How to choose a cornice for the kitchen: varieties, 40+ photo examples with descriptions

Whatever style your kitchen is decorated in, without curtains or curtains it is unlikely to take on a complete look. However, it is not enough to choose beautiful curtains - you also need to hang them correctly. And in this matter you cannot do without a high-quality cornice.

The ease of use of curtains and their beauty depend on the choice of curtain rod.

It is important to choose it so that it not only decorates the kitchen, but also matches the type of curtains you have chosen.

Different curtains require different curtain rods.

Where to start choosing

As we have already said, first of all you need to decide what kind of curtains you will hang on the curtain rod. It is necessary to take into account not only their type, but also the dimensions and type of fabric. The larger and heavier the curtains, the more powerful the curtain rod you need - a thin plastic rail is good for light tulle, but will it hold up to multiple layers of velvet?

The more complex the design of the curtains, the stronger the cornice should be.

Consider the configuration of your kitchen: in small rooms it is better to use hidden cornices, and for spacious ones you can choose carved ones with figured decorations.

The smaller the kitchen, the thinner the cornice.

In addition, do not forget about the stylistic rules of design. It is unlikely that a classic oak cornice will look good in a kitchen decorated in high-tech style.

It is very important to choose the right curtain rod for your kitchen.

Understanding which cornice is needed for your kitchen is the key to making the right choice and a beautiful interior.

Curtains, and therefore the cornice, largely determine the appearance of the kitchen.

Aesthetics and convenience

Any housewife wants to quickly clean the kitchen in order to begin other equally important tasks.

So, if you are interested in which cornice to choose for the kitchen from a practical point of view, then it is best to buy smooth rather than embossed products. Dirt and dust are simply removed from their surface.

Since there is a constantly high level of humidity in the food preparation room, there are some odors all the time. It is for this reason that you need to constantly clean.

Thus, matte curtain rods are easier to keep perfectly clean compared to glossy options.

Cornices in the kitchen interior are considered decorative interior elements designed to add maximum comfort and bring a lot of joy without causing unnecessary trouble.

The process of caring for a kitchen curtain rod is the same as for other items in the kitchen.


Whatever cornice you choose, it is very important to choose the right size. To do this you will need to take measurements.

There is nothing complicated about this - you can cope with the task yourself. All you need is to measure the width of the window opening. Next, proceed according to the following formula: add 30-50 centimeters to the resulting value.

But for Roman or roller blinds, the cornice should be placed strictly along the opening.

Of course, you can make a cornice exactly according to the size of the window. However, this technique is only permissible for blinds and roller blinds that are installed directly into the window opening. In other cases, it is better to leave a small gap - this way the cornice and curtain will look attractive.

Select the location and dimensions of the cornice based on the configuration of your kitchen.

The length of the cornice should vary depending on the configuration of your kitchen. For example, a narrow window can appear much wider if you hang a long curtain rod on it. Conversely, a curtain support that is not too long can visually narrow a window that is too narrow.

The right cornice will correct the perception of the kitchen.

Choosing a cornice

The choice of cornice largely determines the look of the kitchen.

The cornice must match both the curtains and the layout.

Regardless of how you want to decorate your kitchen and what kind of curtains you prefer, there are a few general recommendations that you should follow to give the room a stylish and neat appearance:

  • For thin and narrow curtain rods, choose light, airy curtains. Remember about balance: a coarse, heavy fabric will not look good on a thin rail, while sheer tulle is unlikely to look good on a massive cornice.
  • Follow the general rule: there should be one elaborate detail. For multi-layer curtains with complex textures, it is worth choosing a cornice of a simple shape. Conversely, a carved design of an unusual shape will be emphasized by a simple fabric without any frills.
  • For a kitchen with low ceilings, it is preferable to use ceiling cornices - this will make the room visually look higher . If you want to install a wall-mounted cornice, lift it above the window niche - the effect will be about the same. And give up coarse massive slats - such designs visually lower the walls of the kitchen.
  • Find a harmonious combination: the cornice should match the color scheme of the curtains, furniture or finishing. If it looks like an alien element in the kitchen, you will have to forget about the beauty of the room.
  • To ensure that the curtain always remains on the edge of the rod, when installing, do not forget to place one ring in the gap between the mount and the tip.
  • Do you have a heavy curtain and are you afraid that the fragile fasteners won’t hold it? Try alternating circle rings with curtain clips. This way the structure will hold tighter. Or replace plastic rings with metal ones - but this technique is not suitable for all interior design styles.
  • Treat the top edge of the curtain with a special film. This way, when moving, it will not wipe dust from the cornice and will remain clean and tidy for much longer.

These tips can be considered universal - they are suitable for a kitchen decorated in any design style and for any type of cornice. What are they? Now let's look at it in detail!

Don't be afraid to experiment: modern cornices are very diverse.

Profile – for unusual effects

Varieties of profile cornice are quite widely applicable in the kitchen. Among them there are several particularly convenient ones.


