Photos of suspended ceilings in a hall with a chandelier and lamps - the best options in the interior

Most people naively believe that in order to create a truly unique and inimitable interior, they will almost have to give their soul to the devil. Meanwhile, you can achieve originality using the basic tools that you have by default: the texture of the ceiling surface and lighting. The main thing is to use these trump cards correctly. If you have another hall renovation on the horizon, then our material today is akin to a lifesaver - we invite you to look at the photo of suspended ceilings in the hall with a chandelier and lamps. We have selected for you 50 interesting options in a wide variety of interiors, ranging from hackneyed but cute classics to mockingly bold and pompous art projects.

  1. Requirements for the ceiling in the hall;
  2. Advantages of using tension fabric;
  3. The relationship between fabric textures and light sources;
  4. Features of selecting the color of the ceiling for the type of lighting;
  5. Examples of the location of lamps and chandeliers;
  6. Photo of single-level ceilings;
  7. Photos of two-level and multi-level ceilings;
  8. Conclusion.

Requirements for the ceiling in the hall

The hall is also often called the living room

. And this is not an accident: very often guests are received in this room. All the more serious is the responsibility that rests on your shoulders - to create a cozy interior for everyone and an atmosphere conducive to natural communication.

In addition, in the evenings the whole family gathers in the hall, relaxes actively, watches television programs, or sits back and watches a movie on the home theater. Already based on this, we can draw a conclusion as logical as thunder after lightning: under no circumstances should we ignore the ceiling as one of the most effective tools of expression.

Taking into account the functional characteristics of the room, we tried to put together the basic requirements for how the ceiling in the room should look and what role it should play in the overall interior of the room:

  • direct participation in the functional zoning of the room
    with the help of organized lighting and texture features, you can make one or another accent, for example, highlight a play area with directional light or beautifully emphasize flowing curtains falling from a cornice fixed in a niche;
  • color balance
    often in photos of suspended ceilings in a room with a chandelier and lamps you can see how the top literally suppresses the bottom of the room with an annoying color scheme - this is a mistake by the designer and is not allowed to be executed;
  • correction of visual defects
    for example, excessive ceiling height and the resulting atmosphere of alienation can be corrected by finishing the surface in several levels
  • work to visually enrich the room
    if the overall design of the room seems conservative, monotonous and boring to you, then with the help of the right color on the ceiling you can radically change the impression of the entire interior.

Number and type of lighting fixtures

Chandeliers are considered classics of “ceiling” design. They look good in large rooms. This could be a bedroom, living room, dining room. The price of such a lamp varies widely. By choosing it, you don’t have to worry about additional lighting. The light from the chandelier will be quite enough.

Spotlights for the ceiling are the best option for the bathroom, hallway, kitchen, office. The main criterion is the area of ​​the room. They can be used as main and (or) additional lighting.

The list of the most popular designs includes:

  • Light lines;
  • Starry sky;
  • LED Strip Light.

Lighting can also be cascaded, multi-lamp and raster.

When creating a composition, you should pay special attention to the characteristics of the selected lamps and sockets.

Types of lamps for suspended ceilings:

  • Halogen.
  • LED.
  • Energy saving.

The classification of plinths is presented in the following table:

Base modification
Lamp typePeculiarities
G 5.3Halogen
  • 1. The light bulb is completely inside the housing.
  • 2. “Spots” from lighting.
  • 3. The case may overheat if there is no heat removal system.
  • 4. Low power.
GX 53Fluorescent
  • 1. The light bulb “comes out” is not 3-5 mm.
  • 2. The dispersion angle is 180 o.
  • 3. Thermal load has been reduced and power has been increased (compared to the previous version).
  • 4. New approaches to design.
  • 5. The entire spectrum of rays (from cold to warm).
G9All options
  • 1. The light bulb is not hidden in the housing.
  • 2. Maximum diffused light flux.
  • 3. No need for heat dissipation system.
  • 4. The power of the lamp is not limited.
  • 5. No problem replacing the lamp.
  • 6. Extensive selection and budget price.

LED ceiling lights will fit perfectly into the interior of any room. For their installation to proceed without problems, there must be at least 5 cm between the ceiling and the canvas.

The lamps give a natural shine. They are durable and do not harm health. Their regular use leads to a reduction in energy costs. LEDs can be located both inside and outside the housing.

There is no universal answer to the question of which lamps for suspended ceilings are best. In any case, you will have to rely on personal preferences, financial capabilities and the style of the room.

