requirements - design complexity


Swag A horizontally placed part, which may not necessarily be symmetrical.
A bright lambrequin with an asymmetrical swag in the kitchen
Jabot An element that is placed on the side and has a vertical orientation.
The length depends on the height of the window and the intended design. Frill element in the kitchen
Tie This is the part that is combined with the frill.
Lambrequin to match the kitchen
Throws Panels of material that are thrown over the cornice. The ends of the folds can hang freely, adding decorativeness to the design. Puffs Forming lush folds.
This element adds volume to the window design and contributes to the perception of the room as brighter. Puffs add volume to the window design.
Ruffles and other additional elements . Optional decor.
Their appearance and availability depend on style requirements. Appearance depends on style requirements

What it is?

The design is a horizontal curtain assembled in a special way. This drapery is always used together with other curtains and performs a decorative function. Some of their varieties allow you to solve the following problems:

  • disguise and make curtain fasteners invisible;
  • mask the cornice.

Despite the fact that the peak of popularity of such products was in the 50-60s of the last century, today this method of window decoration has also not lost its relevance.

Moreover, lambrequins are used not only for bedrooms and living rooms, but even for kitchen areas. Most often they are made from dense and heavy fabrics, decorated with ruffles, folds, pleating and tassels.

Decorative elements

Lambrequins are usually distinguished by the shape of the folds. The selection of a decorative product for decorating curtains has a connection with the desire to visually give the window a more voluminous appearance in a small kitchen. This can also remove the manifestation of internal imbalance in the room.

Among the elements there is always one that will fit into the interior of the room. For example, a swag, a side tie, complemented by a bell or a chill necklace, is suitable. Puffs look solemn and rich.

Popular types of curtains

Curtains, curtains, drapes... There are many options. You can, of course, choose a simple option - tulle fabric and curtains made of opaque dense or loose fabric. But if you want variety and style, you should find out what types of curtains exist and find the right option for yourself.

French curtains

French curtains are a thick silk fabric that is laced multiple times along its entire length. With the help of such cords, these curtains can, if desired, be lifted and collected at the eaves. You might have seen curtains like these in the theater - the same burgundy or snow-white curtains gathered along the entire height. The class of curtains is lifting, i.e. they do not move apart to the sides as we are used to, but rise up.

Fabrics from which French curtains are made:

  • silk;
  • veil;
  • tulle;
  • batiste;
  • organza.

The material can be smooth or with an embossed pattern, the main thing is that the fabric lays in smooth soft folds

Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains are similar to French ones. They are also laced, falling in folds and also liftable, the difference is that Austrian curtains are laced only at the bottom edge, which is why when lifting Austrian curtains only the lower part is folded, while the upper part remains smooth.

Austrian curtains fit well into a classic or French interior

Roman curtains

Roman blinds are similar to fabric blinds (there are horizontal rigid slats inside the fabric folds). When lifting such curtains, they fold into identical horizontal and even folds. Linen, velvet, velor and tulle are used to sew Roman blinds. When unfolded, patterns and designs look great on Roman blinds, because the fabric is smooth due to the wooden slats.

Roman blinds are a very convenient option for the kitchen

This photo shows an interesting version of Roman blinds complete with curtains

Japanese curtains

Japanese curtains are a kind of vertical blinds-partitions or, as they are also called, screen or panel. Japanese curtains are based on a sheet of fabric and two wooden slats at the bottom and top of the curtain. Oriental style, high-tech and minimalism are true friends of such curtains.

Japanese curtains in an oriental style kitchen interior

Roller blinds

Roller blinds are a canvas made of thick fabric, most often cotton or linen, which is wound over the top edge onto a metal pipe to which it is attached. And a weighting in the form of a rack is attached to the bottom edge.

Roller blinds in the kitchen in a modern style

Curtains with lambrequin

Curtains with a lambrequin are similar to classic sliding curtains. Lambrequin is a transverse drapery made of dense fabric with flounces, folds, and tassels decorating the upper part of the window opening. Curtains with a lambrequin are made in different styles - from simple, close to rustic curtains, to luxurious, rich decoration. Look at the photo for different options for curtains with a lambrequin in the kitchen interior.

Crossed curtains

Crossed curtains are one of the most unusual and sophisticated types of curtains, despite their simplicity. Such curtains are made from two sheets of fabric, which are connected along the top edge, and then diverge downwards to different sides of the window. Crossed curtains are permanently attached to a rail above the window or thrown over a cornice (they can even be a single piece of fabric).

Crossed curtains look beautiful in contrasting colors

Pleated curtains

Pleated curtains are made from pleated fabric, and from a distance they look like blinds. This beautiful and soft fabric looks good in combination with straight, long floor-length curtains and traditional drapery fabrics.

Pleated curtains fit well on small windows

Latest new curtains for the kitchen 2022

Now let's talk about curtains, which are especially popular at the moment. Find out more about the new products of the season by reading the article about curtains for your kitchen.

Kisey curtains

An ideal replacement for traditional tulle. This curtain consists of many thin threads connected by a fabric base. Kisey can be decorated with all kinds of beads and glass beads, which in sunny weather creates a wonderful play of light on the walls and furniture. Kisey harmoniously combines with any other material, and is also indispensable in zoning space, working as a screen.