This type is distinguished by additional equipment with rails. It can be decorated with a plastic baguette, which imitates various materials and allows you to achieve beautiful effects. The color of the baguette can be matched to a specific interior. The materials for production are metal and plastic. Skid models are also attached to the ceiling or wall.


In cases where it is necessary to give the profile a complex shape, a flexible option is selected, which, with the participation of fasteners, takes on the required fixed shape. This approach is used for windows of unusual shapes and for rounded kitchen walls. For manufacturing, plastic or aluminum profile is used.

Cornice design

Most cornices, no matter what type they belong to, consist of a certain set of parts. When purchasing, we recommend that you carefully study the quality of each of them: the reliability of the cornice and the durability of its operation depend on this.

The reliability of the cornice depends on the quality of the components.

Pay special attention to the brackets - the fastenings on which the entire structure is attached.

This is especially important for multi-layer curtains.

Important: Whatever cornice you choose, we recommend that you avoid plastic fasteners. Even the best quality plastic bracket quickly fails and your cornice can collapse at any moment.

Depending on the length of the structure, you may need two or more hangers. The optimal solution is two corner ones, which are placed on the sides and at least one central one, which takes on the main weight of the cornice. We do not advise you to use curtain rods with only two brackets - they are only suitable for light tulle and may not be very stable.

Its strength depends on the quality of the cornice.

The basis for hanging the curtain can be a rod, string or profile. We'll talk more about this in the next section. However, you should be guided by the rule - the more massive the curtain, the thicker the cornice should be.

Consider the dimensions of the curtain if you do not want to reinstall the fallen curtain rod.

Some models of cornices include fleurons. These are curly tips that are installed at the ends of the cornices. They look very stylish, but they are not suitable for every design. In addition, fleurons make the structure heavier, so they are rarely used for thin string cornices.

Mounting method

Depending on how the cornice structure is installed, there are only two types - ceiling and wall.

Sometimes wall cornices can look quite unusual.

Ceiling structures, as the name implies, are attached directly to the ceiling. Their main advantage is that they visually raise the walls, making the kitchen taller and more spacious. This effect is especially noticeable if you make a cornice across the entire width of the room.

Cornices that are attached to the ceiling make the room taller.

Sometimes they are placed not for aesthetic, but for purely practical purposes. For example, if it is not possible to secure the wall cornice well. This happens if the walls are made of plasterboard or the window is located almost close to the ceiling. The disadvantage of ceiling cornices is that they cannot support too much weight, which means that massive curtains made of heavy fabric will most likely have to be abandoned.

This cornice is convenient and practical.

In addition, they produce only two types - tire and profile. This means that design possibilities will be limited.

Wall cornices offer much more room for imagination. They are installed in kitchens of a wide variety of styles, as they provide many options for execution. Such a curtain rod can withstand even the heaviest curtains, and if you are sure that the wall will support the weight, this choice is completely justified. True, they are not suitable for low kitchens.

Wall curtain rods have many design possibilities.

When choosing the type of curtain rod, you must also consider the type of your kitchen curtains. For example, a ceiling cornice is not suitable for Roman blinds - they will not fit tightly to the window, which means the whole effect is lost. On the other hand, a flat floor-length curtain will not look good on a wall cornice. So consider all the factors to get the perfect look.

Choose the type of cornice based on the type of your kitchen.

What material are they made from?

When the type of construction has been chosen, we proceed to the selection of materials. String cornices are always made of metal, while others allow for different options.


The main advantage is its low weight, which does not burden the space, and the ability to be painted in almost any shade. You can disguise the cornice in the kitchen to match the color of the ceiling or make it a catchy accessory. Very often, plastic models are decorated with decorative details that imitate natural texture, such as leather, textiles or wood. If you don't look closely, this finish is almost invisible. Plastic curtain rods cannot withstand heavy loads, but here you need to look at the quality of the material itself and the type of construction, especially if you plan to weigh massive curtains.


This is a classic that adds chic and originality to the kitchen interior. Wooden cornices come in different types - from standard to baguette. They often look massive, so they are not suitable for small kitchens with low ceiling heights. To achieve a harmonious environment, you need to choose appropriate curtains. Wood combines beautifully with curtains made of massive, dense fabric and with airy curtains. They can handle the heaviest textiles, so the only limitation is style.


These are the most expensive curtain rods because of their strength, beauty and variety. Metals of different colors are used for production: white, black, bronze, brass. You can find your own version for any style. There are beautiful forged models that attract all attention and can become the main element of the kitchen. But they require a strong wall covering; for example, drywall will not withstand such a load.

On a note! The texture of the cornice also plays a significant role. Gloss is more appropriate for classic kitchen interiors, while matte will decorate modern designs.


And yet it cannot be denied that the main criterion by which many choose a cornice is its appearance. We offer you to look at various types of designs, among which you will definitely find one that you like and will suit the interior of your kitchen.