Advantages of using tension fabric

In the photo, stretch ceilings in the hall always look advantageous, especially if you choose the right chandelier and lamps. This is not surprising: the full potential of PVC film

are revealed precisely in spacious rooms, adding maximum gloss, solemnity and nobility to the atmosphere.

All the advantages of using suspended ceilings in the hall are below:

  1. perfectly flat ceiling;
  2. the ability to hide traces of communications and wires;
  3. construction of complex and nonlinear multi-level structures;
  4. visual experiments with living space;
  5. expanding the color range of the room;
  6. combinations with other types of materials;
  7. use of mirror segments;
  8. unlimited possibilities of light integration.

Let us pay close attention to the last point - it is the interaction with light sources that allows you to profitably use all the advantages of a particular ceiling texture and create an extraordinary and memorable interior in the room.

Types of lamps for suspended ceilings

The assortment is quite extensive. There are many parameters that you should pay attention to when purchasing a lamp. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you should follow the recommendations of professionals.

Features of choosing the color of the ceiling for the type of lighting

The right shade is akin to a successful poem written in a fit of inspiration. In the art of design, as in poetry: sometimes even combinations that are unfriendly to each other can give a stunning effect. However, they do not cancel the general rules known to everyone. After all, exceptions exist only to confirm them, right?

We have selected some useful tips for you that may well be useful if you do not know how best to reveal the advantages of a particular color in combination with the lighting of the lamps in the hall.

  1. intense lighting has the ability to greatly lighten the ceiling - therefore, avoid overly subtle and weakly expressed shades to avoid the unnecessary effect of a bleached surface;
  2. in low rooms, do not use a combination of a central chandelier with symmetrically located spotlights - this will cause an overloaded effect; it is best to choose a beautiful light color for the ceiling and make do with either one chandelier or spots located around the perimeter;
  3. LED strip successfully interacts with the shade of any temperature: remember this when you need to lighten or, conversely, darken the space a little;
  4. if the hall is located in the shady side of the house, choose warm shades as the main color of the ceiling and emphasize their influence using spotlights.

Installation of spotlights

The question of how to install a spotlight is of interest to many craftsmen who are doing this for the first time. There is nothing complicated in this work.

The main thing is to decide on the installation method and carry out all the work as carefully and accurately as possible.

It is worth noting that, depending on the installation method, a distinction is made between recessed and surface-mounted lamps.

Let's take a closer look at both types:

  • Built-in. When installing such spotlights, a hole is made in the canvas. The lamp is installed in such a way that part of its body protrudes outward, that is, it turns out to be built into the ceiling surface.

Such lamps are used on frameless bases, such as a brick wall or a concrete ceiling.

  • Surface- mounted spotlights are used exclusively for suspended ceilings. Their level is always below the ceiling level.

When choosing spotlights, you must take into account the method of mounting them - this will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes. Installation of overhead lamps requires the presence of a frame.

In turn, recessed lamps can be divided into two groups depending on their purpose. They can be for suspended or suspended ceilings.

The configuration of spotlights directly depends on their type. Thus, the standard design of a surface-mounted luminaire consists of a special housing equipped with a diffuser and a fastening part.

A recessed lamp consists of fasteners and clamps for lamps built into a special housing.

Installation of such lamps is extremely simple; even a beginner can cope with this task.

Examples of the location of lamps and chandeliers

We offer you an excellent diagram that will help you correctly place spotlights around the chandelier in the hall and make the interior more comfortable and expressive.

Below is a photo of suspended ceilings in the hall with a chandelier and lamps in a variety of options.

Light sources in spotlights

Various types of lamps can be installed in these lighting devices. Manufacturers' products include incandescent, halogen and fluorescent light sources. All of these devices have certain pros and cons. But the best option is LED ceiling spotlights.

They have several obvious advantages that set them apart from other light sources.


  • have maximum light output;
  • use electrical energy economically;
  • create uniform light;
  • have the longest service life.

These devices have another important advantage. The LED recessed ceiling lamp can be installed in tension systems without fear for the integrity of the canvas.

During operation, these light sources practically do not emit heat and do not have a negative impact on the structure of the polyvinyl chloride coating.