This is another brilliant interior idea among the variety of curtains for the kitchen of the 2022 season. Photos demonstrate their originality and advantages. The noodle curtain, unlike muslin, consists of ribbons arranged in such a way that the width of the gap is almost invisible. The image on such a curtain is distributed across strips and is perceived as a whole from a short distance, which makes it possible to draw an analogy with a strip mosaic. Noodles will fit perfectly into various stylistic solutions in the interior, and in this case the main thing will be the competent selection of a pattern or ornament on the canvas.

Which lambrequin is suitable for the kitchen?

A lambrequin is a shortened horizontal curtain used to decorate the upper part of a window opening. A decorative kitchen element usually consists of flounces, folds and tassels.

A lambrequin is a shortened horizontal curtain used to decorate the upper part of a window opening.

When choosing a lambrequin for the kitchen, you need to take into account a number of important nuances:

take into account the layout and lighting of the room; curtains should complement the interior design or be its main accent; choose the optimal length taking into account the working and dining areas; the fabric should not absorb odors and accumulate dust on the surface; The base for sewing must be purchased as non-dense, fireproof and wear-resistant.

When choosing a color for short curtains, the master must take into account the color scheme of the interior: the shade of the walls, the upholstery of the furniture and the color of the decorative elements. Tulle with a lambrequin for the kitchen can be a bright spot in the interior if you use expressive contrasting colors for the base.

Tulle with a lambrequin for the kitchen can be a bright spot in the interior if you use expressive contrasting colors for the base.

Designers advise giving preference to textiles that echo the shade of furniture facades, but contrast with the walls and decor.

Designers advise giving preference to textiles that echo the shade of furniture facades, but contrast with the walls and decor.

Note! To increase the space, choose lambrequins in light pastel colors

Decoration of non-standard windows with lambrequins

Decorating with lambrequins is also suitable for non-standard solutions.

With balcony door

Asymmetry is often used in decoration in order to balance the appearance of the window. This choice will look very attractive and organic.

On a small window

It is recommended to choose light shades of fabric. It is better to use a small design that only slightly covers the top of the window. This option will give airiness to the entire composition.

For two windows

For decoration use harmonizing or contrasting shades. You can also highlight any decorative element with shimmer, shine or pattern.

TOP 6 tips on how to choose the right lambrequin

The design of the window depends on the interior of the kitchen. Everything matters: the size of the room, the height of the ceilings, the kitchen furniture, the color scheme of the furnishings.

Choosing a lambrequin correctly

Is a lambrequin noticeable in the kitchen?

If you think that window decoration will remain invisible to, for example, guests, then you are mistaken. Someone who comes into your kitchen may not pay attention to the color of the countertop and the appearance of the stove, but he will definitely glance at the window with the lambrequin. This leads to the conclusion that the design of the window opening cannot be neglected.

Make it visible to guests

In the kitchen, as in any room, everything should be harmonious. If you have a large set with spectacular surfaces, the window design must match - modesty will simply be inappropriate.

Conversely, an overly pretentious lambrequin in a modest interior can also become a dissonance.

Budget for a rich kitchen

Colors and shades

The color of the lambrequin is determined by the overall color scheme of the interior. Depending on whether the window should play the role of an accent, a suitable shade is selected.

The color depends on the interior color scheme

It can affect the visual perception of the entire kitchen and the window in particular. Depending on the embodiment, the window may appear larger or smaller, taller or wider.

The visualization of the window depends on it

Bright shades are perceived as more expressive; they can stand out in contrast against the background of neutral colors of walls and furniture.

By using light, neutral shades for the lambrequin and curtains, which are the same as the rest of the interior, you can get the “blurred boundaries” effect that has become popular in recent years.

To decorate or not to decorate

The decorations include the following accessories:

  • ruffles;
  • fringe;
  • brushes;
  • cords;
  • beads;
  • artificial flowers, etc.

Choose any accessory

Some models are so self-sufficient that they do not require additional decor - beautiful folds are enough.

How not to overdo it with sizes

What size should it be? Large width or length is not always a plus. The optimal width of the panel is considered to be no more than a quarter of the height of the curtain. The finished length is the size of the cornice.

Ideal size for kitchen window

Which form is better

Which shape is preferable for the kitchen? For a small kitchen, of course, simple. Since textiles here are washed much more often than in other rooms, the use of too large structures will be fraught with difficulties in caring for them.

Simple lambrequin - easy care

Hard ones can be recommended for large kitchens and those that are combined with a dining room or living room. In this case, the presence of a good hood becomes almost a mandatory requirement.

Tough for a large kitchen

The style of the room determines how the lambrequin will look. Only if it matches the style direction, it will become a fashionable accent that will emphasize the thoughtfulness of the interior.

Therefore, we move on to the next stage - selection for a specific style.

Selecting a lambrequin for a specific style

Fashion trends

Fashionable decor trends allow the use of various lambrequins in the kitchen. One of the current trends is floral, unobtrusive curtain patterns that echo the shade of a plain lambrequin. This creates a win-win combination that adds style to the interior.

Floral design in the kitchen interior

Fashion continues to strive for an environmentally friendly environment, which is emphasized in the design by the use of natural or mixed fabrics.

Choose colors in calm shades, or even pastels. If shiny fabrics are present, it is recommended to combine them with matte ones.

Commitment to an environmentally friendly environment

Find a pelmet to create a beautiful design

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