The shape of the cornice is perhaps the main selection criterion.

The traditional type, familiar to many, is the classic round cornices. This can be either one round tube or two located parallel to each other, for example, for curtains complete with curtains. Modern round cornices are often complemented with finials on each side. Previously, they were used exclusively for utilitarian purposes, so that dust would not accumulate inside the cornice. However, now designers are increasingly using them as decorations, giving them a wide variety of shapes and appearances.

Round curtain rods are practically a classic design for curtains.

Important: If you prefer a round cornice, it is very important to keep the entire structure in the same style. Curtains, grommets, cornices and hangers must match each other both in idea and color design.

Even a simple round cornice looks very cool.
A more modern option is string cornices. They are unlikely to suit classic interiors, but for high-tech or minimalism they are an ideal solution. Such a curtain rod does not take up much space, it is almost invisible and, if handled correctly, can create the effect of a curtain floating in the air. The design is extremely simple - two brackets on which a thin string is stretched. At the same time, the metal cable used as a string can withstand quite a lot of weight.

String cornices are almost invisible against the background of the wall.

However, it is extremely important to choose a design with high-quality clamps, otherwise sooner or later the cable will sag and the curtain will fall. But if you purchased a high-quality string cornice, then such a problem will not arise.

If you disguise it, the curtain will seem to float in the air.

A tire cornice is a structure with a special recess into which fastening mechanisms are installed. Essentially, the curtain slides between two parallel elements.

Hinged curtain rods are convenient and familiar.

Interesting fact: This type of cornice was invented in the USSR, where it was extremely popular. Therefore, most people over 40 buy it - subconsciously they perceive this particular cornice as the only correct one.

This design is suitable for simple curtains - the structure of the cornice itself will not allow you to hang lambrequins. However, you can experiment - sometimes light curtains in combination with thick curtains look good on a tire curtain rod.

It is best to hang traditional curtains on hinges.

The rail cornice is most often attached close to the ceiling, so the room visually appears higher - an excellent solution for a kitchen that is not too high.

A special feature of a baguette cornice is the presence of a special carved or figured strip that hides all the insides of the structure, thanks to which the curtains move. Very often, the plank is used as a decorative element - it is finished with a wide variety of materials, decorated with rhinestones or fittings, and painted. Most often, a regular tire cornice is hidden under the bar, so the baguette option is often called a combined one.

A baguette cornice can look really luxurious.

Life hack: Some models of baguette cornices allow you to install a hidden LED strip under the bar. For high-tech kitchens, such a solution can be a real godsend.

Another type, similar in appearance to a tire rod, is a profile cornice. Unlike its predecessor, it is a complex structure, where each element represents a separate rail. Their main advantage is increased flexibility. Such cornices are well suited for figured windows or bay windows. In addition, if you are installing it under the ceiling, it is easy to round off the edges of the cornice, thus masking the not very aesthetic side dies.

Profile cornices are an interesting and convenient move.

In addition, you can install a hood on the profile cornice - a special type of strip, decorated with a wide variety of patterns. The peculiarity of the hood is that it is quite narrow, so it is suitable even for small kitchens. A three-tier profile cornice with a shade is an ideal solution if you want to hang curtains, curtains and a lambrequin at the same time.

The lens hood is a great design technique.

are not used too often in the kitchen . They fold and develop easily, so it’s easy to choose the appropriate size of cornice. Plus, depending on the curtains you choose, you can rehang it in literally five minutes, so you won't need any renovations to update your kitchen.

The telescopic cornice can be rearranged at any time.

are gradually coming into fashion . They are attached directly to the window frame. They are installed at the top of the window frame and, in some cases, in the middle. The design looks very unusual and can add coziness to a country, cafe or Provence style. In addition, their small dimensions make them ideal for use in small kitchens.

Two such cornices look very original.

Do you have a window with a deep window opening? The optimal solution may be a rotating cornice. It is attached directly to the window sash. Moreover, the curtains in this situation can be opened in the same way as the shutter.

The rotating cornice moves back like a window.

A special type of window curtain rod is a fastener for Roman or roller blinds. It is installed directly into the window frame, which makes it possible to raise the curtain vertically, like a blind. At the same time, it is very important to make sure that the window frame fits perfectly to the size of the cornice - otherwise you simply will not be able to install it.

For Roman blinds, it is important to choose the right cornice.

Accessories for curtains

The elegance of curtains and interaction with the overall design is achieved with the help of the necessary accessories. Usually the store offers a standard set: tassels, hooks, frills, fringe and so on.

Accessories will add originality to curtains

There are a lot of master classes on the Internet on how to create accessories for curtains with your own hands. If your plans include minimizing cash expenses, then this approach will kill two birds with one stone: it will save you money and allow you to create unique accessories that are not available anywhere else. Patterns and instructions can also be found in craft magazines.

Accessories for curtains are not difficult to make with your own hands

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