Single-level ceilings


suspended ceilings, reinforced with a chandelier and lamps as light sources, are the most common type of ceiling structure, usually in small rooms. Most often these are halls located in apartment buildings. Some will say that with such restrictions it is difficult to achieve an impressive result, but we will answer: not at all. And as proof, we suggest looking at the photo of single-level suspended ceilings in the hall with a complex lighting system - a central chandelier and lamps, where the owners managed to emphasize a wide range of color palette, volume and stylistic concept.

Photos in the interior of the rooms

Features of installing lamps in the interior of specific premises.

Spotlights in the kitchen

The kitchen space requires a lot of light. It is advisable to install several devices with a bright and soft light flux. In this way, you will learn how to create enough lighting in the kitchen and at the same time achieve a pleasant environment.

If there is not enough free space, you can equip the kitchen wall cabinets with lighting.

Spot lighting in the kitchen in combination with an LED strip of different colors will add even more originality to the design.

Spotlights in the living room interior

In the interior of a living room with a ceiling chandelier, it is better to install light sources with low power. Thus, when the chandelier is turned off, a pleasant, soft and muted glow will emanate from the lamps

. In this case, point devices can be placed only on one side of the ceiling.

For a hall without a central chandelier, almost any arrangement of light sources is suitable, for example, in the form of a circle, square, oval or even a diamond.

Examples in the interior of the corridor

Typically, the design of a hallway assumes the most simple arrangement of lighting fixtures. For a narrow corridor, one row of 3 or 5 point lamps is suitable. In a square room, it is appropriate to install two rows consisting of 3 or 4 light bulbs.

Spot lighting in the bedroom

Perimeter lighting will look great here. A good solution is to install a multi-level stretch ceiling, decorated with dim lighting.

LED strip mounted on the sides of the ceiling plane will complement spotlights advantageously.

Thanks to light sources, the bedroom can additionally be divided into an area with a bed, dressing table or wardrobe.

Two-level and multi-level ceilings

As a rule, they can most often be seen in a hall in the format of a country house, where each room has an adequate supply of square meters. However, sometimes exceptions happen.

Our small selection of photos of stretch ceilings with several levels in the hall with a chandelier and lamps in the hall. And you can see even more examples with stretch ceilings in the article: “Stretch two-level ceilings - 100 photos with the best ideas.”

The concept of choosing the right stylish lamp

When selecting a lighting device, even at the stage of visual assessment, it is important to take into account the intensity and level of light distribution.

  • Connecting a lamp with your own hands - step-by-step instructions with photos and videos. Installation rules + connection diagram
  • How to choose office LED lamps - see the instructions here! Photos of ready-made solutions + electrician’s answers

  • Choosing the best linear LED lamps: types, installation rules and tips for choosing LED lamps (130 photos)

An important role when choosing a chandelier is played by the selection of lamps for this light source; several types can be selected for different lampshades:

Incandescent lamps, characterized by accessibility and low cost, their important characteristic is heating during operation and warming up the surrounding air; they can be used in chandeliers with horns pointing downwards.

Energy-saving lamps, during the lighting process they practically do not heat up and help save energy resources, providing enough light to illuminate large and small rooms.

LED lamps are characterized by such parameters as high operating efficiency and low heating level; when operating, they create a directed and uniform flow of light, but require the installation of a power supply.

Halogen lamps, when directed upwards, it is necessary to provide sufficient distance from the ceiling to the lighting element; the distance will depend on the power of the light bulb and the design of the pendant chandelier itself.

Advice from experts on choosing a lighting device requires taking into account the entire range of parameters, which will help you make the right choice.

  • Vertical blinds: features of the mechanism, pros and cons, photos of beautiful design
  • LED duralight - device, types, options and connection diagrams (130 photos + video)

  • How to choose an energy-saving lamp for your home - types, characteristics and application features (105 photos)

For dark ceilings and light-colored film, it is necessary to carefully select the material and color of the chandelier; its design and stylistic design play an important role.

How many spots are needed and how to place them

To determine the optimal number of spotlights (if you mean main lighting), there is a special formula, but the calculation can be done in a simpler way. To do this, the following calculations are carried out:

  • The total number of watts per room is determined. The area of ​​the room is multiplied by the number of Watts required by lighting standards per 1 m2. According to SNIP, the lighting level for a bedroom is 12 W/m2, for a nursery - 15 W/m2, for a living room - 20 W/m2.
  • To determine the minimum number of lamps, the total number of Watts is divided by the power of the selected lamp.

You may need a lot of lamps Source

  • Inverse problem: to determine the power of one lamp, the total number of Watts is divided by the number of lamps.

Spotlights are installed taking into account the following conditions:

  • The distance to the wall must be at least 70 cm.
  • To determine the distance between lamps, the length of the wall is divided by the number of spots.
  • To determine the distance of the lamps from the wall, half the length of the wall is divided by 2.

Placement in two rows Source

How to calculate the number of lamps

Before you think about how to place the lamps on the ceiling, you need to calculate the number of light sources. Basic Rules:

  • It is necessary to take into account the presence of reflective surfaces in the room. The more there are, the fewer lamps will be required for lighting.
  • Before counting the number of lamps, you need to decide on their type.
  • When making calculations, it is important to rely on room illumination standards. Approximate indicators are shown in the table.

Illumination standards

Room Indicator, Lux
Kitchen, dining room150
Children's room200
Hall, bathroom, hallway,50
Library, office300

There are several methods for accurate calculations. Let's talk about the three most popular.

Online calculator

You can find special calculators on the websites,,, where the necessary formulas for calculations are already integrated. To get the result, just enter individual data in the form fields. Calculations may vary depending on the type of calculator, so experts consider this method not entirely objective.

The photo shows the Ledeffect online calculator. For calculations using other services, similar data will be required.

An example of a calculator for calculating the number of lamps


There are several formulas that can be used to determine the number of lamps per room. We suggest using the simplest and most understandable one.

First you need to calculate the brightness of the study, which is measured in lumens. To do this, you can use the formula: X=A*B*C.

Let's understand the notation:

  • A is the standard illumination for a specific room.
  • B is the area of ​​the room in square meters.
  • C is the ceiling height coefficient.

Coefficients for ceilings of different heights

Height, mIndicator for formula
up to 2.71
3.5 and above2

After calculating the optimal brightness, you can begin to calculate the number of lamps. To do this, the resulting indicator must be divided by the power of one lamp of the selected type. The parameters of different light sources are presented in the photo.

Power of different types of lamps

Special programs and applications for lighting calculations

Unlike online calculators, such programs allow you to get accurate indicators. This is an excellent opportunity to include in the study not only the area of ​​the room and lighting standards, but also the architectural features of the premises. Using the program, you can also determine how best to position the lamps on the ceiling. Application examples: Dialux, Ulysse, Europic.

Lighting with ceiling lamps

How to choose?

To make the right choice, safety requirements must be taken into account.
If there is insufficient ventilation, spotlights can catch fire and damage the ceiling covering. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to install only high-quality models with LED lamps. If you decide to give preference to other light elements, you need to pay attention to their power. Halogen lamps 35-50 Watt or incandescent lamps up to 60 Watt are suitable. It is also important to consider the design, color and material of the lamps, since in addition to the main function, lighting plays a decorative role in the interior. You can diversify the decor of a spacious room and make it more comfortable with unusual overhead spot products.

To decorate a small room, it is advisable to choose small built-in appliances that match the shade of the ceiling. Thus, inconspicuous spot lighting will not affect the surrounding interior in any way.

The photo shows zonal spot lighting in the interior of the kitchen combined with the living room.

Design ideas

A popular design option is the starry sky. The composition is created using miniature light bulbs that imitate twinkling stars or entire constellations in the clear night sky. This method of lighting allows you to create a romantic atmosphere in the room.

Original double models, the light from which can fall on two different objects at once, will organically fit into a modern interior. Certain objects need exactly this distribution of light flux so that it attracts more attention.

Lighting fixtures also come in a variety of shapes. There are products stylized as a square, triangle, circle or hexagon. The design features of the mounting hole depend on the configuration of the light source.

The photo shows a kitchen with a suspended ceiling decorated with double point models.

Models with white matte or black coating are able to organize an interesting light supply. White lighting fixtures on a white ceiling will contribute to the visual expansion of the space and add laconicism to the atmosphere. Black lamps represent a bolder solution that ideally complements an unusual Gothic or strict modern interior.

For a room designed in a classic style, you can also choose suitable products. The lighting market includes devices decorated with a wreath with voluminous crystal petals, models with faceted glass shades, designs with a silver, gilded body or a carved bleached base.

Lamps with a metal frame, decorated with decorative inserts made of colored glass, look very stylish. This way you can achieve an interesting glow, give the interior a special zest and add magic to the atmosphere.

The photo shows spotlights in the ceiling design with an imitation of the starry sky in the living room interior.

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